Sunday, April 07, 2019

Sad news one of our little chicks has passed we will never know what caused this, a trauma or,not enough food or disease who knows!?. I believe it was getting enough food because it was fed the video from last night shows that it was a strong eaglet little guy just reached 1 week milestone so sad the ways of nature we will never know. I was so hoping this Nest would Thrive this year since we haven't in the past let's hope this little one makes it

A couple of video from today  Eaglet was feed throught out the day This is  428 adults in and out 

709PM this evening both in nest  and out 
This is the last hour of our little eaglet

This was at 534 yesterday  when Shep landed with a fish I can't see that it hit the eaglet but who knows There was a over a hour of video I am posting put with the mb I can only post a 12 min or so video at once but I want to have a record of yesterday  It was healthy from what I saw 



                                                         last 5 min 610

HERE IS THE VIDEO WARNING MAY NOT WANT TO VIEW  although the eaglet is still on the edge of the cup 

After Shep buried the eaglet she digs it up drags it over to the cup started to feed changed her mind I guess unless the other wasn't hungry  To me she seem confused looking at it I need to take human emotions from it 4 min long    
Lets hope the other survives  We can only sit and watch Have go be tough to watch these eagles 

Deb on Facebook seems to think it was Stepped On by one of the adults it was laying it in the other fish when they first came on at 7 a.m. someone sniffs of it the mom Bella picked it up and dropped it when Shep came in he buried it here is a collage of pictures that they thank you bald eagles 101 Terri and Deb

comment below this comment  if you would like This use to be a communication blog but no longer I will use it for the recording of the nest


JudyEddy said...

let's keep our fingers crossed this little one makes it bully or not

carolinabeachmom said...

I haven't been able to watch that little one get his head twisted and pecked. Does anyone know if this is the little one or the bully? Whomever, it is still a sad happening in our nest. :(

JudyEddy said...

Deb S seems to think that it was stepped on when it was out of the cup by one of the adults you put that on Bald Eagles 101 she may have seen it on a video I'm not for sure

JudyEddy said...

She put not you put LOL you know what I meant

talk to text sometimes really messes up that's my story and I'm sticking with it LOL I just

I feel so sad we haven't had a good year past couple years

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...