Tuesday, July 05, 2016


New thread.


NatureNut said...

Well, Happy Day After the Fourth of July!!!
Guess some people are on vacation but others went back to work.
Today is my day for the Park, WHERE NO SMOKING is now the rule at ALL Park & Rec. sites. They say it's part of a STATE LAW. Why has no one ever heard of that? Never been allowed to smoke in buildings or Commission vehicles, but NOW they mean OUTDOORS, TOO!!! My dear friend who retired as Sec. here and moved back to TX thinks this is illegal and against personal rights! Perhaps they are hiring tons of spies to follow people on hiking trails! Anyway, I had been preparing by thinking I could pretend I'm in an airplane. Office doesn't look like that, but if you can't, you can't. Had 2 in car on way home! At least I didn't freak out and quit work!!!!
Had to get up very early to catch one of the tiny kittens for Veterinarian to take to clinic this AM. He's quite sick and don't know what will be the outcome. Why do these things occur on Holiday weekends??

Sorry, but thank you for listening.
Although we had some rain last night, got to see some local fireworks as well as those on TV. Beautiful.
And a sparkling evening to all Momsters & Dadsters.
Prayers for all who are in need, especially our Jo and if I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

NatureNut said...

Do I get a prize?????!!!!

JudyEddy said...


thanks for the new thread STEVE
and LORETTA for finding it

Lynne2 said...

Thanks for the call over Loweeeeeeda! Keep us posted on your kitten. Praying for a good outcome.

Lori O. said...

Good Wednesday morning!!!

LYNNE2, so good to see you here. Where are you living now, WV?

I was hot so got up at 4:30 and once I'm up - I'm up. I love early mornings and seeing the sunrise.

I've had Brewster our 5 year old foster bulldog keeping me company this morning. He is so super funny. He came from a local kill shelter after both his parents were hauled to jail for child neglect, so you can only imagine how bad he was neglected. From his behaviors, I believe he was an outside dog and if he was inside at all he was locked in a crate. His front teeth are worn down from trying to eat his way out of the crate. He doesn't mind being crated now because it's not for extended periods of time, but we have to do it to finally get him potty trained. We've had a huge amount of interest in him on the On the Rebound Bulldog Rescue Facebook page and met with a woman who we think will be his perfect pet parent on Saturday. Kate will take him to her house to do a home visit and see how he does with her cat tomorrow night. He'll be neutered and have his nares opened so he can actually get some air through his nostrils on Monday 7/11 ... then probably recover for a week then off to his wonderful new home where he gets to be the only dog in a home with no children, just one lady who loves her bulldogs. He will truly be treated like a king and he so deserves it. It is so wonderful and very funny to watch him as he's like a kid in a candy store having toys and sleeping inside, people loving on him - I swear he's grateful! Such a sweetheart. God bless those who work in the shelters like the woman who called us about him, knowing he needed a lot of special care.

Got a card going out in the mail today to Jo!!! So if you're reading this Jo keep an eye out for it. ♥

Unknown said...

good mid week morning. aren't holiday weeks both confusing and great? suddenly its mid week.....waaaa laaaa.

truth be told, I have a short week anyway. I am off work Friday thru sunday to take a continuing education class: oncology massage. I am very excited to have this class as I have had several clients with cancer.

I have done my own reading/research, but to have a class with someone who knows more....and a document stating I have had this class, most helpful in my brain!

thunderstorms expected today....

LORI: Brewster sounds like an awesome guy. and you are even more awesome, you know.

THANK YOU to STEVE for the new thread, although everyone seems to be on "summer break!"

NATURE NUT; congrats on the feather. Looks most beautiful on you!

I managed to remember that yesterday was Tuesday therefore I am on track this morning!

Chris' oldest son brought me about 6 cups of fresh blackberries so last night my gd and I made a black berry cobbler! OOOOOOH It smelled so good as it baked!

I hope everyone has a lovely day! Hugs, light, and love to all!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wow! Busy day yesterday! Jack and I cleaned Windows, a little Lollypaloozing! I worked inside and he did the outside. Thank goodness not a two story home! We are now squeaky clean! 😀

Today going to work in the yard a little, so need to get busy and get it done this morning.

Hi Jo! Think of you every day and keeping you in prayer. Have a good day!🌹💕

Everyone....have a good day!

Lolly said...

Have completed yard work and inside for the day. It is presently 94 and high humidity! I was drenched when I came in.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Steamy here as well, Lolly. Time to turn up the AC and hang out in the house. I think we are supposed to hit 100 degrees today.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Steamy here in Bethany Beach as well.

Have a greyt day.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle bud . Still under the weather
It was 86 at bed time last night
Gonna be a hot one again today

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Put Central Ohio in the steamy column. Big storms yesterday afternoon and more expected today.

Stay safe and cool everyone!

Feel better soon, JUDY.

Thinking of and praying for you, JO! Miss you here on the blog!

Also praying for all in need of special blessings.

Penny 'says' it's time for her second outing of the day. She's right, we need to get ahead of the next storm.


Lolly said...

Good afternoon! We got outside early today to mow before it got hot. Now I am clean and waiting for my hair to dry before heading to the store. Expecting Laurel this afternoon. She is spending the night as she has a hair appointment in the morning with Becky, my hairdresser. Going to give her a try as she is much less expensive.

No boys this trip. Joseph is on a mission trip and Jacob was being Jacob and did not want to come.

Going to prepare a good dinner tonight for the three of us to enjoy with a bottle of wine!

Think I have not mentioned.....Michael is dating. Have not met the girl. Her name is Savannah and that is all I know. Oh, he did say she is younger. Not sure what that meant. He is 47. He also said Zach has met her. Hmmm m????

Need to get to the grossssssserie store!

Hi Jo.....Bye Jo!,,,,,,,😍

Unknown said...

good morning to all. make it a super day!!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Another hot and humid summer day here.

I have been watching the news and thinking of the people in Dallas. I hope your family and friends are okay, Lolly.

grannyblt said...

There is a new thread. Hope that one fills up faster than this one had!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...