713:40 Bella gets up. Looks like she's really stiff. This morning walks over to the cribble. At 1 and exits, frfeathers fly as she leaves. The pink and yellow hue is just coming up over the mountain and here arrives scout right away. 713 44 He walks over to the cup gently goes down into it. Them sharp talons doesn't do a roll wiggle, wiggle down he goes.
A ATV entering the path from 7:07 AM to 7:11 AM Bella was watching that
🥚 rolls Scout had a crop drop at 738, rolls the eggs at 721, 738, 756, 825.
837 scout is calling for break. Geese can be heard flying by. 8:38 AM. He gets up out of the cup and chirps a little bit and here comes Bella. She arrives on the lap. Is that what they call a fly by? It's so cool soon as our wings are up on the lop. His wings are up in the nest.
What a perfect switch. Bella flies down from the lop and goes to her cup gently. She lowers up down on them. She does a quick roll and wiggle wiggle down. She goes. So many birds gonna be heard.
9:57 AM there comes scout to the nest.He Has a load of bedding. He walks over toward her picks up a stick. Or 2 seems to do a stick dance will call it . Children from the daycare can be heard in the background. He grabs a load of bedding.She takes it from him.He spreads the bedding around while she spreads it around herself He continues to pick up the bedding on the floor fluffing it fluffy up of sort. 959 he picks at the railing nearby lop.She is ignoring him not wanting to get up. Ten p m he finally goes up to the lop. 10:01 AM. He finally gives up an exit from the lop toward the road.
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