Wednesday, March 12, 2025

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lands at the lop base. 12:57 PM. He looks down either at his talons Or at the bedding he brought in not for sure. He remains in that same position for a few seconds. He looks down for secs.

12:58 PM. He's still in the same position and he looked down at least twice again at his talons, she remains in the cup. No response, ignoring. Think she likes the tickle tickle of the eggs. Moving oops, he starts to move over. He takes 4 to 5 steps. Picks up a stick walks over to it and puts it right in front of her. She finally starts to get up and Moses on over to the lop area. He is picking up sticks. She is over at the lop eating nestovers He is down at 7 he moves the stick before. He decides to do egg roll in a wiggle wiggle. Nose down tail up. You can hear Her ripping. The fish off the bone still eating at 1:01 PM. 1:04 PM. Meals seems to be done what she must be full with. She turns around and looks toward the Grove. She does exit from there.


3:23:09 PM Bella arrives and lands on the lop The moment she does she starts talking with him back And fourth as normal.You gotta love this couple. You can see her circle From the left to the right before entering. That is pretty cool love that view. You can

Hear him before she answers the nest chortling back and forth. 3:23:54 PM.she hops down from the lop He takes 2 steps and stops. Looking down starts picking at the base. Moving tiny pieces to-and-fro. He starts to get up stretches and from the SP. Flaps Wings and starts to walk over to the lop base. Is he starts to scratches his head. I love it when they do that. Turn and looks toward the camera. Cheese takes 2 steps Turns around takes 2 more steps and exits toward the right toward the road.

 The children can be heard. I love it when you can hear the children outside playing.

5:27 PM Scout flies into the lop just as she was doing a egg roll and wiggle wiggle down she goes.

5:29 PM he is preening on the lop..His head is under his wing Still preening 5:31 PM. Preening his chest feathers. 5:32 PM he does a shuggle.

5:38 pm Bella calls out to him.Hey responds and at

5:39 pm He jumps down from the lop and Start picking at the nest at the lop and she gets up relieves her of her duties. She gets uo goes over to where he is at the crib. Rail and exits from there 639 or 6:40 A5:27 PM Scout flies into the lop just as she was doing a egg roll and wiggle wiggle down she goes.

5:29 PM he is preening on the lop..His head is under his wing Still preening 5:31 PM. Preening his chest feathers. 5:32 PM he does a shuggle.

5:38 pm Bella calls out to him.Hey responds and at

5:39 pm He jumps down from the lop and Start picking at the nest at the lop and she gets up relieves her of her duties. She gets uo goes over to where he is at the crib. Rail and exits from there 639 or 6:40 AM.

6:48 PM. Night shift change. 3 more sleeps till we start pip watch.

6:46 PM. He sort of squeaks while she stands on the crib rail at 8. E, let's out.

 another squaw this time. A little louder and then starts to get up. He walks toward her. She is standing at the lap area at the base. He makes a conversations with her 6:47 PM up to the lot. He flies or hops. It's amazing how to get the flight app there so short of a time. He let's add a quick check when he was up. There and exits from there toward the road 647. PM.


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...