Tuesday, April 30, 2019

sunny beautiful day in the neighborhood

Hope stretching out those wings and walking sort of clumsy 1231 
Hangs with Mom listening to the birds
1239 Mom ruffles feather and hops to the stump. Hope looks up to her as she settles in.
1240 she hops down little nestoration and  unburies food. Hope waddles around.
1243 Apparently no one hungry settles in cup and hangs out together

Using blog as a way to record pic and videos  We have them on FB but those are groups you must join  This is for all public to see We use to use this as a communication blog  but no longer since our Matriarch  died JO we are missed 

You may comment below If 
you wish  

Monday, April 29, 2019

ONE MONTH old Videos of both in nest in evening and Mom stays night cooler temps

Both Parents in the nest this evening eating and Mom seemed to going to be staying again  temps are cooler 

What kind of YOGA is this  

I love the way she looks at HOPE so endearing 

Hope and MOM

447 fish delivered  

2:00 hanging out preening 

Using blog as a way to record pic and videos  We have them on FB but those are groups you must join  This is for all public to see We use to use this as a communication blog  but no longer since our Matriarch  died JO we are missed 

You may comment below If 
you wish  

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Day starting out to be a rainy one Ends with Bella snuggling and spending the night after Hope being alone in nest at night video also

The past couple of night Hope has spent the night in the nest alone  8:18 Tonight Mamma Bella drops down in the nest from the attic and snuggles with her  Maybe see remembers won't be long will be fledging 

856am   Raining day  I love how Hope tries to get under Mom  Just remember she is the size of a chicken now  and look at the difference in size. Bella gets all the way up on her legs to cover her precious Hope

1135 am Video starts out Bella ruffles feathers on stump  Hope looks back like what was that and decides to waddle over  Legs are getting stronger  look so funny walking  Looks up at Mom she comes down  Hope peak at her beak two times. Hope acts as if she is tracking something looking out stretching that neck so tall. They hang for a bit  Love it more waking and toddling going on Wait till the wingersizing begins Bella tidies up the nest cup area  from the rain they had earlier. Love how she looks up when she is on the stump.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

A few pic and some videos /will be a month in two days DOH 3-29

Really windy  laying low  Should subside later today from weather report 

Something has upset MOM she trills out for a few seconds and looks up is it Shep or a threat? or putting in the order for the next meal LOL and oh the wind and that darn cable hitting the camera. The wind is so fearful   I fear  for the tree Hope is being rocked 
Short 37 sec video to show kisses for mom a couple of time so cute 

Hanging with mom 

Friday, April 26, 2019

Pic from today (DOH 3-29)

I just love the way she's 
looking at Hope like what 
you doing you're too young
 to try to fly yet. 
Or oh you got pretty 
wings there my dear

In coming fish delivery Uber forgot to bring it

 Another fish he is such a good provider
 And naturally Bell is right behind him with the fish I think she approves of the well that he brought in

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Hope alone all night No sign of Bella as if NOON 1242 she flies in

Bella in the nest and snuggles with Hope  looks like kisses  LOL and then she leaves  Alone for the night again  Not a month old yet   But it is in the 60s there..... trust the eagles 

1242  The wondering BELLA shows up flies in and no reason where or why LOL

1020  Shep arrives and feeds HOPE 

834 fish deleivered  No sign of Bella

Sitting waiting for BELLA to come home I am so sad I was hoping we had a drama free nest this year

757 Stick delivered by Shep  Hope wanted to help with its placement even if she was hit in the head by it   Wasn't recording yet  

Using blog as a way to record pic and videos  We have them on FB but those are groups you must join  This is for all public to see We use to use this as a communication blog  but no longer since our Matriarch  died JO we are missed 

You may comment below If 
you wish  

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wed some pics (DOH 3-29/31)

10:13 am ----Food delivery again  I haven't a clue what it is. I love how she screams like a banshee like OLD BELLE use to. I wonder if all females do this??    

Family picture.  I love how they are all showing us the same profile  LOL ! Mom in middle looks so huge!

Checking out what's in the pantry
830 fish delivery

Looking up to Mom looking down to little hope

 Watching Mom prepare her meal

Calling out for more food delivery please  

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

( DOH 3-29/31) Shep is such a good provider Hope is growing like a weed.. Love the fuzzy head

Poop shoot short video  Jo Loved a good PS  

This PS is for JO Lennox who is dearly missed This blog fell apart after she died  I am sad about that She loved her blog and eagle momsters and dadsters and I miss them as well
Although we do talk on Facebook and we do have a sort of a Blog on the messenger but it's just not the same
Incoming sirens blaring as if there was food I took snips  
NO food in talons   HMMM 

Those talons have no food  why all the noise

Pic below from video

AH HA I bet she is asking him where is the red meat  We have had 4 FISH delievers before noon today

family picture 

Hope is standing on the fish that was just brought in so this is the fourth delivery for the day and it's not even noon yet! I'm so happy they pulled back on the camera to now we can see incoming and outgoing and if there's anything threatening in the area

First fish delivery so cool he is such a good provider. I just love the way the Sun 
shines on the nest every morning so pretty
 Another fish
 Look real close at Hope she has a rainbow on her little bitty body she's so cute  BELOW
  But I am using this as a daily log of the nest  Since it isn't being used as a communication area
If you wish you may comment here

2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...