Monday, April 26, 2010


Rainy Day thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Morning all out there in Eagleland! I have not been washed away in all this rain

Thanks Steve for the fresh thread to start the week

Mema Jo said...

I am really hoping with all the rain yesterday that everyone's gardens are still in tact!

Palmer is getting the umbrella treatment.

Mei is eating her bamboo like nothing else is going on.

Wanda - that is great about the Soup Kitchen contribution!

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning Mema Jo! Glad to see you have weathered the storms.

Lolly said...

Good morning! So sorry you are having tons of rain. Have not read back on the blog....hope all is okay! Yell, at me if there is something I should know. I do remember the day....God be with Chrissy and family. May doors open, prayers answered, and life be sunny once again.

We are at Fredericksburg. It is a bright sun shiny day. Heading out at 10:00 for the Wildseed Farm. Wahoooo!!!! Love that place. Heard that they presently have fields of poppies in bloom. Will take pictures!

After that we are heading into town. The guys are going to the WWII museum and the girls are shopping. I can handle that, though I mostly look. Also they are wrought iron shops, I need to replace a hanging basket, so have serious shopping there. ☺ Love that stuff too!

We came over from Kerrville yesterday morning. Nephew Brett and family drove over from San Antonio and spent the afternoon. I got to hold Talon a long time. I was one happy great Auntie! Got pictures I will post when we get home. Also, we were surprised when Brian and Natalie arrived. They came over to see us. Natalie's first outing since surgery and treatments. She is looking good, her hair is starting to grow, and she has a good attitude. Keep those prayers going! She has two more chemo (SP?) treatments. Tuesday is her next one, then May 18.

Have to go now. Just wanted to peek in and say hi. Almost time to load the 6 of us up in our van and head out. More fun!

Have a great day! Will think of you, Megan when we are at the Wildseed Farm.

Mema Jo said...

Surprised but grateful that your evening was quiet, Margy. With it being Sunday evening I would have thought there would have been some accidents with the travelers going home for the weekend.

Mema Jo said...

I need my 2nd cup of coffee.......

Mema Jo said...

Whoops! Really good to hear from you Lolly and you really are making the most of your trip. Can't wait to see Talon's pics - and thankful to hear about Natalie. You and Jack must be very special to all of them!

Mits said...

Good Monday a.m. everyone, we didn't get the bad weather down here in D.C. heard one lonely roll of thunder before I fell asleep last night.

Mits said...

they have lured Mei Xiang, out of her den, perhaps for an attempt at an ultrasound.

movin said...

Good view of the eggs at BWO.



hedgie said...

Good morning all.

News item: 900 box turtles have been relocated from site of intercounty connector highway in suburban MD since 2007. Volunteers, trained dogs and contractors have sought out and removed them from an 18 mile stretch of future roadway. I would have taken some to keep Myrtle company!

hedgie said...

Jim, those Norfolk eaglets are big, aren't they? Love that cam, too!

Lolly, too bad you aren't in Fredericksburg, VA!!! Then you and Shirley could hook up and come on up here for a nest visit!!

Deb, glad you had a good time with your friends. Sounds like a lot of work!! So cool that you saw all those nests!! Good sign, for sure.

Wanda, congrats on the donation!! S(O)UPER!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Good to hear that everyone's OK after all the intense weather! Glad that Margy had a quiet night at work, too.

Boy, I wish I had made some coffee! Still yawning here. Boy, Palmer is looking good. Seems to be dry. Can't say the same for the parent that just left!

Well, think I'll wander to the kitchen and make some coffee. Can't seem to get it in gear today!
The sun is actually out now--it was kinda overcast earlier.

Can't stop wondering about Chrissy and her family. Hope we hear from her soon. Heavy-duty prayers continue!

Well, will be back in a bit. Need caffeine. :o}

ceil said...

Thank you Jo for the call over.

ceil said...

Lynn let us know more about your co-worker

Mema Jo said...

Ceil - any word yet from the aquarium?

movin said...

WE feeding chicks in the fog ... which seems to be in many places out here this morning.



hedgie said...

LOL, we'll never know if Mei is birthing a cub with all that bamboo she's fluffing!!

Mits said...

Minnesota Bound Live Loon Cam Is today the day they lay their first egg? Larry thinks it might be. Tune in to find out...

hedgie said...

See something white to left of Palmer....???? Could it be old shell piece?

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time here.


hedgie said...

Zoo officials say that Mei's hormone levels are reaching the end of pregnancy or pseudo.....Mits---how long does the decline last before they KNOW it's a false one(or til the level is a non-preg level)?

Mits said...

once the levels are at baseline, it is about 24 hours, and in that time she should produce a cub, or once again it is a false pregnancy, where did you hear that Lynn?

hedgie said...

On Ch.9 news, Mits. Wow, 24 hrs. is short!!! So if it's near baseline now, if it's going to happen, it should be today/tonight/tomorrow, you think?

Mits said...

I think the zoo will make some kind of offical announcement as soon as they can, one way or the other.

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie, I also noticed the white piece. Looks like egg piece to me. Maybe they dug the egg cup deeper to keep Palmer warm and dry from the storms.

hedgie said...

Okay, keep us posted, Mits!!
That's what I was thinking, too, Deb. Palmer is getting too big so if they dig the cup down a bit, it's easier to cover him when it storms!

Ragdoll said...

Palmer is flapping her wings. She's doing the "I Feel Like Dance" LOL

hedgie said...

There is a squirrel out back in a tall oak tearing off and throwing down clusters of least 50 so far....I guess she's going to use them for a new nest...??!! At first I thought maybe the hail had done it until I swa them coming down and then saw her up there doing it!

Mema Jo said...

If a cub should come we would hear it before we could see it in all the fluffy bamboo. I have my volume turned wayyyyyyyyyy up!

Ragdoll said...

I have never seen a squirrel do that before. You are probable right about making a nest. Mine run all around the trees chasing the females. We have lots of oak trees so in the fall they throw down all the acorns. They really squack at me when I pick some up to feed the deer at the animal farm with my grandson. LOL

Mits said...

Mei is enjoying a frosty treat right now:)

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is holding on with feetsie!

Mema Jo said...

Mits that reminds me that I stopped up in Hagerstown at Wendys yesterday and had a medium size Frosty! That is my once a month treat!

Mits said...

I bet Mei would love a Wendy's frosty too, I have never had one.

Ragdoll said...

It's nappie time for Palmer.

Be Back Later. It's that time of the day when the students get wild.

Lolly, Prayers for Natalie with her nest two chemos. April 27th and May 18th. Have fun on your road trip. I'm jealous.

Wanda, Congrats on the nice donation you received. The Lord is good and provides.

Prayers for Chrissy and family. ^..^

Mema Jo said...

Going to take a break


hedgie said...

Oh, Jo, I ALMOST stopped at Wendy's last Monday for a frostie, but decided I didn't need more calories! I love well as DQ peanut butter sundaes!
How 'bout that Magpie taking banana split makings in to work last night??!! I get a split occassionally at DQ, but I like my nana well-ripened, and I only get peanut butter sauce on it! Of course, whipped cream and chery, too! Don't care for pineapple or fudge sauces, or nuts, or wet nuts like so many folks around here get!!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon!

My 4th block is busily working on peer reviews.

Observation was a no-go today. Again. This is the second cancellation. This time, she made it to the room, but I had already received two phone calls for her. She was summoned by her boss--must have been the principal. Now, we get to reschedule again. I'm requesting that she come back to the same class. We will see if I get what I asked for.

It would have been nice if Lolly had come to Fredericksburg, VA. I really must visit Fredericksburg, TX someday. I am always pulling it up on the computer when I am looking for things around home.

Mema Jo said...

I remember when we had a Friendly's in the mall that I would always ask for some Peanut butter sauce in the bottom of the cup, half way up and on top of the Peanut butter swirl ice cream.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley hope you aren't too disappointed. Maybe next time.. lol

NatureNut said...

Dark afternoon here, but rain has stopped. Palmer is a dark ball in nest--guess a wet one, too.
I was planning to visit some other potential Lady Slipper spots around Park on TU PM, but wonder if the rain did them in?

Thoughts & prayers for Chrissy & fam. today~~

NatureNut said...

Shirley, we had friends in TX we would visit when at our daughter's. They had moved from here & lived in Georgetown!!!

hedgie said...

SHIRLEY....hope you are home...batten down the hatches. Severe storm warning for F'burg!
Sorry your observer didn't observe today! Kind of a let down to prep for it, and then have to do it all over again. Bummer.

hedgie said...

On Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader today, there was a country singer named Big Kenny (never heard of him!) who is from Culpeper, Shirley!

Mema Jo said...

I finally get to see Noah on the perch.
Other times when I would put the cam up Noah was always our of view......
Sure has grown!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon everybody.

Prayer request again! Kendra's cancer has returned. Please pray for her and her momma!

magpie said...

Very Sorry to hear this Sharon...
yes, prayers...
thank you for including us
(( hugs ♥ ))

hedgie said...

Sorry for that news, Sharon.
Lolly, good to hear that Natalie is doing well. Prayers for them both.

magpie said...

Yes, lovely report from Lolly especially about Brian and Natalie

magpie said...

For the next few days,
Venus and Pleaides will be close in the sky together, West after sundown
might be a nice view with binoculars too
I would appreciate the Full Moon name for this month,
Apr 28 at 8:18 am
pls and thx
hope your garden is okay

magpie said...

My older brothers and sisters and I worked at Howard Johnson's in Charles Town back in the 60's
My brother used to hide the bananas he could not STAND to make banana splits
last night I was like a waitress, all co-workers wanted different things
28 flavors at HJ's, I loved most of them
would come home with ice cream stickiness up to my elbows

magpie said...

You and your office/classroom, all dressed up and no place to go :(
sorry to hear of the postponement once again

headed to work soon
prayers for all of the many things needed
and for gifts given
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

that little white something some were talking of earlier, is off to the left of Belle in the nest
(I guess that's Belle there)

skies are very unstable here


Costume Lady said...

I now have a 'NEW KNEE'...the kind that you get with a SHOT, not a scalpel and saw! Still tender but better than it was when I left the house:) Good thing it's getting better, making fruited jello tonight for dinner tomorrow (Soup Kitchen). With that GENEROUS $500 donation, we could take everyone out to a restaurant!;) No, No, No! My Bad!
My blood work is pristine!!! EVERYTHING IS GOOD. Cholesterol 164, best ever:) Doctor was so pleased he gave me a HIGH FIVE!

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Kendra and also prayers for Natalie.

Margy maybe someone will bring in a yummy snack for this evening!

Mema Jo said...

Mei is taking a very long supper break.

I am about to do the same


hedgie said...

It has rained most of the afternoon. A bit chilly at 60.
Spaghetti sauce has been simmering for a couple of hours, and now pasta is boiling. I'm getting hungry!!

hedgie said...

Margy, the peppermint stick was my fav HoJo flavor!!!

hedgie said...

Wanda, you should be ready to dance in a day or so!!! You go, gal!

hedgie said...

Cool story about a "rare blue stork" in Germany! They think it got into blue water or paint. Got some photos---downloading from camera now...will put on my Lair as soon as ready.

hedgie said...

Okay, pics are posted!! Not the greatest, but you get the idea!!

hedgie said...

One of the winners in the BWE naming contest was a first-grade class from Colorado! Cool, huh?

Mits said...

yes that is cool.

Mits said...

picture was great, Lynn.

Mits said...

Sharon sorry to hear about Kendra, that was a very short remission for her, so sad.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Mits! My shuttle pics and even the eagle pics turned out much maybe THEIR footage wasn't real good!!

Mits said...

Loon is in the nest:)

paula eagleholic said...

Great pics, Lynn.

Heard that Harriet was on the Leno show last week...I missed it. Has anyone checked out their cam lately. I haven't.

Mema Jo said...

With the loon in the nest - I can now tell the size of the platform - pretty
large! Larry thought today would be the 1st egg day.....

paula eagleholic said...

pARENT HERE AND GONE, lots of leaves in the nest...oh what is that sound?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my bad, that was the loon cam!

paula eagleholic said...

The OK eagle that was shot in the chest died.

Parent back.

paula eagleholic said...

Adult checking nest for nestovers.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent is fluffinating

ceil said...

Sad news about the eagle.

paula eagleholic said...

Ceil, that would be cool if you could make it to that on the 5th?

paula eagleholic said...

Hope Chrissy is doing OK...this recession is hurting people and businesses.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, I checked the website but couldn't find anything...hadn't checked facebook yet...found it online elsewhere.

paula eagleholic said...

Apr 29 could be first hatching date for Oregon...that's Thursday. Sure wish the snow would stop out there.

NatureNut said...

Evening Eagleland Buds. Well, earlier I said the rain stopped, but we got more. Was a tornado watch in St. Mary's Co., but I think all is well now.
If you can stand it, I searched & found Lady Slipper pics from yesteryear an put them on Blog. The exact place I planned to go tomorrow.
Those of you who visited Park a year ago should remember that we took a bus tour into the State Park next door. That's where we saw these, close to the River.
Had an early nibble of dinner--gotta hyave the rest & check the ZOO!!!!

BEagle said...

I'm upset.

Mema Jo said...

BEAGLE Don't do that! WHY are you upset?

BEagle said...

Cascade was tenting earlier on the OR nest and now it looks like Lady O is too. But it isn't snowing!

BEagle said...

Raindrops keep falling from my eyes.
I get too attached but hope that two little eaglets on that OR nest will replace Courage. The name I gave the OK eagle.

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

With all this rain - Spidey is still at his worst. You can barely see between his webbing our Palmer.......

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!
BEagle, is that the eagle the farmer found????

NatureNut said...

Dear BEagle, I know how you feel. We get too attached to these wild creatures, like they are family members or pets. There are certain cams I won't watch because of unsavory behavior. It's normal to those creatures, but painful to me.

BEagle said...

Yes. Paula just mentioned it so I zoomed to the web and saw the chat. The eagle died last night.

NatureNut said...

Of course that case had nothing to do with animals---just big, bad people.

Mema Jo said...

I was watching Mei - creating havoc with all the bamboo in her birthing den. I think she now has calmed and is

BEagle at one time or another we have felt heartbreaks with nature as we watch the cams. ((hugs))

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break


Lynne2 said...

oh that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.

BEagle said...

Thank you NN. Natural adversity is easier to take. Not as much pain.

BEagle said...

Thanks too. Mema Jo.

Mits said...

oh sad news about the eagle, did see the lonnies HP

BEagle said...

It looks like the 3 rascals on the RTH nest have been moved. Gee I wish I had seen that. Mom must have done that after I checked the first time.

BEagle said...

The TH twins were showing their big feet a short while ago.

BEagle said...

They remind me of Palmer.

NatureNut said...

Good grief, Mei went out to the big room, laid on the rock for a minute & now is eating again!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, BEagle I forgot they had a cam on the that where you went?

BEagle said...

Yes. I had been checking the cam that was set up but there was off air all the time. I went back there and checked on the chat below the cam screen.

Ooops. PH chick did a poop shoot! :)

BEagle said...

Some of those poop shoots look like comets.

BEagle said...

Here's the link for the cam on the OK eagle.

hedgie said...

So sad about the OK eagle. Guess the lead poisoning was just too severe.

Mei is really, really restless.....

hedgie said...

Sounds like lots of heavy breathing, too. She's running out of time.....come on , Mei...give us a butter stick!

movin said...

hI. All the chicks are visible at the Channel Island nests, and the PH nest is feeding now.



hedgie said...

Well, she finally seems to have settled down again.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

BEagle, (((HUGS))) for you--know what you mean. People can be SO awful in their treatment of innocent wildlife! Really sorry to hear about the OK eagle.

Prayers for Kendra and her mom, and for Natalie!

Lynn, I'm in agreement with you--hope Mei gives us a little butter stick!

I know we're all in agreement in prayer for Chrissy and her family!

Ragdoll, good to see you!

Had another Band-tailed Pigeon sighting today, and also saw the Eurasian Collared Doves. Am trying to figure out what kind of new bird I saw this afternoon. Was roughly the size and shape of a robin, but almost completely brown except for some cream color on its breast. Was on the ground under our big Ficus tree, eating the berries the tree drops this time of year. Still searching...MTBR!

NatureNut said...

Osprey sitting on Finney nest.

Lolly said...

Helloooo! We are in our trailer for the night. Larry and Sandy,
Dan and Sharon are heading home in the morning, but we have decided to stay another day. I want to go back to the Wildseed Farm, there is a special wildflower drive we want to take, and there are some winieres to visit. ☺ But, the last two evenings have been great sitting around the campfire!

I also want to tell you what a wonderful, warm feeling it is to read that you are sending up prayers for Natalie. You are just the greatest!

Mema Jo said...

I watched a rerun which I hadn't seen on Criminal Minds.
Mei is in la-la land!

And that is also to where I am headed.

Good Night All
Praying for everyone's wants/needs
Praying to hear from Chrissy and prayers for her to have strength no matter what comes her way and Faith
that all her prayers will be answered.

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

The visit today to the Wildseed Farms was great. You would all just love it. Fields of poppies...just beautiful!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lolly and good night. Have fun tomorrow.

Thanks Loretta - osprey in nest at Finney (land) and Finland (sea)

NatureNut said...

Panda check--Mei still snoozing away. Of course that's what was going on when Tai came squirting out!
Gotta turn this off --AM work for TU!
Pleasants Feather Dreams ;>) & prayers for Sharon's friend Kendra & for Chrissy's family and everyone else.

NatureNut said...

Lolly, just saw your post. I went to Wildseed Farm a few years ago! Love it!!!Got a beautiful bluebonnet shirt there!

NatureNut said...

Prayers for Natalie ☺ ♥

hedgie said...

Jo, I think Finland Ferry is still stuck on Fri. afternoon!!

Lolly, sounds like a really good trip.

Andy, that new bird sounds very pretty! Hope you can ID it.

NatureNut said...

Oh no, Mei is having another snack out in the big rocky room!

NatureNut said...

Correction---must have been earlier film or Tian---has Mei curled up in her den!
I've gotta stop watching! Nitey nite ☺

Lolly said...

Hi Loweeda! I have a t-shirt from there. Today I just got some seeds.

In town at Fredericksburg, I got a new wrought iron basket. We did a lot of looking.
The guys enjoyed the museum.

On the way home we are going by the eagles nest at Llano BUT my cousin told me it has been vandalized. The eagles have moved to a new nest closer to the river and out of sight of the highway. People can be so STUPID!!!!!

Lolly said...

Great picture at the Loon cam but no Loon, but there are interesting sounds. Can hardly wait!

Lolly said...

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Well, fine fowl friends, I am saying goodnight. Sure would be nice to see some sun in the morning!
Prayers and peace.

Costume Lady said...

Mei jumped up on her box and held her rear end over the edge for sooo long, I thought for sure she was dropping her butter stick. I think she just did a poop-drop:(

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Lynn♥

Costume Lady said...

Nite Lolly and Loretta♥♥

Costume Lady said...

I have had a Wild-seed Farms catalog for years...haven't thrown it away because it is so pretty:)
One day , I'll go there...on my way to Minnesota!


paula eagleholic said...

Poppies! Poppies! Saw them in California...pretty!

String the eagles nest hoodlums up by their toenails....

Night all! See ya tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Dropping back in to say hello. Good to hear from Lolly--glad you're having such a good time! Really frustrated about the eagle nest vandals. ARRRRGGGHHH!

Going to hit the hay--getting sleepy! Leaving the night light on, and the porch light. The eye scanner is ready to go. Prayers said for everyone--especially Chrissy & family, and Kendra & her mom. Sleep tight, and will talk to you in the morning. Good night, and God bless! Love you guys! :o]

Lynne2 said...

middle of the night cam check...

Breezy at nest, adult covering Palmer and really interesting spidey web.

No loons or eggs on the nest.

Mei is passed out, upside down with her rear legs sprawled out and clearly not in labor and not cuddling a new baby.

Going back to bed....

Lynne2 said...

cam check....

Mei is chowing down on bamboo

No loons at nest at the moment

Palmer doing nestorations as adult sits at 12 o'clock

Good morning! BEAUTIFUL sunny clear cool morning here in R'town!

Lynne2 said...

2 eggs confirmed at BWO!

Lynne2 said...

now I'm not sure if Mei was eating or just shredding. She just took a walk around and is now laying on top of her rocks.

Lynne2 said...

pacing around a lot, went to top of rocks and did some humping motion with her rear, not sure what that was but she's done it twice.

Lynne2 said...

she just did it again on the floor! Could she be in labor?

hedgie said...

Morning all. Had a dream that they announced that Mei had a can't get cam page up..argh! Thanks, Lynne for update.

Lynne2 said...

they let her out of that enclousure and just went back to it an honed in on white thing on a rock. Now they've let her back in to her den and now she is shredding bamboo.

hedgie said...

Can't get cam up on Firefox, either.........too much traffic???? DOn't close it down, Lynne!!

Lynne2 said...

Hi Lynn!

the white thing they looked at actually looked like an egg. She is looking between her legs in a sitting position and shredding like crazy.

Lynne2 said...

it's only lettting me watch for 5 min at a time...I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I can never get it on FF, so I'm watching on IE

Lynne2 said...

still shredding like crazy!! She's made quite the pile of bamboo already! Looks like she's wearing a grass skirt.

hedgie said...

OOPS....sorry, I forgot to say last evening that the 2nd egg was confirmed at BWO.

Lynne2 said...

OMG...she was seriously looking between her legs and they zoomed in and now I have lost the cam


Lynne2 said...

UGH UGH UGH I can't believe this!!!

Lynne2 said...

whew, it's back, she is all curling up and restless, now intent on looking between legs.

Lynne2 said...

down on her side curled up.

Mits said...

Good TUESDAY a.m. everyone, have a good one.

Lynne2 said...

still on her side and her breathing is about 70 BPM...WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???

Lynne2 said...

UGH, she probably does this every morning and I'm excited because she MAY have a baby. The joke will be on me for sure!!!

Mits said...

FINLAND nest is fixed, osprey laying in the middle of the nest.

Lynne2 said...

well, looks like she's just having a panda nap. This is nerve racking. I really wish I knew what the white thing the did a close up on was.

Lynne2 said...

cam operator just zoomed in on Mei's belly as she is sleeping

Lynne2 said...

zoomed right back out...I guess nothing there to see yet!

hedgie said...

Hey, Mits, thanks for heads-up on Finland cam! Lovely sight! See that snow is almost gone from Finney, too.
STILL can't get the zoo sites up.

Mits said...

Finland osprey just left the nest, don't see an egg yet.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I had Mei Xiang up on my laptop, closed it down to open it on the bigger computer and now can't get in! ARRRGGGHHHH!

Mits said...

mating at FINLAND nest

Lynne2 said...

You aren't missing anything at the moment Lynn, she is still asleep!

Lynne2 said...

Mei just got up an climbed up on her box and is stretched out on her belly now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

If you will go to Windows Media Player, go to file, then open url, then paste this in,

I have it up that way right now.

Lynne2 said...

she got up an walked out the door but cam isn't following!

Mits said...

keepers have called Mei out of the birthing den, must be going to try to do an ultra sound on her, if she cooperates.

Lynne2 said...

oh, hey Mits! Thanks for the info! Been watching all morning. Hope she cooperates with the keepers.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lib just brought in a whole tree and laid it on top of Palmer.

Mits said...

would be nice if the cam operator would put the cams on Tian during this time.

Mits said...

Mei back in her dens, eating protein biscuits

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lib brought in a whole tree a few minutes ago and laid it on top of Palmer.

Lynne2 said...

she's back...the suspense is killing me!

hedgie said...

Well, big release, but no baby!! Thanks, Shar, for that glad it works!

Lynne2 said...

cool, she just dragged a big piece of bamboo into the den

hedgie said...

See that Palmer is surrounded by fresh greenery.

Mits said...

beautiful sunrise at Lake Washington eagle cam this a.m.

movin said...


Good Morning,

aLL you Happy PeoPLe.




Mits said...

2 o's at FINNEY'S nest now

Mits said...

ship going by at FINLAND nest.

Mits said...

mating going on at FINNEY'S nest now

Mits said...

Still waiting for 1st hatch at Hornby nest

hedgie said...

Jim, are you up late or early???
Hope you are having a sunny CA day.

Ragdoll said...

Good morning to all feather friends.

My students are busy on projects. I check on Palmer and she is laying on her side. She move her wing and it put her half way on her back. Her little (excuse me) big feeties were in the air. Looked like someone had just given her the command to play dead. She deserves a treat. LOL

BBS-- have to do my reading

Bird Girl said...

Morning everyone!

Palmer is being playful and goofy and lazy this morning!

Hope you all are doing well. I'm off to Fallen Feathers for the morning. Lots of babies to feed!

movin said...

Good morning, Hedgie ... Mits, Sharon, Lynne2.

I'm up early the last couple of mornings, and I'm hoping it "sticks."

It's not without problems (when you can't get to sleep, for one), but I like it better.

I've been watching Finney this morning, but so far I have not seen the male. I like the looks of the female birds at both Finnish sites this year (I usually like them, but they seem "prettier" this year.).



Costume Lady said...

Well, I see Mei didn't give us a baby yet...thought she was for a few minutes late last night, but she just did a poop-drop:(

HP at Finny site means we will have another beautiful cam to watch. I think that is my favorite. It's almost like sitting in the nest:)

Soup Kitchen day...

Grilled Hamburgers & deluxe burgers
Gene's Beans
Need to shake a leg.
Enjoy your day♥

Iced Tea & Coffee

movin said...

I just saw the 2 O's on Finney's nest too.

A good-looking young pair..



Mits said...

yum...sounds good Wanda, have a good day:)

movin said...

Pete's Pond seems to be suffering power outages a lot lately, electrical storms, for example. And every time it goes down, we have to wait two, three days until somebody resets the equipment.

Down again this A.M.



Costume Lady said...

Forgot to mention: on my Apps. I have added Giant Pandas and you just click on the Panda's face and it takes you right there...didn't realize that til lat night. Didn't even know what an App much to learn.

Lolly said...

Good morning! My brother and my sister plus spouses have departed for home. Sad! Jack and I are headed out soon to see my wildflowers, visit the Wildseed Farm once again, and maybe do some wine tasting later on.

Saw nothing on the loon cam and read that there is no baby panda yet.

We are off!

We are going to have a great day and I wish you the same!

Ragdoll said...

Palmer looks COLD. Somebody put a blankie on her.

ceil said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONNA. Have a great day.
Happy 2nd birthday to Buddy the eagle.
Morning everyone Have a great day

hedgie said...

OMG!! Completely forgot to say:


hedgie said...

Ceil, do you mean Buddy's lucky day of being "rescued"? As in rebirth?

Mits said...

look in your eagle momster mail, Lynn, Suzanne sent out a letter about Buddy

hedgie said...

Found this interesting....Christie is always looking for new job opportunities....this is a place she should try to work!!
Zoo Lab

hedgie said...

Okay...thanks, Mits. Didn't realize that Buddy was such a late hatch!! Gee whiz.....I don't remember that!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

He was a late hatch because he was the 5th egg.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


hedgie said...

Okay, Shar....think I am starting to remember now!! CRS disease!!

Mits said...

wasn't that the year of the owl problems???

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 214   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...