Tuesday, August 28, 2012


New thread.


Hoda said...

I get the Feather!!! Ya Ya Ya I get the feather

Hoda said...

Oh I had better go and announce on the other thread THANKS STEVE for the NEW THREAD.

I spoke to Edward in Greece for 2.5 hours and all for free!!! AMAZING

Mema Jo said...

Whoa Hoda! Congratulations!

Steve, thank you for the fresh new thread. We are getting some reception on the still cam. By chance is the cam getting some work on it?

Good afternoon friends!

Hoda said...

Technology is amazing rather...I can not get over talking to Edward and his wife Kalliopi in Athens and the picture was clear and there was good audio and it was for 2.5 hours all for free...
They were just now going out to supper...9:00 PM their time!!! On a completely different time schedule...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Howdie Hodie and thanks Steve!

Hoda said...

Howdie SHAR!
Thinking of you and BEV and hoping all is improving...I am glad the pancreas has been cleared. That is a relief.

Hoda said...

Gracious me!!! In a community two hours away from Nelson a cogar enetered a home and attacked the woman and her dogs!!! It happened in the town of Trail.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - you best close your windows and shut your doors - I don't want you to be a Cougar Meal! And as you walk here and there be cautious of what is walking behind you! You carry a big stick!
Perhaps you should take one or two classes in Karate = I want you to be safe at all times Love You ♥

magpie said...

Well Howdy Everyong

thanks Steve for the New Thread
Hoda, thanks for the call over

I am Jonesin' to see something white and or brown and large in in the Royal Nest !

Good Afternoon all...

magpie said...

but in the meantime it is beautiful even when empty, and I love the shadow play !

Hoda said...

I do not want to be lunch to a cougar either JO!!! This one was emaciated and the Fish and Wildlife people destroyed it...I do not want to get close enough to acougar to attempt a Karate Chop...I have crossed paths with a cougar twice in Alberta also a Lynx. All three from the safety of my car/truck.Once I was stopped at the side of the road stretching my legs and I saw a movement across the highway. I got in the car and a cougar came out from the bushes...it was a safe distance away but plenty close enough thank you very much.

Hoda said...

My still cam is all wonky MARGY...rainbow colours and horizontal lines...I am glad you saw the nest. JUDYE also has a picture in the album...I think she put it there yesterday???

Hoda said...

Here is a link to the cougar attack stroy in the Kootenay region...
Trail Woman attacked by Cougar at home

Hoda said...

OK Off I go to explore what the world has to offer today...enjoy everyone. Blessed Be Blessed Be Blessed Be...

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Yes, I survived the first day. Piece of cake - talked about 15 minutes then showed a relevant Dr. Phil program. Talk about a hard day at work.

Hoda, it is one thing to BE a cougar and quite another to be EATEN by a cougar. Please take all precautions possible. Really happy you had such a great conversation with Edward and Kalliopi.

So happy to see that Bev is not quite so ill and now hopeful that the medications will quickly do their work.

TheBaltimore County high school shooting was mentioned in class this morning. I am, of course, most interested to know more details about the shooter. Sad but true there is no shortage of material for my course. So hope the young student recovers fully.

Am hoping I can talk Darth into dinner out tonight after such a hard day at work. If not, it will be baked beans and franks. Then, maybe Thursday night we can go out.

Margy, sorry you had to work on your day off. Can't wait to see you talk about James the Wise time and to see more stories about Shirley's Hunter.

Going to pretend to be Jo and put my feet up. BBL

Lori O. said...

YAY JUDIE! You made it through day 1 this year. Happy that you're not bummed about students yet. First day is probably hard to tell! :)
Enjoy whatever dinner you talk Darth into having.

HODA, have a nice time out and about. Maybe you'll rescue another friend in need. :)

Glad SISSY/BEV has one ailment down and just two to go now. Prayers for a quick recovery, Bev!

MARGY, 2 Mondays is a lot! Hope you can catch up on some rest.

Anyone heard from LYNNE2? Think I'll write her an email.

KAY, yes, the Lord has blessed you with the ultimate timing. I'm sure you are a huge blessing to Julie as she has been to you. Can't wait for you all to get together with Eileen! Hugs for Seth!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new Steve you will spoil us Home for lunch to find another new thread what shall we do LOL OK now to go read

Lori O. said...

Oh my, my manners!
Congratulations on your new feather, HODA.

Thanks STEVE for the new, fresh thread.

Enjoy your lunch, JUDYE.

Lori O. said...

Just got a lucky refresh on the still cam, and it looks pretty good, except it's empty. Come on Belle and Shep, we need to see you!

JudyEddy said...

All caught up and HODA do be careful of cougars becoming one or being eatin by one I think I would rather become one LOL

The still cam is definitely playing games with us good one sec and terrible the nest

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from a wasted day of district-wide inservice meetings. Bring on the kids - these meetings are killers!! UGGHH!!

Judie, speaking of kids, glad your first day with students was a good one. Some info. on the shooting at Perry Hall High School ... On last night's news, a reporter walked up to the front door of the shooter's home in an attempt to get a statement from the mother (she didn't answer BTW). The cameraman zoomed in on a wooden plaque prominently displayed next to the front door. It had a revolver carved on it and the words "WE DON'T CALL 911."

Initial reports say that the young man is a loner and reported having been bullied (not sure if it was at school last year or online). He also apparently posted on FB yesterday morning, "First day of school, last day of my life." The gun was a shotgun which he brought into school in pieces in his backpack and then assembled - he had 20 rounds of ammunition on him.

Shortly after the Columbine shooting (our younger son was attending Perry Hall High at that time), I made an appointment to talk with the principal(he has retired) about the fact that the kids were allowed to wear their coats all day in school AND carry their backpacks. Because the school is so large and has over 2000 students, kids can't get to their lockers during class changes; instead, they just carry everything with them all the time. I questioned how the staff could assure me, as a parent, that the school was safe when kids could easily hide weapons in their coats and/or backpacks. Apparently, that policy is still in effect - wonder what will change now that something bad has actually happened??

Shar, my prayers continue for Bev that she gets better quickly!

Kay, great to hear from you. Wonderful that you can be there for Julie like she has been there for you! The whole semester off?? Wow!

Lori, what was the purpose of the sleep study? You may have told me but I have CRS!

Hoda, be on the alert for those cougars in your travels around town on foot! Glad you were able to have an online visit with family today!

Need to peruse some IEPs and send an email out to some of my parents introducing myself. BBL!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi Remember our waitress at House of Welsh and we thought she was rather new to the job - especially when she asked about what was this money for (the tip) Well, Ed didn't look at the check until we got home - He started laughing as he handed it to me - You got a free meal! I couldn't believe it. He always looks after he pays - bad idea as one time we were handed another tables check! Well I thought you and Denny would enjoy this! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynne was last on FB this past Sat and Lolly left her a "We miss you on the blog" on Sun.
Also our gal Linda has not been on FN since July 31.

Lori O. said...

I miss them, too, JO!

LYNNE2 and LINDA, we miss you!!!

Mema Jo said...

Momster's albums

I have extended the current album to Sept 30 - there were only 20+ pics and
I am hoping our cam comes back soon that more pics can be added.

I will be sending out the Sept b-day/anniversary list in a day or two.

I also will finalize the address list and send it out in a word doc so everyone can open it......... ♥

Mema Jo said...

I did add 1 or 2 more photos that I have found to Lynn's Album. I go back often and reminisce ♥♥

Mema Jo said...

Lori I hope you appreciate and get a laugh out of what I am about to say - Your Sleep Study comment about
your snoring - You did tell them that you sleep with the bulldogs, didn't you?

I couldn't help myself because I know a bully that is sooooooo loud when he snores.

I love you Lori ♥

Lori O. said...

LOL, JO! I do believe Dalai snores louder than I do, but then how could I know? :)

Lolly said...

Hi all! Spent the afternoon running errands. Hate doing that, going from store to store.

We are starting to think about our trip. The big pain is what or what not to carry in the way of food into Canada. No potatoes...will have to buy them when we get there. Hopefully I can prepare and freeze some meat dishes.

Sandi said...

Finished with school work for the evening!

Jo, I thought the check at House of Welsh was very low for 4 people to eat! I even commented to Denny about the bill as we were leaving and said we must have gotten some great Early Bird prices or something!

Denny will be watching the Republican Convention this evening.
Reading for pleasure sounds like a good idea to me. I don't do any reading during the school year so my reading days are numbered! I'll say goodnight now - GOODNIGHT ALL!

Lori O. said...

I'll say goodnight, too! SED everyone!

magpie said...

Well I want to say Good Night also !
But I will be up for awhile

(( Nighty-Night Hugs ))
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Had a short nap here at Magpie's Roost, must report that Bowling Ball is alive and well upstairs.
hmmmm, can't say I miss that !
Also got my weekly vittles from Tom Sweetie...meatloaf, roasted corn, and scalloped potatoes..

Off to a meeting shortly, then away I go to places where there is quiet...
Prayers, BIG Ones, for Wellness Amongst us.
xoxo ttfn

magpie said...

can't say much on the views on the Still Cam today, but, one of these days we will be pleasantly surprised, I am sure of it !
xoxo ♥ ☺

Judie: Glad your first day back seems to have gone OK, hope you got your Meal Out...and Sandi,
glad your so so boring day is over!
okay, 'bye xo

Kay said...

LORI n' JO, LOL--now we need those anti-snoring strips for pooches, too !

JUDIE, glad you had a good 1st day. I hope you also had a great meal out ! When I was a very young bride I fixed a dish which was mainly creamed corn and wieners (can't recall the other ingredients)and it was nasty. From that time on if I wanted to go out for dinner I only had to say it was either that or Corn n' Weenie Bake ! ☺

SANDI, amazing to hear your PHHS story. Surely this sad event will wake the powers that be up ????Horrible to see what the plaque at his mom's door said--ironic. I read his stepdad opened the door but refused comment. His father, and I'm not sure if he lives nearby or not, has expressed sorrow.

Yes, the docs say it will take Julie months to get over the PE's. I'm so glad it was detected before it was too late !

I'm feeling well enough for the 10 mile drive it is to get a haircut tomorrow. Haven't had one since June 5th and it's high time !

Thanks for the assurance that LYNNE2 is fine per FB data. Now I'd like to hear that LYNNE1 is safely home !

LINDA....DANAMO....wherefore are thou ? Hope all is well !

Wishing you all pleasant dreams and gentle zzzzz's ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

OH always good to see you on the blog more frequently now KAY Danamo has been on FB daily don't know why she dosen't come on the blog anymore Not even to say hey
I don't have LINDA on FB on my page so not forsure about her guess they are all to busy now and with no eagles they don't come around like the rest of us

I will put something on DANAMO feed that you ask about her ok

this is what I just put on Hey Dana Hagelberg Hilmoe --Kay on the blog says hey like the rest of us say hey We miss you on the blog don't you like us anymore?? LOL I know your life is busy but everyone misses you♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

and I saw to where JO put something on LINDA and I do have her on FB I just noticed

JudyEddy said...

LORI is in snoring competition now huh too funny

I feel so bad for the peeps getting this storm they showed some live cams on the news tonight already flooding

JudyEddy said...

Got to remember tomorrow is a 8-5 day got to go reset the clock right now before I forget

JudyEddy said...

July 19 was the last time DANAMO was on the blog Lazy me hasn't emptied my deleted email file
LINDA was 8-8

JudyEddy said...

Well I guess I will go read my book I did the clock already so I won't be late in the am and tomorrow is my Fri Yeah

I hope each and everyone of you peeps has a good nite

OH Poor Sharon put something on facebook that she lost another friend today Don't know who I'm sure she will come over and say something so sad all the loss of life lately Life does suck most of the time lately

JudyEddy said...

Hey I got a chuckle out of something I saw today in the deli cooler A wedge of HOOP cheese was surprised to see it

Lolly said...

Have spent the evening getting started knitting a baby blanket. Wanted to get it started before we hit the road. Found some really pretty and soft yarn, white with flecks of pastel colors.

Think now I am going to go get comfy, put my feet up, and read for a while.

Laurel received a very good report about Joseph from one of her fellow teachers, one who has Joseph in her class. They were as a class making class rules. Someone said show respect. Teacher asked what is respect. She got some answers but Joseph's was the best of all day. He said and this is not a quote..If the person sitting beside you is different still be nice, smile, and be kind. Show respect for everyone. Laurel was so proud.

Lolly said...

There is a swim party Thursday for Choir and band. He is in both. He told her they needed chaperones but she was NOT to be one. She is to drop him off and disappear. Too much mommy?, she asked. lol

Lynne2 said...

there will be, as of MIDNIGHT tonight, 117 DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS.

Love you guys! Thinking of you all the time, will check in tomorrow!

JudyEddy said...

HEY LYNNE2 we have missed you as well as LINDA and DANAMO I am watching Ann Romney speech she seems like a down to earth woman and what a good speech

JudyEddy said...

wow is it that close Christmas Oh WMT is opening its layway early to I saw on the news

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night.

Thought I should say a prayer for the people in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast tonight.

Nice to see you here, Lynne.

Beautiful definition of respect, Lolly. Important discussion to have at the beginning of the school year.

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to mention something this Sat Angie has a sitting with a photographer that does mermaid shots on the beach Her niece's had them done and so Angie said something on her FB page and has a sitting now so cool I can't wait to see the pic I am going in on the price naturally and she did ask so I will

stronghunter said...

Really brave teachers at that school in Baltimore. I have wondered if I could have that kind of courage. I hope I will never have to find out.

magpie said...

I always wanted to find someone that would photograph me dressed in bird garb...probably Wanda's Denise could figure that one out...

Lolly, ditto what Shirley said about Joseph's outlook on respect...so important at any age group for children and adults...

magpie said...

thinking of all, enjoying Kay's progress reports, and all the good things we read about here, having quiet thoughts in my heart about the difficult things and hoping for peace and comfort

Thanks for stopping by and peeking in,Lynne2, you are in our thoughts, and in our hearts, as are all our Momsters and Dadsters...

Going to say Good Night before things get too late....

Prayers for Wellness

God Bless Us, Every One

stronghunter said...

I do hope that you had a nice dinner out, Judie. You certainly deserve it.

Hmm, speaking of food . . . I bought a nice jar of peanut butter this afternoon. Enjoyed a sandwich and left the jar on the counter. Big mistake. Kathryn came home to find Flash having a peanut butter snack. I am sure Luna got it and Flash took it from her.

Shucks. I do like a PB&J sometimes.

Mema Jo said...

I watched a Hallmark Movie called Duke.
It was really really good!

I need to read what everyone else was doing this evening

Hoda said...

I agree with SANDI about the dangers in schools with coats and packs being carried freely all day long. I agree with SHIRLEY about how brave the teachers in the Baltimore school were...correct action all along...

Don't think I will become a cougar and God Willing I will not be eaten by one either...
Thanks I laughed JUDIE and JUDYE.

LOLLY Joseph's statement about Responsibility is right on and indicates emotional maturity beyond his years that young lad...he comes by it honest look at his parents and grandparents...I felt proud of him Blessed Be Blessed Be Blessed Be.
I smiled about the party and his instructions to LAUREL. Tough to be in the same school and same grade as your parent even though you have a different teacher.

Mema Jo said...

I think I'll hang out awhile and wait for Hoda to come on before I say
Good night.


Hoda said...

The town is now quieter as many tourists have already left...the weather is getting cooler towards the evening that I actually think of wearing a light jacket...
It is still good though...walked in the park and enjoyed the lovely flowers and visited with several people as we exchanged our views on the events of the world. On Friday a friend and I will go see the Salmon run and continue on to the Town of Kaslo...beautiful scenery and trails over there with lunch at the golf course restaurant...
I booked a Cranial Sacreal appointment for Thursday to deal with a tension that I am feeling in my neck...I hope the treatment works.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

We had a rule against jackets and backpacks in the classroom at the middle school. Did increase the trips to lockers for students, but it worked just fine.

When we moved to the high school, the rule changed.

Mema Jo said...

The moon is totally awesome this evening; however, on Thursday it will be our Blue Moon! ♥

Hoda your planned day sounds fantastic.
I enjoy the cooler evenings - Almost time for the socks to come out of the drawers!

stronghunter said...

I remember being a teacher's kid when I was in school. Then my kids had to survive it.

Subbed for awhile in Rus's middle school, and once got assigned to his class. He said that he was afraid he would have to scrape me off the wall when he came in to last period class. Oh, my!!

I think he was relieved that I was hanging in there, but he was very worried that I would call on him.

Hoda said...

I hear the boy who shot says he was bullied or his father did anyway...across the continent bullying is a problem and we all have to be a bit more proactive about saying it is not alright to bully...It was a serious problem in the school where I taught almost ten years ago and when ever I brought it up as an issue I was told I was off topic...they were not seeing it as they were not seeing the drug problem either...our kids were good kids is the story line we fed ourselves and it is much worst somewhere else.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Yikes! Hoda a cougar? I doubt it. Double yikes! Please do not get eaten by one.

Hoda said...

OH NO NO NO JO!!!Not till after labour day!!!LOL!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda let me know how your Cranial Sacreal appointment works out & also let me know more about treatment when you finish.

I am ready for my SED ♥
Good night to all my friends and may
God bless you and keep you in His care.


I miss Lynn! I did add some more photos to her Momster Album. Take a look-see. ♥

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Very interesting discussion tonight, but I must go to sleep.

Will have to take Hunter to the county parks and rec office to get a new football helmet. His is broken.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry for the stutter... Nite ♥

stronghunter said...

SED everyone.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all

Finally a chance to check in.

Went up to John and Ajay's, got to see the house with some freshly painted walls, things are looking good.

We are going to Great Wolf Lodge in September, the kids are really excited. Also, hoping they can come down to the beach for a long weekend.

Hoda said...

Good to read your post PAULA...Glad you had a good evening...Spetember plans sound good...Enjoy the times at the beach house summer is coming to a close.

Hoda said...

Will do JO about the cranial sacreal treatment.

Thanks LORI I will take pictures on Friday.

paula eagleholic said...

I am not going to the beach this weekend. We've had to make some changes at work, so I am now working Weds and Thurs nites until 7 pm...and now working this Sat and Labor Day Monday. At least I will be home to mow the grass this weekend.

Hope Sissy's itis's get better.

Loving the school stories.

Cohen loves 2nd grade and riding the bus...but unfortunatley Ajay is going to have to start driving him. They want him to ride the bus with high schoolers...not appropriate for a 7 yo...they didn't know this when they signed him up in the Montessori school...doesn't sound right at all to me. But he loves his teacher and has made lots of friends already.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and took Nick with me. The kids loved seeing him. We walked around the neighborhood 3 times while they all rode their bikes. First time John has had a chance to walk around the neighborhood. He's been very busy and working lots of extra hours at work too.

Hoping all those in the path of Issac stay safe.

SED, love and hugs to all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, definitely want to see pics of the Salmon. How neat to be able to see that.

Lolly said...

Wahooooooooooo! Our Lynne made a brief appearance!!!!!!

Heading to bed now! Yes, very proud of Joseph. He is very mature and has his head on straight. Now we just need to get Jacob there!! I have seen hints but he is still self centered.

Night all! SED!!!!

Hoda said...

Will do PAULA...good luck with the work schedule changes...

Hoda said...

Good night all


Lori O. said...

Can I just say, I LOVE US! What a
great group of wonderful people
we have here. I feel blessed each
time I read the blog to have such
beautiful people in my life.

Loved all the school stories.
Bless all of our teachers and former teachers!

PAULA, sorry you can't make it to
the beach this weekend. You must
be having a big sale that you have
to work.

JO, thanks for the Sept. Birthdays list!

Time to hop in the shower and get
ready to make some dough as MARGY says!

Have a great day, everyone!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Finally have a chance to say hello!
Have been working on doctor's reports most of the day.

Glad that those returning to school today made it through the day okay.

Good to see Kay here again, and also Lynne2! Wish we'd hear from Linda and DanaMo!

Boy, I'm really glad that Sissy is getting some answers about what's wrong with her! Prayers continue for a rapid recovery! Sure glad that pancreatitis was ruled out!!!

Lori, glad you have the sleep study behind you. Hope their findings are helpful.

Well, would like to chat more, but I'm slam wore out! Need to call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, every creature, and all furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Wishing for SED for everyone. God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn tonight♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Jewels said...

Just wanted to say Good morning!! Am awake trying to get kids up for school. But wanted to say I was thinking of you all. Love you and miss everyone.

Jewels said...

Missin Mom♥♥♥
Loving us ♥♥

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Sorry I have been absent for so long.
Busy with school and kids.
Monday was our first day, but I have 3 first days because my kids come in groups. So I have a new group each morning. Tomorrow will be the first day with all 25, but it will still be a half day.
I think of everyone often, and see some over on FB, sorry for disappearing... ♥

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....
It's a dazzler of a sky this morning, star-studded and Jupiter and Venus out also...

Best Wishes for a Good, Better, BEST Day....

Great reports, Paula....
glad you had some time with John & Ajay and the grandchildren

searching for the Fairy here, need some help getting self presentable....

HELLO Everyone, and I SEE You Jewels !!


magpie said...

No Apology needed, DanaMo....busy Mom, wife, teacher and WOMAN.
GOOD to see you!!!

Best wishes on your School Year...
and to all the kids also, and to Monte also

back later, hot rollers are hot enough now to use...


DanaMo said...

Thanks Margy!

DanaMo said...

Changed my avatar to one of those cuties that I love so much. Wish I could take one home as a puppy parent, but I don't think that the Flying Labs would be happy about it, plus with school I wouldn't be able to take care of them during the day. Oh well.

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning Jewels, DMo, and Margy, as well as all my eagle friends. feels like it's going to be a great day to be outside - wish I could be! Meetings and more meetings and then open house from 4 - 6:30 - a LONG one! But at least there will be some KIDS in my day - not just meetings!!

So happy to see Lynne2 and DanaMo on the blog - we;ve missed you!!!

Paula, in this district, the elem. kids ride on the same buses as the middle and high schoolers - that NEVER happened in Balto. County and I would not allow it if I was the parent of a small kid!!

My boys never went to the school where I taught - I wasn't brave enough. Never wanted to be eating lunch and have a teacher come into the faculty room and tell me what my son did wrong that day! My boys were prone to that!! Plus, they wanted the separation.

Have a great day all!

magpie said...

Ready Set Go....
Have a Good Day, Everyone, I'm
throwing my wishes in for that !

"See You Later..."

Love, Magpie xoxox

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle buds.

Sandi, I worked at an elementary school for over 20 years and I found that any teacher who had their own child there got a daily report of their deeds and misdeeds. I was even guilty..

Kay, didn't you feel the wave from I71 on Sunday morning? This time I went through downtown and saw your exit near the loop. I was putting the pedal to the metal to get home before the heat of the day. I did, but the last 5 miles the truck started making awful noises. I had it towed and found out it would cost hundreds to fix, so yesterday I spent thousands to get a newer vehicle. My little red truck was 16, so it was time. I'll get my almost new Equinox this afternoon. The only thing I don't like is the color, but I'll live with it, it has other features I do like.
Hope everyone has a good day and those in the path of the weather stay safe.

JudyEddy said...

GOOOOOD Morning YEAH DANAMO popped in that was good to see her name on the blog again and JEWEL so happy to see you also along with LYNNE3 nite

GOOD MORNING LYNNE1 MARGY SANDI LORI JEWEL and any new coming on the blog
I hope each of you have a great day in what ever you do

Notice the still cam looks like poop

JudyEddy said...

not LYNNE3 but LYNNE2

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Spoke with Sis a while ago. Her IV blew last night and after 8 sticks last night, they have decided to put in a central line. Her counts are some better this morning but without IV antibiotics, that will not continue. She is also getting to drink that lovely barium this morning for a CT scan.

Yesterday, we had a dear friend to pass away. He had been fighting cancer for a little while. He had gone through chemo and radiation to shrink the tumor and this Friday was going for surgery to have it removed. His girlfriend found him. He was at the wedding we attended on Saturday. Our recovery community is just devastated by his loss. I am so sick of it.

I cannot wait to see my boy. I have been needing a hug from him so bad. Hopefully that will happen tomorrow.


Linda said...

Hello my Dear Friends

GUILTY as charged.......

Actually you are too kind to charge me as such, but I am so touched to find emails about FB posts of my friends missing me here.

I think of you often and keep hoping "today is the day" I can get on, catch up and post! I have not had that chance just yet.

Life has been very busy and if I get the chance to sit down at night, often times I am too tired to even pick up the laptop or ipad to post.

I keep thinking there is light at the end of this busy tunnel, but it hasn't happened yet!!

Hoping that this week I can wrap up a work project that has been taking a lot of my time over the past 3-4 weeks.

I am terribly missing you all and keep you in my prayers for wellness and happiness.

You are all so very dear to me and that won't change....

Time to go to work for today and have church tonight.....but hope to check back in tomorrow if not sooner.

I love us!!!

Linda said...

P.S. Thanks for caring as you do!

Lori O. said...

YAY, LYNNE2, LINDA and DANAMO all reporting today. I love you guys - you were all missed!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. YEP I see you all were busy a chatting last night. Sounds like several popped in to say Hi. Life has so many to do lists. It gets hard sometimes. I for one know that just because I or someone else doesn't post could indeed mean a lot of things or not much at all, but it doesn't mean they don't think about the folks here. It is indeed a very unique group of folks. I think there is a reason each one of us is here. :-) I am off to Walmart and Lowe's today. Needs to be a quick trip and surely not as handy as my local grocery but it's time to go there. HAGD everyone.

magpie said...

Good Morning from the Dough Factory...

Sharon...I am so sorry for you and your friends, for the sad and sudden loss of your dear friend

magpie said...

you nailed it.....sometime we just simply cannot get here...events in life, good and bad, gobble up those 24 hours we area allotted each day...
I have stressed over it with myself sometimes, and finally, am learning.....I have to let it go, and try to just pop on and say Hi when I can....
It's important that SOMEONE in our lives know where and how we are....

Hellooo been-missing-you-for-awhile- Linda
and any and all to follow

magpie said...

grannyblt...bye bye to your 16 year old truck, and hello to your almost new Equinox....sounds like a good choice, glad you were as close to home as you were

I have a full slate and then some ahead of me here, have to get back to the Dough-Making

T-Bird, hope you don't mind that I have completely absorbed and used the phrase that you gave us...
(( Hugs to All ))


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all my friends and it is great to see so many checking in ♥

I Love US ♥

Nothing much planned for today - one of my girls may be stopping by to visit.

Sharon - prayers for all those in your group feeling the pains of loss for your friend. Enjoy your time with Andrew and Kelsy ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! How fantastic to see Lynne, DanaMo and Linda reporting in!!!♥ You guys have been missed!!!!

It was 71 this morning. Read the paper on the patio and then did a wee bit of yard work. Have a few things that need to be done out there before we head north.

Dentist appointment late this afternoon for check up and cleaning.

Mema Jo said...

Ceil just emailed me about the Perry Hall shooting
The boy who is injured is a down syndrome child. He is still in critical condition. Please pray for him.

Mema Jo said...

I will be back later
I have yet to do anything today but sit at this computer and feed the squirrels and birds. I must go fill the bird bath.


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

In the midst of all the lovely bad news I post, here is an update on my friend Lori from her brother Tommy!!! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.

IT IS A MIRACLE!! LORI IS BEING RELEASED from St. Francis Hospital and the terminal ward she has been on and is being transferred to a rehabilitation unit at General Hospital at noon tomorrow! The necrosis has stopped, and in the last 2 days she has had dramatic improvement, on top of the dramatic improvement of the previous week. She faces 3 to 5 weeks of rehab, then she will be coming home. This was all just told to me in a conference call that included, doctors, nurses and social workers, and it appears I will be learning a lot of new medical procedures soon and she still faces "years before her wound closes," but my SISSY IS COMING HOME TO US! I wish I had time to give you more details now or answer questions, but I barely have time to do this before my ride to visit her arrives. GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO HELD HER IN YOUR THOUGHTS during this long, long, difficult time! I will be back online later tonight, and tomorrow, to answer questions you may have. Thank you all!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

When I talked to Andrew last night and told him about Rocco, he asked what I had done to make God mad, that I have lost so many people who are close to me. Then he reminded me about Lori and how much better she was doing. He said that is something positive in your life Mom. I will be stopping to see her on my way to Andrew's tomorrow. I am thrilled. I have lots of positives in my life but they get a little difficult to see sometimes!

movin said...






[:~D] Jim

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...