Saturday, August 31, 2024

8/31/24 am. One

 Apparently one was underneath the basement cause at the very end of the first video.You can see when the one of the nest flies out the other 1 from underneath the basement comes out and they join together in the field and they fly off together.I wish we had a camera on that basement

When we returned

Friday, August 30, 2024

8/30/24 Who? And 1 of ours

 This is not our resident Eagle that lands.And then one of our Eagles comes and chases it off in a polite way! Eagles are usually social unless it's a mating season.So they probably are hanging around together.Flew in together and did not realize you're not supposed to land in the nest! We're not that good friends LOL! 

9/15/24 AM Scout stick

  630 am Scout in think he brought a stick and not for sure. Picks up a stick and move it around, then up to. 631 am to LOP Calls out 634 am...