Monday, February 04, 2008

Monday #3

Seeing it's that time again, with an egg in the nest, here's some info on Bald Eagle nesting and eggs from Bent's.

Eggs.--Two eggs almost invariably make up a full set for the bald eagle, sometimes only one, and rarely three; in two or three cases four eggs have been found in a nest, but these may have been the product of two females. The eggs vary in shape from rounded-ovate to ovate, the former predominating. The shell is rough or coarsely granulated. The color is dull white or pale bluish white and unmarked, though often nest stained. Very rarely an egg shows a few slight traces of pale brown or buff markings.

The measurements of 50 eggs from Florida average 70.5 by 54.2 millimeters; the eggs showing the four extremes measure 78.8 by 56.2, 71.1 by 57.6, and 58.1 by 47 millimeters. The eggs are ridiculously small for large a bird. (Compare the relative sizes of the eggs of the ruddy duck, the sandpipers, or the hummingbirds.) Consequently the little eaglet requires a long time to develop.

Young.--The period of incubation is about 35 days, according to the most careful observers, though it has been otherwise estimated. Both parents assist in incubation and in the care of the young. Mr. Nicholson tells me that at every nest he has visited after dark he has found both birds at the nest, one incubating or brooding and one perched near it. In one instance the incubating bird remained on the nest until the climber nearly reached it. Usually an eagle will leave its nest as soon as an intruder is seen approaching it, but occasionally one will sit closely until the tree is rapped. The food of the young seems to be about the same as that of the adult, to be referred to later. The behavior and development of the young will be discussed under the northern race, on which more information is available.


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MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Now I see OUR egg

NillaWafer said...

Oh she is up and turning egg i took pictures Jo

paula eagleholic said...

I haven't seen any turning, just looking and standing

NillaWafer said...

Maybe something is disturbing her down on the ground.. She is still up

NillaWafer said...

HAHA maybe she s thinking about eating again... Still up egg visable... Preening her chest..

MITS said...

counting to 10, before I give the cam a swift kick

glo said...

or is it like a two hour loop argh

NillaWafer said...

it must be stuck once again... Hope this sint what we have to look forward to all season #$%$%$#%!! Ok now the screen went black!!! Back but with same picture

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle has been looking towards the left...I do see head moving

paula eagleholic said...

It's not stuck, eagle just not moving very much...Look at BWE same thing....

MITS said...

uh-oh...half of white screen with pink, that can't be good

NillaWafer said...

I dont know looked like she raised up even higher off the egg?? Anyone else notice that?

NillaWafer said...

Yup Paula but something down there is really bothering her... Lokks like she is squawking her mouth is open

movin said...

Good evening, Birders...

My angle on Belle's behavior is that she is about to lay her second egg. [:~D]

They say that the female gets restless or "peckish" just before laying an egg, and it could well be time for it ... I think she laid the first one on Fri night--Sat morning, by the way.


NillaWafer said...

Hey Jim haha i gave birth 3 times and didnt stand YA THINK SHE IS PUSHING HUH? Good thought!!!

NillaWafer said...

Lib just turned her head watching something off in the dark

Mema Jo said...

I think the squawking would be that the shift is almost up and ready for the 10:00 switch to take place. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Now suddenly looked to the left again.

Pic is updating folks...took 5 or 6 in a row...eagle moving very slighty, but the spidey web on the right is moving more...

NillaWafer said...

Opps Belle darn getting frustrated with the black screen too!!! Refresh refresh

glo said...

Oh so is this the delivery room maybe

Mema Jo said...

I saw the head move downward BUT
could have been in a loop........

Mema Jo said...

I was thinking it was still LIBERTY & now that you said Belle I will watch with a different perspective!
COME ON EGG #2!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Yup Jo her heads moving but she has not settled down on the egg... should we get the hot water n towels?lol

glo said...

Did you take your panda naps

NillaWafer said...

Glo you think were in for along night? $!%^$#^%@% black screen

Mema Jo said...

Not yet, Nilla. Be soooooo great to
see another egg plop out into the egg cup.

Link to Glo's Journal for NCTC

Add some comments

NillaWafer said...

Jim could be right but if she is having another egg and uncomfortable dontcha think she would be moving around more?

movin said...

I just checked the weather there (worried about frozen eggs), but it is only 41°. Could have showers later, so I hope she gets it laid and adopts a position to keep them both warm and dry.


deb said...

If it is a late night, good thing the cam doesn't turn off at 11 pm!!

NillaWafer said...

well she is looking down at the egg now... Hold on Jo might be a big push coming.....

paula eagleholic said...

No Nilla - she wouldn't be moving around the nest. The eagle stands very still and rocks slightly back and forth. After the egg comes out, it is soft and has to harden before she can roll it and incubate it.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle has been up for almost 50 minutes now

glo said...

Thanks for the tiny url MeMa Jo I jsut made an entry of the current picture and thoughts. I guess we will know soon

I can stay up half the night and support Belle and celebrate with friends but if that turns out to be Patient Lib on a loop I just might need to make anotehr trip to NCTC to have a little talk with well someone LOL

Mema Jo said...

I don't want to leave the blog until I see the switch between the Incubators. However, if Belle is going to lay another egg - she will stay in the nest.....

Best go check on BW couple & see
what's up....... BRB

movin said...

I've got a question about the Norfolk site...

I don't know if it's because I'm using Firefox or not, but I can't seem to view the site's "slideshows," I only see the first picture, that's it!

Any ideas?


Just Vicky said...

This is soooo egg-citing!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Great! From Lisa.............

Nest Update

Technical Note - Our cam technician was out at the Osprey Cam nest today to clear up the image, but now we see new static lines on the Eagle Cam. So our cam tech will try to get out there again soon to fix the eagle image.


Mema Jo said...




Just Vicky said...

Jim, I had to make it advance manually at the bottom.

paula eagleholic said...

Just picked at feather on the right looking right

Mema Jo said...

Oh No Jim ME TOO Only 1 pic
and I am on Firefox also.

MITS said...

At least we are always updated about BW, which makes it not quite as frustrating. Like today, I really don't think the cam is 100% fixed

Mema Jo said...

Vicky What do I do manually at the bottom of the screen?

MITS said...

I know the minute I get up, she is going to pop that puppy out

paula eagleholic said...

backing up

Mema Jo said...

Still just one?

paula eagleholic said...

I agree Mits - don't think it is sending out updated pics...

NillaWafer said...

Jim i had same problem and i have Firefox but then it just started working again the slide shows

deb said...

I use firefox and can manually view the pictures. Dana had to got to a bigger pop-up screen to see the next button on the bottom of the page.

Lisa said...

Have any of you been having trouble getting the cam pages to load on the Blackwater website?

Or have you had the page load, but the image takes forever to appear?

We're troubleshooting a server problem on the site, and we're not sure if everyone is having these problems.

paula eagleholic said...

I still only see one egg, eagle almost up on the edge

movin said...

I'll have to try it with Explorer, because with Firefox I can't even see anything below the picture...nothing to operate manually.

I can see the pic at BW now ... has static lines though.


Just Vicky said...

Mema Jo, isn't there a place at the bottom of the screen that says previous image - next image to click on?

MITS said...

glowing eyes

paula eagleholic said...

Yes Lisa - getting alot of black pics tonight...pop up cam was no pics first couple times I tries to access it...also have had trouble getting the homepage to load.

glo said...

Well I have to admit I don't think this is Lib on a Loop

Mema Jo said...

Radar Eye

movin said...

Hi, Lisa.

I'm not having too much trouble tonight, but this morning it was so slow loading any change (even the switch between the cams) that I gave up for a while.

It's definitely been slow loading a lot of the time for the last few days.


deb said...

Same here, Lisa, lots of black screens and right now squiggly lines.

NillaWafer said...


paula eagleholic said...

Lisa - Just tried loooking at 10 other pages on your problem at the moment

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lisa

Black screen earlier at 10:18

Right now I get the eaagle cam pic..

Osprey cam Clear as a Bell

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - I still see the eagle up on the nest edge, facing the cam

Mema Jo said...

Some bird best get their

tail feathers over OUR egg!

MITS said...

i don't see any tail over the egg cup???

paula eagleholic said...

Well - maybe that is Lib...up on the favorite spot!

glo said...

Yes Nilla I think she is at 12 o clock sitting sideways facing the cam

glo said...


Lisa said...

Okay, thanks guys. The squiggly lines are a separate issue. Probably a loose connector on the ground at the tree.

The slow loading is the web server or the router -- that's something we need to get fixed with our ISP.

They moved us to a new server today, but I don't think it fixed the problem.

glo said...

Well a couple of years ago if anything exciting was going to happen it seemed to be when I had something I needed to do with the dogs so I will go let them out now. That should do it LOL

MITS said...

we all must be seeing different things, the eagle I'm looking at is facing the cam straight not sideways

Just Vicky said...

Oh tell me what is going on?????

NillaWafer said...


Mema Jo said...

Weather Lady -
Is it really 46° at the nest?
See we have a chance of RAIN next 2 days but with temps at 65° WooHoo

deb said...

Me, too. Eagle facing us.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

My weather say 41° at the nest

Costume Lady said...

I just finished looking at the March, 07 Snow Storm. The photos end on March 24 and I can't find any photos or info after that. What happened? Did L & B just stop sitting on the eggs or what?
BTW....looks like Lib's feet in the nest right now.

Costume Lady said...

You are right, Paula, it is 41° here and that is all the colder it is suppose to get tonight.
Going up to 66° tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Want to know what I think I see:

I see a white egg
I see a white eagle head

I see an eagle taking a stance
because the 10:00 shift is a
No Show............

movin said...

It looks like the Lady eagle at BW is tenting a little now....


glo said...

Ok well I see we have no delivery yet. And Yes Mits it is possible that she is sitting straight facing the cam. I do see her head is facing the cam that part is for sure.

Mema Jo said...

It is really 46° at the nest but the wind chill brings it to 41°

Yes Wanda - It was like they cleaned the nest & just went on as usual. No egg shells or anything..
We sorta thought that the one egg had hatched but not the last 2....

Jill said...

It is 48 and raining near BW so she probably is tenting.

Mema Jo said...

Question Does everyone think that the small white dot is the
egg OR the beginning of tail feathers.....

Deb I have same problem as Dana on the NBG slideshow. I can't get to the bottom of the picture.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jill! Did you get called in to
work yet?

NillaWafer said...

looking at the cam i see the egg but it looked like she is facing away the out line of her body with tail over egg cup?? but her head is turned looking back??? Im so confused she just moved her head...

glo said...

well I don't think I am seeing labor kind of posture at this point. I am glad for the night light though and not freezing temps or ice or snow. Have major storm headed my way tomorrow, Gonna watch the news and weather here in a few minutes and go to bed. Will check during the night if I am up.

Jill said...

Jo-I don't start til midnight.

It is 42.9 and no wind here in Martinsburg.

NillaWafer said...

Jo thats what i ben saying its the egg...

glo said...

I think the small white dot is the egg.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - the last pic on Momsters, on March 23 is what we saw, before what is on the following video, on the Morning of March 24th.

I am not trying to upset anyone tonight, but provide some history to those that were not with us last year.

The Last Day

Jill said...

Looks to me like she is either facing the camera or turned to the right slightly. I don't see any tail feathers.

NillaWafer said...

DARN IT she is turned and her tail end is over the egg cup!!! she has her head tuned back as if looking??? She certainly WOULD not beoff the egg this long

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - get some new glasses! :)

deb said...

If you take a picture of the cam and blow it up, you can see that the eagle is facing us. Too bad we don't have interactive computers and can draw on the screens like football.

NillaWafer said...

HEY Jill guess what Tona finally came and got her stuff the other night...

Jill said...

Where has she been?

glo said...

That is where the egg has been all day Me Ma JO so I do think that is the egg.

We understand Paula I won't be going to watch again I will always see it in my heart anyway, but some do not know last years history....

so to quote Mema Jo Some bird better get its feathers on our egg soon. LOL. Maybe not an exact quote but thats the jist of it. LOL

NillaWafer said...

HAHAHA cleans glasses... Whaaaoo is me senality{SP} is setting in

Jill said...

So Nilla is the crazy one, not me. You know it could go either way, just want to make sure. LOL

MITS said...

I see two eagle talons facing me a chest facing me and an eagle head turned to its right, as for being off the eggs for this long, as Lisa has told us, that is not unusual until you get all the eggs laid

Jill said...

I am with Mits, that is what I see too.

MITS said...

That was beautiful Paula, don't remember seeing it before...

NillaWafer said...

Staying with some girlfriend.. Not working neither... Ya'll just confirmed what my kids have been saying...... Oh Oh look she is up AND SHE IS NOT ON THE EGG but standing towards the back of the nest

MITS said...

got the old magnifying glass out

Jill said...

I am just glad the night vision isn't in color so we don't have to look at that fish in color all night. YUCK

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, we saw the same thing at Norfolk....remember, the eagle knows what they are doing...

MITS said...

tee-hee....right Jill, just its twisted stiff body...

deb said...

Lady BW did this with the first egg, too. The nest was totally empty for almost an hour. Now we know she has a lazy mate, so she was probably looking for food!!

I had the same question as Wanda, but got so caught up in egg drama, that I forgot to ask it. Thanks for the answers and the video. It was so sad.

Jill said...

She was at the Days Inn a few weeks ago. Not a good place to be and not with good people.

NillaWafer said...

So what i thought was her body was actually the depression in the hest from her... Ok off to take my Prozac now

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Mits, if all else fails....

paula eagleholic said...

I agree on the fish thingy there, Jill!

Jill said...

Well apparently Belle wasn't real hungry tonight since she had a nice fish dinner all ready for her.

paula eagleholic said...

I agree on the fish thingy there, Jill!

MITS said...


Jill said...

Prozac, you better take something for your eyes. LOL Or lay off the Prozac. LOL

deb said...

It is very nerve racking, not knowing what they are thinking, isn't it?

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, it was a sad occasion last year. Hopefully, this year will not be a repeat.

Mits - I didn't know you hadn't seen that video.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - I'm glad you finally are seeing what we see!

It is hard to tell sometimes with the night light.

MITS said...

Maybe I was away, I do remember the egg, looking like a bow, I think, oh dear, maybe I need prozac???

Mema Jo said...

Glad everyone is in total agreement now! lol
It's bed time around here but I'm
not leaving yet........

Thanks Paula - I had forgotten about the video. I see only rain for the rest of this week I guess we will take it a week or a day at a time & get these little eaglets hatched! Can't wait until we have fuzzy little bobble heads of our own!

NillaWafer said...

Yeah paula my brain cells musta kicked in BUT SHE IS JUST LOOKING A THE EGG...Could that be Lib waiting on Belle? Just a thought

Mema Jo said...

I really did vote for the 2nd egg to be laid today on 2/4! Guess that only gives me 45 min to win.....

NillaWafer said...

HAHA if Steven reads this tomorrow he will think we ALL need

Jill said...

I am going to lay down for a while. I will check back in if I dont' fall asleep or if they wake me up later. And of course if there is an egg to be laid tonight it will happen shortly after I leave right?

Our weather is supposed to be rainy and high 50's tomorrow and Wednesday and partly cloudy on Thursday. If it weren't for the eggs coming I would say let it rain. Most of our criminals have sense enough to stay out of the rain. (Most of the time)

paula eagleholic said...

I watched it a couple of weeks ago...I didn't cry that time...

Mema Jo said...

Hey Deb - Maybe we all need a Bird Brain! It is said that one of those is very intellectual ! It is an honor to be called a Bird Brain!

movin said...

If you look at Pete's Pond, you'll see a lot of pronking and sprinting Impala.

AND you'll see about a 100# pile of evidence that an elephant has been there.


Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Paula, I was so carried away with seeing Lib & Belle actually moving, I forgot what I was looking at. The one entitled "Waiting on eaglets" was, of course, my favorite. However, you did a super job with the Amazing Grace one.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - the eagle backed up out of the egg cup to the nest edge

movin said...

I just had a bunch of fish sticks, a good salad, and a couple of chugs of ketchup for dipping...excellent.


Mema Jo said...

I know that if Belle/Liberty comes into the nest - about 15 Momsters
are going to jump out of their seats!

I can see it now......... Pure alarm


Robyn said...

Evening everyone,

I see there is an egg in our nest, now we sit and wait and watch, getting attached as we impatiently await their arrival :)

Hope everyone is doing well...

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - that one was done when the live feed was working - it will be nice to see the live feed again.

Mema Jo said...

JIM No wonder you can't get to sleep at a decent hour of the night.

Anyway - did you know we appointed you for the night duty viewing and reporting from the Cam

paula eagleholic said...

We are a bunch of expectant parents, Robyn, going crazy watching the nest!

And how are you!

Costume Lady said...

NILLA, that was my thought: It may be Lib waiting there just like Belle told him. She said,"Now watch the egg until I get back", and that is exactly what he is doing. LOL

NillaWafer said...

Heads moving but not moving towards the egg...

paula eagleholic said...

LOL - that is a good and bad problem with our nest - 24 hour viewing...yea, I'm up at 2am, may as well take a peek at the nest....3 hours later, you are still watching!

MITS said...

At this point it could be the lazy eagle from BW.....well folks going to sign off for tonight. Will be off the computer for awhile, I am going into the hospital at 6 tomorrow a.m. for major abdominal surgery at 7:30a.m. They have attempted to repair my umblilical hernias thru laproscopic surgery and it has not work, and so because of the constant pain, doctor wants to do it the old fashion way...I know you all can pray real good, so I would ask you to please say a prayer for me when you get a chance. Don't know how long I will be in the hospital, but do know that the recovery is going to take awhile, they have already warned me of that.....and so as usual I will say GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE AND TAKE CARE

Costume Lady said...

We have had 668 comments today, not including the ones made early this morning before Steve gave us our 1st new thread. Is that a record?

NillaWafer said...

OK now i am nuts ok Paula im taking apicture and sending it I DONT SEE THE TALONS I see it turned around with tail in egg cup!! AND now black screen

Costume Lady said...

I didn't know we ever had live feed. I guess you all really missed it when it stopped.

Good Night Helen.

Hi Jill and Robyn. We sure are night owls tonight. Afraid we'll miss something.

deb said...

Jo, at first I thought, Bird Brain?? I had to go find out what I had said earlier to get it. ha-ha. I have been staring at this screen too long tonight. My bird brain needs a break!

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, Nilla - I will outline the eagle for you and send it back

movin said...

Thanks for telling us, Mits. You can be sure I'll be saying a good one for you.

Good luck in the surgery, let us know how we can contact you as soon as you can.



NillaWafer said...

Oh Thelma with tears i say all of us will be praying real hard and i will be going thru surgery with sister tomrrow also... Please take care Hugssssssss

Costume Lady said...

You ladies have been through this before; is this behavior unusual?

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - Sending you my best prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery...I'm sure all will go well, and you will be back here soon cracking us up!

deb said...

Helen, you have my prayers for everything to go well and that you heal better and faster than they predict.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda 1000+ is a the record

Costume Lady said...

My goodness, I just read back to Helen's comment about her surgery. I feel so bad that we didn't have a chance to tell her we will surely be praying for her and love her. But then, she knows that; it is just good to say it.

movin said...

You don't suppose the young egg got too rowdy for Mom, and she had to step back and take a break, let it cool down, do you??


NillaWafer said...

MAIL CALL Paula N Jo... but now i see the talons and its near the edge Geezzz playing with my mind and thats not

Costume Lady said...

Prayers for your Sister, Nilla and you too; it is hard to sit and wait, not knowing what is happening to someone you love.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - you have mail

Costume Lady said...

Jo, do you remember what was going on at the time the record was made? Must have been something really interesting to have that many comments.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - you have mail

Mema Jo said...

Love ya Helen aka Mits.
We are the bestest prayer people in the world & we will make it work for you!! You'll come back real soon to us!! Now is the time for Hubby to get you that lap top!! I'll work on that one too.

paula eagleholic said...

One thing was that Steve was away....the other thing that comes to mind....was that the WAX thread?

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, that was 1000 plus on just one thread...

Mema Jo said...

Right Paula Just 1 thread but Steve was out of town as far as I can remember... Don't think it was due to something special happening, Wanda.

Costume Lady said...

It must have taken forever to refresh.

NillaWafer said...

This reminds me of the couple nights Tai was up the tree and would not come down.. We stayed up was after 1am one night til he got down...

Costume Lady said...

I think he/she just turned it's body just a little to our left.

paula eagleholic said...

Daggonit - still looking for the record thread...

paula eagleholic said...

I found It!

Sunday Sept 3, 2006...I believe it was Labor Day weekend...1267 comments!

deb said...

My eyes are crossing, so I am signing off for the night. Talk at you tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Kewl - remember the tropical storm that took the blue teddy from the CT osprey nest...that was that weekend!

paula eagleholic said...

HAHAHA and no one had pics by their names...

NillaWafer said...

HAHAHA maybe explain to Wanda NOT blue teddy nighty a stuffed blue teddy Ospreys like to decorate there nest with different things.. Not on egg yet neither

paula eagleholic said...

We were watching Frieda on her eggs and CT cam and the pandas

Mema Jo said...

Wanda In 2006 we didn't have as many bloggers as we do now either!

Tomorrow I should be getting a phone call from Ceil - Helen's sister- whenever the surgery is finished. Mits wanted to be sure you all knew that

paula eagleholic said...

OMG and Dana's crockpot lid is on the blog! roflmao

paula eagleholic said...

And the wax thingy was in full swing then...I think we were racing each other for more wax!

Mema Jo said...

I am ready for some excitement at OUR nest! Like a FLY IN

NillaWafer said...

I tell ya what if Belle comes in there and sets on that egg... I am gona halfto go change

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Dana is a diehard when it comes to keeping that crock pot!

Costume Lady said...

Did the Osprey actually put the bear in the nest?

paula eagleholic said...

Wow and Steve Irwin died on that Labor Day Monday

Mema Jo said...

I think our cam is in a Loop again.

I just know that OUR eagle would not stay off OUR egg for this length of time................

I just may go to bed.

JIM are you still at your computer and wide awake?

NillaWafer said...

Ut Oh up like going to set on egg... Come Belle/Lib set down!!!

Mema Jo said...

I agree with you Nilla!

paula eagleholic said...

And before that

Previous blog record was 1044 on Aug 3 thread, which was achieved on Aug 5

OUr eagle is heading for the egg

NillaWafer said...

ON EGG!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Back incubating :)

Costume Lady said...

We have a Belle in the House!

paula eagleholic said...

Hang on Wanda - I'll see if I can find those blue teddy bear pics for you real quick...

NillaWafer said...

WOW now that was nerve racking.. settled down on egg and all is well with the world now.. I can go and get my shower n get to bed... Good night everyone .. Big prayers for our Mits!!!

Costume Lady said...

@#$&*@#$!! Blogger cop is still awake.
That was all such strange behavior. I guess they know what they are doing. Wish we did.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - I had an album on Momsters, but I deleted it...I think I have those pics at work...I'll email you a few

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla- prayers for your sisters surgery tomorrow.

movin said...

Well, I still bet she will lay it sometime tonight, but I don't think it will be for a while yet, and I think some of us had better get some rest.


Please look for a second egg from Belle, early crew.


Mema Jo said...

Blogger cop kicked me out as I was hollering that our eagle was taking a nose dive for the egg cup! lol

Good Night All
Peaceful dreams & restful sleep
Prayers for Mits & all others' needs

Costume Lady said...

OK, Paula.



paula eagleholic said...

Eagle all snug on the egg...I'm heading to bed, too.

Good night all. Don't forget your prayers for Mits, Nilla's Sis, Sandra and anyone else who may need them.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...