Friday, April 09, 2010


TGIF thread. 

Situation:  Cooler weather and an eaglet that's growing like a weed.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am here to tell you growing like a weed. Maybe the fish from the Potomac River have been injected with eaglet growth hormones? :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Apparently the Westboro Baptist Church are picketing at the mine today and in Charleston and this afternoon at VT. You know they are reputable people when their websites are called godhatesfags and godhatesamerica.

paula eagleholic said...

I'll say I concur with that thought, Steve! Palmer changes daily!

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer still huddling under adult.

paula eagleholic said...

I have to say that the vittles directly at 6 in the nest doesn't look like fish to me, looks more like some sort of long bone.

Steve, can ya'll tell what it is?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Sharon!

hedgie said...

Morning all! Shar, doesn't that just gall you to pieces???? Makes me SO angry!
Was up at 6:08 this AM and saw the ISS/Shuttle (docked) fly over. Very lovely, but couldn't tell that it was any different than when just the ISS all alone!! Spacewalk was going on at the time.....too bad THAT doesn't show from down here!!

hedgie said...

Palmer all alone in nest.

hedgie said...

As hungry as that little squirt seems to be, surprised he hasn't turned around and tried going for the food himself!!

paula eagleholic said...

Guess he's not quite there yet, Lynn. I notice the adult still picks up any food that Palmer drops.

Mema Jo said...

Morning All - chilly to say the least about the weather today. Back to long sleeves.
Palmer is sleeping now.. belly full I'm sure.
Happy that the GHO cam is up/running.
Momma owl doesn't move around much - the viewers think the owlets are in the nest.
Need to find a 'warm' red shirt for today.

Mits said...

good morning from PA site....Paula this is the cam you sent to us....

4/8/2010 :: Juvenile Female Claims New Territory
The red-band coded female that fledged from the Rachel Carson State Office Building two years ago has been spotted at a nest site in Wilmington, Delaware; she may be responsible for killing the resident female and taking over the scrape.

This female was banded on May 22nd 2008 and weighed 795 g, the largest of the four nestlings banded that day. The Rachel Carson female and her mother, the nesting female at the Girard Point Bridge in Philadelphia from 1998 until 2005 are know to biologist as intensely aggressive and territorial. These traits have clearly been passed on to their progeny.

To see the young female at her new scrape, visit

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends. Palmer is all alone.

Lynn, Thank the Lord for your good news. OH the power of prayer.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Thought of staying in bed all day, but decided against it. Sure felt cozy, though. Sigh.......

Palmer is all alone. Boy, our young "weed" blends in with the nest. You have to look carefully.

Where is everyone this morning?

Ragdoll said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ragdoll said...

Do you think a Belle or Lib are on a branch nearby watching over Palmer.

Mits said...

Ragdoll, one or the other is always very close by...

Costume Lady said...

Just in time...checked in on Palmer and what a POOP SHOOT!
Must have been a 6 footer:)

hedgie said...

I'm sure someone stays close whenever they leave him alone, Ragdoll!! But he's not alone now. Think she's wanting to sit on him! Wind is still pretty strong here, so I'm sure at the nest, too.
Thanks for your prayers!

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I have some columbine getting close to blooming, but I don't think they are yours. They are all mixed together in a bed, so it's hard to tell. The ones that I planted in pots are so healthy looking, but no signs of buds yet. Still plenty of time:)

Costume Lady said...

48° and windy right now...only going up to 57°.
It's either too hot or too cold to work has been crazy.

Lolly said...

Wanda, mine are in full bloom. Have a pink one that showed up in a place where one popped up a few years ago.????? I have your seeds in pots and no sign of blooms. Going to transplant them to the ground. Maybe next year they will bloom.

I think today I will take pictures of the colombine to show you.

Today I am going to redo some hanging baskets and then work on the south side in "the garden". That is the swamp area. It continues to dry, but is still a big mess.

Lolly said...

I also need to take a picture of my Lady Banks roses. They are unbelievable. We have them on an arbor/gate to the garden. They are out of control, need to really cut them back, but they are so pretty.

Lolly said...

Jo, had no trouble getting Minn owl cam to open today. Have not seen the babies, but the rat is right there. Yuk! When I first started going to full screen on our cam it would shut me down. Does okay now, but the Minn cam shuts me down when I go full screen.?????

Lolly said...

Yesterday's video of Hope is just so cute. I wanna baby bear! Wonder if you could house train a bear?☺

Wanted to share the video on fb, but they did not have the button to share so did not bother.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of roses, I bought GG a rose for Mother's Day with intentions of potting it and having it all ready to give on her day. Well, I forgot where I put it (about a month ago) and finally found it in a bucket behind the drapes in my front window. It is so full of leaves and bloom buds (it was a bare-root plant) that I just couldn't believe it! I must have watered it well before I 'hid' it:) It is a yellow climbing rose...will plant it next to her red climber.

Lolly said...

That is funny, Wanda. Now, why was it behind the drapes? lol

Are you familiar with Lady Banks? It is a climber, small yellow rose.

Costume Lady said...

Have to get this day started. Enjoyed yesterday so much (took the day off of chores and such) that it's hard to get back into the swing of things today:(
GG doctor appt. then going out for crab legs...1st time in a long while. Think it will do us all good to go out and have someone else do the cooking and clean-up:)

Lolly said...

Time for me to get, excercise and then outdoors for the rest of the day.

Have a great day!

Ragdoll said...

Thanks Hedgie, I worry about Palmer after the video of the raven stealing the egg at Sidney. SO afaid that a hawk might come around and pluck up our babie.

It cold in Maine too. About 50. Sure loved the warmth on Wednesday.

Costume Lady said...

Lady Banks? No, I am not familiar with that one.
Put the rose behind the drape so it could get optimum sun and not be seen because it was so ugly with only its thorny stems showing:) I'm leaving it there because it is doing so well...maybe I'll just keep it there forever and let it climb all over my window:):)

Lolly said...

(((Hugs))) for GG, but keep one for yourself!♥

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Huge happy smile for Lynn. Congratulations, girl Here's to many multiples of 5!

Andy, so happy you aced the test. Um, guess that's to be expected, though.

I think I am going to have to be very, very careful the next time I go to chuch as I might get my gerund caught on a dangling participle.

Life is becoming busier each day as the semester comes to an end. Only two weeks remaining until final exams. Will have 150 papers to grade in less than two weeks and still need to create the exams. Ugh!

Did take a few minutes to check on Palmer. Nestled out of the wind. A new video of Lily and hope from yesterday has been posted. All quiet at NBG. TH and West end doing fine. Still need to check out osprey nests -- especially the one you all talk about with Ilsa.

Good news for Ken and Snowman Cam. Can't comprehend bird feeders as "animal baiting."

Okay, off to read up on violence against the elderly. Hope everyone is having a beautiful day. BBL

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Jo...Hugs feel good!

Ragdoll said...

WOW..I finally have the live feed running. I have been trying all morning. Was watching still feed.
Has anyone else been having problems?

I am at school (teaching). It could be the system here school.

Judie said...

Wanda and Lolly, enjoy your day with the flowers.

Judie said...

Wanda, enjoy being with GG and having dinner out -- especially crab legs.

Judie said...

Okay, now that I've done my Margy, I'm gone for real.

Ragdoll said...

Judie, I know what you mean about getting very busy. I also find when we have beautiful weather like Wednesday. I am losing some of the students. They can't focus. It also makes them a little over confident.
The other day I kick half my AM class out. Sent them back to the Residental Wiring Teacher. Yesterday, he sent the same students to the office. They ended up coming down to me to talk about situation. Said there was nobody in the office. They fibbed. Bad choice.

hedgie said...

You teachers/profs sure deserve a lot more credit and money than you get!!! Not sure they could pay me enough to do your jobs!!!
Aren't you glad the school year is winding down???

hedgie said...

FONZ turns 52 tomorrow!! How 'bout that?
Mits, any words/thoughts from last nights' meeting to share???

Mits said...

not much new to report from the AT keepers, the panda keepers are preparing things for a birth like they do every year, just in case, This is the normal time of the year that Tian is in rut, so sometimes he gets a little antsy, but they are feeding him and giving him extra enrichment, all other animals are doing fine....

Ragdoll said...

Well, on a positive note. I have good news. The water has left my basement. Yea! Called excavator. We are putting in a new positive drain from the house. We won't have to dig around the whole house. Can tap into the exsisting pipe.

Now we are bleaching the floor and bottom of walls, fans going, 2 dehumidifers etc. May be able to put thing back in the near future. Alot of it is in plastic containers on my screen porch. That means I get my porch back.

Life is Good!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I checked in on Noah this morning, he is looking good..currently out of cam view..interesting they cam move the cam view, not sure if they do it remotely or most likely they do it when they feed Noah.

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie, I am so excited for June to arrive. Sometimes I teach the Extented School Year. If I do, I do the first or second graders. It's a nice change.

hedgie said...

SO...status quo, Mits. Guess that is like no news is good news...until proven otherwise!! Still keeping fingers crossed!!! it Deb?....sounds like you are making progress. Will the positive drain system prevent it from flooding ever again?? Wouldn't that be great!!

Mits said...

our guest speaker was Marshal Jones, former director of USF&W, now works at the Front Royal part of the NZ, the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, formerly the CRC...the place where we watch the clouded leopard cubs.

paula eagleholic said...

I had the live feed up earlier, was working fine. Working fine right now...I think that's Lib on the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

I think Palmer is all snug as a bug in a rug tucked under Lib! Can't even see him!

Mits said...

yes, Lynn, they are watching closely, if she wants to go outside she can, but most of this week she has been staying inside, they are practicing with her everyday, in anticipation if there are twins, they use a lacrosse stick, and roll up some socks, they put them near her and retrieve them, just for practice, after she does this, she goes and eats her treats and goes back to sleep, no denning right now, but they think the end of the 40 to 50 days in this phase will be the end of April, beginning of May, much like last year.

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie, It is Deb:) We have lived in this house for 19-20 years. Haven't had issues until recently. Granted, we got alot of rain and flooding in York County, Maine. This drain should solve our problem. They beleive the positive drain we currently have is either plugged up or tree roots have choked it. If it doesn't work we will put a sump-pump hole. I think we should do both.

Ragdoll said...

Look at Palmer going to Mommy to eat. He is growing up to fast. Like all our wild or human babies.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Palmer is moving some fluff around. How cute is that??

Ragdoll said...

I saw Palmer move fluff around too. Cute. Very smart Palmer. It's cold outside.

Mema Jo said...

Have you ever deleted your inbox of emails - I just did. It was a good way to clean out your emails but I don't recommend doing it. I have to go into my deleted tab and I could see the ones from today and read them. Then I had to decide which other ones to keep.
Well I at least got my Inbox down to
one page..........

Mema Jo said...

Momma owl doesn't feed her Owlets as often as Belle/Lib feed Palmer.
Of course, I could be checking on her at the wrong time.

movin said...


Good Morning,



I see a couple of old-timers, Fred Couples and Tom Watson, are leading the Masters Golf T. after the first round.



Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Jim
After the past 3 days or so of Heat - we are now having a cold spell. Can't win with the weather.

magpie said...

big something in the cam, coming into view and out at Finland!
wow, feathery

Good Day everyone

magpie said...

definitely up close and personal!
can't tell what it is

magpie said...

and now gone

magpie said...

I compacted all my emails earlier in the week, a normal routine, and it deleted ALL my 2010 inbox emails except for that particular day. I wasn't ready for that !

magpie said...

heard where Tiger got Two Eagles yesterday in golf...

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good day, all

Judie thanks for the LOL of the day with your chuch comment:)

Helen, thanks for the Panda report and the info on the Wilmington Falcom cam, I'm still trying to get a look at the egg count there

Lynn, glad you saw ISS-Discovery, it was a nice long pass


Ragdoll said...

Well, students need me. It's been fun while it lasted. Hope to be back later when I am home. Have fun eagle friends. Keep a watch on our Palmer. ^..^

magpie said...

Watching Palmer now, Ragdoll...all alone...well not really I'm sure, but alone in the nest

hedgie said...

Margy, was hoping you got out on time so you could see the flyby!!
I saw something below it moving in the opposite direction that was also very bright and fast.....wonder if it was a satellite in a reverse orbit?

Deb, I agree a sump would be a good back-up plan!!!

Mits, saw that end of Apr./early May stuff on the web update the other day....seems like a long ways off yet. :(
When I was going to Christie's Sun. I saw a HUGE patch of bamboo by the roadside that had obviously suffered greatly in the blizzards....just kept thinking that it was too bad it hadn't been harvested and donated to the zoo!

magpie said...

wow Lynn I couldn't see that, had some city lights to contend with...
wonder what it was

hedgie said...

Absolutely no idea, Mags!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - it probably wasn't the right kind of bamboo for the pandas. I would have like to have donated the bamboo in my Mom's yard.

Word to the wise - don't ever plant bamboo in your yard! It's very hard to get rid of it!

paula eagleholic said...

Outdoor Channel note -

We have had to disable the Facebook Comments widget on this page, because of conflict with other web page code. Thank you for your participation and comments. Please continue the discussion from our Facebook Fan Page at

I was wondering what happened to that

hedgie said...

Here is something different....funeral for my neighbor is a sunset service tomorrow. Don't think I've heard of that before. Visitation from 5-6, service at 6, and then burial at sunset. (That would be very fitting for a military funeral when they play Taps, wouldn't it?)

hedgie said...

Didn't even notice, Paula!!! No biggie!
BTW: do you (or anyone) know how to guide me on this? On my old 'puter, which had Windows XP (this one has VISTA), I remember there being some way to set something so that letter following a capital letter didn't capitalize, too, due to sensitivity of keyboard. I don't find any setting in the keyboard icon to adjust.....any ideas?

Mema Jo said...

While Palmer sleeps I am watching Momma Owl in hopes of seeing one or two owlets. I haven't had a full view of them but I have seen some white
fluff under the sides of her and now to her front. They won't stay still for long, I'm sure.

I will holler loud and clear when I spot them in full view........

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - do you mean after you hit the shift key, the 2nd letter gets capitalized too? That happens to me a lot, I think you just need to slow down your typing...

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn- you could look under control panel, settings,

paula eagleholic said...

And I like the idea of a sunset service.

Dana Gray said...

Happy Weekend Eve everyone! Boy is Palmer getting BIG. I always forget just how fast they grow.

I hope it's been a good day for all!

hedgie said...

After a bunch of phone calls and a quick panda nap, I am back. Yes, Paula, that's what I meant....n Settings option on my control panel....I remember that there was a place on my old computer that I checked and it stopped that from happening!!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Dana! How's everything up your way?

paula eagleholic said...

My BW cams are down...anyone else?

Parent in the nest, it's eating time.

Ragdoll said...

Lib and Belle both with Palmer. Trying to cover him up with fluff from the cold wind.

Opps. Hello Eagle Friends.

hedgie said...

Belle was arranging fluff, trying to keep Palmer under her. Lib came in w/o food...and started his own housekeeping, which of course did not suit Belle...LOL! Baby made a few squawks, but settled down and was hunkering low without anyone on him. Now up and saying Feed me!

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Palmer having some family time with mom and dad. Still windy there -- as it is here.

Checked on Noah. He's doing fine.

Off to see a play tonight. I was confused last time because it was not the Tyne Daly play. That's tonight. Anxious to see her but not much of a fan of Terrance McNally's work. He and his partner were married in D.C. this week with Daly as their witness.

So, will check in later tonight.

Ragdoll said...

Something seems to be bothering Lib and Belle. They keep look around. Pray everything is alright.

Ragdoll said...

WOW, what a POOP shot. Amazing how Palmer is poopie trained so well.

hedgie said...

Oh, my, just saw my first poop shoot of the season. That little sucker backed out of the cup and hiked himself up and shot it right out of the nest!! Belle had just taken off, and Lib was trying to keep him bedded down!

hedgie said...

Wind is really howling there and here!

hedgie said...

Have a nice evening, Judie!! Have a glass of wine during intermission!!

BW cams fine for me, Paula.

hedgie said...

Officer Ayala was laid to rest this afternoon. RIP, brave and faithful servant. Prayers for his family: 14 m.o. son and his wife who is pregnant with triplets due in June. Can't even imagine what she is going through.

hedgie said...

Belle didn't stay gone for long. Back to babysitting (LITERALLY!!). And guess Lib is off hunting! Wouldn't it be funny if he had another wife and family and was tending to both? Wonder what keeps that from happening?

hedgie said...

Both osprey in nest at BW.

hedgie said...

One BWE chcik is getting very dark.

magpie said...

finally, see all four eggs at Wilmington Falcon cam...

hedgie said...

Looks like a piece of folded paper in their nest.

magpie said...

you might see them too...

Wilmington DE Peregrine Falcon

same link that Helen posted earlier

magpie said...

ooops too late Mom falcon is back

magpie said...

headed out to get a little fresh cool spring air
Safe travels everyone
or enjoy staying put at your roost if that is your plan
xo ttfn

Ragdoll said...

OMG another POOP shot. Can't believe Palmer backs up and lets it rip LOL

Lynne2 said...

Hi all....busy day today. I have a part time job helping a lady who rescues cats and then this evening I picked up PEARL the rescued cocker! She'll be fostering with us til she's adopted. She and Daisy are currently trying to play...what a commotion! Pearl is obsessed with tennis balls! Seem to be going pretty well so far!

Off to fix dinner...

Ragdoll said...

Off to make dinner. Be Back Later.

hedgie said...

Bundle up, Margy. Wind is chilly!

Oh, Lynne, so glad you got a part-time job....sure better than nothing, and maybe it will turn into something more!! Oh, boy, I can imagine the ruckus you have going on!! Are Daisy and Pearl being friendly with each other??
So sweet of you to foster her! Did they determine if she is preggers?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Slept in late this morning, then have been looking for some receipts we need for tax preparation. Think the appointment is tonight.

Gotta go clean up the mess I made while looking for paperwork now! Did do an online application for a student loan for 2010-2011, too. Should get my PIN in about 3 days. Then I can sign the app. with the PIN

Oops--Hubby is home from work. Gotta run! Will be back later tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby and I didn't break our Lenten tradition and had another Friday nite Pizza! I think we are easily taken in by this habit! Oh Domino!

Well I can say with proof of seeing that there is Life Under Momma Owl!
I am almost sure I am seeing 2 little ones - I'm not sure if she will leave the nest for a break but I will be watching tonight.

I had bought 2 new beautiful hanging planters and I think I am going to bring them into the house this evening due to the Chill of the Nite!

Mema Jo said...

Video from MN Bound Owl

I got this from the MN Bound Owl Chat

Ragdoll said...

Thank you Mema Jo. Now we know there are babies. Palmer is alone again.

Mema Jo said...

The older they get - the longer length of time for the parent not to be there BUT always remember that the parent's eyes from up on the limb are always on Palmer!

Hey there - it's Friday
Anymore work in the basement you have to be involved in? I guess you are the one who will put everything back in order

hedgie said...

Jo, those plants may be harboring more stinkbugs!!! You might want to spray with bug spray b/4 you bring them in!!

Mema Jo said...

Oh! Hedgie I didn't even think of that.
Guess what else I have somewhere on my deck... a little frog. We found him at Easter because he was making so much noise! I can't locate him easily He could be in those planters... Best to look before I spray!

Mema Jo said...

Parent is back in the nest with Palmer

Mema Jo said...

Wow! They are both there with Palmer

One went Poof!

Ragdoll said...

We are drying out the basement. Also bleaching floors, bottom of walls, anything we couldn't remove from basement. Using fans and dehumidifiers. So I will be able to put things back. Yes, it will be my job. We are having our positive drain replaced.
I have to be careful before I go work down there. I am allergic to mold spore. Had 5 years of shots. It will come together soon. Thank you for asking.

Ragdoll said...

There are green leafs in the nest. Must be new decor. LOL

Ragdoll said...

Looked up stink bugs. ugh. If the stink is as bad as their looks I feel very bad and sorry for you. I don't think I have ever seen one in Maine.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

I see Palmer is all covered up, being kept warm by parent, plus there are fresh leaves in the!

It wasn't a bad evening at all to get some mowing done!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, Pearl and Daisy are getting along for the most part!


paula eagleholic said...

Better hope you don't see one Ragdoll, they are a PIA to get rid of. Palmer chirping and peeking out for some fresh air. All I can see is his head! Oops there he is just broke thru!

And those poop shoots are cool for sure....

Squishing back under!

paula eagleholic said...

Got another low offer on Mom's house, told them to come back with a serious offer...

paula eagleholic said...

Stinkbugs are courtesy of China. Came over in container ships. Still sweeping them up at Mom's although its less and less each time. They can hide really well. Only thing I've found that can really kill them is dropping them into amonia water.

Ragdoll said...

Palmer better listen to his parents tonight. It's cold and windy. Sure isn't 80 anymore.

I hope you get some serious offers soon. On my prayer list.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I do have a need to add to list. But they have a house to sell, can kick them out of contract if I can get someone that settles sooner.

Dana Gray said...

Hi hedgie things are great here it is pretty cool here this evening. I don't mind it though.
I am thankful that it is Friday..I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne - glad you are fosterting Pearl. Nice playmate for Daisy.

paula eagleholic said...

2 osprey still at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Way to go Mits, you pic of the 2 osprey eggs at CT is on their website with your name

Ragdoll said...

Well, isn't this interesting. My hubby says we do have stink bugs in Maine. Said he would show me this summer when he sees one. That's just ducky.

Paula, will take your advice on ammonia water.

BEagle said...

Hello to everyone. A stink bug was ON my kitchen counter. Gr-r-r-r.

I checked on Momma. There was a little hooter peeking out from underneath her.

All the other nest were looking calm, quiet.

The OR nest was snowed upon last night. Ho hum. It's a habit there, but it looks like it's melted more and there has been a lot of fluff added around the egg cup.

Noah was were he always is when I check on him. In his upper left corner. Looking good.

Sad and maddening about the precious bald eagle in OK that was shot. The site she was taken to hasn't posted anything about her yet.

Ragdoll said...

Could someone share the CT website. would like to check in out and see Mits pic. Please and thank you.

Dana Gray said...

I would love to look at Mits pics :)

Mema Jo said...

I have been over in my emails....

Night light is on in our nest and it's cold up there!

Momma Owl is still in her nest - perhaps in 1/2 hour she will take a break. So are all of the 67 viewers.

Anyone watch the MEDIUM - remember Part 2 is tonight at 9:00. I am lucky that I see previews so I remember to tune in to part two.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - better than the tiny piss ants

I have always called them by that name
I guess because my grandma taught me to say that!

Mema Jo said...

Connecticut Audubon Society

Dana Gray said...

Thanks Mema Jo

Ragdoll said...

Mema Jo, grandma's are great. The little white flowers that grow in patches on your lawn in the spring. I think they are called May flowers. My grandma taught me to call them pisser beds. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Deb - the Stink Bugs may start migrating up the coast BUT I think your state is much too cold for them!

Lynne - check out the comments on FB about stink bugs! LOL

BEagle said...

I need to remember to check on Momma at 8:30...right?

How did PA's get their name?

Smallville is on.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Deb - that is funny! I don't know where that came from! lol

Mema Jo said...

BEagle You may wish to go ahead and put up MN Bound Owl cam so that if
anyone spots her leaving and give us all a yell - you can switch right over to it. Sometimes she can be gone for
10 mins - but that was before the eggs hatched. I have NEVER seen the male.

Mema Jo said...

One little owl is trying to sneak out from under her. They seem to be quite mobile! There cam was down too long for me to guess their ages -

paula eagleholic said...

I've been trying to get the CT cam to run, can't get the Axis software installed, finally tried sending them an email...

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for providing the link for everyone, Jo. It's a really neat cam, nice view :)

Ragdoll said...

Nice job mits. :)

I bet my husband is saying that to tease me. Darn, I fell for it. Let's not tell him. heeheee

Mema Jo said...

Momma owl hasn't moved yet..... and there are 77 viewers waiting!

I am fearful that maybe Dad is food provider and she doesn't leave the little hooties

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I'll read it in a minute
Glad you are back and hopefully feeling better

Is this the article talking about our nest and inferring there are 2 chicks?

Must read as soon as I am sure Momma Owl is staying put!

floralgirl said...

This is about a nest in Southern WV.

BEagle said...

I was involved with Smillville and lost track of time. Checked at 8:38 and doesn't looked like she moved at all. Hooties is a much better word for the baby owls hooters...oops. Sorry.

68 viewers now.

Mema Jo said...

Per Karla Kinstler - "The Owl Lady," and our "owl expert"

Dad is the food provider and Mom is the stay-at-home protector and feeder at this point. Later on Dad will do direct food deliveries to the kids.

Guess she doesn't need to leave the nest..

Ragdoll said...

Well. I'm off to bed. I never go to bed this early, especially on a Friday night. School has been busy and to many late night have caught up with me. I also get to sleep in. Yeepee.

Have a wonderful evening eagle friends. Prayers for all needs. Sweet eagle flying dreams. See you tomorrow. ^..^

Mema Jo said...

Great article and video, Megan.
I am happy they found them - I bet there may even be more nesting pairs.

Mema Jo said...

Into my TV show......


Lolly said...

Good evening! Worked in the yard all afternoon. I am pooped. We grilled It. Sausage for dinner. Fast and easy.

Watching Momma Owl, but getting ready to catch up on some recorded TV.

glo said...

Oh Lynne So glad you have Pearl She is in good hands til she is adopted now and I bet she is happy to see you and Daisy. MeMa Jo thanks for the link to the owl video.

Hope everyone has had a good day. I am sure most of us have WV on our hearts and minds and have all week. Its a good thing its spring and we get to see sunshine and watch flowers and new life. it lightens the dark days at time. I am going to take a look at some Pelican pictures both my teen friend and I got today. I also saw an eagle and flew close enough to snap a picture. Hope it came out ok. Any day I see an eagle is a good day even if i did go for the pelican pictures :-)

I am working tomorrow. Dex will be so happy when I say "Let's go to work " in the morning.

paula eagleholic said...

I see the owlets, they are white

Lolly said...

Little owls in view!

paula eagleholic said...

Megan - I posted that story here last week or two, but it didn't have any video, will watch in a moment.

paula eagleholic said...

She might have been feeding them, not really sure.

Lolly said...

Guess Momma owl was feeling the little ones. Hard to tell, but I saw two fuzzy white babies!

BEagle said...

Mommas moving around on the nest...
a lot.

Lolly said...

I said feeling, but meant feeding. It was hard to tell, wasn't it Paula?

Lolly said...

Did she cover the owlets with fluff? I do not see her.

hedgie said...

Jo, I was always told that piss ants are the medium-sized black ones that crawl all over the peonies...?????

Megan, hope you are feeling better!
We read about the New River nest last week! So neat, huh??

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynn, Lolly, Paula, et al.,

We went and had our tax return prepared. Think we're getting a pretty substantial refund! Boy, won't THAT come in handy! Thank God for small favors!

Wish I could stay and talk for a while, but Hubby's wanting some company and conversation. Will leave the night light on for others, and the porch light is automatic. The eye scanner's enabled. Saying prayers for everyone, just in case I don't make it back here tonight. Especially for Chrissy and family!

My computer is giving me fits again today, so will have to try to work with it in the morning (perhaps a swift kick is in order!). Gotta get it working much faster! Can't get the live feed, either, so please keep an eye on Palmer for me! Thanks, gang. Good night, God bless, and I'll talk to you in the morning. Love all of you guys! :o]

hedgie said...

Glo, will wait patiently for your pelican pics...LOL! But will take them when ever you get then on! You and Dex enjoy your work day tomorrow!!

BEagle said...

The New River article and video was fantastic.

Belle and Palmer are snoozing away.

Cascade just flew off those two eggs and Lady O flew in and hunkered down.
Wiggle wiggle. Their eggs are darker than all others I've seen. does anyone know why?

The TH twins were rounded up for an early evening snooze.

PH is getting fed.

Oh Oh there goes Lady O, just flew off the nest.

I'm pooped. Following all these nests takes work! I hope my computer doesn't blow up.

Even got to see the falcon!

Whew.....Lady O is back.

BEagle said...

Both parents on the PH nest, doting on their wee ones.

BEagle said...

I like how Steve is giving a little extra intro to the new threads.

BEagle said...

Need to go catch up with the miner's rescue team.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie I thought that the peonies' ant is the small ant. Man oh man! I googled ANT and there are soooooooo many different kinds of them. I think I resolve to call all ants except a red ant just 'piss ants'

paula eagleholic said...

Beagle - I think the OR eggs are different color due to the grasses in that nest must be different

Mema Jo said...

Lolly at the time you were looking at the owl cam it was quite dark and momma owl could pass as 'fluff'. She has continually been over her little
If you go to MN Bound Owl Chat there are some good videos from Lasher.

BEagle said...

Memo Jo. What would you call the red ants?

Never thought the grasses in the nest could affect the egg color. Very interesting.

BEagle said...

Come to think of it, the pillowing used at the OR nest looks a lot different than our nest. It looks more .... rubbery. More dense.

BEagle said...

Uh Oh. They're calling for a frost until 9:00 tomorrow. I would really like to know how to get my apple tree covered.

magpie said...

didn't have a chance to read the article when you posted it last week Paula (Southern Eagles Nest)
just watched the video and read the story - Great Stuff!
Belated thanks to Paula, and NOW thanks to Megan

magpie said...

wild columbines are blooming in my old stand-by spot, a few weeks earlier than normal, also found a bankful of baby purple trillium, and ONE Jack-in-the-Pulpit, wondering if the seeds and/or bulbs for these washed in from somewhere else
All but the columbines at Swinging Bridge

magpie said...

Gene and Wanda
I harvested some ramps, going to clean them up shortly...
I had permission...

magpie said...

Daisy and Pearl...sounds like a great combination Lynne ☺
and best wishes on the part-time job too

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say hello and good night. I have been busy. I had planned to do taxes tomorrow. . .

Kathryn just called to see if I want to go to Roanoke with her tomorrow if Hunter still needs her. He's with Tom on a guy's fishing trip and decided he doesn't want to be there.

Let's hope Tom plays it smart and gets Hunter to enjoy himself before tomorrow. They are so far into the boonies that Tom will have to drive into civilization just to find a cell phone signal.

I told Kathryn that he needs to drive this way and meet her somewhere. She had asked for directions before they left, just in case, but he said that she would never find them in that remote spot.

Ragdoll, I sent one boy to the office this week. He growled and lunged at me when I told him he could not take his make-up quiz instead of the one I was handing him. I know he was showing off for the mostly male class, but that is pretty stupid behavior for an 18-year-old. (Now he has two make-up quizzes.) His mother was shocked, and he was polite today.

I did have a success in my eleventh grade class. A girl who had been a major pain has, I hope, turned things around. Again, I was able to touch base with a parent. Parents can make such a difference. For some strange reason that eleventh grade class has several students who decided to stop coming to school. I think it started off with sickness or a family emergency. The kid missed a lot of time and just decided to stop coming; it was too easy to stay home and then things got overwhelming. But four overwhelmed kids in the same class--an honors class--is odd.

stronghunter said...

Margy, I have heard about ramps. It seems to be a West Virginia thing.

BEagle said...

Beautiful view at the WE nest. WOW!

stronghunter said...

Sharon, that Westboro Baptist Church sounds like the group that showed up at our church in Fredericksburg once. They were at the mine?

BEagle said...

Ramps are definitely a WV thing and I don't even know why they are called ramps.

Mema Jo said...

I would hope to NOT see a red ant because they bite! Guess I don't even have a pet name for them as I don't see them, thank goodness. They are the
Fire Ant and their bites are Bad!

stronghunter said...

BEagle, that is a pretty view at West End. I hear something, too. I guess it is the wind.

BEagle said...

Yes. I don't understand why the OR nest still has daylight.

magpie said...

That's crazy about the 18 yoa male student...he is lucky he is not in the pokey!

BEagle said...

The West Coast definitely have beautiful sunsets.

BEagle said...

The Sidney nest has daylight also. I'm gonna have to look at a globe.

Mema Jo said...

Margie - are you going to stink up the joint with those ramps? I remember Norma every year going to a 'ramps' dinner/festival. She said, I think, they are really good if you can get them past your nose and then contend with the smell that lingers on forever!
Let me know how they are - I have never tried them or even seen them.
Guess I could google that too.

magpie said...

but glad about the young lady is coming around in the nice way

Hope Hunter finds he is having fun...

magpie said...

might be in other states too, but they are big in WV
there is an annual Ramps Festival, have to check my magazine to see when that is
I think they are a relative to rampion, from Rapunzel fame, maybe even the same thing with a different name

stronghunter said...

He's harmless, Margy. Just immature, but when they turn 18, they are adults according to the law. They aren't always ready to be adults by a long shot, especially boys.

magpie said...

Yep Mema...kind of like a combo of onion and garlic...Captain Gene could probably write us a story and give us some menus!

Mema Jo said...

OR nest would be 3 hrs behind us - right? Like WA state still has daylight. Not quite 8 pm there.
I'm like you BEagle - I need a globe especially when it comes to Finland nests.

stronghunter said...

I have heard that kids get kicked out of school for eating ramps and then stinking up the school. Wow!

magpie said...

reading that the mine rescue teams are working on the rescue again now, hoping to see some updates at 11 pm news

BEagle said...

I am like you Mema Jo. I have never seen ramps or tasted them. I hear they are like a very strong onion.

I can't understand why OR and Sidney nest have daylight when PH, WE and TH are near dark. ??

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...