Friday, January 24, 2025

11/24/25 AM

 8:02 AM scout in with a load of bedding. 8:04 AM out the front door.

8:50 AM we return to the nest with another stick. 8:52 AM Bella arrives on the scene.w bedding. 8:57 AM at the front door he goes.

8.57 AM Quicktrip to the stick store. And he is back. Bella working on Crib railsHe has been standing on the cribrail and exists at 858 902 a m she exists the nest also

902 AM she return to the nest. With another load of bedding. 

9:06 AM, here comes scout he has a stick in his hand.

9:09 AM Bella exis is out the side door.

a9109:10 AM she returns to the nest again. She got her confused. 913 she exits from the front door. 9:13 AM he follows out the door also.

9:51 AM he returns to the nest. 9:53 out the same door we came in.

954 back from the stick store Scot to be close. 9:56AM.Bella joins him in the nest She brings in her own stick. 859 he exits the nest.

954 back from the stick store Scot to be close. 9:56AM.Bella joins him in the nest She brings in her own stick. 959 he exits the nest.

1010  am he returns to the nest With another branch stick stick arguments. Stick placement and leaking begins naturally.

1013am both in 10:17 AM she exists in 1020, he exists the nest also.a

10:28 AM he returns to the nest.

 1031 at the front door he goes.

11291128 AM.He comes back to the store with a nice big branch 11:30 AM he exists the nest. 

11:32 AM. He comes again with a big stick. 1136 exit's the nest again.

6:56 AM original nest scout comes to the nest. 658 up to the LOP. 7:13 AM he exits the LOP after standing there the whole time. 

7:57 AM scout comes to the nest With food 757, she comes in the side door. Squealing all the way. 8 AM up to the lop he goes. And exit the nest from there. 
8:28 AM meal is done and off.She goes from the lop.
11:35 AM bella to the nest She finds nest dovers that she is eating 1036AM he Joins her. She is still eating and he decides it's making again he commances to make while she continues to eat multitasking.
11:38 AM up to the lop she went while he remains at the nine position the crab rail. 
11:44 AM.She is Asking him for mating or just communicating.He answers her back, but nothing happens.She almost looks like she was going to jump down from the lop. 1148 we exit from the center of the nest stage left. 11:52 AM she exists via the lop. 


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...