Wednesday, February 21, 2024

2/21/24 2×🐟/mating


Good morning, scout, nice to see you this morning.where is bellal OL 

Scout Is this considered necking LOL or we could call it feathering explanation Asian point? We don't call it Beacon, because that's when they do beat to beak lol. I just think it's precious. How he does this a couple of times today.


See the nice big fish left in the nest.
Bole nice deep cup bowl area sweet
Lil bird above


622 am Scout in the nest.
626 am Here comes Bella.
634 am Scout leaves from LOP.
635 am Bella follows.

853 am Scout arrives then Bella joins him at the nest. 

857 am Bella exits first then Scout follows her out.

1018 he poofs

1022 up to lop she is done eating

She poofs from a lop at 10:45 

 10:47 he arrives with a nice fish so cute he waits around for her 

11:05 he's still sitting waiting for her so funny they fight over it but then he waits

I love watching an earlier today in the videos when he was nipping on her neck been veryh1 Amorous. Do we call it necking, or do we call that nipping feathering

1110 Bella arrives on the lop she goes down to the nest and claims her prize he does not give a fight

218 in 223 poof 

226in 232 poof 


323 food fight over the fish tugg, of fish, I should say. The funny plot is a Fisher's laying. There this whole time when they land it at 3:01.

3:46 Mating on the lop 

3:48 puff and 4:04 puff.! Scout shows up at 5:23. Scout arise stays in mess for a few

5:27. Poof

 604 Scout arrive to the nest surely thereafter Bella also rice almost on top of him LOL 

609 Scout leaves 

612 Scout arrives

 614 Bella leaves his head is underneath her tail when he leaves look so funny 

6:15 He poofs

Ohh, I do love. The view of the cam ome cup is so deep. Been over a quarter.


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to comment. any advertisement will be deleted ...thank you Stephen chase for allowing me to continue the blog!thank you Outdoor Channel for allowing us to you nature in its finest!thank you for really my blog for our blog!right to the right. There is many years of blogging that you can go.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...