Sunday, September 11, 2016


New thread. 

Should be going up the tree for maintenance very soon.


JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread and info. Waiting with bated breath to see our eagles

Hoda said...

Never Forgotten

Hoda said...

Thank you Judy
Thank you Steve

Great news on the tree.
Thank You.

Hoda said...

Prayers continue for Tori, Doug,
Sending energy for Lynne2
Forgot to check the box.
Sandi posted on FB she still has Potter.
Celebrating Donna and the Southern Delegation and Thelma...a remembrance.
Seth must be back at school. Anyone hear from Kay?

grannyblt said...

GM all. Thank you Steve for the new thread. Anxious for the camera to be working again. Miss the nest even if it is empty at the present time.

Also missing Kay and Sandi who were regular posters in the recent past.

Hope all eagle Momlets and Dadlets have an enjoyable day.

Remembering 9/11/01🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Lolly said...

Good morning! Can not talk today. Too much yelling at the TCU game that went into overtime. They lost, so Zach was very sad. Well, we all were, but Zach has not learned how to accept a loss. He was also over tired which was not good.

Liked Savanna. Also, liked what I saw in their relationship. However, I did see that she is very young. Oh, well, not for me to make any decisions!

Church this morning and it is all music and singing. I will enjoy the music but certainly can not sing!

Remembering Sept.11 with a heavy heart! God bless the USA!

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning all....

remembering where I was, what I was doing and how I felt 15 years ago today.

Well we have a moving date of 28 Sept!! Now that he knows we are leaving my FIL has ramped up being a jerk by 100%. It's causing my mother in law a great deal of stress which is really awful.

Cold front came through last night and temp right now is 62! Very refreshing!

Kay said...

Good Morning on this very special Day of Remembrance--a day etched in our memories forever.

Checking for word on TORI--- prayers still constant.

STEVE, thanks for the new thread and good news re:the tree! Thx to JUDY for the shout out.

LYNNE2, you'd think your FIL would be happy and in a better frame of mind since he clearly does not like having your there. He is, as you said, a jerk! How much can he really love STEVE's mom??? Stan and I lived in our 35 ft. travel trailer for the first two years in Bullhead City. Took us that long to decide where to settle in that surreal little burg. Didn't mind the small space at all, less to clean!

Yes, Seth had about 10 days of school, then off for the long Labor Day weekend before returning. Not due home til' the Fall Break in October, but that can always change since it's close by. All's well!

Not to worry. You won't find me on here much as I once was. Doing a re-budgeting of my time.

Prayers for all in need!!!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥=in honor of our eagle Liberty and in wishes for Liberty for All!!!*********

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on the anniversary of this very sad day for the US. Have not posted in a while - life is busy. Already I wonder how I ever found the time to work. I do not miss school,! I don't even think about it other than to be happy that I don't have to be there.

I'm now the President of the tennis club I belong to, plus I'm still playing tennis 3 days a week.

Potter is still here and keeps me busy - I try to take him to places to meet people every day - you never know who may be looking to adopt or may know someone who is looking to adopt. Having 4 dogs to feed, walk, play with, and clean up after,is time consuming.

Have started planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta for Thanksgiving week - this will be our belated 40th anniversary/my retirement celebration. We will be taking Brian, Lynnis, Freyja, Kevin and a friend of Kevin's - our treat. So there are airfare rates to keep an eye on, booking an all-inclusive place that's child-friendly and close to other places to visit in PV, lining up someone to pet sit Bella and Jenni or a place to board them while we're gone - my sister will watch Janey, but not the little dogs with the bad bathroom habits.

Had lunch with Paula on Friday. Larry was off fishing and Paula didn't want to spend the day at his place with just the dogs. We had a nice visit; hopefully we will get together with her and Larry for dinner soon, now that the tourist traffic is gone.

Lynne2, if living in a camper with your husband and 2 dogs is better than living with your father-in-law, then he must be one miserable person. I think Denny and I could manage in a camper for a week or two on a vacation, but as a permanent living situation - no way! Good luck - you sound excited about it and that's what counts.

Lori, we have decided to have a company come in and remove all of the Leyland cypress trees we planted 15 years ago. They have so many dead branches and bare spots that they have really become ugly to look at. Of course, with them gone, our view is the back of our neighbor's house, which isn't much better to look at. Next spring, the plan is to plant Green Giant Arborvitae as Lynne2 suggested.

Lolly, glad things went well with meeting Savanna.

It appears that our adult male hummingbirds may have headed south - I'm still seeing females and immature males at the feeders.

Like Lynne1 said, it will be good to have the cam back online, even just to look at an MT nest.

Have a greyt day all.

Hoda said...

Awesome time with the Bears at the park.
Then I went to the Garlic Fest.
Amazing that there is a whole day festival for garlic and the varieties and what an assortment of things one can go with garlic!
There was music and dance. There were vendors. Oh the Garlic! I must find out who is the Goddess of Garlic!!!
Blessings to all.
It snowed a bit at the garlic Fest.
I also saw leaves cascading... Love autumn.

Hoda said...

Lynne sending you Love and Light.
Sorry about having to experience such a deprived soul. How awful it must be to be him.

Unknown said...

good evening to all. the office is clean. I have showered. and shortly I will be off to dent some pillows.

LYNNE2: I am very glad that there is an end to your current situation. Although it may be a smaller space, I hope it will be a happier space. I like what HODA awful it must be to be him. I second that thought.

it was a busy week last week. I had 22 hours of massage. when I got home last night I was tired, but we went to the races at the fair grounds. I did pretty well til about 9:30. I was glad when that particular race was over. I went home and went straight to sleep.

today, slept in and then watched the GD play soccer for a couple of hours.

two more days off. Tuesday should be more laid back than tomorrow. I am going with a friend to acupuncture (her first visit) and then we will grab lunch. I have a list of things I hope to accomplish this week......

I hope everyone is well.

HODA: I love your reminder that fall is indeed near. It was 80 today and absolutely gorgeous, low humidity. a few leaves are just starting to turn....grass is a bit less green. but over all, it is still very "summer like". it will be a few more weeks before we have more fall like weather and scenery.

and I too love garlic!!!! I bet the festival was interesting!

good night to one and all!

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Autumn is just around the corner.
Texted Tobyn this morning asking about Robyn

This is her answer
" Good morning Hoda, Tori is well, numbers as of last night were where they needed to be. Today they will extubate her"

I have a mtg that I am not looking forward to...already people are being ugly!
Yikes! Too many egos and a lot of spinning!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle momlets

HODA Thanks for the info on Tori
Hope your meeting wasn't as bad as you anticipated

I will be picking up Jordyn all week after school. Carl is on call. She has decided she wanted to come to my house to do homework instead of hers, then I can drive her to Angie's work or she can come her to pick her up.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have a luncheon today. This time retired teachers. Do not go to this very often but occasionally do enjoy seeing some of these former compadres!

Yes Fall is getting closer. Countdown has started....,13 more days til we leave!

LYNNE......I have a concern and a question. Your FIL is such a jerk! How does he treat his wife? How does he treat her when you are not around? Big co cernfor Steve's mother!

Okay, time to get a move on. Have a great day!

Lolly said...

Oh oh...big typo! " Big concern for Steve's mother!"

stronghunter said...


Happy to see that you have found a new place, Lynne. Hope things work out well in this new spot. And happy that you will have at least a part-time job.

Haven't been to any of the retired teacher doings, Lolly. I got an invitation to join a group and didn't get around to sending a reply. Actually, I am pretty busy just doing my own things. Hope you do enjoy your gathering. Glad to know that you liked Savanna. '

Will try to come back later. Cheeto is \

stepping on the keyboard. It is dinnertime.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Gosh, it's been almost a week since I've been here! We've been really busy. We did go to IHOP to have breakfast with Ken's old work buddy, Chuck. It's Chuck's 65th Birthday today. It's also the 39th anniversary of our late daughter Heather Nicole's birth. She was only 15 when the Lord called her home, and it's hard to imagine her being 39! I wonder if she will still be 15 when Ken and I eventually join her there, or if she will have aged. We miss her still very much, but take comfort in knowing that we WILL see her again someday.

The weather here has been cooler (in the 70s and low 80s) here. Gets to the low 60s at night. ALMOST feels like fall!

Steve, thanks for the new thread and info on the camera. It will be wonderful to be able to see the nest, and maybe our eagles, again.

Prayers continue for Tori and Robyn. Very happy to hear that Tori is holding her own after surgery! Hoda, thank you for the updates!

Lynne2, what fantastic news! Your new place might be smaller, but I can guarantee it will be MUCH happier! And you'll be able to get your old job back, too! Thank GOD for prayers answered!

Oh--almost forgot to mention, we saw our resident squirrel yesterday! The little rascal was on the patio, shoveling in bird seed like crazy. What a piggy!

Well, I need to get back to work deleting e-mails again. Have been working pretty much nonstop on it, and am now down to 101,800 e-mails, having started with 111,000+. (Remember, each e-mail now has 11 or 12 duplicates.) There's no explanation for that, either. As I go, I find that my Windows Live Mail is moving somewhat faster, the more I delete, though.

Have a good evening, everyone, and I'll attempt to get back here later, after dinner. I ♥ us!

Lori O. said...

Happy Tuesday Momlets!

ANDREA, the ordeal with all those emails sounds daunting. No fun!

SANDI, I like your decision to use the Giant Green Arborvitae. No many people really need the 60 foot screen block so the GGA makes more sense to us too. That will not be cheap to get those out of there. Love to Potter. Another good idea taking him out to meet people. You never know who will fall in love with him.

JANET and HODA talking of fall reminds me that we have to close up the pool soon. I never realized it had to be done. When I lived in CA they were open and uncovered all year long. It was so dry for so long that the leaves have begun to fall on breezy days. The yard and pool are a mess already, so we definitely do not want the pool open when October comes around.

LYNNE2, glad to hear about your new digs! Hoooray!

My 28 different hosta will be shipped today (bare root) so I will need to get them in the ground soon! I'm so excited to finally have my hosta garden!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. So sorry I haven't been on here. We've had a lot going on. My Aunt Glenna, whom I am guardian of, fell (more like slid) onto the floor Monday night. She tried all night to get up and couldn't. T-bird went over about 11:00 and found her there. She has gotten so deconditioned and not sure why. She refused to go to the doc. Me or Thelma have been with her most of the time. On Sunday she wasn't able to get out of bed so I finally convinced her to go to the ER. We had been checking her temperature all week and she didn't have one. I suspected a urinary tract infection and sure enough, that was it. They admitted her for IV antibiotics and hopefully help get her strength back. Yesterday they asked her if she wanted to go to HealthSouth and she told them no. I said absolutely yes and she is agreeable now. She also has horrible knees, bone on bone. So with all that, working 2 jobs, going to meetings and watching Hayden some, I get a little overwhelmed. I have to say that T-Bird has been awesome through all of this. Not sure I could do it without her. Well Momlets, that is my novel for today. I love you all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Momlets

Good seeing LORI and SHARON on the blog once again So happy you got her to the hospital to get help SHARON The elderly do get stubborn at times

LORI happy planting I am waiting for fall to work in my yard Was 93 on MON temp suppose to bed 89 the rest of the week we will see on that Its to hot and our pool are closed even Adventure Island for the winter months STUPID I think

I am taking my tablet to the repair shop the port that the charger plugs in to isn't responding to my charger seems loose The charger does work it is the one I also can use for phone So I won't be on for a while No desktop never replaced it and now tablet is ILL LOL

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Enjoyed the luncheon yesterday. It is good to see teacher friends!

Nothing on the agenda today. Going to do a little house straightening. Also, going to head to CVS for our flu shots.

Another cool front will be heading our way and another chance of rain. Fingers crossed! I really want the ground to be soaked before we leave for four weeks. Sprinkler system will run but this will make me feel better. Hawkwood is looking good, but the caladiums are starting their decline. We have had roses all summer! Amazing! And, will this not so hot weather they are covered in buds.

College night at Joseph's HS. They went! OMG! I am not ready for this! Never too early to think about it, as Laurel stated!

I am slow moving....need to get busy! Happy Tuesday!

grannyblt said...

Good evening

Things are getting in gear for my fall/ wintertime journey to OK. Eleven more sleeps before I leave. Made motel reservations for the drive down. I've found I can temporarily disconnect my cable and wi-fi which will be a nice $ savings. I've arranged most of my bills to become e-statements and that sort of thing. Now to think the clothing situation . And Monday I got my flu shot. Today I got my hair cut very short, then had a meeting with my banker. I guess that meeting was to try to talk me into investing with them. Later I received a message from one of my nieces that she had to have a breast biopsy. She is absolutely scared to death and anxiously awaiting the results. Fortunately she has a very supportive husband. So if you could mention Erin in your prayers, it would be appreciated.

Happy to hear that Tori is doing as well as can be expected. And breathing on her own.

Glad that Thelma and Sharon have been able to help Glenna. I hope she recovers and is able to go home, or if that is not possible, adjusts to her situation.

Lori, all of my neighbors that have pools have already put them to bed for the winter. I would like a pool if it magically appeared when I wanted to swim, and disappeared when I snapped my fingers.

Hope everyone is doing well. SED

Hoda said...

Robyn wrote that Tori is breathing on her own.
Good news.
Lots of good experiences with people and Bears.

Some meetings. Interesting information.

Fall feels awesome. Hoping to get in a few more bike rides before the snow flies.

Feeling blessed and feeling gratitude.

Pleased that we are all busy and hoping that we are all well.

Good night.

Lori O. said...

Good morning!

It's the last hot day in sight, last of the 90's we'll probably see until next year! Lots to do here getting ready for the hosta that will arrive hopefully tomorrow, maybe Friday.

LYNNE1 How long will you be in OK?

SHAR, awesome for you and T-bird taking care of Aunt Glenna! Hugs for all of you. ♥

JUDYE, sorry about that tablet. Think it's worth fixing? I thought things like that were usually nearly as much to repair as to replace. Just tell 'em to do it fast, please. :)

Happy Hump Day!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

LOL. 11 more sleeps for us before we depart for New England. Maybe, Lynne, we will pass on the road!

Yesterday we got our flu shots and for the first time the pneumonia shot. Took Advil last night as both arms were sore. Much better today.

And, I get my hair cut next week before we head out.

Did not accomplish much yesterday as getting the shots took forever! We went to CVS and will probably go else where next year.
So, today picking up around the house and a tr to the grosssssserie store!

Have a great day!

I just have to say I have a smart kitty. I am sitting here in my recliner, but the foot rest was down. She just jumped to the arm of the chair and stared at the place the footrest should be. That is her way of telling me to put it up. Put it up and now she is curled up beside my legs.

magpie said...

Hellooooo Precious Eagle Pals... oh it has been a very long time since I showed up to say "Hi How'ra Ya' Doin'? I am so sorry, I broke bad on my resolve and our unofficial "Group Decision" to to check in at least once a week "these days." "If Possible."
I see there were 26 comments on Just This Thread....and wow, the posts pack a punch !

magpie said...

Well, I am not on here for very long now even, as I am at work....I have been busy, moved from the apartment to a half acre piece of the planet still inside the city limits of is taking a lot of work - and time - to get things situated....but I am happy, there is wildlife - deer, turkey, bunny rabbit, birds - and the neighbors are good....I always think I am getting closer to being freed up - so I can Schmooze more with you all I am keeping the Steam behind my Dreams...
Must shake a leg now, work duty calls....but Best Wishes to All, Good Health, Love and Energy !
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

A part of me wonders if "NU" will be going up to the tree, ☺ and if all that will be "live-streamed" for our viewing enjoyment !! Thanks Steve for the New Thread, and the cam updates....good luck with your computer.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Wore myself out this morning getting a haircut and shopping, so I came home and crashed for a bit. Trying to get ready for our trip south next week.

Nice to see you on the blog, Margy. We are both looking forward to seeing Nu go up that tree again. :)

Unknown said...

Good afternoon to all !

Another busy week.

LORI: yes, pools need to be closed and covered. We close and cover ours when the water temp reaches 65 degrees. That is the temp it needs to be for closing chemicals here. So we have roughly another month …thereabouts.

SHAR: hope things improve for you!! ((HUGS))
JUDYE: sorry for the technology woes! Hope you are back up and running quickly!
MAGPIE: so good to see your posts!
I am home early today and am glad. I find myself a bit tired today. Monday I woke up with a headache and had an acupuncture appointment anyway….it helped, but did not completely get rid of it. It edged back in yesterday afternoon…so this morning I got a massage. I knew the cause was the tension in the upper back and shoulders….thought my therapist would have to break out a jackhammer!!!! Lol
Things are busy here: let’s see:
Olivia is doing pretty well with school this year she has:
Language arts/reading/spelling
Personal finance
Drivers ed
US history/social studies

We finally got Niki a new job (michael’s gf). She is a hair stylist, and a very good one at that. But when she moved to Nashville from Lebanon and started in another shop (same company) she knew it would be slow. A year later, the situation has gone from the frying pan into the fire. So soon she will be starting @ ME ….at least till she can get her feet back under her financially and then she can scope out hair salons, etc to see if she would like to go back into that world

She has been working under the same general manager for almost 7 years now…and, when she complained to her, asked her to help her situation, a different salon, etc, well, the only options she gave were not acceptable. So I told her there are all sorts of salons in this area, you can take the time to find the one that suits you.

My oldest daughter: her dog is in the doggy hospital. Long story as short as I can: Trixie stayed with us for a few days while they were camping and she urintated…a LOT. I thought, hmmm, she might have a UTI or blockage of some sort and conveyed this to Chelsea. The vet did a round of antibiotics and that seemed to help….

So then, over labor day they went to FL and I had Trixie again. She urinated not as much, but certainly much more frequently than one might consider normal.
I mentioned this again to Chelsea. She thought it might be stress from our household. Possilble….
So, Monday night after she fed Trixe, the evening went well til just after bed time when she started to cry. They took her out. Nothing. Back to bed. More crying. Took her out. Nothing. Came back in and she vomits. So first thought is the dog food didn’t agree with her.
She kept vomiting. The next morning, she wasn’t even holding water down so they took her back to the vet. He thought it was the food as well, gave her some meds for the upset stomach and some fluids.
Later yesterday evening, she started to have seizures. Got her to the ER and she has BLADDER STONES.
They weren’t sure she was going to make it, but she did. There were two blocking her urethra and a bunch of stones in the bladder itself. Once they were able to move the two blockages and insert a catheter, they could begin an IV and flush her out. She was being poisoned by her own urine, basically.
So they will do surgery probably tomorrow or Friday,, depending on how she responds. Poor little girl.
My daughter is of course, beside herself. So I have spent a bit of time just talking with her.

Everyone else seems to be doing fine. It’s a beautiful day, but I’m taking the rest of it easy today. I’m going to finish this cup of coffee and go get Miss Amelia from school.
I hope everyone is doing well. HUGS and LOVE to each of you!

Lolly said...

Margy! Your new abode sounds perfect for you!! Wonder if you will get a bear to visit!! LOL

Home from running errands and now to tackle other jobs!

Hoda said...

Good morning.
Yes Margy!
Way to go on the new digs.
Happy for you.

Lollybawesome how deliberate you are about taking steps towards your trip. Not much longer now.

I am still with the Bears. Till end of September.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

I really like it when I get on in the morning and there are lots of comments, sad when there are not.😥

Hoda, next time we make it to Canada it will have to be in Sept to see the Bears!

Not much going on here. Twiddling our thumbs until next week when we get the trailer and start loading.

Trying not to think about our pecan trees while gone. You would not believe how loaded they are. The pecans look like clusters of grapes!

JudyEddy said...

POPPIN in while I can TABLET can't be fixed would be more than to buy one for 99
so now need to go buy a new one
I got a new battery for this lap top came up with message to replace battery for 59. later I have the lap top up and running it will do for now till I get tablet I love my tablet plus need it for bluetooth for fitbit Lap top I guess won't do it?
Right now I am sitting here listening to two guys making noise tearing the siding from the side of the house They came out this am we went to Home depot and got the material 1200. for both sides I am getting concrete siding instead of wood $5 cheaper per board and will last a life time But not doing front and back Like he said no need to do the expense to replace it now just wait till it needs done or maybe may never need replaced I can live with that He figured 2 guys maybe 2-4 days They are trying to get the one side done today 1400.00 for labor.
Poor Angie is down with her vertigo again Its been several months since she had a adjustment She is going at 4 today I guess. I think she needs to do a maintenance visit withh the dr this was as a preventive measure.

JudyEddy said...

MARGY you have been missed so nice seeing you here and your new abode sounds super nice and peaceful

Hoda said...

Blogger ate my comments twice!!!
Too tired to recompose!
Should have saved!!!

Unknown said...

good evening to all.

BLogger must have been hungry, HODA> lol.

JUDYE: hope Angie feels better quickly. yes, chiro is maintenance.

UPDATE on granddoggie, Trixie: still in the hospital. They have her stabilized and she is urinating on her own now. Tomorrow morning will be the surgery. Hopefully she will be home Sunday.

Two weeks from tomorrow I will be on vacation....and ready to head for Florida. JUDYE: I will send you an email with updated travel plans. :)

Sitting here enjoying a glass of pink moscoto.....bed time shortly!

nite all!

Hoda said...

Well Janet you got me laughing about blogger's hunger!!! Thank you.

Good experiences today.

Robyn says the trach for Tori tomorrow is so she can move and heal faster.

All good here. The bear guardian program will last till the 29th of Sept.
The fish numbers are down. I do not think they will last till the end of the month.
Today we only had 880 fish in the channel.
April and May will decide how successful the season has been depending on how many fry swim to the mouth of the channel to start their life in the lake...

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds up earlier than norm because of the work being done on my house He is running late I bet was up with new baby last night

I am using my lap top and not with the new battery the gentleman said that if I keep unit on desk after battery is charged just run with power no battery Silly me didn't know that it would run like that without battery in it but just remember to put back in every week or so to charge it
Angie is back at work today I went with her to the dr and they things he did to her just is odd that it would fix her that soon The thing looks like a drill and he places on the side of her head behind ear and wa-la she is better before that he runs a device down her back to loosen her up and 1 min later she is better ODD I say-- I guess the nerve is what he is manipulate to make her better, he is a brain, nerve dr and insurance doesn't approve of method but it works insurance or not covering it

JudyEddy said...

excitement in the hood LOL I have police in front of my house they have one car pulled over blocking my driveway questioning the person. There were about 5 patrol cars in the neighborhood over a couple of blocks I wonder what they are looking for

JudyEddy said...

Guys are here to do work Police were still here when they got here blocking my driveway but left shortly after One of the guys doing the work found out that there was a outstanding warrant for the guy they arrested and I guess the gal that was driving the car was helping the police get him She picked him up and drove off the stopped her under pretense of a traffic stop just to arrest him A sting of sorts I guess I hope he doesn't find out it was a set up for when he gets out of jail she may be in trouble

JudyEddy said...

gotta head to the bank want to get them funds out to pay the guys for the work, plus have some rolled change that I need to deposit in savings

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Out to mow this morning.

Cancer has taken another friend. Memorial service Sunday. Laurel is coming down and will stay for dinner.

Chance of rain for the last couple of days....nothing. Maybe this weekend. Hope! Hope! Hope!

Later Gators! Out I go!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Happy Red Friday!

SHAR, I'm really glad that T-Bird found your Aunt Glenna, and that you were able to get her to the ER and get her treated. Hope she's doing better by now. Has she moved to HealthSouth yet? Having her there will be much less stressful for you and T-Bird, I would imagine.

LYNNE1, sounds like you're well on your way to being ready for your OK trip! I've added your niece Erin to my prayer list.

MARGY, SO good to hear from you! Your new place sounds wonderful! I'm sure that getting settled and unpacked has been keeping you beyond busy, but it must be worth it to not have to deal with noisy upstairs neighbors and water leaks! Glad your new neighbors are good ones!....I'm wondering, along with you and Shirley, if we'll get to see Nu go up the tree!

JANET, hope that bothersome headache is finally gone! Sounds like Olivia has a nice mix of school subjects. Glad she's doing well....Happy that Niki has a new job, and will have a chance to look for a new salon job, if she wants one. Saying prayers for your daughter Chelsea's dog, Trixie! Boy, what a scary situation! Hope the surgery goes well, and she'll be home Sunday.

JUDY, hope you can find a new tablet! Glad the laptop is working for now. Sounds like quite a project on your house, but will be worth it, if it will last a lifetime. Glad the treatment worked for Angie!....Wow, quite a bit of excitement in your 'hood! Hope the gal won't be in danger later!

HODA, sorry that 2 of your posts got eaten! Thanks for the Tori update. Prayers continue for her rapid and complete recovery!

LOLLY, so sorry to hear that you've lost another friend to cancer! ((HUGS))!
Hoping that some rain will come your way before you leave on your trip!

Oh--forgot to mention that yesterday was Emma's 6th Birthday! We made sure to spoil her even more rotten than usual. Can't believe it's been 6 years already.
Time does fly when you're having fun!....Well, need to go make myself presentable so Ken and I can go walk at the mall. Have a great day, everyone!
I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY so sorry for the loss of another to the BIG C One day maybe there will be a cure

Just got back from making a HomeDepot run for the guys Got my 10,0000 steps in already today all before 12 Now I need a nap lol
The side of the house is almost done with the siding they just have to do the peak and then they will be back tomorrow to start otherside The sun is so bad on that side of the house they are working on now I feel for them in the heat 90 out now and they heat index is higher
I think they will be wrapping it up shortly when they complete the side
I am going to do the painting on it but not a rush a week or so maybe I have salt boards trim around the window and door frame that are a little green and he advised let it dry out some before painting it I have no issue with that

JudyEddy said...

I am heading to Walmart after I pick up Jordyn and buy a new tablet then to her house not coming back here I don't think with the hammering lol

talk with ya all later Hope everyone has a great day in no matter what you do just have fun doing it

Hoda said...

Tori sat up in a chair today. Robyn is encouraged by her progress! Blessed Be.

Hoda said...

Goodnight all.
Sweet dreams.

Unknown said...

Good Saturday morning to all.

UPDATE ON GRANDDOGGIE: Trixie had her surgery yesterday afternoon and all of the bladder stones were successfully removed. They hope to send her home today. Since she has not eaten in 6 days, “Tank” as I nicknamed her may be a bit thinner and need to eat. (she is not so much over weight, but the mix of the two breeds have her very short and stocky whereas my dogs are a much thinner breed, so tank is actually an endearment, lol) thank you for your kind thoughts and energies for her. Chelsea will certainly be much happier once that baby is home!

The headache finally abated wed afternoon. After I received a massage, I did do 90 min session, then I went home and just chilled. My shoulder and back muscles are actually sore from the spasms that I had been having.  time, a hot tub, and stretching will remedy that.

Niki came in and did her paperwork yesterday. She starts training this coming week. Her first official day to work is while I’m on vacay which is likely good.
My boss / friend gail totaled her car earlier this week. I didn’t find out til yesterday. ( I often fly under the radar and don’t find out about events til later, as in this case). She is okay, nothing broken but does have a concussion.
Did everyone see the beautiful moon last night? We were in the hot tub and I was moon watching. She was so beautiful. And my annual spider has taken up residence on the deck. I was able to snap some really neat pix with the moon light in the back ground.

HODA: I am sorry that fish numbers are down…but when you wrote that, please forgive my sense of humor, I see you, standing in the middle of the stream, in wading boots, pencil and paper in hand, counting fish. Sorry, but I had to chuckle. How in the world DO they really count the fish? I would think as with most fish they move rather quickly making it difficult to count…?????
MS> BOOKWORM; thank you for your kind words.
LOLLY: sorry about another friend passing. Cancer is but one of a few horrible diseases we must deal with in our lives…..and to be blunt, it sucks. (((hugs)) my friend.

All right, coffee is consumed. Must get up and get ready for work. Hugs and love to all.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Still no rain and going up into the 90's! Yucky!!

TCU plays at 11 this morn , so planting myself in my chair to watch!

Several years ago while traveling I started knitting a baby blanket but never finished it. So I have been working on it and finally finished it. Now I have started on a new project for this up coming trip. Making myself a TCU purple neck scarf! Think I am going to really like it! Made Laurel a white one a few years back so it is a pattern I have done before. Love to knit while traveling! Will knit today during the game!

Have lined up Masie from next door to take care of house plants as well as pots outside. On a roll! Checking preparations off list of things to do!

Have a great day!

Hoda said...

Good morning Lolly.
Love your excitement and your plans about the trip. Yes indeed checking things off lists brings a sense of accomplishment.

Wonder how Shirley is doing with her trip?

Awesome photo of Miss Freyja on Sandi's FB page.

Janet!!! No no no!
Never in the channels!
Do not wade in the channels! There are fish eggs there!
Four thousand dollar fine to come anywhere close to the water...
We are thinking we will have over 1500 eggs this season.
Laughing is good. When ever I wear waders I find it hilarious and difficult. They make them for people taller than me it seems like.
All good.
Volunteering with Grans and then the Parks. Yoga in between and theatre maybe this evening...
Blanched greens and freezing for winter soup add ons. Doing laundry before I head out to the Market.
Enjoy the day one and all.

JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle momlets

just walked in from going back to Walmart after buying the wrong fit bit last night I thought I got a good deal on clearance 49. but its the kind that you can't see your progress unless you have it hooked to a phone so back I went and got another one 99. not the one Angie wanted me to get this one has the heart rate on it The other didn't but Wmt no longer sells the one she had Would have to order online and wait I don't wait LOL Angie has my tablet up and running will get it maybe tomorrow if we go to Adventure Island shooting for it again.
I am charging the new fit bit and I will have to get it hooked up to tablet meanwhile I wear the one that I have now Angie is going to see if someone else wants to use to letting them kn ow it does require charging two times a day. instead of several days between charges. This way they can try it and if they like it like I did they can put the expense in a new one. I do think it motivates me more At first I didn't think I would want one.

My guys aren't coming until 1-5 today and return on MON I told them that they didn't have to come back till MON but he insisted gonna do the other side of the house dry it in and siding on MON
He has gotten several jobs in my area now across the street Ken is going to hire him also to do his house and his moms house that needs some work

Angie and Carl are in Tampa today with Jordyn She had a sleep over last night and they took them to Glazier Children Museum over there. Pretty cool place!
I think they also took Flat Stanley (FS) with them for pictures also We are taking FS to adventure island also I got him laminated also after my adventure with him at the beach He looked pretty bad after a hour or so in the humid hot beach scene LOL

I had FS for one day and took him to the beach and park with the jet, and on the back of a train, 911 memorial park, VA park took about 50 pictures
I really had a blast doing it funny huh
I think the reason is because I meet so many people as I was doing it you know curious people watching me taking pictures of a paper doll. Also got pictures with a nice police man at the park when I stopped to see the eagle in the tower. and the officer insisted I get in the picture with him and FSI was up there talking with a couple ladies which took our picture. He gave me his business card to email the picture to him also. I want to put on their FaceBook page but didn't want Becky to see it LOL Trying to keep a secret of what he is doing on vacation in Fl
Funny thing is on the beach while I had him on a hammock the wind picked him up and me and another person went running after him in the sand dune area of the beach. It would have been a funny thing to get on video LOL
Becky (lives in PA) a cousin child in in Kindergarten and its is a project due in OCT They wanted us to keep him a day or so and send on But Angie told them there is to much to do for a day that we would keep him a couple of weeks Winter the Dolphin Aquarium is the next stop for him I probably will do that next week Angie has free tickets so won't cost me a thing

JudyEddy said...

I put some pic of Flat Stanley outing with me LOL

Flat Stanley on vacation from PA

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends. It's a greyt day for greyhounds and the people who love them!

I took Potter & Janey to the adoption event at the Tractor Supply Store in Salisbury. A family showed up that had read about Potter on the GPA-DE website. Mom, Dad, an 8th grade son and a 5th grade daughter. They just moved to the area and the kids are lonely because the community they moved into is mainly 2nd homes that don't have year-round residents living in them so they don't have a lot of friends nearby. They have 2 Chiweenies (a mix between a chihuahua and a dachshund) but the son has become obsessed with owning a greyhound. The mom said that Nathaniel has read everything he can find about the breed.

Nathaniel took Potter's leash and took him for a jog all around the outside of the store. Potter looked back at me at first like he wasn't sure what was going on, and then he took off jogging and never looked back. By the time they were finished, Nathaniel was grinning from ear to ear, Natalie was jumping up and down and clapping her hands, and Potter was leaning into Nathaniel's legs.

Next step is for the parents to complete the online application and then for me to take Potter to their house to meet the Chiweenies and hope he doesn't try to eat them! I explained to Kari, the mom, that Potter is living with 2 small dachshunds here but admitted that they have such bad bathroom habits that they live in an exercise pen and don't really mingle with Janey and Potter.

Please keep your fingers crossed because I don't think I could find a family that would love Potter more than these folks would! I just couldn't stop smiling watching Nathaniel and Natalie interacting with him!

Emerald, the other foster greyhound that attended the adoptathon also found her forever home today. A lady came who had already been approved by GPA-DE to adopt. She lost one of her greyhounds about 6 months ago and the other one, Dakota, is very lonely without her sister. Dakota liked little Emerald so the lady went home with a new greyhound. Laurie, the foster mom, was a little misty-eyed but happy that Emerald had found her place and her people.

And a note about my doxies with the bad bathroom habits - the dog door is working! All pee and poop are going on the fake grass pad that I bought for out on the deck. Every evening I just hose off the pad and hang it up to dry til the next day. Bella and Jenni love going outside whenever they want. They're happy, I'm happy!

The weather the past couple of days has been beautiful. I'm really ready for the cooler temps.

Hoda said...

Keeping my fingers crossed Sandi.
I hope it rocks with the little dogs.

So happy Autumn is in the air. Working on letting go of summer...

Enjoying the cooler weather with window still open...

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Sandi....I love that Potter was leaning on the boy's legs! That is awesome! A match made in heaven!

In my memories on fb today was a message from Jo. It wished us a great trip and may we see moose. How great is that?!!!

Ready to leave for church. Then a memorial service this afternoon. Laurel will be here.

All chance of rain has missed us. Going to be a hot, dry week. did a great job with Flat Stanley! I am sure he enjoyed his Florida vacation!

Hoda said...

Good morning.

Very touching Lolly about Jo.
Miss her.

Sandi I hope the paper work is sorted out for Potter and that the family prices valid in the interview.

Enjoy the day everyone. Awesome Autumn energy all about.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Hoda, very glad to hear that Tori is sitting up in a chair! Prayers for her continued rapid improvement. I hope the fish count will be up this time!

Janet, glad the headache finally left you! Very happy that Trixie's surgery went well. Hope she's back home now and eating once again!

Sandi, sounds like a furever family may have been found for Potter! I sure hope so! Glad that Bella and Jenni are developing better bathroom habits, too. That's great that Emerald found a new home!

Lolly, I'm glad that you've got someone lined up to take care of your indoor and patio plants. Sorry it's going to be so hot again, and with no rain! Hot here again today, too--91. They predict more heat until maybe Thursday, when it should be down to 81.
Hope the memorial service for your friend was a nice one. That's awesome that you got a message from Jo in your Facebook memories! I still miss her so much!

Judy, I love your pictures of Flat Stanley! Ken now has a new Fitbit, too. They sent him a new one when the battery failed in his, and it wouldn't keep up with his steps count. It's nice that the workmen are almost finished with your new siding. Bet it will be nice to not have to listen to all that hammering!

Well, guess I'd better go get Emma's dinner ready. If I don't, she'll start reminding me soon! Have a good evening (or what's left of it), everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. I ♥ us!

glo said...

Good evening everyone. Sunday night seems to be my stop by the blog night. I hope that's ok. I am usually playing catch up with something all week and Sunday afternoons I begin to get my head back on straight :-). So happy to read soem good doggie news from Sandi Memoreis of Mema Jo 90% of the time there is a comment from her on my memories. Miss her so very much. Hoda's story and visual of her in waders make's me smile. Janet I am glad Trixie is recovering well. I had a little dog who needed emergency surgery for stones ones. I shall never forget that night and morning. Well tomorrow is Friendship Manor with Patches. Thursday will be her final observation for her Therapy Dog International Certification. She has certainly changed over the past 18 months in so very many ways. We aren't there yet but this is certainly a very big week and quite a milestone in both our lives if all goes well. I still have not said anything on her page or even my wall on facebook. I just need to wait and know when it is done. I am in the process of filling out our application as a therapy team at the hospital. Several things as the human I must do before we can start our visits once accepted. will turn those papers in this week too. Both cats are doing well enough. Gabby walks like an old old kitty now but she is good. Zoey remains on daily meds and for right now seems stable. Stay tuned for next weeks adventure OH and eagle season is only a couple of months or so away. Yeah yeah yeah :-) AOYP everyone.

Unknown said...

Good late Sunday evening to one and all!

HODA: wow! I never thought about that! Yes, one would need to stay out of the water and be respectful of the breeding cycle! I certainly never considered all of that! My brain just went to the funny side, knowing how meticulous you are, I could see you counting fish, and the fish cooperating!
You are an amazing woman and I learn so much from you!

JUDYE: the visual in my brain of you and your vacation date with Flat Stanley cracks me up! Maybe you should have sent him to visit HODA ….lol. Between the two of you, I am sure her FS would have been the most well traveled and educated one of the bunch!

SANDI: sounds as if Potters people have found him, thanks to you and your dedication! Sending up thoughts of uniting Potter with his peeps!

MS> BOOKWORM and GLO: hugs and love! Thanks
Yes, Trixie the GD is home. They removed over 100 stones from that poor baby. They sent 2/3 of them out for analyzing and gave 1/3 to Chelsea. They range in size from teeny to the size of your pinky nail.
The vet said the reason she started to have seizures is because the bladder was so full of stones and urine that is was about to burst. If that had happened…….just thank good ness it did not.
I have good news; think I may have found someone to take over cleaning the massage clinic! I’ll know in a day or so.
Tomorrow is my only other day off this week; I work Tues – Sat. Twelve more sleeps til vacation…..
Good night to all. Good to see all of you on here! Sweet Dreams!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle MOMLETS

got up early didn't recall what time Justin said he would be here
Not here yet The side they are doing is shaded all day so that may be why they aren't hear earlier to beat the sun LOL I am so sleepy after a long day at Adventure Island yesterday
Was a super nice day there as always

Lolly said...

Good morning! Today really starts our preparations for our trip. Going to move pots to make things simpler for Macie to water. Wish Joseph lived closer so I could pay him!

First thing Jack had to do this morn was cut down a big limb off a pecan tree. It is really sad how the big limbs are breaking under the weight of so many pecans. We do hate leaving the trees!

Tomorrow I need to tend to the garden at church, Wed hair appointment, Thursday get the trailer and start our loading! Sometime need to buy groceries to load.

Have a great day!

WVJerry said...

Just stopping by to say hello. Sorry for not posting for a while. Been having some issues at home. I would prefer not to discuss it here. Not sure how things will turn out right now. It is not health related and not life threatening which is good. Just know that there is no need to be concerned. Also I see good news about the Cam and potential for work to be done soon. Leaves will be gone soon. I have been wanting to drive down that way the last few weeks but haven't had much time. Hope all is well for you and yours. I've been keeping up some on Facebook. I am on vacation this week and have been trying to catch up on some home-related things that have been put off lately to Rhonda's illness last year and my son working for about a year. I am not helpless but just can't accomplish much by myself. Talk later and take care all.

Hoda said...

Whatever is going on, you are not alone and you have friends in us. Sending you wellness and a sense of healing to all involved.

Good day here.

Grateful for it all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Momlets

Yearly gyno appt at 1010 sitting here waiting Justin is here by himself to do caulking and petty work he says. His friend is a 911 operator and I think he worked him to hard I hope he show up to help him on Thurs to do the other side. The siding would be to heavy for one JMHO

Lolly said...

Good morning! (Still 4 minutes of morning here!)

Got to church early to weed and water . Official high yesterday was 100. Not good Presently 93. Not good! I will hate to leave Sunday with it so hot!

Going to harvest more basil today and make more pesto.

At church we have a preschool. We have 2 fenced playgrounds. One is sort of enclosed by the building. It is small, grassy and a little shaded. Well, apparently someone from close by apartments is using the small playground as a dog park. Dog poop! So they had to put a lock on the gate. Poop has stopped. Can you imagine taking your dog to a child's playground and then not cleaning up the poop! Takes all kinds in this world! I even found some in the prayer garden!

Time to get with the pesto! Have a great day!

Hoda said...

Lolly! No I can not imagine the dog poop on church property period. Part of what I have learnt from volunteering at the Park is 98% of the people are with common sense. Then you get the one or two percent who simply were not in line when God was handing out brains!!! When I walk them through it by asking them to describe what they did, they know exactly what it was. When I ask them to connect to why their actions are problematic they have no clue. They are surprised and they apologise!!!

Sorry you are worried about the trees.

Thinking of Tori, Robyn; Doug, Lydia; Jerry and Glo's friend's son. He was in the hospital a while back...hoping Wanda's daughter is also doing well after her surgery.
Certainly sweater weather here. Socks I am sure this week!!! 3 Celcius here last night!
Windows are still open though. Aiming for October!
Have an awesome day.

Lynne2 said...

Hi everyone. Sorry I've been absent. Many things have been happening that I couldn't begin to tell you about but everything is OK. Just know I have been following comments and each of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Will update as soon as I can...

Hoda said...

Very happy to see you checked in Lynne. Wanting to hear more. Yet simply checking in tells us you are safe and sound.
Stay well
Not much longer and you are out of there!
Can not wait!!!

AZPatti said...

Hello all, more Jo memories here. I've been so excited today for tonight is the season premiere for some of my favorite TV shows. And then, bam! Jo is not going to see her Terrific Tuesday TV. :-(

All is well here, just a bigger to-do list than I have time for. Things should calm down in the next couple of weeks. As Lynne2 says, each and every one of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Including Jerry and his, Lolly and her friend's family, and Potter and Nathaniel and Natalie.

Hi Margy! The new digs sound awesome!

Janet, so glad Trixie, aka Tank, is recovering nicely.

Happy Birthday, Emma!! Ask your mom for extra hugs from me!

Wondering how Lori's hosta garden is coming.

Off to put dinner together so it's done by Terrific Tuesday TV time. Wishing everyone a wonderful evening and SED.

Unknown said...

Good evening to all

JERRY: whatever the issue is, I am keeping you and yours close in my heart and thought that all may work for your highest and greatest good.
Its been an interesting day.
As many of you know, or have heard, we have a gas shortage here in the south/east. This is the thing, (and I missed it all when it initially happened on Friday) apparently as everyone aside from me was aware that day, there was a crack in the pipeline that brings gas up to this area. The governor said do not panic, just fill your vehicles as normal and we should have this taken care of soon.

What do you think happened? There was a run on gas. I have about a half tank in the wagon and the mazda and tom found gas on the other side of town and put gas in the truck. I saw a station that appeared to have gas this morning… thought I would fill up the car and at 26 cents, the machine stopped, they were out of gas. :/ so on our side of town there is basically no gas. Chelsea said she filled up okay yesterday and another gal that lives a bit further out said she filled up okay as well, so hopefully this will resolve quickly.
Know what else happened? And this cracked me up. There was apparently also a run on bread milk and eggs. Guess they think its gonna snow an dthey will celebrate by making French toast!

So there’s that.
I did some grocery shopping today and then proceeded to pre cook meals for our trip in 10 days. I have a lasange, some spaghetti sauce, some taco meat, burgers, and hot dogs in the freezer waiting to go. Our freezer in the RV is rather small. Thankfully there are grocery stores everywhere. Lol.
It felt good to start to get ready for the trip.
JUDYE: hope your dr apt went well.
Trixie aka Tank continues to improve. She returns to the vet tomorrow to check her kidney values….thank you for your continued concern.
Now the son in law and youngest granddaughter have strep throat. When it rains…………….
Good night to all. Hugs, light, and love for all

Hoda said...

Sad about Super Tuesday TV!
I think Jo has a lot better program going on right now, so no worries!!!
All Good!!!
How about Brangelina split!
Media covered it more than all the important happenings today!!!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Ok, all who live near NCTC. We are going to be there Sunday, Oct 16. Get together is at 2:00 at Wanda's! Hope to see you there! Please let her know if you will be there? Jack and I will be, for sure. As well as Wanda's daughters.

Do to be done shortly! Oh, so ready to leave!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Delphia, Yahoo mail indicates that this is a special day for you. Here's hoping you have a very Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful year ahead out there in "life on the Wild side"!

I'm having a big week---an old friend will arrive this afternoon and head for her TN home tomorrow morning. We'll have to talk a mile a minute to get the world's problems solved in such a short time. Sunday I'm hosting a neighborhood Hen Party to introduce some new residents to each other and to some old timers. I think it's wise to do this while the house is as clean as it ever gets.

Prayers continue for the nicely recovering TORI and for all in need of special blessings.


JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle momlets had GM typed here so being I didn't hit publish will just not send that part
Had another interesting day with Flat Stanley
Winter The Dolphin lots of pic
War Veterans Park, Seminole got picture on Tank that is there
Fort Desoto Park, St Pete cool old fort from 1898 lots of pic of cannons and the jail and fort

Found out that Jordyn class will be doing this also this year

anyone want a visitor to take out on the town LOL Let me know Not positive when they are
doing it

my fit bit says it needs to take a nap LOL 21 flights of stairs it says I did Lots of stairs at the fort that goes on top of it being half is in the ground and steps at Winter

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DELPHIA! Hope you're having a wonderful day!

Jerry, glad to hear that whatever is keeping you busy is not health related or life threatening! Hope you'll be able to get it done, whatever it is. We're all thinking of you, and hoping that everything works out well.

I've been diligently deleting e-mails in every spare moment, and have whittled them down to 94,000! (Remember, I started with over 112,000!) Talk about something being time consuming! Yikes!

Janet, so glad that Trixie is doing well at home. Hope her re-check at the vet's today goes well.

Judy, hope your Dr. appt. goes well. Golly, your house will soon be finished!

Lolly, what a shame that some irresponsible person would leave dog poop in a child's playground, or anywhere on church grounds! What's wrong with some people?! Sorry to hear that the pecan trees are so overloaded they can barely handle it! Hoping they will be OK while you're gone.

Glo, glad to hear that your kitties are doing well, and that Patches is soon to be certified! She really has come a long way!

Lynne2, glad to see you checking in here. Good to know that you are OK. Can't wait until you've moved!

Patti, Emma says thank you for the extra hugs!

Janet, I certainly hope the gas crisis in your area is over soon! Not fun! Hope your SIL & GD get over the strep in record time!

Kay, hope your visit with your friend is a great one, although undoubtedly too short.

Prayers continue for Tori, and for all here that need them. I should get going and do a few chores, then get back to the ever-present e-mails! Have a good evening, everyone. I ♥ us!!!

Unknown said...

good evening to all. just a quick check in. I managed to get a tank of gas today; there are stations still empty, all nozzles covered. but a few have regular. they say there is a temp. fix and the fuel will start flowing again tonight. we shall see.


its a beautiful day here. its been a good day. I am thankful.

I think I told you all our boss (gail) has a car accident last Monday. she is out for the rest of this week; CT scan confirmed concussion. she is seeing double right now.

niki started training @ massage envy today. I am anxious to hear how her day went.

tomorrow fall begins! wishing each of you a blessed fall equinox!


JudyEddy said...

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear DELPHIA ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ And many, many, many more!!
***Sending birthday wishes your way***

Hoda said...

Happy Autumn Equinox.
Good to read your post today Kay.
Enjoy your visitor's company.

All good here.
The school program volunteering ends on the 29th. I will miss the children. The fish are almost all gone. Four of the Bears have moved on. The cameras in the Park have only recorded Mama Bear and three Cubs, also He Who Limps...
Stay well all.

Robyn reports that Tori is making good progress... Walking to therapy tomorrow...

Lolly said...

Howdeeeee!, trying to remain calm, though Jack is really on edge. Problem with the electrical cord on the trailer. The one that plugs into the car. Plans were to get the trailer today. Went to get it last night and nothing worked! Finally got a repairman but he is not going to the trailer until tomorrow. So, no trailer here at the house. No loading the trailer! Jack has gone back to the trailer, one more time, to see my f he can find the problem. Good thoughts, please!😪

In the mean time I have been working in the yard. Now going to go bake cookies. Can not pack!😪😪😪😪

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon all.

Phew, I've just mailed boxes of winter clothing to OK for my extended visit there. The temps are still in the 90's there now, so I also have to bring summer things. I think of our pioneer ancestors that were lucky to have 3 changes of clothing and wonder where I came from. I need more variety than that. My car will have a suitcase, two larger cat carriers, two people plus my Bose CD player/radio and my Vitamix. Also tote bags of various things. I'm planning to get my own place, and have my things that have been in storage for several years brought up from TX. My daughter flies in tomorrow and we will leave early Saturday, planning to arrive Sunday evening. I may "see" Lolly on the highway. I'll wave.

Good to hear the encouraging Tori report.

Hope you had a nice whirlwind visit with your friend, Kay.

Jerry, I hope your issues are getting better. I guess that is just life. Just when things are going well, something else pops up.

It will be nice to see the cam again.

Break time over, more to do. Hope all are well.

Sandi said...

Hello my eagle friends - happy first day of fall! Still feels like summer here.

Jerry, I have been thinking about you since reading your post. I hope things resolve themselves in a way that is favorable for you.

Lynne1, safe travels to OK!

Lolly, hope the electrical problem with the trailer is an easy fix and doesn't delay the start of your trip. Safe travels for you and Jack as well.

A family has submitted an application to adopt Potter. They don't have a cat, they don't have a parrot, they don't have toddlers, and they met him last Saturday and loved him. Hopefully he will be in his forever home by the first of October.

I think my hummingbirds have all headed south - will keep the feeders out a little longer for any passing through.

Time to walk the big dogs - later all!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle momlets

YEAH. SANDI hope the adoption is a go

LOLLY hope the trailer is a easy fix

HODA thanks for TORI updates

KAY enjoy your company even if for a day. Hen party I can hear the clucking now LOL

LYNNE1 safe travels sounds like you will be covered in the clothing Dept for all seasons.

JERRY Hope things are working out and all turns out

JANET I hope your gas crises is over soon! Yikes would not like it either!

ANDY hope your email woes are soon over.

They finished stripping and siding the other side today. I was shocked they were gone by time I got home at 330
He said it was a price of cake all squared and simply slapped it up. Not hardly any cuts compared to the peak side. All that is left to do is the trim on Windows and clean up. He said he could quote me if I wanted him to paint. I think I will ask just curious! No looking forward to the peak side on tall ladder! Sunny side of house also. Just wish wasn't so HOT out. Fall is no in FL!
88 put now got to 90 earlier.

JudyEddy said...

I discovered on my tablet I can now speak and it types it for me I love this I'm going to get so lazy no more typing maybe no more spelling errors testing testing testing I love my new tablet I can talk forever

AZPatti said...

Afternoon, all! Just a quick check-in and read back. Sounds like things are mostly okay if you don't count electrical issues with a travel trailer that's supposed to be heading out soon.

Happy belated birthday, Delphia!

Off to get dinner underway early so we can watch the Texans football game. Wishing everyone a wonderful evening and SED.

JudyEddy said...

Okay now that I can talk and it types it for me let me tell you the story when I went to Winter the dolphin. My plan was to go and ask them at the window if I could just go in for a half an hour to take a few pictures I was willing to give them $10 as a donation. While I was in line I was talking with a couple talking about Flat Stanley and what I was doing. The young lady whisper to her husband in his ear. She turns around and offers me to go in with them cause they had a family package for the day. So naturally I said yes and I in turn gave her the $10 to put towards some souvenirs for her children. Oh my goodness I just love this talk and type. Sandi will love it also! I just have to remember to say the word period. After each sentence!

Hoda said...

Safe travels Lynne1 and Lolly and Jack.
I hope it is all good for the start of your trip on time Lolly.

All good here. Wet. Cold.
38 fish in the channels!
The Salmon run is almost over!
Three more school days coming to the park.
They will not see the salmon.
I expect by Saturday what is in the channels will be done.
Good season.
I will go count the exiting salmon in May.
I hope they do well.
Lots of theatre and music this weekend.
The college is putting on an International Peace Conference.
God Bless us All...

glo said...

Well I did read back quickly. lots going on. Some good and exciting, some needs covered in prayer. I can do that. I am not even going to start listing all of you individually because I know I will forget to mention one and then I will feel bad so I too will say I honestly do hold you all in my thoughts and prayers. Judy I sure would love to talk and have this thing type for me :-).

I really stopped in quickly tonight to say Patches has passed her 3 separate observations at the hospital to become a certified Therapy Dog. What a journey we have been on and what a little trooper she is. As I said on facebook. Patches has patched up her life, my life and is now adding smiles and positive things to folks who just need what she brings into a room. I will mail off all of her papers, tests etc tomorrow. There is really lots to send in. I hope she gets her little red tag soon. We will also both meet the head of Caring Canines at the hospital we did the testing at one day next week and begin the orientation and things required now to join their team. AOYP good night

Hoda said...

Woof Woof Woof Patches!
Well done!
Way to go Glo too.
You worked wonders with her.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle bud. Sure was nice able to sleep in this morning. But while I was in the shower I got a phone call from Justin saying that they're coming over at 12 today instead of finishing the job tomorrow. But I still got to sleep in I got to went to bed at 1:06 and got up at 9 got my 8 hours sleep. Not much on my agenda today was going to hang around the house. But since they're coming over and I'll be hearing the pound pound I guess I'll be going out for a while. Hope everybody has a great day and no matter what the do. And yes I talk type this love the feature on my tablet then make take much to make me happy haha. If only I could say publish without lifting a finger and have the tablet publish it for me also haha LOL

JudyEddy said...

Great news on patches GLO
Sure am enjoying the pictures on Facebook that you put up her on it she is such a cutie. Trying to figure out should I call Angie for lunch we did lunch yesterday but i would like some clam chowder. The funny thing is Jordyn loves New England clam chowder. The maze how many people at the restaurant thank God oh my God she eats that. I also eat calamari.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Good news!, Trailer is repaired and in drive. Out to load. Back later!

JudyEddy said...

FYI I just thought I'd let you know that Romeo and Juliet is all cameras up and running as of yesterday I think it was here's the link in case you need it. They were at the mess last night about son down for a while. And they're also in the Mist in the morning and throughout the day. Because they are nest building and I love it the guy that sings around to find them when they're in the tree. Wonder how far from the tree is the area that he operates the camera from just curious!

Romeo Juliet eagle cam getting nest ready

Also the Fort Myers mas is coming along real good now every day they bring in sticks and Moss to add to the nest. So many people are down there taking pictures and posting them daily on Facebook which is too cool to watch the nest gets bigger every day.

JudyEddy said...

Fort Meyers nest mas LOL

Hoda said...

Very much Autumn energy.
Thinking of Lolly and Lynne1 and Lynne 2 and Lydia as the undertake major shifts in location. I think Janet is travelling to Florida. Shirley is on the move too...

Stay safe everyone.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Wow, Lolly, I sure am glad the trailer got repaired, and you were able to get going!
Hope all is well, and you have a safe journey.

Lynne1, wishing you a safe trip, too! Hoping that Shirley will be able to post soon, and let us know how she is doing. Golly, so many of us are on the road!

Lynne2, have been thinking of you, too. Hope all is well with you and Steve.

Glo, what fantastic news! Congratulations and belly rubs to Patches!

JudyE, that's pretty cool that you can just dictate your posts now! Sounds like your siding will be finished today, too! Should be a MUCH quieter weekend!

Hoda, Ken and I have had a few days of fall-like weather, but now they say we will be roasting again this weekend, and the first half of next week. We even have a hot weather advisory in effect. BOO! Please send some of your wet and cold in our direction! Glad to hear that Tori is doing so well! Thank you for the updates.

I had more fun (NOT!) with the e-mail today--it froze on us, and I had to spend another hour or so on the phone with the IT guy from India again! It seems that Windows came up with 10 updates today that we somehow missed. It did help some to do all the updates, but everything was still drastically slow after I got off the phone, that I had to "clean up" a bunch of temporary internet files and do some more maintenance to get things running smoother. This is getting old fast!

Well, it's late, and I need to go clean up the kitchen. We are going to visit our friends Jim and Darlene again tomorrow, and I don't want to come home to a mess!

There's so much going on with everyone that I'll just say that I'll remember all of you in my prayers. Will try to get back here tomorrow evening with an update. God bless, and goodnight. I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds.

I have decided to have Justin paint the house. If I wasn't having back issues with my lower back hurting I would do it myself but getting on top of the ladder to do the peak too much for me right now. That is another reason why I quit decorating the house for Christmas because my back hurt. Sucks getting old doesn't it LOL.
Nice and quiet here this morning. He decided to go out on the boat today. He runs a charter boat out on the beach. I'm going to see what kind of deal he can get for us to go out of the boat one day I think he said he can get up to eight on it.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Last minute loading today as well as a good soaking of house plants and outdoor pots.

14 yo girl from next door is our plant person. When will water indoor plants twice while we are gone and outdoor pots every 3 or4 days, depending on the weather. It is predicted that we may get as much as 2 inches of rain Sunday and Monday. Also, weather is cooling down. Highs to be in the 80's. This is what I have been wanting! PTL

Will get on line when we have wifi.

Better get busy!

Hoda said...

Lydia got pounded by her neighbours!!!!
Do not worry!
That is not as violent as it sounds.
She moved to Virginia and it is a custom there to bring a pound of butter, flour,... A generous act rather!
Those Southerners do it right!
What a lovely basket she received.
All is well.

Tori should be up and walking some more today. Robyn is exhausted but doing well.

All good here. Feeling grateful.

grannyblt said...

Good eve in. Halfway to OK. Traveling with my cats is not fun. Thankfully we will be there by this time tomorrow. SED to all.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Trying to read back. I have been traveling this week--Savanna, Jekyll, Island, and St. Simon's Island, GA, then Parris Island and Beaufort, SC. We had fun. Will try to post some pictures.

No, GB, traveling with cats is not fun. Kitties are not like dogs when it comes to car trips, and they do tell you about their disapproval. I remember a trip to Northern Virginia with George back a few years ago. Lots of meowing. Hope you and your kitties arrive in good shape.

Saw Lydia's pictures of the pounding and the new digs, Hoda.

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE1 so sorry about the cats not traveling well. I remember taking my cats to the vet on my goodness I do remember them meowing the whole way there it was horrible.

Lolly said...

Annie was horrible going to the vet. We always boarded her when we went on trips! However, Skippi is very sweet. She never makes a sound. Is content in her cat bag. I hold her or she is on the back seat. I can reach around and pet her as her head is out. Every time we stop I take her to the trailer, let her out of her bag and she is free to eat or go to her box. I think she would be so unhappy being boarded. She is such a social kitty. She loves people.

We are loaded. Have been since early afternoon. Also, cleaned house so it will be nice when we return in 4 weeks.

Shirley, are you coming to Wanda's Sunday, Oct 16 at 3:00? Hope so! Wanda, her daughters, Paula, Megan, and Margy will be there. Jack is looking forward to being the only guy! Lol. Told Paula to bring Larry. Oh, and Mits is going to try to come as well as Lydia. Any others? Hope So!

Time to get ready for bed. We will be away about 8:30 is my guess. Hope to be close to Memphis tomorrow. Maybe just to Little Rock. All depends on how we feel. Night all! God bless!

Hoda said...

Bon Voyage Lolly.
Look forward to you finding wifi so you would check in.

The Royals have landed.
Amazes me how The Duchess can come down the plane Carrying her daughter and her son reaches for her and she extends a hand. All the while with these impossibly high heels and no railing! Smiles through it all. Young George looks like he has outgrown his jumper...
Good day so far.
Will check in later.

Unknown said...

good morning to all. it is sunday morning.... and yes I am alive.
it was a bit of a rough week. but we muddled thru.

the gas crisis continues; although they say they repaired the break in the line. I still see quite a few gas pumps covered and a few stations 0.00 which means, no gas. there are more stations with gas, mostly regular. but you can get gas now....thankfully. sheesh. I don't know what sort of nonsense would happen should there ever be a REAL crisis. this just justifies my thought that we need a non-fuel based light rail that can get you thru the city and to points beyond.
okay,stepping off of the soap box now.

we leave Saturday for florida. big trip ahead. we are heading straight to Orlando. we are taking Olivia to Disney. we took her back in 2007, Michael was about 15 and Olivia 6 ish....and so she remembers bits and pieces. so we are taking her a couple of years she will not want to travel with us.

from there, on Wednesday, we will head to saint Augustine (my favorite east coast florida city) and stay by the beach. on Friday Tom and I will go to Daytona to do the Richard petty driving experience! so excited.

We plan to see JUDYE ! and some others whom we know that live there.

As for the shoulder spasmed up Thursday morning during a massage. I tried putting the TENS unit on and working, but to no avail. I came home and slept
a bit, as we know I do when I dont' feel well.

Friday the spasm was gone, but as anyone who has had a Charlie horse in a muscle knows, the next few days the muscles are sore as if someone pounded them with a meat mallet. so I made it thru Friday, but was not my favorite day.

Friday also, I left work @ 2:15 to go get Mia from school. I jump on I 40 East towards downtown to get to her school. I can go via Charlotte Avenue, but its a lot of stop lights. On the interstate, it takes about 20 min to get there.

What I didn't know was between the school exit and where I was, a dump truck had fallen off of a bluff (about 40 feet) that had a construction site and landed on the interstate, involving a tractor trailer and a couple of cars. The interstate was a hot mess. I had to call Chelsea and get her to get chris to go get mia. I made it home....but sheesh. what a mess. To the best of my knowledge no one died during the incident, and I have not heard of injuries, which is unbelievable in my mind. it took over 5 hours to clean up the mess.

Yesterday was much better, but was sure glad when it was 3 p.m. I was tired and ready to come home.

Olivia had a friend spend the night, and I determined I didn't feel like cooking, so it was pizza night.

Today is the "last" day of our summer like temps, 90's. the plan is to get the ladder out of the pool and put away some outside stuff. I think rain is in the forecast for tomorrow, then cooler temps; 70's for a few days.

I hope everyone is well.

SANDI: so glad you seemed to have found POTTER a fur ever home..... he looks to be such a sweetie. will you foster again?

LOLLY: thinking of you on your travels! :) enjoy!

will try to check in later! love to all

Hoda said...

From Robyn about Tori:

Tori can walk, she will walk the hallway soon, possible swallow study tomorrow

Hoda said...

Too much!
Sorry for the tough week.
I can not imagine working with a frozen shoulder or its after effect. Be careful.

Hoda said...

Lolly covered 400 miles.
Skippi travelled well.
Here is her main message:
" We have stopped for the night. We are in North Little Rock, AK. Trying not to use phone too much without wifi. Got away shortly after 8:30. Plug in was giving us trouble causing much stress. But, it finally was working and off we went!"
All good she said.

Unknown said...

Yes HODA, way too much for one week. But that which does kill us.....and thankfully I don't have a frozen shoulder, per se, just a chronic condition in which it periodically spasms and is about useless until I get the spasm broken. that is why I do all that I do for self care.

So glad TORI is continuing to improve!
and thanks for the LOLLY update

heading out to clean ME in a bit. will check in when I get home.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds.

Unknown said...

Good morning everyone!

Lolly said...

Good morning! About ready to hit the road! Made it to North Little Rock, will see how far today! Raining yesterday when we left home. Yay! Driving not so good in rain, but we were out of it in no time!

Skippi is doing great. Loves the trailer except for quick stops at rest areas or gas station. Noise of trucks bothers her. She is traveling in her cat bag, which I put on her bed. I can reach around and pet her.

🎧🎧. On the road again.....🎧🎧

Lolly said...

What? Not a comment today. Uh oh! Not good!

Have stopped for the night inBowling Green, Kentucky.

All is well!

glo said...

Good evening. Getting ready to LISTEN TO the debate. I don't care how many watch. Makes no difference if we forget to listen. ok nuff said on that one. Patches and I went to Friendship Manor today. It is so nice that even a few in Memory Care are starting to know and remember her name. :-) And one lady even remembered she likes to eat those little cereal things um I helped her" Cheerios" but in a weeks time it was great she remembered the little cereal things. Tomorrow is out Pet Therapy team interview at the hospital. If all goes well I guess we both get photos for our volunteer badges. Patches photo is going to clang on the ground when she walks, she is such a little short stack. Hope all is well for all of you. Only a few weeks and nestorations will start. Take care all AOYP

Hoda said...

Wow! Lolly two good morning comments and I celebrated that!
Good morning!
I just got in!
Awesome day. Several school children groups at the park with the Bears, no salmon. Only two fish! One lone male fish in the channel looking for eggs to fertilize. The female was out of the channel and has yet to find her way in!
Two more times with the school children and that part of my volunteering is done...

Patches...Glo a picture of you and Patches with your ID's will be required.

Glad you are off the road Lolly. Hope it was a good day.
So missing Lynne2 and hope she lets us know what is happening.
Lynne1 glad you are off the road too. How did it go between the cats and the dog?

The colours here are breath taking.
I feel blessed.

Unknown said...

good evening to all. it was a busy day here. I am getting excited about the upcoming trip and am having difficulty sleeping.....just thinking of the things that need to be done but still too soon to do them!

we had rain today and clouds. cooler temps have moved in. the pool was at 92 yesterday when I took the ladder out and tonight it is at 80. much cooler. our over night temps are in the 50's for this week. we probably will enjoy another warm up or two before cooler temps really hit.

HODA: wow. only 2 fish. what a change. I bet the children enjoyed their outing.
LOLLY: bowling green Kentucky. you are close to where JUDYE and I grew up. watch that Dinosaur on the road up 65 North. It will be on your left side, I believe, its orange. Can't miss it. l ol.

Ran some errands this morning. Had a friend come over, did a bone reading for him and he did a tarot reading for me.

I made some sausage cheese balls, baked them and then froze them in the RV freezer for our trip. I also baked some choc chip cookies for the fam. Not my favorite, but that's a good thing for me.

And its been a quiet rest of the day. A little more preparation is done. Now I think I will check in on fb and then read for a while. perhaps I can quiet the brain.

good night all!

Hoda said...

Good night all.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eaglebuds.

LOL! Dictating stinks sometimes. You were Eagle bug, Eagle but, legal bugs I did end up having to type the word buds.

Funny some mornings it works sometimes it don't maybe it's my mouth LOL

Yeah we might be getting a cold front. It got 93 degrees yesterday right now it's 77 out

Not much up going to head out for the day got to get them steps in LOL.

JudyEddy said...

Make sure you check out Google if anybody check the blog today. Google's birthday

AZPatti said...

Howdy, all! Just a quick check-in. Seems most things are status quo. Glad our travelers seem to be doing okay. And those looking-forward-to-traveling, too.

Everything is just dandy here. It's beginning to look a lot like fall. We're working on yard clean-up and getting-ready-for-winter chores. But I love being outside so it's fun. There just aren't enough hours in the day.

Thinking about Lynne2, Potter, Tori and all the others who may need extra thoughts and prayers.

Have a wonderful evening and SED!

Hoda said...

Very lovely here today.
Feel good about the various activities.
Like autumn letting go.
Creating good space for rejuvenating even as we live Autumn.
I feel blessed.

I check people's FB periodically. Most who are blogue friends are doing alright.
Sorry Shar for the loss of your long time friend.
Hope Lolly has stopped for the night... Another four hundred miles done.
I really would like to hear from Alynne2...
Still worried about her mysterious last post.
It has also been a while since we last heard from Sandi.
I assume if Potter was gone she would have posted.
Good night all
Two more days with the school program.

Hoda said...

Lolly and Javk are somewhere near Columbus. All well with them. Very weak wifi.

grannyblt said...

Good evening all. I thought I posted a comment, but evidently not.

Today I made application for an apartment. Very nice in a gated community, but pretty expensive..I haven't lived in a complex, so we'll see how that goes. my daughter and son in law will drive 7 hours one way to get my things from storage in TX this coming weekend. I'll really owe them big time for that favor.

The cat/dog situation is a bit better since we put the cats in the garage with the door up a few inches so they could get outside. The dog was just too hyper around them and I think would chase if left alone with them. I think since I'll only be here at Katie's house for another week, this is the best solution.

Hope everyone is doing well. I look forward to the camera view, SED

Unknown said...

Good morning to all.

SHARON: so sorry for the loss of your friend….hugs and love to you.
We are just now getting more fall like temps here. It has been in the 70’s for a couple of days now. The weather is just gorgeous. Leaves are thinking about changing….not there yet.
I am sitting here instead of at work this morning due to my shoulder. I was in spasm again yesterday and today, the spasm is gone, but the pain remains. (sigh) frustrating, but not a lot I can do at this point. I am going to focus on getting the house together, packing a bit more, and maybe once Tom is home we will go to the store. I need to get a big bin of cat litter. I want there to be two litter pans for Boris and Natasha while we are gone. I know Niki will sift them for me, but, I also know that sometime life happens and I want them to have plenty of space to do their business.

I am hoping to work tomorrow, will just have to see how the shoulder progresses today.
Vacation is getting close now. Just 3 sleeps.
Oops my coffee cup is empty. Wonder how that happened?
Must refill that!
Light and love to each of you on this beautiful day. Make the most of it!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds.
SHAR so sorry for the loss of a longtime friend and thank you HODA for bring it over
LYNNE1 congratulations on finding a new place. I've never lived in a gated community but have lived in apartments. I wish you luck and hope you enjoy it.
LOLLY hope you're enjoying your Venture and soon we'll see some of the eagle people or where they call bird people LOL.
JERRY thinking of you and your family and hoping everything is going okay with you and your issue has been resolved.

I also wonder how power Queen Lynn is doing?

Lolly said...

Howdeeeee all! We are here at Niagra Falls and will stay put for 2 or 3 nights. Just depends....

No TV but great wifi!

Uneventful trip so far, just occasional bumps! Like last night! Lol. Park I chose was too far off the beaten path. Very unlevel , no wifi, but we survived!

Miss Skippitais traveling great. Sweet kitty!

Poor Joseph back at home. Monday night he badly sprained his ankle at basketball practice. Uh director will not like that. He is on crutches!

So tomorrow to the falls. Have seen them before from the Canadian side. This time the US side.

Jack is just happy to not be driving tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Hope all went well with Lynne's move today.
Needing to sleep.
Goodnight all.

Unknown said...

Good Thursday morning to all. It is bright, sunny and cooler here in middle TN, low 50's and high in t he upper 60's today. This will not last as warmer temps will be here next week.

LOLLY: sounds like you are having a blast. I would like to see Niagra Falls someday....maybe in the next few years. I'd also love to revisit New England. So much I didn't get to do when I lived there.

LYNNE1: enjoy your new digs! I can understand the appeal of a gated community; i have threatened to build Fort Neely.....unfortunately, the city of Nashville would not like that.....:(

HODA: hope you slept well!

I am off work again today; still the shoulder. But it is improving. I will see the chiropractor again today.

I will bake Tom's birthday cake today; tomorrow is his birthday but given the trip coming up Sat and much to do tomorrow. So we are celebrating tonight.

He wants a 7up cake. Sounds pretty much like a lemon cake to me.....

Anyway, hope you all have a great day!

Light and love to all

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds.
Had a dream last night our cameras are up and running just checked them it was just a dream.
Hope everybody has a great day.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

My delete playing on the tablet while sitting in the park realized everything that I posted were emojis really messed up the font on my screen everything was so teeny teeny teeny tiny

Lolly said...

Had a good day I spite of the rain. Went to the Falls. Beautiful! Then we took a drive along Lake Ontario. And, we did some wine tasting.

Tomorrow laundry, more sight seeing and wine tasting. Saturday we head to New Hampshire. Sunday we should arrive at Twin Mountain where we will stay about a week.

Hoda said...

I love the White Mountains Lolly.
Beautiful spot you chose.

All good here.
Sad that the volunteering at the park has now ended. One bear still around. The others have not been spotted since the 25th.
I will miss them all.

Am sleepy. Moving on.
Good night.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds.
Trying to figure out what the day in entails! Going to have lunch with Angie. First though gotta take my truck over to Angie's house to drop it off for Carl who is borrowing it 2go 2A car race. so I'm meeting Angie at her house for lunch me and her going to lunch. Then I'm taking her car so I can pick Jordyn up at 3 something and then go pick Angie up at 4:30 and then we're going to go to dinner

Justin is completely done with my house now all but painting. And actually Mother Nature is playing games with him! She's-funny-that-way LOL it rained overnight again so that means the size are going to be wet so we won't be able to paint. He has everything so nice and pretty over on the side to all but the pile of garbage that he's got to pick up and then I'll be able to park on my carport one day oh and the guy down the street by my leftover material for his job $120 so this way I don't have to return it back to Home Depot that makes it even better

Justin is so happy. he has another side job to do on my street so this will be three job he's gotten. Ken is going to be the hardest he says he's got like 40 different projects over there too haha..... the new one I got him right down the street a x firefighter has some siding that did the same as mine needs replaced. So Justin is going to do that first before a does Kens. Because the firefighters is about a two-day job I'm sure Ken will understand

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I hope you see some moose in New Hampshire that's where we saw a bunch of them near Berlin and Gorham we saw them every single night we were there they would feed along the side of the road in the marshy area. Gentlemen that ran the hotel we stayed told us exactly where to go to see them I got so much video and pictures of them it was awesome I wish you luck my friend and seeing Moose's

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Last time in NH saw only one moose. Saw a lot in Canada! We went out almost every night when in NH. Went to the roadside marshy areas. Called "here moosey moosey!" Did not work. Lol

Still a grey day here, but so far no rain. Have completed laundry and will venture out soon. Nice to have a day of leisure.

Yes, Hoda! Love the White Mountains. From there we will venture out to Vermont and many other areas. Will take two days to get there.

JudyEddy said...

Forgot to ask a favor can you all keep Patti in your prayers she's the one who had ovarian cancer last year Angie's sister-in-law. She went in for her yearly check and they found a tumor marker in her blood work. So they went into more detail testing and found cancer in her belly area. Not sure exactly we're being it's only been 3 days she's not really saying anything right still processing it herself.

There's only a handful of us on the block now so any prayers will help please send healing thoughts and prayers.

JudyEddy said...

You had me laughing while I calling here mooses..... that was a problem you shouldn't call them they only show up when they're not called LOL
The real funny part is why we're up there we saw them for 3 nights in a row the three nights that we stayed there but people that we met that live there for years I've never seen them.

Unknown said...

good afternoon all. sure is quiet on here.


hear my echo?

well we are 98% packed and ready to go. just a few more things and then we head out in the a.m.

I will keep you all close in my heart and thought and check in as I can! ((((hugs))))

grannyblt said...

Safe Travels Janet.

I have wi fi problems that are very frustrating. Constantly losing signal. I'll try again.

I'm presently in Jenks dog and teen sitting while Katie and Pat retrieve my belongings from Houston. The dog sitting mostly consists of trying to convince Rojo that there aren't two cats in his garage when he knows full well that there are. The teen sitting is the usual pick up and drop off story. Grandson has the SAT testing this morning and I was so happy that he was up early and out the door early for the across town drive to the testing site. He came flying back when he realized he left the vital admission ticket on the kitchen table. I guess he made it in time as he isn't back here.
i hope we hear from everyone this weekend. There are several stories bloggers could tell. Do come back.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

Safe travels my sister Janet
Hope see you soon I'm trying to get with Angie as I told you on Facebook. I'd really rather not drive by myself hopefully they'll go with me I didn't use to get chicken driving alone but the way the world is nowadays I guess it's just me. LOL I guess it comes with old age haha.

Justin is here today painting all by himself.

It's been way over a week now since Sandy posted it was a Thursday when she last posted.

And last Saturday is when Shirley posted hope everybody is ok

Missing Kay, Judie and Margie and many others
I do recall Kay mentioning not posting as often! A while back

I wonder if they're having issues installing the camera. Or fixing the cameras should say! When Steve presented us with this thread on the 11th they said they were going up in the tree just thinking out loud exclamation point

JudyEddy said...

LOL the word! Exclamation point instead of the symbol showed up LOL

AZPatti said...

Good morning/afternoon Momlets! It's an absolutely gorgeous day here. Sunny, with clear blue skies. Supposed to be mid-70s. We have a cool front coming, though. Supposed to be low 30s early next week. I'll have to keep a close watch; may need to cover some of my not-so-hardy plants.

We're heading to a pumpkin farm in one of the nearby communities. They have all sorts of activities every fall. A corn maze, which is haunted on Saturday nights, some sort of laser tag games, along with with a zombie something or other. Not interesting to us but I'm glad they do something for all ages. We'll just go pick pumpkins. I got some mums yesterday and now need pumpkins to complete the fall decorations. Then we're going to do a bit more Christmas shopping.

Safe travels to all those on the road. Have an awesome day!

JudyEddy said...

sounds like a nice time is going to be had by all PATTI They have them here but when its in the high 80 and in lo 90 with heat index its just doesn't feel the same as being in a state with milder and cooler temps. I am heading out to a BBQ thingy here in PP a cook off
and they have fall activities also but only going for a pulled pork sandwich LOL

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds.

It's a beautiful day out right now 75 degrees it feels like a fall day for us. Up early this morning cuz this is supposed to be Justin's last day to be here painting. Probably just a couple hour job that's it. Yesterday he was here pre-dawn in the dark. And I was unaware of it cuz I got out of bed at 8 but like he said he had a lot to do that didn't make any noise like picking up all the garbage and and siding to take to the dump and he took the magnet thing over my driveway to make sure you got all the nails

stronghunter said...

Good early afternoon,

Wanted to write a brief message before I head down to make a BLT for my lunch.

Glad to see so many are enjoying a beautiful day.

Happy to see that the Momsters are gathering in October. Right now, I do not think I will make it this time. but I hope everyone will have a nice visit.

Have a good day, everyone.

Lolly said...

Howdeeee! We are here I the Whote Mountains of New Hampshire! Arrived this afternoon. We are now just relaxing and Jack is watching football.

Saw a bald eagle Today!!!! It was on the ground, maybe 6' off the freeway! Started to lift off as we passed! So exciting!

Shirley, Shirley, Shirley! Surely you can come to Wanda's! I want to see you! Please try!

We are here for a week! Color is at its peak. So excited to drive around!

JudyEddy said...

I am so jealous the Fall Foliage that you're going to be able to see I know it's breathtaking I love New Hampshire was so pretty.LOLLY

Hope you will be able to hook up with them SHIRLEY when they are in the area of the nest maybe you guys will see the Eagles. Make sure you give everybody a big hug from me.

Quite a few people traveling on the Blog the week. If Marge you were here she would put out her traveling Angel Avatar.

Hoda said...

Sandi posted a memory showing Belle and Sheppard in the nest October 2nd last year.
I hope we hear soon about going up in the nest and the camera returning.
All good here.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

HODA I also get those daily reminder on my Facebook page I posted every now and then and last year this time we got our new camera in.

JudyEddy said...

Forgot to say that Justin did not come over yesterday due to inclement weather. Which also looks really overcast here today so probably more rain coming in today. Noticed though Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday with the front coming in I don't think they're supposed to be any rain. He's only got to one side to do. We got a little over an inch of rain yesterday. He called me yesterday evening to find out how the back door was doing if it was leaking. Seems to be working good I was high and dry.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

♫♪ Happy Birthday, dear CAROLYN, Happy Birthday to you ♪♪♪ ♥

Going back to summer temps in the daytime here this week, but the nights and mornings are wonderfully Fallish. So good to be outdoors a lot!

Praying for traveling mercies for some, improved health for others and the best of everything for all.


Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Robyn texted Tori might go home tomorrow!
No Oxygen.
I feel very happy for this outcome.

Headed towards winter here Kay.
Snow tires go back on on Friday.
The law says October 1st. The earliest I could get in is Friday. Keep your fingers crossed I do not get stopped.

Ear waxing today. Need to go see Services Canada today too. All good just I need some information on my tax contributions and my tax free saving accounts.

Safe travels all. Wanda pictures are awesome on FB. She is having such a terrific time.

Unknown said...

good afternoon to all. just a quick checkin. so much has changed here at Disney!

first off, I have to say I am MOST IMPRESSED with the campground. I had imagined we would be packed in like sardines; not so! it is very clean, very spacious! I am so pleased!

we went to Hollywood studios this morning; that's where livvy wanted to go first. the only things of real interest to us were stars wars things and the aerosmith roller coaster. after that, there wasn't a lot that interested us there.

so we are back at the rv. going to epcot. I've wanted to go there for a long time, looking forward to that.

gonna finish my coffee, do some yoga, then head out. love to all!

JudyEddy said...

JANET that campground is where Carl and Angie go to every year through Jordyn school. All pro dads. The dads do everything there the moms do nothing they just relax and sit back and enjoy it being waited on by the hubby and Dad . But when they go it's February and it's usually cold LOL and this you're supposed to be really chilly in the 30s.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning

And goodbye

JudyEddy said...

This blog will be a month on the 11th sad

JudyEddy said...

I should have said the thread not blog.

Hoda said...

Good morning all.

From Robyn in answer to my question if Tori was home:
I'm doing voice chat I'm driving I'm on my way up to the hospital now and I have a meeting with her team at 11 and then we take it from there about going home which will definitely be this afternoon hopefully early afternoon

Sandi said...

Good afternoon my eagle friends. Life here is good but busy. I have been keeping up with the blog goings-on even though I haven't been posting.

Sure hope the cam is up and running soon.

Judy, hope you stay safe with Matthew heading toward Florida.

Hoda said...

From Robyn answering my question about Tori being discharged.

"We are home and SO MUCH MAIL lol"

Lynne2 said...

Hi everyone...please pardon my absence.

I've been trying to keep up, not succeeding all that well!

Our move is on for this coming Friday. The stress of living here and now moving into the unknown has really taken a toll on me mentally and physically. Hopefully once we are settled my self will calm down.

Will try to post before we leave but computer will be disconnected and packed on Thursday and I'm not sure how long it will take to get back online. Free internet at the camper, me...not so technical so it could take some time to get back online!

Thinking of you all, as always you are in my prayers...

Unknown said...

good evening from Orlando.....
just FYI: we are not heading to St. Augustine/Daytona as planned due to the hurricane. Instead, heading down to see Judy! Just booked a campsite near and will spend a couple of days there.

Have had a great time here at Disney. We visited 3 of the 4 parks, picked and chose what we wanted to do the most to use our time wisely. So much to see/do....enjoyed it all. Epcot was something i'd wanted to do for years and it was thrilling just to walk in there and be there!

Our weather has been nice, not too hot. Rain in the afternoons as per the norm around here.

I hope everyone is well. Love to all.

Hoda said...

Prayer request please.
Deb S, who provides us with the amazing videos and a good friend of Jo's posted her Grandson is in desperate need for prayers and best wishes. He is a baby.
Momster prayers please everyone.

Hoda said...

Baby Emmett was born Sept 16th of this year.
Deb is facing an 18 hour trip to be with her daughter and family!!!
I am worried!

Jewels said...

Thank you Kay for the birthday wishes!!!
I dont get on here very often... work prevents me most times. Hope all is well, Blog is lonely it seems. Good luck on the move Lynne 2. Hoda my prayers are sent. Janet, I love Florida... the best of worlds really, sun and storms and more sun. LOL
So glad Tori is home! We sure have a awesome God! Enjoy the sights of New Hampshire Lolly! e safe travelling.

Bella is growing fast, she will be 7 weeks old Friday!! Time fly's! Mom is doing well and probably goes back to work Thursday. I get to babysit a spoiled little girl. She is used to being nursed to sleep and being held with skin to skin contact. Wish me luck, she will be working afternoon evenings and sometimes as late as midnight and I have to be at work at 10 pm. Jennifer, my youngest will watch her when I am not able to do so. Her daddy will have her on his days off. But Grandma will still be there if he needs me. LOL
Prayers to all!!

stronghunter said...


Judy, I do hope you will be safe down there in Florida. That is a scary hurricane.

Prayers and good wishes for Deb's grandson.

Hope that things will turn around for you, Lynne2.

Been trying to keep up with the Blog doings, too, Sandi.

Hoda said...

Deb is en route to Toronto from Alberta. That was four hours ago.
Toronto has Canada's BEST Children's Hospital.
Wishing Emmett and his family well. Healing Prayers their way..,

Thinking of Doug and Tori. Prayers.

Thank you Lynne2 for including us all in your prayers.

My car is at the Car Spa. Shampoo, mani and padi clean and shine. Steam wash and wax.
Friday it goes to the garage for snow tires and liquids and general health inspections.

My medical doctor appointments have started. Teeth done ✅. Hearing check next week. Then eyes, blood and internal organs marker. After all that will have to decide on where to go for my Spa Treatment!!!
Me and my Car!
Me and my car!
Who is going to write me a song???

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon Eagle mom lets

Shirley I think we'll be okay on this Coast with the hurricane. Janet is on her way over here from the other side of the coast. She wants to get away from Mathew I don't know why LOL
We have about a 40% chance of rain this evening and this afternoon but that's our normal afternoon showers.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

It's been a while since I've posted again--have been busy, and just trying to get stuff done around the house and yard. I do try to keep up on what's happening here, but don't always have enough time to post. Have been having trouble sleeping at night, and as a result I find myself taking long naps during the day.
I'm turning into a night owl! Trying to get my schedule straightened out.

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to CAROLYN!! Hope your day was as wonderful as you are!
Wishing you a fantastic year ahead!....Enjoy babysitting little Bella! ♥

Our weather here has decided to cooperate, and for the last few days we've had some beautiful SoCal fall weather! Temps in the 70s, with a nice cool breeze, and sunshine. About 2 weeks ago was nasty here, though. Had 2 days from hell!
It was 103 the first day, and 106 (yes, 106!!) the second day. Absolutely knocked the stuffin's out of us. About all you can do in that kind of heat, with no A/C, is just concentrate on breathing! When it got back down to the mid-80s, it actually almost felt like a cold snap!

HODA, MEGA PRAYERS are ongoing for Deb's grandson, and the whole family. I'm absolutely thrilled that Tori has come home from the hospital!!! Thank God! God is indeed good, all the time!

LYNNE2, glad you stopped by to say hello! Will be hoping and praying for a reasonably easy move for you and Steve. Hope you will be able to get back here sooner than you expect. You are missed when you're not here! Love you guys!

HODA, glad your car is all spiffed up, will soon get it's snow tires, and will be ready for the winter. Glad you're taking good care of yourself, too! Prayers that all your medical tests turn out A-OK! Just remembered that Ken has a routine doctor's appt. this Friday. Will keep you posted--it's just a visit to check his blood pressure, and make sure it's OK to keep on renewing his prescriptions. Guess they must see him at least once a year.

JudyE, sure have had you and Janet on my mind with Matthew out there threatening the entire east coast! Glad Janet's coming over to visit you for a bit! Is it possible to get your house painted with it raining? Hope the weather settles down and cooperates with you!....Keeping Patti in my prayers!

Shirley, I'm sorry that you might not be able to visit with Wanda and Lolly,
and whoever else is heading for nest territory. I sure wish I could be there, but just can't do it this year. It's on my bucket list, though!

Well, I need to go get some dinner ready for Emma. I'm starting to adjust her schedule and feed her a little earlier each day, so the fall time change won't completely mess her up. Prayers continue for everyone here. Have a good evening. God bless! I ♥ us!!

Hoda said...

Judy and Janet I need for you two to check in please.
Canadian news says Florida is under evacuation alert. Apparently it is worse than they thought!!! Deaths in Haiti
So please check in.

JudyEddy said...

HEY HODA we are fine Spent the day together and going to my daughters later

Its nice on this coast the other coast is horrible we may only get a inch of rain and that is all

but the closed school in case needed for shelters The interstates are still bumper everyone is heading west away from the eastcoast

JudyEddy said...

ANDY the paint I am not worrying about after all the hardy board (concrete siding) has a primer and for 4 days after Mathew leaves the state we have 0 % chance of rain

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I was just coming on to tell Hoda that JudyE posted on Facebook.

Hello to all my fellow momlets and dadlets. I'm finally on a schedule that I'm not sitting at this computer until midnight.

I miss everybody and I have great intentions of posting more but life takes over. My cousin has been staying here while we have worked to get my uncle's house livable again. Old age and dementia suck. He gets out of the behavioral health hospital tomorrow so we shall see how it goes.

I've been trying to find out when they will be releasing my aunt from rehab so she can get back home. Both of these folks are Daddy's siblings so I have to do whatever I can to help them.

I LOVE US!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss Jo!!!!!!!!!!!! and Hedgie and . . .

AZPatti said...

Just a quick check in and see that all's well on the east coast so far. Prayers for safety as Matthew makes his way up the coast. Prayers for baby Emmett, Lynne2 and any others I might have missed. SED.

Unknown said...

Hi all. Posting from phone which is a pain. Safe AND SOUND herr. Spending time w/ judy, angie and fam. Will post more once can use computer.

Lori O. said...

JudyE, I am relieved to hear that you are on the other side of Florida and away from Matthew. Hope you and Janet are enjoying your sisterly time together. Being an only girl in the family, sisterly time sounds fun!

Kate's sister had a double bypass on Monday so she has been in Rehoboth since the weekend and just got home today. Yay! I've been busy with 4 dogs and Jackie the cat, getting the pool closed for the winter and taking care of fall gardening. I've moved a few big azaleas and got some bargain azaleas in the ground this week. They were only $3 for gallon shrubs so they were hard to pass up. Man it cooled down fast this year!!!

Prayers for Deb's grandson and Tori!

Lolly, I loved your fall trip pics!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

Sitting here with Jordyn watching the news naturally on the hurricane let me stress again we're okay here a little windy no rain
I got woke up this morning with the porch door slamming. Schools are closed today that's why I have Jordyn. They do that in order to have any evacuees from over on the other coast. Also there are no hotels or motels available in my County Pinellas County Hillsborough County everybody came from the other side is which is great

Hoda said...

This is our Thanksgiving weekend.
Happy Thanksgiving yo you all from Canada🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Best news ever. My heart is happy.
Deb just posted this about Baby Emmett:

Fantastic news this afternoon baby Emmett is doing so much better ... still in ICU but Emmett has definitely turned an important corner ❤️ ... warmest thanks from our family to all of you for all your thoughts and prayers and special thanks to D for the smudge ... feeling so thankful our hearts are full ❤️ Thanks to the Neonatal ICU team for the outstanding care they provide it is second to none!!! Best Thanksgiving ever!

Hoda said...

Stormy here!
Power outages!
Counting my blessings.
Thinking of Haiti, estimated loss of life headed towards 800 people, once they reach the isolated areas.

God Bless us all.
Good night.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon Eagle buds

Life is back to normal again in Florida feel so sorry for the people on the other coast with all they have to clean up
Had a wonderful 3 days with my sister who is now on her way to see Tom's relatives.

Had a nice day with Jordyn day yesterday being school is closed.
We went to the park and they got their eagle and boy is she beautiful got some nice pictures of her

Yeah so nice to see LORI on here as well as SHARON.

Thinking of JUIDIE and KAY lately hope everything's okay with them

ANDY did you get all your emails taken care of?
LYNNE1 Did u get all your stuffed moved?

LYNNE2 hope you got moved in and will be connected to Wi-Fi soon I miss you as well as others on the blog I miss.

JudyEddy said...

I came for the Eagles but stayed for the friendships that I have made.

Hopefully soon we'll be getting the camera hooked up and we'll have our Eagles back and maybe the people will follow

grannyblt said...

GM eagle Momlets

Sure hate to see this diminishing message board. Hopefully when the camera is back online we will become more active.

I am now in an apartment to live for the first time in 50 years. So far so good. I still have plastic bins to deal with--too many filled with memorabilia. I have 13 or so bins of books that need to be pared down and donated. I got rid of several hundred books 10 years ago, but obviously not enough. So far the cats have done pretty well considering their now exclusively indoor life.

So far the weather here has been warm and sunny, though a bit breezy. And thankfully breezy when I went to my granddaughters cross country meet last week. I will enjoy doing the grandmother things I've missed out on the last many years. Grandson broke his wrist and has surgery tomorrow to have a pin inserted. He hopes the injury won't be an end to his high school soccer career.

Please keep my niece in your good thoughts and prayers as she fights breast cancer. She had surgery last week and will soon begin chemo. They caught it early and at this point offer a good prognosis, but an extra prayer won't hurt.

Lolly and Jack have been having a wonderful trip to New England and hope to see some of you soon. Janet and her crew are headed home from their vacation in FL. Sandi is still hoping to find a permanent home for Potter. This info from Facebook for those that are not members.

Hope our Lynne2 is moved and finally getting some peace. I hope it all works out well for you.

Think I better hush now and tackle some more bins. Hope everyone has a sunny day.

Unknown said...

Monday, oct 10. where has the month gone? I feel as if I have been in a time warp! I didn't worry about day/date etc the entire time we were away! it was lovely!!!

so glad I was able to spend the time with Judy and sad the hurricane caused so much damage. I have friends in Jacksonville that had some major damage to their home. my gal pals in va beach ...their home the tune of about a foot of water in the house. that was unexpected. I video chatted with them; they are so over whelmed.

we left Judy's area Saturday morning and drove nearly 12 hours up to Cleveland TN to see Tom's sister.

it was nice to see them. They live on this enormous, stunning house on the Hiawassee River.

Woke up this morning and went brrrrr! It was 59 degrees in the RV! I cut the heat on rather quickly.

We slept in a bit late and headed out after rush hour traffic. We were home before noon, the RV is clean inside and out now. It is unpacked and I continue to do laundry.

There really isn't that much, but it needs to be done.

Tom starts back to work tomorrow. I need to grocrery shop and do a few things. I return to work on Wed.

Good to see a few posts; sure wish there were more. We should be starting eagle watching season pretty soon....maybe they will return then?

Love and hugs to all....btw....tomorrow this thread is a month old. how sad.....

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I've been pretty busy this weekend--got some more reports to transcribe from the doctor I'm working for, and never a dull moment.
Ken and I went to his doctor appt. last Friday, and he's fine. All his blood tests came out OK, and he's lost 8 pounds! I haven't lost that much I'm sure, but think I may have lost 1 or 2 pounds. The doctor didn't weigh me, because it wasn't my appointment. Ken and I both got our flu shots while we were there. I went to the lab and had an A1C blood test, and it came out 7%! I guess 7.4% or less is considered normal, so that's great to hear! I made an appointment for this Thursday afternoon for my annual mammogram--what fun! (Not!)

Mighty glad to hear that everyone's OK after the destruction Matthew has caused!
Feel quite upset about the number of lives lost, though, especially in Haiti.
Prayers ongoing for that whole situation.

Judy, glad your siding is not a problem, and sure you will eventually get it painted once the weather settles down some more. Happy you had a nice visit with Janet! By the way, I'm still deleting e-mails! Had to stop in order to do more transcription, though. It's an ongoing process. Think I may call the I/T
guys (in India) and see whether I've deleted enough that they can save everything for me and upgrade my Windows Live Mail without losing anything. This whole process is becoming a bit of a pain!

Hoda, I didn't realize that this last weekend was your Thanksgiving! Hope you had a wonderful holiday! Thanks for Deb's post about Baby Emmett! God is so good, all the time! Hope you haven't had any power outages!

Shar, it's so good to see you here! Apparently it's my turn now to be sitting at this computer at midnight! (I just checked the time.) I have 4 more reports to do, but think I'll save them for tomorrow morning. My sleep schedule is SO
turned around! Gotta try actually sleeping at NIGHT! Hope everything works out well for your Aunt and Uncle! Life gets complicated sometimes, doesn't it?!

Lynne1, I wish you all kinds of success with unpacking all those bins! I need to tackle some closets, and still have too much stuff in the garage! Prayers for your grandson's surgery, and also for your niece who's fighting breast cancer.

Well, guess I'd better say goodnight, and go try to get some sleep! Have SED, everyone, and God bless! I ♥ us!!!

Unknown said...

good morning to all! happy Tuesday!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Happy one month birthday to this thread!

Our weather is absolutely fantastic, wonderful, beautiful,stupendous, gorgeous, outrageous, awesome, and just plan great. We had a cold front come through yesterday

Sandi said...

Steve has given us a new thread with an update on the camera work!

C'mon over!


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...