Sunday, April 25, 2010


Sunday thread before the storms.


magpie said...

Well, thank you Steve...
read in the paper (Martinsburg Journal) about the Run for the Birds at NCTC Saturday, wish I could have been there, sounds like a great day for many many people

I will go back and tell the others about our new thread ☺

hedgie said...

Margy, sounded like that run was an annual event by the Audobon Society.

magpie said...

think so Hedgie...
Paula went last year...
It can also just be "a walk"
did not see any mention in the article regarding the Eagles

magpie said...

I know that Tai Shan link was going to be good but I am having great troubles with YouTubes...
hope to see it another time..
thank you.
couldn't watch any others that were posted either
thanks Red and BEagle also

hedgie said...

Margy, save it to your favs/bookmark and then try it in the middle of the night when you don't have anything else open! Maybe then it will work!!

magpie said...

There Mei goes again out of the den and back to the bamboo
sure is neat, the sound

It is something wrong with my computer, everything starts and stops but I will bookmark for when I get resolution of the problem
thanks !

BEagle said...

Maybe you can check what kind of video component you have on puter.
Maybe an upgrade would make a difference like a good video card that will work on your system if you don't have one.

BEagle said...

The panda is mighty restless.

BEagle said...

Cams take up a lota, lota space.

BEagle said...

Probably nothin' wrong with computer.

Oh, the sun is beaming down on the OR nest. Looks like Cascade is on there.

No snow in sight. : )

BEagle said...


hedgie said...

There sure is a lot of noise at the zoo.....guess keepers and such doing their housekeeping duties! Clang-bang-clang! Mei is oblivious....she's in the bamboo again. Thinking this is NOT a favorable sign.....

hedgie said...

Wow, water is really rough at the loon cam...windy!!!!

movin said...



EveryOnE ! !


[Still morning in So Cal. Partly cloudy and 64°, planning on 76° for the high point.]



magpie said...

I think Palmer was just wingercising...just a hint of it from the still cam right then

magpie said...

Hi Jim Good Morning still for you
mid-afternoon for us Easterners

nice views in our nest right now ☺

magpie said...

thanks BEagle,
it is a problem with too little memory and anything Live and Moving, presents a problem
I keep putting off taking care of the situation, which would not be that complicated, just time-consuming

movin said...

I suspected it before; but I'm SURE now that Palmer is a lady eagle.

I just signed on to the still cam, Lib and Palmer are upright (she's sitting with her feet out) next to each other, and Palmer's feet are bigger than her Dad's already.



magpie said...

I got a pic of that Jim, and am going over to Momstsers album now to post it
and put one on Magpie's Roost

magpie said...

Palmer is showing off those feet right now, must know we are watching

movin said...

Hi, Magpie, how do you like the new, shorter refresh times at BW??



movin said...

If you get a chance to compare feet at BW, and I just got a quick glimpse of the Mom and two chicks, you might be surprised that the feet of "both" chicks are smaller than hers ....

I know I was thinking they had one of each sex this year....



magpie said...

I like it Jim, guess that happened today
also like the report of possibly two eggs at BWO - waiting for confirmation...

magpie said...

Pics on Momsters album of Palmer and parent showing off feetsies

also, on Magpie's Roost, one pic from today, and one pic from
Apr 25, 2009, of Hidey...

just for fun...

magpie said...

back to work here,
have to hide my car keys so I don't go out to Swinging Bridge
had to miss market
hope it went great for Megan, weather has stayed nice

ttfn xo

movin said...

Have a good day, Magpie.
I'll probably be heading out too before long.



movin said...

Second egg was laid this morning at the Hummingbird's site.



magpie said...

that's good news Jim, just had a look parent off the nest right now
almost 500 viewers
Enjoy your day too...

NatureNut said...

Good Sunday Afternoon, Everyone ☺
Lovely here-mid-70's---guess the calm before any storms. We had a little rain last night---found out by going out & sitting in deck chair puddle!!!
One osprey nest at Park got it's cam turned on yesterday.Last year, they put new cam on different nest & now it won't work. So they fiddled w/old cam & got it on--needs some adjustment. Ms Osprey there has 2 eggs! I didn't see her get up for a pic of them, but got a rainbowy one of her. Cameras don't like taking pics of cams!!LOL
Was still trying to ID one shrub pic & think I have it solved, altho book says it blooms in June--Duh!?
BTW, if hedgie Lynn is around, I mentioned her butterfly to our naturalist, Stephanie, & she came up w/possibly a Diana!!So books can be wrong, as they're also supposed to be out in late June.I think all this is variable.

NatureNut said...

Paused Live cam & see there was a giant dark blob snoozing w/large foot sticking out!If size determines sex, I think Palmer must be a female, too.
Gotta have a snack---like lunch! Slept late & schedule is shot today.

Mema Jo said...

I am back from Market and seeing Megan and other vendors. Crowd seemed to be good size cause I was there close to noon hour. Megan says wait until Mother's day to plant the flowers... that is when she will have them available. Got some new radishes and I smelled the ramps- PHEW EEEE !

Mema Jo said...

I love BW 20 sec refresh on both cams!

Mema Jo said...

I see that Mei is laying down on the job. Maybe it isn't meant to be - I am wishing for a little miracle!

Going to put my feet up for awhile..


hedgie said...

Thanks, Loretta. Honeysuckle is a June bloom, but it's out in full force, so why not the flutterby, too???!!!

Jo, you didn't buy any ramps to try??? Can't say I blame you. Hope Norma has enjoyed hers!

BEagle said...

Great snapshot of the feetsies Magpie!

BEagle said...

All three of our eagles are on the nest.
Belle is feeding Palmer.

Costume Lady said...

Thundering here in Nestville. Look out Palmer...let Mom put her tent up for you:)

Just watching Mei, she looks as if she could be caring for a cub or maybe she is cleaning herself.

Costume Lady said...

Mei is asleep, don't think she would be sleeping if she just gave birth...FALSE ALARM.

hedgie said...

Tornado warning here and severe storm warnings for our entire area, including Megan, Jo and Paula's areas. Hold on to that baby, Belle and Lib.

Costume Lady said...

Raining pretty heavily now...still lightening, yet.
I pull the blinds when it lightnings...cares me, as my grandaughter use to say:)

hedgie said...

Shutting down.

BEagle said...

We have a cloud covering and wind. Keep the candles handy.

Hold on Palmer.

Costume Lady said...

HOLY TORNADO, LYNN...thanks for the warning. Need candles in basement.

Costume Lady said...

Must not be as heavy a rain at the nest...Belle doesn't have a very big tent up??

Costume Lady said...

Thunder rattling our windows!

BEagle said...

Prayers going up for Hedgies area.

BEagle said...

Just now hearing the thunder at the nest.

Costume Lady said...



Costume Lady said...

Raining VERY hard!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the storm warnings - I hear the thunder coming into the valley now.

Stay in and stay dry.......

BEagle said...

That looks like little hail pellets bouncing off Belle.

Costume Lady said...

Hail falling now...looks like popcorn.

glo said...

:-( Please let me know when the sky is no longer falling. Saw the info on facebook from Megan. Be safe everyone. Including the feathered variety

stronghunter said...

cnn reporting west va tornado warning. showed map of martinsburg area.

the sun is shining here.

Costume Lady said...


stronghunter said...

raining at nest, but doesn't look too bad.

Costume Lady said...

The rain has stopped here and sun is trying to come out.

hedgie said...

Hail seems to have stopped at nest. We haven't gotten ANYTHING here in Hedgesville. Apparently, southern part of county got it the worst. Everything okay with you , Wanda??

floralgirl said...

Absolutely pouring here, you can't even see out the window.

hedgie said...

Megan is getting hail now....sure hope it doesn't damage her flowers. They were saying quarter size, then said golf ball.....didn't look anywhere near that big at the nest, so hopefully not across the river at her place, either.

hedgie said...

Belle just did a big shake-off!

hedgie said...

Another cell coming from Winchester mainly towards CharlesTown and then Frederick.......everybody stay safe. Carolyn is in Winchester and heard that tornado touched down along 81 there, but nothing said on news about a sighting.

hedgie said...

Look NOW at the footsie sticking out!!

hedgie said...

Oops...too cam had stopped!!

floralgirl said...

Stopped raining now, but there are more storms headed this way.

BEagle said...

You could still see the footsie.

Mema Jo said...

Everything ok here. Lots and lots of down pouring rain. Still lightning and thundering.. I hope the hail misses
our valley.....

2 BWO eggs

Mema Jo said...

Looks like Shetz and Sheetz of rain!

Where is our Judie?

2 loons just went quietly floating by the nest platform..... I think they are so beautiful.. The mic they have is really sensitive....

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is all alone..

magpie said...

woke up on instinct
practically nothing here on Pendleton Dr

storms headed towards Balto, prayers for Ceil, MM and all others in its path

prayers for those already affected in other parts of the country

back to bed....
Glad to hear from Jo and Megan...

Mema Jo said...

Mei is on the move out to the large day room.....

Mema Jo said...

Going to have herself some bamboo for dinner.......

Mema Jo said...

Glad to hear from you Margy - was hoping you weren't out at Swinging Bridge! You would have washed away..

stronghunter said...

When was Judie last here?

hedgie said...

More severe storm warnings for Brunswick/Frederick areas!
Entire region under watch until 11.

hedgie said...

I think Friday, Shirley.
Still no word from Chrissy, either.

Mema Jo said...

Jenny says it is hailing in Knoxville now. Guess it is coming my way up 340!

Must be ok at the nest as adults are not down in the nest with Palmer.

magpie said...

Hoping everyone's little peeps and their parents are tucked into safe places...I mean Humans right now...

Wanda, Hedgie...glad you came out on the other side too....Dana...should be ok

Wanda, very sedate here, so should have been about the same for GG...

last time I think I saw Judie on was towards the end of last week...
Wednesday maybe, she was finishing up classes

Mema Jo said...

On Daniels' Panda cams San Diego
ZZ is trying to wake up from napping.
Mei still eating........

magpie said...

thanks Jo...I had to hide my car keys earlier to make myself behave

did you see, two chicks at Lake Washington

ok time for nap again,
working at midnight
xox ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Doesn't look like any rain at the nest yet...

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Large tail fin! Belle has claimed it, guess Lib brought it...and out goes Lib.

Belle is going to serve supper under the cam tonight :)

paula eagleholic said...

I'm watching and eating some Chinese food.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like rain now at the nest...

I heard thunder a litle while ago in my area

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, I missed the run/walk at NCTC this year...

Palmer doing some really fast chirps, guess he wants covered up!

paula eagleholic said...

And 2 chicks at LW, great news Margy,

and 2 eggs for BWO, thanks Jo.

Looks like Belle is going to try and cover Palmer as best she can.

paula eagleholic said...

House inspection went pretty good down at Mom's...nothing we can't fix!

Mema Jo said...

Mei is eating again (still) but in the birthing den.

ZZ is back to napping - guess that is how they grow so much in such a short period of time.

Hi Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Jo. Glad you made it to market.

BEagle said...

It was hailing on the nest earlier, but it wasn't bad. Little hail's.

Mema Jo said...

Good news about the house inspection.
Sometimes the buyers come up with a lot of little things. Glad everything is fixable!

hedgie said...

Storm just started here....I hadn't been in one minute since taking trash out! Shutting down again!

Mema Jo said...

I got to see the large red Market truck of Megan's. It will hold a garden full! She loves it.

Ok here comes the storm again
Hedgie I wish you would keep it in WV


paula eagleholic said...

It was a hired home inspector...

Judie said...

Prayers that all my WV and MD friends have
escaped the worst of the storm. It looks very windy at the nest and Boris has, apparently, been very creative.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead. I'll be back sometime.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope everything is OK Judie and you are just getting some well needed rest.

paula eagleholic said...

My live feed is black and I can't get it back...

paula eagleholic said...

Still cam still working

paula eagleholic said...

WAX :)

paula eagleholic said...

I see that Lisa is hoping the 20 second pics at BW is permanent...that would be really nice!

floralgirl said...

Very intense storms passing by here and at the nest again. Pouring rain and wicked lightning.

floralgirl said...

wow it is right on top of us...intense bolt of lightning right outside the window. winds are only about 10 mph

Mema Jo said...

Watching a 2 hr movie
BBL around 10

BEagle said...

My live cam just came back up.

paula eagleholic said...

It's raining; it's pouring.
The old man is snoring.
He went to bed and bumped his head,
And he couldn't get up in the morning.

floralgirl said...

Hailing hard

paula eagleholic said...

ruh roh, hail

BEagle said...

The old man is snoring is in a song by Feliciano. One of my faves.

paula eagleholic said...

Just rain now but lots of lightening and thunder

paula eagleholic said...

I see Belle's glowing eye...

Mits said...

hmmm storms, what storms, not a drop here.

floralgirl said...

Lucky duck... Baltimore is really getting slammed too.

Mits said...

yeah just got an email from Ceil that she was shutting down....she and her hubby came over today and we went to the Nationals game...they actually won, had a great time, it is a wonderful ball park, then went to dinner....glad for all the updates from around the cams...thanks everyone.

hedgie said...

Whew....really had a wicked storm....but no wind! That's good, so I won't have a lot of debris to clean up! Had some hail, but not large.
It is still lightening but it must be very far away cause I don't hear any thunder.

Hey, Judie---don't be a stranger!!

Mits, Mei is eating more than it seems she should be if a birth is "imminent"!! Argh!

hedgie said...

Almost time for Army Wives....recording Bros & Sis's for after bathtime.

NatureNut said...

It's evening already!
Put some Sat. Park pics w/ mostly wildflowers on blog.

got a couple chores to do---BBL

Lynne2 said...

evening all...I see everyone is OK after the lovely storms. We got hit really hard but the wind wasn't bad. Haven't seen so much lightning in a LONG time, and another is on the doorstep but not so serious looking as the last.

Well, it's very early in the AM in the UK. I can only hope that Chrissy and family have found a place and have been busy moving and that's why we've heard nothing. I sure hope she gets in touch soon. My heart is so heavy for them.

Going to get ready to watch Army Wives....have a good night, prayers for all.

NatureNut said...

Not gone---saw mention or storms---our friends in Paw Paw had something, but after a little cloudy time in PM, sun was back out here--not a drop so far. That means I'll have to water stuff on Mon!

paula eagleholic said...

Was it was going away, lightening and thunder and rain back again...dogs have no fear, wondering why they can't go out...

Had to make 1/2 a recipe of sopapilla cheesecake...only had one piece last night :)

magpie said...

good to see so many here this evening, seems that everyone is pretty safe and sound
Hoping that Megan's farm and garden withstand the onslaught

thanks for the Red Market Truck report, Jo....that sounds just great!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - The storm was far away and right over top of my house. lol
At 9:00 the sky let loose and Hail came down big time. Lots and Lots of
All is calm now - not sure if more will come through the night.

magpie said...

those home inspections are pretty much worth their weight in gold Paula... glad that anything found is fixable, does not surprise me
Bravo to you and your brothers !

wow Mits, sounds like a great time at the Ball Park...
hoping that the storms are not bad for Ceil & Co.; I'm watching the news for updates

Good to hear from Judie ♥

stronghunter said...


Had to check back in to make sure everyone is okay. It sounds like everyone survived the storms okay. I hope there aren't any more problems tonight.

Good to see Judie stopped by. I am sure she is busy with finals. Just good to hear from her.

I have been thinking about Chrissy and her family. She was so sweet at Christmas. I know I did not get cards out to everybody, but I did send one to Chrissy. She e-mailed me and apologized for not sending cards to all of us. I responded that it would be too expensive for her to send so many cards. I only had to send one overseas card. She would have needed to send too many if she sent one to everybody. She said that she had done that before. I am so glad she did not spend her precious money that way this year. E-cards are just fine.

Had a nice talk with Susan this evening. She told me about a strange sound she heard in the woods behind her condo. She said she rushed outside to see what was going on. It sounded like a dog being killed, according to Susan. She later figured out that it was a fox in heat. Strange.

I just finished putting together a lesson plan for tomorrow's observation. Hope it goes well.

I need to do a bit of reading. See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Enjoyed your new pics Loretta.
That one really is fragrant.. I love the pink lady slipper - Sure hope no one steps on it accidentally.

magpie said...

I can believe that about the fox, Shirley...was listening to one at the nest one night, and googled many fox sounds to compare....

Mema Jo said...

Hoping you have a superior report tomorrow with your supervisor in the classroom Shirley!

magpie said...

great BWO news Jo
Lisa must be happy ☺

magpie said...

Loretta, your new pics are great.
There is a "Jack" on my wildflowers link; I have to go to look for Lady's Slippers around here
I have seen one yellow one, years ago at the Nat'l Arboretum, and never have seen a Showy One
Sister in Mass. has Slippers, and Johnny Jump-ups

magpie said...

Me too, Shirley, hope all goes so well on Monday...

Mema Jo said...

On WildWatch cam - the Osprey nest - I think I can see one egg. There isn't any report from them so maybe it has already been noticed. Email them and maybe Chuck will respond.. Other 2 emails weren't good anymore.

NatureNut said...

The weather Gods have hit--we are getting rain now!
I missed one pic, so added it to first group. Re: Lady slippers---seems there are less each year. About 10 or so years ago, there was an unbelievable patch along a Driving Tour Road that goes into the State Park, Merkle, next door.On one side there had to be 50 & lesser amount on other side. I know I checked there a couple years ago & very few on the one side, none on the other. Plan to check there TU.

magpie said...

touching story about the Christmas cards and Chrissy, Shirley

It costs 98-cents to mail one first class item over there from here
I bought two awhile back, never used them :(
I will, when we get a new address from her

God Bless and Comfort our overseas pals during this difficult time

magpie said...

know a few places for patches here, Loretta...but I have to ask for roaming rights to go look, another spot is at Sleepy Creek Wildlife Management....
now you have us fired up to go find them !

magpie said...

After turning off the computer during the tornado warning I couldn't get the cam up fast enough to check on the Royal Family...
what a relief to see they were ok

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a nice day for Mits and Ceil and their hubbys, glad the rain held off. Sounds like it's over here for now.

magpie said...

would like some sopapilla cheesecake

but I am taking Banana Split makings to work tonight

magpie said...

I think you're right, Mema, good eyes! ref: WW osprey

Mema Jo said...

I was over on FB - mainly trying to catch up with the Bluefield/Bedford gals. Real good pics of Mattie and team mates.

magpie said...

great, Jo
no facebook here, hope they will post them maybe on E-M

night bandit is lurking,
time to pull it together for work

Take care all, Hope Sleep is Restful..I'll get mine in the morning

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Mei is eating up a storm sitting in the corner of her birthing den!

magpie said...

weather sounding a little better for Balimore area...

hedgie said...

Good show, as always!
Pouring here again.
Drive carefully, Margy.

Mema Jo said...

I think I am heading back the hallway.
I just wish that one evening I could lay my head on the pillow and sleep soundly the entire night until morning.
I don't get up out of bed but seem to notice the time on the clock every 2 hours or so. Maybe I just need to get rid of the clock.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - you mean there is more rain
coming at me. Any thunder and lightening?

hedgie said...

Shirley, hope the observer grades you as highly as we do!!

paula eagleholic said...

Shutting it down for tonight, have a good night at work, Margy.

catch ya'll tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

No T&L this time, Jo!
Good night, chief Mama!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Praying for everyone's wants/needs

((((hugs)))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Night, Paula!

Jo, sorry you don't rest well. I do, but always HAVE to get up at least once, sometimes twice....depending on how much tea I've had!!

hedgie said...

Just after 4 AM at Chrissy's.......surely praying that they have been able to spend the weekend moving in to a decent place. Just breaks my heart for them that they are losing everything they've worked for for 26 yrs. Prayers that their health holds up and that they find some peace of mind.

hedgie said...

Well, dear friends, I wol widh you all a good night. See you tomorrow. Prayers and peace for all.

hedgie said...

Will Wish....dumb fingers!!

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! I've been away for a few days and know I've probably missed a LOT! But, this pc has been giving me some problems and I get frustrated using it. Jim is usually using the notebook, so I'm SOL.

If there have been any birthdays I missed, happy, happy. Or any birth days besides Max & Guianni. Come to think of it .... I never got April's list. I'll be looking for May's list when it's ready.

Right now the whole screen is pink; it's sometimes green, blue or yellow so I mostly miss that actual colorings on the cams. Then out of nowhere, I'll get a white page but it never lasts long. I'm going to replace this computer soon.

I'm sure most of you have already hit the sheetz, but I wish all happy dreams and a great day tomorrow.

God bless!

NatureNut said...

I second all thoughts and prayers for Chrissy & Family. Just sent her a caring email. Know if she's moving, she may not be in touch w/us for awhile. Hope they are holding up. I don't know, but were they purchasing their home or renting? Be more terrible if they were buying. Don't know the rules there...
I'm gonna keep buying lottery tickets.
Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)--hope and prayers

PA Nana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

Our earlier storm was followed a while later by another that had a profuse amount of lightening. The first storm knocked out the internet for a short while. I worked at it and it came back on.
Everything is okie dokie here now:)

Margy thanks for the encouraging words about the weather around GGs.

Guess what?? I get a "NEW" knee tomorrow. I will be sooo happy. Knee hasn't been so good for two months now. Gene has to lead me around most of the time like a seeing eye dog:) But, he is good at it!!


Almost forgot...I was handed a check for our Soup Kitchen this morning and it was in the amount of $500.00 WOWZEE!! Thank You Jesus♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Today was one of those weird days--ran around for a while early this morning, but the later part of the day we didn't do much.

Mighty relieved that you guys back there survived the storms! Wowee!
Sounds like you really got hit with some nasty weather! Glad our eagles are OK, too.

Have been so worried about Chrissy and her family! Certainly hope they have found a place to move to!
Heartfelt prayers continue.

Good to hear from Judie! Bet you're busier than a long-tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs! Hope you get a good rest tonight.
You too, Shirley!

Well, I'm pretty tired tonight myself, so think I'm gonna go veg with a book for a while. Prayers said for everyone. Think I missed a couple of birthdays, so belated best wishes to those folks! The night light is on, and the porch light is burning. The eye scanner security is enabled. Sweet dreams, and God bless everyone abundantly! Good night! Talk to you tomorrow. :o]

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

things soggy but look okay at the Royal Nest...

Osprey at Finney cam
its so pretty

Finney Land Nest

That's great news Wanda, about the check for Soup Kitchen

magpie said...

first time I have seen on there this year

magpie said...

weather rough at Loch of the Lowe's but calm at Loch Garten

magpie said...

Osprey left and now is back at Finney's - same one, or different I don't know, looks like a male, no necklace

quiet night at work
your all's well-wishes worked!

Best wishes for a good day everyone, keep the sunshine in your heart ♥


ceil said...

Morning all Bad storms are gone. Jim said we had hail I thought it was the rain.

ceil said...

Well this blog is making me do everything twice.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. See Lib is trying to keep the Little/Big Palmer somewhat dry. I had to geese fly right over the house a few minutes ago. I love that!

movin said...







movin said...

It's great to see at least a female Osprey at Finny's. Have you seen a male yet??

She' got the nest sorted out and there's a lot of the soft, liner type grasses in there. I wonder if they will get started immediately.

I just happened to be thinking they are later than usual this year, when I realized that the voluminous clouds of volcanic ash might have affected or slowed bird migrations too.



Ragdoll said...

Good Morning My Eagle Friends.
I have missed all of you.

Been up pass Bangor, ME. Friends of our needed help putting new windows and knotty pine on porch and a new wood stove. Were going for just 4 days. Stayed 5 came home to take care of my John (grandchild) then went back until yesterday afternoon. Was a wonderful time. Friends bond when working together.

I am back at school now. I am having a quiet day. Student are very busy. Less time to act up. LOL

I hadn't seen Palmer for a week. OMG,OMG,OMG. I can't believe how big she got in one week. Pin feather all over the place and those FEET. I sure did miss her.

I won't be able to catch up on a weeks worth of reading. I pray all has been well with all and Happy Birthday to those I have missed.

Ragdoll said...

I see where a good amount of you got some of the BAD weather yesterday/night. I pray all of you are safe and unharmed.

movin said...

Have you been watching Norfolk lately?

The chicks are growing nicely, and the oldest one is actually looking like an eagle this A.M.



ceil said...

Jim they were probably grounded also. You are up early.

ceil said...

Jim I watched the Norfolk nest alot
See what our schedule is like next week. Would like to get to the banding. BBL

Ragdoll said...

Traveling 3 hours north I watched for eagles and nests. Spotted 5 eagle nests and 2 osprey nests. I was on the turnpike. Was happy to see the increase in Maine.

WOW! Raining steady at nest. Everything looks so wet. Good Parents/keeping Palmer warm and dry.

Mema Jo said...

There is a fresh start of the week



hedgie said...

Good morning all.
Haven't read through blog yet--had lots of emails...still lots of upset and questions flying about concerning death of a former co-worker Fri.

News item: 900 box turtles have been relocated from site of intercounty connector highway in suburban MD since 2007. Volunteers, trained dogs and contractors have sought out and removed them from an 18 mile stretch of future roadway. I would have taken some to keep Myrtle company!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...