Friday, July 20, 2012


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Megan's flowers for today's are as beautiful as always. FB pics.
I just got a caring bridge for Tori and also read Tori's remark on FB that
she is going to enroll at Shepherd for classes! That news makes me very proud to know Tori! ♥

magpie said...

Oooooh....Megan Flowers and Shepherd for Tori, Thanks Jo...
I am a Shepherd Graduate...
Shepherd Students Succeed....

magpie said...

I certainly have succeeded in these departments:

Friends, and Family

okay 'bye


Mema Jo said...

It's 11:30 Margy so Move It! Your day needs to begin! ♥

glo said...

Good morning everyone. My buddy is resting at my feet. We have both had a pretty long night. Tomorrow I will call the vet and challenge the "It's the heat idea. Hope everyone will have a good day. Dex and I will be cool and quiet as we can, here at home.

Mema Jo said...

Leaving you friendly peeps now and will return later this afternoon when I get home before I put my feet up!

I ♥ US

stronghunter said...

Good noontime,

Sorry about the loss of your friend, Judie.

Oh, Lolly, I hope your back gets better and you are able to enjoy your vacation.

Oh, I see I'm on the wrong side of the split.

Well, here I go . . . over the split.

stronghunter said...

Such beautiful Megan flowers. So much effort to grow them in the weather we have had.

Hi, Margy!! Always great to see you here. You bring joy to the blog.

Lolly said...

Yes, I think Megan's flowers were extra special this week.

I like the idea that that Lynn is working through Jo and Margy. Plan on taking ice thingys and the heating pad.

I have moved to the sofa. My chair is very painful to get up from. Lovely, just lovely! Grrrr!

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Lolly. I hope you get better.

Hoda said...

Sorry LOLLY to hear of the back pain...
Water therapy sounds good and I bet you when in the water it will loosen and adjust and let go of the pain...prayers♥

Enjoy SHAR and hurrah for friend who has been clear for ten years.

Glad GG had a good report thanks WANDA...

It is hot and dry here today. I am thinking of LORI and hoping her weather is good and encouraging for doing things out of doors.

PAULA good zoom photo of the juvie on to see the family soaring above.

Forgot to say Good morning/ Good afternoon to all.

Hoda said...

This from SANDI on FB nine hours ago.

Waiting for our taxi to take us to the airport in Zanzibar. Will spend a little time in Dar es Salaam then to the airport there. Short stop in Nairobi then 8 hours to Zurich. 5 hour layover there then another 8 or 9 hours to Dulles. Not looking forward to the long flight or saying bye to Brian and Lynnis but will be happy to get back to the USA.

Hoda said...

How so very much I miss my American Family. Carol and I had this most wonderful phone call and I so wished we were all still together. God Bless the USA.

Hoda said...

Quiet on the blog today...Stay well everyone it is a lazy summer day and all is beautiful...

Lolly said...

Sitting here with heat on my back, Hoda.

glo said...

Looks like Sandi's trip is winding down but she has had an awesome time. Lots of stories to tell. Lolly I sure hope your back gets to feeling better. Very glad you are taking it easy and that you have some air conditioning while you enjoy some heat on that back. Guess it's 1 hour past time to feed Dex some supper. He has me very concerned and quite confused. He is getting some chicken and rice for supper but not at all sure what time or how much. Then he will get nothing for 12 hours. Tomorrow we will make a vet visit.

WVJerry said...

Just wanted to check in here since it's been too long. I see the cam no longer works...I'm guessing the juvies and adults have left now. We haven't been down that way in a few weeks. I hope everyone and everything has been OK here and if not everybody got through there struggles with the wonderful support here. Hopefuuly I have gotten my computer problems behind's nice having a cell phone for the internet but it's too hard for me to post, etc. with it. Haven't been too ambitious lately...guess it's the heat and working a little hard lately. Next week my boss is on vacation and that is always a stressful time for me - just hoping and praying to get through it and make the best of the week. Enough about me now...take care all. If I get a chance to get out fishing we'll try to get down toward the nest site and see if we can see something. Last time we saw one of the juvies high up in the tree top from the road. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

magpie said...

WV Jerry - this IS the place to talk about "ME" once in awhile, you see, you have already given encouragement and support to the rest of us before you said anything about yourself !!

Hope the upcoming week goes OK, remember, just one day at a time, okay ??? Don't fret about the whole week, just 1/7 of it at a time

magpie said...

The Adult Eagles, Belle and Shep, will stay around all year, but won't spend a whole lot of time in the nest until later in the Autumn...
The "Babies" ?? well, when they are done learning, to their parents' satisfaction, the ways of the world and especially fod-gathering, then they will be gently invited to find their home territory elsewhere...

magpie said...

Been out this afternoon with some pals...had a nice lunch, great conversation, great laughter, and some nice warm moments talking of times and people past....

magpie said...

After losing so many people important to me this past year, I am determined to MAKE time for family and friends...

WV Jerry, wait a minute, you didn't talk about Fishing !!
Hope you can eek out a little time for that too....

magpie said...

If possible I think I'll try to find some time to get to the Bend in the Road this week, to have a look-see at that nest...

magpie said...

going to do some gardening duty before things get too late here...Three of my four lisianthus plants aka Megan Flowers are in full bloom, a deep rich purple....last year they were more lavender....
Soooooo beautiful !!

magpie said...

thanks, Shirley...
I always like to see YOU here too...
been missing you

magpie said...

Swinging Bridge is on my agenda this week too, I am pretty sure the wild Cardinal Flowers will be out...
okay, gardening here I come !!

Going to hope to see Baby Moon tonight also, but it might be toddler moon since it has been out for a couple of nights hiding behind clouds

xo ttfn

JudyEddy said...

=check out this video was on facebook I don't think its right they are feeding the eagles BAD people
30 eagle in his yard and a fox

Hoda said...

It is true the eagles are plentiful in Alaska but I do not think feeding them is a wise thing at all...interesting video JUDYE...

Mema Jo said...

As I returned around 5 pm, Hubby reminder me that I was needed to drive down for him to drop off his car and
then bring him home.

I was so ready to put my feet up! I haven't done it yet.......

Mema Jo said...

Remember the The Eagle Lady?
Over 5oo pounds is feed to 200 to 300 Eagles a day by the Eagle Lady of Alaska. Jean Keene, widely known as the "Eagle Lady," passed away January 13, 2009; she was 85.

The video you have, Judy, I don't care for all the young children chasing the eagles around. That disturbed me.

JudyEddy said...

I agree JO I don't like the chasing and the feeding I made a comment to that affect on the video on facebook I thought there would be a law but I guess not Thats the only reason they hang around is to eat the left overs of the fisherman and I said that also that they should be out fishing like eagle should not being feed NOT RIGHT but I wanted to bring over the video anyway I would love to live up there if it was so cold and that was at 11 at night to I wouldn't like that either

JudyEddy said...

HEY JERRY so good you could stop in and I can't wait to see if anyone see the eagles Steve did report only one Juvie was seen the other day

JudyEddy said...

Hey Jerry most people like it when the boss is away Must be more responsibility's on you I guess HUH

Hoda said...

I found her on the internet JO and I still don't like the idea of feeding the eagles...what happened to those 200 eagles after she died? It takes away from the eagle's skills I think... I like you was disturbed by the little kids chasing the eagles in the youtube video posted by JUDYE...JUDYE was disturbed by that herself as well.

JudyEddy said...

I love this picture

The end of the day of coming and we shall begin a new one tomorrow I put a bigger pic of it on the blog
As We say goodbye to Sunday, and Welcome Monday,... I Hope Everyone has a prosperous Week!~... :o) ♥

JudyEddy said...

OH the still cam looks good but MT

JudyEddy said...

spoke to soon now its not good

magpie said...

Neat avatar, JudyE !

Oh, I saw you said this is Parents Day ...
earlier this morning you said that...

Happy Parents' Day !!
Even if you are NOT one, you Had Two.....
and they brought all of YOU into the world, I can go for that !!

magpie said...

I do hereby proudly present, as my avatar,
My flourishing Megan Moon Vine...
you now, I have always loved
"Heart Flowers " ☺ ♥

this plant is taking off all over my garden.....I Love It !!

magpie said...

ooops, I typed Heart Flowers, I mean

Heart Leaves ☺ ♥

magpie said...

We have a birthday on the horizon for Monday !
dear lady who managed to make it to Nest Visit June 2008...
Diane, from Northern Virginia who sees Eagles from time to time in her area....

Thanks JO, your birthday and anniversary lists are the gift that keeps on giving !


Hoda said...


Hoda said...

Very glad to hear that LOLLY is heating her back and is taking it easy today...I am sure that the water therapy, swimming will improve it a great deal...perhaps a firmer chair for the beach would make it possible to spend time on the beach and not at the trailer?

magpie said...

Thanks Hoda...I owe it all to Megan !!

Hoda said...

MARGY, MEGAN had beautiful flowers on FB and oh how I wished I was closer to have some...breath taking rather.

Hoda said...

I hope JO is home by now and has her feet up and relaxing after a busy day...
I take it PAULA must be making her way home by now and I presume also LORI is making her way home too.
PRAYERS for a safe jorney for SANDI for she has many hours of flying still ahead of her. I figure she must be in Zurich by now...five hour lay over she said on FB.

magpie said...

Yes, thanks for the posts regarding Sandi's overseas adventures, and I, too, hope that Lori and Paula and anyone else traveling is at or almost at their Roosts...

and Yikes! I saw the Night Bandit skulking up and down my street, I am going to make a getaway....
and wheee doggy ! I see the baby crescent Moon to the West....
will get bigger and bigger every night now, looks like a beautiful smile :)

magpie said...

And Very Best Healing Prayers for Lolly, (back) Judie (shoulder) and any and all with boo boo and owies and aches and pains...

Time to go, will check back in later on to see what's a'happening.

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. Was out earlier playing w/plants! Finally rain stopped a sun came out.
Went out about an hour ago on the deck w/my coffee & thought I saw a nose, face, then body on the railing. It was a possum! I tiptoed back in to get camera, but it disappeared. Oh well!
Guess Lori and Paula are on the way home---safe travels.
Lolly, hope your back holds up for your trip. If there are any waves near the shoreline, you could lay there and get a massage! ☺
Want to extend thoughts and prayers to Judie & Darth on loss of friend.
Glad to read GG is feeling better!!!!
Gotta get my act together & do the do for dental appt. tomorrow. I don't want to go---gum Dr. says I'm due for planing and scaling!! Yikes :>(

Judie said...

Lolly, in advance, wishing you and Jack and all the family a wonderful vacation and sincerely hope your back will improve. Safe travels.

Hi Jerry. Nice to have to step through the door today. Hope the work week isn't too stressful. Think fishing!

Took some time away from books and chores today and just went about having some fun. Lovely day to be about and about.

Jo, hope you have your feets are up by now.

Safe travels home for Sandi's long journey and for Paula and Lori. Sure hope Lori had a soothing weekend.

Hi Shirley. What are you up to now that the trees are planted? Next project?

Hoda, are you doing the dragon boats this summer? Seems you haven't mentioned that recently.

Judie said...

#$@*! Look out Margy, the Night Bandit is on the loose. I tried to stop him but needed a larger black garbage bag.

To make matters worse, the Sandperson is skulking outside my door. Mumbling something about sleep I need.

Hi and cheers to all I missed along the way today. The night light is on and the Sandperson will be on his way soon. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Loretta, I just caught up with your latest pictures....terrific !
Big Surprise...LOL !!

glad you were able to get out and about today, was a nice day for it...

Love to you and Darth and Audrey and Grace


paula eagleholic said...

Finaly Home...left early (for me) around 5, but had to take John's truck back. I had some furniture in his basement for the beach house, so I took it down this weekend. Car goes into the shop tomorrow for a front end noise.

Saw that baby moon tonight...nice temps tonight, too.

magpie said...

Yup, Nighty Night in advance from me too....
tell those two banditos that they can take their another continent, Judie...

Was just playing a little I SPY disc on the those things...
hard to find some of the treasures

Hoda said...

Yes JUDIE I am doing Dragon Boating this summer. I go out Saturdays...The Tuesday and Thursday team is racing and I was not interested in racing so I go out once a week now...

JudyEddy said...

Well one and all the sandman is beating at my door and I tried to resist but I can't
Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Costume Lady said...

Good Evening...

JUDIE, funny you should mention Large, black Garbage bags...I
just put some in my car for The
Clothes Closet this Tuesday. Don't know what is in them...may be a BODY! Tee Hee

Mema Jo said...

Saying that it was a fantastically fun day and I am now going to bed!

Prayers for all in need
((((((Hugs for all))))))))))
I ♥ US I miss Lynn ♥

NatureNut said...

Time for all to hit the hay.
Pleasant Feather Dreams and Good
Health Prayers for ALL ;>)

Lolly said...

We are loaded and ready to head out! Up in the morning, take Annie to the vet and we are off!

Have given up my comfy chair for the sofa, have been on and off heat and ice.

So, I am getting on to say "see ya!" as well as good night. I will be taking the laptop and getting on occasionally. We will be returning home Saturday.

Night all! I love us!!!!! SED!!!

Hoda said...

It is so awesome...on FB the oldest son of one of my very favourite students from way back in the early eighties, sent me a Friends request!!! So cool he just got on FB today as his parents allowed him. He is all of 14 years old...a wonderful family they are and their Grandmother taught in the same school with me also back in the eighties...I am blessed.

Hoda said...

Travel safely and in the Light LOLLY and JACK. Look forward to your posts...

Costume Lady said...

Sleep well~

Spent time today with some very dear friends, it was so good to see them.

Judie's sandman caught up with me and off to bed I go...
Prayers and blessings to you all♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Lolly, sure hope your back stops hurting, so you can really enjoy your vacation! Will be looking forward to your posts.

Glo, hope Dex does well at the vet tomorrow. Prayers for the little guy!

Sharon, congratulations to your friend! Well done!

Margy, glad you had a fun time today. Love your pretty heart-shaped leaves!

Wishing Sandi a safe trip home. What a neat adventure!

Hope that Lori had a nice day. Still thinking of you, and praying for you! (((HUGS)))!!

It was pretty warm here again today, although just a bit better than it has been. Mostly did nothing. It's cooling off better tonight, so that's good. Boy, when it's hot I find it hard to find any ambition at all!

Well, think I'll call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep peacefully, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn tonight♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!

Hoda said...

Good night.


Jewels said...

Good early morning!!! I am at work! What a gorgeous day to have had what is now Yesterday! Enjoyed my day with Sister and a few more Great people!! Lots of laughs and a few tears.
Love the heart shape leaves Margy!!!
Wanda, body bags as I call them!!
Judie, so sorry for the loss of your friend.
Sister n law goes to hospital tomorrow, she has a whole in her foot that she has been getting skin grafts for and evidently after 4 attempts the grafts has not taken and is now gangreen and has cellulitus. She will be admitted to the hospital most likely. Then on Tuesday, Charlies step fathers brother goes in for a tracheostomy due to the throat cancer being so bad, he cannot talk and now his airway is affected. When does the bad stop??
Hope all has a peaceful night!! Prayer to one and all!
I love us very much!!!
Miss Mom so very much!!

Jewels said...

A hole that is, not a whole hole!!! LOL

magpie said...

Hi there Jewels....
Good to know you are there helping to protect us here in Berkeley County

am sorry of the medically-bad news you speak of...
Hope that your sister in law and Charley's Step-uncle will find comfort from their treatments and doctor's care

magpie said...

happy to learn you and your sister had some time together Sunday....
a rare thing event that you both had the same day off, and a Sunday at that !

magpie said...

going to find those pillows now for awhile...

Good Night, Precious Pals...and probably almost
Good Morning to Lori...

xoxoxox 'Night now

Lori O. said...

Good morning! Getting ready to leave Deep Creek this morning. The sunrise was beautiful on the lake. So glad I like to be up early. Where is everyone this morning? I see MARGY was up pretty late!

We saw an eagle soaring over the lake yesterday!!!! Gorgeous!

Janet said...

Good morning to one and all.

Hope everyone is doing well this morning.

Safe travels to all going somewhere; happy vet visits to those visiting dr offices....and happy day to one and all!

Can scarcely believe it is Monday yet again. One week from today school starts. That's really got me in shock. One county started TODAY!

It was a good weekend. We did take the boat out just for a couple of hours yesterday. It ran so much better. Kids were able to get on the tube for a bit and have fun. :)

When we got home, we chilled for a bit. I went over with a glass of tea and sat on the porch and chatted with my neighbor for a bit. She just looked so lonely sitting there.....she had called earlier while we were out on the boat said she wasn't feeling well. There seems to be nothing they can/have pin pointed. She is (as I've told you) 73. Not feeling herself/acting her self for a while now. I am a bit concerned.

We mowed her yard for her last night. It was thick like a hayfield. Wow.

Now its Monday yet again and we are off and running on a new week. YEEEE HAWWWW

Hope everyone has a fantastic day. I'm trying to get motivated. Just not feeling it right hugs, light, and love to all...and remember, wear a SMILE!!!!

grannyblt said...

Morning Lori and eagle buds. I too miss the early birds. I always read the comments but rarely am awake enough to say much. When everyone gets back to the old routine and the eagles spend more time 'at home' things will be livlier. Thinking about packing for my trip to AK later this week. Have to get to the store and stock up on cat food, but not this minute....

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Off to coffee and dog treats. Dex and I actually slept through the night which was very badly needed. Will be doing the vet check today. He will be getting a few bites of chicken which I will bring with me as dog treats. You do not need an appt to see my vet. BUT on Mon morns especially you will need to wait your turn. TTYL HAGD everyone.

JudyEddy said...

I see LORI, JANET, JEWEL, and LYNNE this am

CHRISTIE healing thoughts to your SIL and CHARLIEs SB on both their procedures So happy you had a good time with your sis

SO happy you had a good time LORI and heading back home and got to see a eagle always a pleasure even if they aren't our own

LYNNE you are probably correct with the early birds NO birds or cam for the early birds to watch But I don't think with this new schedule of different times I will ever get up at the crack of dawn like I did in the past

and SANDI heading back from a great vacation can't wait to hear more of her trip

I wonder how CA is doing its been a while

and DANA see her on FB at times

LINDA should be returning sooo tooo huh

JudyEddy said...

JO I found out that the skating rink is open in the afternoon for open skate Hope to take Jordyn and I was told that have a training area for kids and a thing the kids can us to learn sort of like a walker of sort will have to check it out

Judie said...

Good morning everyone who has arrive and will arrive later.

Lolly, safe and fun and pain-free vacation, please.

Hoda, we need more dragon boat reports. I adore your in your new avatar.

Wanda, if the cops stop you on the way to the clothes closet, lawyer up immediately.

Glo, will be thinking of you and Dex this morning. Just so hoping Dex will be okay.

Shar, congratulations to your friend.

Carolyn, so sorry about your sister-in-law and Charlie's stepfather. Healing prayers for both and hugs to you.

Lori, safe travels and so happy you had a quiet respite and got to see an eagle.

Lynn, your visit to AK, visit to family or just an adventure?

Off to finish coffee. Have a good morning everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Yesterday was an awesome day. We went out on the boat and saw several osprey. Such beautiful birds. Good fun and fellowship.

On the way home, in I-77 in Bastian, I am driving down the road, look up and said "oh my God, what kind of (insert expletive) bird is that!" It was a bald eagle. I pulled over and jumped out of the truck to watch it fly. Absolutely beautiful sight and made my day! No pics because all I had was my phone and it wasn't close enough but it is certainly pictured in my memory!

magpie said...

Well, Good Morning Eagle Pals !!

and Happy Birthday to Diane !! Hope this is your Best Birthday Ever, filled to the brim with all your favorite things... xoxo !!

Diane has been with us since before I joined in 2008....

Loves Eagles, Dogs, America,and Family !!

magpie said...

oh, how neat, Lori had an extra day off! Going to make that drive from Deep Creek much more agreeable, than on a Sunday afternoon....unless one likes to sit in standstill traffic along I-70

magpie said...

Hope this is a razzle-dazzle, pain free and enjoyable kind of a day for everyone...

Safe Traveling Wishes for Lolly and the Family...

and for anyone else going here or there

Sharon, sounds good, an eagle for you, and an eagle for Lori...
Ospreys and other good birdy things
for everyone

got some morning things to do...
be back later on

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Delivered Hunter to day camp this morning. He is not entirely thrilled, but we think this is much better than X-Box. He will be there all day.

Lolly said...

Good morn! We have been on the road for an hour! Boys are watching a movie and and have headphones so all is quiet! Should arrive at Port Aransas about 3:30.

Thanks for all the good wishes!

magpie said...

Tally Ho Lolly, those in-vehicle movie shows are a real entertainer for little ones...

Shirley, I hope Hunter does find that he really really likes the day camp....maybe there will be some rock collecting projects, in which, of course, he will be quite the pro and can dazzle his camp-mates

magpie said...

James attended church camp for a week for several years, it was great, he came home with so many treasures that they made, many of which I have and display proudly...
including necklaces and picture frames.....
this year, he decided he did not want to go .. :(

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning! So quiet here today and thankful for No Drama to speak to. Safe travels Lolly & Jack and sure hope the soreness leaves your back very shortly and you can have a very relaxing week.
Lori, I am very happy you had a long weekend to restore your spirits! Anxious to hear about the Silver Tree restaurant.
Shirley, I hope that when Hunter comes home from Camp he will be talkative and excited to go back tomorrow!
Judy, the skating rink sounds great - you be careful - No Falls Allowed! I think Jordyn will love it!

T-Bird said...

Hey everyone. We have a new thread.

movin said...

aS T-Bird says:





[:~D] Jim

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2/21/25 PM fisj

 12:13 PM we arrive at the nest. Scout brings back a small fish.I am amazed at she doesn't eat that fish.All gone 1230.He exits the nes...