Sunday, May 13, 2012


Fresh Thread. Will be offline till Friday.  All posts are automatic.


Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread. Safe travels and or activities since you are offline till Friday. We will explore the automatic posts...

Hoda said...

WANDA I enjoyed the slide show of the gathering in honour of LYNN.
Great job.

Hoda said...

PAULA pictures come next...friends for 30 years, best friend dating for 6 months all that require pictures...good on you.


JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...

MARGY thanks for the heads up on goongle that is toooo cool

magpie said...

I am seriously having some warm and happy thoughts, on Jewels' post on the last thread, and Paula's which showed up there AND here....

Happy Mother's Day Once again....
to all, thanks for all the Mothering you give me here, both the guys AND the gals


magpie said...

Thahnks for the New Thread, Steve...
hope today is is a great day for you and the family....

and that work this week is enjoyable...

magpie said...

Yes JudyE it IS a nice image isn't it? You just never know what they are going to "celebrate" on there....

JudyEddy said...

I just ordered my LYNN book will be here by 24th

JudyEddy said...

Here is a about 30 sec video of the wingersize this am was cute
5-13 wingersize this am

JudyEddy said...

both chicks are hiding behind the brance in the lower right corner

Hoda said...

JUDYE would you post the link to LYNN'S book by C/A...I had the link and I can not find it any more!!!Thanks

Hoda said...

NO No No JUDIE!!! You NEVER go unnoticed...more like a seniors moment on my part...I felt I had to stay up till you all checked in and it was totally my mistake!!! ALWAYS NOTICED and ALWAYS WITH AN IMPRESSION JUDIE!!!

Mema Jo said...

I am changing my avatar back to our Sycamore Palace - I thought I won the
feather on the new thread when I saw the Lynn's blue angel BUT it was Hoda's avatar lol Us old times ID people from their avatars

Hoda said...

LOLLY I am glad you posted this morning. I loved the picture on Facebook of your friends totalling in age 200 year!!! I wished there was a picture of you too...

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for our fresh new thread
Enjoy your day

Hoda said...

MEMA JO I will change because you wanted to keep it for a while...I am on my way to change right away. I had followed your example and you said you wanted to keep it for a while. Right after this post I will change

Hoda said...

OH No JO Change back I changed...I did not mean to cause confusion...

Hoda said...

I will even give you the feather!!!

Hoda said...


Mema Jo said...

Hoda - There is another book from Carol Anne called "Hedgie" - Let me know if you Can't open the link..


Mema Jo said...

Son just invited me over for dinner..

My phone has been ringing off the hook.
Jenny brought me a Beautiful Blue Bird window hanging. It is awesome.

Mema Jo said...

My gd, Heather is now due for their first born - Both her mother and her mother-in-law sent her a card from
'the baby'
Mom Can't wait till I get out of her and meet you. By the way, whose that guy that keeps tapping on your tummy?

I guess there are cards for all


Mema Jo said...

Hate misspellings - Get out of HERE

magpie said...

I was going to ask you about Heather and Jeff several times on Saturday, Jo...but I kept getting sidetracked, OR, I could not get a word in edgewise


enjoy the rest of your Mother, Grandmother, Greatmother Day !!

magpie said...

oh bother!
missellings for sure

GreatGrandMother day is what I meant to type

wow someone brought in lasagna, also bagels and cream cheese,
doughnuts, croissants,
texas garlic toast
home-made cheesecake with strawberries...

co-workers brought these things in..
Yummmmmmmy xo

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, that's a cute card for Heather, Jo :)

Hoda said...

Thanks JO for the link to the book.
Awesome C/A Thank You.

I laughed at the card from Heather JO you are right there seems to be a card for everything.

I feel so very blessed to be a part of our SHAR says I LOVE US.

I am headed out to the is beautiful out.


Hoda said...

Sounds like Yummy food where you are MARGY...good co-workers you all are so supportive of each other. Every shift seems to have good people...

Lolly said...

Hi all! My family has departed and I am feeling "habby"!!!!! I am feeling no discomfort and just so thankful for this beautiful day!!

Hoda...posted a picture of me with Joseph and Jacob on fb.

Really....I am just sitting here with a smile on my face...feeling very blessed and oh so thankful to be here feeling great!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle dropped into the nest, and then Shep flew in with a fish...they are all just looking at's headless....Looks like Belle is gonna feed the kiddos...or grab a few bites before she does....

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you are feeling better, Lolly!

Life is good, isn't it Lolly!

paula eagleholic said...

Bro is on the left, Missy is on the right...this is too funny, they are both trying to snatch the fish piece out of Belle's beak at the same time!

paula eagleholic said...

And the fish is gone! 6 minutes!

paula eagleholic said...

Poof Belle

paula eagleholic said...

They are watching her fly around....thinking, how does she do that?

paula eagleholic said...

PS from each one, now Missy doing some wing flapping at the noon spot

paula eagleholic said...

I think she is just a tad darker than Bro

JudyEddy said...

Home from work HODA HODY HODA I sent you a email with the link on it ok and JO thanks for the other I remember that one when she made it Loved it also CA

JudyEddy said...

The video from this morning I took I can't figure out who is who Who is doing the wing flapping in the beginning but its funny how the other at the end looked to be mad because being hit with the wings and then they did it also almost sort of a fight Its on my blog I posted earlier and on the FAN PAGE

JudyEddy said...

I just ordered the Hedgie book thanks again JO for posting it I plum forgot about that one

CarolAnne said...

Evening all,
Breezed thru the comments and hope I didn't miss anything serious.

Here are links to both of the Lynn books:

Lynn's book

The other soft cover book, which I gave to Lynn at Christmas time is available at:


NOTE: The prices are set by the book maker company. I did not set them up as a "sale item",where I could name my price & keep profits. I only wanted to share them.

Hugs to everyone!

CarolAnne said...


Mema Jo said...

I am back home from Charley's and dinner
was delightful. Drank a cup of coffee before we left and now I feel very full.

Lolly the picture of you and gs is great. I know you miss Zach but maybe Michael will bring him over soon.

I have a TV show at 8 & one at 9.
Just going to relax for the evening.

Lolly said...

Jo, we will be getting over to Dallas very soon. Michael wants us over this week. I have enjoyed this day so very much. So very thankful to be feeling well and to even be here to celebrate the day. Things could have been so much worse!!!!!

Lolly said...

I'll share this with you. I could only feel anger towards the 17 year old that hit me. She asked how I was and apologized. I could not see her, never laid my eyes on her as my head was braced and strapped down and on the back board. I did not respond to her apology. At that moment I could not. She sounded not the least be upset, not the least bit sorry. In the hospital she was still that way. At the hospital they thought we were in the same car, but when they realized she had hit me, they removed her to another room. I looked her up on facebook. I discovered she went to the alternative high school. This school is for students with problems. A dear friend of mine teaches at that school. So today at church I asked about her. Rodger told me she is "flippant". When she is in trouble or being corrected she giggles and responds inappropriately. Now I understand her attitude in the ambulance and in the hospital. Oh, I am still angry!!! LOL

NatureNut said...

Happy Mother's Day to All!!
Better late than never!I had planned to go to grossery and get myself some crab legs, but never got away. Been out workng w/plants, etc. & goofing off.
Finally someone just asked if I'd like to go out for dinner on Monday!!!!!Yippee!!!They don't want to go out when it will be crowded.

Lolly, glad you could enjoy your day. Strange story about the "wrecker"! She probably won't be driving for awhile.
Gonna check the Owl house and see if anyone's home!

Janet said...

Good evening to all.

Lolly: your post moves me. It is okay to have feelings and to own them and to deal with them. It is okay to be angry when you are wronged. If you ever have the chance the book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman is one I recommend often. Feelings must be owned and dealt with.

I am glad that you posted your feelings and let them out. Good for you. own it and deal with it.

Hugs to you. May tomorrow be a better day! ;)

Judie said...

Thank you Steve. Have a good week. We can try to enforce the minimum speed limit for posting.

Lolly, so nice you had a good Mother's Day. Well, at least you know something about the teen driver. Insurance company will take care of her I'm sure.

Hoda, you have to know I was just pullin' your Canadian chain! I'm only invisible when I want to stay out of trouble.

Paula, glad you had a nice lunch and a nice day.

Well, it may be a bit early but I hope to get through Harry's Law and then to sleep. The sandperson will be making rounds to deposit sleepy dust sometime around 11:00pm. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Nite lite is on

Evening, all!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like the legal system will have something to say to that girl, too, Lolly.

paula eagleholic said...

Washed my car today, so we could get some rain :)

Oh well! The inside looks great!

Michael and I went to my friends ♥ house for some hot dogs, pasta salad and baked beans. Michael just left a few minutes ago, so he will be getting home a little late...hope he doesn't have to battle the rain the way home...haven't checked radar.

Eaglets looks to be getting comfy for the night.

Lolly, I don't blame you for being angry!

Might just chill and watch some TV tonight...had a great day.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening and happy mother's day. Going to bed. Will check back in tomorrow. I love us.

Sandi said...

Hi all! Still haven't read much of yesterday's thread and haven't even started on this one, and I won't get caught up this evening b/c Survivor season finale is on! Just wanted to let everyone know we are home safe and sound in Bethany!

Will try to catch up tomorrow at school! Sounds like the memorial service for Lynn was wonderful. Hope Lolly is doing OK today and that going to Seth's play didn't take too much out of Kay! Thought a lot about Carolyn and Christie today as they spent their first Mother's Day without their Mom.

Hope Susan had a happy birthday and DanaMo and Monte had a happy anniversary!

Goodnight, my eagle friends! See you in the AM!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and I are watching Survivor, too.

She feels that she probably will not go to work tomorrow. Still too sore from the surgery.

stronghunter said...

Hoping that Mother's Day was good for everyone.

stronghunter said...

Happy anniversary to DanaMo and Monte.

Hoda said...

I know JUDIE!!! Only when the RCMP comes knocking do you become invisible...I must say they are very cute in their red serges though!!!LOL

PAULA glad you had a great day.

LOLLY Terrific photo of you and Joseph and Jacob on FB...Thanks for posting it. SO very glad you are still here and I feel sorry for that youngster that hit you that she is so clueless!!! You read her right and I do not at all blame you for being angry...I think it is very understandable and rather a shocking experience this whole thing is.Prayers continue your way as you do things and see the comfort and pain level in your body without the medication. Your family and your friends, we are all blessed that you are still with us...THANK GOD and PRAISES...

Hoda said...

Thinking of KATHRYN and hope she is comfortable SHIRLEY and that she is able to eat and that she rests comfortably.

Thinking of RED and hoping MRS RED would let us know either through the blog or FB that he is alright.

KAY PRAYERS come your way and I look forward to when I can read your post telling us about SETH and the weekend and I hope the pain is manageable.

Hoda said...

SANDI glad you are home safe and sound.

CarolAnne said...

Good night all,
Hoping everyone has had a good day, be it Mother's Day, birthday, anniversary or a day of remembrance.

For those healing in one form or another, I wish you speedy, uncomplicated recoveries.

For anticipated travelers, hoping for safe travels for all.

Darn this nice weather - I've worked too hard outside today. But, the upside is, we think we've found & patched all the pond liner leaks - as soon as we're sure the water is staying inside the pond we can re-landscape.

Sweet dreams everyone -whether eagle or otherwise.

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night from Fredericksburg. I will see you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

I am still up and putting around..
Just finished a TV show..
The rain shower we had was around 6:00

Dark at the nest but I can make out a
big yellow feetsie -

Lolly said...

I am sitting in my chair, watching the Rangers play ball, playing card game on laptop and going from the blog to facebook. I am very relaxed and enjoying doing nada!!
Life is good!

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

I agree with Shirley and echo her remark,I hope Mother's Day was good for everyone

And I agree with and echo what Sharon says : I Love Us

I might come up with a few original thoughts before the night is over


magpie said...

Sounds like things were very nice for you,Lolly...glad things are looking a little brighter now

Sandi,Bravo on all the hard work this weekend and am glad you just decided to watch a favorite show,great way to unwind I hope

magpie said...

And I have read many joyful posts.

Nice going, Loretta, you wrangled a dinner invitation for Monday :)

And I see Jo and Paula were in good company and had some good chow...
great stuff

time to go check out Wanda's latest video I could not see from work

CarolAnne...I don't think I can Thank You enough for those book memorials...and thanks for posting the links often..I sent the links to a dear Momster who does not blog but sure knows and loves our Lady Lynn...

magpie said...

Been meaning to mention this

I have been hearing crickets
guess that's probably kind of old news

magpie said...

Peee-uuuu Stinkie, cooking vinegar here,well, actually, doing the coffee pot cleaning thing...

smelly, but it DOES work

magpie said...

and it is raining softly here, the start of some more rain Monday it sounds like

magpie said...

I am playing a Judy Collins CD.
at first I spelled it Judie Collins

magpie said...

I have copies of the Memorial bulletin to start sending out this week.

magpie said...

Wanda and Gene

Thank you, the Reception video is magnificent.....

Good Night, Precious Pals

I Hope your work night is okay; I put copies of the Memorial service in everyone at work's mailboxes xoxo
(( Hugs, Sweetness2 ))

Prayers for Wellness, have Kay, Kathryn, Red, and Lolly on the top of the list....

God Bless this Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, glad you are home safe and sound.

Margy, it sure was nice to hug you the other day...missed you during our Momster visit :)

Heading to bed, been a tiring, but wonderful 2 days off!

Probably won't be able to check in until tomorrow night, so I'll see you then!

(((Love and hugs to all)))♥

Hoda said...

Thanks MARGY for the Memorial is a gentle thought and also loving.

Lynne2 said...

I can't help but wonder the significance of this ♥ stuff Paula has been posting. LOL! Hmmmmmm....
Can't wait to hear more! So glad you've found your keeper!

Going to RAIN a LOT over the next two days, up to 4" for yinz (that the Pittsburgh version of y'all) west of me the panhandle and points west of Carroll Co. So be careful!

Lolly, glad you are feeling good today! I'm sure it's because you already take such good care of yourself...healing is faster!

I was outside for a while today, and was serenaded (and SAW) by both an Orchard Oriole and a Baltimore Oriole!

Heading to bed...goodnight and prayers for all!

Costume Lady said...

Hope it was a fun day for you!

Mema Jo said...

Time for this gal to hit the pillows
I had a very wonderful Mothers day - with 5 kids & 12 gk how could you help but not feel loved.

Prayers for healing and comfort
Thinking of you with love Carolyn & Christie
*** ((((Lynn♥)))) ***

Mema Jo said...

p.s. Sandi - hope you can hear from Josh's parents and give us an update.♥

Lolly said...

I am now headed to the shower and to bed. It has been a day with my heart over flowing for many reasons.

This week we have nothing planned at this time, so I can dig in the dirt to my hearts content. Do need to see my doctor. Also, Jack will be dealing with insurance. I want to get my car in fast!!

Yes, Lynne, I am curious too about this special friend of Paula's. I think I have picked up clues that something was up for a while. ☺

Night all! I love us! I do appreciate all the support that the "locals" have been giving to Christie and Carolyn. I am so proud to be a part of this group.(((Group Hug)))


Mema Jo said...

...checking cams before closing down.
**Loon has 2 eggs as of Friday
**Horrible weather at Loch of Lowes-I
swear it looks like snow
Nothing else to report... Night ♥

Costume Lady said...

Hey y'all, about PAULA...THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL! If she
says "He is a keeper", what more can she say? I know just a wee bit about him...just call Paula COUGAR!

I'm so happy that she has a companion. Life is more fun that way;)


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Sounds like everyone has had a really spectacular Mother's Day!
(I know I sure did!) Heard from the kids--it's just been a fun, loving day.

Carolyn, I love your Mother's Day poem for your Mom! Thank you for posting it. It's really special.

Lolly, I'm so very habby that you felt good today! What a blessing!

C/A, I've ordered a Hedgie book--thank you for that--it's great!

Wanda, thank you for the slideshow of the reception--great pictures!

Shirley, I'm hoping that Kathryn will stay home from work tomorrow,(or is it today, by now?) and even longer, if she's still in pain. Even though they sent her home, that was a fairly major operation, and she ought to give herself a little longer to heal. Do hope she feels better tomorrow. Prayers!

I took the day off from shredding documents today, and I'm sure the shredder is grateful for that. Ken and I spent most of the afternoon watching the movie "Avatar," which we had recorded. Tomorrow is soon enough to start shredding again!

Going to call it a day soon. Have said prayers for everyone, but those needing healing--Lolly, Kathryn, Kay, Josh, Red--are at the top of the list. Also Carolyn and Christie and families. Prayers for comfort and peace for them. The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with sweet dreams. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! ♥♥Lynn♥♥ forever!
I love ♥us♥!!

Costume Lady said...

I'm hoping that after the events of this weekend, Carolyn and Christie can feel some closure to their mother's passing.

They did a wonderful job, pulling the Memorial together. I can't think of a thing that could have made it any better.

Love to both of you girls♥♥

Costume Lady said...

Even though Kathryn was sent home the same day she had her surgery, doesn't mean she should go to work right now. The surgeon went into her body, pulled her liver up and out of the way to get to that NASTY OLD GALL BLADDER, then cut that out. So, inside her body was a massive invasion and it will take a while for it to settle down and heal!
Take care of yourself, Kathryn and only go back to work when feel comfortable doing so~

Hoda said...

OK If WANDA approves and thinks we should call PAULA COUGAR then this chap must be alright...PAULA did say he is a keeper after all!!!I think he went to Paradise with her also, there was a post a few months back...good on you PAULA... Pictures you must post pictures...
He did pass WANDA'S standards so that is saying a lot.

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, what is the name of your guardian angel? I'm sure glad he/she was riding with you when you encountered that "Adult Wannabe"! Take care and not TOO MUCH yard work for a while!

Costume Lady said...

LOL...Paula said that Mr. Keeper has his own Paradise, but I'm not sure where it is, but not near Paula's.

Costume Lady said...

Off to bed I go...




Costume Lady said...


Hoda said...

Good night WANDA...You sounded just like LYNN when you told LOLLY not too much gardening I put up my eyes and there was her smiling face on your avatar...

stronghunter said...


Having trouble sleeping, so I am having a cup of tea and checking the blog again.

Really, it was amazing how quickly they threw Kathryn out of the hospital. Susan and I went back to see her just after she woke up. She was very uncomfortable and saying so, and they said that she would out of there within the next ten minutes.

Yes, home is more comfortable than the hospital, but she was barely awake.

Kay said...

Good Very Early Morning, Eagle Buds ! Up for pain pills and had to do some post catching up while they settle on the tummy.

Wow, what a range of emotions your posts have caused, I've laughed, cried, smiled....

LOLLY, hated to hear about the accident, but you brought me back to smiles upon saying you felt good by the time the kids all left ! Completely understand your feelings re:the young woman who hit you---been there, done that---have to believe it's healthy to let it all out !!!

JEWELS, WANDA, MARGY, thank you so much for sharing the joy of LYNN's Celebration of Life, via pics, video, poetry and lovely prose. I know she's one habby angel for I suspect God gave her a peek or two !

Oh, Oh, belated congrats and best wishes to dear DANAMO n' Monte as well as our birthday girl, sUSAn !♥♥♥ Hope your special day was perfect from start to finish !

CAROLANNE, the books are magnificent ! Your talent is much appreciated ! ♥

PAULA, I was a Cougar and about your same age when I married Stan. We knew each other for almost 5 years and had become BF's before the word marriage was ever uttered. It's a good way to go !!!!

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, those short stays are now the trend, due largely to concerns about Merza and other hospital bred diseases, I think. In my pre-op exam the other day one of the tests was nasal swabbing to detect Merza. I've been given an antibiotic solution to be swabbed in the nose twice daily starting on June 1--also aimed at Merza. Hospitals are running scared.

Hoda said...

KAY how AWESOME to read your post. I hope by now you are back comfortable in your bed. A real delight to know that you were well enough to read the blog and to make comments. OK what sport do Cougars like...are they a sport team then? It has to be since we have two cougars amongst us...??? Google was no help at all...LOL

Hoda said...

When I had my gallbladder surgery I was out the same day but they told me if I got out of bed and I was dizzy I could stay overnight...I was fine. I had a laparoscopy...did KATHRYN have that or did they do the invasive surgery opening her up???

Kay said...

Lastly, I must tell you, the adrenaline did kick in and I had a wonderful, wonderful weekend with the family. Seth bowled me over with his new found acting ability---clearly had the best diction of the bunch, making it easier to follow such a heavy Greek drama ! What a kick that was for our family and friends---we had 20 people there Friday evening and 11 had attended the night before. Seth feels honored and well loved.

I couldn't take part in all the things the kids did Sat/Sun, but enjoyed yummy meals with them. They treated me like a queen and showered me with lovely gifts. My deck is all clean and the furniture is in place. Will wait to add some potted plants til' I'm back home again at the end of June. I'm still glowing as I recall it all ! Thanks to all who prayed I'd get through it in spite of pain ! I ♥ U sooooo much !

Saying prayers for those in need as I head back to back for more zzzzz's.


Kay said...

HODA, actually, this is the popular, current definition of a Cougar:

"An older woman who seeks relationships with younger men."

I didn't see where Paula mentioned an age difference, but am taking WANDA's word for it. ☺

As for me, Stan was 6 years younger than I, so guess I qualify.

Don't think I'd call it a team sport, but it was a heck of a lot of fun ! LOL Just wish it had lasted longer--22 years was not long enough for he was such a good man !

Kay said...

Okay, pulled my MARGY and now to bed. HAGD all !

Hoda said...

OH KAY!!!! I can not stop laughing!!! LAUGHING!!! OH MY!!!
The definition surprised me because I was soooooooo very off base!!! Then you say I don't think I'd call it a team sport but it was a heck of a lot of fun!!!
I see so much your love for him in your last sentence "...22 years was not long enough for he was such a good man." God Bless you and him and the love you share will always precious.

Hoda said...

KAY so very good to read your post about your weekend. I celebrate the wellness and the love you share with your family.Continued prayers that you get through the time till the surgery with manageable pain...praying praying praying...

stronghunter said...

Good one, Kay.

Hope the time until surgery gets better and stays that way.

Good night. Time for me to go back to bed.

stronghunter said...

She had laparoscopy, Hoda. I think they would have kept her in the hospital if it had been otherwise, but you never know . . .

See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

She had laparoscopy, Hoda. I think they would have kept her in the hospital if it had been otherwise, but you never know . . .

See you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Goodnight SHIRLEY!!! I most certainly hope they would have kept her longer had she had it the old invasive surgery way...

I am having a cup of tea hoping I stop laughing at my team sport question!!! OMG!!!

Hoda said...

Well the Eaglettes are fast asleep and this is what I should be doing at this point. So I have finished my tea and am now heading to bed. Good morning to the early birds club...enjoy the day...

Hoda said...




Sandi said...

Good Monday morning Lori and DanaMo! Good morning Hoda, if you're still here! Looks like we have some wet eaglets this AM. No rain here yet, but it's on its way! Only 3 more Mondays with kids!! We're in the teens - I can DO this!

Sandi said...

OK, have caught up from last night, but still have to go back at some point and read Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning and afternoon. Guess I'm going to be a bad girl today at school and read the blog while my kids are state testing!

So Paula has a special friend? I bet he has a place in Rehoboth Beach, just north of me??? I seem to recall a weekend that we thought we might meet but didn't. Guess Paula had other things to do that weekend!!

Kay, what a wonderful evening at Seth's play and weekend with your family! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy it! Hang in there, girlfriend!!

Shirley, sorry that Kathryn is still in such pain. Like others have said, when the hospitals send you home so soon, it's easy to forget that you've had a big surgery! Hope she feels a little better each day and doesn't rush to get back to work. Then again, I know I would push myself to do too much.

Lolly, sounds like you were doing OK last night, though I still have to read back to see how your day went yesterday.

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day and am sorry that I didn't get to say that yesterday! I feel so good about what my sister and I accomplished with my mom this weekend. If movers had come in and done the packing, the "weeding out" wouldn't have happened and then Mom would have had way too much stuff at the new place. Actually, she still has stuff that she will have to get rid of once she gets there and sees there is no room for it, but ...

OK, need to take a quick peek at FB - haven't been on all weekend - and return a few emails, then get ready for my Monday.

Will check in from school - HAGD, my eagle friends!

DanaMo said...

Good morning! I haven't been on for a while. It seems like time is just flying by with so much to do!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone! Sorry I missed you yesterday.

Screening today to incoming kinders and orientation for parents. I don't mind the screening, but I'm not fond of the orientation. Too much to cover and too many questions to answer.

Mother's Day tea was Friday...the year is winding down. Now to get ready for graduation. We have a field trip on Wednesday so this week should go pretty fast.

Have a great day everyone. Missing all of you! Maybe once the year is over I will have time to get back on here again. 15 days to go!!!

Janet said...

Good morning to one and to all. This is my only early day this week!

And this is the last full week of school for Metro Nasvhille! :)

We had a rainy weekend, but it was quite lovely. We needed the rain. The grass was getting crunchy.

Saw our first hummingbird last night! :) About time. I have wondered where they are!

Yesterday was such a lovely day. Felt more like my birthday than mothers day....

Now off and running to another week. Sending light and love, healing and smiles to one and to all! Have a super day!

CarolAnne said...

Good morning all,
Another beautiful day here in WI.
A week of 70's predicted.

Feel a tingle of excitement for those counting down to better days.

Bear has been back to our cottage -pulled a bird feeder down from tree & dismantled it(it was empty), and abused the garbage can. Sure hope we don't have a nusiance bear on our hands. Thought leaving them empty for the last 3 weeks would discourage it.

Per previous comments I appear to be a Cougar "team" member also - Bubby is 7 years younger. lol

Off to eye dr. tomorrow to check on progression of deterioration of vision. I think its been holding steady.

Hope those with aches & pains awake to a more comfortable day.

Great day everyone!!

CarolAnne said...

Love those adorable little eagles -
thinking ahead, I'm going to miss them once they move on - such a long wait until the next season

Hey, hey get away from the edge!!

CarolAnne said...

One is snacking near 11, while a bit of wingersizing goes on in the middle & here and there

Judie said...

♪♫ We're flapping in the rain, just flapping in the rain ♪♫

Good morning, will go and catch up.

The Cornell RTH chat room people are having a bit of a snit this morning. Seems some think the chat room is too clubby and participants should stay strictly with RTH educational posts.

Mrs. Kestrel appears to have six fluffy bobble heads. She was kind enough to leave for a few so counting could be done.

Pete's Pond is quiet this morning.

Bear families are splitting and finding their own territories.

BB with coffee to catch up.

CarolAnne said...

Done snacking at 11, both wandering around nest checking for more tidbits.

CarolAnne said...

Why or why must they stand right on the edge to flap those wings??

WVJerry said...

Good morning to anyone here. Hope everyone enjoyed their Mother's Day. Just watching the Cam this morning since golf was cancelled. I know now why eagles have such large nests. A lot of room is needed for all the wing-flapping, etc. I guess practice makes perfect. My wife and I will have our Mother's Day together today. C/A - I enjoyed the tribute books you made.

Hoda said...





Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Shirley, I do hope Kathryn will let her body make the decision about going to work or doing any other physical activity. Doctor should have told her laparoscopy requires the injection of a huge amount of air that pushes non-targeted organs out of the way. Discomfort lasts until that air dissipates. Can take several days.

Kay, so glad you were able to see and enjoy Seth's performance. Take it easy now.

Hoda, saw a picture of you on your yoga mat. Looking good, lady.

Ah, cougars. Yes, let's hear it for the cougars! You go gals!

Speaking of cougars, I hope Paula has a good day.

DanaMo and Sandi, hope you both have tolerable school days.

Wanda, if you see GG, tell her to save some Suddenly Salad for me and give her a hug.

Forget but maybe Margy has today off?

CarolAnne, let me add my thanks and appreciation for your willingness to share your talents. As for the bear, maybe you could provide food like the people who live around the Bear Center -- well, maybe not. Hope you have a good eye checkup tomorrow.

Morning Janet.

Okay, need to catch up on the news.


DanaMo said...

Okay...I need to vent...I can do it here but not on FB.
I asked parents to "sign" in today for orientation. Can I tell you that they all need to go back to kindergarten to learn how to write! OMGosh how frustrating. I cannot read the email addresses, nor their names to create my distribution list for next year. URGH!!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...