Wednesday, December 13, 2017

First pic of royal couple thread


JudyEddy said...

I love this idea putting a picture on opening a new thread up this way we have a record this is the first picture of both of them in the nest I was out and about sitting at a light and it came up when I snapped it and I had to crop it down anyway this is the new thread it's easier to do thanks Hoda

JudyEddy said...

Checked box

sunny said...

What is the FB site that you all post on?

JudyEddy said...

Sunny there is a Eaglet momsters page that was started a year or so ago when the blog went down what is your name on FB and I will add you. I am Judy Eddy (fox) on FB if you don't want to put your name on here email me through the blog or on fb

AZ Patti said...

Beautiful "opening" pic, JudyE!

JudyEddy said...

I think it's a good idea to put pix when possible. Steve use to way back when I noticed and on other occasions

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...

My deletes

I am having buffering issues on both devices
Anyone else??

I like the idea of a pic. Can't wait to get a better one or anyone else get one to post being issues with cam hard to do. I wish we had the still also back

See ya tomorrow

Hoda said...

Great idea Judy to put a picture when possible.
When I start a new Thread I will likely not put a picture as I do not have them.
Glad you will though.
Shep was in today at around three. Apparently he ate on left over food.
All good here.

AZ Patti said...

Evenin' all! Had a dentist appointment after work so just got home. Doing a few chores and then off to watch the football game. Prayers to all in need and SED!

JudyEddy said...

Both are still in nest

Belle was in bowl for a while. And Shep arrives. Nestoration some

JudyEddy said...

I discovered I can add pictures as you can see a pix from today still cam. I am using it. The live feed keeps turning off on tablet when buffering about two min and lap top freezes up so I will use still

WVJerry said...

Both eagles in nest now.

WVJerry said...

Both gone now.

Lynne2 said...

Happy one week til Christmas Eve day!

Sandi said...

JudyEddy said...

Eagle in

JudyEddy said...

Both poofed

AZ Patti said...

It is indeed a Happy One Week Til Christmas Eve Day! I'm celebrating wrapping the last of the presents! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Prayers for those in need and SED to all!

NatureNut said...

Hello, Hello, Everyone. Just thought I'd click on to see if anything's on the camera and here are some Momsters and a Dadster!!!!
Hope this blog get's rolling----I know how to post pics here!!!! Haven't really figured out fb, yet.
Happy, Happy Holidays to all!!!!!

AZ Patti said...

Happy Holidays to you, too, NatureNut! I'm just checking in as well. Had a very tiring day (lots of mental-ness) so I'm off for some mindless television. Prayers for those in need and SED everyone!

Lynne2 said...

well, it's official. I can't see the cam. All I see is a black rectangle no matter when I try to tune in. GRRRRRRRR

JudyEddy said...

From Steve cam will be fixed after holidays

Lynne2 said...

Just wanted to pop on and wish everyone a very blessed Christmas! Ours will be quiet except for the sound of my horrible coughing...I have bronchitis and feel like bird doo doo.

Wind advisory in effect for these parts, and maybe a dusting of snow over night. It would be nice to wake up to some snow on the ground for Christmas morning. Going to be very cold this upcoming week and I thank God that we are not in the trailer this winter...

Lori O. said...

Merry Christmas eagle friends!!!

I've had the cam up since about 7:30 and have not seen an eagle. Super windy today. Maybe they would rather fly than sit in the nest.

May we all have a blessed day today. ♥

AZ Patti said...

Merry Christmas, Momlets (and Dadlets)! Wishing everyone a day filled with wonder and joy!

JudyEddy said...

Merry Christmas to all!

I miss US!


Hoda said...

Merry Christmas every one.
Checked on the nest several times.
Have not seen the eagles.
The angle of the camera makes the nest look a mess.
They have been spotted several times, just not by me.
Judy has some good photos in the album.
Maybe the camera will be readjusted after tomorrow.
Lynne I too am very glad you are not in the trailer this winter...
Blessed Christmas everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Cam is back up but not the still yet

Hoda said...

Yes I was glad to see the camera up. The view was different for a while...Sandi posted a good picture and I think the view is going back to normal.
Grateful to the IT Team at the Centre.

Hoda said...

Snowing here.
A sense of wellness with it all.
I will go snow shoeing today.
I hope everyone is well and reflective of the year that was and going towards the year that will be...
God Bless Us All.

carolinabeachmom said...

Checking in to see if everything is going ok. I am still using Edge to receive live eagle cam. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday with friends and family and are getting ready for a New Year of good health, happiness and love. <3

carolinabeachmom said...

One eagle flew into nest a little after 7am, sat for a while, hopped up on a branch on the right and then flew off. Nothing more since.

Hoda said...

Happy New Year everyone.
Stay warm.
May we have a good season with Belle and Shep.
Missing and loving those we lost.
Celebrating you all.

NCSuzan said...

Has everyone stopped posting here? Is anyone getting the cam today? Maybe I should check FB.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey there NCSusan. I guess people are just checking in from time to time until the cam clears up for good. Plus the Holiday season has many people traveling until after the beginning of January. Just checked in at the nest and it was MT. Hope all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year! Just finished shoveling the driveway out with my husband. Now it is time to rest. The road in front of our house is a sheet of ice yet.All have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

Cam is down still cam also. Deb S emailed Steve.

I hope most will return. But I doubt it

Not a doubting Thomas but I think they like FB messenger better

Things may change we will see I guess

Hope all are safe and warm

Waiting for this persistent cold front to leave not liking it. 36 thing am

Unknown said...

Hi all. :)

AZ Patti said...

Hey everyone! Just checking in. Enjoying watching the bobbleheads in SW FL. Ready to watch "our" bobbleheads. Have a great day everyone!

JudyEddy said...

Hey to all the momsters and dadsters both cams still are down Just keep checking and if I hear I will let ya all know

JudyEddy said...

please comment on the blog to let us know you are here Please join in instead of lurking we welcome you and it was good to get your email

Hoda said...

HI 👋Janet!
Judy thank you for updating Cam info.
Steve is away I do believe.
He said he would tell the Team.
I just presume they have not had time to check into it yet..

JudyEddy said...

Don't know if she emailed me through here or facebook I will email her back I assumed it was here but maybe not being she mentioned abandonment of the site

JudyEddy said...

OH I like your hand wave HODA

JudyEddy said...

Not much up with me Jordyn stayed all last week with me She was on Holiday break and with me being retired I rather not change my routine for a few days
My body clock doesn't like change LOL so it was so sweet having her here but nice to be able to watch adult tv lol lots of catching up to do on the dvr
Will check back later
I have had medical issues as well others so hope all are doing better with their health I know that it sucks.!

Hoda said...

👋 👋 👋 Judy.
Sorry about medical issues for you too.
I saw a post on this blog where Judy S said she emailed you.
Glad you had some Jordyn time.
I wished when I log on that I could see the Royal pair longer.
The nest seems a mess to me still.
Anyone else think the same?

Unknown said...

Good morning to all.
Had a lovely birthday weekend. In fact, in my book, it was perfect. :)
Its been so busy the last few months....settling down now. I haven't been on here or the fb blog....since we bought our Massage Envy (along with partners) my plate has been FULL. I will try to make some time to check in a couple times a week/hopefully more. I am still doing hands on massage work 3 days a week plus taking some online classes and working with my partners in running the place! a new challenge for sure!


JUDYE: glad you had some Jordyn time; on your turf! lol. I hope you are doing better, sis.

I've been popping in to the SW FL cam as well. Not as often as I would like...but getting there now and again.

Here's wishing everyone a great day. Light, love, and hugs!

carolinabeachmom said...

Just checked into our live cam and it was MT. At least there was no rain or snow. Still quite a bit of ice on our secondary roads here on the OBX. Went to church very carefully yesterday, at lunch with what was left of our choir and then headed home. Driving conditions still aren't good. Been housebound since the storm. Only went outside to use our coal shovels from up north to shovel out the driveway with my husband. Glad to see the nest is clear so far.

You all have a great day and check in as you fly by! :)

JudyEddy said...

Love live feed up. Still cam still down

MT nest

Unknown said...

MT nest this morning. Looks beautiful tho!
Good morning everyone.
how's your week going?

JudyEddy said...

Good morning for about ten more minutes.

Love love our warm weather has returned was so Iver the cold here not use to it but was short lived.



have a great day.

Oh I uploaded Puffin browser and now seems to be able to keep live feed up for more that two minutes

AZ Patti said...

Hey everyone! Happy Belated Birthday, Janet! Glad your weekend was perfect. And congrats on the new business. Busy, busy, busy for sure.

JudyE, hope you're doing better, too.

Hi Hoda and Carolinabeachmom!

I'm off to make chicken noodle soup for a "coming down with something" hubby. :-( I'll start popping echinacea and Vitamin C and hope I don't catch it!

Have a wonderful evening and prayers for all in need. SED!!

JudyEddy said...

Janet, Patti, Candy, Lynne, Lori, Loretta, Jerry, Sandi, Suzan and Hoda
And Judy S. If you are lurking as others

Live feed is still working. But still cam is stuck on 1134.53this am. I wonder why it keeps getting stuck¿. And I think it's a old cam wasn't part of the newer cam that was installed. I think!!!

Patti hope you nipped it in the bud from getting ill!

Knock on wood but since I retired almost two years now. I have not gotten sick as I did while working with the the sicky public. LOL. Plus I always wipe carts big time now!!love the wipes otherwise I have hand sanitizer on my purse!

Ok gonna go byeee

JudyEddy said...

I had typed there is just a little over a two ✋ full but hope we grow when eggie season starts. Odd where did it go. I listed names on this thread. Hmm. Blogger ate it.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY. Is lost. HODA is trying to point her in the right direction.

LOLLY where are you ¿¿, LOL

JudyEddy said...

My bad didn't put new thread on old one

Thanks Hoda for doing so. I think I was so excited I forgot!!

Hoda said...

So strange my morning posts have disappeared

Hoda said...

Shep in.

Hoda said...

BELLe flies to attic. I heard her and then she called.
Shep doing nestorations.

Hoda said...

Belle comes to nest.
Two in.
Nestorations mostly.
Looking about.
Belle flies out.
Followed by Shep
5:36 PM ET

grannyblt said...

Thanks for the direction Hoda, finally found this thread. I saw an eagle this morning on the nest.

Hoda said...

5:20 ET no one in nest.
Lots of small birds chirping.
Some wind.
I will try again in ten minutes.

Hoda said...

EAgle in!
5:24 ET PM

Hoda said...

Looks around.
5:27 Belle arrives to attic.
Shep jumps up to stump.
5:28 Belle leaves and Shep follows.
Geese honk in area.

Hoda said...

Fun to watch people driving off.
Wondered about Steve. Is he home from out west. It was his wedding anniversary this week.
5:41 ET PM a loud flock of geese flies over the nest.
The nest looks better to my eyes, yet I still do not see any cup.
Anyone else see one?

Unknown said...

Good evening to one and all!
AZPATTI: thank you!!!

Haven’t had time to check in this week. Its been busy. I am still on the massage schedule as well as my new responsibilities! Happy busy.
I hope this finds everyone well!
We should be “looking at” eggberts in the next month or so….if memory serves this evening.
Maybe tomorrow I can tune in to the cam! We are closed tomorrow due to the nasty winter storm coming in. many places have already announced they will be closed tomorrow. I popped into the grocery and picked up a couple things this afternoon. Friday is my typical day for that, but….given the weather forecast, today was a much better choice!
I hope everyone is having a good evening! Good to see folks returning to the blog! 

Hoda said...

Windy and rainy at the nest.
It is empty.
Picture is clearer than it had been before.
Will check again in 15 minutes to see if we have a pattern...
Nest does look good.

Hoda said...

Good luck with your business and your travels Janet.

Unknown said...

Thank you Hoda.
Have spent the day inside (except for filling bird feeders!) We decided yesterday to close the clinic today due to weather and it was a good call. The grass was crunchy earlier, (imagine walking on corn flakes) and now we have snow. perfect day to stay in and do some online management classes, do some light house work, do my work out, and now chill this evening.
I hope everyone is well. Check in when you can....

Hoda said...

Windy and no one is home at the nest.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle budlets

Trying to stay warm

We went to Busch Gardens yesterday but it was cold I had four layer on top two on bottom and was nice was the last day for the show Cirque Vertigo featuring The Wallenda Duo mom and daughter.

It was awesome Angie tagged with video on my FB page if you want to see.


lator gator

carolinabeachmom said...

Good afternoon Belle and Shep watchers. Just flying by to let you know that I just checked the live cam and we had an empty nest. Hope all are staying nice and warm.

JudyEddy said...

Eagle in

JudyEddy said...

And poof

JudyEddy said...

Both were back in at 535


eggie season upon us soon

carolinabeachmom said...

Just tried to get into the live cam with Microsoft Edge like I have been doing and nothing is working for me. I will try a little later.

Unknown said...

just popped in. MT nest. dark too.
its been a quiet week here. we had about 3" of snow yesterday. schools closed (as of Monday night with pending weather), and today as well. our high has been 24. it is quite BRISK out there....

closed work today as well. most clients had canceled. looks as if we will be open tomorrow and our temps will rise above freezing.

I've been busy doing online training. done at last. i wanted it done before i head out sat a.m.

i made a yummy new dish for dinner yesterday. chicken bacon chowder. i have it reheating for dinner tonight. love a good hearty soup/chowder this time o fyear

i am packed for my trip; save but for last min things; ie make up. lol. getting excited abouot going back to AZ. looking forward to warm weather!

hope everyone is well! :) light, love, hugs and smiles to all

AZ Patti said...

Hello everyone! I might have missed you JANET, but where in Arizona are you coming? I'm the White Mountains on the eastern border. We're about an hour away from the New Mexico border, four hours from Phoenix and five or six from Tucson. Hope you're coming for something fun!

Off to watch some TV. Trying to rest and not catch the cold that's going around my home and office. Hubby is just about well. Keep trying to get him to rest but he pushes himself.

SED and prayers for all in need!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle budlets

Feb 17 last year eggbert was laid.

Getting close!
MT nest at present

I have still up. To many issues with live feed freezing up on me!

Did you see we had BLACK ICE on the veterans expressway yesterday
Not FL weather yuk! But will start to warm up today.

JudyEddy said...

Still cam is stuck again. Right after this post. Did I jinks it¿ 1121 time on it

It's 59° out now. Gonna go get my walk in!

I have the live feed you shhh so far so good.

Buffer bar just trying to keep it up to where it should be

JudyEddy said...

From Steve

Hi Folks, Because of the Gov't shutdown, the camera will be going dark on Monday as part of an "orderly shutdown". Hopefully an agreement can be reached to fund the government before then.

Hoda said...

Checked cam at 2:14 eagle in.
Sitting in cup.
I thought I saw two egg rolls!
That can not be. Too early.
Sure did look like it though.
Still in.
Facing 10:00

Hoda said...

It is Shep.
Belle arrives at 5:41 PM Eastern
They look around.
She hopped down from the Attic.
Shep digs in cup.
Belle leaves 5:43 PM Eastern.

Hoda said...

Belle went up in the Attic.
I can hear her.
Shep moves about
He leaves at 2:49 PM Eastern

Hoda said...

Time I checked Cam is 5:14 PM EST
2:14 PM Pacific.

JudyEddy said...

Eagle in now for a bit

Hoda said...

Shep I would say.
Thank you for the heads up.

Hoda said...

That was a long visit.
Just left now.
Shep I believe went out twice to get twigs.
Digging in cup.
I heard Eagle call before Belle arrived.
Slightly confused as to who is who I must admit.
Their tails are throwing me. I think male eagles have shorter tails. Anyone else have anything to say about that?
It was a good visit.
I hope the camera is up tomorrow...

Hoda said...

Shep returns for around two minutes at 5:50 PM Easter Time.

Hoda said...

There was a morning visit end bonding.
As of now the camera is still up.

grannyblt said...

Now it is down.

JudyEddy said...

Cam both are up

JudyEddy said...

Belle was in nest this am at dawn when light was on nest. No infra red to have seen her if she was there all night

In nest now

grannyblt said...

Eagle in now, 304 CST

grannyblt said...

I just came back from a walk along the river trail that is beside my apartment here in Oklahoma. I think I’ve finally found the eagles nest! Glad I had my binocs, or it would have been just a dark spot in the top of a tree across and down the river. I saw a big bird fly out of the nest and land in a nearby tree and it was joined by another bird and I think there was some hp going on. Couldn’t tell for absolute certainty it was eagles, but I’m 99.99% sure. I just googled a view of the approximate location and I am pretty sure it is in an inaccessible area. I’ll see if I can get closer to the nest from this side of the river to get a better view. Too bad I can’t see it from my apartment. I am serenaded some evenings by the neighborhood coyotes, and there have been bunnies outside my window, so I guess that is my wildlife for now.

AZ Patti said...

Hi grannyblt! How exciting to have a big nest to investigate! Hope it turns out to be eagles! Sure hope the bunnies stay "home" at night with the coyotes about.

And speaking of wildlife, I heard today that Arizona is going to transport a few of our elk population to West Virginia to assist with repopulation there. They are going to be transported to the Land Between the Lakes area (hope I got that correct). Thought it's pretty cool, and they're doing everything correctly, too. Quarantine here and there, all sorts of testing, etc. They expect some mortality due to stress; that's the only bummer I heard. Hope it all goes well.

Hope things are well in your world! SED and prayers for all in need.

Hoda said...

An invader in the nest. Over an hour now!
One of our adults was there. It left. The sub adult invader still there

Hoda said...

Our adult eagle is up on the branch at twelve o’clock. On going.

JudyEddy said...

I think the sub adult that was visiting may be offspring. Not much effort was made to make leave! Not old enough to threaten for the nest. JMHO

WOW love Deb video all four of them.

Unknown said...

Good Morning to one and all!
AZ PATTI: I was actually in AZ for business training, but we made the most of it and had a LOT of fun while we were there. The training was great. We learned soooooo much.
Flew into Phoenix, drove up to the Grand Canyon, then visited Sedona and spent the week @ corporate in Scottsdale. Not a bad gig. Lol.
JUDYE; so sorry sis that you have had cold weather!!!!!
Saw lots of interesting birds and plants out in AZ. No eagles….. but we were in class most of the time (( 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) so that doesn’t surprise me. Indeed, I did enjoy the nature I was able to see and be part of!
Ready to check out our nest and see if anyone’s home!
Hugs to all!

Hoda said...

Adult eagle in. Ithink Belle.

Hoda said...

They are hunting there. I hear gunfire.
Dana said she saw a Juvie next to NCTC this morning when she was driving through.

Hoda said...

Yep the cup is deep and proper.
Belle brought in the beige clump of fluff.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning all. Sitting here watching a jerky eagle on our nest. The cam isn't running correctly, but wanted you to know that we have an eagle at 3 o"clock just sitting and watching. It flew in about 15 min. ago. Still alone. No fish so must have had breakfast earlier. It looks like they are getting an egg cup ready with all the light brown fluff.Now at ll o'clock and still alone. Well I have to go out in the rain to get groceries. :( Wind sounds like it is really blowing there. Hope the nest holds. You all have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

So so super excited. Just noticed we can see the nest now. The infra red night vision is workings. Yeah. Happy happy Joy Joy

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle budlets

Popping in to say getting close to eggberts

JUDIE, KKAY, MAGPIE and others. Sure wish you would pop on to let us know all is ok all the non facebookers I miss US

MTnest at present time

I have only the still cam up live feed just gets me aggravated and frustrated to try to keep up no matter what internet provider or device I use

Hope all is doing good

Such a nice day out. 76 now!! Gonna head out before I get Jordyn from school

JudyEddy said...

Also no night vision. Just was the moon as Deb said. Bummer

grannyblt said...

Royal couple in nest for about 3 minutes just after 6 pm EST. I checked several time during the day today, but that was my only sighting.

grannyblt said...

Both eagles in nest just before 7 am nest time. MT now

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle budlets

Been watching the eagle for a bit on and off for almost two hours

JudyEddy said...

Both have been in the nest

Have you all noticed shh no snow this year!
Knock on wood lol

JudyEddy said...

Changed my avatar to a pic from today

grannyblt said...

Is that sleet I hear at the nest? Doesn’t seem to bother the eagle that has been there for at least 20 minutes.

Hoda said...

It sounds like rain to me.
Empty nest at the moment.

Hoda said...

Nice avatar Judy.

carolinabeachmom said...

Boy is that wind a roaring around our nest. Well, if the infa red night vision is supposed to be on, I can't see the nest at all. :( It sounds like icicles clanking together. I hope our poor eagles are in a protected spot and the nest holds. I can't see anything, so I am headed back out. Hope all had a good day!

carolinabeachmom said...

Just opened our NCTC nest this morning to see Belle? sitting in the egg cup. She raised up once and then sat back down; didn't go anywhere. No rain, no snow, just a wonderful day to see this activity in our nest. Has anyone seen hanky panky or an egg yet? Birds are singing, dogs are barking, children are playing and all is well at our nest. I can feel our Jo looking down keeping her eyes on everything. I really miss her.

Hoda said...

Good morning Carolina,
Yes there has been mating.
We also have had an intruder.
There was a fight and Shep’s beak has an injury.
Not sure if Belle was also injured or not...
We all miss Jo.

carolinabeachmom said...

HODA Don't like to hear we have had an intruder and about poor Shep. I hope that the nest has settled down now so that Belle and Shep can begin their nesting. <3 HODA, thank you for keeping this going. I don't get in every day like years ago, but do keep track of the nest and our Eagle Family. Hope everyone has a great day!

Hoda said...

You are welcome Carolina.
Judy Eddy is administrator also.
Thank you for checking in.
JUDY are we ready for a new Thread?
Would you please do it with a picture of the injured Shep?
Thank you.

carolinabeachmom said...

The eagle has left the nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle is close by the nest and is calling out. Now one just flew in and sounds both eagles in nest. one is still calling out.

carolinabeachmom said...

They are both looking in the same direction but seem to have calmed down a bit.

carolinabeachmom said...

One left in nest. I guess all is back to normal.

carolinabeachmom said...

Checking out of computer. We have an MT nest right now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Friday morning to all checking in here at our nest. Checking into an MT nest! Kind of looks like a wet nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Checking in to an MT nest and a lot of wind. No eagles.

carolinabeachmom said...

Two eagles just arrived in the nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like one might be eating and the other is just looking around. The cam is still jerky. :( Better than nothing, tho. They are just so beautiful with the sun shining on them. 11:06 One eagle went poof. Other still there.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Monday morning to all. Just tuned into the nest to find two eagles sitting there.No sooner did I get there and one flew off. Very windy again this am.

carolinabeachmom said...

And back again. Looks like something brought in for egg cup and the other one is off. Both gone now. Hoping to see an egg soon.

JudyEddy said...

Sitting in cup is today the day

JudyEddy said...


I wonder if the spot on his beak is dried blood we have seen that on beaks before I zoomed on pic and it could be blood from a kill I looked at a bunch of Deb and Terri pic

I thought would open a new tread with first egg but I wonder if we are a egg this year Weather nice

She acted as if something was bother her and left

JudyEddy said...

so funny all the snow in the nest two days ago and now gone

JudyEddy said...

new thread

New thread

New thread

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...