Got a little scare. It almost looked like the nest was completely empty. I could not see Palmer or an adult at first. Then I refreshed and everything is okay.
Man I just lost all of my reports on the osprey nests! Wildwatch - 1 osprey BWO - osprey platform beginning to look comfy in the center of all those sticks! CT - osprey on 2 eggs - there was a fly-by and nesting osprey got her wings flapping as she stood up off her eggs. AppArt - no osprey yet in that grassy nest but the eagle is up on the post.
Good morning! So, envious of your sunroom, Lynn. I am sure it is beautiful. Wish I had more windows in this house! When I win the lottery this evening, I will get those windows! lol
Wanda, I had my first cup of coffee reading the paper. Having the second cup now.
Wanda My kitchen has quite the fragrance this morning...ramps... all cleaned and separated, leaves from roots... I have packaged some up for you and the Captain, will get them to you over the week-end ☺
We have a small patch of ramps growing behind my shop...need to check them out! Keep forgetting they are there until someone mentions RAMPS in the Spring.
MitsArticle on the falcon from Rachel Carson Bldg. Sounds like she fought and got a new nest in Wilmington, Delaware.
MeganThe video and article about sighting of Bald Eagle and nest with 2 chicks in Hinton, WV. Is AWESOME!!! Thank you ( : That guy has been looking for 2 years it said. Now he'll be spending more time someone needs to tell his wife. Cause he will be watching that nest like crazy. He did mention a nest in Shepherdstown, WV. He did not say anything about chick/s.
Hummmm wonder if there are other people that do that LOL
I just visited Hawkwood Gardens and enjoyed my walk very much, thank you! Beautiful columbines...the all yellow ones are the ones that Lolly sent to me (seeds). I don't think they are going to bloom this year:( Next year, for sure!
No more Hunter drama today. I expect he and his dad are having a good time together. He was probably just very tired last night.
Kathryn said he was hysterical and wanted his teddy bear. Last time he was here, he gathered all of the stuffed animals he found around here--there are quite a few--and put them into bed with him. I love that. There won't be too many more years of that kind of thing for him.
Kathryn is going to come over and download her tax software onto my computer. I was getting ready to go buy a program. I just need to get started. Once I do that, I usually finish up without too much trouble. I used to pay a lawyer to do my taxes, but I've done quite well on my own for several years now. I had to provide the lawyer the same information I have to input into the tax program. Might as well save the money and do it myself. Thank goodness for computers.
Good afternoon. Just dropped in to say "HI" and Palmer is napping with his foot stuck out. Even wiggling toes. Too cute and too close to the edge of nest for me.
Nice day to be doing outdoor stuff. Not too hot or too chilly---just about perfect, if the stupid wind would die down! Now need to bathe and start getting ready for this funeral service.
Judie, forgot to say that I'm glad the play was good. Tyne Daly has let herself mature/age her own way---no frills, no junk, just naturally. Wish she'd do another tv series!
Shirley, except for the year I became disabled when I took some money out of my 401K to pay off the house, I have used TurboTax every year since 2000. Never had any trouble! Makes it so easy!! I usually get done and have my moolah back by middle of Feb.!!
I was reading the thing on "ramps" in Wikipedia again ... "wild onion or leek".
Did you know that the name "Chicago" comes from a Potawatomi word for ramp or skunk?? Seems they had big fields of ramps, which rotted after a while, in that area originally....
should be a good night to see Venus and Mercury again when darkness advances.... after the 15th Mercury will be too hard to find in the twilight, but Venus will increase in visibility
I have a cousin who is a school teacher and church activity group leader slipped and fell playing kick ball broke arm and wrist her school fixed her up with "Dragon Naturally Speaking" which types as she talks her email is impeccable! Cool, huh!
She talks into something, computer seems to recognize most of what she says...guess she has to re-speak it if it comes out wrong I knew there were programs like this but never knew anyone who used one Very crafty idea!
have fun Paula, figure you are out on the town now you could NEVER scare the kiddies, or the adults for that matter! You're probably the youngest looking grandmother at the ballfield will look forward to pictures
The duo is out, Venus and Mercury. If Venus is the center of the clock face, Mercury is at about 4 o'clock will look a little clearer when more darkness moves in but then they both are setting too so it won't be visible for very long
time to make a visit with elderly neighbor bbl ttfn xo ♥
Dinner over, most of the laundry done, and I am really tired.
Jo, which owl cam do you watch? I am having trouble with connecting with owl cams. Well, please keep me posted. Did get to see Palmer a few times today. And, I saw the Lock Garten nest with an osprey doing some nestorations. Is that Isla?
Going to turn my light out really early tonight. Just can't seem to muster any energy the past few days. Will leave the night light on for others. Goodnight everyone.
Remember the Eagle that was shot. It was rescued in Ada, OK. by WildCare Animal Rescue. I wrote to them asking how the Eagle is doing.
Dana, We are trying to keep people posted on her progress on our page. I just finished feeding her tonight and she ate with a bit more energy. I gave her a piece of meat that I thought was too big for her so I reached back for it and she tried to pull it from me. We love to see a little spark in her. We should get her lab work back in a few days. Thank you for caring about wildlife!
So there we can keep an eye on how the Eagle is doing.
Good Evening Everyone!! Never got on here last night---got home late & today at Park was Real busy.We had annual River Cleanup. 70 volunteers!!! Most ever. Many were teens from other rec. ctrs. who get their 3 hours toward community service. My eyes were closing in front of TV, so had to get some coffee. My stepson from TN is here visiting us for awhile. DIL had her high school reunion. Margy, so glad you mentioned butterflies---Wed. & Fri. I saw zebra swallowtails at farmhouse office. I love them!!! Mom eagle was standing in the nest this PM. Wish I was WAY taller!!☺ Gotta go====
Stopping by to say good night. Got the tax program installed and the figuring mostly completed. I knew I would have to pay this year, but wish I could bring those numbers down a bit. I have a little time to play around with them, but can only do so much with them.
Home and settled in. Nice service---very large crowd. SRO! Highly unusual.. So cool----friend (new widow)Diane asked if she could bring their dog in for the service. Funeral home said SURE! So Camry sat at her feet the whole time. How cool is that???
Carolyn and I went to Olive Garden for dinner afterward. I will be heading back over Boonsboro way SOON----saw a place selling carved EAGLES---closed this evening. Gotta check it out!
So neat that Rondi answered you so promptly, Dana. News sounds encouraging.
welcome home Lynn that sounds wonderful... Cronise in Boonsboro on Rt 40 out of town on the right, has some way cool things, not sure if that is the place you went many birdhouses, garden benches, and many could spend some $ $ here... but Megan has plants at market and she will be in Shepherdstown Sunday ☺
Hi Margy! I posted on here and then went off to fb. I am back now. Thanks for the comments on my garden. It is beginning to shape up and really enjoy all the things in bloom! We lost a lot of fern and lawn to all the rain. Have a lot of work to replace stuff. Groan!
I was out at Target today and ran into some parents of former students. Tonight I had 2 friend requests from two of those kids. One has graduated from college and is now teaching pre-k. The other is was in my last class and he is now in high school. Amazing!
Hey Norma! Texas Stadium comes down tomorrow morning. They are imploding it early in the morning. We have the TV set to record it. NOT getting up to watch. lol
Margy, not familiar with it at all! I remember a place near there somewhere that used to have all kinds of neat Native American Indian jewelry, clothing, etc. but don't recall seeing Cronis's. The place I saw the eagle was on Rt. 68...between Devils Backbone Park and Rt. 40. Maybe we could go on one of your off-days!
Did you all read on Janet (Nilla's) facebook page about her surgery? Cancer taken out of the right side of her forhead. She has 34 stitches. Please send up those prayers!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Dana, I do not have facebook, one of these days.... yes, prayers for Nilla... I am sorry to hear of this Just learned Friday that girlfriend of a special friend has a brain tumor.... still being evaluated too sad, all the way around
yes, maybe so, Lynn, a road trip! Won't have a free unfettered day for a couple of weeks... don't want to make a far out trip when I could get called in to work
Good Late Evening! Hubby and I watched a TV movie "At Risk" Really good! Lynn & Margy - Cronise Market on the east side of Boonsoboro on RT 40A is from where George the Eagle Sissy took home was purchased. They have lovely items
Wow Jo didn't know George came from there... I was a ga-ga with all the wood products, put a few pics on the Fun & Dandy the "Flower Beds" that someone on here was talking about a few days ago...
Oh Hedgie - I have been trying to get back onto RT 68 Those posts with Eagles are super. Let me know when you all may want to go. I have only passed it once - and I was in a hurry to get to where I was going.
Hi Jo We came from Shepherdstown, through Sharpsburg, Oh yeah, that back shed was something else! and the Wind Chimes! I could keep the entire neighborhood awake with some of them ♥
Oh, I LOVE wind chimes, Margy. When we have wind around here you KNOW it! LOL Do not know what the neighbors think, but houses are not too close. Hope it does not bother them.
I am headed to bed. This time of night lately my eyes start watering. You would think I was crying....but I'm not.
Prayers for Lynn's friend Diana, Margy's friend with tumor, Nilla, Shally-My Neice, Officers wife that is going to have tripletts, God prayers that I just can't recall but you know them. Prayers and may all the Praise and Glory Lord be given unto YOU.
Peace my friends, God Bless, I pray you sleep well--me and doggie still on couch. Good Night.
So sorry to hear about Dana's niece. It sounds very serious...big time prayers for her...she is also MY niece. She is Gene's deceased brother's daughter.
Hi, Everyone! Finally getting here--gonna clobber this wacky computer! Gotta figure out how to troubleshoot.
Oh, my! Bigtime prayers for Dana's (and Wanda & Gene's) niece! For Nilla, too! Also for Margy's friend's friend. For Chrissy and family, too! Gosh, just going to say some big prayers for everyone tonight, and hope for the best!
Beginning to get pretty tired, so think I'll call it a night. Leaving the porch light and the night light on for everyone, and enabling the eye scanner security. Hope everyone has a really restorative night's sleep. Good night, and God bless, and I'll talk to you tomorrow morning, if my wretched computer cooperates! Love all of you guys! :o]
Heartfelt prayers for Dana's and Wanda & Gene's niece, Nilla, and Margy's friend.
Margy, thank you for the as-the-osprey-nest turns update.
Shirley, I recall Shirley you saying a neighbor created a flower "bed." I think that would be a hoot. Also glad you have your taxes almost finished but sorry you have to pay.
Good morning everyone. Gosh it looks like lots of prayers are needed for so many folks today. I had the email re Dana's niece last night but am just now reading the rest.
I can hardly walk myself this morning. I have done something to my hip. Happened yesterday guess I just moved wrong. Hard to drive home even. Anyway Dex and I need to try to walk somewhere and head for coffee then I guess back to bed or take pressure off of it.
Happy Birthday Paula I hope your day is special and you feel celebrated.
Yes, I am just as happy that there wasn't a commode in the yard next door. She worked very hard on that yard. It is too bad that she didn't think about how large the trees she planted would get. They were fine when they were a couple of feet or so tall, but they grew.
Prayers of all of those who are troubled or ill today--Nilla, the friends of Margy and Lynn, and the niece of Dana and Wanda and Gene, and, of course, Chrissy and her family.
Our little eaglet is wallowing around in the egg cup. Parent sitting close by. It is amazing how fast that little critter has grown.
Was checking out a website when I heard squealing and hollering from Palmer. Had make a quick check of the nest. I guess she was happy to see both parents there.
Giant Panda Mei Xiang is doing everything is slow motion today....getting into the slow-mo, hopefully by the end of the month we will have good news...or we will just go on like always
I was going over to GF for dinner, so I had to run to grocery store for a lime for the margaritas. I was zipping thru the store, and turned around the end of the aisle, and saw one of Michael's friend and GF talking to someone. So I was zipping by and gave him a friendly punch on the arm, then stopped to turn around and say hello.
When I turned around, there was Michael! I didn't recognize him from the back with his new haircut, which I had already seen!
It was way too funny! He came home to surprise me for my BD, and saw his friends walking up to the store, so he went in to talk to them! I said good thing he did, cause when he got home, I wouldn't have been there.
So, he joined me at GF house and surprised them when he walked in the door! Had a great evening, got home too late to get on here.
Good Morning All! Sounds like you had a fantastic Pre birthday celebration Paula. Talk about Fate or coincidence - Thank goodness for Limes! lol Hope today is special for you!
Palmer seems to be doing well this am Momma Owl that I talk about is really named "Minnie" and the male is "Soda"
I am headed West my friends. I'll keep my eyes to the skies - probably only see the hawks... Paula - the blue Happy Birthday from my wishes last night is a link for your b-day song
I think so... It's like we like to hear other forums say Lib & Belle & Palmer. Maybe I will call her Momma Minnie or I could say M&M - However, M & M has another special meaning on here Maggie and Mollie Granddaughters of Mits.
Thanks for links for OK eagle, Paula....can't get the cam to open. Just an as-the-world-turns sign, even tho' pop-up ads appear and the clock counter is running. Neat that Michael came to surprise you and you surprised him!!!
1 – 200 of 264 Newer› Newest»I guess I can venture on here as a #1 commenter. I hope everyone enjoys this cool weekend! Thanks for the fresh thread Steve.
Thanks Jo and Steve.
Got a little scare. It almost looked like the nest was completely empty. I could not see Palmer or an adult at first. Then I refreshed and everything is okay.
Good Morning to ALL in Eagleland.
Shirley that would have been scary.
Need to read comments on other thread. Some I haven't read yet.
Palmer wiggling around in nest. Getting himself in position and there it goes a poop shoot.
Man I just lost all of my reports on the osprey nests!
Wildwatch - 1 osprey
BWO - osprey platform beginning to look comfy in the center of all those sticks!
CT - osprey on 2 eggs - there was a fly-by and nesting osprey got her wings flapping as she stood up off her eggs.
AppArt - no osprey yet in that grassy nest but the eagle is up on the post.
Good morning, eagle dudettes and dudes.
Sad morning here in WV, but probably not a terribly unexpected outcome. Prayers for all the families.
Thanks for summary, Jo!
Still too sunny here in sunroom to see screen very well. Guess I'll do some chores while the sun makes a higher track!
Good morning! So, envious of your sunroom, Lynn. I am sure it is beautiful. Wish I had more windows in this house! When I win the lottery this evening, I will get those windows! lol
Wanda, I had my first cup of coffee reading the paper. Having the second cup now.
Ahhh, Palmer is all curled up in the egg cup.
Going to go load some pictures to Hawkwood. Took picture of Columbine and Lady Banks roses yesterday.
oh there goes baby towards the edge of the nest
Good Morning everyone
My kitchen has quite the fragrance this morning...ramps...
all cleaned and separated, leaves from roots...
I have packaged some up for you and the Captain, will get them to you over the week-end
Best wishes for a great day everyone
ttfn xo ♥
I'm not having any luck getting the owl cam opened this morning.. Still trying.
Margy - you make it a good one too!
Palmer is all alone and it's time to roam!
Wish I lived close to Margy, so she could drop by my house. I would certainly LOVE that...not for the ramps, but for MARGY!!!!♥♥
Have added 10 (I think!) new pictures to my Hawkwood Gardens blog. Come visit my garden! I only take pictures of pretty things......NOT the bog!!!
I am now off to eat and then head outside. Jack is already out. Can hear him hammering. He is replacing some fence panels.
Have a great day!
Oh, the first picture is of the Lady Banks roses. There is a gate under those roses. lol Guess we really need to trim them back.☺
WHOA! MARGY----Save some RAMPS for me---I had forgotten it was time for them!---LOVE 'EM!
GOOD MORNING MISS NORMA! What a treat to see you on here:):)
We have a small patch of ramps growing behind my shop...need to check them out! Keep forgetting they are there until someone mentions RAMPS in the Spring.
Pictures of your garden are so beautiful. I would like to walk in your garden, Lady!
Hello Norma
Hope the visit from Lisa and doggies went wonderfully well!
Taking a Lunch Break
Well Good Eagleland Morning Normabyrd !! ( :
Finally got caught up on the comments.
MitsArticle on the falcon from Rachel Carson Bldg. Sounds like she fought and got a new nest in Wilmington, Delaware.
MeganThe video and article about sighting of Bald Eagle and nest with 2 chicks in Hinton, WV. Is AWESOME!!! Thank you ( :
That guy has been looking for 2 years it said. Now he'll be spending more time someone needs to tell his wife. Cause he will be watching that nest like crazy. He did mention a nest in Shepherdstown, WV. He did not say anything about chick/s.
Hummmm wonder if there are other people that do that LOL
I just visited Hawkwood Gardens and enjoyed my walk very much, thank you!
Beautiful columbines...the all yellow ones are the ones that Lolly sent to me (seeds). I don't think they are going to bloom this year:( Next year, for sure!
Our little one sure is growing.
Afternoon, all!
Had a blast watching the tee ball game!
Palmer and adult at the back of the nest
Going to grab some brunch, then head out to finish the mowing...temp is 55° here
Aha, the ramps have awakened Norma!
Morning everyone.
Don't know about ramps but do know about cucumber salad which is now in the frig chillin out.
Very sad outcome for the miners and their families. My heart goes out to them.
Palmer and adult enjoying the sunshine. One osprey at Lock Garten. Need to check on more cams.
Good afternoon!
Time to head out and do some errands.
No more Hunter drama today. I expect he and his dad are having a good time together. He was probably just very tired last night.
Kathryn said he was hysterical and wanted his teddy bear. Last time he was here, he gathered all of the stuffed animals he found around here--there are quite a few--and put them into bed with him. I love that. There won't be too many more years of that kind of thing for him.
Kathryn is going to come over and download her tax software onto my computer. I was getting ready to go buy a program. I just need to get started. Once I do that, I usually finish up without too much trouble. I used to pay a lawyer to do my taxes, but I've done quite well on my own for several years now. I had to provide the lawyer the same information I have to input into the tax program. Might as well save the money and do it myself. Thank goodness for computers.
Good afternoon. Just dropped in to say "HI" and Palmer is napping with his foot stuck out. Even wiggling toes. Too cute and too close to the edge of nest for me.
Prayers going up to those who lost loved ones.
May tax preparations go smoothly and quickly.
Nice day to be doing outdoor stuff. Not too hot or too chilly---just about perfect, if the stupid wind would die down! Now need to bathe and start getting ready for this funeral service.
Judie, forgot to say that I'm glad the play was good. Tyne Daly has let herself mature/age her own way---no frills, no junk, just naturally. Wish she'd do another tv series!
Palmer stretching out like he really wants to see what's outside the nest! What a cutie. Tomorrow will be his 2-week birthday!!!
Don't think that 46º showing on cam page is correct! More like 66º!!
Shirley, except for the year I became disabled when I took some money out of my 401K to pay off the house, I have used TurboTax every year since 2000. Never had any trouble! Makes it so easy!! I usually get done and have my moolah back by middle of Feb.!!
Well, gonna get a move on. Everyone enjoy your day. Glad to see that Norma and T-bird checked in!! See you tonight.
There it was, another toe wiggle.
If that's Lib on the nest, he doesn't seem too concerned about Palmer at the edge of the nest.
Re taxes:
Thanks for reminding me, people.
You can also do the Turbo Tax scene, plus other kinds of software, paid and free, on-line.
I got started doing Turbo Tax (with a discount) through the company that handled our 401 K where I last worked.
My uncle pointed me to the government sponsored, free software on-line, and I'm going to try that now that I don't have so much to file.
Palmer looks in a good position now.
Using that big stick for a pillow.
Lynne - time flies! Palmer will be 3 weeks old tomorrow!
Shared some pics on FB of Michael and Laura at her sorority formal...will post on my blog later with pics of Tball fun.
Palmer snoozing at 10ish...all alone in the nest.
I was reading the thing on "ramps" in Wikipedia again ... "wild onion or leek".
Did you know that the name "Chicago" comes from a Potawatomi word for ramp or skunk?? Seems they had big fields of ramps, which rotted after a while, in that area originally....
Good Afternoon - sun is shinning but there sure is a nip in the air.
Headed out shortly to Mass
Will touch base upon my return.
Palmer has had a snoozing day in the sunshine.
Taking a quick break from the yard...can I say it's HOT out there!
Adult is back with a beak full of fluff.
Palmer headed for adult and 6ish for food! peep! Peep!
LOL, he stopped halfway...peep peep
aw what a good Mom, she brought the food back
Curious Palmer walking toward adult. I think it's Lib, picking around the dinner table.
And now back with Palmer to feed.
Back out to finish the yard, then in for a shower, heading to friends for dinner and drinks!
Poop shoot from Palmer.
Have a really good time!!!
Out the door.......later.
Here's a very interesting report from Santa Cruz ... new nests, new eggs, lots of beautiful pictures.
Northern Island Reports ..
Talk to you later, gotta go.
Here's the bleeding heart in my yard ♥
Paula, I love it.
Thanks Hedgie. My computer has and is out of order.
I hope my eagle peeps are making a good day. Justin and I have just been hanging out. Mattie and Sharon have gone to Richmond with a friend.
Back from chuch! Finished off the chili and I still like it best when it is warmed up as leftovers.
Going to sit outside awhile
cool item about Chicago and ramps, Jim, whevever you are now
our eaglet is beginning to look more like a toddler now than a baby
Bleeding heart is simply beautiful.
I think I will finish up my chili also. One bowl left. Yum.
Palmer getting a meal, scooting up close so Belle doesn't have to stretch so far. He is very attentive at this time. I wonder why.
Paula's pink bleeding hearts, and Diann's white bleeding hearts, they are pretty
all the flowery things are pretty the avatars, the picture links
glad Hunter was able to tough it out....know what you mean about the stuffed animal things
perfect night here for the Sunset funeral service that Lynn is at right now
should be a good night to see Venus and Mercury again when darkness advances....
after the 15th Mercury will be too hard to find in the twilight, but Venus will increase in visibility
we have a lot of fun with our typos!
Palmer getting snuggled in under Mom
hope everyone's evening is a nice one
I'm searching for the what the Energy Bandit stole from me much earlier in the day
Belle (or Lib?) goes back to the cup and Palmer pads along behind and tries to get up under Belle. Belle rearranging all the fluff.
I think that is Lib. I think he is trying to sit on Palmer. Haven't seen that for a while.
Na. Palmer too big to sit upon.
bEAgle, I never know much which one it is either, figure Mom has the bedtime routine most of the time ♥
Megan market on Sunday?
just checking, not sure I can get there even so but helps to know
pls and thanks
that is so cute with Palmer's head showing forward of the eagle
Belle's little stuffed animal
I have a cousin who is a school teacher and church activity group leader
slipped and fell playing kick ball
broke arm and wrist
her school fixed her up with
"Dragon Naturally Speaking"
which types as she talks
her email is impeccable!
Cool, huh!
Just too cute!
What is that? Dragon Naturally Speaking? How does that work?
sorry I have been typo-ing your moniker wrong!
think I have it now ☺
Momma Owl cam is up/running for me now
Starting to watch a movie on TV
She talks into something, computer seems to recognize most of what she says...guess she has to re-speak it if it comes out wrong
I knew there were programs like this but never knew anyone who used one
Very crafty idea!
Both adults on the nest. Spidey walking up tree. That musta been Belle and she took off again.
I think she picked something up off the nest.
Palmer peeping at Lib.
have fun Paula, figure you are out on the town now
you could NEVER scare the kiddies, or the adults for that matter!
You're probably the youngest looking grandmother at the ballfield
will look forward to pictures
The duo is out, Venus and Mercury.
If Venus is the center of the clock face, Mercury is at about
4 o'clock
will look a little clearer when more darkness moves in but then they both are setting too so it won't be visible for very long
time to make a visit with elderly neighbor
bbl ttfn xo ♥
Good early/late evening.
Dinner over, most of the laundry done, and I am really tired.
Jo, which owl cam do you watch? I am having trouble with connecting with owl cams. Well, please keep me posted. Did get to see Palmer a few times today. And, I saw the Lock Garten nest with an osprey doing some nestorations. Is that Isla?
Going to turn my light out really early tonight. Just can't seem to muster any energy the past few days. Will leave the night light on for others. Goodnight everyone.
Hey there Judie!
I think Loch Garten is EJ, her mate would be Odin
and Loch of the Lowe's is Isla, if she has managed to rule the roost at the nest
Good Night xoxo
Sorry I missed you, Margy. The answer is yes....
Remember the Eagle that was shot. It was rescued in Ada, OK. by WildCare Animal Rescue.
I wrote to them asking how the Eagle is doing.
Dana, We are trying to keep people posted on her progress on our page. I just finished feeding her tonight and she ate with a bit more energy. I gave her a piece of meat that I thought was too big for her so I reached back for it and she tried to pull it from me. We love to see a little spark in her. We should get her lab work back in a few days. Thank you for caring about wildlife!
So there we can keep an eye on how the Eagle is doing.
10-4 Megan
Hope I can make it
Thanks for that update too Dana
forgot to mention earlier
I saw two Tiger Swallowtail butterflies today
and one Mourning Cloak ☺
that's also a butterfly
both have yellow on them ☺
Here is the link to the facebook page
WildCareOklahoma Rescue
2 Little White Fluffy Hooties are visible in the Momma Owl MN Bound nest.
I tried to look Mema but it is dark on my screen :(
are you still seeing them?
Yes She is still away from her nest it looks like (in the dark)
Sandra and Lynne are watching (They are over on FB)
Look right smack in the middle of the screen
Good Evening Everyone!! Never got on here last night---got home late & today at Park was Real busy.We had annual River Cleanup. 70 volunteers!!! Most ever. Many were teens from other rec. ctrs. who get their 3 hours toward community service.
My eyes were closing in front of TV, so had to get some coffee. My stepson from TN is here visiting us for awhile. DIL had her high school reunion.
Margy, so glad you mentioned butterflies---Wed. & Fri. I saw zebra swallowtails at farmhouse office. I love them!!!
Mom eagle was standing in the nest this PM. Wish I was WAY taller!!☺
Gotta go====
Hi there NN
thought of you when I saw the
sounds like a great day at the Park!
I see NASCAR is on, are you watching
Okay Jo - I'll try again and then again mid-day Sunday ☺ thanks
Hello all! Worked all day in the yard. My right hand is stiff from all the work. Bathed and got into pj's, before supper! I am pooped!
Hi Lolly
Loved your pictures...I had some columbines once bred from Colorado seeds...back at a former roost
put some pictures on Wildflowers and Fun and Dandy links
includes the Jack-in-the-Pulpit, on Wildflowers, will have to check its progress in a few days
Stopping by to say good night. Got the tax program installed and the figuring mostly completed. I knew I would have to pay this year, but wish I could bring those numbers down a bit. I have a little time to play around with them, but can only do so much with them.
Funny. Kathryn's neighbor can't understand why she isn't bored when she's home alone for the weekend. The woman sounds like a teenager.
Got your message, Dana. Prayers for you and your family.
I also received your message, Dana....prayers for your niece, and the health care providers...
long road to wellness coming up for her
(( hugs ♥ ))
hope you can get those figures re-arranged Shirley...
Home and settled in. Nice service---very large crowd. SRO! Highly unusual.. So cool----friend (new widow)Diane asked if she could bring their dog in for the service. Funeral home said SURE! So Camry sat at her feet the whole time. How cool is that???
Carolyn and I went to Olive Garden for dinner afterward. I will be heading back over Boonsboro way SOON----saw a place selling carved EAGLES---closed this evening. Gotta check it out!
So neat that Rondi answered you so promptly, Dana. News sounds encouraging.
Glad that they are on FB for easy following.
welcome home Lynn that sounds wonderful...
Cronise in Boonsboro on Rt 40 out of town on the right,
has some way cool things, not sure if that is the place you went
many birdhouses, garden benches,
and many could spend some $ $ here...
but Megan has plants at market and she will be in Shepherdstown Sunday ☺
Hi Margy! I posted on here and then went off to fb. I am back now. Thanks for the comments on my garden. It is beginning to shape up and really enjoy all the things in bloom! We lost a lot of fern and lawn to all the rain. Have a lot of work to replace stuff. Groan!
I was out at Target today and ran into some parents of former students. Tonight I had 2 friend requests from two of those kids. One has graduated from college and is now teaching pre-k. The other is was in my last class and he is now in high school. Amazing!
Hey Norma! Texas Stadium comes down tomorrow morning. They are imploding it early in the morning. We have the TV set to record it. NOT getting up to watch. lol
Margy, not familiar with it at all! I remember a place near there somewhere that used to have all kinds of neat Native American Indian jewelry, clothing, etc. but don't recall seeing Cronis's.
The place I saw the eagle was on Rt. 68...between Devils Backbone Park and Rt. 40. Maybe we could go on one of your off-days!
Did you all read on Janet (Nilla's) facebook page about her surgery? Cancer taken out of the right side of her forhead. She has 34 stitches. Please send up those prayers!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Dana, I do not have facebook, one of these days....
yes, prayers for Nilla...
I am sorry to hear of this
Just learned Friday that girlfriend of a special friend has a brain tumor....
still being evaluated
too sad, all the way around
yes, maybe so, Lynn, a road trip!
Won't have a free unfettered day for a couple of weeks...
don't want to make a far out trip when I could get called in to work
Prayers for Dana's niece, for Nilla, and for Margy's friend's friend. As well as for many, many more, including Chrissy, and my neighbor Diane.
Good Late Evening! Hubby and I watched a TV movie "At Risk" Really good!
Lynn & Margy - Cronise Market on the east side of Boonsoboro on RT 40A is from where George the Eagle Sissy took home was purchased. They have lovely items
Wow Jo
didn't know George came from there...
I was a ga-ga with all the wood products, put a few pics on the Fun & Dandy the "Flower Beds" that someone on here was talking about a few days ago...
Oh Hedgie - I have been trying to get back onto RT 68
Those posts with Eagles are super. Let me know when you all may want to go.
I have only passed it once - and I was in a hurry to get to where I was going.
Margy - he was housed back in the wooden shed/building. She got it for me from the man in New Market area.
Did you come on up and over the mountain? OR did you stop in at Washington Monument Park... I need to read back over your comments.
Hi Jo
We came from Shepherdstown, through Sharpsburg,
Oh yeah, that back shed was something else! and the Wind Chimes! I could keep the entire neighborhood awake with some of them ♥
really made me hanker for a homeplace with some land...
but I will only buy my plants from Megan at Market ☺
Well, dear friends, I will bid you a fond farewell for this day. Sleep tight. Watch out for stinkbugs!!!
OK, can certainly make the trek, too! I almost wrecked the truck I was so surprised and couldn't stop gawking!!
I'll be checking out soon too, maybe in 17 minutes or so
Going to try tomorrow to make it to market, church, GG's to deliver ramps,
and not sure what else, and all of it could change if work calls me in
More or less Good Night for now, all, prayers for our new and long-standing needs...
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
Just closed my FB - Prayers for Nilla
She is going to have a whopper of a headache tomorrow with 34 stitches.
Sure hope she heals quickly.
Lots of prayers needed for lots of people for many things. He hears all prayers.
Heading back the hallway.
Don't think I will make it to market tomorrow - But would love to get some of that fresh asparagus!
Good Night All
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Hello and Good Night My Eagle Friends. I have about 6 min. to get a post in for today. Real Busy. Like a lot of you--taxes, taxes, taxes. Yuk
Prayers for all need and sleep well. Eagle Dreams. ^..^
Oh, I LOVE wind chimes, Margy. When we have wind around here you KNOW it! LOL Do not know what the neighbors think, but houses are not too close. Hope it does not bother them.
I am headed to bed. This time of night lately my eyes start watering. You would think I was crying....but I'm not.
Prayers going up for those in need. Sweet dreams!
Happy Birthday PAULA
May your day be special and all your wishes come true
And from Magpie's Roost also!
The Audubon Clock chimed Whoo Whoo Whoo, straight up midnight !
Happy Birthday dear Paula
Hope this is your BEST BIRTHDAY ever, filled with all your favorite things.
Lots of Love ♥
xoxo ♥ ☺ Magpie
Prayers for Lynn's friend Diana, Margy's friend with tumor, Nilla, Shally-My Neice, Officers wife that is going to have tripletts, God prayers that I just can't recall but you know them. Prayers and may all the Praise and Glory Lord be given unto YOU.
Peace my friends, God Bless, I pray you sleep well--me and doggie still on couch. Good Night.
So sorry to hear about Dana's niece. It sounds very serious...big time prayers for her...she is also MY niece. She is Gene's deceased brother's daughter.
May your day be all that you want and more.
Hi, Everyone!
Finally getting here--gonna clobber this wacky computer! Gotta figure out how to troubleshoot.
Oh, my! Bigtime prayers for Dana's (and Wanda & Gene's) niece! For Nilla, too! Also for Margy's friend's friend. For Chrissy and family, too! Gosh, just going to say some big prayers for everyone tonight, and hope for the best!
Beginning to get pretty tired, so think I'll call it a night. Leaving the porch light and the night light on for everyone, and enabling the eye scanner security. Hope everyone has a really restorative night's sleep. Good night, and God bless, and I'll talk to you tomorrow morning, if my wretched computer cooperates! Love all of you guys! :o]
morning everyone, have a good one.
Good morning.
Chilly morning here. All is well at the nest. I don't see Palmer. I am sure she is tucked away under mom staying warm.
Guess I will watch them implode the stadium, Lolly. Just about 15 minutes.
Happy birthday, Paula.
looks like the male osprey has arrived at the FINLAND osprey nest.
Good morning,
Heartfelt prayers for Dana's and Wanda & Gene's niece, Nilla, and Margy's friend.
Margy, thank you for the as-the-osprey-nest turns update.
Shirley, I recall Shirley you saying a neighbor created a flower "bed." I think that would be a hoot. Also glad you have your taxes almost finished but sorry you have to pay.
Happy birthday, Paula.
Hope you have fun things planned!! And that you have many, many more!!
Love ya', galfriend!
Morning all!
Ha, ha, Judie and Shirley: a bed garden sure beats the stupid commode planters we sometimes see around here!!
Still quite wintery in Finland.
33º here----brrr.
both o's at Finland now, they have really dug that hole deeper.
Good morning everyone. Gosh it looks like lots of prayers are needed for so many folks today. I had the email re Dana's niece last night but am just now reading the rest.
I can hardly walk myself this morning. I have done something to my hip. Happened yesterday guess I just moved wrong. Hard to drive home even. Anyway Dex and I need to try to walk somewhere and head for coffee then I guess back to bed or take pressure off of it.
Happy Birthday Paula I hope your day is special and you feel celebrated.
Yes, I am just as happy that there wasn't a commode in the yard next door. She worked very hard on that yard. It is too bad that she didn't think about how large the trees she planted would get. They were fine when they were a couple of feet or so tall, but they grew.
Prayers of all of those who are troubled or ill today--Nilla, the friends of Margy and Lynn, and the niece of Dana and Wanda and Gene, and, of course, Chrissy and her family.
Our little eaglet is wallowing around in the egg cup. Parent sitting close by. It is amazing how fast that little critter has grown.
BRRR!! It still looks cold in Finland.
Morning, all!
Can hear a crow near the nest.
I think Belle just told that crow to leave!
and I think it did, I don't hear it
Belle just arrived moments before Lib in the nest...screeching. Lib just dropped of breakfast!
Belle was sitting up in the tree above Palmer. Now she's at the back with the fish.Palmer is ready to eat!
Still trying to catch up from last night!
Was checking out a website when I heard squealing and hollering from Palmer. Had make a quick check of the nest. I guess she was happy to see both parents there.
Good morning everyone. I trust this day brings you much joy.
Happy Birthday to you Paula Eagleholic.
Paula, I sure would not be surprised to see an egg at BWO before the end of your Birthday:)
Giant Panda Mei Xiang is doing everything is slow motion today....getting into the slow-mo, hopefully by the end of the month we will have good news...or we will just go on like always
A birthday egg would be cool :)
I had a great birthday surprise last night!
I was going over to GF for dinner, so I had to run to grocery store for a lime for the margaritas. I was zipping thru the store, and turned around the end of the aisle, and saw one of Michael's friend and GF talking to someone. So I was zipping by and gave him a friendly punch on the arm, then stopped to turn around and say hello.
When I turned around, there was Michael! I didn't recognize him from the back with his new haircut, which I had already seen!
It was way too funny! He came home to surprise me for my BD, and saw his friends walking up to the store, so he went in to talk to them! I said good thing he did, cause when he got home, I wouldn't have been there.
So, he joined me at GF house and surprised them when he walked in the door! Had a great evening, got home too late to get on here.
Palmer sure is enjoying that fresh fish!
I think that the crow that was chased from the Sycamore Palace is here...just outside my window making an awful sound!
Who knows, maybe a little grandaughter will surprise you today:)
Dana - thanks for the FB page for the OK rescue group!
To those concerning the discussion of why the sun sets earlier on the PH and TH nests than it does at the OR and the Sidney nests...
This is what I have studied so far....
Because of the curve of the earth and the curve of the West Coast the TH and PH nests actually precede the other two nests.
At least that's what a good time zone map showed me.
The cam on the OR nest actually reads our EST time. ??
They have a cam on the injured OK eagle!
OK injured eagle cam
I can't get anything on that cam at the moment
I also wanted to that the person that published the link to the rescued eagle. Good news about her too!
Here's an update on injured eagle w/ video
OK eagle update
My apple blossoms are still on the up and up. : )
Oh Wanda, I hope not! Ajay and I both do not want her born on either or our birthdays...we want her to have her own!
Great BEagle! I don't think my apple tree made it this year...still watching and waiting.
Gotta get a move on!
Oh Paula...Gene and our dog "Missy" shared a birthday and neither one minded a bit;)
♥♥Thank you all for the lovely Birthday wishes!♥♥
Good Morning All!
Sounds like you had a fantastic Pre birthday celebration Paula. Talk about Fate or coincidence - Thank goodness for Limes! lol Hope today is special for you!
Palmer seems to be doing well this am
Momma Owl that I talk about is really named "Minnie" and the male is "Soda"
Gosh. When I go back and see my typos....
Thank you for sharing the FB link for the injured Bald Eagle and also the KFOR update. I don't think thier cam is up and ready yet.
Will you be calling Momma, Minnie now?
I am headed West my friends. I'll keep my eyes to the skies - probably only see the hawks...
Paula - the blue Happy Birthday from my wishes last night is a link for your b-day song
I'll be backkkkkkkkkkkk !
I think so... It's like we like to hear other forums say Lib & Belle & Palmer. Maybe I will call her
Momma Minnie or I could say M&M -
However, M & M has another special meaning on here Maggie and Mollie
Granddaughters of Mits.
OH, thanks JO, I didn't realize that!
Good morning! Just a quick peek in, gotta get ready for church. However, wanted to say.....
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Paula Eagleholic ☺
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu...and many morrrrreeee!
Have a great day!
Also, thanks Paula for the update on the eagle. It is great to have hope!
Have a great day!
Momma Minnie sounds good but makes for a lot of typing.
Who determines the names? I would think those that are closest.
Flyboy? Never. Sounds like the name of a retriever.
Flyboy was a name that some forum gave Hidey last year...
PH is Zoomed in for a better look at the chicklets.
time for some breakfast!
Enjoy your day, Jo!
OK. I thought Flyboy was an attempt at naming Palmer.
I see.
The OR nest is still clear of snow!
It snowed just a little yesterday but did not amount to anything.
Thanks for links for OK eagle, Paula....can't get the cam to open. Just an as-the-world-turns sign, even tho' pop-up ads appear and the clock counter is running.
Neat that Michael came to surprise you and you surprised him!!!
WOW. Look at that pose on the nest. Is the LIB?
Happy 3 wk. b-day to Palmer!!!
So majestic. No wonder the Bald Eagle is deemed the National Bird.
It looked like Palmer was going to imitate that pose. Cute.
Remaining Sidney egg hatched late last night or this morning!
It's a Palmer nap time now.
Sidney chick hatched this morning...
Good to know that the Sidney chick hatched.
Palmer is napping away, but being closely supervised.
I will return later.
I can't tell that there is a nest at Delta, but there is an eagle sitting on a branch, and I just saw another one fly by.
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