Sunday, April 12, 2020

4/12/20  pm 13 min were in  for a bit  Lil is in bowl he is thinking if I get in there surely I will fit when mom broods me LOL . She continues to feed him till after dark  Maybe he sleep longer she is thinking.  He was up at 3am this morning  When I went to  bed  Poor Bella tucks early already as I hit publish 
   731 3min Evenin meal together floe the family time Shep brings in a tiny morsel of rd meat  Bella saunters over pick it up goes back and forth undecided what to feed maybe LOoked funny with it dangling from her beak.  Them she starts feeding  Shep goes over gets the nice fish drags it over  Like here dear  Not the red eat use the fish  

511pm 3 min nice fish Looks like cat I see something in front like whisker 
 447 Nice fish Lands in the bowl  Oh sushi  LOL 

 417 on stump back t nest then feed at 419 a nice PS
408 6 min Poof to the stump 
 340 3 mins Bella has been in the same position till now she gets up and goes to stump  LIL tracks her Oh so tall he looks remember the size of a chicken  OH so bright for his age LOL Bragging grandparent
115 a few min Adult arrives a feeding again 
1041 So funny seeing dad in the bowl and LIL wandering around over to the edge of the nest
   939 1 min Fresh Bedding
932 both in 
704 9 min Nice visit
644 4min 35sec Bella Exits nest returns 


Was funny watching him trying to fit

">  click on it for Outdoor channel NCTC eagle nest link bookmark on main page is no longer good. 

If you choose to comment PLEASE be respectful and NO SPAM or ADS or LINKS they will be deleted and reported if offensive  THANKS

I will try to keep all video to the top of the page for  enjoyment pleasure then you can scroll the pictures if you want Using blog as a way to record pic and videos  We have them on FB but those are groups you must join  This is for all public to see We previously used this as a communication blog  but no longer since our Matriarch Jo died. JO you  are missed. This blog was started because of her in 2006  She loved it so!  Nest has been around since 2004! I am sure JO  will approve of the blog being used like this  Well at least I hope so!
“Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battles"

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...