Saturday, July 28, 2012


End of a crazy week thread.


magpie said...

Well Good Morning Steve, and Thank you so Much for the
Brand Spanking New Fresh Thread

Hope you have a nice week-end !

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the Fresh Saturday Thread, STEVE!

Good Morning, Magpie and everyone just coming over.

magpie said...

can't stay long for now, will be back around in a little while...

Best Wisehs for a Good Day, Everyone


Judie said...

Good afternoon by one minute!

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread. Please have a very pleasant weekend.

Hot, humid, overcast here.

Safe travels for all on the road and positive thoughts that all the furry critters are recovered or improving.

No plans except to read some more on economic crimes and maybe do some more Ancestry searches.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

magpie said...

Well howdy do and just floating past for a few minutes...
I've been here 8 hours...can I go home, on no woooops 3.5 more to go.
Then Make-Believe Retiremeent for 56 hours ☺

stronghunter said...


Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and thanks for the call-over, Margy.

Need to get something accomplished here.


magpie said...

I really just want to go outside...
wouldn't mind being at the BEACH and be outside actually...

magpie said...

Hi Shirley...
You've probably alrady accomplished more than you think
Take some time for something totally enjoyable for yourself

Lolly said...

Hi Margy and. Shirley! We ate on the road! It has been a good week!

Lolly said...

Silly phone.....are, not ate! Lil

Lolly said...


grannyblt said...

good morning eagle buds. and it s morning here in AK. Beautiful morning. Off to a farmer's market today. No eagle sightings yet! I'm using my GD's computer so I will try to sign on with her name, but I am GRANNyBLT

magpie said...

you are grannyblt !!
Glad you could check in...

Lolly...I was ruminating on it,
that you Ate on the Road....
but then you saved me from figuring it out

I hope you are feeling okay, Lol

magpie said...

Thunderstorm watches going up for all points east, west, north and south of us here in Martinsburg....
Washington and Frederick Co's MD
Spotsylvania and Loudoun nd Fairfax

and others that could include many of us including over Lynne2's way

stronghunter said...

Yeah, the alarm went off awhile ago here.

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon all...

I hope you are safe from the alarms and the storms SHIRLEY and all who are in the area.

I went Dragon Boating this morning. The racing team is gone. They have four races and there are many members who went to support them. We had eleven paddleres and it was good we were able to take her out on the water...calm day. The wind only picked up at the endo of the day...Enjoyed the practice very much. We did many drills and there was time to see osprey and ducks and geese and sea gulls and crows.

The water level is dropping but the lake is still very high...

It is Market day and I think I will go get some fresh local organic blueberries.

Doing laundry right now and enjoying the camness of the day...good way to start on the water.

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch break and see new thread was just as I was leaving this am

T-Bird said...

Hello my eagle peeps.

magpie said...

How'ra doing there, T-Bird....
hope you are all healed up now...
and if not, then SOON

Hoda said...

Good you are on the blog too Thelma...what are your plans for today? Is it outdoor type weather over there? Did you get the storms?
I will wait till it is cooler to do some cooking

magpie said...

Your day sounds real nice, Hoda, with more to come...Enjoy....

I am feeling the effect of being up since 2:30 this morning to a NAP is in the very near future, as in right now...
ttfn Eagle Pals
xo ♥

magpie said...

"so" a nap...
Woof and Aaargh on my typos....

wonder whereabouts Lolly and The Gang are right about now....

magpie said...

I have NINE flower blooms on my Giant fully out, one popping out and the others in waiting.

okay, 'bye

Hoda said...

Happy Nap MARGY...

Safe travels to LOLLY and family...she had a picture of the two grandsons in the asleep and the other watching a so so cute...FB post

JudyEddy said...

Re-posted from the Eagles of the Botantical Gardens Facebook page:

Once again, there are discussions regarding the eagle nest here at the Garden. A meeting was held on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at City Hall that is described in the press release below. As further meetings occur we will keep you posted. For now, there has been no decision regarding the recommendation from Federal and State authorities that the nest be removed.

City of Norfolk Press Release: Posted 7-24-12 at 3:07:37pm
Representatives from Federal and State Wildlife Agencies briefed Council members on the Communities and Public Safety Committee regarding the eagle’s nest at the Norfolk Botanical Garden.

The city will work with the Botanical Garden, Norfolk International Airport, USDA Wildlife Services, State Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to determine to mitigate and maintain safety of people and property.

When we determine the next steps, that information will be shared with the public.

No decision regarding the nest is being made at this time.

For more information, go to More

JudyEddy said...

More info on the nest

JudyEddy said...

HMM I only heard of the one eagle being hit how about you all???

Hoda said...

I think a previous discussion said up to three eagles JUDYE but I can not remember the particulars. The point however is how are they going to prevent the eagles from building a new nest...there is no way to evict an eagle so to speak...maybe if they destroyed them they would no longer be in the territory. The permit they got was for the removal of the nest not for the destruction shooting killing of the eagles...

Hoda said...

Thanks JO for the important dates list on Momsters list.

magpie said...

Every once in awhile there is a fairly clear image on the Still Cam....
and I know if I see an Eagle in there sometime I am probably going to fall over !! or Faint !

Hoda said...


magpie said...

oh, thanks, Hoda !! LOL

JudyEddy said...

OH NOW the still cam looks good can see the nest in the moon light

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


JudyEddy said...

Check out google graphic for archery today OH NO I just pulled a Margy

JudyEddy said...

So excited my items was shipped I just checked yesterday I wonder how long it will take to get here??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Costume Lady said...

JUDY,we have been getting ordered items VERY quickly the last couple of months...what's up with that?

We had a good turn out at church for our Pancack supper...don't know how much was made, but, the proceeds will go to the Hatian Fund. Same thing that Jo's son, Michael did a few weeks ago.

Good Night...blessings an\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (FACE PLANT!) prayers and love♥

Hoda said...

PRAYERS and LOVE to you and your group WANDA and to JO'S son MICHAEL

Lolly said...

We are home. I am on my phone as I can not get the blog on the computer.??????? Laurel stayed long enough to do 3 loads of laundry then headed on home.

Nite all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Welcome home LOLLY and Family.
Thanks for your posts while you were gone.

Hoda said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Thank you, Steve, for the new thread. Hope you are okay, with all the storms in the area!

Hope everyone else is safe, too.
It was a bit cooler today, but still muggy. It's not cooling off tonight, either. Our afternoon breeze from the ocean that we usually get around 3 pm has stalled almost completely. Hope that changes soon!

Glo, I'm so very happy that Dex is making such a good recovery! Apparently the meds are really doing the job for him! Fantastic!

Ken and I watched most of the opening ceremonies for the Olympics that we had recorded. That particular segment was 4 1/2 hours long! Just couldn't make it all the way to the end.

Lolly, is Annie back home yet? I bet they spoiled her rotten at the vet's! She'll be glad to see you guys, though!

Well, I have some stuff I need to get done, so I'm going to say goodnight. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Wishing SED for everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Remembering Lynn♥♥
♥♥Haven't forgotten Carolyn & Christie!♥♥
I ♥ us!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a Margy here...
Margy, I hope you are able to get a nice, long sleep very soon! Dent those pillows, big-time! ((HUGS))!!
OK, goodnight, all! :o]

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning, my eagle friends! Finally got a good-size downpour last night - a little thunder and lightning but nothing sever and lots of much-needed water for my shrubs! Will get out and Miracle Gro my pots today since the soil is already wet.

Am seeing a lot more hummers at my feeders lately - guess I'm seeing the babies that have fledged in the area during the summer.

Hard to believe it's almost August!

Welcome home Lolly!

Glo, how is Dex doing?

Bandit has really been doing GREAT since my sister's family (with their dog) left. He did beautifully at my Mom's while we were in Africa (no snarling or growling at her) and he hasn't done any snarling since we got home. He is letting me brush his teeth, he's being nicer to Bella, and I even gave him a bath the other day. When he went for his walk yesterday, he greeted other dogs with his tail wagging! I think this dog food for cognitive function is really helping!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday Morning Eagle Family!!!

It was a slow night last night on the blog. Everyone must have been watching the Olympics. I fell asleep on the couch doing the very same. Think I nodded off (early) during the men's gymnastics.

Welcome Home, LOLLY!

Hope PAULA gets her bathroom done at the beach paradise.

Not much on my agenda today. Think I'll do like SANDI and fertilize my pots.

Happy thoughts and big smiles for everyone today!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Today is the party for Sissy and Tom's 35th Anniversary. This was the first date that I could get the most people there. It was intended to be a surprise party and I did an event page on Facebook that only those invited could see. Then what did I do? I invited Sissy. But the show must go on. Andrew is coming and I am so excited about that. Kelsey is working a band camp this week so she won't get to come. The party is at 2 p.m. Wish you were all here!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. I ♥ US, my eagle budlets.

Lori O. said...

I hope it's a wonderful party, SHAR! I kknow Bev & Tom are loving the idea!

JudyEddy said...


SANDI great news about Bandit Maybe he is afraid you may leave again and that is why he is being good now LOL So glad everything went well while you were gone with him

ANDY I ff through some of the opening ceremonies watched the good stuff going ff slow you still can watch and stop when you want to see the good stuff When they were all walking in I FF fast on it I have recorded all of it and will probably watch some but not all Lots to watch and call always FF on it tooo

SHARON there is nothing like a good party Sound fun

LORI any vulture yet????

JudyEddy said...

ODD last nite the still cam looked so much better that it does now I miss our eagles!!!!!

Lori O. said...

I miss the eagles, too, JUDYE. And almost as bad, no baby black vultures this year either!

JudyEddy said...

HEY DANA or anyone else I figured Danamo may know because of a Kinderteacher
1 part salt 2 parts flour 1 part water. NOTE: For a smooth clay use white flour ... Bake at 275º Farenheit (or 140º Celcius) for about 1 hour or until golden and hard . ... seal item's made from flour based clays, or they will attract bugs and rodents.
WHAT WOULD YOU SEAL IT WITH ???? I thought maybe varnish or a clear paint

JudyEddy said...

They said to use this to make a impression of your kids feet to make stepping stones in your yard and I told Angie that they would be eaten if not sealed was posted on facebook and they didn't say to seal it I googled it and found this above

JudyEddy said...

Are they around at all do they hang out at the barn when there is not babies ??? or do they only come around when they have babies??

Lori O. said...

No, the black and turkey vultures are around the barn a lot - just no eggs this year. DANG!

JudyEddy said...

COOL BEANS then you get to see them That is good!!

JudyEddy said...

Hey did you see they shipped my package on the 27th can't wait to get it

JudyEddy said...

Well need to finsih getting ready to go to hell LOL (work)

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Happy party time for Bev and Tom :-) Dex is feeling lots better. He is still more sleepy than playful. I think we are both in catch up. I fell asleep during men's gymnastics too. I did get to see a rerun of the Queen parachuting into the stadium. I may just be a day behind for a while lOL. HAGD everyone

Janet said...

good morning friends....

and a new thread as of yesterday! yeah!!!!!!~!!! thanks steve!!!!!!!!

i finished painting the dining room......and made multiple messes as i went. it was just that kind of a day. :(

today; clean house and relax a bit. get ready for school tomorrow.....

took the grandkids to the waterpark last night and then brought them to the house for a bit. the kids went to see the new batman movie. :)

gonna finally get the hot tub going today i think. been focused on that dining room

got two fresh figs off my fig tree yesterday, ripe and yummy. I planted it last year in the spring. ordered it off of gurney's. it is a mini fig tree, no more than 5 to 6 foot tall. it isn't supposed to produce for 3 or 4 years.....and this is the 2nd year and i got 2 figs. maybe 3 next year? lol.

just wanted to pop in for a min. have a great day! hugs

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lost Internet last night. We had a storm and the power to the system that our router is connected to went off. Will came in sometime last night and fixed it. I decided to leave it to him.

I think we probably need to replace the covers on the outdoor outlets. We probably have water getting in there.

Watching the Olympic basketball game this morning. Watched table tennis earlier. Very impressive 16-year-old American girl playing a 49-year-old woman and beating her.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Working on tons of laundry. We usually start that right away, but last night Laurel got the privilege. Her washer is supposed to be fixed tomorrow.

I am about to head out to water pots. Things around the yard look fairly good. Lost some spots of lawn that the sprinkler system does not get. Grrrr! But, for end of July we looke good.

We get Annie first thing in the morning.

I have not read back on the blog. Anything I should know. Hope all are well. I plan to call Dr. Carol first thing in the morning.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps. Thoughts and prayers throughout your all's day.

movin said...


GooD MorninG tO U
fOR a SundaY.


Warm, muggy again in So Cal, but it will be beautiful anyway.

How about your place?

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Judie said...

Good afternoon to everyone present or not.

Welcome home, Lolly. Glad you enjoyed the vacation.

Hope Hoda's dragon boating went well yesterday.

Good news that Dex continues to feel better and Bandit has a new personality.

Shar, wishing a super fun anniversary party for Bev and Tom.
Congratulations to them.

Shirley, hope you get the router/internet problem solved quickly.

Wishing everyone a lovely afternoon.

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday to all the Eaglebuds!!!
Special Good Wishes for Bev and Tom's party and Shar's hard work!
Welcome home Loly, Jack, and family!

Glad to read Glo's Dex is feeling better
JudyE, your article about the NBG nests is rather disturbing.I know something has to be done, but I don't think eagles will stop building there unless they topple all the trees or cover the lake!!!

I, too have been konking out in the loungechair and not writing on here. Last evening I konked before dinner!!!Had to stay late at work waiting for late canoers. When they came in, the 'puter cash register went down & they had no cash to leave, so I said they could pay when they left! Wrong--they were an hour late 'cuz they didn't have a watch!!!They also stopped and went swiumming which is a NO NO.We're lucky we didn't have to call for rescue!!!!

Hoda said...

Another beautiful day here today. Hard to stay in. I will head to the beach later the afternoon when it is a bit cooler.

Life is very good and yes JUDIE my Dragon Boating was wonderful and peaceful yesterday...only eleven paddlers because the team and supporters are in Kelowna for a race...yet we still went out and it made for a great paddle as there were no white caps and the breeze only picked up when we were headed in...

Did my groceries and my oh m y are things in bloom infront of the co-op...Lovely simply lovely.

magpie said...

Loretta, That is Plumb Crazy!
Enjoy your Freedom from the work place...
I know there was a NASCAR earlier?
maybe still ?
I don't know much about these things...

LOL - but a LOT of you here do

Good Day, Eagle Pals !


magpie said...

That is perfectly WONDERFUL news regarding Bandit !!

magpie said...

I treated myself royally this morning,
I went to Market in Shepherdstown !
Got two beautiful Megan bouquets of redbeckia (YELLOW ☺ ) with a beautiful red gem that I don't know the name of in it, almost like a dried red clover. AND it was great to have some talk time with MEGAN.
Then I bought a few more things from the other vendors, I had some Birthday bling bling to spend, and I did !!

magpie said...

RUDBECKIA !! Shucks, doesn't take long to do a typo !

Your activities sound wonderful, as usual, Hoda...very idyllic

Happy Wishes to the Anniversary couple, Bev and Tom ☺♥☺♥

magpie said...

I also went to the curve in the road to gaze upon the Royal Sycamore...
nest is pretty much shrouded in leaves and branches, and I saw NO eagles, but I did see a few turkey vultures, and I heard a Yellow-Billed Cuckoo !
Elusive bird, that one !

magpie said...

Welcome Home... are you feeling ???

magpie said...

Loving that Avatar of Wanda's -
with grandson Dustin and Great Grandson....Brantley !

Loretta, been meaning to tell YOU also, I love YOUR avatar....
such a graceful rendition of the Eagle....

magpie said...

well, I am stumped for words now.

Hoping that Everyone is having a Super Sunday ! The weather here has been most agreeable today, a little on the hot side, but a nice breeze, and some clouds

magpie said...

oh neat, another cool image on Google...I think every day we will be getting Olympics things ☺

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Margy...aren't they both precious?

Sounds like you had a fine shopping spree at Market today:) Wish I could walk about there sometime. I might play hooky one Sunday this Fall:)

GG was doing fairly well eating baby food again, although, I got her to eat half a salmon cake and a handful of FFries.
She goes to the doctor Friday for her final injection...prayers for her 'like never before', please~

magpie said...

Okay Wanda, We're on it ! The Prayers for your precious Mom....

Aaaah, Market, yet....This was only the Second time for me this year....but we have some more weeks to go before things are all over, and Megan still has lots of Summer Flowers yet....

magpie said...

found me some Swamp Milkweed this week-end, Wanda, out near B&O overpass road, so I am headed out to try to get some better pictures of it...

Well, Eagle Pals...headed to the next stop or two, and there is definitely some Tomato Sandwiches on Sour Dough bread on my menu tonight, both purchases from Market ☺
When my OWN tomatoes ripen, then I'll just buy some from myself !


Do something nice for yourselves!
Just in case someone else doesn't think of doing it first !!


Hoda said...

I am on it WANDA Prayers for GG.

Great day you are having MARGY.
A friend stopped by so we talked and had tea and did not go to the beach...I will wait till it cools down now and then is all good...I will cook for a few hours.

Lolly said...

Trailer is clean on the inside. Maybe tonight we can scrub the outside and take it to it's home. Dragging it back out in 3 weeks. We are going with the boys during Camp Hawkwood to the RV park that is just a couple miles away. They have pools, kids activities and a new water park. We told the boys we will go for a couple of days.

Margy, my back is better but I still "feel" it. Needing to take it really easy. Probably going to the doctor with the intestinal problem. Do not want to share TMI, but lets say it comes and goes and is not pleasant.

As I have said before...I wanna go to market!!! Jealous of your Megan flowers.

Prayers for sure for our Momster Momma GG.

Lori O. said...

Prayers for GG, coming up, WANDA.

Hard to believe it's Sunday evening - the weekend went so fast!

MARGY, have fun taking your pics and eating your market fresh tomato sandwich.

LOLLY, hope the doc gives you something to make you feel better, FAST! RV Park with the boys sounds like so much fun!

JudyEddy said...

Good Evening my fellow eagleholic

so sorry you don't see our eagle MARGY

Yep Margy another neat google I notice it changes daily now tooo cool

JudyEddy said...

I put in for a vacation today or staycation maybe yardcation I should say

Aug 18-26 8 days from work will be nice

JudyEddy said...

just turned it in yesterday so hasn't been approved YET

Janet said...

Good evening one and all. Sunday. Was a productive day. We cleaned most of the day; putting away the paint supplies, then actual cleaning, laundry, etc. Got the hot tub scrubbed and filled. It is heating now.

Thinking shortly we will go bowling for a bit. As everyone slept in today, early bedtimes are not happening. And with the first day of school tomorrow, Livvy would likely not fall asleep quickly anyway, lol.

Its been a really nice day. Warm but not overly humid. Much better than it has been!

Hope everyone has a pleasant evening. :)

Hoda said...

Missing MEMA JO.

When does LIVVY get out of school JANET??? It makes it an unreasonably long school year...Kids here can not be required to be in school more than 185 days a year and the teachers have to be in 200 days a year...WOW school starts tomorrow??? UNREASONABLE!!! Unless there is a midwinter month off and or a month off in Spring to do other this the it terms that this system works and one gets to choose which term they are in school?

magpie said...

My goodness we have some Whirling Dervishes on here !!!
For example, Lolly, Janet....

JudyE I hope hope hope you get that time off for Staycation...It is so nice to be able to be off schedule and do what you want,when you want to do it....
Kind of like make-believe retirement :)
Dress rehearsal for the real thing !

Okay Lolly....I just hope the doc figures it out and helps to fix it, whatever the ailment is, because it DOES sound like something you don't need to be suffering from !!!
And the back? Well, shucks about that too !!

magpie said...

excuse me

Hello Evening Eagle Pals !!!

Yes indeedyn I don't blame you all one bit for being jealous about us getting to Market...

I go for Megan's stand first....then catch a few much nice produce and herbs and pastries, and other plant and flower vendors, but no one's match up to Megan's plants and flowers !

magpie said...

Well, someone here needs a bath...I live alone so it must be me !!!

ttfn xoxo

NCSuzan said...

Good Evening all.
Exciting news from San Diego Zoo. New baby panda arrived this afternoon. Can't wait to watch another panda grow up!

JudyEddy said...

watching the olympics I dvr'd it and watching the other nites I fast forward to the things I want to see like the horse, parallel bars and I have picture in picture going of the live event Love it

magpie said...

Oooh Suzan, that IS exciting, I will have to start watching again...
new life, always fun...

Good to SEE you....

time for some chow now that I'm clean

Nice waxing Moon out there tonight....
It will be FULL on Wednesday night, August 1


JudyEddy said...

Hey guys remember the moth issue I was having well I did find out somethings about the little buggers that can be in the larvae cocoon state for 55 to 2 1/2 years wow I google it and found the ones I have and I only see one everyone once in a while well I got another tonight and I video it Dork I am huh My drywall moth in action also here is the link to the page I found on google I love google
info on the little bugger the moth that like dust and cloths I have enough dust for him LOL Ok back to TV I just found him on the wall and had to do a video LOL I am such a dork LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well it looks like the still cam has sh-t the bed looks like it day time with the rainbow lines not black or dark So cool about the cub being born another cam to watch need to find the link I liked the FB page tooo

Its a 8 day tomorrow next week 3 10 days and the week after 4 10 days
Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Best wishes to Bev & Tom!!! Bet the party for them was a LOT of fun.

Sandi, what wonderful news about Bandit!! So happy for you, and for him!

Glo, really happy about Dex! Oh, how we worry about our furbabies!

Wanda, you've got it--prayers galore for GG from this roost!! So hoping that the last shot will do the trick.

Lolly, I do hope you go to the doctor for your miserable tummy problem. Hope the doctor has a really quick cure!

Margy, sounds like you had a grand time at the Market! Glad you had so much fun.

Well, I have a few things to finish up around here, so guess I will call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone (especially GG!), and for every creature. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Wishing for a particularly restful night's sleep for everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥♥ us!

Costume Lady said...

Thank you all for remembering GG in your prayers...Friday's injection is the last resort. I will not put her through any more if this doesn't work!
I just realized, it is now July 30, GG is now 92yrs old:) I think we will celebrate on Friday and pray I don't drop and fall into the cake;)

Good night, dear and prayers♥

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle buds!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to WANDA's Mom, GG!!! 92 whoa!

SANDI, loved hearing about Bandit's new attitude. What did you say are you feeding him?

LOLLY, hope you get an appt with your doc TODAY!

Lucky PAULA gets to spend another day at the beach!

Special good mornings with smiley faces ☺ to early birds MARGY, THELMA, SHARON, JUDIE, JUDYE, JANET and GLO! ☺

Hoping KAY is feeling better today and posts something on her progress. ♥

Jewels said...

Good early morning!!!! As you can guess, I am work. :(
Haven't felt very well at all the last few days. Think I have the summer stomach bug. Nasty headache and Cramping and upset belly.
Hanen't forgot all of you, just have been busy. Hasn't been a week yet,I haven't pulled OT, well in the last two weeks or so.
Alot of changes in our life.
Charlie's step uncle, well he is really bad off. He had a tracheostomy last Monday and I believe a feeding tube as well. Now hubby's mom said she went in and he has a suction tube inserted and its bringing out blood. Not sure he will be coming home after all.
Hubb's sister is home and doing well.
My Grandma, Dad's mom, 97 yrs old, brought home from nursing home under hospice and family care. We have to do everything for her.

Wanda, Hope nad pray GG's procedure is the right one this time and it works its magic like none other!!

Hope everyone else is well. HAven't had time to read back all that I have missed
Just know that I love you all dearly!!

Robyn said...

Please everyone I am begging as I type this thru tears and pain, Gina needs prayers, well wishes, positive energies and however else one sends healing to another.

This was posted at 5:30 this morning,

Good morning,

This is Kristin again....just received word that Gina has been rushed back into the hospital; she was found not breathing. That was around 4 am. Just talked to Reyna and she said Gina is now intubated, has a pulse, and was given a central line for meds.

Please everyone keep her and the family in your prayers. Will update as soon as I know more information.

Jewels said...

OMG!!! I am praying for her!!! DEar God, please answer our prayers !!!
Keep us updated Robyn!!!

Robyn said...

I will Jewels, I feel their pain as we just went thru this in January.

A mothers worse fear, we need to embrace her family her mom and dad as they will need it the most.

Jewels said...

Please give them my love and let them know that I am praying for them!

Sandi said...

Good muggy Monday morning, my eagle friends!

Robyn, prayers and positive energy for Gina - is this the young lady who also had a lung transplant that Tori met while she was in the hospital?

Wanda, happy birthday to GG and prayers that this Friday's procedure helps with her pain. I occasionally play tennis with a lady (in her 70s and still on the courts) whose mom recently turned 100!

Jewels and Lolly, hope you are both feeling better soon. Jewels, more bad news in your family - you poor girl!!

Lori, Bandit eats Hills Science b/d for Healthy Aging and Alertness. It's supposed to improve an old dog's cognitive function and it really is helping! I'm so glad - we were pretty much at the "making that decision" point with him.

Robyn said...

Thank you Jewels

Robyn said...

Yes Sandi, Gina has CF. Gina has been in Duke the past month getting ready to get on the list for a second transplant, she had to complete a series of tests and was doing well but started getting weaker over the course of the month. They changed meds and it helped, gave her a feeding tube and she was doing a little better. Hopefully they can keep her listed and find her lungs.

I am not sure what they intend but if I hear anything I will update

Janet said...

Good morning one and all,

HODA: There are 198 days of in school instruction planned for this year. There is a 4 day fall break in October, 4 day break in Nov, a winter break in December which is usually less than 2 weeks. The kicker is "spring" break, which is in March (weather not usually very nice) of 17 consecutive days. :( Then school is out usually around the 25th of May.

I figure there are a few snow days planned in, but here, we may or may not use them. Last year we used one I think? The prior year, we used 8 or so.

But either way, I still think it is too darned early to start school!!!!!

JUDYE: the moths are something else. YIKES>

ROBYN: sending comfort and healing....

Another Monday folks. Went bowling last night. Leagues will be starting up right after Labor Day. Guess we should get a few practice sessions in, though, not sure it really helps, lol.

Soaked in the hot tub last night. That felt good. It wasn't so hot- water or weather- and I could stand it. :)

Well off and running. Must start Olivia's breakfast......and then get ready for work. WOOOOO HOOOO> Here we go.

Have a great day....Hugs, Light, Love, and smiles to one and all.....

Sandi said...

Janet, 198 student days??? WOW! In MD and here in DE as well, the mandate is 180 student days and something like 192 for teachers. I hope Olivia has a wonderful first day of school!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

.♥Way To Go GG! ♥

BEV So sorry for the loss of your friend

ROBYN will be keeping her in my thoughts

glo said...

Good morning everyone Happy Birthday to GG I hope her day is a very special one. Like everyone else I am praying for success for her on Fri. Kay. Prayers for your continued recovery as well.Such a very long road. Prayers for all my eagle friends that those who are ailing feel better and those who are tired get some good rest. Today I am taking my teen friend to the botanical Center for a little while. I am going to let her use one of my nice cameras to work on photos of a waterfall and then we will walk through the gardens and hope some flowers are making it through the heat of this summer. Hoping she can find a butterfly or 2. First time all summer I have gotten out with her. I love my time with this young lady. She is a sophomore this year.

glo said...

Oh yes PRAYERS for Kristen

Judie said...

Good morning.


Wanda, wishing your mom a very special day and that Family Friday will be a fun celebration -- with or without a cake facial.

Carolyn, my thoughts are with you through all your emotional challenges.

Sending positive thoughts for Gina.

Judie said...

Janet, wishing Olivia a fun first day in school. She'll have lots to chat about.

Congratulations to the San Diego zoo and happy birth day to the little panda babe.

Off to begin my day and wishing each of you a wonderful Monday.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Such sad news about Gina. I read about it at like 6 a.m.

A couple of months ago I requested prayer for my friend Lori's sister, Kristin, who was badly burned. She passed away at 6 a.m. I know it is great sadness and great relief in her family. :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

On a lighter note, the party was a complete success yesterday. I think there were 31 people there. Sis and Tom really enjoyed it!

Judie said...

Sharon, prayers of comfort and sympathy for Kristin's family and friends.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Happy Birthday to GG!!

Prayers for Gina and for Kristen's family. So very sorry for the suffering and indeed there is real hurting going on.

I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Last night I thought I was getting better, but no such luck!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Happy birthday GG!

Prayers for Gina and for Kristen's family.

Hoping your appointment goes well, Lolly.

Hoping that Olivia has a really good first day at school. Wow, 198 school days.

Hope that you feel better very soon, Carolyn, and hope that Charlie's step uncle gets better very soon.

Best wishes for everyone else.

Don't work too hard, Judie. You still have time.

Hunter is at day camp. I am getting ready to go visit a friend. We plan to go shopping have lunch.


Have a good day, everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It was just posted on Caring Bridge that Gina is in a deep coma and they checking for brain damage. :-(

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Robyn said...

From Gina's mom, they are also checking for any brain damage, she may have had cardiac arrest this morning they do not know yet

Reyna Martinez-Kosla
Gina in ICU. Deep coma. Please check caringbridge for updates. Many prayers please for our girl.

magpie said...

Good Day, Eagle Pals, whether morning, afternoon or evening in your respective time zones....

Robyn: Deep prayers for healing and recovery for Gina, and may our prayers bring comfort & hope for Gina's family, and skills amongst the medical teams

Sharon: Prayers also here for your friend Lori's sister Kristin, and her very sad, but the pain and illness is over for Kristin

For Jewels:
Prayers for Charlie's Uncle, for your Father's Mother, and for you and all involved in these emergencies.....I hope you feel better soon, and I hope you are sleeping like a log right now !

xoxox (( Monday Hugs ))

magpie said...

I see we have a couple of very important birthdays today:

for Momster Just Vicky...
Best Wishes for your Best Birthday EVER, filled to the brim with ALL your favorite things xoxox

And for "Momster Mom GG": We love you to pieces, and hope that this is YOUR best birthday ever, surrounded by Love and many comfortable moments of the day xoxo

magpie said...

And for All of Us,
THIS is the first day of the rest of our lives! I hope it is the best day ever....

Hoping that healing comes RIGHT NOW where needed, and there are many joyful moments of the day

xoxox ugh I'm paying bills, that AIN'T so joyful, but I have gratitude that I have a job that pays me DOUGH so I can do this...

xo ttfn

magpie said...

PS I met Just Vicky on my first official Momster Nest Visit, in
June 2008....

Vicky was just ONE of many wonderful new friends I made that day, Glory Be !!!

glo said...

NEW THREAD Head on over.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just on Caring Bridge about Gina:

Hello all (from Kristin),

I just got off the phone with Reyna. She told me Gina had a CT scan and it showed no brain damage; however, she's having irregular and sporatic brain function. Right now they are trying to keep her body cold as to protect her brain...they are continuing to do a bunch of tests. They still don't know the cause of all of this, or why she stopped breathing this morning. There is no sign that she had a stroke.

Bottom line the doctor said, we should prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. At this time Gina's parents, brother, and aunts are down there with her. As of right now, she is only allowed two people in the room and they worry about over stimulating her.

If you would like to send something, their address is 616 Edinborough Drive, Durham NC 27703.

JudyEddy said...

LOL 2012 Thread For those just posted no one sees this but me the admin of the page so you loose I don't click on links LOL This blog died in 2016 I only keep up with pic for the universe

Need to check date of blogs you post on READ if all fails LOL

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...