Saturday, November 02, 2024

11 2 24 both

 711 to 715 solo Scout. 828 he arrives first she follows 833 She Ladies first he follows MT

We are back at 840 She arrives at 8:42. 845 she leaves.

847 we return to the nest.He brings in another stick.They both remain working on the nest.Replacing sticks from one spot to another entertaining 854 he takes off again to the stick store, I guess? 856, we return with a Nice big load of bedding soft for the new eggs. She leaves at 9:02.. He follows her out of the nest
903 back in the nest. With a large stick 904 she follows he was having issues arranging that stick
909 both leave

912 he returns with a very large crib rail. 921, she comes in with a very large sick. 922 a little Beaking going on, which is normal for them.That's the love connection i'm assuming 926 she leaves he remains in the nest. 930 she returns with a nice load of bedding. 947, he leaves the nest. I do not like the exit Returns with the branch 948 he 1002 one exits 1003. the other one leavesMT

I do believe these 50 pictures loaded backwards but you get the gist of it how they go in and out of the nest it's such a tight squeeze they dodged the branches wings and wings up I love the movement never saw that in the big nest10.08 a nice load of Bedding and brought to the nest. 1049 left the nest stood around like a statue for the longest time.

1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment! Any advertisement will be deleted period thank you, Steven chase for allowing me to continue the blog in a different way as he intended it!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...