Saturday, September 08, 2012


Pic of an adult eagle on the Shenandoah River, eyeing the biggest box turtle I have ever seen.

Fresh thread.


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glo said...

Good morning everyone and a feather in my cap for me LOL

T-Bird said...

Thanks for the call over Glo. Thanks Mike for the new thread. I love the picture.

Lynne2 said...

Who is Mike?

Morning all!

glo said...

Now I have read back and am sort of caught up. I so wish for those dealing with tough stuff "ok that's most of us on some front or other" to find sometime today that is downright enjoyable. Savor those moments. We only get this day one time and i wish for each of you a good day in many ways even if it's not so good in a few ways. Cool crisp early Fall morning hear. The Marina is calling Dex and I :-)

Lori O. said...

Happy Feather, GLO! Have fun at the marina. Sounds fun!

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE!

Good morning, LYNNE2!

Sandi said...

Stopped raining - sun came out - courts started to dry out - then it started showering with the sun out!! GGRRRRRRRR! Tennis is canceled!

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Glo for the call over!

Thelma, hoping Shar doesn't try to do too much today!

Lolly said...

Good morn! Have not read back. On our way to a soccer game! Have a great day!

Also, going to deliver birthday kisses to our Jacob, who is 8 today!

Lolly said...

Oh, yes!!!!! We woke up to 69 degrees!!! High in the 80's today! Wahoooooo!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all

1000's of stars out last is muggy and buggy here this weekend...we had rain overnight too

Got to mow...the grass iks high

Margy...cats should be trapped and spayed...the kittnes may be adoptable

Lolly have fun at the game and your trip

Sandi...glad your sis got your mom to the Dr...even tho not good knews...glad she is opting for surgery dad used to cal fleaing "junking"

Glad gg is holding her own

Bro was a no show for the beach but Michael, Laura, Cat and Mel are here...they are all still asleep

Put the crab pots out..hoping for 2 dz or so

Oh and the roof leak is back :( to find a permanent fix soon

Sunny here now :)

Danamo...the still cam is back on !!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the lovely pic Steve. Hope Danamo spots our pair

Janet said...

new thread and beautiful pix!!!!! :) good start to the saturday, don't ya think? thanks steve!

off to yoga!

T-Bird said...

:)) Mike is suppose to be Steve. LOL

Lynne2 said...


Ms Bookworm has left a new comment on the post "Thursday":

Hi, Everyone!

Jumping in to let you all know that Ken & I made it back home yesterday, but were just too dead-on-our-a$# tired to post last night. I did not sleep at all well Thursday night. Too much on my mind to try to remember to do before heading home from Sedona, I guess. Then, on the drive home, I could hardly keep my eyes open! Thank God, Ken was doing the driving. He drank a 5-Hour Energy drink, which worked like a charm, without making him hyper, and he was able to drive all the way home.
I got my second wind after we arrived home, and did the driving for the rest of our homecoming errands. When we turned in the rental car, we found that we had rented it through Saturday, so got $100 off for turning it in a day early, PLUS $25 off because they didn't clean the car before giving it to us, or give us an Owner's Manual to consult. Nice surprise!

We went to Wendy's for dinner--just couldn't find the energy to cook! Got stocked up on dog food for Emma, too. We pick her up at 10am today--can't wait to see her!
They are giving her a bath, and she will be ready to go by 10:00.

Oh, my, do I need to houseclean!!!
The place is COVERED with dust, and there are cobwebs everywhere!
(What's up? We were only gone a week! It was clean when we left! No fair!) Golly--I just realized that Ken can pick up his new glasses today, too! They should be in by today.

I need to get together a shopping list, and go to Wally World.
Fun, fun, fun! We need to stock up, though. No food in the house!
Guess we'll go to Trader Joe's, too, and get it over with.

Hoda, thank you so much for the Andre Rieu/Amazing Grace video! I love it! Put it in my Favorites, and will be playing it a LOT.

Well, gotta run and get showered, and do some damage control on my appearance. Margy, can I borrow your fairy? I could use her help right about now!

Hope you all have a spectacular Saturday! Will check back in later. Oh--one more thing on my To Do list: gotta load pictures into the computer, so I can share them!
Later, alligators....I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - took me a while to read and catch up! I am thrilled to see our nest on the still cam. Sure looks as though they have been scratching and clearing out some of the greens. Thanks Steve (aka as Mike) for your comment on Judy's FB about our royal couple out for their vacation. Hope the Biggest Box Turtle can make one or two meals for the eagle. I wish he would drop the shell locally where I could find it lol

Mema Jo said...

Offering prayers for all going through some turmoil in your lives. We never know what tomorrow will bring. Be strong and keep your Faith ♥

I am off to the hair appointment I missed earlier in the week - Seems we always get a second chance at things!


magpie said...

this is really the holding-each-other-together place, and it sure is comforting

Good Day to More Precious Eagle Pals...

we are starting to get thunderstorm watches and warnings now in this area....somewhat a little bit South of Martinsbug...

Costume Lady said...

I am hearing the thunder rumbles, too, Margy. Don't know if to go now or later to visit with GG.
Just got a 'weather bug' warning about severe storms in our area. I HATE storms on a Saturday:(

magpie said...

Hi Wanda...

well it rumbled and tumbled through here, and now we are getting notices that the severe t-storm warnings for this are are expired...
just about the time you see a Rainbow would be a good time to go

magpie said...

we did get some rowsing rain though...
and a very large tree fell down on S Queen st near our Alma Mater

magpie said...

Frederick and Washington Counties now hve the t-storm warnings

magpie said...

well I think Frederick and Washington County t-storm warnings have now expired also

Paula, sounds like a happy household-full you have there, good luck crabbing and also with the leaky roof !

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Great storm we just had - lots and lots of steady down pouring rain. Of course I was trying to get out of my car into my house with my new do! Didn't do too badly.

Whoa! Just had an out of the blue clap of thunder!


magpie said...

Well Jo if you are on the Keyboard then I know you are safe inside...
for some reason I don't think the storms are finished with us

Kay said...

Wow, beautiful picture, STEVE ! Thanks for that and for keeping us supplied with New Threads.

I've let too much time elapse since I posted last and can't hope to catch up. It's been a bad week, pain wise. I go to the doc on Monday and hope to learn why the hip, sciatic, leg pains are back in full force. The current meds aren't doing the trick. Julie is not gaining strength the way I'd like--she sees her primary doc Monday and we'll hope for more detail there, too. Prayers for both of us much appreciated.

Someone asked about my taking care of Malcolm--can't even think of it yet. He's a feisty little guy ! I did manage to pick Seth up every day this past week and tended to my grocery shopping yesterday. Hope to have the stamina to go to the library tomorrow. I'm plowing through books so fast these days.

Thinking of you and your sis, Sandi ! Sometimes coping with us hard headed ol' gals is a pain in the patoot, huh ? The new stent holds great promise and that's a very good thing !

Also thinking of THELMA as you try to keep SHAR in line. Tall order, but I'm betting you're up to it !

The first of the storms has indeed rolled through Columbus, but more headed this way later tonight. We do need the rain so won't complain.

Love and prayers for all in need and while I'm not mentioning each and every one of you, I do so enjoy your posts and knowing what's up in your neck of the woods ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon all...

Slept before I could come here to say good night and Prayers last night...

Had a wonderful paddle this morning and it was calm on the water. Saw an eagle and an osprey and a muskrat or a beaver was not sure which...moving pretty fast through the water though...

Hold the FAITH is a good motto for all we are passing through and it will be released as the song says...

THANKS STEVE FOR THE PHOTO and the new thread

Sorry about the tennis SANDI.

Enjoy Yoga JANET.

Absolutely gorgeous here...will be heading out again in a while...
I have to tend to the herbs...I will take out the basil as night time temperatures are mid to lower forties and it is looking fatigued...the other herbs are still holding on...

OK are you all ready for this??? I am tempted to buy woolen socks that are selling for 25 dollars each!!! THe idea makes me laugh...they are antimicrobial anti sweat and anti damp...lovley colours and they fit and they do not slide down...BUT 25 Dollars REALLY???

magpie said...

If they do as advertised Hoda, they just be worth long as they don't have to be dry cleaned !!

Bi Hoda and Kay !

magpie said...

All righty, this storm is just hanging around and moving slowly....

I now see Culpeper County listed in the line of storms....
and many other counties in Virginia

Hoda said...

No I checked about the dry cleaning for the socks and they say they could be washed in the washing machine...I like their fit and their colours but my 25 dollars for a pair of socks seems steep to time temperatures are still in the 80's but night time temperatures drop to the low it is time to think of socks but not urgent yet...

magpie said...

I see tornado warning for FAIRFAX CO AND FAIRFAX VA....

magpie said...

with that additional info on the socks, just might be well worth it

magpie said...

things picking up here a little....
change of shift coming up...

so time to put away the rolling pin, and all the utensils, guess my dough-making time is over for the day



magpie said...

and we are getting another round of rain here in Berkeley County, WV

paula eagleholic said...

See lots of red on the radar up your way...sunny and warm here...think that stuff is going to miss us...going to grill and campfire tonight w/ some smores for dessert :)

Stay safe everyone

Hoda said...

Wait up PAULA I am coming for supper!!! Did you catch any crab in your pots? I hope so...
Thanks MARGIE I will have to sit with 25$ a pair as being a reasonable price to pay for socks...I have been buying three for 15$ but they do not last and they drive me nuts not keeping their shape...

stronghunter said...


At the hotel. Rus is here with me. Kathryn is at the house with the pets.

Getting dark here. Impressive storm on the way.

Lori O. said...

PAULA, save some smores for me! HODA and I can drive over together! :)

Glad your work day is over, MARGY! Now, go relax & be happy!

So happy to see KAY on the blog, but sad about the return of pain! Prayers for both you and Julie, Kay. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Heading out to 5:00 Mawss. I will keep all of you in prayer


stronghunter said...

Wow, on Ch. 7. Sailboats in Annapolis just coming in. Yikes.

stronghunter said...

Hope sailboats all got in. The weather looks awful there now.

Hoda said...

So here it is again a day of GRATITUDE...


God Bless us all and I ♥ US All.
Miss you LYNN♥

stronghunter said...

Getting some rain here, but so far nothing too bad. I see more storms out there, though.

Thought of Margy and Carolyn earlier today. During the fire on Monday, Kathryn called 911. We really did not know if anyone had made the call in all of the excitement. People were too busy getting out of the way of the fire. I did not have my phone. It was in the house.

Kathryn said the 911 operator told her to calm down, and she said that she told the operator that she was as calm as she was going to get. Poor 911. I guess they get a lot of that.

Lynne2 said...

quite the flock of turkeys at Snowman Cam!

Well, we didn't get any thunder or lightning, and just 2 big couple minute downpours, and no big winds. It looked much worse both north and south of here. Paula, I don't think you are out of the woods just yet! You'll probably get some rain in the next little while...

Lynne2 said...

So sorry that Kay and Julie are not doing so well. Many prayers going up for them!

magpie said...

We do get some distraught callers, Shirley...
then, unfortunately....I listen to them a few more times, making tapes and going to court on some of them....
had two of them today to make in fact, I wanted to sad...

magpie said...

911 calls that is.
with years of experience I have learned and try to share with co-workers....that people in crisis are not their normal, polite, rational selves....
they are in emergency, and we are in the calm, dry, well-lit, non-emergent situation

I had to call 911 back in June about a difficult situation in my personal life, and I had a tough time of it, being the caller.

magpie said...

so I put both the dispatchers in another county, and the police, in a spin also...but we got it all worked out.

magpie said...

You are the Snowman Cam Wild Turkey Queen ! I always miss seeing them...
but around here we are seeing hens and poults, doing pretty well.

My New England Asters, James's asters are blooming nicely, but they are so tall, they were drooped way over when I got to the Roost today, had to put stakes up and ribbons across them

JudyEddy said...

HODA wow on the price of the socks Highway robbery for them

Just got home and just have begun to read

JudyEddy said...

HODA GOOGLE them maybe you can buy on line cheaper

magpie said...

It's a beauty, Hoda....
Thank you...the music and the visuals...Hallelujah

magpie said...

And I love the way the Conductor introduces it....

I am wondering if the Eagle that Steve posted the picture of, GOT that biggest box turtle it was

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I hope all turns out for your mom and she gets rid of the stubborn streak

JudyEddy said...

KAY so sorry you are still hurting lets hope its something simple and not related to the issues you have had

magpie said...

My Mother used to say, that her Mother used to say:
"We can't afford to buy anything cheap."
I understand that....
good coats, last awhile, then get passed along to the younger kids, for example.
So that's how I feel about those socks....

magpie said...

I have to run along and see how or if the A/C repairs were done at The Big House...a host of the nephews' and nieces' cousins with all kinds of skills can fix about anything that needs fixing, and they do all the mowing too.

Then to unwind and gear up for being retired for two days....

Thanks, Lori...for the send-off into my week-end

Hope all in the storms' paths will be OK !!

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

JudyEddy said...

just saw the MIKE comment LOL

SO LYNNE2 you may be allergic to CATS huh with Bro and the new one Yikes
Angie thinks she is also allergic to her dog when she is away no hives when she is home hives

Margy go out and put camouflage on your box turtle LOL

Hoda said...

Good idea JUDYE I will go see if I can google them...Smartwool Ultra Comfy socks. Zque

JudyEddy said...

OBMA was in StPete today Boys I was told the traffic was horrific big time

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY did they have any idea how long you will be needing a hotel room???I don't recal reading it I hope your dogs issue is resolved also with the rupture You know all the years I had dogs when I was small I have never heard of that till Angie and Carls dog

JudyEddy said...

DAMA MO STEVE a while back said in a couple of weeks so we were thinking the middle of this month we would get a new one someone may remember the exact date but in was in the middle of last month he posted Hey I will go and see if its there BBIAM

Hoda said...

I found them JUDYE they are seven dollars cheaper on the intrnet...

Smartwool socks

JudyEddy said...

AUGUST 13 this is what he said
Fresh thread.We are working on possibly installing a new camera in the next several weeks. Will keep you posted.

JudyEddy said...

that was easy and a quick find OK gonna go watch the news and read my book

JudyEddy said...

cool socks how much here on this site

JudyEddy said...

and what color or which one

stronghunter said...

Don't expect the 911 part of the situation will end up in court. But there might be some disagreement about the cause of the fire. Everybody seems to have an opinion.

I have been thinking about my $500, and I remember being told that I will get it back if I make the repairs. So, that is good. Guess that is the mortgage company's way of making sure you keep the property in good shape.

JudyEddy said...

I clicked on one and saw 19.95Jovian Stripe
I wonder if there is shipping also so your 25 isn't bad if there is

Hoda said...

Very funny!!! They turn around and charge me 7 dollars for shipping and plus HST and I am subject to taxes from Canada Border Crossings!!! LOL better off to buy them from the store if I was to buy them...JUDYE thanks for the suggestion.

JudyEddy said...

some are 15.95 for the cable one might be worth looking in to HODA and great work I LOVE GOOGLE

stronghunter said...

Rus has headed homeward. The worst of storm has passed through. Not as bad as it looked like it might be.

Hoda said...

Great minds thinking alike JUDYE thanks for checking...I do not shop on line and feel uncomfortable but you are more at ease with it all...Thanks again!!!

JudyEddy said...

good idea HODA with the customes and all better to buy them there

JudyEddy said...

no I don't like online shopping your book is the first thing I did LOL but I agree with you to buy them there ok to the news

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say I don't like putting my info on line like Credit card info Well to find out my daughter has been paying the CC I let her use on line so me being leary hasn't helped I told her to please use the PO but I guess tooo late its been a year now she has been doing it I know that all our infor is out there on the banks site but I feel it is safer than our home puters JMHO

DanaMo said...

Cross Country ended just before the storm rolled in. Felt the temperatures dropping. St. Maria Goretti took 1st place in the small school division. YAY! Adam improved his time. Overall from last year he has made huge improvement. He earned his second point today towards a varsity letter in x-c! That is his goal.

Annemarie's game was cancelled again! This was the rescheduled game from Tuesday. Storms rolled through Hagerstown while we were in Brunswick, but no damage here.

I personally am hoping that the lower temperatures hold now that we are in school. My classroom is at melting point.

Trying to figure out some ideas in my head to get this class shaped up! I'm thinking a "good listener" award each day! Man it's like talking to the wall!

Monte has a new job. People with FB have seen those posts. Only bad thing is no insurance for 30 days! Went to fill a prescription for Aric and had no idea it was $87. oh well what are you going to do. I paid it and mailed it to him.

Race tonight so I guess we will be hanging out watching it.

DanaMo said...

Love the picture Steve! Thanks

Kay...sorry I missed you. I owe you an email and will get to it soon. Sorry that you have pain and that your wonderful daughter is not progressing as well as you would like. Thinking about you both and praying for recovery. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Hi all! Denton trip was fun. Joseph's soccer team lost their game, but Joseph was an awesome goalie. Truly!!

We did a last minute trip to the grossery store and now I do believe we are ready to roll out.

TCU game starts shortly. Sure wish I was at the game, but will watch on TV.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like the storms will reach here momentarily

Hoda said...

Are you headed out Monday Morning LOLLY?

THe DRAGON'S RACING TEAM shaved off 6 seconds from their best time scores and did a 2:20 race. It is windy on the lake in Penticton so they have postponed the races till tomorrow morning..."The Dragons are Smokin'" as they just posted. We actually stand a chance to compete for the first three spots!!! Paddles Up!!! Way to go team!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hope they can help Kay with her pain and that Julie feels better soon. Going to catch a quick shower

Lolly said...

HODA, yes, we are heading out Monday. Take Annie to the vet at 8 and then we leave. Plan to put on a long day and hope to get to Colorado.

Lolly said...

Tomorrow going to go to church, clean house, move house plants outside and then water outside.

Mema Jo said...

I have not had time to read back but will do so later. I think the rain will linger off and on all evening but tomorrow's forecast looks good. I am thinking of Market to see Megan.

Home from Mass and ate some dinner at Bob Evan's. Headed in for a 2 hr movie & then I'll return.

Love Us

Lolly said...

Sitting here eating leftover pizza and watching TCU beat up on the other team. Early 2nd quarter 34 to 0!!!!! GO FROGS!

Lolly said...

Jack is on the computer watching Ga Tech play.

JudyEddy said...

Does anyone know of CIROC vodka I bought a 1.75 bottle today at work for a raffle for gift cards for teenagers for Biff Burger where we go they do lots of fundraisers and we make up baskets Or I should say Vickie does a friend of mine HO marked it down from 54.95 to 30.28 and I thought what the heck may make some $$$$ for the kids

Race must be in rain delay HUH first was football game running over

DanaMo said...

Yup...rain delay. Hoping to start drying the track at 8:30 with a no later than 10 pm start time. Late night...I'm not going to see it! LOL!

stronghunter said...

Until tonight, it had been very quiet on this hallway. For some reason, a group of people has decided that it is okay to hang out in the hallway and shout. Geesh. I hope they settle down soon.

stronghunter said...

Thank goodness, it is quieter.

Lolly said...

Have been watching the game and knitting. TCU won, 56 to 0. Rif Ram!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Ready to shut down and maybe play a game or two before calling it a day.

Weather seems to have calmed for now &
I sure am hoping for sunshine and no humidity tomorrow.

Prayed for us all at Mass!

Lynn ♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Wow Lolly they kicked butt!

JudyE...may be longer than Steve said...seems ther is always some sort of delay

Got some rain here and still sprinkling...had fish and shrimp tacoes for dinner..yum..crabs tomorrow...67 temp here now

Hoda said...

Glad your team won LOLLY.
Safe travels Monday...

Good supper at your place PAULA...enjoy the crabs tomorrow.

Sleep well JO.

Healing thoughts to KAY and Julie.

Would like to hear from SHAR and am hoping quiet means she is resting.

Egypt is so complicated. The new president Pardoned the old President and the old President refused the pardon and is still in is a question of honour for him...there is now an uproar on the internet!!!Everyone is giving an opinion

magpie said...

Good Night Eagle Pals...
watched some 9/11 documentary-shows for a few hours, then fell asleep reading last week's newspapers.....

It's a beautiful Autumn-like night, and the sunset was gorgeous

Prayers for Wellness....and hope the day was good for all...
Maybe Wanda will put on a pre-face-plant greeting.

Thanks for the Friendships here, it is dear and precious

God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

Prince Harry landed in Camp Bastion Afghanistan in the early hours of September 8th...he is commissioned there for 4 months!!!
God Save The Queen.

Costume Lady said...

LOL...I hope he brought some clothes:)

Good night dear friends. Sending love and prayers for all♥

Hoda said...



Hoda said...

Very funny WANDA!!! The video I saw of him he was in Military clothes...battle fatigues!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here very late tonight, but fell asleep in front of the TV after dinner.

All is well with our world--Miss Emma is home from puppy camp! She is very clean, soft, and fluffy after her bath! She has been a whirling dervish, and grinning from ear to ear! We've gotten lots of puppy kisses, too!

Have read back a bit in an effort to catch up. Prayers continue for Kay and Julie! Hoping you will feel better soon!

Hoda, thank you for the Hallelujah Chorus--beautiful!
Prayers for the situation in Egypt, and for your family there.
Praying for Prince Harry in Afghanistan, too. Don't understand why they made his presence there so very public.

Lolly, hope you have safe travels, and a very enjoyable trip!

Shirley, prayers continue for your situation, and for Flash. How is he doing?

I know I should have worked on photos today so I could share them, but it was a very busy day, and just didn't get to it. Hope to do some tomorrow.

Got some grossery shopping done today, and Ken picked up his new glasses. They look very nice on him!

Got some dusting and vacuuming done this morning, and the place looks a little better. Still much to do, though.

Golly, now that we are home, we really notice the difference that humidity makes. It was in the 90s in Sedona, but it didn't feel nearly as hot as it did here at home today, with a high of 88. The heat in Arizona was much drier.

Margy, hope you have a really enjoyable couple of days off!

Lynne2, good to see you! Hope the cold symptoms went away. Feel better! Prayers regarding that.

I think I am going to call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature. Prayers, too, for our furbabies.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. SED, everyone! God bless, and goodnight.
I love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...

Oh ye gods!!

There has been noise on and off all night. Just now it sounded like there might have been a fight or something in the hall. Now there is yelling and carrying on in the parking lot just outside our room. We have called the front desk twice. The desk clerk sounds distressed herself, and I said that I think she should call police.

She said they have three security guards, but will send police if things do not get better.

So glad Hunter is not here. He is with his dad. I don't think Will is here, either. The door to the adjoining room is closed and I am afraid to go into the hall, but he is not answering his phone.

Kathryn is here with me.

We are more annoyed than afraid, but I would not go into the hall or parking lot, and do not want Will to show up right now, just to be safe.

stronghunter said...

Just got hold of Will. He is in his room. Has been sound asleep.

DanaMo said...

Where are you Shirley? I must have missed it not being on much.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, guess Will could sleep through anything! Hope you went back to sleep and got some rest.

HODA - YAY for the Dragon Team! That's awesome about breaking their own record!

ANDY, hope you got some rest and all your chores done since you got home. Bet EMMA is glad you're back!

PAULA, do you catch all of the fish things you eat for dinner there in Paradise?

LOLLY, have a great day getting ready to leave. I know how excited you are! Lucky YOU!

JUDYE, that sounds like a good deal on the Vodka. How nice of you to do that for the kids. You'll have to post a pic of the basket Vickie makes with it for the raffle.

MARGY, was shocked to read you had your own call to 911 back in June...I pray all is okay for you now and problem completely resolved.

SHARON, How are you feeling today?


KAY, Prayers that the pain will go away. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Prayers for Julie's recovery, too. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

DMO, Shirley is staying at a hotel, locally, since her neighbors house caught fire and did damage to the side of her house.

Good morning to you and the Flying Labs!

DanaMo said...

Thanks Lori. I remember seeing the pictures on Facebook, but I missed the part about being in a hotel.

sounds like she has had a horrible night!

Good morning to you too!

I'm sitting here doing some school work and wondering if I am going to get to relax at all today. I think I will be doing work all day!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDS I just noticed my good night comments still sitting in the comment box I must not have hit publish

We are having stroms right now I was woke up to rumbling and went back to sleep a couple of times

I will go read the blog and be back shortly before I have to go to work

JudyEddy said...

WNADA he doesn't have to bring cloths they provide them for him LOL I chuckled when I read your comment

JudyEddy said...

OH SHIRLEY so sorry about the rukis in the parking lot and and the hotel

DANAMO I hope you can mold them little ones in to shape and its so nice to see you back on the blog

KAY hope your pain eases up some and you get releif We miss you as well as JUDIE

and lots of puppies Kisses for ANDY who was missed big time so nice to be back home HUH Waited with bated breath to see the picture we all are

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my friends. Feeling quite a bit better though I may have overdone it. I got a sink and 2 cabinets at a yard sale yesterday for $20 and Tom has been working on installing it for me. Old house repairs Always turn into huge jobs. Gonna be great in the end.

The place on my leg - don't even know what to say about it. The black spot in the middle is growing slightly daily.

JudyEddy said...

ODD OUR STILL CAM LOOKS all black this am I wonder if it broke for good or on break for a while yesterday was nice OK to work I go see ya at lunch

I hope each and everyone of you have a great Sunday no matter what you do today

JudyEddy said...

SHARON have you had that checked with a reg dr??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Lori O. said...

Good Morning SHARON & JUDYE!

SHAR, yes, get the leg checked - again! Maybe a dermatologist or allergist?

grannyblt said...

GM eagle friends. All quiet here today after rain Friday night and much of yesterday. Delightfully cool also. I'm ready for early fall.
Hoda, I got a pair of alpaca socks a few years ago for about $20 and they have been worth every penny. I think in the long run, it pays to invest in good quality undies, including socks.
Dana, I know what you mean about no insurance. I got word that my dental insurance will be dropped the first of the year. I hope to get on another plan but it is a shock when you are accustomed to having it.
Shirley, I hope the repairs to your house are speedy so you don't have to have more nights like last night

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

grannyblt said...

Just read back on the previous thread.
Sandi, so sorry to her of your Mom's health problems. If the Dr. in Cleveland is at the Cleveland Clinic be rest assured it is an excellent place. I can, however, understand wanting to be local.

T-Bird said...


T-Bird said...

The Saints will be pumped up because of all the consequences of the bounty.

T-Bird said...

Speaking of the Saints, I heard a recording of a coach telling the team to "hit the head and the body will follow." He said it over and over. I can't see how anyone, knowing the damage that hits to the head can do, irreversible damage. It makes me sick to my stomach. I saw where they overturned two of the players suspensions so they will be able to play today. However, Art Modell can still impose NFL consequences, fines or suspensions.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

We were awakened by houskeeping knocking at the door. Kathryn spoke briefly with them, and they said there was a big fight on the upper floor last night and there is blood everywhere.

Hotel personnel was locked in a room for safety. Gosh.

Lori O. said...

OMG, SHIRLEY!!! I hope you can find a new hotel that insurance will pay for. What an awful experience!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Beautiful day here. Dex and i are heading to the ????? any guesses :-). Prayers for all in need. Just hard times for several right now. I am so sorry to read of ALL of these.

T-Bird said...

Roger Godell I mean, not Art Modell. I'm showing my age.

Mema Jo said...

What a beautiful morning! I am going to head to market to get my Megan Flowers in a minute or two.
Sharon - that is not good about how your leg looks! Since you don't want to lose a leg - get to the ER or wherever SOON! I love you ♥

Shirley - last night you mentioned all the noise in the hallways - and then the quiet - Now you know why! Glad they did a lock down and gave you the news

Glo - you and Dex ENJOY!

T-Bird - Hail Yeah Skins as our dearest friend would say! That is not football to me when they try to cripple the opposition just because they aren't as good as the SKINS.

Well I love you all and good to see so many here this morning - You know how bonded and loyal we are to each other with all our chatter even with the cam being down.

Off to market I go!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Enjoy market, Jo, and give our Megan a big hug!

Please excuse my bad manners. I fell asleep in my chair and then went to bed without saying good night.

Just one more day and we are off. We are sooo ready!☺

It was 60 here this morning, but up to 69 right now. Wonderful, wonderful weather! However, it is supposed to get back up into the 90's this week. Just do not want my yard to burn up while gone. Have a yard man coming 2 days a week, but for some things that may not be enough if we do not get rain.

Need to go finish getting ready for church.

Shirley, I was wondering the same thing. Is it time for a different hotel?

stronghunter said...

I thought about finding a different hotel. We will see if we need a hotel first.

Kathryn and Will decided to go take care of the appointment at the house for me. They can take care of everything just fine and bring my car back over here. I left it at the house last night.

I am now finishing off my laundry. At the moment, I am thinking that we will stay here if we do have to be out of the house. We have learned our way around here and gotten to know people who work here. They are very nice.

It seems that the riot was at Walmart, too. Will said they were bashing each other and cars with baseball bats.

Got an earful from one of the maids. She said that one man is missing. He had his head bashed and was bleeding. He was in a room just down the hall.

Also stories that there was some kind of attempt to break into someone's room down the hall. The man had a safe with money in it and gold.

Really not sure how much to believe.

Honestly, this is a nice hotel in a nice area.

magpie said...

Oh Shirley, all this is really unacceptable, let me guess, I bet alcohol was a part of the problem...

I am so sorry !

Absolutely gorgeous WV morning here...
just the kind our Lynn would love...

but I know the weather is always wonderful in Heaven.... !!

xoxo Good Day and Hello Eagle Pals

stronghunter said...

We have gotten an extension on our check-out time. We will know in a bit if we can go back home. The rain last evening might be a problem.

stronghunter said...

Guess it was a good thing we did not bring the dogs over here last night. They would have been upset and probably barking.

magpie said...

Get that leg checked, Right Now !
If the black spot is spreading, that could necrosis...death of the soft tissue
Pretend I am Lynn...please...and go with every one else's encouragement, please...
We Love You and Need You !!!

magpie said...

I hope Hunter's schooling is going okay in the midst of all this
I am so comforted that you have good family, Kathryn, Will...Hunter....
and then you have all of us, but we are so far away !!

magpie said...

Had a beautiful morning at Mass agt our church here in Hedgesville, I am trying my best to get back into the routine

Thinking of Megan and Mema Jo at Market, knowing how glorious that is for them both !!!

magpie said...

BMW convertible just left The Big House on a go to a sales lot....
part of the estate disposition

magpie said...

Wishing everyone a Hallelujah Day...
hope your sports programs are fun, no mean stuff on any of the teams...

And that all of everyone's Sunday plans are superb....

My plan includes going to see James the Wise Kidster, so out of the church clothes and into the bibs for me, and
Ta Ta For Now....

xoxox Your friend, Magpie xoxox

stronghunter said...

Have a good visit with James, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Please take care of yourself, Sharon.

It is good to be able to do laundry and relax a bit while my children take care of business at the house. Nice to have adult children who can take care of these things.

stronghunter said...

As far as I know, Hunter's schooling is going along okay, Margy. He missed one day and was late one day, but the people at school know what happened.

stronghunter said...

As far as I know, Hunter's schooling is going along okay, Margy. He missed one day and was late one day, but the people at school know what happened.

stronghunter said...

Pardon the double post, please.

movin said...




hOPE everything is going well for you. It's warm + and muggy in So Cal again today, but if you stick your head out, it's a great and beautiful day.

[:~D] Jim

stronghunter said...

Do not have to worry about hotel issues. Going home!

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and got caught up reading
SHIRLEY Does that mean your house is fixed being you are going home???

MARGY have fun with James the Wise one

Was hoping to hear that SHARON has taken all our overly concerned advise and went to get it checked was hoping to see a post but nothing so far Margy I hope she listen to your post that would be bad if that is what it is the black part

JudyEddy said...

And HELLO JIM always a movin along

NatureNut said...

Good Sunday wishes for Everyone!
Sorry I konked out last night & never got on.
LUV Steve's eagle pic. Since ospreys are leaving, maybe we'll see some Es flying around, Of course we have trees blocking the view.Didn't see Jr. osprey in the nest all day. Hopefully he knows how to fish and is traveling!☺
So sorry to hear of ailments on our blog--prayers for Sandi's Mom & SHARON, get medical help ASAP.If a poisonous spider bite, some tissue may be damaged and needs to be taken care of---sorry it sounds icky, but only thing to do.

JudyEddy said...

SOOOO SWEET JORDYNS teacher had them write I LOVE YOU and sent it to Angie and Carl and she has her name on the outside of the envelope Angie posted a picture of it on my facebook page That is a thought full teacher I think !!!

JudyEddy said...

Well this isn't making dough so I guess I need to get back to work and make some more only till 5 today

NatureNut said...

Judye, that sounds so special that Jordyn's teacher had them do that!
Also wanted to Welcome Andy home and Congrats to Shirley and family getting back to their lodge! Always something.
Been wanting to tell you about my "enlightening" trip home yesterday PM. Fubby called Park about 3:30 w/beeping warnings on TV about tornado watch for over an hour in VA counties. Looked pretty good at Park when leaving about 4PM, but some dark clouds. A few miles down a main road the wind was whipping the trees on both sides, so got whacked w/sticks or something. In a little while, a car coming towards us flashed headlights. Figured it might be a downed tree. But NO! In the right shoulder, up high, TWO branches were on fire up against the power lines and telephone pole.No one was in the oncoming lane, so I curved way over as far as I could and then a humongous explosion!!!Maybe a transformer! Shortly down the road is a High School, so pulled into their lot to recover!Stopped down at drug store and grossery & rest of trip was just rain!

Sandi said...

Good Sunday afternoon my eagle friends! Missing in action for a little bit yesterday and today. Mediacom set up a new cable modem on Friday afternoon and then, yesterday afternoon, I couldn't get on the internet!! The problem turned out to be our wireless router, not the new modem. Fortunately, I had bought a wireless router for my mom back in May that she didn't end up needing. Decided to keep it - just in case - rather than return it to

It took until midnight to get the new router installed and configured so all the devices in the house - the new modem, my laptop, Denny's laptop, Kevin's laptop, and the printer/scanner/fax - were communicating nicely with one another! Both dogs woke up at normal time - 6am - so, after taking them outside and feeding them, I went back to bed!

Sharon, your leg does not sound like something that you should mess with. Surely it should be getting better not worse, and the fact that it isn't means something is wrong! Get thee to a doctor!!!

Hoda, I would have difficulty paying $25 for a pair of socks! Even REALLY nice wool socks!

Paula, did you get any severe weather last night? We got rain, but no big winds or anything.

Andy, welcome home - I'm sure Emma's whole body was wagging when she saw you!!

Lolly, have a safe and enjoyable trip!

Beautiful weather here today - I have turned off the AC and opened up the house - LOVE having the windows open!

Thanks for all the prayers, positive thoughts, and kind words for my mom. She is adjusting to the reality of having the surgery. Denny and I will be driving to Baltimore to spend next weekend with her.

Mom has been complaining to my sister and me ever since she moved that we gave away things that she didn't want to get rid of. One thing she says she wanted to keep that we donated was a pair of orange glass candy dishes that Denny bought for her the first Christmas we were dating (40 years ago). She kept them on the baker's rack in her kitchen. They weren't valuable or expensive when they were first bought, they matched NOTHING, and I specifically recall holding them up and asking, "Keep or donate," to which she replied, "Donate."

Last week, in a shop on the boardwalk in Bethany, I found one of the candy dishes only in blue. It was marked down to $9! I bought it and will be wrapping it and giving it to Mom when we see her. Should be worth a good laugh! Now that I know the manufacturer and the name of the pattern on the glass, I am hoping to find the other candy dish (also in blue) on ebay so I can buy it as a Christmas gift for her! I plan to tell her that the real reason Lisa and I got rid of so much of her stuff was that we were all out of things to buy her for Christmas! =)

Have a great afternoon/evening!

Lolly said...

Great idea for your Mom,Sandi. lol Love it and do hope she appreciates the humor.

Okay, pots are watered. All house plants have been moved outside onto the back patio. It is a shaded area and hopefully they will do okay there. In the past I have had a neighbor water the plants after I put them all in the kitchen, but Jany and Hilton left on a trip of their own this morn.

Now to clean inside. I have moped, so now to clean the bathroom and kitchen. I do like leaving a clean house. Much nicer to come home to.

Mema Jo said...

Market was glorious! I brought home 3 beautiful Megan bouquets for the house.
Megan had mentioned before about a vendor with beautiful woven baskets and he was there! I came home with some fantastic baskets!

I'll be back later this evening - everyone take care and
Shirley - get thee home! lol ♥

magpie said...

I'm pretty sure I am seeing an eagle in the nest, an adult

JudyEddy said...



magpie said...

I'm positive of it

magpie said...

that makes two of us JudyE

magpie said...

It's rather grainy and changes each refresh, but it sure is nice to see !!!

So glad, our patience won out

magpie said...

digging in the bowl ☺

magpie said...

is it two ???

magpie said...

Yes, it IS two

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Wow, that's really nice....
too grainy to make out much about them or get a good picture but I'll try

magpie said...

side by side
tail by tail ☺☺

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

well go for it anyway, JudyE, something is better than nothing, Thank you !

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

I think we are down to one now

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

oh snap
now a clear picture
empty nest !!!

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

But that was seriously glorious !

magpie said...

oh, one is Baaaaack

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Yes, that's a pretty darn good picture for your avatar, JudyE
Nice Going !!!

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

We got lucky there, woman...
so nice to have some Royal Couple chatter after all this time ☺

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

yep, same here...I think the eagles put out some kinetic energy when they are on the nest that messes with the transmission...
just a thought, I have noticed it in the past

magpie said...

I have to go now anyway....
couldn't catch up with James...
their phone is off, I went by his house, no one home
so I did my Berleley Springs things all by myself.
Not much fun

magpie said...

empty nest again
maybe the cooler temperatures
encouraged them to check things out.
The Eagles I mean.
Guess James and his Dad are out doing Guy things

magpie said...

See you Eagle Pals later...

magpie said...

It was nice sharing this with you JudyE...thanks for rallying up some more folks on Facebook

magpie said...

OH, one is back.

Loretta, glad you are Okay, that is a scary event you wrote about

Jo, glad you and Megan had some precious Momster time and you got some neat things....

and Shirley, Welcome Back to Your Roost !!!

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

talk about boomerangs!
In and out and in and out again.

JudyEddy said...

Same ole Boomerang for sure Ok gonna go watch the news and the cam is worse than I have ever seen it now wow psychedelic

JudyEddy said...

I am gonna wait to put in album till after news my back is killing me sitting here gonna relax it and try to keep an eye on the rainbowey psychedelic


JudyEddy said...

Hes back fuzzy but can see white head

JudyEddy said...

MT nest again fuzzy and MT

stronghunter said...

Yikes, Loretta. Scary. I would have needed to pull off the road, too.

Smells good here. Will is fixing some chicken.

DanaMo said...

WOW now I really want the cam up and running. Seeing the pictures that were posted on FB that our pair is visiting makes me want to see them even more!

Mema Jo said...

Whoa Baby! Cool Beans! & all those good sayings....

Judy you did good and TY so much for capturing our eagles in the nest.

Lolly said...

Wow! That is exciting! Eagles in the nest! So happy that some of you saw them. Yes, Judy, cool beans!!

Sitting down and resting for a while. Left too much for today but it is all last minute stuff!

magpie said...

Roaring towards a SPLIT !!!

JudyEddy said...

Went to get something to eat wanted to eat at a new place I saw
Southern buffet Seafood and Steak
got there and they are no longer open

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 246   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...