Wednesday, November 27, 2024

11 27 24 PM both nest

11:51 am back With a nice load of dry bedding again must be having a sale
l1:56 AM Adjusted some of the bedding went over and did a little adjustment on one crib rail and then out the front door.
1208 one and the new nest and one in old nest
12:10 pm both in the old nest
12 14 and 12 23 Are we asking for mating
12:46 PM. Both remain on the nest Bella on the lop. He is in the nest area. He spread out the grass that she brought in mistakenly to the wrong nest. She remains on the lop several times she has called out for mating He responded but no action
1258 Calling out again no response one on the lop one is on the short post.
He gets down in the nest does some nestoration.
1:02 he is gone went downstairs
ON 1 :08 PM. She drops down from the lop and goes into the nest and pokes around a bit.
1:22 PM he exits from the new nest. While she remains on the lop
1:28 PM he returns to the new nest.She remains on the lop.At
1:33.He returns to the old nest and she joins him down in the center of the nest
Once again , a call for mating , but nothing happens

1 43 p m bella finally leaves from the nest

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...