Wednesday, August 08, 2012


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Hello Steve & thank you for the new thread. I will call the others to come on over!


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and to you, Lori, for hollering loud enough for me to hear you.

Kay, I was not offended. I know you appreciate everyone's support and how happy we are to have with us again.

Today is another busy day for me. Another hunting and gathering expedition, slacks to the cleaners for alterations, and then an eye exam this afternoon.

Was so happy to see no one reported tripping or toe-stubbing last night. Sorry, I fell asleep before turning the night light on.

Wishing everyone a lovely day. BBL

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yea...a feather for Lori!

Out to water shortly. In case you can't tell, we water pots every other day.

Then in to town. Need to purchase t-shirts and supplies to make Camp Hawkwood t-shirts. It starts a week from tomorrow. Laurel is excited as she has a weekend in there without the boys. lol

Joey has recently had a sleep study done and he is now on a breathing machine. His breathing was stopping several times during the night.
Also, having a very restless night besides shaking the countryside with his snoring. He has now had two nights on a breathing maching. Laurel said he slept very well. They are both happy! Machine did not bother her.

Out to water!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Thank You Thank You Thank You for those offering some info on Smartphones/Iphones. I will use mine probably a lot away form home once I no longer have Dex or even once the weather cools and he can come with me. I would. So stinkin hot we have been in the house 95% of the summer as I really don't leave him much time at all now. The internet is my connection with the human side of life or I would pretty much live it all alone now except for morning coffee and hopefully I can get to cam club this year. I want one with a front and back camera so I can play with photos, and talk video with my Elia. So if I used my phone as a hot spot does that mean I could bring my laptop to a park and as long as it has cell phone reception in the park, i could get online with the laptop via my cell phone. I love time in a park waiting on wildlife/birds.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning my friends! Congrats on the feather, Lori and thank you Steve for the fresh new thread.

I have a hair do today - Our Sharon got a new do and she looks fabulous. All of you here can view her beauty on FB.
I would love something different but sure don't know if I can accomplish that.

I need to go back a page... BBILW

Mema Jo said...

I see with the earlier comments that all is well. Happy Happy Wanda for you getting the larger Clothes Closet!
I need to look through my winter things
Probably have hats, scarves and gloves for the fall/winter season.

Mema Jo said...

Banana time here - and a piece of toast.
Tomorrow is a scheduled DR appointment to discuss Blood Work..... Sure hope my A1C is down where it should be!

BBILW or after haircut ♥

I do ♥ us!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Watching Olympics again.

The athletes surely do like those bright yellow shoes. I see a trend coming.

Hunter went a little late to camp this morning. I called him and said he needed to get up for breakfast. He said he was not hungry, then came downstairs a bit later wondering why I had not already fixed some sausages for him. He is surely a mixture of contradictions these days.

He took his underarm deodorant to camp because he is concerned he might sweat and get stinky. This is the kid who must be reminded to brush his teeth and use soap. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that someone else is taking deodorant and it seems to be the cool thing to do.

I took in the towel (not his) that he brought home yesterday. Although he showed no indication he knew whose it was, he said that it was Isiah's when I gave it to the counselors.

Saying a little prayer for all middle school teachers everywhere, and especially those in Spotsylvania County.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Lori.

Hope your hunting, gathering, and eye appointment all go well, Judie.

Wishing for cooler weather for you, Andy.

Wonderful news about the clothes closet, Wanda.

Hope you can get to the cam club, Glo.

Just got a post card about bowling for the fall. Oh my, summer is coming to an end.

stronghunter said...

I keep hearing strange noises. Something is going on--I think some kind of construction project. Must check things out.


stronghunter said...

Okay, there are "beep, beeps" from some kinds of trucks or construction equipment. Also lots of clouds. I may be hearing thunder.

stronghunter said...

My birdbath seems to be attracting thirsty honeybees, and some are drowning. I have put a small piece of wood in the water so they will have something to climb onto. Any ideas about this?

stronghunter said...

Well, now I see a runner with one bright yellow shoe and one red one. Is that going to be a trend? Have seen plenty of kids with unmatched socks already. Why not unmatched shoes?

stronghunter said...

Hi, Thelma !!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Thought I'd better check in to let you know that we're shakin' and bakin' here in SoCal. We had a 4.4 quake last night at about 11:30 pm
Pacific time, and a 2.7 aftershock a minute later. I pretty much slept through them, though Ken tried to wake me. This morning, we had a real jerker of a 4.5 quake at about 9:30 am our time, and a much smaller aftershock. All these were centered near Yorba Linda, where my Sis-in-law and Bro-in-law live.
Their house is OK. Sis-in-law was saying that something ALWAYS seems to happen when Bro-in-law is out of town. He's in Houston for 5 days on business! Did hear on the TV news that the Big Lots store in Yorba Linda lost a big window to this morning's quake. Otherwise, haven't heard of any damage. Never a dull moment! It's supposed to be really hot again today, with triple-digit temps and an excessive heat warning for Riverside County and other areas of the Inland Empire. Not quite as bad here in Anaheim, but in the
90s with high humidity and NO onshore breeze. Muggy and still out there.

Ms Bookworm said...

I have to chuckle a bit. The people who are supposed to be the authorities on this sort of thing say that there is no such thing as "earthquake weather," but by golly, it's earthquake weather out there--hot, still, and humid as h@#$. Interesting coincidence, I say.

Mema Jo said...

Oh My Goodness! Andy,I am so glad you are safe and pray you will continue being so.

Dianne 1, Leaving the family will so sorrowful. I am so thankful you had time with them and enjoyed yourself. Safe Journey Home !

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, I really thought that Unmatched shoes only happen when you put them on and were still half asleep.
I know about the socks and shoestrings not matching. I suppose it is a person saying to the world that they don't need to be like everyone else!

Mema Jo said...

Back from Haircut. I still look like
Mema Jo!

Feet going up!


Sandi said...

Good Wednesday afternoon my eagle friends! Just said bye to our friends from Balto. - had a couple of nice days to catch up on one another's lives!

Wanda, great news about more room for the Clothes Closet!!

Kay, great to see you on the old thread!

Shirley, the only thing worse than a 6th grader is a 7th grader and the only thing worse than a 7th grader is an 8th grader. The only thing worse than an 8th grader is ... not sure I can think of anything!! =) But middle school teachers LOVE middle school kids - if we didn't, we would move up or down and teach the older or younger ones!

Linda, interesting comments about the iphone. I'm not sure that, when the time comes for an upgrade for me, I'll get one. I really just use my phone for making calls and texting - not sure that I want to spend the extra money every month for a data plan.

Gray day here - rain this morning canceled my tennis. Only rained for about 40 minutes but the sun hasn't come back out. Looks like a good day to stick my nose in my Kindle.

Have a good day all!

Lolly said...

You are so right, Sandi. Laurel loves her 6th graders. She knows she does not work as hard as I did in kindergarten. lol She went up yesterday to her room, got her keys, and with the boys help moved in a few things and arranged the room. She is groaning, but at the same time raring to go! She has been asked to speak to the other teachers concerning her room and student management with 504 students. I tell you...she is good! Proud of her.

Shirley, Jack and I have talked about the shoes. Yes, I see a trend coming. Looked at ads..and yes, they have those bright colors.

Lolly said...

Laurel is not happy to be speaking to her fellow teachers. But, she was assured that she does a lot of correct things that other teachers are not doing.

Hoda said...

Good afternoon...

teacher talk already. Proud of LAUREL LOLLY.

Glad you and KEN are safe ANDY

Mostly a day of errands today and so I had better get on with things.

Not sure why but I joined Twitter and it is still a surprise to me...I also joined Pinterest...not really sure how to use either.

GLO good on you for exploring ways by which you can communicate with others and I like that the iphone would be a good tool for you.

LORI got a feather YAY LORI.Are you on twitter do you know how to use it SHAR is and I sent her a message but I think it is not a personal way to communicate rather to post opinions and generic this right?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Howdy Hodie! What is your Twitter name? Mine is @yoursoulsister. :)

Hoda said...

I know SHAR...I found you there and from your tweets I understand it is more general. I sent two tweets to you but I do not know where they went. Mine is @HodaGhamrawy

Hoda said...

I will learn all this technology yet...some of it is a bit useless though...don't you think?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I saw them both Hoda! Yay! Welcome to twitterdom!

Hoda said...

This is cool Shar...was there a picture next to my tweet. I posted one of me in the library but it does not show on my phone even though it told me it has it...? Now what kinds of things do I post in Twitterdom?
or is it on twitter???
even the grammar is tricky!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

You have to say what you need to say in 140 characters or less. Yes, there is a beautiful pic of you on there. Twitterdom is just a word I used for the Twitter world. :) A lot of my twitter posts are for Train and other Train fans. Sometimes I post on the @LiveEagleCam when we have a cam.

Hoda said...

140 Characters or less???does not seem like much and I now understand why people use u for you and so on...thx for thanks...Carol is trying to get me to do the same with text messaging but I am not comfortable with it at all...I will see if I can find @LiveEagleCam
Is it case sensitive this twitter SHAR?

JudyEddy said...

Home for a quick in and out for lunch left my ATM in my back pocket




Mema Jo said...

My feet are down - now it is time to find some dinner food. I sure could eat some Meatballs that Judie is fixing for the crowd!


paula eagleholic said...

I am itching for some BLT's ... finally got some ripe tomatoes...have to stop and get lettuce...and gas for the mower....will see you all later!

stronghunter said...

Hello again,

Have a chicken in the oven. Will be
fixing some vegetables in a bit.

Sandi, I do know a little bit about middle school. I taught there for quite a few years. Many years ago, I taught 8th grade and at Culpeper Middle, I taught 9th grade. There was not enough space at the high school for ninth grade at the time.

I moved to the high school when they moved the 9th grade there, and eventually moved up to grades 11-12. I was thinking of those middle school years when I posted my thoughts. Although I have raised 4 children, Hunter is giving me a new perspective on middle school anguish. Every child is different.

I spent a little time with 7th graders and was amused when they wanted to know if I was going to seat them boy-girl. They thought that would be a bad thing. I can say that grades 9-12 would not find it upsetting.

stronghunter said...

Looking forward to tomorrow. Judie and I are going to meet for lunch at Potomac Mills!! I am running out of free time as Hunter will finish with day camp on Friday.

magpie said...

That is Waaaaaaay Cool, Shirley....

You and Judie....

magpie said...

getting a Mini-Momster Luncheon put together

magpie said...

I'm still at work

Lolly said...

Purchased white t-shirts today for Camp Hawkwood. Will make a computer grafic to iron on and then with the boys "help" we will tie dye with red and blue. lol
We will probably ruin the shirts.☺ Oh, well.........

Lolly said...

Yes, I am jealous of Shirley and Judie getting together. Waahhhh.....

stronghunter said...

And, Sandi, I agree. Seventh is worse than 6th and so on. Ninth can be worse than 8th. The problem with 9th is that some people get stuck there.

In middle school, teachers warn kids that they aren't going to pass if they don't work. Then an administrator comes in and passes them on to high school.

In high school, they have to pass each course individually, but they are so jaded that they don't believe what the teachers say. Some have to learn the hard way, and that happens in ninth grade.

Many people say that 11th is a good grade because they have been around long enough to mature, but they have't gotten senioritis yet. I think that's probably true. I also liked tenth grade.

stronghunter said...

We will be thinking of the rest of you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Enjoy, Shirley and Judie!

Leftovers tonight...guess I should go warm it up.

Hoda said...

Have an awesome visit SHIRLEY and JUDIE...this is good. Glad there is a Momster mini reunion...
JO I too would like to have a sample of JUDIE'S meat balls and I am sure they are delicious.

Hoda said...

I taught four to twelve through out my career...learnt a lot from and about each grade. I found the parents of the older grades a bit more difficult to deal with because they always wanted their kids to be in the 80% they did not do the work and did not get the simple. I know what you are talking about SHIRLEY when you say the administrators passed them on even if they were failing. We have an unspoken of rule here that a kid could be held back once in the elementary years and has to be age appropriate for JR High so they are simply moved on unless their parents requested that they be held back. IN my thirty years teaching never once did a parent exercise that right to agree with a teacher to hold back...We have a whole slew of high school graduates walking about who are functionally illiterate really!!! I did not make any friends with the administrators when I told them that!!!
ENOUGH ALREADY!!! I will move on. It is a disturbing situation and continues to be for me.

Lolly said...

I hear thunder....pop up storm in our area...whisper a prayer.☺

Our trees are dropping leaves...too hot and dry!

stronghunter said...

Hope you get some gentle rain, Lolly . . . and wouldn't mind getting some ourselves.

Have gone out to check on my birdbath and still have been seeing honeybees. They seem to like to sit on the side where there is a shallow section. But some have definitely messed up and drowned.

stronghunter said...

Leaves have been dropping here, too, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

I have been watering my young trees.

magpie said...

Yes, leaves dropping in WV also, have seen some nice fall-colored leaves here and there, especially nice yellow ones at Swinging Bridge...

also notice, it seems that some of the birds are practicing their flying-South routines....just practicing, not leaving yet

Good Evening Eagle Pals xoxo

magpie said...

you are a good gardening lady, Shirley

stronghunter said...

Well, Margy, I got into vegetable gardening this summer. Some of my flowers are still in pots and have not done well. But my veggie garden is green.

magpie said...

going to Say
Good Night early tonight...worked four hours over so suddenly the night seems much shorter, but I am trying to outrun the Sandperson for a little while

Hope you get rain, Lolly, I know how thirsty things must be getting there at Hawkwood Gardens....
Have fun with the Camp Hawkwood preparations

Have enjoyed the Teacher Talk on here these last few days

Hope Paula got her BLT put together and eaten; I sure have been enjoying mine !

Prayers for Wellness All Around....

God Bless Us, Every One

stronghunter said...

It has just been so hot.

Hunter and I had an interesting conversation today. He figured that if he went to England, he might have trouble understanding what people were saying because they have a "funny accent." I pointed out that they have first ownership of the language, but I did not think he would have too much trouble understanding them. Then we talked about the words they use that are different from ours.

stronghunter said...

He was quick to point out that he knows what a "loo" is.

magpie said...

It sure is fun to see things grow, Shirley...I love it !

G'Night :)

stronghunter said...

He has been playing basketball in the gym at the Y, but he won't admit that he likes basketball.

stronghunter said...

He has made up his mind that baseball and football are the only worthwhile sports.

Lolly said...

Well, we go a warning of winds up to 70 and hail at 1" or larger...and it went away!

Doggone it all!!!! Not that I wanted hail or wind.

Lolly said...

Joseph loves basketball and soccer, though he did very well with baseball this spring. Jacob has played mostly baseball, one season of soccer but he is not competitive. He is going to play basketball this winter. Football is not allowed until they are older.

stronghunter said...

I remember you have said that about football before, Lolly. I have concerns about Hunter playing at such a young age, but I am not the decision maker on this.

Kathryn had concerns, too, but it is something he really wants to do. Funny thing is that the person who has influenced him is Rus, but Rus has never played football. He just likes to watch it. And I do not think Rus ever said anything to Hunter about playing.

stronghunter said...

Glad you did not get the winds and hail, Lolly. Oh, my!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Well, things have settled down some here. We've had around 30 aftershocks, but all but two of them have been so small we haven't felt them. I'm waiting for it to cool down more before I open up the house. It's 85 in the kitchen, but still about 87 outside. Not even a tiny hint of a breeze--it's completely still. We have ALWAYS had an afternoon breeze from the ocean here, that comes up around 3 pm every day. When we first moved here, I remember having to make the kids get sweaters on, even in the summer. The current situation is just no fun at all!

Ken was really glad to get home from work. It was HOT there today, and 106 predicted for tomorrow. Ken works in Ontario, CA.

Talked to Marsh, my Sis-in-law, tonight. She had a lava lamp fall over in their game room--onto a glasstop table, and the glass broke. A real mess! She said that their old fire hydrant, which is right next to the steps leading down the hill to the dog run under the house (which is on stilts on a hillside), fell over onto the cement stairway. It weighs a TON, and she wasn't sure how she was going to move it. Good thing it wasn't hooked up to water. It's just a really old one that they bought years ago for the dogs.

One thing I've been thinking about today is that I want to rearrange the furniture in our master bedroom. Our bed is directly under a long, high window, and I'd rather move it to a wall with no windows, just in case we have a stronger quake. Need to go to Wally World and get some of those "coaster" things you put under the legs of furniture to make it easier to move. Our armoire, which is solid hardwood, takes about 4 people to move.
Good thing about living in SoCal:
nearly everyone (including us) has their water heater tethered to the walls so it can't fall over.

Lolly, sure hope you get some much-needed rain! Not too much, just the right amount.

Well, I need to feed Emma, so guess I'll call it a night early.
Prayers have been said for everyone, every creature, and all our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, with SED.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Judie said...

Good late evening to all.

Was a very busy day today but well worth it as tomorrow will be a special day -- lunch with the lovely Shirley. We are meeting about half-way between our respective abodes. I absolutely cannot wait for Hunter stories.

Hoda, the comments you and Sandi and Shirley made about students are so disheartening. It is even more so when they continue to move on and make it into college.

Will be happy to share the meatball recipe but it is really unremarkable. Will try to remember tomorrow afternoon. Speaking of food, hope Paula had a yummy delishioso BLT.

Jo seems to be a bit confused. She's supposed to put her feet up not down.

Hope Lolly gets some rain -- we all need rain it seems.

Really hoping Margy is well into much needed sleep.

Okay, the sandperson is about to depart to sprinkle each of you with sweet dreams dust. Restful sleep for all.

Oh, eyes are fine. Cataracts forming but no big deal for a long while yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad Shirley and Judie are lunching together!

Andy, I heard about your earthquakes on the news!

BLT was dee-lisc-ous...

Gotta get some crabs picked!

SED, love and hugs to all! ♥

I ♥ us!

JudyEddy said...

Good Evening Eagle buds been keeping my puter busy doing videos I had been watching a dvd that I had transferred from a VCR tape a long time ago My dad had 8mm movies of us and he put on VCR tape I have been trying to figure out how to put on youtube Well I came up with a solution Do exactly what I do with the eagle nest use my tripod and camera so I had to be quite Funny thing is the 8mm click click is on the video dad had a hand held thing that transferred it no sound except him clearing his throat and the chime of mom clock on the mantel so I had the music station on while it did it thing Boy was that a long thing to do I did short video no longer that 9 min because of youtube takes for ever and it will be better to view for my family the short ones I think anyway so I am uploading them to youtube now and will probably be doing it tomorrow there are about 16 video I love it being able to see my parents and my uncle and there are lots of Janet when she was a baby till I left home

LOLLY so glad you are getting rain shame about the storms but maybe it will help your plants the rain not the hail Keeping fingers crossed you only get rain

SHIRLEY I love Hunter stories big time keep em comin

OK need to get back to the video makin then bed We are going to Largo Park in the am Jordyn called me on the phone to let me know ahead of time this way I know where we are going I love it now that she can talk Yeah

stronghunter said...

Prayers for you and everyone out there, Andy. You don't need any more quakes. Sounds like a good plan to move the bed.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Andy, your earthquakes have made the news here.

Judie said...

So glad I checked back.

Andy, so sorry about the quakes but glad they are not severe and that your sister-in-law and family are okay. Fire hydrant is a minor loss.

Thank you for turning the porch light on. Reminded me I needed to turn on the night light.

Okay, night everyone.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie. See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Have been watching the Olympics again tonight. Those hurdles bother me. Sometimes I think my days are like a hurdle race.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. Time for me to turn out the light.

stronghunter said...

But not the night light--must leave that on for others!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I picked up the wallpaper today. It really arrived quickly.

JudyEddy said...

ANDY so glad you had no damage with the earthquake

So happy that two momster had lunch together how far do you all live from each other I know where
HODA I know what you are talking about with the kids They did that years ago here also but not anymore don't remember how long its been but when my kids were younger they asked us if we wanted the child to be moved on even if they were failing Now that has stopped

JudyEddy said...

boy is my puter being sooooo sluggish doing now 15 video all at once hoping it finishes by in the am YOUTUBE can be soooo slow and hope I don't loose power

JudyEddy said...

On that note

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Face Plant time!

Good Night friends
Judie and Shirley enjoy your time together
Prayers for all our needs
I ♥ Us

Miss you, Lynn ♥

Can't wait for Camp Hawkwood stories ♥

Hoda said...

Great HUNTER stories SHIRLEY.

JUDIE disheartening is a good word but it explains the reason the wannabees are so not tuned in!!!They have expectations and they have not learnt that they are unreasonable till they meet someone like you...THANK GOD.

Yesterday I spotted some yellow and some red on the tip of a tree and I have not spoken of it since hoping it will simply go away...I know it won't.

Lolly said...

No rain, Judy, just thunder. It pooped out before it got to us. We were hopeful!

Andy, sorry about the quake! We have had about 8 this summer, but they are all small. We were barely aware of 2 or 3.

Heading to the shower and then to bed.

Night all! SED!!!!

Hoda said...



Costume Lady said...

Hello to anyone who is still up:)

Thought I'd touch base with you on my caterpillars: one is just days away from it's cocoon stage, 2 are about mid-way to their cocooning. I found a teeny tiny one on the milkweed today and I feel sure there are more...too hot to look. I will leave them on the plants and let nature take it's course. I do hope to take the oldest one to GG so that she can watch the 'spectacle':)

I'm ready for sleep now...good night to you all. Love and prayers♥

Sandi said...

Good steamy Thursday morning my eagle friends!

I see that Shirley and Judie are meeting for lunch today - enjoy!!

Lolly, isn't Hawkwood the name of your place? Explain "Camp Hawkwood" to me. Good luck to Laurel in talking with her colleagues. Sadly, some will listen and make adjustments but I have found that many older secondary teachers aren't willing to do things any differently for kids with special needs! They believe their job is to teach a curriculum, not to teach children. If the kids don't "get it," it's the kids' job to do something different, not the teacher's!

Didn't mean to sound negative about students yesterday - I LOVE working with adolescents! I just think they are the most contradictory creatures in the world! Like Hunter with the Lunchable - "I hate those! I won't be hungry!" But then the lunchbox is EMPTY when he comes home! That's the epitome of middle school thinking!!

FINALLY getting a haircut today - when we got back from Africa, I called my girl but she was on vacation - I'm SO overdue! Other than that, my goal is to catch some Bandit pee this afternoon, since he goes to the vet tomorrow and he does a urinalysis every 3 months to check for crystals (Bandit had bladder stones removed last summer and is on meds to keep more from forming). What fun - nothing like following a dog around the yard, waiting for him to pee so I can catch it!!

So Shirley, when will that lovely wallpaper make its way to your walls?? Great match to the colors in the sofa upholstery!

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
I hope each and every one of you have a gread day today Headin to the park with Jordyn in a bit when I pick her up

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hoping to get the wallpaper on right away. Want it up by the time bridge is here, which is the third Wednesday. I may not make it. We will see.

Janet said...

Good THursday morning all!

AHHHH, MS BOOKWORM, you sound so "calm" about the quake. We do live near a fault line here in TN and a couple times in my life, I have felt a small tremor, but it was enough to let me know I sure didn't want to be anywhere near a bit glad you and yours are okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a wonderful massage yesterday. I had one Monday night, to help to train a new therapist in the "massage envy" ways.....we only have 5 min between clients and it takes some practice to get the hang of getting everything done in five min. So they booked her with several of "us" for her to practice on. It was good, but not enough pressure and waaaayyyy too much lotion for me. However, yesterday's was perfect! :) ahhhhh

Its Thursday so ice skating tonight. Livvy tests for Beta level next week, so I hope she passes...I have two lovely costumes for her!!!!! The deal is though (and she doesn't know that I have them) I will get her some practice dresses when she gets to Beta level! ;)

JUDYE: you should be on your mini retirement! :) ENJOY!

Been stinking hot here. and HUMID. I was sick to my stomach after bringing the groceries in yesterday. I had sit down and cool off and drink some gatorade in the afternoon. Then I could put the groceries away.

We ate at one of my favorite places last night: Its called Athens Family Restaurant. I love Mediterranean food. Oh my goodness good!!!!!!! YUM

Well, need to get on with my morning. Ya'll have a great day....hugs, light, love and smiles to ALL :)

JudyEddy said...

HODA HODA Did NICK tell you that he is doing another walk in Altantic City Are you going to it LOL being he came all the way to Canada to see you I thought you might go see him LOL

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Gosh Quakes and Pooped out thunder storms, stinkin hot and pee catching. We do live a variety of daily lives. It is actually cool enough here that after breakfast Dex and i are going to the Marina for a walk.. I so wanted some nice weather to head out with Dex walking again at his favorite place to be. HAGD everyone.

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning eagle buddies! Did you all see the Osprey Documentary trailer Lisa posted a link to the BW Facebook page. Simply amazing.

Bob Quinn said...

Off to a meeting. WIll check back later.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Okay, about to embark on my fun adventure -- lunch with Miss Shirley.

No, I do NOT feel guilty. Two loads of laundry done. Yippee! Play time.

Will return this afternoon. Wishing everyone a lovely day and Sandi a good "pee catching" day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning my friends ♥ It is getting very dismal looking outside - perhaps a storm is brewing. I have my 2:00 dr visit about my blood work and discuss anything else I have on my list.
I love my Family Doc - He knows how to take his time with his patients.

I'm glad to hear that Dex will go to the marina today. Also that Shirley will start to wall paper - I do love your selection, Shirley.

Today is Judy's and Shirley's Mini luncheon. Do I need to tell you all that Mini luncheons are the Mostest!

Sandi- you are going to be busy with your Bandit walks - May you catch the first drop of pee! I wish that Denny was there to get us a picture ♥
Thanks for the weather report each morning - gd and hubby and Vincent are still down! Vincent loves sleeping on the beach inside his tent!

FB has news from Dana that Monte has changed jobs after 20 years with the same company. Change is Good & I hope his area isn't upstate NY...

Br4eakfast for me - meds all went down! BBILW

Mema Jo said...

Hello Bob Quinn
The documentary was awesome - Lisa at Blackwater is also awesome!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love looking at the blog and seeing all different names. Glad so many are checking in today.


Mema Jo said...

We just had the most beautiful shower
of rain - oh Lolly, you would have loved it!

Hi Sharon and Thelma ♥♥

Bob Quinn said...

I'm back.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yes, please do tell do you go about collecting dog pee. Never had to do that and can't imagine.

SANDI, yes Hawkwood is our place. So named because of our rs hawk nest we had for three years. We "raised" 10 babies in those years. We loved it. Hated when they did not return and then we lost that particular tree. But, they do nest close by....across the street and two doors down.

We keep Laurel's boys the week she has inservice. This year it is 7 days. You should hear her complain! During the time we keep them we do lots of fun things...museums, train trips, swimming, movies, and crafts. This year we are going to an RV park just two miles away It is a Jellystone RV Park (lots of kid's activities) and Pirates Cove Water Park. We are staying 2 nights. We are going to tie dye our matching shirts and also going to the Museum of Science and History. They have a special exhibit called Grossology, all about body functions. Right down little boys ally! We will learn all we ever wanted to know about burps and snot and "other" things! Woo Woo!

Lolly said...

Rain, Jo? What's that?

Hi Bob! How are you?

Bob Quinn said...

Hey Lolly - I'm good. Hard to get on the Blog these days. I changed jobs several months back and sit in a "bullpen" environment so there is no privacy.

Took off on Monday and got these:


Lolly said...

As always...great pictures, Bob! Glad you got one of an eagle. 7 and 17 I really liked!

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon all.

SANDI you are wonderful and it is good to vent and it does not mean that you do not like your are a teacher for God's sake and you are allowed.

BOB it is good to see you and thank you for the awesome pictures. Hope the job goes well...not sure what a bullpen environment is but it sounds unpleasant.

Headed off to the dentist this morning and then errands.

Have an awesome day to you all later.

Sandi said...

Afternoon all - home from my haircut so no more frizzy split ends. Took some pics of what's blooming around my house and put them on my blog.

Lolly, thanks for explaining Camp Hawkwood! Not sure who will love it more - the "campers" or the "counselors!" Saw Grossology at the Baltimore Science Center - the boys will LOVE it!!!

Headed out to get some sun and finish a book I've been reading - later!!

Lolly said...

Taking a break. Just typed up minutes for the meeting tonight. Not a very good secretary. lol Meeting tonight but also covered dish and swim party.

Oh, and forgot to tell you. Joseph presented the menu for Camp H. He is no dummy. He said he wanted ribs, steaks, hamburgers, bacon pasta and lasagna. Still have to come up with food for the other nights. Probably mac and cheese one night as it is Jacob's favorite.

JudyEddy said...

Back from park with Jordyn and she is out like a light Wore her plum out
YES Sandi Do tell how hard is it to collect Pee I have never had to do that thank goodness My animals were at the vets and they did it Now one time I had to collect POO from my cat they gave me stuff that looked like black pellets only a half a cup to put in litter as if the cat was gonna use it LOL didn't work

Poor puter said it doesn't want to go through that again with download so much over nite Its is just now finishing up as a matter of fact I had to redo one 16 videos almost a hour of video on youtube now will send links to family to view and put of facebook sometime today or tomorrow will let it finish the one and off course got notified from YOUTube about copyright on each one which I did expect it had music playing while I was doing it instead of the TV running oh well Ads will appear on them and odd but a couple say are blocked in certain countries don't know why that one is Ok need to go get busy BBIALW not going to Angies after today taking Jordyn up at 4 she is going to Hooters and I don't like Hooters at all Odd but I don't like the smell of hot wings and that what I smell going in there she said I was CRAZY so I guess I am LOL as we all know that LOL No arguing there

Bob Quinn said...

Off to another meeting. Catch you all later!

JudyEddy said...

I got my package from Patti today in the mail But with Jordyn being here I dare not look Will have to wait till she is home I opened and pulled out one of the letters 9" nice size for the wall Patti mailed it on the 8th and had a delivery confirmation on it but yet the mail man didn't knock on the door Jordyn and I heard him put my mail in the mail box which is on the wall near the door but yet he didn't knock I don't know if it was my cutie pie regular guy or not I let Patti know that she won't be getting a confirmation back on it HMMMMM
Maybe since he saw the car parked out front he didn't knock I ususally have my truck under the carport out back but with being shady on the drive way I parked out front when we got back from the park OH well at least they arrived

I SURE WISH ALL POSTAL THING ARRIVED THAT FAST DON'T YOU ALL ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Red said...

The above deleted commet was mine.

Thought I would share a video with you. I hope it's something you haven't already seen.

A Different Meaning for Fly Fishing

JudyEddy said...

WOW WOW RED that was soooo cool the first time I think he got several fish and that last fish was huge Thanks for bring abroad and the scenery is awesome as well

JudyEddy said...

i am gonna put on my facebook wall toooo Love it ♥♥

Mema Jo said...

Hello everyone... Back from Dr visit
Doc feels all is well - A1C is 6.6 & he is satisfied with that. So I am happy and will go back in 4 months!

Thinking of Judie and Shirley and all the chatter I hear.......


Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Jo, glad you and the doctor are satisfied. Just keep putting your feet up.

I had a wonderful lunch with Shirley. We caught up on lots of items including teaching, retirement, and Hunter's antics. One thing I forgot to mention is how much I like her wallpaper selection. Surely admire her energy and stamina. Puts me to shame. Oh, and Shirley is a much smarter food selector.

Will catch up later but plan to imitate Jo and put my feet up for a while.


Lolly said...

I am taking another break. Salad made for tonights covered dish. Also made seasoned pecans for the shower Sunday.

Judy, meant to tell you thanks for the shower ideas, however everything was already planned. I am keeping everything very simple. The name train is already made. I will take a picture of the table Sunday. Have cleaned the light over the dining room table. (See...there is a reason to have a party occasionally. lol)

stronghunter said...


Just got home a little while ago. Had to go by the Y and pick up Hunter.

Food selection--hmm, I always knew Judie likes it hot.

stronghunter said...

Judie and I had a wonderful visit and occupied the table for a long time. They did not seem too crowded, and assured us it was okay.

stronghunter said...

Olive Garden--nice place, by the way.

stronghunter said...

I am so sleepy. I sincerely hope Kathryn makes it home in a reasonable amount of time. I-95 southbound is a giant parking lot.

Hoda said...

Glad the mini reunion went well Way to go JUDIE and SHIRLEY.
So what did you order? JUDIE said SHIRLEY made a good selection.

JO glad Dr.'s appointment went well.

My dental appointmet went well too. Back for a cleaning in January.

OK now SHIRLEY says JUDIE likes it hot!!! So what was ordered and how was the presentation and what did it taste like.

Love you LYNN

Judie said...

Okay, here's what happened. Shirley and I had the salad, which is gratis, and then decided on an appetizer rather than full entree. We both chose sauteed shrimp with a garlic sauce. There are two versions. One mild, one spicy. Shirley played it safe with mild and finished hers. I played stuuuuupid and went spicy. I still have dragon mouth. Not a dragon boat mouth. A firey dragon mouth. Still, it tasted good before the heat destroyed my taste buds. Lots of iced tea helped.

Our server was very nice, friendly, efficient. The manager was gracious. We were allowed to sit and talk undisturbed.

All-in-all a super pleasant mini-reunion.

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

Congratulations to the USA on the soccer win...Gold.

Judie said...

Hoda, glad you dental appointment went well. I hope your dentist gave you a prize.

Hello to Red. How's the breakfast routine these days?

Bob Quinn, beautiful pictures as always. Thank you for sharing them. Sorry about the bull pen environment.

Have a fun evening Lolly. With the menu plans, I may have to hop a freight train to Camp Hawkwood.

Changing jobs after 20 years would be a real challenge. I hope Monte (and DanaMo) will be happy.

Hi to Shar, Sandi, and JudyE.

Off to the scullery. A lowly hamburger tonight.

magpie said...

Dicey weather here in the Eastern Panhandle of WV...we had Tornado warnings for half an hour, then reduced to severe thunderstorm warning...
still waiting on the rain,
alerts have downsized some...
but there are flash flood warnings out now

Great Reports from both Judie and Shirley !! ☺

magpie said...

So I'm hoping everyone in the Storm alert areas, will be okay...

Love the report on Camp Hawkwood, Lolly...I wish I could be there also !
Can't wait to see pictures...

Nice on getting the "do" Sandi,
hope you can catch Bandit when he piddles !

magpie said...

found that I get Weather alerts on my phone

also came "home" to a hot I mean HOT apartment, air conditioning quit sometime during the day...
it was fine this morning when I passed through
Woof !!

magpie said...

makes me relieved that I have another cooler place to stay....
turned a/c OFF, maybe it just froze up...will know in a little while

magpie said...

Sharon I saw that you checked in...
how is that tendonitis doing today ???

magpie said...

Read of two important Man Pals changing jobs...
and Bob Q...

best wishes with all that, fellas !!

Sandi said...

Back from the grocery store - it rained this afternoon but the sun is back out now and it's not one bit cooler!! Just more humid!

Good to see Red on the blog today - great osprey video!

Also great to see Bob on here - fabulous BW pics, as always!!

Shirley and Judie, sounds like a nice reunion! I got fish tacos at Harpoon Hannah's the other night and the salsa they used was WAY too spicy hot for my liking!! Yup, took lots of iced tea to cool the fire!

Jo and Hoda, sorry about the mystery photo on FB. I accidentally took a pic (of nothing) with my cell when I was plugging it into the charger and I have the phone set to automatically post pics I take with the cell to my FB. Guess I should change that setting since I take more lousy photos with my cell than good ones! Anyway, I have deleted the big black blob!! =)

Since you all have lived sheltered lives and have never caught dog pee, allow me to explain the procedure. It requires 2 people - one to walk the dog on a leash repeating over and over, "Go pee! Go pee!" That's Denny's job. Mine is to hide the little plastic tray until Bandit lifts his leg and then quickly slide it under the stream of pee. And yes, it ALWAYS gets on my hand!! At least Bandit lifts his leg. I had NO luck with Bella b/c she squats and has such short legs that, when she goes, her bottom is touching the ground and there's no room to slide the little tray under her butt!

Have not done the pee collection yet b/c Bandit's appt. isn't until tomorrow afternoon and it can't be more than 24 hours old. Will try to catch some tonight and put it in the downstairs refrigerator! Wish me luck!!

Off to find something quick for dinner - maybe a sandwich and a salad. Later!

magpie said...

Wishing you Luck, Sandi!
I have a clear mental image of this process....

Going to check your new blog pics next

magpie said...

Seriously Beautiful Flowers, Sandi...

Hoda said...

When I first came to North America and I would say for the first five years here, I continued to be stunned as to how the pets are treated much better than humans are in many parts of the world. SANDI'S story brought that back to me and als an appreciation for the love and the dedication it takes to be a good pet owner. LOVE YOU SANDI and DENNY.Nothing else I have to say about pee collection!!!

Hoda said...

Next on the day's events is Yoga so I will see you all when I come back.

magpie said...

Round two of Thunder and some rain now here

magpie said...

Jewels returned to work today....
so far the Fire and EMS things are pretty quiet, I don't have the means to listen to police;
storm system is just, STUCK here it seems
I am "on call" so have to stay close for awhile

magpie said...

Judie...wondering, if Fairfax County VA has storm problems....I tried to call my sister down that way, sounds like the phone is not working
Hope all is well at YOUR roost..
I'm going to head on out soon, can't tell if the AC is working normally here or not

Everyone, Take Care, and hope the Evening is a Nice One


magpie said...

oh woops tree or tree branches down on utility lines down in an area near where Wanda and Gene live....
(( Safety Hugs ))

magpie said...

"scanner" says it is a tree or part of tree down along the shoulder of the main road, not the connecting road that our pals live on

ttfn going to make like a baby and head out now

Judie said...

Margy, you've already left and we were under a storm watch. Berkely Cty also. No problems here. Maybe sister is just out and about. If you need me, let me know and I can go check on her. Truly hope your A/C is only being temperamental.

Hoda, when you return, hope you had an extra nice yoga session. Oh, talk is of having yoga become an Olympic sport.

The server did warn me, Sandi. Just that I don't always consider spicy to be firey hot.

Judie said...

Hope Wanda checks in soon. Lots of trees on their property.

JudyEddy said...

Back home and put all but two on facebook thats the video of my family when I was young my dad did 8mm I mentioned that before I am having issue with just one not showing on You tube it says can't been seen in certain countries ODD huh so I trimmed it and see if that does anything here is the link to you youtube channel instead of me posting to the blog if you want to see some of the 15 short video and one still processing here is the link My YOU Tube channel Me, and Janet growing up There is one of my water skiing also on it and it Remember when 6 Rough river2min in to it is my trying to get up and unsuccessful but later on in the video I got up 324 in to the video first my sister Connie and then me if you care to see them

magpie said...

Thanks, Judie...
I appreciate the offer...I sent Annandale Anne an email and said I would all daytime, Friday....they have a pretty large family network, so they could have been, just about anywhere....AND, my sister is probably just about in bed now, early to bed, early to rise she is...

things are clearing up here now, for now....I left the A/C running at the Roost and will check it in the morning

magpie said...

JudyE, sometime I am going to just sit and "vedge" and check out more of your videos and things, but tonight...I think is "slam wore out" night and I am going to try to bank some rest soon as I can !

Judie...I did not hear any bad reports but the one tree or branch down on some kind of utility line so I think things should be OK at Wanda's, barring any further stormy things tonight
Glad YOU folks are OK, and I hope DragonMouth has cooled down some

magpie said...

back later on, after tubby and shampoo now that it seems safe to do that...

xoxo Hope everyone is OK !

magpie said...

The Google Image is cool today, did not find that it was animated until I made it to the Laptop :)

JudyEddy said...

So happy that you all had a good lunch JUDIE and SHIRLEY so sorry no Pee SANDI is it something your vet can do there??? and Lolly I hope you get some more rain with the couple of depression we have coming our way I will blow them your way
MARGY so sorry the damamge in your area also hope not to bad

funny you still can hear the tick tick tick of the 8mm even with the music playing in the back ground and I got notices from each video from Youtube about copyright and there will be ad on them because of it so silly can't listen to music huh oh well now to go do something BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

MARGY NOT fair I can't get it to animate on my puter either so sad

paula eagleholic said...

Judie and Shirley....sounds like a nice lunch. Went to Olive Garden last week and had a nice dinner with Stud.

Speaking of which, he didn't get to go Marlin fishing at the tournament this week, he has to come home tomorrow. He finally sold his house and has to sign the contract tomorrow. Tomorrow night I go to the beach...oh well!

Got some rain here, too.

Gonna make some zucchini bread tonight...had another BLT for dinner.

Great pics, Bob. Love the juvie osprey.

Red, love that video...there are more at I think.

Judie said...

Um, Paula? If Studmuffin sold his house, will he be in need of lodging? Just askin'

Judie said...

Okay, early night. Sandperson has arrived here.

The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, he will need lodging...moving in with his Sister who just bought a very nice house very near here....has a very nice full basement, bath, lr, etc. Small area he can do woodworking in, too. Plus he has his place at the beach....She bought it 6 mths ago, and is almost finally ready to move in the next month or so...timing is perfect.

stronghunter said...


I see that Judie has told you about our lunch choices. She looked very cute with smoke coming out of her ears.

I was not sure if my Prilosec would overcome the effects of having the hot version of the shrimp.

The trip home was a trial. Traffic on I-95 was awful. I called Kathryn to warn her because I did not expect it would be any better when she left work.

It wasn't, and I ended up taking Hunter to football practice because Kathryn could not make it in time. I told Kathryn that I was going to head home and just get into my bed, even though dinner was not fixed and there were dirty dishes in the sink.

She said that there was no problem, that she would take care of things, and I just got served supper in bed. Very nice indeed.

They picked up supper at the kabob place we like here in town. They serve delicious Afghan food.

paula eagleholic said...

Can only do 2 loaves of bread tonight...not enough oil...and really not enough time anyhow. Will make more next week!

stronghunter said...

I took my camera with intentions of taking some pictures of our visit today, then totally forgot because we were so busy talking.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, great supper too, Shirley!

Nice pics of your flowers, Sandi. The ones I planted at the beach this year are doing OK, some have made it, some not. Will beef up the soil more next year...have a long long row to plant many perenials in.

paula eagleholic said...

So Shirley, you are blogging from bed then! Love taking my laptop wherever I want!

stronghunter said...

I did take a picture of the parking lot that is I-95. I may post it later.

Lolly, your Camp Hawkwood plans sound absolutely wonderful. The boys may not want to go home. I am sure Laurel appreciates your efforts greatly.

stronghunter said...

Yep, I am blogging from bed.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn did arrive at practice before things really got underway, and I was happy to leave everything there to her.

stronghunter said...

Judy, Judie and I live approximately 50 miles from each other.

stronghunter said...

Probably a little less than 50 miles, actually.

stronghunter said...

Sandi, I saw someone catching dog pee in the manner you just described. I was parking at the vet's office at the time. Very interesting process. Would be more difficult with a female dog. Luna hovers very close to the ground, too.

JudyEddy said...

Just got done watching synchronized swimming can't wait to show Jordyn tomorrow she has been watching some of it like the gymnastic and sync dive and swimming I fast forward to it for her instead of kid shows She loves it

I love Canada soccer ball bathing caps

JudyEddy said...

Shirley thats not toooo bad and yes I love Olive Garden I get the manicotti with white sauce

JudyEddy said...

I love the salad there too and bread sticks

stronghunter said...

I just asked my computer how far it is from Chancellor VA to Annandale VA. It's 51.4 miles, so just a bit more than 50 miles. We met about halfway between the two places, so not too bad, except that we both hate driving on I-95, but then nobody likes that.

Jewels said...

Hello all.
Just wanted to say Hi, thank you for all your kind words and the hugs that you sent thru Margy. They were much needed. : )
We survuved the storms here at Central... How did everyone else do??

stronghunter said...

Going to check out the Olympics.

stronghunter said...

I think about you and your sister every day, Carolyn.

Jewels said...

Whoooohoooo!!!! The redskins WON!!!!!!! Mommy is smiling!!!!

Jewels said...

awww Shirley, thank you... Won't say its easy, cause we know it is not, but I am hanging in there. Most days are rougher than others.

Mema Jo said...

Carolyn - Hail Yeah! ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hail to the Redskins, hail victory!! LYNN IS DEFINITELY SMILING!

stronghunter said...

Wasn't even aware the Redskins were playing tonight. Yes, Lynn is smiling.

stronghunter said...

Have I told you about the French teacher Rus and Kathryn had who taught the students the Redskins fight song in French and had them march around singing it?

Jewels said...

I bet she deafened the people in Heaven. Mom was so vocal during her games. I often had to put the phone away from my ear!!

Jewels said...

That is funny Shirley!!!!

Janet said...

good evening all!

LOLLY: i've had to catch dog pee pee.....its an adventure to be sure...didn't read every single post verbatim, but what i had to do was...the vet gave us this tiny tray, so we took which ever dog outside to potty (on leash) andwhen he/she pee-d....we slipped the tray under and caught it. simply , but slightly messy.

has been a grand day all. moving olivia into a second skating instructor recommended ballet for ice skaters to work core here we go.

not sure if she will pass to beta level....may take another 7 weeks, but we will see. i may just blow up if i have to wait another 7 weeks to give her these dresses!!!!!! i was wrong too .... two more sets of classes before she finishes this one more week of practice THEN testing.......

been a superb day. busy. love it that way. good night to one and tooall....sweet dreams!

Lynne2 said...

Hello, I love you all, and prayers for all and goodnight!

Lynne2 said...

LOL!! dog pee catching.....I couldn't count how many times I've caught dog pee over the last 17 years!

paula eagleholic said...

My vet usually catches the dog pee! They have a little gizmo...sort of like a fish tank net thingy, but it has a cup!

Mema Jo said...

We had two storms - one earlier and then one around 7:00 - lots of rain -
heavy downpours.

Can't believe it will be Red Friday tomorrow. I bet some of you are very very happy to hear that.

I'm saying Good Night
God Bless and Keep you safe from harm
I ♥ US
I know Lynn is happy tonight up there in Heaven! Thinking of you Carolyn & Christie ♥

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

Getting a wowser of a downpour here now
oh and there is some thunder....
I'm going to go sneek a peak

Prayers for Wellness all Around

God Bless Us, Every One

stronghunter said...

Lightning here. Hoping for rain.

stronghunter said...

Good grief! Watching BMX racing. Looks like some kind of suicide ride to me.

stronghunter said...

Ready to call it quits for the night. SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

Home from this evenings party. Had a good time.

Now watching the bike races. Crazy!

Well, I am now happy to be educated on collecting dog pee and apparently Lynne is the collection queen.

Lolly said...

lol Shirley, I think we are of the same opinion on the bike races.

Lolly said...

Joseph would probably love to try that.

Lolly said...

I am going to read for a while, so I will say good night.


T-Bird said...

I've got to get in on it, hail to the Skins!

Costume Lady said...

Had a good day here at my roost.
Capt. Gene got a power sprayer and is cleaning up everything in sight!
Sidewalk, deck, flower pots, windows, siding on the house...what next?? It does a great job~
Storming outdoor right now. We have had too much rain for the garden...tomatoes are getting watery. Supposed to storm tomorrow, also.

Good night my friends, sweet dreams...prayers for all♥

Costume Lady said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say goodnight. Really looking forward to cooler weather. All I can say is, it's still 87 degrees in the kitchen!
At least we haven't noticed any more earthquakes. If we've had any, they must be tiny ones. Oh--and I'm really glad I don't live in Palm Springs. It was 116 there today! WOOF!!!

Shirley and Judie, sounds like you had a wonderful get-together! Judie, so sorry about the fiery food.

Carolyn, been thinking about you and Christie. (((HUGS))) for both of you!

Bob, love the newest pictures! Just beautiful, as always.

Margy, sure hope your a/c starts working again! Prayers!

Well, going to call it a day. Need to go take a lukewarm shower and scrub the stickiness off. Have said prayers for everyone, every creature, and all our furbabies.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled.
Sleep well, and SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Thinking of Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

I will second JO on the HAIL YEAH!!! LYNN is definitely smiling. Good to see you on JEWELS.

No internet connection when I came back from yoga it is only now on and no ethernet...not sure what that means...anyone?

Hoda said...



Janet said...

Good morning, guess I will launch us towards the split.

TGIF to one and all!!!! Looks like it will be cooler today....and rainy. :)

Hope everyone has a super day! HUGS LIGHT LOVE and SMILES to all!

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼rning Eagle Buds

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends. Looks like those of you in WV, VA, and MD are already getting wet this morning and the big green blob on the radar is headed this way. Looks like we may not be having a tennis social this afternoon!

Successful pee collection - YAY ME!! I know ... TMI!!!!

Have a good day all - if you're on the east coast, stay dry!!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...