GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDS Hoping each of you made it through the night with out WOW on the news levy breaking NJ NY so sad and there is a water plant leaking sewage all over that has to be a big mess LORI so good you checked in I see some checked in on FB tooo
To bed late, and up early, but the power is back. Yay! We are closed today, think our power is off, thank goodness I shut down ALL the computers before we left yesterday.
Good morning! Paula, so glad you are not going to work. Sounds good for everyone except Sandi. Wish we could hear from her. I fear they have a huge mess!
I got up early so I could check on fb and here.
I am off now to eat a quick bite before heading back to jury duty. groan...
At least my mouth is not hurting this morning. It was throbbing when I went to bed and I had taken Advil.
Hope Sandi is able to get a word out soon....but she might not be able to. Prayers for there situation!
LOLLY MARGY did report power was restored. She was heading to check on her flat and then to work. She did not mention the eye today, unless I missed it... Hope court goes well.
Last post 4 am eastern time. I so long to see folks checking in at some point today. I hope you are all OK. I pray storm damage if any is minimal. Prayers.
thanks Lol and Hoda. My eyelid is swollen in the corner not sure if a fruit fly bite, of maybe a brush off of something like poison ivy but it is pretty much 80% open
SAFE here in Northeast PA. We did lose power for a while, but the winds were CRAZY last night.
The HUGE trees out back were swaying BIG TIME and branches kept hitting the house and windows. I couldn't stay upstairs to sleep, so Dennis went with me downstairs and we slept in the living room till about 5am, when the winds died down to a manageable speed.
The winds are still whipping at about 20 - 40 mph, but our power is on and we plan on having a quieter day today.
Lots to pick up in the yard, but we are so blessed. I've lived through these horrible storms in FL (with damage) and my heart goes out to all those affected by this storm. It will take a LOT of time for the water to recede, the sand to be moved back to the beaches, the power to be restored and finally for the damage to be fixed.
Be patient, friends! You will need lots of patience. Keeping you all in my prayers ........ xoxo
GOOD MORNING... We are high and dry here at my roost. No damage on our property, that we can see. Power never went out. On our way to open up the Soup Kitchen.
Just knew I was going to be selected. Prosecutor made it sound like I would...sitting number three on the front row, but guess what! It is a DWI case of a female, Fort Worth school teacher. hee hee They did not want me!
Will try to find info on the case the next few days!
i have been thinking of you all, watching the tv off and on, and hoping for the best for everyone. would sure feel better if sandi checked in; but thinking positive.
went for the results of tom's biopsy today.....the GOOD news is no cancer, BUT a precancerous condition does exist they will be monitoring him closely for the next six months. simply put, that means another PSA test and biopsy in six months, and then see what happens. from my research, and confirming with the doc, there is a greater than 50% chance that nothing will ever happen....and IF it were to take a change towards cancer, THEN it is most treatable and very slow to grow. so, we will see what happens.
have been working on my website. got some updates done. if you want to look at it, just google my name, or type in that's where you'll find my page.
talked with the oldest today; she and the kids are feeling some better. let's say this, kids act as if they have never been sick and she's doing okay...she'll get more rest when they are back in school tomorrow.
cold today. cold wind. heater is acting up (again) (SIGH) i turned the heat up...nada. hmmmmm. :/ really? told tom, he tinkered with it. came on. 15 min later, still 66 in here. i told him, it isn't running. he said yes it is. no it isn't. went down stairs, it turns on, pilot lights, fan runs, and within 60 sec it stops. have another call in to the heater people..... yipppeeee!
supposed to be here after 5.
well, now to work on my class for next year. planning a trip to michigan...looking forward to traveling AND teaching..a paid vacation!!! how about that!
Yes, Shirley, I think that was the case. Did not want a teacher. Being a teacher would not have affected me in any way, but I was thrilled!!!
We got about 3/4 of a bucket of pecans. Think the rest we will just have to wait til they fall. No more ladders and trying to get them. We have plenty!!!
lol I would have like to have heard all the testimony. I would have liked to have heard what she said. Yes, teaching does drive you to drink but....not drive!!!
Hello soggy gang! Hope we hear from Sandi! We never even lost power!!!Very windy and lots of rain last night and today just gray, COLD, and drizzly. Boss called that Park did not lose power and only a couple trees down. That's a miracle. I asked him about his place in OC and he didn't know yet. His Dad lives near there but could't get in to check~~roads closed. Paula, I hope Paradise is OK, and Larry can fix his. I go to Chelsea tomorrow and for over a year I've been eyeballing a couple trees leaning over the entrance road near the house. Will see if they're up or down. Hope the Patuxent River by us will be OK. That sewage spill was north in Howard Co., but think they got power back to stop it.We have a treatment plant just north of the Park. Also rescued a kayaker!!!! from a creek! Heard earlier that the storm is going to Pittsburgh & Snowshoe, WV had 1 ft. of snow! Best Wishes and Prayers for ALL ☺♥
Congrats, Lolly! Fubby always gets out of serving by answering the ?? in a way that would dismiss him. Such as "yes" to "do you think the party is guilty already?"
Was also wondering how they are going to pump all that water out of NY subways and roads, etc?? My daughter got home last night from China, via Detroit. She said most of the other speakers in her group live in NY area, so they were going to have to get a hotel in Detroit for a few days!(xtra trip!)
OK Lolly, I finally understood your post,,,you were not picked for the jury.
Larry may have some hopeful news on his house...some other houses did not get water inside, that it what he is hoping is his situation. He's going to the beach tomorrow.
No word on Paradise, electric still out, can't get through to anyone. Crisfield is still under water.
So glad all the eagle blog has survived the storm I wish I knew how BELLE AND SHEP were and if the nest was still there ♥ Shame that SANDI has had flooding issues hope she can get it resolved quick with out any issues
I check out you site SIS and found your other face book page on it tooo I LIKED it
There was a eagle at Alcoa both were there with food and then they poofed with it the camera they have is so nice and clear but I don't like the 15min and it turns off
Thx for the info, Paula, on Sandi & the subways. Hope both the Paradises are OK. Hope Sandi & Dennis can get all the help they need. How awful! JudyE, so glad you're seeing eagles! I haven't checked other nest cam sites We had plenty of birds and squirrels around today as well as yesterday. I guess food is the top of their list! Fubby was in lounge chair this afternoon with cat on his footrest. She saw squirrel in the dining room window and flew up there!! When I go out, she tries to pry the door open! Gonna eat some dindin & don't have to cook!!!I love leftovers ☺
Getting ready to prepare dinner. Had a funny "ah ha" moment while working in the yard. That is when I do my deep thinking. lol When we were dismissed and walked out of the courtroom, one man turned to me and said "So, why were you not picked?" I told him I was a retired teacher. He said he knew he was not going to be picked and I asked him why and he did not want to give me an answer. Well, ding dong, why working in the yard it dawned on me who he was....the school superintendent of our school district. Duh..I knew he looked familiar.
We have decided to go to Denton tomorrow. Taking up a meal, picking Jacob up at school, going to help out with trick or treaters. They do not come here anymore. Houses to far apart to be profitable. ☺
PAULA - Dennis is doing pretty well. He is uncomfortable because he can feel that stent. Sometimes it makes him sick to his stomach, but all in all, not too bad. He went for a CT scan yesterday and hopes to find out when it will be taken out soon. Thanks for asking!
Sure hoping the damage at PARADISE is minimal.
Keeping SANDI and Dennis in thought and prayer as they deal with the aftermath of this storm and all the damage. From what I can tell, she probably has a beautiful home that she cares for meticulously.
Glad to hear many of you made it through the storm okay.
We had an eight year old boy in our community that was killed by a tree that fell on their home. So very sad...
Hi, Everyone, I apologize for being MIA again! I have been saying prayers for everyone, though. Sounds as if everyone is OK back east with the horrible weather from Sandy. Most decidedly grateful for that!!!!
I went and got my flu shot today, and I'm hoping my arm doesn't get sore from it. I don't usually get a reaction, though, so it's probably OK.
Ken is feeling fine, except that certain foods kind of turn him off--trying to keep him on a fairly bland diet until that resolves. I'm fine, and so is Emma.
Hoda, I was glad to hear that you had no problems from the earthquake. Goodness! it was a fairly big one, too!
Shirley, have been praying that your house will be all right, and the contractors will get it fixed, pronto! Boy, don't get me started about insurance companies!
Hoping that Lynne2 and Steve will be OK in their basement abode.
Lolly, I'm glad that you didn't get picked for a jury! We have decided that we're just not turning on our porch light for trick or treat. Emma would be barking, and trying to run out the front door. Don't want her to have to spend the evening in her crate! We only get 1 or 2 kids at the door, anyway.
Will be in "lurk" mode here for a few days, but will check in when I can. Praying that our eagles and the Sycamore Palace are OK! Has anyone checked with Steve? Love all of you! ♥♥Missing Lynn!♥♥ ♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥ I ♥ us!!!
Evening all! I posted a status update on FB this morning from Denny's phone but it must not have shown up b/c everyone here has been asking about me (i've been following the blog off and on but not posting since i hate this typing one letter at a time. Still no internet or cable).
Sometimes life just sucks and this has certainly been one of those times!!! As the water was climbing in my foyer and Denny's workshop last night, our neighbor called. He and his wife were in FL to settle on a property and left their teenage daughter and their yellow lab at their house with the grandparents. When the dog went downstairs to go outside,there was standing water on the ground floor just like at our house. The dog jumped into the water and was electrocuted!! Ken askedDenny to go over to the house and see if he could do anything. All he could do was call the police and the power company to come and shut off the power so they could walk in the water to pick up the dog and carry him outside. Still makes me sick to retell the story.
Today i tried to adopt the "it's only stuff" philosophy to the ruined, damaged things that will have to be replaced. That was until i opened the plastic tote with all of our boys'childhood photos and found it full of water! That was when i broke down. I was dealing with the mess and the smelly water in my house and the prospect of fighting with the insurance company to get the repairs. I was even dealing with the clause in the policy that says if damage is due to a hurricane, our deductible is $5000 rather than $1000!!! But looking at those sopping wet photos was more than i could bear! I SOBBED!!! Denny and i spent hours today spreading every single photo out on towels on tables and countertops and beds to let them dry. Amazingly, they're a little curled and have some water spots, but they're not ruined!
In the midst of all the clean up here i got a text from my sister. My mom stubbed her big toe on Saturday and by today, it was 3 times its size and infected. Lisa took her to the ER and at first there was talk of amputating it!!! Docs decided that wasn' t necessary but they admitted her!! Not sure why ; will have to talk to Lisa tomorrow.
Ugly 24 hours!!! Tomorrow has to be better!
Goodnight all! Thanks so much for your caring and concern! I love you all!!! Janet, great news about Tom's biopsy results!
Prayers for all who need them. Hope to be back online tomorrow.
OH SANDI I am sooo sorry to hear all the mess you have to put up with so sorry about the dog tooo and thank goodness it wasn't the girl So sorry about your mom's toe So happy the pictures are ok I know this has to be so hard and my heart goes out to you and if I lived closer I would help Take a deep breath and one day at a time and I will be keeping you and Dennis close to heart and hope things go better for you in the next couple of days
I have really missed not being here - For about 5 days I was under the horrible influence of an extra strong anti-biotic.... Nausea, couldn't eat and I felt half dead - I quit the med and yesterday I felt like I was beginning to be ME. No storm damage here but a few small branches down out back. Funny thing was that Jenny in Knoxville MD and Melissa in Hedgesville WV and Kristen in Big Pool MD all lost their power yesterday. Today at the very same time all three had their power restored.
It was a fantastic day - Michael is becoming more like Michael as each day goes by. Your prayers and positive thoughts are being heard and the Great Physician is using His Healing power on Michael. When Michael is speaking of a family member or his friends his hand always goes to his heart. When he is hoping for something his hands always fold together in prayer. God has a plan for Michael and I am certain that Michael will fulfill God's wishes. ♥
Settled here watching TV. George is listening for Kathryn. She just came in. One of her friends is having marriage problems and Kathryn went over to help comfort her yet again. Sad situation. Their son is Hunter's age. He called Kathryn to come over because his mom was upset.
Yea!! Sandi, so great to hear from you!! So very sorry about all the mess and loss! I would have sobbed too concerning the pictures. Terrible story about the dog, but thankfully it was not their daughter.
OMG. So many have had little problems and some have some large ones! Prayers for Sandi & Denny and your neighbors awful accident. So glad the daughter didn't step in the water! Sorry for your Mom's trouble. Prayers also for all with other problems such as the Bluefield gang and snow! Janet, so glad Tom will soon be done w/that ordeal.Find some other Drs! Mema Jo, so good to hear from you. Michael certainly is special, like his family!☺ Gotta do the do, so Prayers for ALL and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) SED
well I need to call it a day I hope tomorrow ☼ brings a better day for all that were affected by the storm and hope the clean up goes good I am sooo sorry Sandi for you disaster you have to deal with
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
I am at a loss for words Sandi. Soooo sad all the way around, I just want to cry!!! Great news on Tom's Biopsy!! Had to go back and re-read so I could smile!! :) Still no power at my house and if that isn't bad enough, the likely hood of not having a landline phone will be there too. APpears alot of the 754 exchange is out. So also may mean no internet at the house either. Did lose the Weeping Willow tree all the way. Charlie tried to pull it and set it straight but it still wanted to just fall over. The weight and the water logged ground just tore the roots all up. We will try two ways to start a new tree. Plant one now and then put one branch in water in my house to grow roots. Momma Jo, what awesone news to read about Michael!! Makes me smile and cry!!! GLad the girls all got the power restored!! almost time for me to get off work. I got 3 of my 4 days off, guess I cannot complain about that! Hope everyone is ok and gets the messes cleaned up and can sleep well. Love and prayers to everyone!!!
I just read Michael's report for today on Caring wonderful to hear of his progress nearly every day. I love Jo's statement that he is speaking with his hands and his heart!
We had cancelled the Soup Kitchen, last night, but while Gene and I were drinking our coffee and looking at the calmness of the day, wondered what our clients would do and think if they came to church and we weren't there...hate to think of some of them walking long distances only to find we were closed...couldn't have that happpen, so we called Pastor Eddie and he agreed that it might be wise to open up. Glad we did, we had somewhere near 50 guests. We served:
Hot Dogs Chili-crackers apple sauce Strawberry Coffee, soda & lemonade
Feeling so sad for SANDI. Seems her situation went from bad to worse over a 24 hour period
GOOD NIGHT, GOD BLESS and sending love and prayers to you all♥
Oh dear God Sandi! I am so sorry! I totally get what you said about the pictures. That would have done it for me as well. I'm so glad it sounds like you have been able to save them! And that poor dog! Oh words. I hope today is a better day. Good luck fighting the insurance company. Rather infuriating. We pay all our life for insurance and then when we need it we have to fight to get it.
my heart breaks as i read sandi's i long to be able to help.
thanks SIS for checking out my website adn facebook page. i love the likes....
tom and i did not "celebrate" the non cancer diagnosis, just a weight lifted, ya know. his dad had had prostate cancer, although, we did not find that out til after his death. he died actually of a melonoma that metastasized and went to his brain. hard to believe .... that was 2002.
as for finding a new doctor for him; personally i would, but he is more stubborn than i am on that. MY opinion is doctors/their staff work for US, not the other way around and we should be treated as such. i understand files get lost etc, but a bit of communication/courtesy would go a long way. IF they had come in and said, this is the situation, i would have been appeased. one time, when i went in there for myself, i had to leave within 90 min to make it to work on time and when i asked if they were running behind due to this i got a smart remark. so i came back with, okay, this is the deal. my appt is @ 10 a.m. if i am not seen by 10:30 i am out of here and you can rebook me, i have to go to work. i do not have all day. i don't treat people that way and i do not expect to be treated that way!
MEMAJO: such fantastic news about michael! healing thoughts continue!!!!
quiet day here again today. i ended up not working yesterday; which was fine too. i worked, just didn't get paid for it. sometimes it is nice to have the time and presence of mind to work on things, like updating the website, etc.
i have one massage today. so i will spend the afternoon prepping for this weekend's classes. last classes for this year. i have already set up dates for next year. i have a gal who's gonna teach as well, which benefits me too! :) i have been working on making that happen as well; a paperwork drill.
hope everyone has a super day. those in the storms aftermath, know we are holding you in our hearts. and i hold each of you in my heart and thoughts, sending light and love to each of you.... hugs my friends.
Oh, SANDI, my heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry about the pictures, flooding, the dog and everything! Wish we all lived closer and we could come over to help.
JANET, so happy for the non cancer diagnosis.
I realize I'm blogging a few days behind here, but skimmed a little before going back and reading all. It's been just crazy.
How's SHARON AND THELMA AND BEV doing in all the snow???
♥♥♥ Chrissy!!!!!♥♥♥ Wow, how great to see you on here. (((hugs)))
Good morning! So nice to be lazy today! 61, sun shiney, gorgeous day! Hard to believe that some have over a foot of snow and Sandi has a BIG mess on her hands. Certainly wish I could jump in and help!
Need to get a move on. Going to make lasagne to take to Denton for dinner tonight. It is sort of tradition to pick the boys up from school. (Jacob), and prepare dinner for Laurel on Halloween.It makes the evening much more pleasant. Jack and I stay at the house and pass out candy while Laurel and Joey take the boys around the neighborhood.
Happy Halloween! ♥ Wand and Gene - I now know of two Saints in real life! Bless you both! ♥ Chrissy - prayers for your health and family! So happy to see you here. ♥ Laurel, Joseph, Dana - You brightened my day with your costumes you are wearing to school today! That 's the Spirit ♥ Sandi - My heart aches for you and Denny - Sure pray the water is receding fast. ♥ To all of you, especially those out playing in the snow lol Love you all.
♥ Michael is taking his swallowing test today! Every time you swallow today - give a little shout up to the Heavens that Michael does well! He is a hungry man! It also will mean that the feeding tube could soon be removed.
TTUL - I have my breathing test this afternoon - I need to go practice!!
Still lightly raining here in western PA. No snow for us, but see pink on the radar to the south and east.
Sandi so glad that you and Denny are all right. And it is only "stuff", a hard lesson to swallow. I am sure you both are exhausted so take care of yourselves. Hope your Mom's situation turns out to be minor.
Got a contract from the restoration company. Think I will go over it with Kathryn this evening.
It continues to amaze me how everyone wants me to pay the $500 deductible and how the insurance company deducts it from what they pay me. Someone needs to explain this.
Kinda funny that I forgot that I have to refresh in order to see new posts....well, now I know.
My hometown of Long Beach NY was hit pretty hard by Sandy. Then again, it IS a narrow city build up on a sandbar. lol! There's a bay on one side and an ocean on the other. I'm so glad I live in a place that is safe from hurricanes......all we've got here are wars and an occasional earthquake ;-)
Catching up on your posts gave me many reasons to shed tears and many others to plant a wide smile across my face ! Within our precious group we have such a wide range of highs n' lows, good and bad. God Bless Us All !
SANDI, my heart is aching for you ! So happy the pics will survive and that you and Dennis are alive and well ! Praying for your Mom in her current hour of need !
JO, thrilled to pieces with Michael's progress. Hope his test and yours provide vital medical info today !
WANDA, how like you and Gene to reconsider and quickly put a good meal together for your folks !
Good to see GUELA and CHRISSIE checking in and to know their thoughts are will all in Sandy's path !
LOLLY, nice Halloween tradition with Laurel's family. Enjoy !
Happy Halloween for today and All Saints Day for tomorrow, Eagle Buds ! My prayers are with all in need and that's a very long list these days ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Wonderful to see GUELA and CHRISSIE on today...yes indeed we all love one another and we extend a helping hand.
PRAYERS for MICHAEL and his tests today.
WANDA and the CAPTAIN you are awesome people God Bless for thinking of the others and for opening.
SHIRLEY if they are going to pay the deductible let you I would wonder about how it works though...does not work that way for my car...I pay the deductible on windows and accidents...
ENJOY your time at LAUREL'S LOLLY and JACK. Take lots of pictures of the boys and their costumes and their candy intake...the loot!!! I missed seeing a picture of JACOB and ZACH in their costumes this morning. Ask Michael or Ashley to send you one and post it please.
JANET frustrating about the doctor and appointments and delays. I am still very happy that TOM is clear... Tell me again please how to get to your pages...maybe I will google and see what comes up?
Excellent Yoga class.
RAINING cats and dogs and people are in contrary moods...we are all looking for some blue and has been a while!
Very happy to see those who checked in and again thinking of SANDI and DENNY and sending Light and PRAYERS.
I liked the google interactive JUDYE...I thought you were going to make a comment about it... Enjoy trick or treating and put up pictures of little JORDYN and her costume...
I am handing out candy with hubby - so far not many but some that have been here were so cute! I had Tigger, a princess, a penquin and a Blueberry - Halloween is fun! Hoping Dana had a good day!
I have now concluded my PET exam and my PFT (breathing) test. Next step is the Nov 8 evaluation by the surgeon. Thanks for all your prayers. ♥
WOW not many children out and about in my neighborhood, but I did get two of my kindergarteners! Apparently I was the highlight of the trip around the neighborhood! ☺
I swear I posted a status update yesterday morning and again this morning via Denny's Droid. So where the hell did they go? Anyway, we got about 20 inches of water INSIDE the ground floor foyer and Denny's workshop. Lots of ruined stuff - drywall, insulation, tools, memorabilia from the kids' childhoods, maybe a refrigerator. Called State Farm today - THEY don't cover floods, only our flood insurance policy thru FEMA does! Flood insurance policy covers the structure only, NO contents!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! Spent today starting the clean-up! Maybe it was good that I had no internet for 3 days - I was much more productive! Like · · 33 minutes ago ·
Lolly, love your Halloween tradition. I am missing mine this year since I had to work tonight.
Great to see Chrissy here! And hello Geula. Thank you both for all your kind thoughts!
Janet, good news on Tom.
Jo, hope Michael's test went OK..
I think flood insurance does cover the contents, but you may have to request it on your policy and pay for it...thought sure it did at the beach house.
And yes, I have issues at the beach, but not too bad. Have one large pine down, but it is leaning against another that is not all the way down, and if it comes down, it will hit my fishing shack...the second mobile home on the property. Insurance doesn't cover it,,. So I am heading to the beach tomorrow night so I can find someone on Friday to take the 2 trees down. Other than that, all is good. Neighbors have trees down too, one on a house, another on a shed.
Dad passed his swallow test! Yippee, so he was started on a puree food diet. I am sure he is in heaven. He wanted food so bad on Saturday when I was there with him. He kept trying to convince the nurse to give him some or a drink on at least 8 different occasions. I don't have much else to share but I am excited we are one step closer to the trach coming out!
Evening all - checking in before bed. EXHAUSTED!! Thanks Hoda, for bringing over my FB post!
Have not read back and will never be able to catch up. But I did see Paula's comment about flood insurance. Yes, you can buy coverage for contents. But, in our case, it would be a waste of money. It does not cover "enclosed areas under elevated buildings." So, since our house is built on pilings, the area that we chose to enclose when we moved down here so that Denny would have a workshop and we would have a place to store things (like the stuff folks store in their attics and/or basements) is NOT covered by flood insurance, even if we purchased insurance for the contents. Our bank requires that we have it since we live in a "flood zone," so we will continue to pay the premium til we pay off the mortgage. After that, it's just not worth it to us. Water will never reach our first floor living area.
In talking with neighbors today, some have lived here for 30 years and have never seen the flooding that they saw from this storm. The height of the water in the canals at high tide on Monday was 2 and a half feet higher than the height of the bulkheads. That's a lot of water spilling over onto streets and property ... and into people's houses!
Denny was able to get a dumpster delivered today and he and 3 other guys got everything from the floor of the workroom outside, I sorted what was trashed and what was salvageable, and they removed the wood trim, the bottom 2 feet of drywall, and the wet insulation in the entire foyer and workshop, as well as the carpet and padding from the bottom 3 steps that soaked up water. Tomorrow, they'll use shop vacs to get all water and drywall dust up from the concrete floor in the workshop and the ceramic tile in the foyer, then we need to let it dry before the concrete floor gets sealed (something we never did when we built the workshop 6 years ago). We'll get a water restoration company in next week to treat the studs and exterior plywood with mildewcide.
On a good note, our phone has been ringing off the hook from other folks who have the same damage and want Denny to fix it. So the storm will be GREAT for his business as we head into winter, which is normally a very slow time.
Also, good news on my mom. She was discharged from the hospital today and her toe is doing fine!
Back to school for me tomorrow so off to take a bath and hit the bed! Goodnight all! Thanks again for caring so much! I DO love you guys!
Had plenty of trick-or-treaters here tonight. Kathryn took care of most of them. Hunter went out with a group of kids for the first time, and I know Kathryn was a bit nervous about that.
The google is interactive on my computer tooo that is the first time I got it to work When I was at Angies I thought maybe because she had window 7 but YEAH it works for me too
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
We are home! It was a fun evening! Jacob went out with his best friend and his mom. Joseph went out with a friend. He did not plan on trick or treating but Andrew talked him in to it. Jack and Laurel manned the door to hand out candy. I just sat back and laughed at the reactions. Once Laurel sat out on the porch...a kid told another she was not real. lol Then she roared at them! Panic!!!
Hunter returned with a big load of candy while I was upstairs. He has never been much interested in trick or treating, but I think the idea of going out with a bunch of kids his age suddenly seemed appealing.
WOW! SANDI! So glad you have Denny and things are moving along quickly. Can't believe you got a dumpster delivered so fast! Sorry for all your heartaches with this storm. Glad it's OVER!
JO, Great news that MICHAEL passed his swallowing test! Those Momster prayers....How is he doing with movement on his right side?
PAULA, be safe on your trip to clean up your Paradise! Hope all goes well.
SHIRLEY, like HODA, I don't get that insurance deductable deal either. That's just not right. Straighten them out, Cyclone!
LOLLY, glad you had such a fun Halloween! Didn't even have one kid here last night!
Gosh, if feels so good to have the stress of the unknown and the storm gone! YAY!!!
KAY, are you getting any snow? Be careful. Prayers for no pain!
MARGY, praises that you have your power back!!!! YAY!
I love you all and wish everyone a fabulous, safe & healthy day.
Good Thursday morning my eagle freinds! A 2-day work week for me - YAY!!
One good thing about the insurance company not covering our repairs is that things aren't dragging along like they are for Shirley! I need ACTION - not a patient person!! Since Denny is in the construction business here, he knows what needs to be done in what order and who to call to make it happen.
Make it a great day all! Prayers for Michael's continued progress, for Dana's dad, for Thelma's brother-in-law, and for all other needs!
sandi: more frustrations; i am so sorry. (((hugs))))
and judye: thanks for putting my webpage & facebook page back on here. and thanks for anyone who peeks/and/or likes. i appreciate you all! :)
just a couple of lines. here....we've been trying to get our heating system fixed for about a month now. tom tinkered with it for a bit. then we called some people whom other people suggested and for whatever reason, none could come out. so we called a big company here.....and they finally concluded that the system is 20+ years old....well, time to put her to rest. tom's pretty satisfied with the diagnosis....we have put several hundred $$ into it each year for the past few years....sooo, its time.
today our new system will be installed. but as for last night, we had NO heat and it was heading down to 30. :/ i fixed that. i've been wanting a back up system in case of ice storm or power outtage during the winter. it does happen here, not often, but it does happen. so i went down to lowes and bought this infrared heater. its is this small box that you plug in. it will heat up to 1000 SQ FT. i had my doubts, will say that. but i did research online and such. and people had told me (prior) that this was the way to go for a back up heat system. okay. so $200 later, here i am with this thing in th ehouse.
the ENTIRE HOUSE is a nice toasty 72 this morning! i am actually amazed! and it is 30 outside with a light frost.
so i guess that was a decent purchase!
just wanted to share that in case anyone else was looking for a back up system. my generator will run this without a problem if necessary.
all right, need to get to moving and grooving on this thursday. as i remember i was fully booked with one massage after work as well. ice skating tonight.
everyone, have a great day. (((hugs)))) light, and love to all
Well, the insurance company explained that I misunderstood the deductible stuff. Maybe I did. I do not like going into something like this confused, though.
Just want to check in here since it's been way too long. Don't have much access except for my phone. Doesn't mean I have forgotten everybody. Hope and pray everyone made it through the storm OK. If not hope things are getting back on track for you and yours. Not going to read back much as I'm sure I've missed many life-events. Last check-in for me involved my son and school. He's only missed one day...he asked a girl out and she said she was busy that night. I told him it was OK and was nothing to be too excited about and try to take better care of his self and things will be OK. Also lost my Step-Dad October 16 after a major stroke and not wishing to have any measures taken. I know Hospice is a great organization but witnessed some of their work first-hand and was thankful for all they did for him and my Mom. I see the Eagle Cam no longer is working and I'm guessing it will start up later in the year. Not going to take up much more space. Take care all and be well and safe. I will try to check-in more often from now on as I get some computer time.
Jack has lunch out today, so it is a good day for me to do some house cleaning! I'll put away Halloween decor and get out Thanksgiving.
We are going in a few weeks to Georgia for Thanksgiving. Laurel and Joey are going as well, only they are also going to SC for a day to see some of Joey's family there.
SANDI - My heart aches for you and Denny with all that storm damage. Will continue to keep you both in prayer as you work through the process of getting your home and your life back together.
SHIRLEY - Happy to hear you will be signing a contract today and hoping things will start happening pronto!!
Good Morning this 1st day of Nov. As I turned my calendar, I thought of October as the month of so many eventful days for our son and how he has been the reason so many prayed for him and sent him so many positive thoughts! God has heard all of you! Thank you for your support and prayers that are still being sent up for Michael. ♥
Our prayers for the swallow test sure did work! Thank you all! He uses crutches so not to put weight on his left foot - Physically his body is all in working order!
Really thinking about and praying for all of you and your loved ones. BBL ♥
I am really sorry I haven't been on and schmoozing with all of you... and knowing what's going on in our Eagle Corners, because I know it is important ....
I am busier than I like to be.... at work and at home...
but all is well and I am looking for a break in the action pretty soon
Basically what is going that The Big House has been the nephew who has been helping his uncle take care of his properties....(my late brother in law I am referring to...) so the sale goes through next week....we are in transition of his moving in, and my moving out for a few weeks.....
then, bless his heart, he deploys with the Air Guard to Afghanistan for six months...and he wants me to stay at His BIG House for that time
Basically what is going that The Big House has been the nephew who has been helping his uncle take care of his properties....(my late brother in law I am referring to...) so the sale goes through next week....we are in transition of his moving in, and my moving out for a few weeks.....
then, bless his heart, he deploys with the Air Guard to Afghanistan for six months...and he wants me to stay at His BIG House for that time
Oh wow! Just now went out to feed the fish in the pond. A rs hawk was at the upper pond and flew to the cover over the entrance to Jack's shop. Got a beautiful view and then he flew....another great view. Sure wish I had had my camera!!!
Also, during the night heard a GHO and a couple nights ago while we were eating supper we heard a screech owl. I LOVE having the house open!!!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 375 of 375We still have power, thank goodness.
I am glad you are safe in your house Shirley and that you have electricity. Thinking of Megan's green houses I hope she too had electrical
I can only hope it has calmed down near Sandi too.
Paula stay safe tomorrow I hope no floods
They have cancelled the flood warning on the Rappahannock River here, though there are still warnings for some other areas.
Good morning everyone! I hope it's a good morning, anyhow!
I spent the night at the hotel last night and the power is still on here at the station - much easier to work like this than with generators!
I talked to Kate who is at home and she said the power went out for about 4 hours but came back on a 2 this morning! Hope it stays on!
I hope and pray Sandi is doing well and everyone has power and no flooding!
Jumping on to see if Sandi has checked in...I guess not.
No effect here in Hagerstown. No loss of power, no downed trees. WOW New York looks bad!
Going to go watch the news.
Good Morning Eagle Pals....
Can only jump on to say
Hope all are, or will be, OK !
Power was miraculously restored overnight...going to work now, swing by apartment and see what IT looks like...
Hope to be able to chck in from work but I do not know what to expect for the day..
God Bless Us, Every One
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDS Hoping each of you made it through the night with out WOW on the news levy breaking NJ NY so sad and there is a water plant leaking sewage all over that has to be a big mess LORI so good you checked in I see some checked in on FB tooo
YEAH MARGY got power back
that was MD that had the sewage leak
You all be careful with all the debris and down power lines tooo
OH MY 16 deaths so far
59° out now house is reading 72° high only 67° NICE
I can't beleive all the snow poor SHARON and WVA has gotten
check out this image of the day from NASA
storm on Sataurn
Came on to see If SANDI checked in...not yet...she has not been on FB either.
Huffington Post Page is down...due to the storm They are working on it. Has been gone for hours now...they are doing twitter...
MARGY do you know if MEGAN has power?
Megan is on FB she must have power then!!! YAY!!!
Morning, all.
To bed late, and up early, but the power is back. Yay! We are closed today, think our power is off, thank goodness I shut down ALL the computers before we left yesterday.
I saw Jo on FB last night, too.
Glad you checked in PAULA and that you will not head out on the roads today. Good on the computers shut off yesterday...
Have a good day at court LOLLY and I hope your tooth does not cause trouble...did you sleep well or did the jaw hurt?
Good morning! Paula, so glad you are not going to work. Sounds good for everyone except Sandi. Wish we could hear from her. I fear they have a huge mess!
I got up early so I could check on fb and here.
I am off now to eat a quick bite before heading back to jury duty. groan...
At least my mouth is not hurting this morning. It was throbbing when I went to bed and I had taken Advil.
Hope Sandi is able to get a word out soon....but she might not be able to. Prayers for there situation!
Godo to see whoever can check in, way or the other, here, FB, etc
Thanks to ALL for sharing the news when you get it...
Prayers for Wellness and Safety
Thanks, Hoda! (((hugs)))
Oh, and can not believe the snow Bev,Sharon, and Thelma are experiencing! WOW!!!!
Margy, do you have power?
How is your eye?
LOLLY MARGY did report power was restored. She was heading to check on her flat and then to work. She did not mention the eye today, unless I missed it...
Hope court goes well.
Last post 4 am eastern time. I so long to see folks checking in at some point today. I hope you are all OK. I pray storm damage if any is minimal. Prayers.
thanks Lol and Hoda.
My eyelid is swollen in the corner
not sure if a fruit fly bite,
of maybe a brush off of something like
poison ivy
but it is pretty much 80% open
coworkers say it was wild and crazy in here starting in the late afternoon
Still here, been checking out pics on FB
I didn't see Google on Monday
but thanks for thinking of me!
This is the day my Mother was born,
in 1909, died in 1993
her name is Florence...
Happy Birthday, Mother ♥
42 of the 55 West Virgina County school systems are either closed or on delay
No big surprise!
Well looks like you all made the split BEFORE I did. Glad to see so many checking in. Still more to hear form. HAGD
Good Morning!
SAFE here in Northeast PA. We did lose power for a while, but the winds were CRAZY last night.
The HUGE trees out back were swaying BIG TIME and branches kept hitting the house and windows. I couldn't stay upstairs to sleep, so Dennis went with me downstairs and we slept in the living room till about 5am, when the winds died down to a manageable speed.
The winds are still whipping at about 20 - 40 mph, but our power is on and we plan on having a quieter day today.
Lots to pick up in the yard, but we are so blessed. I've lived through these horrible storms in FL (with damage) and my heart goes out to all those affected by this storm. It will take a LOT of time for the water to recede, the sand to be moved back to the beaches, the power to be restored and finally for the damage to be fixed.
Be patient, friends! You will need lots of patience. Keeping you all in my prayers ........ xoxo
We are high and dry here at my roost. No damage on our property, that we can see. Power never went out.
On our way to open up the Soup Kitchen.
Hope Sandi checks in soon and has some GOOD NEWS!
Back tonight♥
Linda, how is Dennis feeling?
Not looking good! Probably going to be selected for jury. Interesting BUT............! Grrrr!
Hope you have a successful soup kitchen, Wanda. You are going to be much appreciated today. Everyone has been through a rough time.
Oh, Lolly, I hope it won't be a long trial. I agree it could be interesting.
Wahooo! I am home...going out to pick up pecans.
Just knew I was going to be selected. Prosecutor made it sound like I would...sitting number three on the front row, but guess what! It is a
DWI case of a female, Fort Worth school teacher. hee hee They did not want me!
Will try to find info on the case the next few days!
No word from Sandi yet?
Guess they do not want a retired teacher on the jury.
good afternoon dear friends.
i have been thinking of you all, watching the tv off and on, and hoping for the best for everyone. would sure feel better if sandi checked in; but thinking positive.
went for the results of tom's biopsy today.....the GOOD news is no cancer, BUT a precancerous condition does exist they will be monitoring him closely for the next six months. simply put, that means another PSA test and biopsy in six months, and then see what happens. from my research, and confirming with the doc, there is a greater than 50% chance that nothing will ever happen....and IF it were to take a change towards cancer, THEN it is most treatable and very slow to grow. so, we will see what happens.
have been working on my website. got some updates done. if you want to look at it, just google my name, or type in that's where you'll find my page.
talked with the oldest today; she and the kids are feeling some better. let's say this, kids act as if they have never been sick and she's doing okay...she'll get more rest when they are back in school tomorrow.
cold today. cold wind. heater is acting up (again) (SIGH) i turned the heat up...nada. hmmmmm. :/ really? told tom, he tinkered with it. came on. 15 min later, still 66 in here. i told him, it isn't running. he said yes it is. no it isn't. went down stairs, it turns on, pilot lights, fan runs, and within 60 sec it stops. have another call in to the heater people..... yipppeeee!
supposed to be here after 5.
well, now to work on my class for next year. planning a trip to michigan...looking forward to traveling AND teaching..a paid vacation!!! how about that!
hugs to all! later gaters
Yes, Shirley, I think that was the case. Did not want a teacher. Being a teacher would not have affected me in any way, but I was thrilled!!!
We got about 3/4 of a bucket of pecans. Think the rest we will just have to wait til they fall. No more ladders and trying to get them. We have plenty!!!
I'm very happy everyone
is OK back East.
God bless you and have a
great week.
There's a pair of eagles on the BWO nest now...looks like the BWE pair.
C(°Ù¿°)D Jim
Still no word from Sandi? She must be busy with clean up.
Hmmm...a teacher that drinks! Unheard of!
Seriously though no one should drink and drive. Nail her.
lol I would have like to have heard all the testimony. I would have liked to have heard what she said. Yes, teaching does drive you to drink but....not drive!!!
They passed up the principal that was sitting on my row, too.
Hello soggy gang! Hope we hear from Sandi!
We never even lost power!!!Very windy and lots of rain last night and today just gray, COLD, and drizzly. Boss called that Park did not lose power and only a couple trees down. That's a miracle. I asked him about his place in OC and he didn't know yet. His Dad lives near there but could't get in to check~~roads closed.
Paula, I hope Paradise is OK, and Larry can fix his.
I go to Chelsea tomorrow and for over a year I've been eyeballing a couple trees leaning over the entrance road near the house. Will see if they're up or down.
Hope the Patuxent River by us will be OK. That sewage spill was north in Howard Co., but think they got power back to stop it.We have a treatment plant just north of the Park. Also rescued a kayaker!!!! from a creek!
Heard earlier that the storm is going to Pittsburgh & Snowshoe, WV had 1 ft. of snow!
Best Wishes and Prayers for ALL ☺♥
Congrats, Lolly!
Fubby always gets out of serving by answering the ?? in a way that would dismiss him. Such as "yes" to "do you think the party is guilty already?"
Was also wondering how they are going to pump all that water out of NY subways and roads, etc??
My daughter got home last night from China, via Detroit. She said most of the other speakers in her group live in NY area, so they were going to have to get a hotel in Detroit for a few days!(xtra trip!)
checked on Sandi thru her son's FB page, she has no power or internet, and had up to 18" of water in the house. So I imagine she is overwhelmed today.
I thought I had her cell #, and I tried calling it, but it's busy, so it may be her home number.
OK Lolly, I finally understood your post,,,you were not picked for the jury.
Larry may have some hopeful news on his house...some other houses did not get water inside, that it what he is hoping is his situation. He's going to the beach tomorrow.
No word on Paradise, electric still out, can't get through to anyone. Crisfield is still under water.
Lowreeda, they do have pumps in the tunnels, but the water level has to lower outside the tunnels for them to work, or something like that.
And the pumps may not have power, New York is a mess, as is NJ shoreline.
So glad all the eagle blog has survived the storm I wish I knew how BELLE AND SHEP were and if the nest was still there ♥ Shame that SANDI has had flooding issues hope she can get it resolved quick with out any issues
I check out you site SIS and found your other face book page on it tooo I LIKED it
HELLO JIM Its been a while
There was a eagle at Alcoa both were there with food and then they poofed with it the camera they have is so nice and clear but I don't like the 15min and it turns off
Thx for the info, Paula, on Sandi & the subways. Hope both the Paradises are OK.
Hope Sandi & Dennis can get all the help they need. How awful!
JudyE, so glad you're seeing eagles! I haven't checked other nest cam sites
We had plenty of birds and squirrels around today as well as yesterday. I guess food is the top of their list! Fubby was in lounge chair this afternoon with cat on his footrest. She saw squirrel in the dining room window and flew up there!! When I go out, she tries to pry the door open!
Gonna eat some dindin & don't have to cook!!!I love leftovers ☺
Getting ready to prepare dinner. Had a funny "ah ha" moment while working in the yard. That is when I do my deep thinking. lol When we were dismissed and walked out of the courtroom, one man turned to me and said "So, why were you not picked?" I told him I was a retired teacher. He said he knew he was not going to be picked and I asked him why and he did not want to give me an answer. Well, ding dong, why working in the yard it dawned on me who he was....the school superintendent of our school district. Duh..I knew he looked familiar.
We have decided to go to Denton tomorrow. Taking up a meal, picking Jacob up at school, going to help out with trick or treaters. They do not come here anymore. Houses to far apart to be profitable. ☺
PAULA - Dennis is doing pretty well. He is uncomfortable because he can feel that stent. Sometimes it makes him sick to his stomach, but all in all, not too bad. He went for a CT scan yesterday and hopes to find out when it will be taken out soon. Thanks for asking!
Sure hoping the damage at PARADISE is minimal.
Keeping SANDI and Dennis in thought and prayer as they deal with the aftermath of this storm and all the damage. From what I can tell, she probably has a beautiful home that she cares for meticulously.
Glad to hear many of you made it through the storm okay.
We had an eight year old boy in our community that was killed by a tree that fell on their home. So very sad...
Hi, Everyone,
I apologize for being MIA again! I have been saying prayers for everyone, though. Sounds as if everyone is OK back east with the horrible weather from Sandy. Most decidedly grateful for that!!!!
I went and got my flu shot today, and I'm hoping my arm doesn't get sore from it. I don't usually get a reaction, though, so it's probably OK.
Ken is feeling fine, except that certain foods kind of turn him off--trying to keep him on a fairly bland diet until that resolves. I'm fine, and so is Emma.
Hoda, I was glad to hear that you had no problems from the earthquake. Goodness! it was a fairly big one, too!
Shirley, have been praying that your house will be all right, and the contractors will get it fixed, pronto! Boy, don't get me started about insurance companies!
Hoping that Lynne2 and Steve will be OK in their basement abode.
Lolly, I'm glad that you didn't get picked for a jury! We have decided that we're just not turning on our porch light for trick or treat. Emma would be barking, and trying to run out the front door. Don't want her to have to spend the evening in her crate! We only get 1 or 2 kids at the door, anyway.
Will be in "lurk" mode here for a few days, but will check in when I can. Praying that our eagles and the Sycamore Palace are OK! Has anyone checked with Steve? Love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!
Evening all! I posted a status update on FB this morning from Denny's phone but it must not have shown up b/c everyone here has been asking about me (i've been following the blog off and on but not posting since i hate this typing one letter at a time. Still no internet or cable).
Sometimes life just sucks and this has certainly been one of those times!!! As the water was climbing in my foyer and Denny's workshop last night, our neighbor called. He and his wife were in FL to settle on a property and left their teenage daughter and their yellow lab at their house with the grandparents. When the dog went downstairs to go outside,there was standing water on the ground floor just like at our house. The dog jumped into the water and was electrocuted!! Ken askedDenny to go over to the house and see if he could do anything. All he could do was call the police and the power company to come and shut off the power so they could walk in the water to pick up the dog and carry him outside. Still makes me sick to retell the story.
Today i tried to adopt the "it's only stuff" philosophy to the ruined, damaged things that will have to be replaced. That was until i opened the plastic tote with all of our boys'childhood photos and found it full of water! That was when i broke down. I was dealing with the mess and the smelly water in my house and the prospect of fighting with the insurance company to get the repairs. I was even dealing with the clause in the policy that says if damage is due to a hurricane, our deductible is $5000 rather than $1000!!! But looking at those sopping wet photos was more than i could bear! I SOBBED!!! Denny and i spent hours today spreading every single photo out on towels on tables and countertops and beds to let them dry. Amazingly, they're a little curled and have some water spots, but they're not ruined!
In the midst of all the clean up here i got a text from my sister. My mom stubbed her big toe on Saturday and by today, it was 3 times its size and infected. Lisa took her to the ER and at first there was talk of amputating it!!! Docs decided that wasn' t necessary but they admitted her!! Not sure why ; will have to talk to Lisa tomorrow.
Ugly 24 hours!!! Tomorrow has to be better!
Goodnight all! Thanks so much for your caring and concern! I love you all!!! Janet, great news about Tom's biopsy results!
Prayers for all who need them. Hope to be back online tomorrow.
OH SANDI I am sooo sorry to hear all the mess you have to put up with so sorry about the dog tooo and thank goodness it wasn't the girl
So sorry about your mom's toe So happy the pictures are ok
I know this has to be so hard and my heart goes out to you and if I lived closer I would help
Take a deep breath and one day at a time and I will be keeping you and Dennis close to heart and hope things go better for you in the next couple of days
SIS are you and Tom celebrating the good news ????
I hate the C word I wish they would finally find a cure
I have really missed not being here - For about 5 days I was under the horrible influence of an extra strong anti-biotic.... Nausea, couldn't eat and I felt half dead - I quit the med and yesterday I felt like I was beginning to be ME.
No storm damage here but a few small branches down out back. Funny thing was that Jenny in Knoxville MD and Melissa in Hedgesville WV and Kristen in Big Pool MD all lost their power yesterday. Today at the very same time all three had their power restored.
It was a fantastic day - Michael is becoming more like Michael as each day goes by. Your prayers and positive thoughts are being heard and the Great Physician is using His Healing power on Michael. When Michael is speaking of a family member or his friends his hand always goes to his heart. When he is hoping for something his hands always fold together in prayer. God has a plan for Michael and I am certain that Michael will fulfill God's wishes. ♥
Saying Good Night and yes, I Do Love US
Prayers for all
(((Hugs for all)))
Oh, such good news, Jo.
Settled here watching TV. George is listening for Kathryn. She just came in. One of her friends is having marriage problems and Kathryn went over to help comfort her yet again. Sad situation. Their son is Hunter's age. He called Kathryn to come over because his mom was upset.
Good night, Jo. SED.
Good night, Jo. SED.
Yea!! Sandi, so great to hear from you!! So very sorry about all the mess and loss! I would have sobbed too concerning the pictures. Terrible story about the dog, but thankfully it was not their daughter.
Hang in there, Sandi!!!!!
Sorry about the big mess, Sandi. I would have been upset about the pictures, too. Looks like you got hold of them quickly enough to save them.
Very sad about the dog. Fortunately, the girl did not follow it into the water.
OMG. So many have had little problems and some have some large ones! Prayers for Sandi & Denny and your neighbors awful accident. So glad the daughter didn't step in the water! Sorry for your Mom's trouble.
Prayers also for all with other problems such as the Bluefield gang and snow!
Janet, so glad Tom will soon be done w/that ordeal.Find some other Drs!
Mema Jo, so good to hear from you. Michael certainly is special, like his family!☺
Gotta do the do, so Prayers for ALL and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
snow man cam has a heard of deets
DEER not deets LOL
well I need to call it a day I hope tomorrow ☼ brings a better day for all that were affected by the storm and hope the clean up goes good I am sooo sorry Sandi for you disaster you have to deal with
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Deets is a momster term for deer. Thought you had done it on purpose and knew what you were talking about.☺
Heading to the shower and then to bed. I am tired. Getting up early two mornings in a row has me pooped!
Night all!
Oh Dearest SANDI and DENNY!!! Just that OH dearest Sandi and Denny...I send much love and Light your way
I am at a loss for words Sandi. Soooo sad all the way around, I just want to cry!!!
Great news on Tom's Biopsy!! Had to go back and re-read so I could smile!! :)
Still no power at my house and if that isn't bad enough, the likely hood of not having a landline phone will be there too. APpears alot of the 754 exchange is out. So also may mean no internet at the house either.
Did lose the Weeping Willow tree all the way. Charlie tried to pull it and set it straight but it still wanted to just fall over. The weight and the water logged ground just tore the roots all up. We will try two ways to start a new tree. Plant one now and then put one branch in water in my house to grow roots.
Momma Jo, what awesone news to read about Michael!! Makes me smile and cry!!! GLad the girls all got the power restored!!
almost time for me to get off work. I got 3 of my 4 days off, guess I cannot complain about that!
Hope everyone is ok and gets the messes cleaned up and can sleep well.
Love and prayers to everyone!!!
LOLLY so funny about not recognizing the Superintendent!!! Glad you are not doing jury duty...
Good news on TOM JANET...
All is good here I needed to catch up before I make a pot of tea.
Be Back in a little while.
PAULA I hope no water in Larry's paradise!! Keep us posted.
Oh Sandi, how awful about the neighbor girl and the dog. I saw that post on FB by Delaware Surf Fishing, had no idea it involved you and Denny.
So sorry you are going through this, but the damage could be worse. Hugs to you and Denny.
SED, love and hugs to all ♥
I just read Michael's report for today on Caring wonderful to hear of his progress nearly every day. I love Jo's statement that he is speaking with his hands and his heart!
We had cancelled the Soup Kitchen, last night, but while Gene and I were drinking our coffee and looking at the calmness of the day, wondered what our clients would do and think if they came to church and we weren't there...hate to think of some of them walking long distances only to find we were closed...couldn't have that happpen, so we called Pastor Eddie and he agreed that it might be wise to open up. Glad we did, we had somewhere near 50 guests.
We served:
Hot Dogs
apple sauce
Coffee, soda & lemonade
Feeling so sad for SANDI. Seems her situation went from bad to worse over a 24 hour period
GOOD NIGHT, GOD BLESS and sending love and prayers to you all♥
Oh dear God Sandi! I am so sorry!
I totally get what you said about the pictures. That would have done it for me as well. I'm so glad it sounds like you have been able to save them!
And that poor dog! Oh words.
I hope today is a better day. Good luck fighting the insurance company. Rather infuriating. We pay all our life for insurance and then when we need it we have to fight to get it.
good morning to one and all,
my heart breaks as i read sandi's i long to be able to help.
thanks SIS for checking out my website adn facebook page. i love the likes....
tom and i did not "celebrate" the non cancer diagnosis, just a weight lifted, ya know. his dad had had prostate cancer, although, we did not find that out til after his death. he died actually of a melonoma that metastasized and went to his brain. hard to believe .... that was 2002.
as for finding a new doctor for him; personally i would, but he is more stubborn than i am on that. MY opinion is doctors/their staff work for US, not the other way around and we should be treated as such. i understand files get lost etc, but a bit of communication/courtesy would go a long way. IF they had come in and said, this is the situation, i would have been appeased. one time, when i went in there for myself, i had to leave within 90 min to make it to work on time and when i asked if they were running behind due to this i got a smart remark. so i came back with, okay, this is the deal. my appt is @ 10 a.m. if i am not seen by 10:30 i am out of here and you can rebook me, i have to go to work. i do not have all day. i don't treat people that way and i do not expect to be treated that way!
MEMAJO: such fantastic news about michael! healing thoughts continue!!!!
quiet day here again today. i ended up not working yesterday; which was fine too. i worked, just didn't get paid for it. sometimes it is nice to have the time and presence of mind to work on things, like updating the website, etc.
i have one massage today. so i will spend the afternoon prepping for this weekend's classes. last classes for this year. i have already set up dates for next year. i have a gal who's gonna teach as well, which benefits me too! :) i have been working on making that happen as well; a paperwork drill.
hope everyone has a super day. those in the storms aftermath, know we are holding you in our hearts. and i hold each of you in my heart and thoughts, sending light and love to each of you.... hugs my friends.
Hope today is a better day for SANDI and anyone dealing with the disaster aftermath
The news is just sickening to watch the picture and reports
DANAMO love the costume for the day
Oh, SANDI, my heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry about the pictures, flooding, the dog and everything! Wish we all lived closer and we could come over to help.
JANET, so happy for the non cancer diagnosis.
I realize I'm blogging a few days behind here, but skimmed a little before going back and reading all. It's been just crazy.
How's SHARON AND THELMA AND BEV doing in all the snow???
Good morning. Not going to try to read back this morning but wishing all of you a good day.
Hi Folks,,
Just popping in to say Hi and hope all is well with everyone,
Been watching the TV International News Stations and was so worried about everyone on the Eastern Seaboard at Momsters,,
Just read the latest comments so far today,,
Good news Jo pet regarding Michael, I hope he continues to progress and with God's good grace I'm so sure he will,,
For all those who have ill family members or are ill themselves, I send my prayers, love and hugs from across the pond,,
I just had to come on and say hello and wish everyone well in these difficults events,,
Much love everyone
I hope things are going well with you! (((((HUGS)))))
Lori, we are doing okay in the snow. I haven't left the house since Monday. Just spitting snow now.
♥♥♥ Chrissy!!!!!♥♥♥ Wow, how great to see you on here. (((hugs)))
Good morning! So nice to be lazy today! 61, sun shiney, gorgeous day! Hard to believe that some have over a foot of snow and Sandi has a BIG mess on her hands. Certainly wish I could jump in and help!
Need to get a move on. Going to make lasagne to take to Denton for dinner tonight. It is sort of tradition to pick the boys up from school. (Jacob), and prepare dinner for Laurel on Halloween.It makes the evening much more pleasant. Jack and I stay at the house and pass out candy while Laurel and Joey take the boys around the neighborhood.
Happy Halloween!
♥ Wand and Gene - I now know of two Saints in real life! Bless you both!
♥ Chrissy - prayers for your health and family! So happy to see you here.
♥ Laurel, Joseph, Dana - You brightened my day with your costumes you are wearing to school today! That 's the Spirit
♥ Sandi - My heart aches for you and Denny - Sure pray the water is receding fast.
♥ To all of you, especially those out playing in the snow lol Love you all.
♥ Michael is taking his swallowing test today! Every time you swallow today - give a little shout up to the Heavens that Michael does well! He is a hungry man! It also will mean that the feeding tube could soon be removed.
TTUL - I have my breathing test this afternoon - I need to go practice!!
I just read ALL the posts! PHEW! some of you have really seen hard times because of hurricane Sandy! my prayers are with you all!
Wow, Chrissy and Geula in the same day! I am happy about that. How are you Geula? We miss you!
Still lightly raining here in western PA. No snow for us, but see pink on the radar to the south and east.
Sandi so glad that you and Denny are all right. And it is only "stuff", a hard lesson to swallow. I am sure you both are exhausted so take care of yourselves. Hope your Mom's situation turns out to be minor.
▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ Happy Halloween █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂
Heading to Denton. Smells good around here as the Lasagna is ready to pop into the oven. Yum!
Prayers for Michael and his swallowing test.
Prayers for Sandi and Denny!
Yes, it has been great to see Chrissy and Guela pop in. Love it!
Adios Amigos!!! Later Gators!
I love us!♥
Got a contract from the restoration company. Think I will go over it with Kathryn this evening.
It continues to amaze me how everyone wants me to pay the $500 deductible and how the insurance company deducts it from what they pay me. Someone needs to explain this.
Kinda funny that I forgot that I have to refresh in order to see new posts....well, now I know.
My hometown of Long Beach NY was hit pretty hard by Sandy. Then again, it IS a narrow city build up on a sandbar. lol! There's a bay on one side and an ocean on the other. I'm so glad I live in a place that is safe from hurricanes......all we've got here are wars and an occasional earthquake ;-)
I'm headed to bed soon. Stay safe!
It was a long short day! LOL!
Catching up on your posts gave me many reasons to shed tears and many others to plant a wide smile across my face ! Within our precious group we have such a wide range of highs n' lows, good and bad. God Bless Us All !
SANDI, my heart is aching for you ! So happy the pics will survive and that you and Dennis are alive and well ! Praying for your Mom in her current hour of need !
JO, thrilled to pieces with Michael's progress. Hope his test and yours provide vital medical info today !
WANDA, how like you and Gene to reconsider and quickly put a good meal together for your folks !
Good to see GUELA and CHRISSIE checking in and to know their thoughts are will all in Sandy's path !
LOLLY, nice Halloween tradition with Laurel's family. Enjoy !
Happy Halloween for today and All Saints Day for tomorrow, Eagle Buds ! My prayers are with all in need and that's a very long list these days ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Wonderful to see GUELA and CHRISSIE on today...yes indeed we all love one another and we extend a helping hand.
PRAYERS for MICHAEL and his tests today.
WANDA and the CAPTAIN you are awesome people God Bless for thinking of the others and for opening.
SHIRLEY if they are going to pay the deductible let you I would wonder about how it works though...does not work that way for my car...I pay the deductible on windows and accidents...
ENJOY your time at LAUREL'S LOLLY and JACK. Take lots of pictures of the boys and their costumes and their candy intake...the loot!!! I missed seeing a picture of JACOB and ZACH in their costumes this morning. Ask Michael or Ashley to send you one and post it please.
JANET frustrating about the doctor and appointments and delays. I am still very happy that TOM is clear... Tell me again please how to get to your pages...maybe I will google and see what comes up?
Excellent Yoga class.
RAINING cats and dogs and people are in contrary moods...we are all looking for some blue and has been a while!
Very happy to see those who checked in and again thinking of SANDI and DENNY and sending Light and PRAYERS.
Janets page
HODA I am at angies house
this is her facebook
facebook for Janet Reike
Good to hear for Guela and hello to Chrissy I don't think we have been introduced HELLO welcome back don't be a stranger
Thanks JUDYE I appreciate it. JANET did a terrific job with her page...
I liked the google interactive JUDYE...I thought you were going to make a comment about it...
Enjoy trick or treating and put up pictures of little JORDYN and her costume...
I am handing out candy with hubby - so far not many but some that have been here were so cute! I had Tigger, a princess, a penquin and a Blueberry -
Halloween is fun! Hoping Dana had a good day!
I have now concluded my PET exam and my PFT (breathing) test. Next step is the
Nov 8 evaluation by the surgeon. Thanks for all your prayers. ♥
WOW not many children out and about in my neighborhood, but I did get two of my kindergarteners! Apparently I was the highlight of the trip around the neighborhood! ☺
To my knowledge, Michael did have the swallow test but Christine doesn't have any results. I just know in my heart that our Swallow Prayers worked ♥
I may come back later - tired out
If not, then God bless and keep you in the palm of His hands ♥
St. Blaise Mema Jo! I'm sure Michael has had his throat blessed many times. Keeping him in our daily prayers.
Prayers for your tests and a good option from the surgeon JO...Holding you in my prayers.
Also holding MICHAEL in my prayers...
Still day light here the kids have not shown up yet...
I swear I posted a status update yesterday morning and again this morning via Denny's Droid. So where the hell did they go? Anyway, we got about 20 inches of water INSIDE the ground floor foyer and Denny's workshop. Lots of ruined stuff - drywall, insulation, tools, memorabilia from the kids' childhoods, maybe a refrigerator. Called State Farm today - THEY don't cover floods, only our flood insurance policy thru FEMA does! Flood insurance policy covers the structure only, NO contents!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! Spent today starting the clean-up! Maybe it was good that I had no internet for 3 days - I was much more productive!
Like · · 33 minutes ago ·
Happy Halloween everyone!
Lolly, love your Halloween tradition. I am missing mine this year since I had to work tonight.
Great to see Chrissy here! And hello Geula. Thank you both for all your kind thoughts!
Janet, good news on Tom.
Jo, hope Michael's test went OK..
I think flood insurance does cover the contents, but you may have to request it on your policy and pay for it...thought sure it did at the beach house.
And yes, I have issues at the beach, but not too bad. Have one large pine down, but it is leaning against another that is not all the way down, and if it comes down, it will hit my fishing shack...the second mobile home on the property. Insurance doesn't cover it,,. So I am heading to the beach tomorrow night so I can find someone on Friday to take the 2 trees down. Other than that, all is good. Neighbors have trees down too, one on a house, another on a shed.
Good news is that Larry's place didn't get any water inside, just underneath. He'll have to replace ductwork for furnace/AC again.
Good news on Larry's place PAULA hoping for the best on your trees. Drive safely tomorrow...
Slow night for Trick ot treaters here...saw only two!!!
Dad passed his swallow test! Yippee, so he was started on a puree food diet. I am sure he is in heaven. He wanted food so bad on Saturday when I was there with him. He kept trying to convince the nurse to give him some or a drink on at least 8 different occasions. I don't have much else to share but I am excited we are one step closer to the trach coming out!
New Caring Bridge up - with a photo in the pictures
Whoo Hoo!
Evening all - checking in before bed. EXHAUSTED!! Thanks Hoda, for bringing over my FB post!
Have not read back and will never be able to catch up. But I did see Paula's comment about flood insurance. Yes, you can buy coverage for contents. But, in our case, it would be a waste of money. It does not cover "enclosed areas under elevated buildings." So, since our house is built on pilings, the area that we chose to enclose when we moved down here so that Denny would have a workshop and we would have a place to store things (like the stuff folks store in their attics and/or basements) is NOT covered by flood insurance, even if we purchased insurance for the contents. Our bank requires that we have it since we live in a "flood zone," so we will continue to pay the premium til we pay off the mortgage. After that, it's just not worth it to us. Water will never reach our first floor living area.
In talking with neighbors today, some have lived here for 30 years and have never seen the flooding that they saw from this storm. The height of the water in the canals at high tide on Monday was 2 and a half feet higher than the height of the bulkheads. That's a lot of water spilling over onto streets and property ... and into people's houses!
Denny was able to get a dumpster delivered today and he and 3 other guys got everything from the floor of the workroom outside, I sorted what was trashed and what was salvageable, and they removed the wood trim, the bottom 2 feet of drywall, and the wet insulation in the entire foyer and workshop, as well as the carpet and padding from the bottom 3 steps that soaked up water. Tomorrow, they'll use shop vacs to get all water and drywall dust up from the concrete floor in the workshop and the ceramic tile in the foyer, then we need to let it dry before the concrete floor gets sealed (something we never did when we built the workshop 6 years ago). We'll get a water restoration company in next week to treat the studs and exterior plywood with mildewcide.
On a good note, our phone has been ringing off the hook from other folks who have the same damage and want Denny to fix it. So the storm will be GREAT for his business as we head into winter, which is normally a very slow time.
Also, good news on my mom. She was discharged from the hospital today and her toe is doing fine!
Back to school for me tomorrow so off to take a bath and hit the bed! Goodnight all! Thanks again for caring so much! I DO love you guys!
LOVE LOVE LOVE you too SANDI and DENNY and I am glad you are seeing solutions to this major obstacle. Sleep well...SED
Very good news indeed JO!!! Congratulations.
Sandy, sounds like you are are moving along just fine!
Reading back a bit--Hoda, they are charging ME the deductible and the companies I deal with want me to pay the deductible before they do the work.
Nice to see Chrissy on here.
Had plenty of trick-or-treaters here tonight. Kathryn took care of most of them. Hunter went out with a group of kids for the first time, and I know Kathryn was a bit nervous about that.
Thinking of you tonight, Sandi.
Nice picture of Michael, Jo.
I misread then SHIRLEY!!! I just hope the house is fixed soon!!!
Is HUNTER back yet?
Good night all
Boy am I pooped long night and poor Jordyn didn't get in bed till late I left there about 10:20 Was a very nice evning with family
Great news about Michael JO loved the picture of him eating on faacebook too
Loved all the picture of the trick or treater
The google is interactive on my computer tooo that is the first time I got it to work When I was at Angies I thought maybe because she had window 7 but YEAH it works for me too
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
We are home! It was a fun evening! Jacob went out with his best friend and his mom. Joseph went out with a friend. He did not plan on trick or treating but Andrew talked him in to it.
Jack and Laurel manned the door to hand out candy. I just sat back and laughed at the reactions. Once Laurel sat out on the porch...a kid told another she was not real. lol Then she roared at them! Panic!!!
We had a lot of laughs.
Sandi...sounds like the repairs are rolling! Fantastic! Hate it when repairs move slow.
Heading to bed. Night all!
See you tomorrow!
Hunter returned with a big load of candy while I was upstairs. He has never been much interested in trick or treating, but I think the idea of going out with a bunch of kids his age suddenly seemed appealing.
I did not sleep much last night and ended up sleeping really late, so now I am still awake.
Good night, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.
Good Morning Eagle Family!!!!
WOW! SANDI! So glad you have Denny and things are moving along quickly. Can't believe you got a dumpster delivered so fast! Sorry for all your heartaches with this storm. Glad it's OVER!
JO, Great news that MICHAEL passed his swallowing test! Those Momster prayers....How is he doing with movement on his right side?
PAULA, be safe on your trip to clean up your Paradise! Hope all goes well.
SHIRLEY, like HODA, I don't get that insurance deductable deal either. That's just not right. Straighten them out, Cyclone!
LOLLY, glad you had such a fun Halloween! Didn't even have one kid here last night!
Gosh, if feels so good to have the stress of the unknown and the storm gone! YAY!!!
KAY, are you getting any snow? Be careful. Prayers for no pain!
MARGY, praises that you have your power back!!!! YAY!
I love you all and wish everyone a fabulous, safe & healthy day.
One more day til Friday!!!
Good Thursday morning my eagle freinds! A 2-day work week for me - YAY!!
One good thing about the insurance company not covering our repairs is that things aren't dragging along like they are for Shirley! I need ACTION - not a patient person!! Since Denny is in the construction business here, he knows what needs to be done in what order and who to call to make it happen.
Make it a great day all! Prayers for Michael's continued progress, for Dana's dad, for Thelma's brother-in-law, and for all other needs!
good morning everyone.
great news about michael! :)
sandi: more frustrations; i am so sorry. (((hugs))))
and judye: thanks for putting my webpage & facebook page back on here. and thanks for anyone who peeks/and/or likes. i appreciate you all! :)
just a couple of lines. here....we've been trying to get our heating system fixed for about a month now. tom tinkered with it for a bit. then we called some people whom other people suggested and for whatever reason, none could come out. so we called a big company here.....and they finally concluded that the system is 20+ years old....well, time to put her to rest. tom's pretty satisfied with the diagnosis....we have put several hundred $$ into it each year for the past few years....sooo, its time.
today our new system will be installed. but as for last night, we had NO heat and it was heading down to 30. :/ i fixed that. i've been wanting a back up system in case of ice storm or power outtage during the winter. it does happen here, not often, but it does happen. so i went down to lowes and bought this infrared heater. its is this small box that you plug in. it will heat up to 1000 SQ FT. i had my doubts, will say that. but i did research online and such. and people had told me (prior) that this was the way to go for a back up heat system. okay. so $200 later, here i am with this thing in th ehouse.
the ENTIRE HOUSE is a nice toasty 72 this morning! i am actually amazed! and it is 30 outside with a light frost.
so i guess that was a decent purchase!
just wanted to share that in case anyone else was looking for a back up system. my generator will run this without a problem if necessary.
all right, need to get to moving and grooving on this thursday. as i remember i was fully booked with one massage after work as well. ice skating tonight.
everyone, have a great day. (((hugs)))) light, and love to all
Good morning,
Sounds you found the solution, Janet. Glad you did not have to endure a cold night.
We bought some electric heaters when our system quit one cold November. I think we have one of them still left. But it would not heat the whole house.
Going to sign the contract for the work on the house today.
Well, the insurance company explained that I misunderstood the deductible stuff. Maybe I did. I do not like going into something like this confused, though.
Crisis here this morning. Hunter could not find his iPod. He ended up missing the bus looking for it. Never did find it.
SHIRLEY, so happy to hear you got the deductable stuff straightened out, and you're going to sign the contracts for the work. Let the process begin!!!
Good morning my eagle peeps.
Just want to check in here since it's been way too long. Don't have much access except for my phone. Doesn't mean I have forgotten everybody. Hope and pray everyone made it through the storm OK. If not hope things are getting back on track for you and yours. Not going to read back much as I'm sure I've missed many life-events. Last check-in for me involved my son and school. He's only missed one day...he asked a girl out and she said she was busy that night. I told him it was OK and was nothing to be too excited about and try to take better care of his self and things will be OK. Also lost my Step-Dad October 16 after a major stroke and not wishing to have any measures taken. I know Hospice is a great organization but witnessed some of their work first-hand and was thankful for all they did for him and my Mom. I see the Eagle Cam no longer is working and I'm guessing it will start up later in the year. Not going to take up much more space. Take care all and be well and safe. I will try to check-in more often from now on as I get some computer time.
Good morning everyone. Prayers for your day.
Good to see you WVJerry.
Good morning!
Good to see Sandi on here again and in a good positive attitude!
Also good to see "old" friends thinking of us and popping in to say hello. Hi.. WVJerry!
Also good to see that things are starting to move for you, Shirley! Hope it goes fast!
Jack has lunch out today, so it is a good day for me to do some house cleaning! I'll put away Halloween decor and get out Thanksgiving.
We are going in a few weeks to Georgia for Thanksgiving. Laurel and Joey are going as well, only they are also going to SC for a day to see some of Joey's family there.
Good Morning Everyone...
SANDI - My heart aches for you and Denny with all that storm damage. Will continue to keep you both in prayer as you work through the process of getting your home and your life back together.
SHIRLEY - Happy to hear you will be signing a contract today and hoping things will start happening pronto!!
It's been one heck of a week, hasn't it?
Prayers for all...... xoxo
Good Morning this 1st day of Nov. As I turned my calendar, I thought of October as the month of so many eventful days for our son and how he has been the reason so many prayed for him and sent him so many positive thoughts! God has heard all of you! Thank you for your support and prayers that are still being sent up for Michael. ♥
Our prayers for the swallow test sure did work! Thank you all! He uses crutches so not to put weight on his left foot - Physically his body is all in working order!
Really thinking about and praying for all of you and your loved ones.
Talked with contractor. Mailed contract. They are scheduling the work.
Told them I would hand-deliver the contract if it would speed things up. He said that they would go ahead and schedule things. Yay!
Howdy Eagle Pals
Happy November
I am really sorry I haven't been on and schmoozing with all of you...
and knowing what's going on in our Eagle Corners, because I know it is important ....
I am busier than I like to be....
at work and at home...
but all is well and I am looking for a break in the action pretty soon
Basically what is going that The Big House has been the nephew who has been helping his uncle take care of his properties....(my late brother in law I am referring to...)
so the sale goes through next week....we are in transition of his moving in, and my moving out for a few weeks.....
then, bless his heart, he deploys with the Air Guard to Afghanistan for six months...and he wants me to stay at His BIG House for that time
so I am kind of a yo-yo right now....
Basically what is going that The Big House has been the nephew who has been helping his uncle take care of his properties....(my late brother in law I am referring to...)
so the sale goes through next week....we are in transition of his moving in, and my moving out for a few weeks.....
then, bless his heart, he deploys with the Air Guard to Afghanistan for six months...and he wants me to stay at His BIG House for that time
so I am kind of a yo-yo right now....
plus all the things that need to be boxed up and readied for storage, or auction, and so on like that...
So I have some EPDD going on right now
Eagle Pal Deficit Disorder
Well heck I didn't mean to post twice....
Take Care, Everyone...
I do care, just need to take a little Leave of Absence until things settle down a bit
(( Hugs )) xoxoxo
Good afternoon eagle buds two eagle are at Sutton OK nest the Sequoyah one and I wish it had sound looks like they are talking to each other LOL
Just checked the birthday list and I do believe today is
Andy's birthday!!!
♪♫♪ Happy Birthday, Andy!!!♥ ♪♫♪ Hope you are having a fantastic day!
Oh wow! Just now went out to feed the fish in the pond. A rs hawk was at the upper pond and flew to the cover over the entrance to Jack's shop. Got a beautiful view and then he flew....another great view. Sure wish I had had my camera!!!
Also, during the night heard a GHO and a couple nights ago while we were eating supper we heard a screech owl. I LOVE having the house open!!!
I know it musta been nmentioned about the clocks being turned back one hour Saturday night into Sunday
we'beern a'waiting a looooong time to get that hour back
We sure have Magpie.
I am going to Cedar Lakes in Ripley this weekend for our fall convention. I cannot wait!
.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.
.♥ ♥ ♥ TO A ♥♥ ♥ ♥.
.♥ ♥BRAND NEW ♥ ♥.
.♥ ♥ ♥ THREAD♥ ♥ ♥.
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