Well, I just checked the Cocker rescue site to see if Pearl (that's what they named her) had been posted up for adoption yet. She's there and here is the link for her. It's a great story they made out of the details I gave them, right up to the end where they make it look like that instead of helping her the best way I could, I further ruined her life by calling animal control. I guess they feel I did a terrible thing by contacting them and animal control to get help for her. It sure doesn't mention how I called THEM first before animal control and how they didn't get back to me in time. They even had the balls to write it this way after they asked if I would foster her, and had me go online to fill out the foster paperwork! Well, I never heard back from them and THIS is the thanks I get for all my efforts. Well, they got a very tearful earful from me via their voicemail. Sometimes it really feels like no matter what I try to do it just isn't ever good enough. My mother told me that for years...maybe she was right.
<a href="Well, I just checked the Cocker rescue site to see if Pearl (that's what they named her) had been posted up for adoption yet. She's there and here is the link for her. It's a great story they made out of the details I gave them, right up to the end where they make it look like that instead of helping her the best way I could, I further ruined her life by calling animal control. I guess they feel I did a terrible thing by contacting them and animal control to get help for her. It sure doesn't mention how I called THEM first before animal control and how they didn't get back to me in time. They even had the balls to write it this way after they asked if I would foster her, and had me go online to fill out the foster paperwork! Well, I never heard back from them and THIS is the thanks I get for all my efforts. Well, they got a very tearful earful from me via their voicemail. Sometimes it really feels like no matter what I try to do it just isn't ever good enough. My mother told me that for years...maybe she was right.
<a href="Well, I just checked the Cocker rescue site to see if Pearl (that's what they named her) had been posted up for adoption yet. She's there and here is the link for her. It's a great story they made out of the details I gave them, right up to the end where they make it look like that instead of helping her the best way I could, I further ruined her life by calling animal control. I guess they feel I did a terrible thing by contacting them and animal control to get help for her. It sure doesn't mention how I called THEM first before animal control and how they didn't get back to me in time. They even had the balls to write it this way after they asked if I would foster her, and had me go online to fill out the foster paperwork! Well, I never heard back from them and THIS is the thanks I get for all my efforts. Well, they got a very tearful earful from me via their voicemail. Sometimes it really feels like no matter what I try to do it just isn't ever good enough. My mother told me that for years...maybe she was right.
Hello again! Lynne, I feel so bad for you. It was all sounding so precious until the last two paragraphs. What a slap in the face. I can understand your hurt. Glad you gave them a piece of your mind.
Mema Jo, Mits, Lynne2 (you took good care of that dog!!! and your mother was not right by saying that to you ! ), Thelma,and ALL other Eagle Friends that will be coming in.
WELL!!! Just that fast I have gotten an apology from Cocker Rescue! Mits, you are pretty right on...one of the volunteers does the write up and the woman (Tina) told me that she sometimes gets too "deep" with the writings, and she apologized profusely!
I am ever so grateful!
I'll BBL, going to see if I can find that Dawn Redwood tree!
Lynne, good you got an apology..but they should post a retraction and re-write the ending!!! And like Dana said, your mother should never had told you something like that. Your best IS always good!
Stavros Pizza in Emmitsburg burned down this morning...starting at 4:30 a.m....multiple alarms....this building sits on the main square in Emmitsburg, 4 or 5 stories... right across from the Ott House...will snag photos from a friend and post to FB soon....
Good Saturday Beautiful Eagleland Morning Lynn-Hedgie, Paula and Donnie.
Got to make a run to the bank. They got $10.00 they make an error. My money I want it.....if I made the error they would want their money. Hummm come to think of it they even charge you don't they? Hummm I'm going to tell the one gal I kid around with they owe me an "overdrawn fee plus the daily fee" LOL
Paula, that's terrible! Was it an old building (historic?)? Hi, Donnie! Are you going to slip over to S'town today? Big doings there with Easter Parade.
Can't believe the dogs weren't howling during the night at the fire siren, heard it went off 7 times....have Carroll County tower here as well, heard in town is a mess, guess I'll find out when I run out to get gas for mower...
Good morning! Heading outside shortly. While I was gone yesterday Jack got lots of mulch and flagstones. Doing a little landscaping today. Have areas in shade that do not grow grass, so just enlarging the islands of ground cover. Going to look great!
LYNNE.....you did fantastic with that cocker!!!! I am so glad you called them and gave them an earful!!! I think they have altered their "story", as I went to the site and did not see anything bad. Or, did I just read it too fast? You went above and beyond the call of duty for that pup!! Bless you! And, may you be rewarded and find that redbud!!!
So, the cam is down? I just get black and the circle thingy!
WOO HOOOOOOO I found the tree! At one 50 feet tall it's hard to miss unless you don't know what it is! I sorta knew what they looked like but they loose needles in the winter...this tree was NOT visible when I worked there years ago, and they grow really fast...about 5ft per year in good conditions. So, I knew how fast they grow, and that that wasn't there when I worked there and YAY!!!! I picked out a nice lavender plant (and then bought 2 more).
The Pearl story HAS been revised! AND, the gal that wrote it sent me an email of apology, too! I thought that was really nice!
I have to go put goodies in the Camo Easter eggs I got for Steve. I'm gonna hide them all over the house! I told him he wasn't getting any candy because his teeth are already so bad (dentist for evaluation on Wed. and he's already trying to make excuses about NOT going) but this will be his last hoooorahhhh!
Congrats, Lynne! You are so smart! Okay, I see the revision.......I didn't realize that Steve lost his job....???????? Say it ain't so! And cool that you are going to foster Pearl!!!
I keep seeing bird activity at my birdhouse. I am not sure what is going on. The birdhouse is full of straw, but I am not tall enough to see if there are any eggs. I did see a grackle hanging around there. I hope it didn't do any harm. I do not think it would fit into the opening, but it was sticking its head in.
At least still cam is still working; can see Palmer in parent's shadow now, otherwise the sunshine is so bright it might be hard to see that cute little eaglet today!
Paula, in case you didn't know...Cowbirds are nest parasites. The will lay eggs in another bird's nest and leave. The other bird incubates it and raises the young. Sadly, as they are larger than many birds, the baby cowbird usually makes out better than the other nestlings.
Yes, cowbirds suck! Hello all:) This weather is fabulous! Here's some sky info: This weekend, Venus and Mercury are converging in the western sky for a sunset conjunction. At closest approach on Sunday, April 4th, the solar system's innermost planets will be just 3° apart. You can see them easily with the naked eye--no telescope required.
How was the parade and market, Megan? Good turn out, I bet, in this nice weather! Thanks for the Venus/Mars info!! Also, space shuttle scheduled to go up Monday AM....6:15, I think. East coasters should be able to see if sky is clear!! I'll sure be setting my alarm!
I am home from Market and I want to put my feet up! Market was beautiful!! Megan gave me a bucketfull of Daffodils! I am sooooo happy. I met up with Aaron (gsd)& Val, then we saw Melissa Jo (gd) and Donovan and Sophia(ggs & ggd). When we were having a sandwich at Mellow Moods there were about 7 relatives of Melissa Jo's hubby there. Megan and I introduced ourselves to JAMES I spotted a young man and Margy said he should be there with his grand mommie. We may have started him at first but when we said we were friends of Margy and the eagles he accepted us ! That was fun!
Have been busier than you could possibly imagine this morning, but looks like we're going to chill now for the rest of the day, until time to go care for the bulldogs.
Lynne, good for you--I'm glad you gave those folks a piece of your mind! Gotta give them credit for revising the story and apologizing, though. Just really glad that Pearl is well taken care of, and hope she soon finds a forever home. God bless you for your efforts on her behalf!
Gotta go make some egg salad for lunch. Will be back later. Have a really fantastic Saturday! :o]
Max was no more interested in painting eggs than me. He wanted to swing. Looked like the adults, including my #1 grandson, were having a good time. ☺ Sure wish they weren't so far away - VA.
Bill, is your avatar a "Hog?" Just counted 22 of them ride past the house. Must be something special going on; that's very unusual for this village.
Paula, forgot to thank you for the video. Without it I wouldn't have known what you all were talking about.. another cam to add to my long list.
Also the video of Hope & Lily was great. I'm going to miss them.
Lynne, congrats on finding the tree, but if it's50', how will you dig it out and get it to your place??
My posting is taking forever! I'm on the laptop and the keyboard is not friendlky to me. See! making akk those mistakes and having toi correct them is frustrating ihn the first degree!
Jo and Megan, glad you both had a fun outing! Really neat that you recognized James and introduced yourselves!!
Diann, where in VA are your grands?
Lynne, when the NASA announcer says that the shuttle is 900 miles downrange( about 9 minutes after launch, if I remember correctly), start watching the SE sky. If it's dark and clear, you should be able to see it. I'm thinking at about 60-70 degrees. You can't miss it!!! And it goes by in a northerly route really fast!!! For Shirley it would be about 800 miles downrange, and Candy about 700. If you don't get NASA channel on TV, you can get it online.
Lynne I am sad for the anxiety you had to endure with the Cocker Rescue posting, am happy things have worked out okay...believe in yourself and your kindness and efforts...and know that the Lord sees your ways...and be of stout heart....((( hugs ♥ )) and Congratulations on finding that Tree!
Lynn, Chesapeake. #1 is Army Reserves now in ROTC at Randolph-Macon.
Daughter was in USMC for 20 years and traveled with her bands (she was/is a musician) all over the Pacific and east coast. So I didn't see #1 too often, but sure do love that boy/man!!
Venus the Planet of L♥ve, and Mercury, the Fire Planet, Megan I'll be watching Sunday night, Thanks! Also the shuttle, Monday morning, guess I won't sleep in after all, Lynn... thanks !
Paula, that sounds like a dangerous fire in Emmitsburg, I love that square in E-burg... sorry to hear of the destruction, hope all the FF's got through it okay with no injuries
I am done outside for this day. Got more done than I expected I could. But still lots to do! The heavy snow had bent my flag bracket and I can't get it straightened, so got a new one. Well....battery apparently is shot to my cordless screwdriver, so no luck in getting that job done. :(
and Jo and Megan, glad market day was a fun day..... Way cool, Jo, that you met up with James! Thank you for making your presence known to him, can't wait to talk to him about it! He's been wanting to meet more Momsters! He has met you now, and before, Lynn, and the Captain and First Mate, also Dana and Ed ! ☺ ♥
My sister tried to tell me that at Noon on Holy Saturday, one can indulge in what one has given up for Lent... I never did it that way but I am ready for some chocolate at Midnight
I guess I have magpie'ed enough now, time for work soon Want to say, am thinking with love and friendship to all, those visible, those not visible, and those loved ones in our families that have gone before us
You are all Precious to Me, and I give grateful prayers for having you in my life
Take Care, Best wishes for a good evening, Happy Easter and God Bless Us, Every One xo ☺ ♥
I love Chesapeake, Diann. Sounds like a very musically talented daughter! Thanks to her for her service and to #1 GS! Margy is right---I cannot even imagine 7 12's. What does he get in the way of days off after that?? Yuck!
Margy, bet tonight is going to be busy. Maybe Mountaineer revelers....hope they behave!!! NO COUCH BURNING, please!
I didn't realize that tulips smell until I walked past the planter and smelled this sweet scent. Picked up some pretty yellow tulips at the grocery store. Not something I normally do, but they were so pretty; and smell so nice.
Wish I could garden like I used to. I see my bleeding hearts (pink & white) are beginning to bloom, lillies of the valley (white & pink)are up about 3 inches, and lilacs are getting leaves. Oh, the smell!!!!
Can't wait for the Stargazer Lillies, but that'll be more like July/August. The pink lilies of the valley smell sweeter than the white ones and both are spreading like weeds making a great groundcover.
Ok, I'm tired of fixing my typing. Going to do something else, like read the paper.
Lynn, Jim gets 7 off - 7 on, but it takes him about 3 days to be rested. He's getting too old for this schedule but he won't retire. I think he worries about losing our health benefits.
Diann, that is surely an unreasonable schedule! & off is nice, but takes so longer to recover...what kind of work does he do? Sure hope that it's not physically demanding.
Happy Easter Saturday to All!! Been real busy accomplishing very little around here! ☺ Been another techie day--this time w//phone but for awhile they had to turn off all the Fios parts.We've had terrible scratching noises in line & techie named Frankie had to replace part of the outside box & a wire from it to basement. They had fun running wire thru crowded hole in bricks!We have no static, but for 2 days since they remote tested when I called, wouldn't ring!!!~~~went right to a recording for your Mailbox!!! We don't use one! After 2 calls as suggested, finally fixed. I did not color eggs, but am going to peel & put in beet juice & maybe a little vinegar. My Grandma used to make beet soup & used that sometimes.
I am very sorry, but just rmembered that I forgot to say Happy Birthday to somebody's late father on Thurs. Please forgive that I can't remember who it was, either..........so belated Happy Birthday to a dear departed Dad.
Sorry I missed Margy & thx, Paula for video! What is it w/Pizza places having destruction? Lynne2, congrats on your great doggie work. I accidentally saw the ASPCA ad w/Willie Nelson song this AM, & teared me up! I want to save them all~~~the wild ones too. Got a couple more tulips coming up--one bud looks the 2 Redskin colors!! And bleeding heart starting, too--not open enough for pic. Been working on springy + pics & hope to get them on here soon. ☺ B Ball w/ WVU at 8:47!!!!!! Go away, Duke :>(
Thanks for reminder, Lynn! Happy Birthday to Sharon & Sissy's Dad!
Most of you probably saw on news this AM, but lady using a paddle board to raise CA money, was going for 20 miles at Catalina & a rare smallish whale accompanied her for 2 hours!!!She got many more $$$ because of him! She called him Larry!!
It snowed a little more on the Oregon nest but has stopped. When I checked both eagles were on the nest, trading spaces. It's really hard to tell those two apart!
Went to the store earlier. A lady there had a pink DUKE T-shirt on. Of all the nerve! : )
Okay I have taken my temperature and it says I am normal What is not normal is for me to be sitting here waiting for a college basketball game to come on. Go Mountaineers
Lynne, I truly hope you will not take personally the inappropriate attempt of the shelter person to generate sympathy at your expense. I see there has been an apology but regardless, your efforts are surely loved and appreciated by your blog family and the poor dog you rescued.
Prayers for Chrissy and her family.
I wish each and every one of our blog family, near and far, a lovely Easter Sunday.
Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others. Andy, after the egg salad, please set our alarm later tonight. Thank you.
Lynne, you are such a good pet momma. I hope that the cocker gets adopted by a good home very quickly. That will make all of your trials worth it.
Congrats on finding the tree!
Well, I am not used to pulling against a North Carolina team, but I am about to be swayed with all of the enthusiasm out there. It would be different if it were UNC. That's my daddy's school.
Went out a little while ago and bought stuff for dinner tomorrow. I have been busy straightening out paperwork and stuff today. I still have more to do, but I'm about ready to relax for awhile now.
Well I am here because I want to watch the game and decided to not watch it alone. Its not normal but occasionally I do find a team to cheer on. Remember I come from Cubs Country we don't have a team in the final anythings very often :-) so its nice to have a team to cheer on with a bunch of folks also cheering them on.
I'm missing watching Palmer and the Hornbys (their power is out too), my favorite eagle nests. Even though Decorah is geographically closer to me, the problem I have is that the feed is choppier to watch
I started looking for "baseballs" with binocs at Starved Rock, though I'm closer to Morton Arboretum, which is down the street from the Willowbrook Wildlife Center - they have a rescued bald eagle (and a golden) who lives there, and I can get up close and personal whenever I need an eagle fix
Feed is less choppy now - it's black & white now, and maybe since it's dark and Momma's sleeping, maybe the lowered demand makes the stream better. I'm hoping she'll stir again and do an egg (chick?) check
sorry haven't been watching Decorah too choppy. Paula may know when eaglet is due I am not sure. I know your are very well. Will be going through there in about 10 days heading to Springfield
Hi all! Sitting here sorta numb. Worked in the yard all day. Looking good. Ate dinner on the patio and wathed the hummingbird go between the Jasmine and the feeder.
Babies in the hawk nest and went out to watch the nest for a short while.
Saw the PH eaglet get fed. Think I will join Megan in drinking to make the still cam look live. lol
Sorry for you WV fans...I know it's a big disappointment. :( I have an early morning tomorrow. Going to Christie's for Church and dinner out. She is ringing bells! Happy Easter to all. May God's love surround you. I will talk to y'all sometime tomorrow evening.
Trying to finish up some prep for dinner tomorrow, making dinner at son's house...college kid not feeling too good, so he stayed at school...plus has 2 tests and a paper due on Monday. Miss him! But school comes first!
I would not know if the still cam is down or not. Can not even get to the NCTC web page. I get the message that I am not an authorized person. Well....I be! I think I am pretty special person, see no reason why I should not be able to get on!☺
1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»Good Morning to All!
Thank you Steve for the early Saturday fresh thread. Have a Blessed Holiday.
good morning everyone
from old tread...
Well, I just checked the Cocker rescue site to see if Pearl (that's what they named her) had been posted up for adoption yet. She's there and here is the link for her. It's a great story they made out of the details I gave them, right up to the end where they make it look like that instead of helping her the best way I could, I further ruined her life by calling animal control. I guess they feel I did a terrible thing by contacting them and animal control to get help for her. It sure doesn't mention how I called THEM first before animal control and how they didn't get back to me in time. They even had the balls to write it this way after they asked if I would foster her, and had me go online to fill out the foster paperwork! Well, I never heard back from them and THIS is the thanks I get for all my efforts. Well, they got a very tearful earful from me via their voicemail. Sometimes it really feels like no matter what I try to do it just isn't ever good enough. My mother told me that for years...maybe she was right.
<a href="Well, I just checked the Cocker rescue site to see if Pearl (that's what they named her) had been posted up for adoption yet. She's there and here is the link for her. It's a great story they made out of the details I gave them, right up to the end where they make it look like that instead of helping her the best way I could, I further ruined her life by calling animal control. I guess they feel I did a terrible thing by contacting them and animal control to get help for her. It sure doesn't mention how I called THEM first before animal control and how they didn't get back to me in time. They even had the balls to write it this way after they asked if I would foster her, and had me go online to fill out the foster paperwork! Well, I never heard back from them and THIS is the thanks I get for all my efforts. Well, they got a very tearful earful from me via their voicemail. Sometimes it really feels like no matter what I try to do it just isn't ever good enough. My mother told me that for years...maybe she was right.
<a href="Well, I just checked the Cocker rescue site to see if Pearl (that's what they named her) had been posted up for adoption yet. She's there and here is the link for her. It's a great story they made out of the details I gave them, right up to the end where they make it look like that instead of helping her the best way I could, I further ruined her life by calling animal control. I guess they feel I did a terrible thing by contacting them and animal control to get help for her. It sure doesn't mention how I called THEM first before animal control and how they didn't get back to me in time. They even had the balls to write it this way after they asked if I would foster her, and had me go online to fill out the foster paperwork! Well, I never heard back from them and THIS is the thanks I get for all my efforts. Well, they got a very tearful earful from me via their voicemail. Sometimes it really feels like no matter what I try to do it just isn't ever good enough. My mother told me that for years...maybe she was right.
The Cocker I Rescued
Lynne, from old thread, your efforts are good enough!
the cocker I rescued
well, Thelma, I sure thought so. At least she's off the streets and being cared for.
Hello again!
Lynne, I feel so bad for you. It was all sounding so precious until the last two paragraphs. What a slap in the face. I can understand your hurt. Glad you gave them a piece of your mind.
Good morning MITS and Mema Jo.
well I read it, but just think the last paragraphs are for effect and drama, to get people in the door..jmho...:)
hey Thelma, how is it going..off to store now...Lynne you did good, for the doggy, so you know it and everyone else knows it..
and the doggy knows it best of all:)
probably got some drama queen diva, who wanted to be a writer, doing there write ups for them.
Good Saturday Beautiful Morning in Eagleland.
Mema Jo, Mits, Lynne2 (you took good care of that dog!!! and your mother was not right by saying that to you ! ), Thelma,and ALL other Eagle Friends that will be coming in.
WELL!!! Just that fast I have gotten an apology from Cocker Rescue! Mits, you are pretty right on...one of the volunteers does the write up and the woman (Tina) told me that she sometimes gets too "deep" with the writings, and she apologized profusely!
I am ever so grateful!
I'll BBL, going to see if I can find that Dawn Redwood tree!
Lynne - glad you called and gave them an earfull!
Live Paul Harvey used to say..."and here's the rest of the story"
Thanks for the call over...
The posts are still showing up whenever they want to...make sure you are always looking back at the posts!
Lynne - glad they apologized! Good luck finding that tree!
Still waiting for a hatch at PH
the blog is god awful slow this morning!
Have you seen the pic of Lily and Hope up a tree? Beautiful!!!
Up a Tree
Good Morning everyone...
Lynne, good you got an apology..but they should post a retraction and re-write the ending!!! And like Dana said, your mother should never had told you something like that. Your best IS always good!
Stavros Pizza in Emmitsburg burned down this morning...starting at 4:30 a.m....multiple alarms....this building sits on the main square in Emmitsburg, 4 or 5 stories... right across from the Ott House...will snag photos from a friend and post to FB soon....
Hope looks so small next to Mama!
Adult in our nest, eating. Palmer is in the cup!
Good Saturday Beautiful Eagleland Morning Lynn-Hedgie, Paula and Donnie.
Got to make a run to the bank. They got $10.00 they make an error. My money I want it.....if I made the error they would want their money. Hummm come to think of it they even charge you don't they? Hummm I'm going to tell the one gal I kid around with they owe me an "overdrawn fee plus the daily fee" LOL
Palmer eating now...Looks like Lib feeding him.
Palmer alone now.
Palmer is all alone. Looks sacked out!
Paula, that's terrible! Was it an old building (historic?)?
Hi, Donnie! Are you going to slip over to S'town today? Big doings there with Easter Parade.
Wow, West End nest cam is fantastic now!
PH has a chick!!!
Morning, Donnie.
Lynn - not sure how old...probably pretty old.
Can't believe the dogs weren't howling during the night at the fire siren, heard it went off 7 times....have Carroll County tower here as well, heard in town is a mess, guess I'll find out when I run out to get gas for mower...
Congrats to PH!!
Video of PH chick...once again I have the wrong date in the video :)
PH 1st chick
Good morning! Heading outside shortly. While I was gone yesterday Jack got lots of mulch and flagstones. Doing a little landscaping today. Have areas in shade that do not grow grass, so just enlarging the islands of ground cover. Going to look great!
LYNNE.....you did fantastic with that cocker!!!! I am so glad you called them and gave them an earful!!! I think they have altered their "story", as I went to the site and did not see anything bad. Or, did I just read it too fast? You went above and beyond the call of duty for that pup!! Bless you! And, may you be rewarded and find that redbud!!!
So, the cam is down? I just get black and the circle thingy!
Good morning.
The Cam must be down.
There's only a black screen with the circling arrows.
Thanks for the April 4th hatch video.
: )
Enjoyed the video.
OR is hanging in there!
Lolly, Lynne's cocker link still showing same for me...:(
Ran up to get gas, walked down to the pizza building, top 2 floors burned, pics on FB
Headed outside...
WOO HOOOOOOO I found the tree! At one 50 feet tall it's hard to miss unless you don't know what it is! I sorta knew what they looked like but they loose needles in the winter...this tree was NOT visible when I worked there years ago, and they grow really fast...about 5ft per year in good conditions. So, I knew how fast they grow, and that that wasn't there when I worked there and YAY!!!! I picked out a nice lavender plant (and then bought 2 more).
The Pearl story HAS been revised! AND, the gal that wrote it sent me an email of apology, too! I thought that was really nice!
I have to go put goodies in the Camo Easter eggs I got for Steve. I'm gonna hide them all over the house! I told him he wasn't getting any candy because his teeth are already so bad (dentist for evaluation on Wed. and he's already trying to make excuses about NOT going) but this will be his last hoooorahhhh!
Good morninG,
EveryonE !!
Congrats, Lynne! You are so smart!
Okay, I see the revision.......I didn't realize that Steve lost his job....???????? Say it ain't so! And cool that you are going to foster Pearl!!!
Good pics, Paula. Hope they can salvage the building!
Lynne. Just read about your event. I am glad you gave them the old "one-two" teary eyed or not.
Brought about good results!!!
NO STEVE STILL HAS A JOB!!! I guess she meant to put ME and goofed but that's OK.
Congrats to the PH pair for the healthy looking chick.
Good video, Paula...
Is that a sea gull laying on the back of the nest?
Big time progress on the BWO nest... And some interesting pics of another pair of Ospreys.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Palmer went the whole night without Belle covering.
I checked about 3:30am and Palmer was still without cover. Adapting to the temperatures?
That is a sea gull at PH. It arrived yesterday afternoon.
It looks like the eagle at PH is now using the sea gull feathers for fluff.
Is it just my computer or is live cam having problems again?
Live cam is still down...
Just sent a message to my outdoor guy on FB
Now you can't see the chick hardly for all the gull feathers....just the top of its head.
so,what's up with the cam today,i've bee trying to watch a little bit but cam isn't cooperating
I keep seeing bird activity at my birdhouse. I am not sure what is going on. The birdhouse is full of straw, but I am not tall enough to see if there are any eggs. I did see a grackle hanging around there. I hope it didn't do any harm. I do not think it would fit into the opening, but it was sticking its head in.
Hi Bill! We have been having problems with the live cam this morning.
The PH babe is really bobbling all over his egg cup. Not ready to eat yet.
Thanks for making contact abut the downed cam, Paula.
has anyone been watching Molly the barn owl
At least still cam is still working; can see Palmer in parent's shadow now, otherwise the sunshine is so bright it might be hard to see that cute little eaglet today!
Hey, Just ID'd a bird from the front yard...brown headed cowbird...cool, haven't seen here before.
Howdy, Bill!
Back outside...
YAY, got message thru FB that they are going to check on our cam!
Paula, in case you didn't know...Cowbirds are nest parasites. The will lay eggs in another bird's nest and leave. The other bird incubates it and raises the young. Sadly, as they are larger than many birds, the baby cowbird usually makes out better than the other nestlings.
I read that Lynne, didn't realize they left the eggs there though.
Thanks for taking care of communicating for us about the cam situation, Paula! Hate to miss these precious Palmer moments.
Yes, cowbirds suck!
Hello all:) This weather is fabulous!
Here's some sky info: This weekend, Venus and Mercury are converging in the western sky for a sunset conjunction. At closest approach on Sunday, April 4th, the solar system's innermost planets will be just 3° apart. You can see them easily with the naked eye--no telescope required.
Hi, Bill! Long time no see. Glad you haven't forgotten us. Yes, we've been watching Molly!!
BEagle, Palmer should be regulating his temp now real well. Last night temps weren't too bad....When I was up at 5 it was 52.
Lynne---WHEW---figured it was just a mistake!
Me, too---back out to do more work.
I will look for that conjunction at sunset tomorrow. Would like to see that! Thanks
Belle didn't sit on Palmer last night but she DID stay right at his side. The eaglets grow quickly.
Both parents on the nest! Was food brought in?
How was the parade and market, Megan? Good turn out, I bet, in this nice weather! Thanks for the Venus/Mars info!!
Also, space shuttle scheduled to go up Monday AM....6:15, I think. East coasters should be able to see if sky is clear!! I'll sure be setting my alarm!
Market was busy, parade was short but sweet... Saw JO:)
Thanks Megan! Great day for market opening and an Easter parade. Gkids are at an egg hunt today!
Lots more sticks at BWO
Feeding our nest?
Daisy is doing well with her training exercises today!
You guys might like
<a href="http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/skychart/>Interactive Sky Char</a>
You can put in your location and it will show you what's in the sky at any given time and direction...really cool!
Lynn, where on the east coast might the shuttle be seen?
Heading back out for planting!
I am home from Market and I want to put my feet up!
Market was beautiful!! Megan gave me a bucketfull of Daffodils! I am sooooo happy.
I met up with Aaron (gsd)& Val, then we saw Melissa Jo (gd) and Donovan and Sophia(ggs & ggd). When we were having a sandwich at Mellow Moods there were about 7 relatives of Melissa Jo's hubby there.
Megan and I introduced ourselves to
JAMES I spotted a young man and Margy said he should be there with his grand mommie. We may have started him at first but when we said we were friends of Margy and the eagles he accepted us ! That was fun!
I will return.............
Parent providing nice shade for Palmer, it looks like Belle to me
Sounds like you had fun at the Market Jo. Does Aaron have a new GF?
Glad I tried FB to get in touch with Outdoor...email message came back!
Sat, Apr 3 2010, 1250 EDT - We have a power issue at the source, so we cannot deliver the live feed. Please try again shortly. Thank you for patience
Sounds great Diann
Oregon - the snow has stopped and sun is out, I think!
I see at least 2 fish at the OK nest.
It would be nice to see that sun stay out in Oregon. It was out a short minute ago. STAY AWAY SNOW CLOUDS!
The Sidney nest is calm today. That storm is gone.
still one chick and one egg at OK
Hi, Eagle Gang!
Have been busier than you could possibly imagine this morning, but looks like we're going to chill now for the rest of the day, until time to go care for the bulldogs.
Lynne, good for you--I'm glad you gave those folks a piece of your mind!
Gotta give them credit for revising the story and apologizing, though. Just really glad that Pearl is well taken care of, and hope she soon finds a forever home. God bless you for your efforts on her behalf!
Gotta go make some egg salad for lunch. Will be back later. Have a really fantastic Saturday! :o]
Max was no more interested in painting eggs than me. He wanted to swing. Looked like the adults, including my #1 grandson, were having a good time. ☺ Sure wish they weren't so far away - VA.
Bill, is your avatar a "Hog?" Just counted 22 of them ride past the house. Must be something special going on; that's very unusual for this village.
Paula, forgot to thank you for the video. Without it I wouldn't have known what you all were talking about.. another cam to add to my long list.
Also the video of Hope & Lily was great. I'm going to miss them.
Lynne, congrats on finding the tree, but if it's50', how will you dig it out and get it to your
My posting is taking forever! I'm on the laptop and the keyboard is not friendlky to me. See! making akk those mistakes and having toi correct them is frustrating ihn the first degree!
... later
Jo and Megan, glad you both had a fun outing! Really neat that you recognized James and introduced yourselves!!
Diann, where in VA are your grands?
Lynne, when the NASA announcer says that the shuttle is 900 miles downrange( about 9 minutes after launch, if I remember correctly), start watching the SE sky. If it's dark and clear, you should be able to see it. I'm thinking at about 60-70 degrees. You can't miss it!!! And it goes by in a northerly route really fast!!!
For Shirley it would be about 800 miles downrange, and Candy about 700. If you don't get NASA channel on TV, you can get it online.
Here's a posted comment on the OK nest website.
Quote: "is there something on the egg or is it hatching?"
The cam there has not come up for me at all today. Just the distant one.
It was some grass on the OK egg
* Sure is good to see you, friends... *
I scribbled down some notes let's see how far I get
Blessed Holy Saturday wishes for everyone...that's a good place to start ♥
sometimes, it looks like Palmer wants to Nurse !
I am sad for the anxiety you had to endure with the Cocker Rescue posting, am happy things have worked out okay...believe in yourself and your kindness and efforts...and know that the Lord sees your ways...and be of stout heart....((( hugs ♥ ))
and Congratulations on finding that Tree!
I bet your Steve, Lynne, will be finding some unfound camo eggs in the weeks to come!
Happy Second Easter for both of you ♥ ♥
shucks I can't read my scribbles,
Ceil, help me out! I know you make notes ☺
Lynn, Chesapeake. #1 is Army
Reserves now in ROTC at
Daughter was in USMC for 20 years and traveled with her bands (she was/is a musician) all over the Pacific and east coast. So I didn't see #1 too often, but sure do love that boy/man!!
Venus the Planet of L♥ve, and Mercury, the Fire Planet,
I'll be watching Sunday night, Thanks!
Also the shuttle, Monday morning, guess I won't sleep in after all, Lynn... thanks !
great news about Pelican Harbor, might have to catch the video in the morning, Paula...
an Easter morning delight
Diann, am happy to hear of your family doins' - wish you could be WITH them ALL for real
Hope Jim catches some good cookin' fish on Sunday - after reading about his schedule, 7 days of 12 hours...well I can't complain one bit ! WOOF !
Paula, that sounds like a dangerous fire in Emmitsburg, I love that square in E-burg...
sorry to hear of the destruction, hope all the FF's got through it okay with no injuries
I am done outside for this day. Got more done than I expected I could. But still lots to do!
The heavy snow had bent my flag bracket and I can't get it straightened, so got a new one. Well....battery apparently is shot to my cordless screwdriver, so no luck in getting that job done. :(
and Jo and Megan, glad market day was a fun day.....
Way cool, Jo, that you met up with James! Thank you for making your presence known to him, can't wait to talk to him about it!
He's been wanting to meet more Momsters! He has met you now, and before, Lynn, and the Captain and First Mate, also Dana and Ed ! ☺ ♥
am I seeing things differently, or when we delete a comment now is the wording different:
This post has been removed by the author
thought it just said Comment Deleted before....?
My sister tried to tell me that at Noon on Holy Saturday, one can indulge in what one has given up for Lent...
I never did it that way but I am ready for some chocolate at Midnight
I guess I have magpie'ed enough now, time for work soon
Want to say, am thinking with love and friendship to all, those visible, those not visible, and those loved ones in our families that have gone before us
You are all Precious to Me, and I give grateful prayers for having you in my life
Take Care, Best wishes for a good evening, Happy Easter
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥
I love Chesapeake, Diann. Sounds like a very musically talented daughter!
Thanks to her for her service and to #1 GS! Margy is right---I cannot even imagine 7 12's. What does he get in the way of days off after that?? Yuck!
Margy, bet tonight is going to be busy. Maybe Mountaineer revelers....hope they behave!!! NO COUCH BURNING, please!
I didn't realize that tulips smell until I walked past the planter and smelled this sweet scent. Picked up some pretty yellow tulips at the grocery store. Not something I normally do, but they were so pretty; and smell so nice.
Wish I could garden like I used to. I see my bleeding hearts (pink & white) are beginning to bloom, lillies of the valley (white & pink)are up about 3 inches, and lilacs are getting leaves. Oh, the smell!!!!
Can't wait for the Stargazer Lillies, but that'll be more like July/August. The pink lilies of the valley smell sweeter than the white ones and both are spreading like weeds making a great groundcover.
Ok, I'm tired of fixing my typing. Going to do something else, like read the paper.
Grill ready for steak!! BBL.
Live Cam still down, guess nobody in there today :(
Well, dang, then how am I supposed to get my Palmer fix?
Perhaps if I drink enough rum the still cam pic will start to look like live feed....
Have a good night Margy.
Lynn, Jim gets 7 off - 7 on, but it takes him about 3 days to be rested. He's getting too old for this schedule but he won't retire. I think he worries about losing our health benefits.
Now, must make him some supper.
... later
No one hurt in the fire today in Emmitsburg.
Diann, that is surely an unreasonable schedule! & off is nice, but takes so longer to recover...what kind of work does he do? Sure hope that it's not physically demanding.
Happy Easter Saturday to All!!
Been real busy accomplishing very little around here! ☺ Been another techie day--this time w//phone but for awhile they had to turn off all the Fios parts.We've had terrible scratching noises in line & techie named Frankie had to replace part of the outside box & a wire from it to basement. They had fun running wire thru crowded hole in bricks!We have no static, but for 2 days since they remote tested when I called, wouldn't ring!!!~~~went right to a recording for your Mailbox!!! We don't use one! After 2 calls as suggested, finally fixed.
I did not color eggs, but am going to peel & put in beet juice & maybe a little vinegar. My Grandma used to make beet soup & used that sometimes.
Loretta, glad you got your phone line straightened out! What a pain.
Paula, thankfuo that no one was injured, or worse.
I am very sorry, but just rmembered that I forgot to say Happy Birthday to somebody's late father on Thurs. Please forgive that I can't remember who it was, either..........so belated Happy Birthday to a dear departed Dad.
And Happy Birthday to Sissy and Sharon's Dad !
Whole family at our nest
Sorry I missed Margy & thx, Paula for video! What is it w/Pizza places having destruction?
Lynne2, congrats on your great doggie work. I accidentally saw the ASPCA ad w/Willie Nelson song this AM, & teared me up! I want to save them all~~~the wild ones too.
Got a couple more tulips coming up--one bud looks the 2 Redskin colors!! And bleeding heart starting, too--not open enough for pic. Been working on springy + pics & hope to get them on here soon. ☺
B Ball w/ WVU at 8:47!!!!!! Go away, Duke :>(
Thanks for reminder, Lynn!
Happy Birthday to Sharon & Sissy's Dad!
Most of you probably saw on news this AM, but lady using a paddle board to raise CA money, was going for 20 miles at Catalina & a rare smallish whale accompanied her for 2 hours!!!She got many more $$$ because of him! She called him Larry!!
Looks like a bedtime snack for Palmer
It snowed a little more on the Oregon nest but has stopped. When I checked both eagles were on the nest, trading spaces. It's really hard to tell those two apart!
Went to the store earlier. A lady there had a pink DUKE T-shirt on. Of all the nerve! : )
Are we ready to RUMBLE!!!??
It looks like Butler is going to be in the championship game.
... against WVU of course!
5 min with 4 pts difference
It's anybodies game
But yes, of course, it will be against
Ready to RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:47 is the Rumble Time....
I bet Normabyrd is READY....
Okay I have taken my temperature and it says I am normal What is not normal is for me to be sitting here waiting for a college basketball game to come on. Go Mountaineers
Hello to all!
Lynne, I truly hope you will not take personally the inappropriate attempt of the shelter person to generate sympathy at your expense. I see there has been an apology but regardless, your efforts are surely loved and appreciated by your blog family and the poor dog you rescued.
Prayers for Chrissy and her family.
I wish each and every one of our blog family, near and far, a lovely Easter Sunday.
Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others. Andy, after the egg salad, please set our alarm later tonight. Thank you.
Good Night Judie -
Butler, it seems, will be an upset.
Goodnight, Jo.
Three more long minutes.............
Oh the tension!
Looks like Belle has Palmer covered or very close to her breast. She has her head tucked back.
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
Oh my goodness.
((((((to Lynne from Pearl))))))
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
Okay. Will give it a go.
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
Fantastic game... 50 - 52 for Butler Bulldogs!
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
Lynne, you are such a good pet momma. I hope that the cocker gets adopted by a good home very quickly. That will make all of your trials worth it.
Congrats on finding the tree!
Well, I am not used to pulling against a North Carolina team, but I am about to be swayed with all of the enthusiasm out there. It would be different if it were UNC. That's my daddy's school.
Went out a little while ago and bought stuff for dinner tomorrow. I have been busy straightening out paperwork and stuff today. I still have more to do, but I'm about ready to relax for awhile now.
Glo, you don't have to watch the game!!! Lib, Belle and Palmer won't mind!!! On the other hand, Sis,Shar and Thelma might have another thought!!!
Making popcorn and gonna watch the game...
Trying ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„ to º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø makeº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø a º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø wave.
Well I am here because I want to watch the game and decided to not watch it alone. Its not normal but occasionally I do find a team to cheer on. Remember I come from Cubs Country we don't have a team in the final anythings very often :-) so its nice to have a team to cheer on with a bunch of folks also cheering them on.
think I will take a quick shower since tip off is still 20 mins away brb
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
So glad Butler won! I like that team...BUT, not as well as WVU!!!
We appreciate all of the support given our Mountaineers by all you NON~WEST VIRGINIANS♥♥♥♥
TH twins getting a nice dinner. PH is reasting. Sidney is on the lookout for intruders. Oregon waiting for the snow to melt.
: D
Go Mountaineers. I know a few grads of NCU.
Good evening everybody. Was without internet here until just a little while ago. Getting ready to watch the Mountaineers kick some Duke butt!
You are a persuasive bunch.
LET"S GO°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º°¨¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!!
Game time! Okay, I'll pull for the 'eers!
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
I'm hearing what sounds like an eaglet in the Decorah Iowa nest
I'm missing watching Palmer and the Hornbys (their power is out too), my favorite eagle nests. Even though Decorah is geographically closer to me, the problem I have is that the feed is choppier to watch
Go Team 1959 well its been a while many of you were teenagers or younger or twinkles in someones eyes and OK a couple of you were a little older.
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
kickingbird where are you I am in IL
OK well I am in the Quad Cities area
I started looking for "baseballs" with binocs at Starved Rock, though I'm closer to Morton Arboretum, which is down the street from the Willowbrook Wildlife Center - they have a rescued bald eagle (and a golden) who lives there, and I can get up close and personal whenever I need an eagle fix
Do you think I could be hearing things at Decorah? Is it too soon for hatching there?
Feed is less choppy now - it's black & white now, and maybe since it's dark and Momma's sleeping, maybe the lowered demand makes the stream better. I'm hoping she'll stir again and do an egg (chick?) check
sorry haven't been watching Decorah too choppy. Paula may know when eaglet is due I am not sure. I know your are very well. Will be going through there in about 10 days heading to Springfield
My nephew is at Augustana
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
I live maybe 2 minutes from Augie
Her head is up...I hear peeping
Well, it IS a small world!
I couldn't see anything, but I'm pretty sure there's an eaglet in that nest
Got to run - later Glo! And all eagle fans out there.
Bye for now
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
KB - 1st Decorah egg is 38 days today!
Think she is gone figured you would know maybe she will stop back and read.
Hi all! Sitting here sorta numb. Worked in the yard all day. Looking good. Ate dinner on the patio and wathed the hummingbird go between the Jasmine and the feeder.
Babies in the hawk nest and went out to watch the nest for a short while.
Saw the PH eaglet get fed. Think I will join Megan in drinking to make the still cam look live. lol
Hi Lolly sitting here cheering on WV but well maybe some folks will stop by at half time.
Hi Glo! Jack is watching hockey. What is the score?
Suddenly, I am very tired. Going to watch the second half upstairs. See you tomorrow!
Half Time - WV 31 Duke 39
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
only 8 points there's still lots of time.
I agree those 3 pointers are messin with us
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
When you have a chance, check out my sweetheart, Jayden on Just for Fun Blog. He has won over all our hearts♥
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
LET"S GOº°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø,„MOUNTAINEERSº¤ø ¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø ø¤º° KEEP THE WAVE GOING! LET"S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
Wanda, Jayden is darling. I know you all must really be enjoying him. You got some great pictures.
Good Night everyone.
Going to leave for the evening.
I will check in before hitting the sack.
Early church and need to set things out or I'll never make it.....
I just got through chosing an outfit for tomorrow, Jo...now I need WVU to win this game and then go to bed:)
Thnaks, Lolly...we think he is adorable:) GG gets to feed him his bottle every Friday night and that is such a JOY to her!
Sorry for you WV fans...I know it's a big disappointment. :(
I have an early morning tomorrow. Going to Christie's for Church and dinner out. She is ringing bells!
Happy Easter to all. May God's love surround you. I will talk to y'all sometime tomorrow evening.
Well losing is sad and disappointing BUT WV is proud of their team I'm sure!
Good Night All
Prayers for All (Chrissy)
Everyone have a blessed day tomorrow for Easter!
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
So sorry WV lost!
Trying to finish up some prep for dinner tomorrow, making dinner at son's house...college kid not feeling too good, so he stayed at school...plus has 2 tests and a paper due on Monday. Miss him!
But school comes first!
Ruh roh, is the still cam down too?
I would not know if the still cam is down or not. Can not even get to the NCTC web page. I get the message that I am not an authorized person. Well....I be! I think I am pretty special person, see no reason why I should not be able to get on!☺
Whoops! Did the split!!!!!
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