Monday, October 22, 2012


New week thread.


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T-Bird said...

Good morning.

T-Bird said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Steve and Thelma!

Congratulations on the feather, T-BIRD!

Lolly said...

I need to start checking the blog more often first thing in the morn. I NEED a new feather to add to my headdress. lol

Good morning!! Need to get a move on but as usual moving slow.

Yes, anxious to hear all about the wedding, but expecially how did GG do?

HODA, we turned off the AC when we left for Canada. We turned it back on for the first time yesterday. It just got too warm in the house. 75 right now and headed up! Come on down!! Slight chance of rain today, but have bright sunshine!

glo said...

Well rain/ storms have stopped for now. Dex and i got that important morning walk in. Now it is off to the grocery. Need to check back later for a wedding video :-) Praying for a good day for all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody!

Hoda said...

So funny that you have turned on the A/C LOLLY!!!I think the plan here is to have the thermostat on for the baseboards and not more than two heaters to help warm up the place at any given time!!! LOL !!!

I had a terrific visit with Edward in Athens Greece. He introduced me to his blind Kitten. He rescued her from the drain when there was a real bad storm and he lost his wedding ring in the process so the kittens name is Hobbit. He will have to learn how to deal with other cats as Edward has two American Cats and one adopted Greek American Cat from a previous time in greece and now the blind kitten. He will be in Greece for a year so hopefully it becomes healthy and strong for its trip to the USA. I am happy. I love to talk to Edward.

Hoda said...

Hobbit is a boy kitten my mistake in the previous post to call it her!!!

Hoda said...

Off to discover my day...
some cooking,
some cleaning,
visiting and yoga...
talk to you all later,

Lolly said...

Love the name of the kitten, very appropriate but very sad he lost "his precious." ☺

Have scrubbed the kitchen, cleaned off the table beside my chair, picked up a little, mopped the floors, watered the pots, gathered pecans, and filled a bag with lawn debris and weeds. Now to dust! A cloud blew over and we got a temporary thunderstorm cool off, but only 10 drops of rain on the acre. Boo hiss!

Think I need to go check on the puppies.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lolly, the pups are jamming! Love them all!

NatureNut said...

Hi Everybody!
Beening doing this and that around here today. Finally get pics organized for the Blog. Have 2 new sets on, one to go, but I'm taking a short break!

NatureNut said...

Thats the worst spelling I've done all day!

NatureNut said...

Got all the pictures in the Nook.
Gotta do din din!!....

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the Spankin New Thread STEVE Home from work to find a new thread and not to many comments to read BBIALW

Sandi said...

Afternoon all! Another gorgeous Indian summer day!

Hoda, the meteorologists in the Baltimore area are starting to say that if this happens, and this happens, and this happens, and they all happen at exactly the right time in the right place, then Baltimore will get snow this coming weekend! Don't know if it will happen but Baltimore DID get snow last year on October 29th.

Will check out Wanda's wedding video on FB and Loretta's blog pics after dinner. Hoping that Dana's dad did well today with his chemo and that Michael has made more progress. Would also like to hear from Linda that Dennis is starting to feel better.

Later all!

JudyEddy said...

Today is the 22nd anyone have any idea why this date should be important to us FINGERS crossed

FYI LaFarge Vancouver had activity today also on their nest

JudyEddy said...

Our temp is81 now but still to hot out to turn off the AC would be nice but still have a week or so before I do I think hunidity is 87 high for Wed is 87 so it will be a while for AC in Fl

JudyEddy said...

We just had a New Jersey peep peaking in LOL HI NJ if you are still here

Mema Jo said...

Everyone must have been listening to the debate since the comments are so sparse... Thanks for not sending out any silver alert for me - I had Eye retina visit today to checkout my right eye and it is very very well - Then of course the left eye is needing to be fixed - you can't win for losing...
It is the AMD - Age-related Macular Degeneration - It's the one that I get the shot in the eye (I still can't convince you all that it doesn't hurt)

Hoda said...

WOW!!! Where are you all???
No posts since 6:59 PM Now is 10:42PM

I hope all is well and I look forward to hearing what you all did this evening.

LOLLY Kalliopi already bought Edward a new wedding ring and he loves is from Turkey. So he does have his precious and I think in his case it is really with the name Kalliopi that is his PRECIOUS.

SANDI, I hope you do not get snow this weekend. Yet if you do I am sure you will find a way to deal with it as I am here. I love thinking of you all being warm and comfortable down south where the weather is still autumn like. LOVE YOU ALL AND BLESS YOU ALL.

Mema Jo said...

Jenny and Kristen was to have visited Michael today but Snowflake, Jenny's 17yrs old white cat is passing on. She got some pain meds from the Vet to make her more comfortable.

No report from Michael - maybe later this evening his friend will comment or send me an email. Dr should be calling Christine tomorrow with the Tues update.

Hoda said...

OH JO!!! That is what I thought maybe people were listening to the debate...I will listen to it on youtube tomorrow afternoon.
I have to admit that I cringed with the idea of a shot in the eye...yet I trust you and admire your courage and your strength Dear Precious Lady.

Hoda said...


Mema Jo said...

I am closing down - Wishing all of you a good night/s rest.

I love us ♥

Lynn should be a happy Redskin with the return of her favorite player Cooley!

Janet said...

Just a quick note: busy day. Wonderful Yoga practice tonight.
Soooo needed the time and space tonight.

MEMA JO: i cringe at the thought of an injection in the

I hope everyone is well. Very quiet tonight, indeed.

Heading for bed. 5:30 comes early.

Light, love, healing and smiles. Sweet dreams.

JudyEddy said...

Just wanted to pop in and say nightie night
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Good night


Lolly said...

Had my nose in a book again. No, did not listen to the debate. Just makes me agitated!

lol So glad, Hoda, he got a new precious!

Anyway....night all! SED!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Not many comments was a beautiful day here in Wanda's Wild and Wonderful WV and probably many other of our friend's roosts. Perfect for working or playing outdoors. Tomorrow is going to be another beauty...76° and sunny.

I can't seem to find the time to tell you about the much to tell and a million pictures are floating about on facebook. I don't know who all is able to see Karla, Rachael or Brandon's facebook pictures, but there are some fun ones there.
I will try to get them onto my blog (some of them) in a day or two.
We are still up to our eyebrows in yard and house cleaning. Discarding many boxes of items that I will never use many things to be tossed that we had to get another dumpster to hold it all. I've wanted to do this for years and it feels good to be in the process of 'Gitten it done':)

GG was not feeling her best on the day of the wedding, but was able to sit through the whole ceremony. I think she teared up when Jillian and Gene walked down the Isle...not sure, couldn't see well through my teary eyes:) I wasn't able to get a picture of them (priest said to put your cameras down and enjoy the ceremony)but I'm sure the photographer snapped a few shots. Those will be the ones that you, my friends, will enjoy. I'm just not very good with a camera. I am not patient and don't take my time, just snap away!

From reading on facebook, my whole family made it safely to the Outer Banks. THE WHOLE FAMILY, except for Denise, and she just got home from the OBX:) Oh, not Dustin, he can't miss any of his Firefighter classes and also school. He's staying with a family friend.

Must go before a face plant hits me.
Love and prayers to you all, dear friends♥

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning my eagle friends!

Slow night on the blog yesterday and last night - hope all is well.

Prayers for Michael, Dennis, Jo, Kay, Dana's dad and Thelma's brother-in-law.

Busy day ahead - too bad I will be indoors on this beautiful day - should hit 70 degrees again today.

Make it a great day all!

DanaMo said...

Good morning.
Dad starts the next cycle of chemo today. After this cycle as long as he is feeling okay they decided to take a trip to Florida! So glad they are doing stuff and dad is feeling so good.

Lolly, I'm with you. I can't watch the debate. I just yell at the tv.

I wish I could say school is getting better, but not really. I did decide yesterday that after Annemarie graduates from Goretti, I'm going to hang it up! Short career, but he has been traveling all over Europe these past 10 days and life is too short for me not to be with him. My paycheck isn't worth missing out on all that.

Sorry...I need a new attitude, but can't seem to find it!

Prayers for everyone!

DanaMo said...

That should say "Monte" has been traveling...

I'm sure you could figure it out, but wanted to clarify.

T-Bird said...

First Buddy got me up way too early, then I noticed the neighbor's dog (puppy) was out. I tried to make it go back under the fence but he was having none of that for me and her other two dogs that are not tied up were really barking at me (I'm still not sure whether to trust them or not but they don't bark at Sharon like that. I guess I'm going to have to get them used to me like they are with Sharon). I thought about putting him in the foyer but our dogs would have had none of that. So, rather than risk the puppy going out into the road and getting killed or risk it running away I had to wake up Eagle-Eye. She has the magic touch. I like the neighbor, she seems really nice and appreciative but this dog thing is getting really bothersome, especially for Sharon. One of the dogs barks almost nonstop all night. I put my headset on, listen to music and it doesn't bother me; however, it really keeps Sharon up. Oh well, sometimes you've got to take the bad with the good.

T-Bird said...

You don't have to apologize DanaMo. This is a safe place to just be yourself or at least that is how I feel.

T-Bird said...

SANDI-it was a particularly slow day on the posts yesterday and last night. I was shocked to see only 31 posts.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

T-Bird said...

Good morning JudyE.

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO a early congratulations on your up coming retirement in the future I am envious of you LOL
Does she graduated this year or next I am sure you are excited about your decision So happy your dad is doing good with the treatment

JudyEddy said...

Morning TBIRD

Janet said...

good morning everyone!

DANAMO: great that your dad is dealing with the chemo so well. hope they get to go to florida and have a blast!

and yes, this is a safe place to say the stuff that needs to be said.....someone will understand . i have to say, i have learned that over the past (almost) year that i have participated in this blog. this is a group of wonderful, caring people and i'm glad judy invited me in..... so (((HHUUUGGGSSSS))))) to DANAMO

i'm glad i'm not the only one! i watched the second debate and it was so frustrating.....yeah, yoga was much better for me last night.

light day for me, one massage @ 9 a.m. and then the chair gig (chair massage) @ 1.

not a lot going on. enjoying the pretty is good. hugs, light, love and smiles to all.....

T-Bird said...

Is it just JudyE, DanaMo and me on thread this morning?

T-Bird said...

I'm in good company!!

JudyEddy said...

I also didn't watch the second debate I got caught up on two series 666 Park Ave Love that show My kind of show
so now I have nothing on the DVR to watch all caught up

Almost time for me to hit the dusty ole trail and head to work YUK
OH don't think I said anything but when I went to work on Sun my first day back One of my bosses Co Gina told me she missed me and loved me three separate times as well as yesterday two of my other bosses said the same thing and as a joke you guys wanna pay me to stay and work instead of leaving and the one said in a HeartBeat we will and he wasn't kidding LOL Well in two days I got the store caught up of two weeks one day late Odd how I can do it but all the other peeps don't care or don't have time is the excuse they use Oh well at least I felt appreciated the last two days so much they are letting me work 8-5 not 7-4 as per my request What ever you want is what they said

JudyEddy said...

I know WMT policy isn't to pay to work but that would be great but I don't think I will ever do it
You just need time away from work
but was nice to see that they would let me do it I know Denise a friend of mine that passed away they let her work and also get vacation pay she was district secretary and its also nice to go away and see things sort of fall apart and see that they do need me! Is that wrong of me???

T-Bird said...

JUDYE, not that is not wrong of you. I'm sorry your friend died.

T-Bird said...

Lilyun and I are enjoying our "new" view out the window the air conditioner was in. She is probably salivating for a bird though.

Costume Lady said...

I was reading over our blog while drinking my coffee (I do read it most mornings), and saw Dana's comments about her Dad getting along so well with his chemo treatments. Also planning a Florida trip, same scenario with GG when she had her first bout with C...she had a break of 2 weeks in-between treatments, and she and my Dad drove to Florida. She did very well and had a really nice time...thinning hair and all:)
My thoughts are: why do some people have such a difficult time and others not? Our dear LYNN could tell us exactly why. Miss her so much, not only her expertise on medical issues, but her friendship♥

Also, DANA, if you can possibly do without a second income (it can be done), DO IT! Since Gene and I retired, 12 years ago, I have enjoyed my life more than any other time. My only caution is to make sure you have GOOD health insurance. It would be my guess that MONTE has a good policy.
You have a lovely home, a pool, 3 great dogs and 4 wonderful kids...enjoy it to the fullest while you are young. Your entire family will benefit from this!

Speaking of SHIRLEY...I have had this ditty running around in my head and cannot remember the second part of it, Shirley, being an English Teacher may be able to help me:

Now that we have retired the Shop, we are inundated with phone calls about costumes. Business has been falling apart for 2 years, due to PARTY CITY opening their new store and although my prices are far less than theirs and all costumes have been steamed and hanging, I just couldn't seem to compete with such a huge business:( Sad, because Gene and I enjoyed our business so very much!

JUDY...doesn't surprise me one bit, that your boss and co-workers missed you! I can tell from your comments that you are a good, thoughtful, caring person, with a personality to match. That is a combination hard to come by in an employee. But please don't take vacation pay and stay at work! If you did that, we would never have gotten to see those beautiful NC waterfalls:)

THELMA, tell Buddy that you will give him a HOT DOG if he doesn't wake you too early;)

SANDI, hope your Mom can soon get to Cleveland and be on her way to better health. This waiting must be agonizing!

LORI, I have not found out what is up with you, I just know you have been turned inside out with tests. I pray nothing serious is wrong♥

HODA, my dear, you asked about Jillian's gown: first of all, the back seat of the firetruck is narrow and her gown was billowy, so that was the problem getting into the vehicle. Second problem, at the reception, they were all trying to figure out how to fasten the train, on the back of the gown, so that it wouldn't drag as she walked and danced at the reception. Don't know why they had so much trouble, but it was funny to see so many people trying their luck at figuring it out:)

OK, my coffee is gone and time for day has to get started. We have a $550 dumpster waiting to be filled and only a week to do it. I'm throwing away all costume catalogs, of which there are a gazillion! Many other things.

Have a great day, my friends♥

Costume Lady said...

I am most sure that not having a CAM on our beloved eagles has kept most of us off of this blog. When the cam comes back and the days are cold and snowy, we will all be together again♥

Costume Lady said...

BTW, my avatar is of JAYDEN dancing at the reception. HE HAD A WONDERFUL TIME:)

Lolly said...

Good morning!!!

DANA.....had to laugh! Way to go concerning retirement. I retired at 56 as Jack was not going to retire(at 60) without me! However, before he retired he was making trips to Europe. His first one was to Spain. He told me about a reception on the lawn of a 4 or 5 star general...very elegant. I figured in the time difference and concluded that at the very same time, I was home alone, in the dark during a power outage due to a storm. I was eating a cold dinner in the dark. THAT WAS NOT FAIR! Some how I managed to get permission to leave and travel with him on his next trips...Portugal, Denmark, Italy, France and Belgium! I put up a world map in my classroom and talked with the kids about flying across the ocean. I always brought them coins back. Parents told me they learned and remembered.

Jack was selected to be on a sub NATO committee. We were entertained in grand style by the governments. Loved it, have fantastic memories!

Lolly said...

Going to get out and vote today!

Also want to go Christmas tree shopping. Our tree is so old...needles dropping, branches limp. We call it a miracle tree as it has lost so many needles but each year it looks beautiful. Does is grow new needles in the box? However, it is ridiculous how long we have had it. Guess we will have to get a prelit tree as that is all we see. Maybe if we get LED lights they will last.

Lolly said...

WANDA, the wedding was very special and have really enjoyed looking at the pictures.

I miss Lynn and have been dealing with it. However, recently it just hit me hard. I think of her every time I read the bear updates each night on fb. Both of us would read it and click the like button. Enough!!!! Lynn, would not want us sitting around crying all the time!!!!

Lolly said... are you sleeping at night? Do you like your breathing machine?

It time for me to start my day.

Have a great day!!!♥

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Another good day for many things including holding up our list of folks in prayer. It rainy here again. Its rained a lot now that the harvest of the fair and poor crops is pretty much done. Oh well I know it is good for the moisture to be in the ground before a freeze for next year but golly sometimes it can all be such a mystery. Time for tea here . HAGD everyone. Wanda I did find the wedding video. Lots of wonderful photos right there of what appears to have been a really fun wedding.

NatureNut said...

Happy Tuesday Everyone.
Beautiful weather and tomorrow, too!There's a kayak trip tomorrow for staff & boss is trying to get me to go! I doubt if my arms would paddle a 1/4 mile. If it were a two person kayak I might go. He said the Rangers have a tandem kayak!!???????OOPS! Wish I had a motorboat! LOL

Re: JudyE's ?? yesterday about the significance of Oct. 22~~two things I know of are that it was the 50th anniversary of John F Kennedy's announcement that Cuba had missiles!
Also Frank's B'Day and he got drafted in the Army because of Cuban Missile Crisis.

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all. Peeking in today during lunch.

I think JudyE was referring to Oct 22 as the day at NCTC that Steve was hopefully going to learn something about our cam, or could submit for funding for it.

paula eagleholic said...

Steve posted this on 10/9

I have been getting a number of questions on the cam replcement status. Here's the scoop:

We are on a procurement freeze until 21 October. After that, we can proceed with high priority purchase requests. We'll do out best to get the cam and the tree service in there. NCTC is also facing, along with the rest of the federal government a potential 8.5% across the board budget cut due to the pending sequestration. That has an impact on our budget priorities.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Well, I've been MIA again. Ken stayed home from work yesterday with a really miserable case of what must've been a stomach virus.
He is home again today--I made him stay home, because he hadn't eaten anything yet, and still had diarrhea this morning. He feels better now, though, and ate a "brunch" of a poached egg and a piece of toast. Thank God that's stayed down!! I think he may be well enough to go back to work tomorrow. I really hate it when companies make their employees feel as though they need to crawl into work from their death beds!
No wonder viruses spread through the workforce like the black plague! I'm just glad Ken feels so much better. His coloring yesterday pretty much matched a piece of typing paper!

Miss Emma was such a sweet little girl while Ken was feeling so poorly! She stuck to him like velcro, and kept giving his arm a bath, like a busy momma dog. She looked so sad! She is much happier now that he's feeling better, and so am I! (Needless to say, Ken's a LOT happier today, too!)

It's a beautiful fall day here today--supposed to be 70, and the sun's out. Very nice!

Mema Jo, sorry to hear that Jenny's Snowflake is about to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Please relay my condolences. Hope the docs are able to fix your eye--although I must admit that a shot in the eye makes me cringe, too!
I hope you are taking good care of yourself. So glad to read the good reports about Michael!! Prayers for both of you continue, of course.

DanaMo, I'm so happy that your Dad is tolerating the chemo so well! Pray that things will continue the same way, and the Florida trip happens. Congratulations on your upcoming retirement! I'm not sure of the timeline on that--how soon?

Well, I need to get busy and houseclean a bit. Will check back in later tonight. HAGD, everyone!
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

Good afternoon and I hope all is well with all.

Take pictures of the new tree LOLLY...I am sure it will be beautiful.

I too think that once the camera is up we will all be posting a bit more than we have been doing of late.

I wish STEVE and NCTC well in making their decision and when they come to it I am sure STEVE will let us know...Budgets are difficult.

Meetings are piling up committee for African Dinner, Friends of Library, Decorating committee for the book sale set up and so I am rushing about a bit from now till the 19th of November.
It is a pleasure really to help co-ordinate and the committees and do the work with joyful uplifiting people.

Yoga is good too. Meditation is good is good in general.

Hoda said...

Talk to you all well!

DanaMo said...

thelma and Janet-Thanks for being so understanding. You are right, this is the most wonderful group of people to have as friends.
JudyE (and Andy) retirement is premature, it will be in 4 years! ☺ Annemarie is just a freshman :( but I feel really strongly after seeing all the wonderful places my husband is traveling without me.

DanaMo said...

And to make matters worse, monte just checked in on facebook and this is his location: Thomas Müller Chocolatier.
19 minutes ago in Schaffhausen, Switzerland · Urgh!!

Wanda, we did it when the kids were little. I was a stay at home mom for 14 years. I'm ready to do it again!
Lolly that's exactly what I am going through...I'm eating frozen pizza and he's what??? No fair!

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all! Wow - another gorgeous day and another one spent indoors for me! =(

So happy to read about Michael's progress - prayers that his healing continues til he's back to his old (young) self!

Dana, glad your dad is tolerating the chemo so well and feels up to a trip to FL! Hey, we'll be retiring together!! Say it with me - 4 MORE YEARS!!! 4 MORE YEARS!!! (Sounds like a campaign slogan, doesn't it?)

Got an email from my sister this afternoon. She and Mom fly to Cleveland next Monday. Mom's 3-D CT scan will be on Tuesday morning, then they'll meet with the surgeon and fly home Tuesday night. Then the long wait for the graft to be made.

Last Monday, Lisa drove my mom to the senior center about 20 min. away from her house so she could play bridge. Yesterday, Mom hopped in her car and drove to and from the senior center herself!! She is hoping to start playing bridge on Fridays as well and is even planning to go there for bingo! Every time we talk now, she says how much she likes her new condo and LOVES that my sister and her kids drop by several times a week. Makes me happy to know that she's happy and now she's making friends at the senior center - YAY!

Need to hit the grocery store and then make food for the dogs.

Later all!

DanaMo said...

Wow Sandi that is wonderful. It sounds like the change was a really good one for your mom.

Yes, 4 more years! LOL! I think it does sound like a campaign slogan. It's kind of like looking forward to Friday, you know it's going to come!

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOOOOOO eagle buds and I hope each of you had a great day home from work
Angie wanted me to come down to swimming lessons with her and Jordyn at 6 but I texted her back and said I wasn't allowed on a work night LOL
She is going by herself usually goes with Carl and Patti her SIL but is going alone

WANDA I googled it and found this I cheated
good, better, best...never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is your best:?

and I will never work and get vacation pay at the same time People need the time off or just need a break My X husband would always do that get paid He really never went on vacation with the family it was usually me and the kids most times

LORETTA the significance of yesterdays date was related to the blog


Tuesday, October 09, 2012Monday
I have been getting a number of questions on the cam replcement status. Here's the scoop:

We are on a procurement freeze until 21 October. After that, we can proceed with high priority purchase requests. We'll do out best to get the cam and the tree service in there. NCTC is also facing, along with the rest of the federal government a potential 8.5% across the board budget cut due to the pending sequestration. That has an impact on our budget priorities.

We'll keep our fingers crossed... New thread.

JudyEddy said...

and I just get to the comment that Paula figured it out I need to start reading the whole blog before I comment but if i do that then this old feeble mind forgets to make comments LOL

JudyEddy said...

SANDI such great news about your mom brought tears to my eyes that she is lovin the place finally More socialization huh

JudyEddy said...

eagle is at Sequogh just landed

JudyEddy said...

Eagle is sittin in nest at LaFarge

DanaMo said...

You had to google that JudyE?

JudyEddy said...

YEP I sure did DANAMO I think I said that I did google it I LOVE GOOGLE LOL Two eagle at OK Sequoyha nest Spelling

DanaMo said...

That saying was drilled into me! I couldn't forget it if I wanted to! LOL

Lolly said...


Also, bought our new tree.
Told Jack I was ready to put it up. lol It is really pretty and has 1100 white lights. I may add colored lights another year, but this year we will just go with the clear lights.

Came home and worked on harvesting pecans. Jack is predicting 30 lbs of shelled pecans.
We shall see!

ANDY, certainly hope you do not get Ken's bug! Sorry he was so sick.

Dana, I was a stay at home mom too. I went to work when Laurel started kindergarten. I taught 3 year olds in a private school 3 days a week where she was enrolled.
Did that for two years then started public school kindergarten.

JudyEddy said...

Stay home MOM I was one with Angie and got a job when Tommy went to kindergarten so I didn't work for many years and I loved it the neighbors would tease me that you could eat off my floor LOL Not now with working and who would want to anyway LOL

JudyEddy said...

I use a fiberoptic tree each year not enough room in living room since I put my desk hutch in here a couple of years ago

JudyEddy said...

A squirrel was for the second day in a row and about the same time in the nest at Decorah I put a video on fb with my new camera on my screen it looks grainy really disappointed in it compared to my cheaper on maybe the better camera picks up more of the screen pattern I don't know why but will have to do because I gave my old camera away to Angie DRAT I wish I would have thought about checking that first Live and learn one day I just need to get off my but and down load a program

JudyEddy said...

HOW tall is the tree LOLLY

JudyEddy said...

I think I just may go to Chickfala I love their nuggets

JudyEddy said...

On the Sequouyah nest two eagles were there and the one looks like it has the inverted V like our Belle

JudyEddy said...

and boy were they beaking up big time and one got hit with a stick the other was moving and just like our eagle they fought over the sticks

JudyEddy said...

ok now that I have offically broken the blogs post rule I shall bid you adieu

stronghunter said...

"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best."

Tim Duncan

stronghunter said...


Tired this evening, and not sure why. I bowled this morning, but that is about all I did.

Did bowl 126--my best score ever! We lost that game, but won the others, and finished one pin ahead.

JudyEddy said...

Just realized its TERRIFIC TUESDAY

thank goodness RR on DVR or Start over

paula eagleholic said...

I've never heard of the good, better, best saying!

Jo, hope your shot goes OK...and your other appts, too.

So sorry to hear about Jenny's cat, such a sad time when we lose a pet.

Andy, glad you made Ken stay home! Is Emma all better now, too?

Lolly said...

Judy, the tree is 7 1/2 feet, nice size!

Just finished a dinner of salmon, lima beans and mashed potatoes. Mashed comfort food!

Lolly said...

Paula, you watch PP, right? Did you see where this is the last season?

paula eagleholic said...

I did see that Lolly, but I haven't watched it this year, and didn't see much of last year.

Haven't heard from Margy....and need to hear from Linda, too.

Lolly said...

I am going to miss it. Laurel watches Grey's but not pp. I enjoy both.

Time to put my nose in a book for a while.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I love PP as I did DH and it last year was last year I guess all good things must end

JudyEddy said...

NCSI was good now to take a shower and try to get my bed to bed earlier I say that but I never do it LOL

Mema Jo said...

I have been AWOL today. I haven't read all the comments. I had a medical test this morning and I just wanted to sleep all afternoon. Now am ready for bed again.

Everyone take care
God Bless you all

Good Night ♥

JudyEddy said...

OK here its after 11 and I need to get my but in bed

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

BUT I'm not tired LOL I should have never stayed up late when I was on vacation and the shift change oh well nite

magpie said...

Good Night Everybody

Been kind of AWOL myself here for a few days but I've been thinking about "You All".

Prayers for Wellness...

God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

I ♥ US.



paula eagleholic said...

Been researching stock certificates...mind is boggled...heading to bed

SED, love and hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

And now it is my turn!

Night all! SED!!!

Costume Lady said...

I am picking up where I left off this morning. Subject of eagle cam: what was wrong with the one we had and why couldn't we be using that one while waiting on a new one. I think we all can agree, a BAD cam is better than no cam at all!

Good night dear frinds, prayers and love for you all♥

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle buds!

SANDI, so happy to hear about your Mom's progress in getting her surgery!

JO, hope you are feeling better today after your test yesterday. We're here for you all the way!

I didn't see an update on Dennis, or Michael last night, but pray both are coming along, pronto!

DANAMO and SANDI! Congrats on your upcoming retirements. Wish I could say 4 more years!! :)

Wonder how KAY is doing today? Hope you have no pain and that walking Malcolm is a high point in your day - pain free!!!

JUDYE, thanks for all the cam alerts! I really appreciate it. I'm jonesing for eagles, ike everyone else on here!

Prayers continue for JO, Michael, LINDA and Dennis, DanaMo's Dad, SANDI's Mom and all in need.

I Love you ALL!!!!

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, congratulations on your highest ever bolwing score yesterday! Way to go CYCLONE!

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Temps are supposed to be close to 80 again today!

Prayers for all of our needs!

Make it a great day!

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Thank God for a new day and a fresh start. I do try everyday to go into school with a good go get'em attitude, but it doesn't always last.

I am thinking about doing early voting too Lolly (I think that was you).

My house was clean when I was a sahm but now not so much. I do vacuum at least every other day, but the laundry room is a disaster!! Oh well who care really.

DanaMo said...

Thanks for the prayers. Chemo yesterday went well. They went for DQ after chemo! God love them! They are tough ☺ . Continue praying I'm sure that is what is making this all go so well.

Did I tell you the cautiously encouraging news? Don't want to repeat myself, but when the doctor did the exam last week he felt like the kidney wasn't as enlarged as it had been. Which hopefully means that its draining because the tumor in the ureter is shrinking. At least that is my hopeful medical opinion. Dr. said it was "encouraging".

Sandi said...

Dana, hadn't heard your cautiously encouraging news about your dad - how wonderful!! Thanks for sharing it! Have a good day today!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
I hope each and every one of you on the blog and your family have a fantastic day in whatever you do today

Lori O. said...

That's GREAT, DMo! Your Dad is a tough cookie!

Lori O. said...

You, too, JUDYE! What are your plans?

Janet said...

Good morning all.

Quick note as I have an 8 a.m. and an 11 a.m. massage today. Need to get to moving and grooving...

SHIRLEY: congrats on your score! feels good when those pins go like they are supposed to,doesn't it!?

Hope eveyryone has a great day.

Had an S Team meeting at Olivia's school yesterday regarding her math/science scores. It is a continuing struggle for her, but I feel like the school is on our side, and we are all working together to figure out how to help her to have success in math and of course science, since they are related. That felt productive and good.

Warm weather here, still. Feels pretty good as humidity is down.

WIll touch base later. Holding each of you close in my heart and thoughts; light, love, healing and smiles....:)

JudyEddy said...

OH DANAMO I love the flying labs pic on facebook so so cute and they look so good in orange

JudyEddy said...

LORI this is Wed so its my Fri so off to work I go are you at work now???? and have you seen any of your BV and how are all the furbiess at your place do you still foster some??

JudyEddy said...

I know we don't like to talk politic but I can't wait for this to be over so tired of the news the media the phone calls
and did you see that Donald Triump has news to announce today and What difference would that make anyway I declare I DISLIKE POLITIC

JudyEddy said...

Just watched the weather I can't wait till next week we are getting a cold front and I should be able to open up the windows for a bit Right now its 73° and hi will be 88° but 87 tomorrow then the cold front head to us to 82-73 Fri 79-70 on Sat 76-64 Sun and Mon 77-59 and should be nice for the week after Yeah cold front and open windows to air out house ok off to work I go see you after work I haven't been coming home during lunch been doing the park and trying to get the last of my book read only 250 more pages With the new TV season no time to read at nite so do during lunch

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, Happy Friday! It'll be your weekend soon. I haven't seen the BV's lately. I really wanted them to come back and hatch more babies this year, but not to be. No foster furbabies now either. :(

glo said...

Good morning all. Guess what it is doing at my ohouse. YEP raining. Up with a storm at 4 am. Today is supposed to eventually be sunny and actually in the low 80's. Don't tell Dex but as soon as it hits 74 inside and out he is getting a bath :-). HAGD everyone. .Dana. Glad to read what does indeed sound positive for your Dad. Prayers for all.

DanaMo said...


Linda said...

Good Wednesday Morning!

Lots of rest and healing going on in this abode as Dennis continues to heal from 6 surgeries in 10 days. It is really amazing all he went through! He is a little "down in the dumps" about all that he can't do and all the time he has lost over the past couple weeks. Unfortunately having to face yet one more surgery doesn't help, but I remind him he is going through a trial of sorts and God will Bless him through this.

LORETTA - Absolutely horrible, what happened at the only remaining part of your daughter and SIL's home. They must feel so violated having their personal property stolen like that. The fire last year and now this? It truly is difficult to understand why these things happen. ((((( HUGS ))))) to you as I know a Mom always feels so deeply for the difficulties their children go through......however old they are.

WANDA - Can't wait to go over and look through any pictures on FB of the wedding. So happy to hear of a joyous occasion in your family!

DANAMO - Love, love, love your Dad's uplifting spirit!! He sounds like someone who trusts God completely and lives life to the fullest!! Good for him!

DANAMO - YOU, dear one are in my prayers as you battle through your own trial of sorts to get through this year with difficult students. I fear with each year, you may see more of the same. Many parents these days are just raising children differently, if at all. Their lives and agendas seem to come first and it is reflected in the behavior of their children. The children need and crave attention. It is not your job to parent, discipline and teach. GOOD ON YOU, for taking the steps towards a decision to retire early. Who knows, you may dabble in teaching again in the future, but this could easily be GOD answering your prayers for help. HE may be forcing your hand a bit to make a decision. HE may have other plans for your life and may want you to move on so HE can use you in other ways!! Listen to HIM!

SANDI - So wonderful to hear your Mom finally has the appointment to get things started at the Cleveland Clinic. Praying that this first step opens doors for a quicker time table for surgery and then recovery.

JO - I pray for you daily and I pray for Michael. I can only imagine how your heart aches for your son having to go through all Michael has endured. You are amazingly strong in your faith and I know you know GOD will carry you both through this difficult time. Please take care of yourself, too! You have things to take care and you must REST, too.

KAY - Love seeing your joyful and witty posts. You're coming back slowly, but surely and it makes me so very happy to see you gaining your life back! I pray this continues for you! I talk to much......

Wishing all those not mentioned in this particular post and everyone a wonderful day filled with love, joy and laughter......


Linda said...

DanaMo - ?? What was that post about??

DanaMo said...

Took a break when the kids were out of the room and honestly I am just speechless at times at their behavior and how difficult this class seems to be to get through.
Thanks for your words Linda. I thought God called me to this, I'm surprised He might have changed His mind already! Perhaps he is trying to teach me something from this year's class.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Linda, I was wondering the same thing about Dana's post. Did we miss something? So, glad Dennis is healing and sorry about one more surgery. Prayers contiue!!

I need to get a move on. Need to drive to FT Worth, pick up paper work at the doctors and then go get blood drawn. Routine blood work that was supposed to have been done last month. Hey! The trip got in the way!

Seems to be cloudy again today...71. We have a powerful front coming Friday. Just wish we would get rain!

Okay, really must get a move on!

Have a great day!!!

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

double deletek, that was me.
sorry !!

Was answering a question that was not being answered

magpie said...

You know...
I've been thinking about Jo's post about having a medical test Tuesday and then just wantin' to nap the day away...

Jo: Whatever it is...I hope your results are A +++
and that you feel "vo er the top" yourself, very soon
You and Micheal, that is !!

magpie said...

oh yeah, back up two...
I was answering a question that was not being asked....

magpie said...

I sure you find that these kids will start turning the corner soon too...
who else could do what you do as well as you do, even though
you probably don't know it...

I hope you see the kind of success and validation of your skills and talents.....very soon....

magpie said...

I can't be on much these days...sometimes not even to read up on things

the pace is picking up on the estate settlement for my brother in law's house and other properties...

the activity comes and goes in spurts but right about now it is like a runaway train....

the family is trying to prepare for an action in late November

magpie said...

so, boxes and boxes and furniture and all kinds of things here and there and just about everywhere

I'll get back on to talk about other things...another time

I need to get back to work now

I'll be at The Big House awhile longer, then maybe, probably, back out there in December for awhile

magpie said...

So...Adios for now!

Best Wishes for a Good, Better, BEST kind of day for everyone...
(( Hugs ))

Kay said...

Mercy, this blog is slow right now ! We need our eagles and I agree with WANDA in wondering why we haven't had the old cam while waiting for an upgrade. Anyone know ???

I shouldn't complain about a slow blog since I've not been here for a couple of days myself. It is just so gloriously beautiful here this week that I can't stand to stay indoors, sitting at a computer. I can take a book out to the deck, but not this puter. Our temps have been in the high 70's and low 80's. A big drop ahead when we dive into the 50's on Saturday. Back to crisp Fall days and I love those, too.

I haven't a clue as to what DANA gasped over unless it was something one of those little imps did while she was chatting with us ?? Sorry this year's batch is such a pain the neck and elsewhere ! ☺

MARGY, the family must be so grateful to you for helping with The Big House ! You are an angel !

LOLLY, the blood work may be routine, but we want to know the results cause we♥U ! Also hoping to get some word from JO on yesterdays test very soon.

LINDA, can't blame Dennis for his angst over this whole amazingly bazaar situation. Prayers for both of you continue !!!!

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Blood work done and bought three flats of yellow pansies on the way home. Helped Jack with harvesting pecans and now I am heading out to plants those pansies.

Up to 81 now, but will be working mostly in the shade.

Linda said...

More promising news on Caring Bridge for Michael.

He surely is a fighter and his determination will help in every way!!

Linda said...

MARGY - You are always missed when you are not here! ♥ I hope those nieces and nephews appreciate YOU and I hope all this business and additional work isn't wearing you out!! Remember, you need R&R, too!

KAY - Love seeing you pop in!! ♥

Lynne2 said...

Hi all!

Haven't been on much but you KNOW my thoughts and prayers are with everyone, esp. Dennis, Michael, Jo, Dana's Dad, Kay...and all.

Lynne2 said...

oh, and Sandi's mom, and Dana in her thoughts on retirement. DO IT IF YOU CAN! (lol!)

Lynne2 said...

Now, for a weather related post....

I don't like or want to be an alarmist or anything....

But I've been following every weather blog and news weather FB page and TWC, and I am not liking what they are saying about this storm. IF this comes to fruition, and that is still a BIG "if" right now, it would be a very very bad bad thing. SO....I urge those of you with interests on the eastern shore to PLEASE be watchful over the next couple of days. Please and Thank you.

Hoda said...

LYNNE my American sister Carol spoke of the storm that is headed your way and she also said it could turn out to be bad news.

LINDA thank you for checking in and letting us know about DENNIS. Prayers.

Good to see MARGY and KAY on here too.

I do not know about the old camera...does it cost anything to NCTC to have the camera up and running through the OC feed? I do not know why it is not connected...
I trust STEVE and I am sure he will make all the right decisions.

BRRRRR is it cold and gray here...we are now losing a lot of our leaves and the reds are mostly gone. The snow is creeping down the mountain and when there is a wind it is a chilly one off of those mountains.Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I wore boots today!!!!!

I loved my yoga class and a tea visit with two people from the class and it was all very pleasant...I went out to lunch too today...after going to tea!!!LOL!!!

I will stay in for the evening as I need to catch up with my rest. The weekend keeps getting busier and busier and I have to learn how to say no!!! I did as there is a fund raiser supper to support two Nepalese women who have moved to Nelson...there is a Nepalese supper on Saturday and I might just buy some tickets and not go as it is going to be full of yoga workshops and booksale activity.The pass it forward philosphy manifests in my life all the time.

I pray no snow this weekend at least Friday and Sunday as we set up and take down for the book sale. We have to move our books to the church down the road as there is not enough room in the library...the Roller Derby Skater team is coming to help!!!
NO I WILL NOT BE ON ROLLER SKATES CARRYING BOXES OF BOOKS!!! I leave that to the 20 somethings!!!
The hockey team is also coming to help...they told us they like the library. Good we said.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Lynne, we will have to see which way Sandy turns!

I won't be at the beach this weekend, I am staying home to go to ex-MIL/FIL is their 80th birthday celebration, and she's invited a bunch of folks over for dinner!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and I think our cam would be on if it was working!!

Lolly said...

I was thinking the same thing about our cam, Paula. I figured there was a problem with it.

Worked in the yard this afternoon. Three flats of pansies planted. Leaves are falling and messing up my yard and flowerbeds.
Grrrrr! If they would just have the decency to turn pretty fall colors before falling, but no...just brown and they fall!

Time to put my nose in a book.

Glad to see iour Lynne stick her nise into the blog! Love you, Lynne!!

Lolly said...

lol That was supposed to be nose!

Janet said...

Good evening to all!

It wa s a lovely, productive day; two massages.....took Olivia to the ice rink....and now, yes, 8 p.m. @ night, the heater guy has finally shown up. He's been here just over an hour.

Thankfully we haven't truly needed the heat, although a couple of mornings, it sure would have been nice. Hopefully this will be fixed and we will be okay again.

As for this week, it's been A/C again, in the 80's by day. That will all change by Friday with a cold front heading our way! Although, we will be nowhere as chilly as our dear HODA is....

I've been eyeballing that storm off in the Atlantic....looks like its gonna be a doozy.

Just a nice quiet day here. Thinking about everyone yet again, hoping for good days and peaceful, restful nights for all! Good night! :)

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Here is a video you all might like Sea eagles
Birds of Prey Worlds Deadliest Midair Sea Eagle Fight

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds! What glorious weather! Hope everyone is able to enjoy it.
Yesterday I stopped at the eagle nest area in the Park, but didn't see anyone. Can barely see the nest between some cracks in the trees from the road, but leaves are falling. Today at Chelsea, the pin oak in front of the bldg. was raining leaves!I'm so glad I got a pic Friday of our colorful sugar maple by the pond. Today it was brown already!!!!Must be lack of rain.
I opted out of the Park kayak trip and boy that was the right decision. Altho I hate missing a fun excursion, found out it was the "Downriver Trip" where we take kayaks to Bowie and it's a 10 mile, 5 hour trip!!!!!I bet some have sore shoulders!!!!Could go to the ER!!! ☺
It's so late, I need to say Good Health Prayers for all our group, their friends and relatives, the furbabies, and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

I don't like coming on and turning right around and saying Good Night.
Please don't be looking for my test results as it is Nov 8 when I myself find out the plan.

We will go down to see Michael tomorrow.
Hopefully all will go well.

Now, God bless all of you
and Good Night ♥

Hoda said...

You are in our PRAYERS JO.
When you are ready after you find out let us know. Meanwhile we are holding space here with you and for you and we've got your back.
Goodnight Jo ♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Goodnight all.


Lolly said...

I really do not like the blog being this slow.
Help! Where is everyone!

Jo, enjoy your time with Michael tomorrow.

Cold front is supposed to reach us around 4 tomorrow. Think I will get out and mulch leaves with the mower. Friday and Saturday could be rainy. Hoda, shoud we blame you for the cold weather coming our way? Did you leave the freezer door open?☺

Poor Izzybelly...has a mouth abscess and the vet removed a tooth today. Laurel is going to stay home to keep and eye on her. That is her excuse anyway. She really just needs a day at home.

So, Jack says to me "Come look at the moon." Sounds romantic, right? ha! He had his telescope out. lol

Time to head to the shower and then to bed.

See you tomorrow! Night all!♥


magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals
I could really use a few extra hours in each day, and I would spend them all SLEEPING!
Jewels had to nudge me as I started to drowse and doze off during a training class Wednesday afternoon....good thing she did before I did a faceplant and/or some snoring!
Love to you all, and
Prayers for WELLNESS !
(And acceptable weather....)
God Bless Us, Every One

Costume Lady said...

Right behind you, Margy.
Did a lot of yard work at GG's
today...glad that is almost done.
Too tired and sleepy to comment tonight.

Good night dear friends.
Prayers and love for all♥

Costume Lady said...

Changed my Avatar: Jillian and Aaron enjoyin their honeymoon~

stronghunter said...

Good evening . . .

Well, really good morning.

I will definitely be watching this hurricane. Not only is my house still under a tarp, I am next door to a house under construction. Just hoping this storm goes out to sea.

I messaged the contractor and the insurance people today. Some have said I need to call them, and maybe I will do that tomorrow. At the same time, I like the idea of a written record of my contacts with them.

Contractor responded and said he would be ready to start as soon as the insurance company gives the word.

Saw that you will be visiting Michael, Jo. Hope that you find him much improved.

Hope you get your much-needed rest, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Love your avatar, Wanda. Glad the honeymoon is now rather than next week. When do they return?

stronghunter said...

Love your avatar, Wanda. Glad the honeymoon is now rather than next week. When do they return?

stronghunter said...

Sorry, double-clicked that time.

Hoda, I have a mental picture of you carrying those books while careening along on roller skates. I gave up roller skating when I became a mother. I decided that I would have a hard time taking care of four children if I should break a bone.

stronghunter said...

Sometimes sanity days are very necessary, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

I have been using the time waiting for the contractor by trying to rid the house of extra junk. Today, it was so hot upstairs that I had to turn on the air conditioning so I could keep going.

Hunter was a big help when he got home.

stronghunter said...

Sorry the class is so difficult this year, Dana. I know very well how that can be.

stronghunter said...

I wish I could continue, but need to get some sleep. My brain is not working well.

stronghunter said...


I just checked my messages and there was one from the insurance adjuster. She said that they might be taking more time for the negotiations. Also, the policy excludes building code upgrades. That means that I will have to pay for the upgrades if I want them. ("Want them?" Maybe I don't have a choice.)

I am becoming very frustrated.

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends!

Good report on Michael's progress - prayers that it continues. Enjoy your visit with your boy today, Jo!!

Shirley, I'm so sorry to hear about more delays on the work on your house - how frustrating! I'm guessing you may have to have the code upgrades and it stinks that you would have to pay for them. Again, I HATE homeowner's insurance companies - what they get away with is criminal IMO!!

Lolly, with my crew this year, I could use an R&R day already, but I need to save my days b/c of Mom's upcoming surgery. I already have a parent threatening to take me and the district to due process for not following her son's IEP. In reality, she's the one who should be sued! When the kid doesn't do his homework, she says it's my fault b/c he's allowed extra time to complete assignments!! Nothing the teachers do is good enough and nothing is hers or her son's fault!

Prayers for all the needs on our blog - another busy day for me but it's almost Friday!

Make it a great day!

Lori O. said...

SANDI, sorry teaching is so tough this year! Hope you have a better day today!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Oh, Sandi, I remember hearing a teacher say that a parent told her that it was the teacher's responsibility to see that the child's homework got done. Gracious sakes. It really makes you wonder.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to head downstairs to make sure Hunter gets off for a good day at school.

Janet said...

good morning to one and all,

to our teachers out there: you are right. people do not take responsibility for their children and they do not teach their children to take responsibility for themselves. the little bit i have been in the schools i have seen that and it disgusts me!

the school that olivia is at, that is one thing they attempt to do is to impress upon children personal responsibility. i am sure sometimes they too have their hands full.

bless you for being teachers; i know i sure couldn't do the job!

and its now Thursday folks. the cold front will arrive here around noon tomorrow, and we will drop from our 80's to 50's for highs. that will be a big change!!! and we chose to go to the grandkids final soccer games this coming coffee/cocoa/tea, here we come! i don't mind those temps, but the fast change gets to all of us!

BTW SHIRlEY; that is flipping insane that you would have to pay for upgrades to CODE.....absolutely nuts!!!!!!!! ((((HUGS))))) to you as you deal with this nonsense!

hope everyone has a good day. keeping you all close in heart and thoughts. light, love and smiles!!!!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Wondering if "Sandy" is going to cause some trouble this weekend ;)

Oh Sandi, if it wasn't for the parents this job would be so much easier! I've got a couple of tough ones this year as well. One actually went to my classroom over the weekend to get a book, geez it's kindergarten and I really didn't like someone going in my room without me. These people are so....what word do I want...I can't even put a word to it!

stronghunter said...

I talked with a friend who works with the homeowner's insurance department at Geico. She said that it can be written into the policy that they do not have to upgrade to code.

Just keeping my fingers crossed that the hurricane does not hit here.

Once had a parent threaten to sue me if her daughter failed my class. I heard that she was known to burst into teachers' houses and make demands. We had a large German shepherd at the time.

Thank goodness, we never did have to find out what would would have happened if she had popped unannounced into our house. (Of course, we kept the doors locked, too.)

glo said...

I so agree with this sentence "bless you for being teachers; i know i sure couldn't do the job! " Today's forecast is more rain. Gosh I hope the hurricane doesn't cause lots of you lots of problems. No one needs anything else on their plates right now from where I read. Wishing all of byou a good day. Prayers continue.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....


It is umhappy to read about difficult parents for our teachers....

Plain UnAmerican, I say....

Hope it's a Bright and
Sunny ☼ Day for All !
Even if it's cloudy !


magpie said...

Oh I heard our dear Lori ♥ on the air waves this morning

They have a contest in which....
she and Loo would deliver cupcakes to one's place of business!
Do you think they could come all the way to Berkeley County 9-1-1 ??

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Happy Thursday morning my eagle budlets!

I ♥ US!!!

magpie said...

Good Morning OUR Eagle Budlet...!

Hi Sharon !

magpie said...

I was typing away and got kicked off my first computer...

I was going to add:

speaking of UnAmerican and
UnPatriotic....I don't like the sounds of that insurance situation with Shirley...
"How Come why" are things such a struggle [sometimes] with insurance companies ?

magpie said...

Umhappy - new word

I also referred to having an "Action" in November regarding my brother in law's estate settlements...
um, that would be AUCTION

but it's all in the Maybe condition right now
My gosh, he has some rather amazing things, many of which HE got at auctions in the past

I say things in the present tense sometimes, though it has been a little more than six months since he died

Thinking of Lynn ♥ all the time;
six months since we lost our dear pal....

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Oh, Shirley, prayers that Sandy does NOT come your way! Yikes!

Windy all night. Gathered up a lot of pecans when I went down for the paper.

Annie is not doing well. She is not eating and throwing up a lot. Not going to panic yet, she does this in spells. We shall see!

Was up during the night cleaning up after her. Had just gone back to bed when I heard a strange bird call. I googled and it might have been a barn owl. Just not positive.Right with the last call I heard, I heard it fly off. Interesting!

Lolly said...

I do like sleeping with the windows open!!☺

Hoping Jo has a great day visiting Michael.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning my friends I'll be heading down the road soon - Thanks to all of you for your comments on the Caring Bridge site - they mean so much to me

Everyone take care and yes, I pray that Sandy the Storm will go back out to the ocean.


JudyEddy said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds
I am a bad bad girl Shhhh don't telll Margy but I slept till 1130 Yieks but I didn't go to bed till 1 Now to go read When I got up I darn not sit at the puter I knew I would get Lazy LOL So much to do and don't want to do it LOL

JudyEddy said...

0K started reading the email from last nite and just ran across WANDA saying she changed her avatar and I immediately had to go backwards to see the picture as I said I read the blog in email and usually don't see anything but the comment box and the two comments above it Well my imagination was really going wild ENJOYING HOMEYMOON LOL get my drift LOL Love the picture so nice they took their dog toooo OK just wanted to make a comment back to reading If I don't make the comments I tend to forget to say something You alll know how that is I am sure

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I love it that Hunter helps you out Give him a pat on his back from me ALSO TELL them you didn't WANT the FIRE of all the nerve asking for you to pay for up grades after the fire

HOME WORK should be done at HOME hence the word HOME Kids seem to be so different now days then when we were kids and our kids They seem to be in charge most of the time not the parents
To much TV and computer playing instead of reading and playing outside and crafts etc JMHO

JudyEddy said...

JO I hope you have a great visit with Michael today Ok all caught up I also hope the storm doesn't affect any of you remember the link that we use in Fl is a good site to watch has lots of maps

JudyEddy said...

Just rememeberd something I wanted to ask as you all know I am paying extra on my house payment each month Well a friend at work said I should only ask that the money I send go to the principal since I am several years ahead now Is that possible????
If you look on the long sheet of paper I got when I first bought my house I am up to OCT 2015 payment a 12,725 I should be owing 25,339 at this point according to the printout
so is he correct should I ask to just pay the principal that in the end they may owe me money if I continue to pay this way I am so cornfused
Not forsure if anyone would have a clue but figure wouldn't hurt to ask would the bank be honest if I called and ask also I could run down there too I guess

Janet said...

Judy: I have heard of people specifying that the payment go to principal only. Call your motgage holder and ask how to have it happen! ((((Hugs))))))

Hoda said...

Good morning good afternoon...

LOLLY I checked on the freezer door!!! SORRY for your upcoming cold weather...did I tell you all that yesterday I wore my winter boots!!! UGH!!! BOO HISS and all that...

SHIRLEY I am praying that sandy does not come ashore and that you and yours are safe. I hope the construction situation gets resolved soon. Do you have the heat on yet? This is the image I am having the most difficulty with...turning on the heat to in effect heat the out of doors!!!


Yoga and East Indian cooking on the calendar today. Organizing the Kitchen crew for the African Dinner is taking a bit more time as I have to get everyone to donate all of the 2 grocery lists and to show up for cooking duties. I think I will need to schedule a meeting prior to the actual day of cooking. It takes time but all is indeed good. I am still enjoying it...

LOLLY I am thinking of ANNIE and I am sorry she is not well.Good approach to not panic yet. Curious about the owl calling at night...would be exciting to hear it tak off.

JANET'S advice is good about talking to your Mortgage Holder JUDYE. When you said you woke up at 11:30 I thought OH MY GOD she was late for work and then thought NO NOT JUDYE!!!LOL

Hoda said...

OK I am off for the day and will check back in the evening after I come back from my East Indian cooking class...around 11 PM EST.

Watching sandy and hoping she goes away and that no harm comes to you all.


I know not to be political, but man oh man how I wish I could vote in the upcoming presidential elections. What a great privilege you all have...I wished I could vote too...

OK boots next on the agenda...see ya!

Mema Jo said...

I chose NOT to go visit Michael today because of my sniffles and cough. He sure didn't need any of that. Ed did visit and called me to say that Michael was sitting up in bed and the mits had been taken off and Here someone wants to talk to you........ My heart dropped and then I heard Hi Mom! Very clear and distinct. We minced some words and then Michael said I Love You, Good Bye.

Called Christine and family members

Christine Thompson said...................................
14 minutes ago via mobile
So excited my Mema heard my Dad talk! He said Hi and I Love You!, Good bye All with the trach in and no speaking valve!

Talk about God is Good all the Time! His voice was the normal voice of my son ♥

Mema Jo said...

Glo, I got my blue envelop eagle card today for Michael. Incidentally he was wearing an Eagle Shirt today! How cool is that?


magpie said...

wow that's a Hellelujah Hello for sure, Jo !!!

Bravo, Michael

magpie said...

Might actually SPLIT this afternoon...

time for me to SPLIT now

ttfn xoxox

glo said...

Just sitting here with my heart smiling.

JudyEddy said...

JO What fantastic news to be able to hear his voice The miracle of science and praise the doctors for all the work that they have done

When I first read it on facebook I got tears such great news

JudyEddy said...

I have been working on a school project today

JudyEddy said...

Tomorrow Jordyns school is having Truck or Treat at school so I will be going there in the afternoon and so will Angie she is taking a longer lunch to see the parade they will have tooo

JudyEddy said...

Friday is the letter EEEEEEE

and Jordyn teacher told Angie to have me bring in something to do with Eagles since she know what a fanatic I am LOL

JudyEddy said...

I am taking a couple of stuffed eagles from my vast collection and I made large collage of 8 pictures of eagle

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is no doubt that Michael is a tough old bird just like his Momma!

JudyEddy said...

I took the picture that Lynne always used of the Maw Norfolk and the fly on her head, also a picture of a juvie getting tagged and a picture of Belle and Shep in our tree and some other from the internet turned out pretty good

JudyEddy said...

I think I will put it on the blog in case anyone wants to see my home work LOL

Sandi said...

Afternoon all!

WOW - what incredible news about Michael talking to his Mama!!!! Woohoo!!! So happy to hear about the continued progress!!!

Judy, my understanding is that a certain amount of each month's mortgage payment goes toward interest and your escrow account (for property taxes and homeowner's insurance). If you pay more than you're supposed to, you can request that the additional money sent in be applied toward your principal balance.

Cloudy but warm day here. Depending on who you listen to, the Delmarva peninsula may cease to exist after Monday, thanks to Sandy. We'll see - not really worried at this point.

Need to fix food for people and pets - later!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...