R7:44 AM Scouts comes to the NN He brought in a small log. He moves the log to 6 position. Start moving bedding around. 7:47 AM he exits the nest right toward the camera.
7:38 AM ON Bella comes to the nest. Before heading to the lop, she picks on a few nesting material. 7:45 AM she exits the lop
7:46 AM here comes Bella to the nest again.She lands on the lop She hops down from there and goes to the nest 7.47 AM backed up to the lop. She stretches as tall as she can looking for a scout
801 a m Scout joins her in the nest He has a stick in his talons. she immediately hopped down from the lop. They move a few sticks pick on the nest 8:04 AM he jumps up to the lop.8:06 AM She is nice and comfy snuggle down in the cup while he remains on the lop 8:08 AM. He jumps down She does a little hop over him before going up to the lop herself 8:11 AM conversation back and forth . And I'm not for sure what that's about.
8:16 AM. he exit the nest from the base he remains on the lop. 8:18 AM, he's back with a stick. 8:25 AM.They both start back-and-forth again.Bella does her famous chortle I'm thinking it's a mating request again.I'm not positive 8:26 AM she jumps down from the lop and he is on the is. A now he is rearranging sticks with her. 8:28 AM back up to the lop he goes. 8:30 AM off he goes. She follows him out from the base.
9:06 AM. Scout comes to the nest with food. Not for sure what it is first I thought it was sticks 9:07 AM Bella joins him in the nest. She takes whatever the food was and is now eating it at 6. He is in the cup area pecking.
9:08 AM up to the lop.You can hear her ripping whatever is on the bone ripping the meat off.Birds are singing in the distance.
9:11 AM he exits the nest headed toward the road. Before leaving, something seems to a cut their eye. 9:20 AM Scout comes back to the nest with a nice log.Bella is still eating. 9:21 AM up to the lop he goes while she still eats. 9:30 AM he exits the lop stage left.
9:20 AM Scout comes back to the nest with a nice log.Bella is still eating. 9:21 AM up to the lop he goes while she still eats. 9:30 AM he exits the lop stage left.
9:32 AM scout comes back to the nest. Bella has been eating whatever was brought in the nest ever since he left. 9:36 AM scout leaves the nest stage left. 9:37 AM he returns right away. 9:39 AM Bella is eating and he decides it's time to mate. Mating does happen and does look Successful cloacal kiss.
9:43 AM he exits the next stage left. 9:44 AM up to the lop she goes.
9:44 AM scout flies in with out there stick. Bella is on the lop 9:47 AM. He is eating. What is left? I think it was a fish head. 9:48 AM Bella exits the lop.9:54 AM he exits the nest stage left.
10:37 AM Bella comes to the nest. 10:40 AM. to the lop. 10:59 still standing on the lop.
11:05 here comes Scout With a load of beddng 11:08 AM. He's been moving sticks around on the crib. Rail tucking them in here in there. 11:11 AM he exists the nest stage left. 11:12 AM he Is back with Bunch of nesting material. He moves it here.
He moves it there. He moves it everywhere. 11:18 AM he leaves the nest again. Stage left 11:38 AM. 11:59 AM and she is still there. Steadfast waiting for him to come back. still standing tall on the lap guarding her territory
9:31 AM Scott was with a stick 9:32 AM. He exited the nest right toward the camera.
9:50 AM Bella comes to the nest. 9:52 AM she exits the nest out. The front door.
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