We were out of town most of yesterday and didn't get back til very late...just fell into bed without doing night time rituals, like saying good night to my friends on here. I'm busy today, also, so If I don't get back here, don't send out the Silver Alert party:)
The tragedy in Raleigh County WV with the mine disaster is profound... repeated past safety violations at this mine brings fines of less than a half million for the mine owners
a sticky acceleration pedal from Toyota brings over 16 million in fines
I can't square this in my head. Maybe I have my facts and figures wrong...
Prayers for everyone involved in the loss, survival, and rescue attempts there
I agree Magpie Humans playing with the lives and sfaety of other humans. It doesn't square with most of us. Not sure how those in the know of this kind of threat to others even live with themsleves. OK naptime here.
and I apologize, I know this might not be the place or forum to even talk about it but these are our people...our citizens...I'm just having a hard time with it
I leave now, with best wishes for a good day for everyone
Margy, dear, there are a lot of injustices in these United States, and what is so frustrating is that it seems we can't really do anything about it. We get knocked down time after time.
You just can't trust now a days. Sad. People have to die first. Good Figure!! Magpie, we are all intitled to have off beat days. I pray yours gets better. Hug coming your way!!!
Be Back Later (if possible). I get to leave school in a few. Need to wrap up the day here.
The one injustice that is on the very TOP for me is the Seat Belt Law and the use of cell phones while driving. Not wearing a seat belt while driving will not cause an accident...BUT...talking or texting on a cell phone while driving as caused many accidents and deaths. Very few states have a law against cell phone use while behind the wheel, but all states require you to wear your seatbelt. Don't get me wrong, seatbelts are livesavers, but only to yourselves.
Wow, just got some crazy message that asked me to sign back in using my password, and now just hope the blogger cop lets me back in! Keeps saying I'm not authorized or something. Hmmmm....MTBR....
(((((HUGS)))) Margy, sorry that you aren't feeling upbeat today. We all have those days.
Oh GEEZ Wanda...don't even get me started on the cell phone driving thing.
Lynn, prayers for a clear x-ray today!
Continued prayers for the miners and families.
Wow, that raven thing....yikes. Tough to see.
Well, it's getting on to night in the UK. I can't help but think this may be one of the worst nights Chrissy and family have ever had, anticipating what may come tomorrow. We are praying very hard for you Chrissy!
Andrea, meant to tell you I like the new avatar. Now I know what you look like!! Cool!!
Sure agree about the seatbelts vs. cell phone stuff, Wanda! While waiting for someone a couple of weeks ago in a parking lot, I watched as cars went past during ?rush hour"---3 out of 5 drivers had a phone to their ear in a 10 min. span. ARGH!
I'm pulling a 'Margy' here, but just had to put my 2 cents in. I don't usually watch Oprah, but did see the one she did about cell phones & driving. Cars should be a NO PHONE zone! Texting is even worse--I wish people would wise up about that! Lives are worth SO much more than a text message or cell phone call! JMHO.
Lynne. Thanks for the reminder that it is in fact April 7 in the UK. Wonder if Chrissy knows how many are praying for her and her family . I hope the info gets shared in a timely manner as we are all equally concerned for Chrissy and her family.
California passed a hands-free cell phone law a couple of years ago, and then had to go back and outlaw texting.
You still see the occasional guy with a phone to the ear, but it's down immensely from before the law... don't know about the texting though, and that's way more dangerous.
Friends, thanks for the good wishes it's not about me, I guess it's about the sadness everywhere for which as you mention...there is not always a solution, or else the solution affects others in negative ways, not just here but worldwide better for me to spend some quiet time rather than talking...sorry again...Prayers offered for many needs (( hugs back ))
88.9 degrees here! My redbud is NOT blooming, but it's not dead either. Was told to scratch the bark with fingernail to see if green underneath, and it is. We just planted it in the fall.
Hi all! Home from the hairdressers. I am all beautiful now. Going to Dallas soon. Going out to eat and then to a STARS game with Michael and Ashley. Michael has season tickets he shares with friends and this time is also has the firms tickets. So..off we go. Zach is going too!
Sad about the Sydney egg and when I found out it was due to hatch this week, I got sadder.
DANA...sorry I disappeared this morning. Yes, it is drier...but water is still flowing out of the ground. One area is still a bog and we have not had rain in 2 weeks.
While gone this morning Jack brought some plants out of the greenhouse. Guess I will work on my plants tomorrow. No time to get down and dirty today. Grrrr!!!
Here's the link for CT...a lot of us started watching this cam back in 2006, the first year for the NCTC cam...watched it through a hurricane and a blue stuffed teddy bear in the nest...he got blown out during the hurricane.
Sure can see the pin feathers plainly on BWE chicks!! Thanks for Conn. link, Paula....don't think I am familiar with that one at all. Have a good time at the game, Lolly!
And can you believe that it is snowing on the Oregon nest? I checked on the eagle last night and you couldn't see it for being covered with snow....and it's still snowing on them!!
I need a little help setting a dvr. Do I put it on the program I want to record. Then hit record? Is that it? Any special way to get back to the other channel I want to watch?
Feeling rested now. I often do not sleep well the night before the first day back from a weekend or holiday. I woke up too early this morning, so I was really sleepy by the end of the day.
So sad to see the Sidney eagle crying out over the loss of her egg. Somebody commented on how smart ravens are. The eagle was also smart enough to recognize that one egg was missing. And she obviously grieved over it.
I was surprised at how easily the raven picked up the egg and flew away with it. I would not have thought it could hold onto something like an egg the way it did.
I was sitting out on the deck trying to cool down. Hubby turned on the AC Sure hope it kicks in quickly. Tomorrow I think should also be this warm.. APRIL - not ready for Summer!
Hello, hello! I was going nuts today not being able to send a report! It was OSPREYMANIA at the Park. First thing I saw when getting there were 3 ospreys on the platform closest to Vis. Ctr. Something wrong w/this picture. A little later, Greg, our naturalist was driving in and saw 2 in the air in a talon lock. Then I saw they fell into marshy water under the nest.All flew up, but later I saw 2 in the water again and one flew up and the other didn't!One in the water kept getting dive-bombed and eventually started to swim!!!!The closest bit of marsh was behind it, but at base of nest, so he/she kept paddling away in a diagonal~~~way upriver behind a wood duck box and toward shore on my side. I lost sight due to trees, plants & didn't actually see it touch land. It was very close & took some breaks, so we assume it made it. Our Mgr. was driving by & thought head was so white it might be an eagle, but Greg saw my blurry pics & the "elbows" of the wings convinced him it was an osprey.? We thought that nest was all settled w/a pair, but all day there were about 3 or four circling and squealing above it, so it's territory wars. I recall awhile back (2 yrs.) someone posted a link to video of eagle swimming & that's just what this looked like. After work I searched the possible marshy area where bird might have landed but only saw a large all brown thing that looked as big as a turkey. Then an eagle landed there for awhile & flew away. I went for binoculars, but everything was gone. Maybe the large brown thing was a juvie. On way out, Mom eagle was standing in the nest, Dad came flying in, both chirped & he landed on branch above nest. That's enough for now---gotta finish din din, see Idol, check camera.....
I wanted to say to all of you, that my earlier posts about the mining disaster, were borne more out of passion and sadness and less perhaps out of factual or fairly represented figures.... it was incorrect on my part to do this, I know we all have opinions but for me to put words here that might be less than correct, is not my right or privilege, nor was it my intention, and I apologize for this, and any offense made or harm done. Thank you...
I know our concerns and prayers are with the families, may they find the strength and faith they need to get through this
Lynn, I haven't read back all the way, but I understand that you had a medical test done. I know how hard it can be to wait for results. Bless you. Prayers for a good report.
Margy, I can't see how you could have offended anyone. It is okay to have opinions. You are one of the most compassionate people I've ever met. Good for you.
When Pluto was de-planeted, my ninth graders came to class informing me about the event. I was surprised and pleased that they were so interested.
Okay, cam clock is running, but the eagle looks frozen, but spidey just passed by.
Dana, just saw your post about the DVR. You can either preset a show to record using the Record menu, or you can find the show on the guide grid, highlight it and push the record button, or once the show starts hit record and then go to another chanell IF you have a dual line receiver.
Dealing with some rough news here. Moms' best friend (they met when they gave birth to me and her son) passed away Sunday (her husband had died about a year ago); and then my only friend here in the development lost her husband today. Prayers please for the families. TY.
Oh, and another eagle fell out of Hoover's nest. The first one has a broken leg, the second one is OK, going to be placed in a sanctuary w/ flight pen and then released. They think the 3rd will be OK up in the nest...let's hope so!
Lynn- an eaglet nicknamed Hoover was fostered into the nest after his nest collapsed. Now his new nest has collapsed, probably from the wind and 3 eaglets jumping around in it. The story about Hoover was posted some time ago. His sibling was fostered into another nest.
Rus and Rebecca brought me a pretty azalea for Easter. I had it on the kitchen counter. Dear George. He managed to knock it onto the floor. Fortunately, not too much damage was done.
Well, looks like more have gone, or maybe some fell asleep in front of the tube! So I will say my goodnights now. Rest well, fowl friends. Prayers, and peace.
Hello & Good night everyone. Just checking in - late as usual. Tonight was terrific Tuesday on TV and they were all new episodes.
Prayers for the lost and killed miners and their families. Jim's father, grandfather, and great-grandfathers were miners in the anthracite mines of NE PA. Jim is second generation American and we have a lot of respect for miners. It's a hard life.
God bless us everyone and grant us our wants/needs.
What a day you had Loretta! It may still be going on tomorrow. Lynn - prayers for your mom's friend who has gone to her final resting place and for your friend to also be at peace.
TV Shows were enjoyable this evening
Then I wanted to watch the news about some youngsters stoning a dog that was saved by a man (who also got bricks hurled at him in doing so)! This world is soooooooo sick!
I am heading back the hallway AC is on! I shall sleep well with the covers on me.
Prayers for Chrissy and family that the hearing will go in her favor. Hopefully whoever is the first to know the outcome will give us a heads-up on here.
Good Grief. Sorry I'm back so late. I downloaded blurry pics to see mystery critters in the marshy riverbank this PM. One looks either like the root end of a fallen tree OR an eagle. Later one eagle did land there & a couple pics look like two!!?? They are thru branches, so pretty blurry. Oh well, I'll work on them some more. Tomorrow is another day. Have not read everything, but see that condolencees are in order for Lynn & her friends, Prayers for Chrissy. Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Hi, Everyone, Just dragging in from school. Have all my transcription homework finished and printed out, and just need to do my word definitions, and I'll be done. Must study like crazy for the test tomorrow night.
Heavy-duty prayers continue for Chrissy and her family. Sure hope all works out OK for them!
Lynn, prayers for you, and for your friend who lost her husband and her family. Prayers too, for the family of your Mom's friend...also for the families affected by the mine tragedy.
Jim, we're on the same page. On the Oprah show I saw about cell phones and driving, they said that talking on a cell phone while driving makes you 4 times more likely to have an accident. That's the same as if you were drunk. If you text and drive, chances of an accident go up to 8 times more likely! Trouble waiting to happen! They did driving tests with a few people who text and drive all the time (and who were pretty cocky about how good they were at it), and they all failed the driving test completely!! It simply cannot be done--our brains are physically unable to multitask in that way! Just not worth the risk. (That's my humble opinion!)
Well, I'm going to try to study a bit, then get some sleep. The night light is on, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner security is enabled. Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you in the morning. Prayers have been said for everyone--especially Chrissy & family! God bless, and goodnight! Love all you guys! ((HUGS)) :o]
Chrissy sent an email, the hearing did not go in their favor, still have to be out on April 26th! Cannot imagine what they must be going through. Bless her heart! I would give anything if there were something tangible we could do to help her.
Thank you so much my dear friend, I can't tell you how much all of the support means to us from you and everyone,,,, We have just returned from our hearing and the extention we were looking for hasn't been granted,, so we are still to be out of our home on the 26th of April,, Frank is yet again on his way to the Houseing Department to see if things can be moved on a pace now,,, so I'll wait for him to get back,,, That's all I know so far pet,,
Oh my the news from Chrissy is so sad and disappointing. Frightening a little too. It can happen to any one of us well pretty much anyway.
Maybe some eagle beauty will brighten things up a little. And then there are the miners. Here they are saying they will finish the drilling between noon and 2 pm. I so want to hear of 4 miracles.
Thank you Mits. I think Palmer is going to be shaded by Mom or Dad today a lot with that heat.
I found something as for me "new about the blog". When you make a comment and it does that "double post". You don't see a trash can. Highlight all you have written in the post you want to delete and you will see at the left corner at bottom a little square. Click on that....it is the trash can.
Yes, Glo, it has been a rough year for our feathered friends and probably the furry ones too!
thanks, Wanda;)
Thank you for the new thread. WOW, poor belle looks so hot. She is panting.
hoodies at Finland
Thanks Steve for the new thread
and Wanda for the alert
Very touching view of Palmer and Mom at our nest
We were out of town most of yesterday and didn't get back til very late...just fell into bed without doing night time rituals, like saying good night to my friends on here. I'm busy today, also, so If I don't get back here, don't send out the Silver Alert party:)
Look at Palmers head just in front of Mommies. So Cute!!
The tragedy in Raleigh County WV with the mine disaster is profound...
repeated past safety violations at this mine brings fines of less than a half million for the mine owners
a sticky acceleration pedal from Toyota brings over 16 million in fines
I can't square this in my head.
Maybe I have my facts and figures wrong...
Prayers for everyone involved in the loss, survival, and rescue attempts there
I can't even talk much less write
Hope everyone here is okay and will stay that way
Hi Ragdoll and Wanda!
Speaking of silver alerts....where's Norma????
Cool to see it still light in Finland at this hour!! See the hoodie.
I agree Magpie Humans playing with the lives and sfaety of other humans. It doesn't square with most of us. Not sure how those in the know of this kind of threat to others even live with themsleves. OK naptime here.
Magpie, Toyota knew months before about the issue and kept it a secret. Therefore, 16 million
I agree that was a serious violation, Deb, not discounting it...don't mean to even hint at that...their omission surely endangered the driving public
16 million in fines in Montcoal WV might have made a difference yesterday afternoon at 3 pm
I usually try to be upbeat but it's just not here today
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
and I apologize, I know this might not be the place or forum to even talk about it
but these are our people...our citizens...I'm just having a hard time with it
I leave now, with best wishes for a good day for everyone
Margy, dear, there are a lot of injustices in these United States, and what is so frustrating is that it seems we can't really do anything about it. We get knocked down time after time.
You just can't trust now a days. Sad. People have to die first. Good Figure!! Magpie, we are all intitled to have off beat days. I pray yours gets better. Hug coming your way!!!
Be Back Later (if possible). I get to leave school in a few. Need to wrap up the day here.
Again I've missed you all. ^..^
I meant Go Figure. Opps!!! ^..^
The one injustice that is on the very TOP for me is the Seat Belt Law and the use of cell phones while driving. Not wearing a seat belt while driving will not cause an accident...BUT...talking or texting on a cell phone while driving as caused many accidents and deaths. Very few states have a law against cell phone use while behind the wheel, but all states require you to wear your seatbelt. Don't get me wrong, seatbelts are livesavers, but only to yourselves.
Margy..come back..you missed your hug. Here's more for when you come back. (Hugs-Hugs-Hugs)
Wow, just got some crazy message that asked me to sign back in using my password, and now just hope the blogger cop lets me back in! Keeps saying I'm not authorized or something. Hmmmm....MTBR....
Wands.....I'm with you with the cellphones. 100%. If I get into this subject I will never get home.
BBL ^..^
Opps again...I meant Wanda. Darn fingers.
Yay!!! I'm back! BTW, that deleted post is mine--it double posted for some reason.
Margy, here's a (((GIANT HUG))) from me, too! Hope your day improves quickly!
Gotta run--hope to be back later!
Dana - Poor Pluto was "delisted" as a planet a couple of years ago.
Lynn - I knew what you meant about the raven!
Hi Ragdoll, glad you could check in!
The blog has been a mess for weeks!
(((((HUGS)))) Margy, sorry that you aren't feeling upbeat today. We all have those days.
Oh GEEZ Wanda...don't even get me started on the cell phone driving thing.
Lynn, prayers for a clear x-ray today!
Continued prayers for the miners and families.
Wow, that raven thing....yikes. Tough to see.
Well, it's getting on to night in the UK. I can't help but think this may be one of the worst nights Chrissy and family have ever had, anticipating what may come tomorrow. We are praying very hard for you Chrissy!
Opsrey has been at BWO everytime I have checked today.
BWE eaglets have been peering over the sides of the nest all day.
Andrea, meant to tell you I like the new avatar. Now I know what you look like!! Cool!!
Sure agree about the seatbelts vs. cell phone stuff, Wanda! While waiting for someone a couple of weeks ago in a parking lot, I watched as cars went past during ?rush hour"---3 out of 5 drivers had a phone to their ear in a 10 min. span. ARGH!
90º here in the shade with stiff breeze and rising humidity.
♪ ♫ It's summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime ♫ ♪
I'm pulling a 'Margy' here, but just had to put my 2 cents in. I don't usually watch Oprah, but did see the one she did about cell phones & driving. Cars should be a NO PHONE zone! Texting is even worse--I wish people would wise up about that! Lives are worth SO much more than a text message or cell phone call! JMHO.
Thanks, Lynn!
Like your new avatar, too! VERY pretty!
Lynne. Thanks for the reminder that it is in fact April 7 in the UK. Wonder if Chrissy knows how many are praying for her and her family . I hope the info gets shared in a timely manner as we are all equally concerned for Chrissy and her family.
It's killing me to do so, but gotta go get some stuff done! Hopefully will BBL... :o]
The chicks at PH look great!
Belle still providing some nice shade for Palmer.
Looks like some fresh long fluff in the nest, too.
Let's see if this thread is better for me....
California passed a hands-free cell phone law a couple of years ago, and then had to go back and outlaw texting.
You still see the occasional guy with a phone to the ear, but it's down immensely from before the law... don't know about the texting though, and that's way more dangerous.
Noah now has a tub of water in his hack tower box
thanks for the good wishes
it's not about me, I guess it's about the sadness everywhere for which as you mention...there is not always a solution, or else the solution affects others in negative ways, not just here but worldwide
better for me to spend some quiet time rather than talking...sorry again...Prayers offered for many needs
(( hugs back ))
Cape Henlopen Osprey cam is back online!
Cape Henlopen Osprey cam
CT osprey cam is back online, too! Well, it was..I can't get it on, but saw a pic of the first egg.
My REDBUD is in BLOOM! Dogwoods look like they will be in acouple of days!!
Belle is shading Palmer well....poor little thing must be panting!
The only thing saving them in that heat is the fact that the wind is ablowing ... very hard.
Glo, it is still the 6th in the UK...it is just after 8pm there.
This thread is behaving more normally. C(°ٿ°)D
88.9 degrees here! My redbud is NOT blooming, but it's not dead either. Was told to scratch the bark with fingernail to see if green underneath, and it is. We just planted it in the fall.
We have redbuds, dogwoods and daffodils blooming right now. But the daffodils are fading fast in the heat.
Look at Palmer venturing away from Belle!
A quick hello! I am going to pack up and go home as soon as possible today. I need a panda nap.
See you later.
Look at Bai Yun lying flat on her back and chowing down on the bamboo stack.
The BWO pair look like they're getting close to egg-laying time.
Working overtime on the egg cup area of the nest today.
Hi all! Home from the hairdressers. I am all beautiful now. Going to Dallas soon. Going out to eat and then to a STARS game with Michael and Ashley. Michael has season tickets he shares with friends and this time is also has the firms tickets. So..off we go. Zach is going too!
Sad about the Sydney egg and when I found out it was due to hatch this week, I got sadder.
DANA...sorry I disappeared this morning. Yes, it is drier...but water is still flowing out of the ground. One area is still a bog and we have not had rain in 2 weeks.
While gone this morning Jack brought some plants out of the greenhouse. Guess I will work on my plants tomorrow. No time to get down and dirty today. Grrrr!!!
wELL, folks. I've got to go for now. Talk to you later.
90.7 now!
This heat is doing me in! I am a 'wet head' Going to the room here in the house with the best breeze and is the coolest.
CT osprey cam back on...great view!
Here's the link for CT...a lot of us started watching this cam back in 2006, the first year for the NCTC cam...watched it through a hurricane and a blue stuffed teddy bear in the nest...he got blown out during the hurricane.
Connecticut Audobon Societyyour desc
Thanks Paula for letting us know about conn. Milford has always been a favorite of mine. ty
You're welcome, Dana. Once of my favs, too. The color is really nice on it!
Sure can see the pin feathers plainly on BWE chicks!!
Thanks for Conn. link, Paula....don't think I am familiar with that one at all.
Have a good time at the game, Lolly!
Lots of trees have leafed out today....especially the maples. Pollen, pollen, pollen........hmmmm.
Palmer looks nearly prostrate...bring that baby some water, Lib!!
Hello everyone!
Did anyone see the nudges Lib gave to Palmer with his foot? He was rousing the eaglet for some reason. Why do you suppose?
And can you believe that it is snowing on the Oregon nest? I checked on the eagle last night and you couldn't see it for being covered with snow....and it's still snowing on them!!
WAIT! I think the snow just stopped.
all new episodes of NCIS's tonight...yippee:)
Glad that snow has stopped in OR, BEagle.
Yep, Mits, and The Good Wife, too!
Three in a row! Thank goodness because it seems like weeks since we have been able to watch these.
Lots of calling out and parent flew up into tree
Lib in
Might have brought some fluff, now munching nestovers
Getting some really good color on the still cam.
Palmer peeping for din dins now...he's getting some
Lib calls to Belle upon her arrival...whole family in the nest
Lib eating and Belle feeding Palmer
Aww they both had food out to Palmer at the same time
Another big quake in Indonesia. 7.8 in Sumatra. No details except that there have been aftershocks.
Has anyone noticed that the Performance Coal Company sign has an eagle logo???? Tsk, tsk.
Did you know that you title to your vehicle has a "water mark and it is an Eagle"?
Palmer has quite the repertoire~
Can't believe he's still guzzling it down
Hold you title up to the light. If that eagle water mark is not there. It is not a legit title.
Didn't know that, Dana! Interesting!!
I need a little help setting a dvr. Do I put it on the program I want to record. Then hit record? Is that it?
Any special way to get back to the other channel I want to watch?
Feeling rested now. I often do not sleep well the night before the first day back from a weekend or holiday. I woke up too early this morning, so I was really sleepy by the end of the day.
So sad to see the Sidney eagle crying out over the loss of her egg. Somebody commented on how smart ravens are. The eagle was also smart enough to recognize that one egg was missing. And she obviously grieved over it.
I was surprised at how easily the raven picked up the egg and flew away with it. I would not have thought it could hold onto something like an egg the way it did.
I was so sleepy this afternoon that I had to stop at Sheetz on the way home for a snack.
Our eagle looks so regal that I had to take a pic.
Dana, I did notice the eagle on the mining company logo.
Such a tragic situation.
Lib just dropped back in
Both adult eagles at nest.
Bless you, Margy. You have such a kind heart.
Did you get an Energy Drink, Shirley?
I was sitting out on the deck trying to cool down. Hubby turned on the AC
Sure hope it kicks in quickly.
Tomorrow I think should also be this warm.. APRIL - not ready for Summer!
Both adults in our nest....... and the night light is on. Nighty nite for
One flew out of our nest.
Five more minutes for NCIS to begin!
Lib did some fluffinating in the bowl and took off a couple of minutes ago. Now Belle is down digging in the bowl.
Enjoy your favorite television night Ladies
Appreciate the new cam links and info today from everyone
In a little while, when it's a little darker, maybe Venus and Mercury will do a little shining together
Mom's getting the bedtime fluff ready for Palmer
I've been playing in the dirt.
I'll be ready for some Megan flowers
fluffinating, Paula, that's Rich !
Palmer is like a little shadow, everywhere Belle goes, Palmer follows and lays down by her feet.
Hello, hello! I was going nuts today not being able to send a report!
It was OSPREYMANIA at the Park. First thing I saw when getting there were 3 ospreys on the platform closest to Vis. Ctr. Something wrong w/this picture. A little later, Greg, our naturalist was driving in and saw 2 in the air in a talon lock. Then I saw they fell into marshy water under the nest.All flew up, but later I saw 2 in the water again and one flew up and the other didn't!One in the water kept getting dive-bombed and eventually started to swim!!!!The closest bit of marsh was behind it, but at base of nest, so he/she kept paddling away in a diagonal~~~way upriver behind a wood duck box and toward shore on my side. I lost sight due to trees, plants & didn't actually see it touch land. It was very close & took some breaks, so we assume it made it. Our Mgr. was driving by & thought head was so white it might be an eagle, but Greg saw my blurry pics & the "elbows" of the wings convinced him it was an osprey.?
We thought that nest was all settled w/a pair, but all day there were about 3 or four circling and squealing above it, so it's territory wars.
I recall awhile back (2 yrs.) someone posted a link to video of eagle swimming & that's just what this looked like.
After work I searched the possible marshy area where bird might have landed but only saw a large all brown thing that looked as big as a turkey. Then an eagle landed there for awhile & flew away. I went for binoculars, but everything was gone. Maybe the large brown thing was a juvie.
On way out, Mom eagle was standing in the nest, Dad came flying in, both chirped & he landed on branch above nest.
That's enough for now---gotta finish din din, see Idol, check camera.....
Good evening, everyong.
Sheetz? Did I hear Sheets? I shoulda knowed it was Shirley.
Been a long day. Did get about 15 minutes of Palmer time with both parents feeding and some fluffing going on. What a treat.
Prayers for the miners and their families and friends. Just a tragedy.
Prayers also for Chrissy and her family. I hope all will be resolved in their favor.
Am turning my light out early tonight. So very tired. Will leave the night light on for others. Be back tomorrow.
That's a lot of drama Loretta...
great report
Missed you Judie, Good Night
Thanks Shirley, it's the company I keep
Venus is bright and Mercury is twinkly to the right and slightly lower than it - in the East
I wanted to say to all of you, that my earlier posts about the mining disaster, were borne more out of passion and sadness and less perhaps out of factual or fairly represented figures....
it was incorrect on my part to do this, I know we all have opinions but for me to put words here that might be less than correct, is not my right or privilege, nor was it my intention, and I apologize for this, and any offense made or harm done.
Thank you...
I know our concerns and prayers are with the families, may they find the strength and faith they need to get through this
Signing off for the night
Take Care, all.
Rest well
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
Well, Buzz was voted off. He gave a good speech. What a nice man and so very patriotic.
Lynn, I haven't read back all the way, but I understand that you had a medical test done. I know how hard it can be to wait for results. Bless you. Prayers for a good report.
Margy, I can't see how you could have offended anyone. It is okay to have opinions. You are one of the most compassionate people I've ever met. Good for you.
When Pluto was de-planeted, my ninth graders came to class informing me about the event. I was surprised and pleased that they were so interested.
Okay, cam clock is running, but the eagle looks frozen, but spidey just passed by.
I guess the adult is holding in that position to protect Palmer.
Dana, just saw your post about the DVR. You can either preset a show to record using the Record menu, or you can find the show on the guide grid, highlight it and push the record button, or once the show starts hit record and then go to another chanell IF you have a dual line receiver.
Margy - absolutely no apology needed here!
Lowreeda - an honest to goodnes osprey fight, how exciting.
Dealing with some rough news here.
Moms' best friend (they met when they gave birth to me and her son) passed away Sunday (her husband had died about a year ago); and then my only friend here in the development lost her husband today.
Prayers please for the families. TY.
Oh, and another eagle fell out of Hoover's nest. The first one has a broken leg, the second one is OK, going to be placed in a sanctuary w/ flight pen and then released. They think the 3rd will be OK up in the nest...let's hope so!
Awww, (((Hugs))) for you Lynne. So sorry.
Margy, you have nothing to apologize for, gal! You didn't offend anyone, and heavens, passion for senseless loss is never misplaced.
Something has to be wrong with the cam image. No movement for a long time. Does anyone else have a frozen eagle?
Prayers for your friends, Lynn.
Judie, I went to the Sheetz to stay awake. Some irony there.
The eagle just moved. Odd.
Prayers for your friends, Lynn. How awful. Been too much bad news this week all around :(
Heading for bed. Will be thinking about Chrissy and praying. Have a good night everyone.
Thanks, Paula.
Oh, Hoover nest....not sure I kknow it...does it have another moniker?? Poor chicks, but thank goodness the falls weren't fatal.
Thanks, Shirley and Lynne.
Lynn- an eaglet nicknamed Hoover was fostered into the nest after his nest collapsed. Now his new nest has collapsed, probably from the wind and 3 eaglets jumping around in it. The story about Hoover was posted some time ago. His sibling was fostered into another nest.
Rus and Rebecca brought me a pretty azalea for Easter. I had it on the kitchen counter. Dear George. He managed to knock it onto the floor. Fortunately, not too much damage was done.
Loretta, can I come to work with you??? You are so lucky!!
I will need to plant it outdoors as soon as I can.
Good night friends. See you tomorrow. Headed for the Sheetz to sleep this time.
Good night to all who have already turned in.
Extra heavy duty prayers for Chrissy, please......Weds. is her judgement day.
Well, looks like more have gone, or maybe some fell asleep in front of the tube! So I will say my goodnights now. Rest well, fowl friends. Prayers, and peace.
Hello & Good night everyone. Just checking in - late as usual. Tonight was terrific Tuesday on TV and they were all new episodes.
Prayers for the lost and killed miners and their families. Jim's father, grandfather, and great-grandfathers were miners in the anthracite mines of NE PA. Jim is second generation American and we have a lot of respect for miners. It's a hard life.
God bless us everyone and grant us our wants/needs.
What a day you had Loretta! It may still be going on tomorrow.
Lynn - prayers for your mom's friend who has gone to her final resting place and for your friend to also be at peace.
TV Shows were enjoyable this evening
Then I wanted to watch the news about some youngsters stoning a dog that was saved by a man (who also got bricks hurled at him in doing so)! This world is soooooooo sick!
I am heading back the hallway
AC is on! I shall sleep well with the covers on me.
Prayers for Chrissy and family that the hearing will go in her favor.
Hopefully whoever is the first to know the outcome will give us a heads-up on here.
(((Hugs for All))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Good Grief. Sorry I'm back so late.
I downloaded blurry pics to see mystery critters in the marshy riverbank this PM. One looks either like the root end of a fallen tree OR an eagle. Later one eagle did land there & a couple pics look like two!!?? They are thru branches, so pretty blurry. Oh well, I'll work on them some more. Tomorrow is another day. Have not read everything, but see that condolencees are in order for Lynn & her friends, Prayers for Chrissy.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Hi, Everyone,
Just dragging in from school. Have all my transcription homework finished and printed out, and just need to do my word definitions, and I'll be done. Must study like crazy for the test tomorrow night.
Heavy-duty prayers continue for Chrissy and her family. Sure hope all works out OK for them!
Lynn, prayers for you, and for your friend who lost her husband and her family. Prayers too, for the family of your Mom's friend...also for the families affected by the mine tragedy.
Jim, we're on the same page. On the Oprah show I saw about cell phones and driving, they said that talking on a cell phone while driving makes you 4 times more likely to have an accident. That's the same as if you were drunk. If you text and drive, chances of an accident go up to 8 times more likely! Trouble waiting to happen! They did driving tests with a few people who text and drive all the time (and who were pretty cocky about how good they were at it), and they all failed the driving test completely!! It simply cannot be done--our brains are physically unable to multitask in that way! Just not worth the risk.
(That's my humble opinion!)
Well, I'm going to try to study a bit, then get some sleep. The night light is on, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner security is enabled. Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you in the morning.
Prayers have been said for everyone--especially Chrissy & family! God bless, and goodnight! Love all you guys! ((HUGS)) :o]
Looks like Belle (or Lib) brought a shade tree in for Palmer along with breakfast!
Good morning everyone!!
Chrissy sent an email, the hearing did not go in their favor, still have to be out on April 26th! Cannot imagine what they must be going through. Bless her heart! I would give anything if there were something tangible we could do to help her.
Good morning. :(
Message from Chrissy:
Thank you so much my dear friend, I can't tell you how much all of the support means to us from you and everyone,,,,
We have just returned from our hearing and the extention we were looking for hasn't been granted,, so we are still to be out of our home on the 26th of April,, Frank is yet again on his way to the Houseing Department to see if things can be moved on a pace now,,, so I'll wait for him to get back,,,
That's all I know so far pet,,
I am so sad for them.
Good morning my eagle budlets!
morning, Sharon.
Hate so bad to hear that news from Chrissy! :-(
update BWO....
More promising action from our ospreys. Mating can produce an egg in 3-7 days.
That was my delete posted twice. Blog is giving me a problem today. Blogger cop!
Oh my the news from Chrissy is so sad and disappointing. Frightening a little too. It can happen to any one of us well pretty much anyway.
Maybe some eagle beauty will brighten things up a little. And then there are the miners. Here they are saying they will finish the drilling between noon and 2 pm. I so want to hear of 4 miracles.
Well Bless you all. Catch ya later.
Mits do you have the weather at the nest for today? Our Lady Meteorologist.
here you go, Dana.....nest weather..... Rest of Today
Sunny...hot with highs in the upper 80s. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
Partly cloudy. Lows around 60. South winds 5 to 10 mph.
Thank you Mits.
I think Palmer is going to be shaded by Mom or Dad today a lot with that heat.
I found something as for me "new about the blog". When you make a comment and it does that "double post". You don't see a trash can.
Highlight all you have written in the post you want to delete and you will see at the left corner at bottom a little square. Click on that....it is the trash can.
Good Morning
there is a new thread
very saddened here of the update regarding Chrissy
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