Friday, January 31, 2025

1/31/25 PM

 1:41 PM to come to the nest with a load of bedding. It's gotta be wet and it's been raining most of the day. 142 pm up to the lop. 1:58 PM a little preening on the wings and the back. 2:13 PM we exit the nest. Wait it long enough for Bella who did not show up?

5:05 PM ON Scout comes flying in and lands on the lop. It's been a rainy drizzly day all day. This is the first time they've showed up in the rain for the day. 5:05 PM. Bella comes flying in and lands on the lop also, but then immediately goes down into the nest. He is pulling up wet nesting material from the base. Right as she is arriving, he is always busy.

5:11 PM he asked for a mating of sort. She was down in the position with her tail up. No meating happened. He exited the nest. Don't know what that was about anybody. Have a clue leave a comment in the comment. Section at the end of this blog.

5:12 PM. She is eating nest overs at 12 picks up a piece. I guess the fish bonehead and takes off with it. Stay dry. They do take out the garbage.


1/31/25 AM

 E6:49 AM scout comes to the nest. In the dark.

 6:55 AM he exits the nest to the left. 

w6:55 AM scout arrives at the new nest. Bella arrives right after him and it's dark out still. Both are working feverishly on the nest. Odd seeing them in the nest this time.7:04 AM we exit the nest. One right after the other.

 At different doors.

8:51 AM She arrives at the nest with a stick. 

8:53 a m up to the lop. 8:58 AM we exit.

9:34 AM scout comes to the nest with a stick. 935 up to the LOP. 9.46 AM he exits the LOP and heads toward the forest.

9:47 AM scout arise to the nest with a nice stick. He immediately starts moving sticks around 360° as normal. 9:50 AM E exit to front door.

9:54 AM scout comes to the door with the stick. When he lands, he has issues. I've never seen an Eagle almost lay on its side. Getting a stick in the nest cramp spaces. That is one big cribrail he brought in good boy. 10 o'clock he exits the nest.

10.09 AM Scott returns to the nest has something bald in his talons. It seems to be a food source. He is eating. 10:13 AM she arrives and lands on the LOP. Bella hops down and commences to eating what was there. 10:20 AM that was a quick bite. Bella says back up to her station on the LOP. He is working on the nest base. He wanders over to where the food was checks out nothing left. 10:23 AM he exits the ness and heads toward the woods. The children can really be heard today on the Microphone 10:35 AM she exits and heads out
toward the river..Cause there's no wind

10:35 AM scout arrives to the nest with a stick. 10:36 AM Bella shows up and almost lands on him when she arrives. Must be recess boy the kids are really able to be heard.

10:42 AM he makes noises like he wants to mate no mating. 

1010:48 AM Successful mating 10:50 AM. She exits the nest first and he follows.

11:15 AM we arrive at the nest 1116 up to the LOP. 1129 we exit and head toward the river.

1143 he comes to the nest. We land with a hop with the stick in our talon And a big hop and to the LOP.


2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...