Good morning everyone. Got lots done so far today and lots more to do. How does a house get so dirty when you either spend time on computer in living room or head out with camera to enjoy nature. Dex and I went for an early stroll as its going to rain actually storm this afternoon. Even have my planters hunkered down in the garage, Thanks to those stopping by Glo's Glimpses. It is so much more fun to have someone to share with even cyberspace style.
Speaking of cyberspace friends we all know there are several special folks on here who have crossed our path. I just want to say how fortunate those of you closer to NCTC are to have a certain someone who reaches out across the miles even to someone she has never met even online. She has actually done it twice now. You know who you are and I just want to say how very much it is meaning to my friend Jean as she deals with all this new stuff. She seems ot be getting somewhat stronger BUT I saw a Dr's order today for a renal panel which mentioned the word mass on the right. I don't think my neighbors could read the word, but will ask you to lift her up in prayer continually now as she goes to get some lab work done today and sees the Dr about these results next week. It of course scared me to see the words. I wisha t times I had not learned how to read Dr scribble.
OK to the kitchen to clean. Where is Mr Clean I would love to rid this room of grime and grease in just a minute.
Glo, I know which angel you are talking about!! Ain't she sweet??? ♫ ♪ There's a song for you and her! ♪ ♫ That order does sound a bit ominous, for sure...prayers continue for Jean. How young is she??
Well!!! I am not quitting my job after all! My supervisor called and offered me more money, same as I would have gotten on the new job, working on getting rid of weekend work (yay)!! I will still have to work Sundays some for a little while, but not all summer. Got a 75 cents an hour raise (might not seem like much, but to me it is!!) I held out for more money and they gave it to me! I am amazed! Thought for sure she would say good riddance to me!!
Interesting Sissy! You also mentioned better benefits. What about those? But, congratulations on the raise. It all adds up!
Palmer is at 12 postition. Looking over the edge or sleeping.
Taking a wee break. Did some mulch work in the garden. Also, raised some flagstones. They have at time been under water. Will see if raising them helps. Then we started planting bulbs and it started raining. I think the rain has stopped. We'll see.....???? Want to get more bulbs planted.
Glo, prayers for your friend and neighbor Jean. It may be a blessing they could not read the doctors writing.
I, too, am worried about Chrissy and Frank. Hopefully we will hear from them soon. Moving is such a pain and hooking up computer is one of the last things to get done.
No, Sissy, no word from Chrissy. Have emailed and posted on her FB wall without any answers....:(
Gutters cleaned, sunroom roof cleaned off of leaves and the oak pollen threads---all jumbled up like tumbleweeds! Luckily they blew off the same way! Wood pile debris celaned up...gnats are terrible in the grassy areas! Gee....ciggies used to stop this nonsense! They actually have driven me indoors!
Thanks for the prayers folks. Got an afternoon of bad weather coming in now. Going to prepare to shut down quickly and head to basement or across street first and then help her to basement. Need to make phone call. Catch ya later.
Been trying to catch up on Palmer, RTH, NBG, Hope and others. All seems quiet right now.
Glo, prayers for Jean for a complete and speedy recovery. Please let her know the Momsters and Dadsters care.
Sissy, can't keep up. What great news. Congratulations on the new old job.
Lolly, maybe you and Jack should designate Hawkwood a natural flower garden and charge admission. What a lot of work but know the beautiful results are worth the hard labor. Don't know I would have picked up any flagstones -- my luck some awful creature would be staring back at me.
Ceil, I know you're going to enjoy the rain forest exhibit. One of my favorites. The one in Minneapolis is stupendous.
Lynn, I pretty much love all animal creatures but HATE GNATS! Hateful creatures always biting and being generally offensive.
Hi Jo and Mits.
Well, one final task today is to finish a recommendation for a student. He's hoping for grad school at GDub to complete his 5th year of baseball eligibility. Hope he gets in as he's a sweetheart.
Almost time for Mattie to be home from school. Still have my bedroom to clean, might piddle around with it after supper! Hope the storms don't get too strong at Glo's this afternoon! It is so beautiful here! 83 degrees!
Well...Carolyn didn't get the bank big surprise. They said that they had a better qualified applicant, but asked if they could keep her application on file in case something else opens up. Back to square one. SHe's still fervently hoping that the 911 dispatch job pans out.
Praying for Carolyn to be blessed with patience! The best is yet to come! Please tell her that (hugs to Carolyn)
Made all my errands but sure was glad to get home because I did turn on the AC so it would stay around 72. And at that temp I can drink my 3:00 cup of coffee.
I am putting my feet up and watch some news..... or close my eyes.
Well no new weather alerts for past hour. its raining some and still quite windy but storm passed pretty good. Leaving my stuff in garage overnight. Tornado watch til 8 pm is all I have out right now. That's a very good thing. Vicky is like 3 hours east of me. Not sure if its all headed her way or not.
woo hoo!♪♫ happy anniversary baby...♪♫♪got you on... uh, stop the music! no wait... what? never mind, put away the champagne, blow out the candles... Jo says we have to wait until the actual day to celebrate... back to work
More prayers for Jean, Glo and stay safe with the bad weather.
LOON HP!! Wow, out of the water, did his thing, back in the water, mom nestorating.
Bev, so great about your job's counter offer!
Ceil, hope you have fun at the Aquarium tomorrow!
Pearl decided to have a roll in some cat poop this afternoon, earning her a bath. She is so precious!
Does anyone have a cell phone number for Chrissy? I sure wish we'd hear something. They didn't even have a place to go last I heard from her, after the court date. I'm so worried about them.
Speaking of baths, I am off to scrub down myself. BBL
Nope, Lynne, no phone numbers. Tried to do a directory search, too, but no luck. Thought maybe if they had gotten an aptmt., the phone number might have transferred.....:(
Evening. Lynn hope Carolyn gets the 911 job. When we she know. Will pray for her. Glo prayers for Jean That the results are good. Megan go for it. Helen you think Jay is hungry.
I always go to Palmer first, but nothing there. Then I went to the Hornby and see that mom, as usual, rolls those eggs continuously.
Just now a fly landed on the nest below her and she spotted it and pecked. She's fast I think she got it cause she shook her beak, like to get rid of it.
The TH twins are tailing Palmer by a week. They have their dark colors and are trying to lug their heavy wings around. I haven't seen them do a wing lift or spread like Palmer. Anyone else?
Ceil, no time line. Application deadline was last Fri. Margy says it takes a while. Hope you have a great time tomorrow in training!! How long a day will it be??
I noticed that they were calling the first Phoenix. Isn't that the name of a bird? I mean, isn't that a type of bird? Have you checked their chat any to see why they named it like that?
Palmer seems to favor the 12 position on the nest. Palmer also like to stretch a footsie out and I think really enjoys and admires the wings she/he has.
Dinner is on the grill. I am hungry! Rain was just a sprinkle that did not last long. We ended up planting a lot of the bulbs, but have some still to go. After we quit that, I sat on the ground and pulled weeds.
Heading to Laurel's tomorrow morning. Have a t-ball game at 11 and a soccer game at 12:45. Plan on doing some work up there while there. Jack built Joseph a wood play set years ago. It has railroad ties holding in mulch under it. Needs new mulch, so we are going to work on that. No rest for the weary!
LOL, can't believe that feather is STILL there!! Yep, our Palmer is quite proud of his/her talons and wings! Just doesn't know yet what they are for!! Mits and Ceil.....I feel bad for the Snowman cam guy. Why don't they go after real criminals??!!
Evening Everyone. Another late evening at work, but I finished all those humongous signs, except for a couple lines that were missing. I didn't even work yesterday, but passed out around dinner time & woke up at 5 AM!!! Altho months ago they had seen a peregrine falcon where I've been working, no word or feather about him. I wasn't out much anyway. Ceil, do you know when you will start volunteering? My daughter will be coming to Baltimore on business around May 11!! We could surprise you!! Gotta eat something~~~~
Talk about tumbleweeds...we had a pedestrian get hit right in front of work today, don't know the condition of the person...the helicopter landed right on our road, blew all the loose grass and mulch like tumbleweeds...
I was following along with the Hornby chatters while drying my hair this morning and Doug explained why he named the adult pair Mom & other name that he came up with sounded right, so he just called them Mom & Dad. He also confirmed that he named the chick Phoenix, but didn't say I guess you are right Paula, Doug does the naming.
Sounds like a funny scene at our nest this morning...thanks for all the comments today! Hoping to get to watch tomorrow night and maybe Sunday...Have lots going on at work, haven't been able to do anything online...and working tomorrow.
During our Family Dinner, this evening, we got a phone call and was told that my aunt had died...that would be GG's sister. I waited until GG ate and took her bedtime pills to tell her. She took the news very badly...cried for a long time. We finally got her into her PJs and into bed. I finished cleaning the Kitchen and checked in on her before I left and she was sleeping soundly and looked peaceful. She told Gene this evening that she doesn't want to go to anyone's home...but she would consider letting someone help her out with her meds. She's been getting them mixed up and then, doesn't know what they are or where to put them. When I asked her why she mixes them all up, she said she didn't know and that someone needs to tell her what to take and when. So, that gives me an opening to get her a companion from the Panhandle Health place just catty-cornered from her house. We will tell her that the person is just there to help her with her pills, which they will, but will also take care of other needs. Now, I pray that they have just the right person there.
Wanda - the arrangement you can have for GG sounds wonderful. She will have company and you will have peace of mind. I'm sure there is some angel of a lady waiting to help GG.
Congrats, Sissy. Glad the job situation worked out so well for you.
Prayers for Jean.
Enjoy your volunteer work, Ceil.
Sorry to hear about GG's sister, Wanda. Good that she is willing to have someone come in and help with medications.
I have done some reading the blog. I do think of you often. Just have been very busy with work and am tired when I get home. Looking forward to summer vacation.
Sad situation in the states on the Gulf of Mexico. Prayers for the people and wildlife down there.
Yes, Jo, Aunt Frances lived about a mile from GG. She died in her sleep, just the way she always wanted. She wasn't sick, but did have dementia. She was 2 years younger than GG. I loved her dearly. Her oldest daughter and I were best friends all our lives. Gene and I shared our first kiss in her house♥ We spent a lot of time there.
Wanda, so sorry about GG's sister but hopeful this is the opening you needed to get some assistance with her medications and care. Prayers that GG's transition into having assistance will be quick and comfortable for all.
Ah Shirley, so pleased I am not alone in my state of exhaustion. Can't wait for next Wednesday to be over and to have a respite from teaching and students.
Speaking of exhaustion, I need to turn my light off but will leave the night light on for others. Andy, please set the alarm for us when you come in. Pleasant Palmer dreams for all.
Paula, too bad about the pedestrian....hope he/she survives without impairment.
Wanda, so sorry about your aunt. Know that GG is saddened, but have found that the elderly really do better with these things than the younger ones. Guess because they have lost so many, and know that it's the natural order. I hope that you can work things out for a companion for certainly would take a lot of stress off you.
TGIF!!! Have only read a bit of the blog, but CONGRATULATIONS, Sissy, on the job situation!
Glo, prayers continue for your friend Jean! Hoping for a healing for her!
Still worried as can be about Chrissy and her family. Hope someone hears from her soon!
Lynn, hope Carolyn gets the job she wants so badly! Prayers continue.
Wanda, prayers for GG and you and Gene at this rough time for all of you. Sorry to hear about GG's sister. Hope it works out to get some help for GG. Sure would be a blessing all around!
Shirley and Judie, so good to hear from both of you! Hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel--know that my teachers are frazzled right now, too. Hope you get a good rest over the weekend. Hang in there!
Lynn, have been seeing all of the new birds regularly, and got a couple of pictures, but not close ones. Must find time over the weekend to download them and hope they enlarge well. Will share, if they turn out OK.
Margie, Good to see you here! Hope all is well with you. Have been too busy with end of the quarter school work, that I haven't been able to spend much time visiting here. Miss all of you guys!
Paula, sorry to hear about the pedestrian. Hope they're going to be OK. Prayers for sure!
Well, getting kind of weary. Leaving the night light and porch light on, and enabling the eye scanner security. Prayers being said for everyone, especially for Chrissy and her family! Sleep tight, and will talk to you some time tomorrow. God bless, and good night! Love all you guys! :o]
Good morning. Wanda so sorry to hear about GG sister. Hope that you can get someone to come and help her with her medicines. Loretta I am not scheduled for that day but it would be great to meet up with you and your daughter Have a great day
LOL Thanks Steve and thaks for the new thread.
Good morning everyone. Got lots done so far today and lots more to do. How does a house get so dirty when you either spend time on computer in living room or head out with camera to enjoy nature. Dex and I went for an early stroll as its going to rain actually storm this afternoon. Even have my planters hunkered down in the garage, Thanks to those stopping by Glo's Glimpses. It is so much more fun to have someone to share with even cyberspace style.
Speaking of cyberspace friends we all know there are several special folks on here who have crossed our path. I just want to say how fortunate those of you closer to NCTC are to have a certain someone who reaches out across the miles even to someone she has never met even online. She has actually done it twice now. You know who you are and I just want to say how very much it is meaning to my friend Jean as she deals with all this new stuff. She seems ot be getting somewhat stronger BUT I saw a Dr's order today for a renal panel which mentioned the word mass on the right. I don't think my neighbors could read the word, but will ask you to lift her up in prayer continually now as she goes to get some lab work done today and sees the Dr about these results next week. It of course scared me to see the words. I wisha t times I had not learned how to read Dr scribble.
OK to the kitchen to clean. Where is Mr Clean I would love to rid this room of grime and grease in just a minute.
Thanks for the call over. Jean will be in my prayers - thanks for keeping us updated.
Now Sissy has even Better news to share with us as soon as she comes on over from FB.
I am off to CVS and Post Office.
Will come in as soon as I return.
Palmer should have stayed under those large leaves for shade.....
thanks for the call-over....Glo, continued prayers for Jean.
good Friday to everyone, have a good one.
Yep, Sissy, bring the new news over!!
Glo, I know which angel you are talking about!! Ain't she sweet??? ♫ ♪ There's a song for you and her! ♪ ♫ That order does sound a bit ominous, for sure...prayers continue for Jean. How young is she??
lots of cam watching this a.m., eyass in PA, ospreys in Finland, LW feeding its 2 eaglets, etc, etc, etc.
Just had a good look at the PA falcon
Afternoon all
chick Cute
Here I am Jo!!
Well!!! I am not quitting my job after all! My supervisor called and offered me more money, same as I would have gotten on the new job, working on getting rid of weekend work (yay)!! I will still have to work Sundays some for a little while, but not all summer. Got a 75 cents an hour raise (might not seem like much, but to me it is!!) I held out for more money and they gave it to me! I am amazed! Thought for sure she would say good riddance to me!!
Has anyone heard from Chrissy? I am so worried about her and Frank!
Interesting Sissy! You also mentioned better benefits. What about those? But, congratulations on the raise. It all adds up!
Palmer is at 12 postition. Looking over the edge or sleeping.
Taking a wee break. Did some mulch work in the garden. Also, raised some flagstones. They have at time been under water. Will see if raising them helps. Then we started planting bulbs and it started raining. I think the rain has stopped. We'll see.....???? Want to get more bulbs planted.
Glo, prayers for your friend and neighbor Jean. It may be a blessing they could not read the doctors writing.
I, too, am worried about Chrissy and Frank. Hopefully we will hear from them soon. Moving is such a pain and hooking up computer is one of the last things to get done.
No, Sissy, no word from Chrissy. Have emailed and posted on her FB wall without any answers....:(
Gutters cleaned, sunroom roof cleaned off of leaves and the oak pollen threads---all jumbled up like tumbleweeds! Luckily they blew off the same way! Wood pile debris celaned up...gnats are terrible in the grassy areas! Gee....ciggies used to stop this nonsense! They actually have driven me indoors!
Thanks for the prayers folks. Got an afternoon of bad weather coming in now. Going to prepare to shut down quickly and head to basement or across street first and then help her to basement. Need to make phone call. Catch ya later.
Hi everyone,
Been trying to catch up on Palmer, RTH, NBG, Hope and others. All seems quiet right now.
Glo, prayers for Jean for a complete and speedy recovery. Please let her know the Momsters and Dadsters care.
Sissy, can't keep up. What great news. Congratulations on the new old job.
Lolly, maybe you and Jack should designate Hawkwood a natural flower garden and charge admission. What a lot of work but know the beautiful results are worth the hard labor. Don't know I would have picked up any flagstones -- my luck some awful creature would be staring back at me.
Ceil, I know you're going to enjoy the rain forest exhibit. One of my favorites. The one in Minneapolis is stupendous.
Lynn, I pretty much love all animal creatures but HATE GNATS! Hateful creatures always biting and being generally offensive.
Hi Jo and Mits.
Well, one final task today is to finish a recommendation for a student. He's hoping for grad school at GDub to complete his 5th year of baseball eligibility. Hope he gets in as he's a sweetheart.
Almost time for Mattie to be home from school. Still have my bedroom to clean, might piddle around with it after supper! Hope the storms don't get too strong at Glo's this afternoon! It is so beautiful here! 83 degrees!
Well...Carolyn didn't get the bank big surprise. They said that they had a better qualified applicant, but asked if they could keep her application on file in case something else opens up. Back to square one. SHe's still fervently hoping that the 911 dispatch job pans out.
Praying for Carolyn to be blessed with patience! The best is yet to come!
Please tell her that (hugs to Carolyn)
Made all my errands but sure was glad to get home because I did turn on the AC so it would stay around 72. And at that temp I can drink my 3:00 cup of coffee.
I am putting my feet up and watch some news..... or close my eyes.
Happy anniversary to Megan and Russ. Wishing the day has been very special for you both.
Lynn, sorry Carolyn lost out but really saying a prayer for the 911 position to be hers. Sending a job prayer.
Off to check on Palmer and then to the fridge for inspiration.
I'd like to check on Palmer too but the FWS sites won't open right now for me
Hoping that the bad weather for Glo and neighbors takes a hike
Ok, Sissy, see the newer job update ☺ sorry Carolyn has to endure the disappointment, hope the 911 opportunity blossoms
I sent an email to NCTC doubt if it is a problem there though
watching on the weather channel for what's headed Glo's way
guess it could affect others too including Just Vicky
Here is a video:
Lake Washington Eaglets
I see Texas in the Red Zone too
prayers for safety....
Judie - Megan & Russ can't celebrate until they make it to the 17th of May.
Well I guess they could start early
Margy Palmer is resting alone up at the noon position. I have the live feed on. Still cam isn't connecting for me either..
Well the live feed is up
sometimes a little scary trying to find Palmer on there
ha ha, thanks Jo !
thought I should check that before sending an email to NCTC
then will check LW Eaglets video
thanks in advance !
I think they should start celebrating now. Seventeen days of fun and frolic in the greenhouse.
Bad bad weather go away!
Well cancel that email, got the still cam back now
BBL... Going to do what I was suppose to be doing.............
Great LW video Jo- thanks !
going to check on a few other bird cams and head out to work
Hope this is a good evening for everyone
Both cams working fine for me.
Thanks for words of encouragement for Carolyn!
Hey, Jude. ♫ Whoops...JudIE!! How's everything with you?
Well no new weather alerts for past hour. its raining some and still quite windy but storm passed pretty good. Leaving my stuff in garage overnight. Tornado watch til 8 pm is all I have out right now. That's a very good thing. Vicky is like 3 hours east of me. Not sure if its all headed her way or not.
woo hoo!♪♫ happy anniversary baby...♪♫♪got you on... uh, stop the music!
no wait... what? never mind, put away the champagne, blow out the candles... Jo says we have to wait until the actual day to celebrate... back to work
LOL Megan Go ahead and start to celebrate early anyway.
Loon is on the nest!
She just stood up...didn't see an egg. Hopefully, it's coming soon!!
Papa checking in now.
Lots of new green growth in nest since yesterday.
Papa on nest, and now raining.
those loons are beautiful...
lol...hubby just walked by and wanted to know if I was watching bacon frying.....the rain of the loon cam does sound like bacon frying.
Mama seems very restless...up, down, turn, up, down, turn. Nestorating around herself.
Oh, well...not yet. Into the water she goes.
Back again! Making noises.
Hi all!
More prayers for Jean, Glo and stay safe with the bad weather.
LOON HP!! Wow, out of the water, did his thing, back in the water, mom nestorating.
Bev, so great about your job's counter offer!
Ceil, hope you have fun at the Aquarium tomorrow!
Pearl decided to have a roll in some cat poop this afternoon, earning her a bath. She is so precious!
Does anyone have a cell phone number for Chrissy? I sure wish we'd hear something. They didn't even have a place to go last I heard from her, after the court date. I'm so worried about them.
Speaking of baths, I am off to scrub down myself. BBL
Nope, Lynne, no phone numbers. Tried to do a directory search, too, but no luck. Thought maybe if they had gotten an aptmt., the phone number might have transferred.....:(
Evening. Lynn hope Carolyn gets the 911 job. When we she know. Will pray for her.
Glo prayers for Jean That the results are good.
Megan go for it.
Helen you think Jay is hungry.
For those who watch the snowman cam the DNR is appealing Ken's case
Back to reading my manuel for tomorrow. Heck this is like going back to school and with my crs this ought to be fun.
Hi y'all.
Here's a nest blast.
I always go to Palmer first, but nothing there. Then I went to the Hornby and see that mom, as usual, rolls those eggs continuously.
Just now a fly landed on the nest below her and she spotted it and pecked. She's fast I think she got it cause she shook her beak, like to get rid of it.
Palmer is presently eating.
The TH twins are tailing Palmer by a week. They have their dark colors and are trying to lug their heavy wings around. I haven't seen them do a wing lift or spread like Palmer.
Anyone else?
Gosh, Palmer is so cute waiting for a bite, so patient. Then lifts those wings to show dad just what she can do. Cute.
I went to the loon nest. That was fun! One was in the water, one was on the nest. They are pretty.
Then I flip around and come back. They were mating.
I haven't checked the rascals yet at RTH.
Building up strength, for sure, BEagle!
Ceil, no time line. Application deadline was last Fri. Margy says it takes a while.
Hope you have a great time tomorrow in training!! How long a day will it be??
The OR nest had sunshine beaming on it. : ) When I went back a few more minutes later, it was snowing again. That weather is so unpredictable.
I couldn't bear to watch it, so I flipped around some more, came back and the sun was shining again. Spring needs to sprung there.
The forum didn't have much to say but no doubt they are glued to see any thing going on with the eggs.
Anyone else?
I just checked the Sidney nest and that chick is magnanimous. Dad is was in the egg cup and the chick peck at the dads beak.
My what big feet and I think it must be a she. She has no feathers yet, still in her gray down but her feet definitely remind me of Palmers.
New greenery to spiff up our nest.
Very decorative these eagles are.
When did that show up?
Hi Hedgie.
Mo, Larry, and Curly are napping.
The Duke nest eaglets are speckled and looking like eagles.
They must be 2 weeks behind Palmer.
Anyone remember. I sure don't.
BEagle - Hornby's new chick is called Phoenix. Not sure what they will call the second one.
wonder what the have against the guy at the snowman cam, Ceil....there is a black squirrel at the feeders now...someone call the cops!
I noticed that they were calling the first Phoenix. Isn't that the name of a bird? I mean, isn't that a type of bird? Have you checked their chat any to see why they named it like that?
I like to watch the PH nest but I do get woozy when I watch that nest swaying in the wind. Seasickness?
The WE nest is having dinner. The camera view is not so good though.
If you could SEE static, that's what it looks like.
Going to check out TV
Some new ones are on...
Got a good look at Palmer at Noon position.
By the time I come back Spidey aka Boris will have webbed it over.
Palmer seems to favor the 12 position on the nest. Palmer also like to stretch a footsie out and I think really enjoys and admires the wings she/he has.
Dinner is on the grill. I am hungry! Rain was just a sprinkle that did not last long. We ended up planting a lot of the bulbs, but have some still to go. After we quit that, I sat on the ground and pulled weeds.
Heading to Laurel's tomorrow morning. Have a t-ball game at 11 and a soccer game at 12:45. Plan on doing some work up there while there. Jack built Joseph a wood play set years ago. It has railroad ties holding in mulch under it. Needs new mulch, so we are going to work on that. No rest for the weary!
Gosh. I wish the guy eagle would come up to the Hornby mom and pluck that feather off her beak!!!!!
LOL, can't believe that feather is STILL there!!
Yep, our Palmer is quite proud of his/her talons and wings! Just doesn't know yet what they are for!!
Mits and Ceil.....I feel bad for the Snowman cam guy. Why don't they go after real criminals??!!
Evening Everyone. Another late evening at work, but I finished all those humongous signs, except for a couple lines that were missing. I didn't even work yesterday, but passed out around dinner time & woke up at 5 AM!!!
Altho months ago they had seen a peregrine falcon where I've been working, no word or feather about him. I wasn't out much anyway.
Ceil, do you know when you will start volunteering? My daughter will be coming to Baltimore on business around May 11!! We could surprise you!!
Gotta eat something~~~~
Evening, all!
So where is that little rascal in the nest? Hard to see thru spidey's web
BEagle...I believe Doug Carrick names the hornby chicks...
sounded like an owl
I think spidey has evacuated the web. Too bad he didn't take the strings with him.
Talk about tumbleweeds...we had a pedestrian get hit right in front of work today, don't know the condition of the person...the helicopter landed right on our road, blew all the loose grass and mulch like tumbleweeds...
I think Phoenix is a good name.
phoenix - a legendary bird held to live for centuries and then to burn itself to death and rise fresh and young from its ashes. Websters.
Can you believe those DNR folks at snowmancam...
Aha, think I can now make out Palmer at 1ish
I was following along with the Hornby chatters while drying my hair this morning and Doug explained why he named the adult pair Mom & other name that he came up with sounded right, so he just called them Mom & Dad. He also confirmed that he named the chick Phoenix, but didn't say I guess you are right Paula, Doug does the naming.
I sure hope the pedestrian is OK.
Sounds like a funny scene at our nest this morning...thanks for all the comments today! Hoping to get to watch tomorrow night and maybe Sunday...Have lots going on at work, haven't been able to do anything online...and working tomorrow.
Maybe the newspaper will have something tomorrow...
During our Family Dinner, this evening, we got a phone call and was told that my aunt had died...that would be GG's sister.
I waited until GG ate and took her bedtime pills to tell her. She took the news very badly...cried for a long time. We finally got her into her PJs and into bed. I finished cleaning the Kitchen and checked in on her before I left and she was sleeping soundly and looked peaceful.
She told Gene this evening that she doesn't want to go to anyone's home...but she would consider letting someone help her out with her meds. She's been getting them mixed up and then, doesn't know what they are or where to put them.
When I asked her why she mixes them all up, she said she didn't know and that someone needs to tell her what to take and when. So, that gives me an opening to get her a companion from the Panhandle Health place just catty-cornered from her house. We will tell her that the person is just there to help her with her pills, which they will, but will also take care of other needs.
Now, I pray that they have just the right person there.
Speaking of newspapers, Paula, if you don't have a copy of The Spirit of Jefferson, I will save a copy for you.
I sure hope so, Wanda. I hope this is a good opening for some help for GG. I am sorry to hear about her sister.
Pretty sunset on the TH nest.
Just finished 2 TV shows......
Need to read your 20+ comments...
Oh, Wanda! I do hope that works out for GG. Bless her heart! (((Hugs))) for her and for you. This is a very hard time.
We had a very enjoyable dinner on the patio and then lingered, enjoying the evening.
Wanda - the arrangement you can have for GG sounds wonderful. She will have company and you will have peace of mind. I'm sure there is some angel of a lady waiting to help GG.
Go to Hornby now
Phoenix is a good little eater!
Isn't he/she a cutie?
Hello friends.
Congrats, Sissy. Glad the job situation worked out so well for you.
Prayers for Jean.
Enjoy your volunteer work, Ceil.
Sorry to hear about GG's sister, Wanda. Good that she is willing to have someone come in and help with medications.
I have done some reading the blog. I do think of you often. Just have been very busy with work and am tired when I get home. Looking forward to summer vacation.
Sad situation in the states on the Gulf of Mexico. Prayers for the people and wildlife down there.
God bless and good night.
Do you think Phoenix wants to break away now?
Time to cover up at Hornby
Pip in 2nd egg is visible
What a beautiful eagle at Hornby! Missed the action but hear the little Phoenix.
I set up a May album for anyone wanting to place pics of Palmer on Eaglet Momster site.
Margy with the still cam viewing has done our April album. Thanks so much.
Wanda was GG's sister home there in WV?
Yes, Jo, Aunt Frances lived about a mile from GG. She died in her sleep, just the way she always wanted. She wasn't sick, but did have dementia. She was 2 years younger than GG. I loved her dearly. Her oldest daughter and I were best friends all our lives.
Gene and I shared our first kiss in her house♥ We spent a lot of time there.
Oh, Yes, Jo...I do hope there is an angel waiting for me to introduce to GG. Peace of mind has not been mine for a long time...I'm ready for it:)
Wanda, I am being sent a copy of the newspaper...thank you for asking.
Wanda I will pray for her departed soul to rest in the sleep of peace in heaven above.
I really pray He will take me in my sleep.
Wanda, so sorry about GG's sister but hopeful this is the opening you needed to get some assistance with her medications and care. Prayers that GG's transition into having assistance will be quick and comfortable for all.
Ah Shirley, so pleased I am not alone in my state of exhaustion. Can't wait for next Wednesday to be over and to have a respite from teaching and students.
Speaking of exhaustion, I need to turn my light off but will leave the night light on for others. Andy, please set the alarm for us when you come in. Pleasant Palmer dreams for all.
Good Night Judie
I am heading down my hallway - seems to have been a long day.
Good Night Everyone
Get a good night's rest and be refreshed upon awakening......
Prayers for all being said......
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Sweet dreams to all turning in.
Paula, too bad about the pedestrian....hope he/she survives without impairment.
Wanda, so sorry about your aunt. Know that GG is saddened, but have found that the elderly really do better with these things than the younger ones. Guess because they have lost so many, and know that it's the natural order. I hope that you can work things out for a companion for certainly would take a lot of stress off you.
Hitting the hay, night all
Hugs to all ♥
Glo, glad the bad weather missed you!
Shirley and you ARE counting the days til the term ends!!
Paula, what is making work so busy?? Is furniture kind of like refund rush??
Channel Island Reports
Link to Ch. Isles Reports.
Some interesting pics, videos and new chicks ... in new nests.
Hi, Everyone,
TGIF!!! Have only read a bit of the blog, but CONGRATULATIONS, Sissy, on the job situation!
Glo, prayers continue for your friend Jean! Hoping for a healing for her!
Still worried as can be about Chrissy and her family. Hope someone hears from her soon!
Lynn, hope Carolyn gets the job she wants so badly! Prayers continue.
Wanda, prayers for GG and you and Gene at this rough time for all of you. Sorry to hear about GG's sister. Hope it works out to get some help for GG. Sure would be a blessing all around!
Shirley and Judie, so good to hear from both of you! Hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel--know that my teachers are frazzled right now, too. Hope you get a good rest over the weekend. Hang in there!
Lynn, have been seeing all of the new birds regularly, and got a couple of pictures, but not close ones. Must find time over the weekend to download them and hope they enlarge well. Will share, if they turn out OK.
GooD NighT, aLL.
GreaT WeeKenD
comiNG uP.
Good to see you here! Hope all is well with you. Have been too busy with end of the quarter school work, that I haven't been able to spend much time visiting here. Miss all of you guys!
Paula, sorry to hear about the pedestrian. Hope they're going to be OK. Prayers for sure!
Well, getting kind of weary. Leaving the night light and porch light on, and enabling the eye scanner security. Prayers being said for everyone, especially for Chrissy and her family! Sleep tight, and will talk to you some time tomorrow. God bless, and good night! Love all you guys! :o]
Hi and bye, West Coasters!!! Quick visits!
Loretta, glad you got your signs done! Hope you have the weekend off.
Will say my goodnights now. SSee all y'all in the monring!
Prayers for all.
Thank all of you for your prayers and concern for GG and my aunt.
Please pray with me as I set out to find an ANGEL to help my Mom.
Good morning.
Wanda so sorry to hear about GG sister. Hope that you can get someone to come and help her with her medicines.
Loretta I am not scheduled for that day but it would be great to meet up with you and your daughter
Have a great day
Happy New Month and New Day, Eagle Pals
Some nice new calendar pages to turn over this morning
Wanda sadness and prayers for the loss of GG's sister, your dear Aunt, and hopeful wishes for finding just the right Angel
Ceil, have a good training day, the Aquarium is lucky to have you ☺
Thanks for the new Album, Jo, you take such good care of us
I put two morning pictures on
Best wishes for a good day, everyone,
those that have to work, and those that get to play
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
Everyone, come on over.
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