Friday, April 09, 2010


TGIF thread. 

Situation:  Cooler weather and an eaglet that's growing like a weed.


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magpie said...

I bent my little trowel digging, the root bulb is pretty deep...

magpie said...

I try to remember 7 hours for Finland, five for Chrissy and Scotland nests
and three for West Coast...but the time bands are pretty wide, kinda like Maine is light earlier than us

BEagle said...

I wonder if I took sheets and threw them over my apple tree somehow, if that would protect the buds from frost. Wonder wonder.

Maybe if I sprinkle the tree it will work. That's what they said on the news. It seems like it would make it worse.

magpie said...

Ramp celebration Week-end Prickett's Fort State Park Fairmont (Marion County) WV
Apr 23-24

Costume Lady said...

Oh, I see Margy harvested some ramps! I have never fixed them, but Capt. Gene has. He fried some with potatoes and they were quite good. I'll ask him if he has any tips:)

BEagle said...

That's what I need to check. Those time lines. I think the Sidney nest is in British Columbia, at the border of Washington State.

It's warmer for some reason on the coast than it is halfway across OR.

magpie said...

Maybe in an hour, the Mine Rescue Teams may know about the final four missing miners

BEagle said...

Sounds like a steel trowel is in order.

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Lynne, so glad you have Pearl. I'm sure she needs a sense of being safe and wanted and if she and Daisy get along, so much the better.

Mema Jo, thank you for the owl link. I was going to ask which one you all are watching.

Not going down the stink bug road.

The play was very good. Tyne Daly gave an outstanding performance which made the difference. Saw Zoe Caldwell 15 years ago, same play, couldn't wait to leave and get home. Daly looks good but is having the decency to show some maturity.

Shirley, sure hope you don't have to go to Roanoke tomorrow.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others. Thank you Andy for setting the alarm.

Good night everyone.

magpie said...

I wanted to wait and make a field trip with you and the Captain but I had to strike while the trowel was hot

crab legs dinner go well?

BEagle said...

It will be nice to find four miners in the 2nd chamber.

BEagle said...

Well, that weather reporter is almost always wrong, I pray my apple blossoms will not get chilled.

magpie said...

sunrise/sunset time between here and Charleston WV, differs by about 15 mins, for example, (we are ahead of them) so I guess that is what happens at these other locations too...

Sounds good Judie, glad it was enjoyable

hedgie said...

I've never tried ramps....and don't intend to! Of course, I don't eat many veggies.....and don't try new ones! But seems to me the ramp festival is somewhere close to Norma, right MArgy? It's probably coming up real soon! Bet the morels were about ready to pop, too, until the coolness today. I don't eat them, either. Yuck!

hedgie said...

Maybe OR is one of those places that doesn't do daylight-savings would be 4 hrs. behind us...

magpie said...

yes it would bEAgle...
praying for that
and for the safety of everyone, what a risky effort
think I'll take a little quiet time here

hedgie said...

They think the rescue team should reach the last shelter by MN. If it hasn't been deployed, then everything turns into a recovery operation. :(

magpie said...

I think Mountain zone states are the only ones that do not observe the daylight savings thing
like Delphia in Arizona for example

hedgie said...

I think that OR is more east than's 1 1/2 hrs. off-coast (by boat).

BEagle said...

Fifteen minutes? That's a lot.

I can put two screens next to each other on my monitor.
I am going to try putting TH and OR next to each other and see how much time from one sunset to the other.

Better keep my notebook handy!

hedgie said...

BEagle, wetting the tree down will help. Or start a smudge-spot or a big fan.....sure you don't have those there!! Orchardists here use fans or spray the trees w/ water. Citrus orchards down south use smudge spots, fans and water.

magpie said...

but you could be right about it Lynn...I don't what zone the nest is in!

ISS-Discovery Docked, at 5 am Saturday Lynn

I'll say good night for now
going to try to keep watch on the news at the mine- might be back later

God Bless Us, Every One

stronghunter said...

Westboro Baptist Church

I came across this article. I think these people just like to make you angry.

hedgie said...

Margy, I can remember many years late 70's, when CA didn't observe DST. I always had to figure 4 hrs. difference before calling when we were ON, and then 3 when we were OFF DSL.

magpie said...

I don't think ramps and rampion are anywhere near the same after a quick check, sorry about that

Costume Lady said...

Margy, a field trip would have been fun, but we have been so busy with our yard and GG's yard (thank goodness she has a reliable man to mow for her!) and gardens, Spring cleanup, appts. etc....not much spare time:( Now, if you can find some Morel mushrooms...then you will have a treasure!
Crab leg dinner was so much fun...GG ate well and went right to bed when we got her home:)
Photos on JUST FOR FUN blog.


BEagle said...

Thanks for bringing up the daylight savings time. I will need to know that if I write down times.

hedgie said...

Duh, BEagle, my fingers are working....or I'm thinking about claening!! It is smudge POTS not spots!!

Well, I will say my goodnights to all you peeps. Need a nice warm soak. Don't like this chilliness.

Margy, don't think I'll set the alarm this time! Want to try to sleep through!

Prayers for all, especially the miners, Chrissy and family, and the Ayala family. Peace.

stronghunter said...

This time I am going to say good night for real. See you tomorrow.

BEagle said...

What a team on our nest. Keeping each other toasty warm.

Belle is plumping their pillows. So sweet. May their dreams be sweet.

You all have sweet dreams. Good night.

Lolly said...

Eyes are tired....heading to the shower and bed. More work in the yard tomorrow. Still no rain in the forecast...and that is just great!!!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Headed back the hallway
Wondering if Mits,Ceil and MM went to the opening game of the Orioles. Sad they had to lose.. it is what it is.
Better game next one!

Good Night All
Prayers of all kinds for Everyone
((((hugs)))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

There are no survivors at the Montcoal mine, the final four have been found

at around 11:30 pm
news conference on now, the Larry King Live channel

God Bless Them all and their families, so profoundly sad

Rescuers are safe

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone and blessings around. I know it's late and I'm on my way to my chair. Dealing with a lot of pain lately and wanting to get out into my gardens in the worse way.

I took some pictures of my pink and white bleeding hearts and Jim brought in some pink and white lilacs. Mmmmm, they smell so nice.

Must get some rest Max is coming to visit tomorrow. Yipee!

Blessings to all for their wants/needs.
God bless

floralgirl said...

42° and the sun is shining here and at the nest.
Adults were just both in nest, then a switch. Palmer is up and stretching her neck. Adult just flew back in with fluff(Lib, I think) and put it by nest cup, Palmer is trying to arrange it:) off goes Lib again.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Palmer Watchers and Megan! Guess you are the first one up this am. Palmer has really grown. Missed the change over Megan. Been waiting for an efish to be brought in. I must have missed breakfast.

carolinabeachmom said...

Wanda, where is the coffee? Have things changed that much? :)

floralgirl said...

Good morning:)
I just saw the switch and them bringing in a branch and some fluff. I missed breakfast if there was an early feeding.

carolinabeachmom said...

MEGAN How are your lovely flowers and plants coming. After what you and your husband went through keeping the hot house from collapsing, God should give you great plants!

floralgirl said...

Things in the gh are going good, but the only way I'm gonna have great plants is if I get off my butt and get to work, so I shall. Lots of seedlings to be transplanted today.
Have a great day!

carolinabeachmom said...

You have a wonderful day too Megan

floralgirl said...

Wind has really picked up, forecast to be 10 to 15 mph, just had a 23 mph gust. At least the sun is shining.
Adult is still covering Palmer for a long morning nap. Hum is back on feed.

Costume Lady said...

Candy, since you and Suz are no longer on here, I spend my mornings drinking my coffee and reading emails. It seems no one is up and at 'em as early as we used to be! I miss my morning coffee with you and Suz so was a great way to start the day:(:(
My youngest, Karla, is spending this week down your way at Swan Beach with her two kids, Jillian and Dustin. Probably a great time for a visit there?? She has sent some beautiful sunrise and sunset photos:)

Costume Lady said...

Megan, it's going up to 67° today...probably a good temp for your work:)

Going to try to mow some grass today...Dustin, my lawn boy from last year is at the beach, so the job is mine. Gene will be busy plowinng the garden if it's not too wet.

floralgirl said...

Hope to see some tilling here today, but grass needs mowed. Too windy to plant outside today, unfortunately, been trying to get lettuce in the ground all week.
Palmer is awake and talking...

floralgirl said...

Palmer being fed some leftover fish. Sitting so deep in that nest cup, the wind is hardly blowing on her.

floralgirl said...

Finally more awake and scrambling up side of nest cup for more fish. Adult finally dragged it over towards cup.

T-Bird said...

Good morning momsters and dadsters.

floralgirl said...

Hi T Bird! c u later, just came in for a drink and got distracted by an eaglet...

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Beautiful sunny day. It does look windy at the nest.

So sorry to learn of the fate of the four miners. Prayers for the families.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Thelma.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Heading out to GS first Tball game soon!

paula eagleholic said...

So sorry to hear the 4 miners didn't make it.

Did you also hear about the Polish delegation that died on the plane crash landing in Russia? 88 top officials including their president, early elections to be held in June.

paula eagleholic said...

Channel Islands are only 26 miles off the CA coast.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is all tucked in, still cool outside and breezy, great mowing weather...will tackle that when I return from the game.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go get fixed up so I don't scare off all the little kiddies....later!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning

New Fresh Thread

Come on over

hedgie said...

Good morning, eagle dudettes and dudes. Haven't caught up yet on blog.
Sad morning here in WV, but probably not a terribly unexpected outcome. Prayers for all the families.

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...