Wednesday, April 17, 2013


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE I will gather the others

JudyEddy said...

JO I got that facebook update a while back I guess it takes awhile to get around to everyone

and where is everyone

OH and I got another feather Yeah ME LOL duh me posted this on the other thread after I posted new thread

JudyEddy said...

the chicks are pecking at each other first time I have see this and wow Shamrock hardly has any dark feathers compared to Hedgie and they are just a day a part Odd huh

JudyEddy said...

JO the link you put on of the DC EAGLE CAM took me to Tiny URL

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JudyEddy said...

both chicks are at 530 on occasion Hedgie will pick at a stick of two in between being passed out

JudyEddy said...

back to work I go see you when I get home I may go see the eagles at the park to see if they are starting to go on top of the tower like the ones at the shopping center are like last nite

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds ! Here's hoping my puter cleaning did the trick so that this will post. I'll copy it for pasting on e-mail, just in case.

I think I've pretty well caught up.

LORI, my thoughts and prayers are with all who loved Annie as her life and promotion are celebrated ! ♥

MARGY, sorry to hear you've lost a friend. Thoughts and prayers with you as well !

I'm so glad to see the affirmation of the old fact that venting is most definitely allowed here !

JEWELS, we love you and think of you, your sis and our sweet memories of your dear Mom often !

WANDA, what is the recipe for Cajun Corn ? Sounds good, as does the whole menu for this weeks meal !

Speaking of venting---the neighboring pit bull struck again. This time attacking one of our gals and her Puggle. She happens to be a member of our condo board and has taken the issue to the Top. We expect the PB owner to comply with local leash laws, OR ELSE and immediately ! Oh, no injuries this time either, other than extreme fright and angst over the matter. It happened right out in my front yard Sunday morning so I witnessed the entire thing. The PB owner who was so nice to me over our incident, was this time verbally abusive and actually asked "what do you want me to do about it--she gets loose and I can't catch her". It took a good half hour for him and his 8 year old daughter to get the dog corralled. Arrrrrggggghhhh ! Okay, thanks for the vent time !!!!

Love and prayers for all dear Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Tada ! Success !

How rude of me to forget expressing gratitude to STEVE for the new thread and to JUDY for the call over !

Kay said...

And another thing, LYNNE1, your avatar and your sharing of the special Eagle Day you had, are both outstanding ! Thank you !

Lori O. said...

Thank you for the new thread, STEVE!

Congrats on the feather, JUDYE.

Good afternoon KAY! Glad you got your guru to get you back on line. You were missed! Big Hugs!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the fresh new thread, Steve - You were sneaky waiting until almost 2pm - I was looking for it all morning - lol

Judy I will try it again - Until I do -
copy and past this url --

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - there are no leaves on the tree we are having removed so I can see that there are no nest involved. Thanks for asking.

Lori - are you playing FB games or studying! Maybe you are just taking a
break = what say you?

Mema Jo said...

Kay - what cleaner did you use?

Sorry about another PB incident - Perhaps the owner should wear a leash or else have someone attack him!

Anywho - so glad you are back on the blog. We missed you........


Sandi said...

Good afternoon all - 3 down, 2 to go! No drama with my principal today b/c the parent from hell has now filed a formal complaint with the school district against the entire school, claiming that we have bullied her child for the past 3 years. So, we had the assistant superintendent in the building all day today interviewing lots of people - thankfully, not me (at least not yet).

Need to read back on this new thread but I see several posts from Kay just in glancing! Yay Kay - you got your computer fixed!!!

Our eaglets (guess I can't call them chicks anymore) look so much bigger since they're hanging at the end of the nest closer to the cam. Look at those dark feathers coming in!

Jewels said...

Good Evening.
Sorry about the pb attack. Dang that owner!!! I agree, the owner should wear a leash and have another dog attack him!!
Gome bad news a lil while ago, CHarlies sister is not doing well at all. Has been in ICU for a few weeks and thought she was getting better, but evidently after a full body mri, she is not going to survive her illness. I am sure Charlie will learn more tomorrow when he goes up. He has a meeting with his mother and sisters daughter at 10am. The choices he told me was to put her on a respirator and watch her or let her deteriate that way. She has a dnr.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. These babies are certainly splayed and plotzed in this nest!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bluefield has a law for pit bulls to always be muzzled if they are being walked. They also have to be kept inside a kennel and tied with a lead. The city is now trying to ban pit bulls altogether. I am not for that law.

magpie said...

Jewels....I am sorry for the downturn with Charlie's sister...this has been a long
journey for her, and all of you...
Prayers for Peaceful Solutions
and ((Hugs, my friend ))

magpie said...

Jo...I am also sorry you have
to say good-bye to a tree.....
never easy when that happens...
what kind is it ??

magpie said...

both parents in the Kestrel nest now

I'm trying to count eggs, they need to move aside

paula eagleholic said...

Kids are at 5 and 9...they look like they're in timeout.

Out to put some dirt around the cypress, then gotta mow the back. BBL

magpie said...

The Royal Nest looks lush as do the chubby peaglets...
love those Big Feeties !

Good to see ya' Kay...

on bummer about yet another
loose dog attack, in Emma's post on old thread....dang !

magpie said...

Happy your day went better
but NOT happy about the parent from h, e, double hockey sticks

magpie said...

I think I saw a 4th kestrel egg....but I can't swear to it,

But I think I hear a parent eagle rattling on the cam

JudyE thanks for the callover,
Steve, Thanks for the New Thread!

Hello All Eagle Pals xo ♥

magpie said...

Oh Jo
thanks for the DC Eagle Cam.....
I have it now ☺

magpie said...

And I love the narrative with it!
Wheeee at the Metropolitan Police Academy grounds,
and I see Poop Shoots....this will be fun to watch !

Jewels said...

I can imagine the sorrow to lose a tree Momma Jo! I am still sad over losing my weeping willow in front of my pool. I hope to replace it with a weeping cherry tree!! That will make me happy!! Also want to put a Weeping Cherry tree behind the big Frog! THinking of some flox, daffodils, hyacinths, a petite rose bush, maybe some tulips, iris's, need some all season flowers or shrub ideas too.

Lori O. said...

JO, I took a break from studying after a 3 hour practice test this morning. BTW, I did poorly on the math and science, but aced the reading and English...not very good for one week tomorrow for the test. I'm bummed.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Kay, bad news for sure.

My issue with pitbulls is this....

The breed/type was bred to FIGHT. To that end, they are assertive, have large, muscle jaws, and lean muscular bodies, and an intensity of nature that if not directed in the proper way by people who can respect that, all too often becomes a deadly problem.

All breeds were bred to do "something". Your hounds are very prey driven and indepentdent natured as they needed to hunt, a collie that has never seen a heard of sheep will circle around a group of kids and herd them. Labs and goldens retrieve and swim, etc., etc.

Pit bulls were bred to fight. Instinct, years of purpose, whatever you want to call's still there whether or not the dog, his parents or great great grandparents were ever used for that purpose.

They can be great pets, without a doubt. Proper breeding, as in selection of parents, especially the mother, with excellent temperments and then proper socialization of the puppies, and overall treatment and training over a pit's life is essential. And some will just turn out great no matter Michael Vick's dogs!

The problem now is that so many people who have no experience with dogs or training them, or think they know it all, "rescue" pit bulls, usually with the best of intentions to help a dog, and sometimes just to "prove" that pitbulls are great pets. With the rescues for "bully breeds" so overwhelmed, sadly many of them don't screen potential adopters well enough.

Then many of these inexperience or ignorant people, although working with the best of intentions, over compensate in the wrong direction. They fail to recognize any potential very obvious signs of a problem in their dogs. As was the case a couple of weeks ago with pit owner who swore up and down his dog was never aggressive. Right up to the moment when he attacked Dr Baker and her tech had to throw herself between them. And STILL the own swore nothing like this had ever happened before!

The next morning there was a fax from the Pet ER. The dog had attacked the owner that night, and they had her euthanized. In a later conversation with the owner, it was revealed that the dog had often shown signs of aggression, but had never done anything so serious....

This applies to ANY dog owner, though, right? YES. HOWEVER...even the most uncared for, untrained and undisciplined lab or golden is very unlikely to ever bite anyone or initiate an attack. And the spoiled chihuahua or poodle IS more likely to bite, even more so that a pit, it's not really going to do much damage.

A pitbull, on the other hand, once stimulated to aggression, will often act upon it, and if they attack, the damage is usually horrifying, whether to a human or another animal.

The argument has always been...Nature or Nurture. But it is very far from being that simple.

That law in Bluefield is awful. Walking with a muzzle, (and I am assuming they are referring to basket muzzles that allow for open mouth panting and drinking but keep from being able to bite) might be an idea to keep people who are afraid of them placated. But what is this business of keeping them both kenneled AND tied? That's no life for a dog....

Anyway, I'll get off of my soap box now. I'm neither for or against pit bulls but I am against stupid people and meaningless laws. I fear there is no cure for those....and no easy answer to the problem.

Lynne2 said...

Carolyn, very sorry about Charlie's sister taking this turn for the worse. (((HUGS)))

magpie said...

I have to tell you there is an adult eagle in the DC nest, and beauteous one at that!
Male or Female? Who Knows ☺

Lynne2 said...

oh Lori, sorry you didn't do so well in the math and science parts of your test...hang in there!

magpie said...

It's a shame about pit bulls....
they are sometimes a very beautiful dog....
James had a mix and I know she had
pit bull in her...and such a gentle soul she was.....
she could not bark
and disappeared, never to return.

magpie said...

Your Flowering Everything Ideas are Superb!
You will get many suggestions here I bet!!
Including some from me ☺
later on....

magpie said...

Don't Despair, LPN-to-Be...
at least you know kind of what to expect, and of course! You Aced English and Reading !! Bravo !!

Lynne2 said...

quick, look at Shamrock!

Lynne2 said...

aw that fast she moved...she had her big yellow foot stretched up on the tree!

magpie said...

she can keep them BOTH up on the limb and away from that edge!
Thanks Lynne...
fast it was!

headed out to walk and
smell freshly mown grass for a
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...


JudyEddy said...

HELLO home from work and a shopping trip to get a basket for the wedding shower gift I am putting together for Jordyn's teacher

I also notice ANDY left a message on the old thread so I am bringing over I didn't see it

Ms Bookworm has left a new comment on the post "Tuesday":

Good Morning/Afternoon!

Lori, so sorry to hear of Annie's passing. Prayers, hugs, and condolences to Kate and the whole family.

Margy, very sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, too. ((HUGS)) and prayers!

Lynne2, prayers for your situation with the landlord. Please keep us posted!

Carolyn, (((HUGE HUGS!!))) from me, too! Sure hope your day improves rapidly!

WV Jerry, glad you had a nice vacation. So very sorry about your Dad's dog's traumatic experience! Hope he will be OK, and the pit bull's owner will pay for the vet bills. Prayers for Gibson!

Jo, fantastic report about Michael!
God is good, for sure!

Lolly, I may have forgotten to mention--I'm happy about Jack's doctor report, and will continue prayers. Will wait with you for the next test!

Well, gotta go right now. Emma is begging for some attention from me. Will BBL. Have a terrific day, everyone.

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Posted by Ms Bookworm to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at Wednesday, April 17, 2013 2:44:00 PM

JudyEddy said...

I see KAY has beat the blog villain and has gotten on the blog YEAH KAY

Mema Jo said...

The red buds are also blooming all along I70.. I was just thinking about you!

Lynne2 said...

then my in-laws are going to have a really pretty ride in on Saturday! Wish we were heading there instead!

Jewels said...

at the top of the mtn on apple harvest dr, and buck hill, there was a abundance of rd buds, soooo beautiful and the company that the electric company hired to take down trees blocking the power lines , took almost all of the red buds out. Makes me so angry!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

GOT IT JO with the copy paste

and I love google for that paste and go spell check I am sticking with chrome I guess

JudyEddy said...

cool cam also JO lots of wind swaying close to building also
I see only one eaglet

JudyEddy said...

SANDI so happy no issues at school and unbelievable the B---- is taking the whole school some people have balls when they are in the wrong

almost landed on chick

JudyEddy said...

brought in greens and woke hedgie up with that landing

JudyEddy said...

KAY what did you do to get back on

That had happened to me also a while back remember and it took me days and just got on again

JudyEddy said...

moving flugg and put on Shamrock

Lynne2 said...

that STINKS Carolyn. Hey, maybe you should also plant a Redbud tree!

Lynne2 said...

I wonder how the ones I planted at our old place are doing :(

JudyEddy said...

Belle just unearth a FISH under the flugg she must have remember it

JudyEddy said...

Shamie is being feed and Hedgie is heading over

JudyEddy said...

JEWEL so sorry about Charlie sis

Jewels said...

Yes a Red Bud and a DogWood!!!

JudyEddy said...

Here is a release of a eagle

injured eagle released

was on facebook

JudyEddy said...

Have you all really noticed that Shamrock hardly has any dark feathers
but Hedgie has had black for days now

she is a slow developer LOL being a day a part I though she would have more ok back to reading

paula eagleholic said...

Parent feeding eaglets at the 5 spot....Chamrock is chowing down.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Big cam shake

JudyEddy said...

and we are back she is moving flugg now

JudyEddy said...

AWW and so is Hedgie

JudyEddy said...

This is a picture of both Juvies at the cell phone tower at the shopping plaza in St Pete

Lynne2 said...

Redbuds and Dogwoods look wonderful together!

JudyEddy said...

and I put two pic on the blog to see them better if you want to

Juvies at the shopping plaza on top of tower like my avatar pic

paula eagleholic said...

I love that Belle still spends the night with the eaglets.

JudyEddy said...

I am watching the news since I got home after it ended
is awake and is eating
and seems to be comfortable with pain
she only has one more surgery before they fit her with her new feet.
The dad was interviewed my heart goes out to him, he is still doing what ifs

JudyEddy said...

BELLE gas a feather dangling

Mema Jo said...

Jewels - hope you get your requested days off. Sorry to hear about Charlie's sister. Going to be a family decision for which I am thankful and not all on Charlie's shoulders.

Your flower suggestions are great. I will send you a check to help with the cost so that we get Mr Frog with exactly the flowers and plants that you have pictured in your mind.

JudyEddy said...

Her V looks odd that is where the fuzzy loose feather are

paula eagleholic said...

My redbud slowly bit the dust the last couple of years, so to say...but before it did, it sprouted new shoots/trees. This year I am going to cut the dead tree down and let the others grow. They have some small flowers on them, but they haven't bloomed yet.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon your city's PB requirements sounds like they want all to be safe. It would also help out the PB's reputation. I still think it is the owners and not the dogs that need those things.................

magpie said...

I agree,'s precious, Belle staying and still snuggling with her babies ♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I got your cam link...nice nest.

JudyEddy said...

I showed my boss the pic I took of the juvies He goes where is their white head I explained it to him I want to find some pic of them over the years to show him
If you remember he sought me out in the store yesterday to give me a article in the paper with a bald eagle and her offspring I thanked him for that and on the page is a email addy you can send any pic in and they may publish so I am going to do that with a couple of my good pic
Odd all a sudden he seems interested in the associate I think he has figured out he need to change but for some its to late your know the burning bridge expression LOL

magpie said...

Yes, YAY on the Redbuds...
Bloomin' All Over for Sure!
sorry yours had some trouble thriving, but go for another from those shoots.

I have two Johnny Jump-Ups blooming in my garden...leftovers from last year ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Jewels, daylillies would be a nice addition...bloom summer into fall. Is the spot sunny or shady?

magpie said...

Every time I see a Redbud, Lynne2,
I think of you and Steve ☺♥☺♥

paula eagleholic said...

Jewels, sorry about Charlie's sister, must be very hard on the family.

Lori, yes, now you know what you have to study can do it!

JudyEddy said...

I also love it that she stays with them Did you notice that its Hedgie that snuggles the most also

magpie said...

Forget-me-nots bloom, usually, well from year to year....
I feel sooo bad :(
I never got my
seeds mailed off as promised
to Sharon for Mopsy's memorial spot...
but I still can!

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is alert to somethng

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is watching something...

JudyEddy said...

BELLE sirens food delivery

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, fish delivery via Shep!

JudyEddy said...

and she jump him as soon as he landed

JudyEddy said...

Here is a video from KMART a new commercial The boss told us about it

Kmart commercial

paula eagleholic said...

Belle giving Hedgie some bites...Hedgie is laying down eating, LOL

magpie said...

pretty neat.
Canada Geese remind
me of donkeys braying....the ones
I hear in my neighborhood

JudyEddy said...

Belle is eating the chicks are out and I am going to see what I can find on the tube

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Magpie, please do not feel bad. Everything happens exactly when it is supposed to! ♥♥♥

magpie said...

Thank you, Double E-S....
you are very kind, and I believe in your philosophy!
(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

Momma Blackwater is with her babies
right now also
sometimes she is there,
most of the night ☺

Lynne2 said...

you have donkeys in your neighborhood Margy?


Lynne2 said...

ya know, some towns and cities give away trees for free or very very cheap around Arbor Day....if anyone is looking to plant, might be worth checking out!

magpie said...

My grateful thanks to all
on your wishes of condolences
on my friend's death Tuesday....
I had a final, solitary visit
with her Monday night
after her husband called...
spoke to her, held her hand,
said some prayers (including my
favorite, the 23rd Psalm) and then
whistled some favorite tunes.
It was a spiritual good-bye to her,
not only from me, but on behalf
of my nieces and nephews whom
she loved forever...
she was not awake during my visit...but you know, I think folks hear when you talk at times like that...
I just did not know she was going
to slip away so quickly....

magpie said...

Lynne2: I love you and
your hilarious sense of humor...!
♥ thank you, you are Quick!
You might have missed one of your
callings...that of a stand-up
xo !
I love my Bunny in Bibs so much!
But soon I shall be a Magpie

Lynne2 said...

I'm glad you were there for her Margy, and for yourself as well. No doubt she was aware of you.

magpie said...

but now I am going to become
a Clean Magpie

xo ttfn ♥
Lovins' to ALL

magpie said...

♥ Lynne..thanks ♥

Lynne2 said...

perhaps...a Charley Harper Magpie??

magpie said...

hearing different frog sounds
now at the nest...
I can't name them but
I bet Lynne2 can

wouldn't it be great
to hear a whip-poor-will?

okay, 'bye for now

Lynne2 said...

here is a great frog call list!

Frog Calls

Mema Jo said...

Just got notified on FB:

We've made some updates to how your timeline looks. Your posts and life events are on the right, with everything else on the left.

If they don't quit messing with my page - they are going to be sorry...

Lynne2 said...

Steve is watching the news and I can't really hear the nest sounds as the computer is next to the TV.

Mema Jo said...

I forgot to tell you all that yesterday as we were seated here at the dinner table - a deer ran down the back yard - I guess going down to the stream. It has been quite a long time since I have seen one out back (where the golf course is) I used to see herds of them.

I think I saw 3 Canadian geese fly over earlier. No honking - but with their long necks I know they weren't ducks from the pond.

Lynne2 said...

I think I need a little change to a Charley Harper...

Lynne2 said...

that's good Jo, now maybe you'll see more of them!

JudyEddy said...

cool beans on the deer JO
watching AI

JudyEddy said...

I love your avatar LYNNE2

Lynne2 said...

Thanks! Charley Harper is an artist and I just love his pictures!

OH, and I forgot that in addition to the REDBUDS suddenly blooming, we've got lots of Barn Swallows today, and I saw another Mourning Cloak Butterfly! Life in the city isn't so bad....

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is all tucked in with Hedgie at her chest still and Shamrock is at her tail off a bit

Jewels said...

Momma Jo I was hoping that you can come be with us when we do this, I have a seat for you to oversee!! YOu do not have to send me money.
Day lillies would be nice too. It is partly sunny and shady. Charlie has taken down a couple trees to give it more light.

Janet said...

good evening to all:

JO: so sorry a tree had to be removed....((((hugs))))

LYNNE2: bravo! fantastic, well thought out post on pit bulls, and dogs in general!!!!

LORI: hang in there!!!! i studied for weeks to take the national cert. exam to become a massage is intense prepping for something like this! we are all behind can do it!!!! we believe in you!!!!

MAGPIE: ((((hugs)))) to you my friend. so glad you were able to have a bit of time with your friend. i am sure people who are transitioning can absolutely hear you and feel your spirit and your love......what a beautiful thing you did for her and for yourself....

okay, going to watch Survivor...

good night all!

Lynne2 said...

Fort St. Vrain may have lost 2 of the 3 eaglets in the horrible weather....only one seen feeding today.

JudyEddy said...

that is so sad Sally posted a pic on facebook Its storming there now lightening

Lynne2 said...

Those on FB might like to check out the page Fly Like an Eagle. Lots of updates on all the nests, great pictures and info as well.

JudyEddy said...

Sooner Lake nest in OK

magpie said...

Fort St. Vrain surely has its troubles over the years....I had not watched it yet this year...
am very sad about the news, Lynne

magpie said...

And your avatar Lynne2
is tremendous!

Wheeeee Jo, what a great
wildlifing experience
seeing the Doe

next month comes little deer

magpie said...

loads of beautiful yellow Winter Cress popping all over too, funny, a Spring flower called Winter Cress

JudyEddy said...

BELLE has moved to Shamrock was he is under her chest and Hedgie is in the area where the egg cup was all stretched out AI is really good

JudyEddy said...

Just noticed it still 80°at 10pm

Judie said...

Restful sleep everyone. Sandperson should arrive soon.

Margy, four Kestrel eggs.

magpie said...

Okay Judie! Good Eye! Thank You!
I'll see them Thursday!

Good Night, Eagle Pals....

Prayers for Wellness and Peace

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Jewels - just let me know the date and time! I'll be there! Wouldn't want to miss it for anything! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I had to enlarge your avatar - Love It!

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is up and sitting at 7

Lolly said...

Have been watching a breaking news report. Approximately 60 miles south of us a fertizer plant exploded. This is in West, TX. Every home and building 4 blocks away were blown away and the town is on fire. Some people up here felt the explosion. Middle school is also on fire. The residents of the town have been told to leave. It is small town...very sad.

JudyEddy said...

There was a explosion its on facebook looks like TX maybe

JudyEddy said...

DITTO LOLLY didn't see your comment when I posted cause I am on chat on fb with Angie easier than texting I told her

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - that is NOT so good. That report of damage is horrific. Wow! I am happy knowing that you and Jack are not any closer.

Mema Jo said...

Closing down for the day. Accomplished getting a Costco card. Didn't buy anything yet. Tomorrow the old tree in the back yard comes down.......... squirrels and birds will probably gang up on me in protest. I got lots of peanuts and sunflower seeds to make them happy. TTUT Good Night! ♥

Lolly said...

They are now evacuating the triage area at the stadium. They are now fearful of another tank exploding.

Lolly said...

It is very windy, storms with a front is expected tonight. Supposed to get down into the upper 30's tomorrow night. Geeeesh!

Jewels said...

NO worries, I will send out invite notifcations!! Of course all are welcome,e but many of you are not local!

Jewels said...

Lolly that is awful!!!! I see the storms brewing in the mid section of the us. My Aunt and Grandmother are in tornado watches.

Hoda said...

Good evening.

CAROLYN Prayers for CHARLIE'S sister and I hope the transition is smooth. If she has a DNR than hooking her up is not a good idea. I have the same.

SANDI there has to be a limit as to the number of times the Mother From Hell can tie up all the school and the administration like that!

MARGY Hugs and awesome that you were present to your friend. Yes they do hear and I send her and you much LIGHT.

Not so good on the Pit Bull story KAY.

JO I am sure the creatures in your back yard will understand.

LYNNE Deer and Canada geese. It makes for a good day.

Glad nest reports indicate the chicks are healthy and growing

Hoda said...

Sorry about the explosions in TEXAS LOLLY. Your last posts show caution and that is good.

Lolly said...

60 or 70 killed over 100 injured. That is what they are saying right now.

paula eagleholic said...

I heard a lot of the injured were firefighters. Prayers for all involved in TX.

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Lolly said...

Carolyn, so very sorry about Charlie's sister. How old is she?

Lori, hang in there! Momster prayers are powerful. See no reason not to pray you through this test.

Lynne2 said...

Have been watching the coverage of the TX explosion. Prayers.

Lynne2 said...

Lots in the path of severe weather for the rest of the week, including us on Friday. More prayers.

Lolly said...

The firefighters were called to the plant for a fire and then there was the explosion. So, yes, firefighters were probably killed. The town is now in a gridlock. The interstate is a parking lot the traffic is so bad. Few roads into the town. Such a mess.

Hoda said...

I o not have TV, I need to ask: Are the Texas explosions deliberate?
Please GOD I hope not!!!

Lynne2 said...

OMG Lolly, the news CNN is only confirming 2 dead. Of course, the can't get anything right....

JudyEddy said...

Midnight and both Belle and I are awake anyone else

JudyEddy said...

didn't say on the news HODA

Hoda said...

I am here JUDYE... Trying to figure out what is going in Texas!

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE!!!
I can only pray it is not!
Accident is bad enough.

Lynne2 said...

snowing like crazy at Fort St. V and both adults are in the nest :(

Lynne2 said...

Hard to tell because of smudge on overhead cam, but it looks like neither adult is covering the baby.

Lolly said...

HODA, not deliberate. There was a fire and then the chemicals exploded. A terrible tragedy! They are now saying the fires are contained. Hope this is true. There was a nursing home right across the street. Many injured there.

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to bed. When I wake up I hope I'm 9 years old again...

MANY prayers going up tonight.

Love you all!

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 I don't think Steve would appreciate that a 9yr old LOL

JudyEddy said...

I am not sleepy for some reason maybe because I know I can sleep in I want to run up to walmart and by some of the wine pouches for the basket I wanted to get them and forgot but I also need them to put in the bottom of the basket We have no basket fill at work so I tried using just plastic bags works great but now the bottles have sunk down and needs to be pulled up and I thought that would be good just to lay in bottom to prop up all the stuff in the basket and then I need to run to the dollar store to pick up a card don't buy them at work to expensive dollar store is better for that and gift bags

BELLE just did big shake

Lolly said...

They are presently interviewing a doctor. Dr. Paul Pepe....Dr Pepe!
I love it!!

Lolly said...

Heading to bed soon. Night all! Prayers for the town of West and all those affected.


Hoda said...



Costume Lady said...

Saying good night/good morning.

@CAJUN CORN...Gene makes a rue to thicken the corn, then seasons it with his home-made CAGENE SEASONING. You can bake it or cook on top of the stove. Don't know if he puts margarine or sugar in it?

Prayers and love for all ~♥~

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends! Windy at the nest but Belle is tucked. Eaglets are doing some wiggling.

Jewels, I'm so sorry to hear about Charlie's sister. How old is she? I will pray for her. Your plans for your frog garden sound wonderful!

Lori, sorry the practice test didn't go as well as you hoped. Keep up the studying and don't get discouraged.

Lynne, thanks for the very knowledgeable insight on pit bulls. What you said makes perfect sense.

Staying after school today to help at the track meet - it will be a long day. Make it a good one!

Sandi said...

Belle just took off - babes are alone in the nest.

Janet said...

good mornig. moving slowly. apparently terrible news over night in texas...sending light, love to all involved....and to each of you as well ..... hope everyone is well and has a good day.

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone! Thanks for all the test support - I need it!
I just froze on the math part. And it's only practice. DUH.

JEWELS, like your idea of a redbud and a dogwood tree. Sounds beautiful!

Hope everyone has a great day with love, light and smiles!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent at the top of the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, I wanted to say this concerning your test. I truly believe that if you study to the best of your ability and pray for God to help you do your best while taking the test, the outcome will be as it is meant to be. God is in charge.

Good morning eagle budlets!

I LOVE US!!!!!!!!
I miss Lynn/Hedgie. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Hedgie's head looks like it turned dark overnight!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks are really preening as those new feathers coming in are very itchy!

Can't see any more parent feet, not sure if still there or not.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent back with a green branch...leaves.

Lori O. said...

you are right. I have prayed that God would put me on the path of his choice, so that I would be doing what He wants me to do. Thanks for the support!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Carolyn, my thoughts are with Charlie and you and all the family. So sad for you.

Judie said...

Trumpet noises please: Lady Isla has her first egg of the season!

Our babes look darker this morning and also look to be just hangin' out. So cute.

Lori, find out if only correct answers are tallied on the real test. If so, when you take the test just make a reasonable guess at questions you are unsure of. May get some correct answers, especially if you can narrow down to 50/50. What I did for the GRE.

Judie said...

Thought the news might have an update on TX explosion but not yet. Thoughts and prayers for all involved.

Judie said...

Babes still plotzed.

Raining misty overcast here.

Headed to the big school house in a little while.

Wishing everyone as good a day as possible.

magpie said...

Very happy to read of Isla's first egg, Judie...thank you...

very saddened about the
fire, explosion, death and injury
in West, Texas...just so hard
to comprehend such a tragedy

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

and Best Wishes for a Safe and
a Good Day....

(( Hugs )) xo ♥

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...

More suffering and pain for the USA. When it rains it pours. Well that pretty much sums up things in my world for today. Dex and I are dry and fine. Where I live NOT so much/

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Checking in. I wore myself out getting things ready for by bridge club. Had to sleep in a bit this morning.

Have been keeping up with the news. Tragic events.

Oh my, lots of dark feathers on Hedgie, and a few on Can tell them apart for now.

stronghunter said...

. . . and a few on Shammie.

Not sure how that part of my comment got deleted.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning - I have read comments

Good for the old bird Lady Isla and her 1st egg.

No tree cutting today - too wet out.

I feel like I am going to take a nap today.......

Prayers for so many - all the tragic situations


Lolly said...

Good morning! The front came through during the night. Hope West got as much rain as we did. We received over an inch of rain. Wahooooo! We even fertilized and had not watered. It also washed away all the oak pollen. Presently 49 and predicted to down into the 30's tonight. Just unbelievable for the last half of April.

News is a wee bit better for West. No new explosions and the death count is not as high as they were saying last night.

Shep just arrived with a new stick. At first I thought it was food, but I do not think so.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO eagle buds I have a dentist cleaning appt for what few teeth I have left LOL at one I dislike going to the dentist

Shamrock had a poop shoot as I was typing that went over Hedgie

JudyEddy said...

both parents in the nest

Lolly said...

We had talked about going to Fort Worth today for the Main Street Arts Festival but think we are staying home instead. Too yucky out! Going to clean house instead. That is no fun!! Having friends over for dinner tomorrow. They are getting ready for a trip to Italy and they want our input from our trips over. Also, they was to talk about trailers. So, Italy and trailers will be the subject of conversation. lol

Belle just arrived.

JudyEddy said...

everyone is at 11 and 12 and all you see is tail feet and a head feeding

JudyEddy said...

poof one I think Belle can't tell

Lolly said...

Whole family is trying to disappear at the top of the cam. Peaglets being fed.

Lolly said...

Belle is back and rearranging the furniture. Looks like she is putting a stick on top of the peaglets.

Lolly said...

Sounds like rain just started at the nest.

magpie said...

Nest and the Eagles look great

SPLIT is coming up very soon

Lolly said...

Shep stopped feeding and is showing concern over protecting the peaglets.

magpie said...

big piece of flat stuff

just general household items I guess

not raining in Martinsburg...

yet - can't answer for the nest

magpie said...

You must be right, Lolly...
can they get underneath
"Mom's Skirts" fast enough!

Lolly said...

Time for me to get busy. Coffee is finished.

Hi and bye, Margy! ((hyugs))

Shep is trying to get the peaglets under him. It is so sweet. We need the mombrella!

Lolly said...

I was thinking that was Shep, Margy. Don't know!

Lolly said...

Golly, I can not even type "hugs"! Totally dislike this keyboard!

magpie said...


You are right, Lolly, it is Shep, I was speed-looking ☺
same mistakes I make when
I speed-read
LOL Dad's Skirts! that has a funny
ring to it ☺

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...