Saturday, December 11, 2010


Still working out the bugs of the new cam.

new thread.


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Lolly said...

Good morning Steve! The new cam looks great! Thanks! Will call the others over. Have a great weekend!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve keep warm.

Thanks Lolly for calling us over.

Lynn-Hedgie that might just work. Set the top half of the tree on the table. Also the lady next door got some type of plastic fencing that is round and you can add more to it at I think PetSmart. She puts in dog inside it when outside. Could work for Christmas tree?

Lolly said...

There is also fencing at Babies r Us. Laurel used fencing when she kept two baby girls and Joseph was still a baby. She had bought some and one day while walking I found her neighbors had put some sections out for the garbage. The sections connected together and she had a bigger area. I also brought some home. I use it to keep the cat out of the living room. She is NOT a jumper, or climber.

Lolly said...

I did a little house straightening last night. I have been shopping and then dumping on the sofa. Anyway, going to do more house cleaning today. Never go shopping on weekends!

wvgal_dana said...

Well now I can see why Shirley didn't go to take care of the bulldogs. My brain grrr It is Andy that does the bulldogs. Ok thank you for keeping me straight.

Mema Jo will enjoy german gang some more today (:

I see Paula is headed for New York.
The Rockettes, the tree at Rockefeller, and around 8 pm we might get to see her on the cam down in Times Square. Ok Paula keep warm and I know you'll have fun.

Wanda that is funny. Your girls wouldn't take you to Radio city music hall but you think they would drag you to see Chippendale's. lol Will check out the Friday night and Jayden loving your BBQ ribs (:

Lolly is telling her to make sure Paula gets a drink in a fancy glass. Paula says a "leg drink". Ok I don't know what that is but again Paula is going to have FUN!!!

Lolly said...

Dana, at the Rocketts Christmas show they have drinks in stemmed glasses and the stems are Rockette legs. The stirrer in the drink lights up. Fancy! Fun!

stronghunter said...

From the old tread . . .

Paula, hope your trip to NY is scads of fun!!

Wanda, we remember your dance picture when you were young....didn't know you continued until your adult years---did you truly go to NY and try-out for the Rockettes? How cool!

I am just sick about the Westboro plans for Eliz. Edwards funeral.....they have no shame. Surely hope that some other group comes and drowns them out with something appropriate.

Saturday, December 11, 2010 10:13:00 AM
Blogger stronghunter said...

Dana, Andy takes care of the bulldogs; we have basset hounds, and I do have others around to take care of them.

I am not really in pain now. Some aches from time to time, but pain meds make me drowsy, and I am finding that I do not need to be drowsy during the day. That is a good thing. It means I am getting better.

Saturday, December 11, 2010 10:19:00 AM
Blogger stronghunter said...

Westboro gets its thrills from the publicity and from making others angry. What a mess. I hope they can be kept back.

Saturday, December 11, 2010 10:20:00 AM
Blogger stronghunter said...

Sounds like a plan for your tree, Lynn.

I need to work on putting out our decorations. The tree is up, but that is it so far. The problem is that we have so much stuff sitting around. It is hard to find a place for everything, and we can't decorate until we get things tidier or no one would see the decorations amongst the clutter.

Maybe I should approach it one room at a time. A plan is needed.

Saturday, December 11, 2010 10:24:00 AM

stronghunter said...

I think the first part of my copied from the old blog stuff is Lynn's.

Lolly said...

LOL Just went back to the old thread and told you to stop ignoring the fact that I had called you over to the new thread.

Good morning, Shirley. So glad you are not in pain anymore. Now to just improve your looks! And that will happen. Black eyes do not last forever. Thank goodness!

stronghunter said...

Fencing . . . I got some very useful fencing from Babies R Us. I had to fence off the kitchen which had a very large opening, so I bought the sections I needed. It was expensive, but has been very useful. I kept Sassafras in the kitchen when she became unable to wait for me to come home. Used the fence and a lined piddle pad kind of thing.

It worked very well when we wanted to restrict Hunter's explorations when he was a toddler.

I'm still using it to keep dogs and George out of the living room and dining room.

There are strips you can use to attach it to the wall, but you can also just set it in place when you do not have to worry about animals pushing it away.

I even use it to close off the front porch when I want to put the dogs out there.

stronghunter said...


Mine looks like this. I have the one with the metal bars. I was able to buy the sections I needed to block off the kitchen.

I am presently using it to prevent George and the dogs from going all the way down the hallway to the living room and dining room. I have to keep a Scat Mat in front of it because George would jump over the fence, but with the present configuration, I don't think he can scale the Scat Mat and the fence.

It was already in place when the dogs arrived. They take one look at the Scat Mat and stay the heck away. George will test the Scat Mat if he thinks it is not turned on.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Everyone!
Temps don't seem so cold today.
Hoping that Megan is selling those greens! Safe trip to NY Paula and I know you will enjoy yourselves.
Good thinking, Lynn about the table - just don't put a spread on it first cause Mai may just pull on it!
I am expecting family around 4 or 5:00.
Do you realize that ALL 8 Great Grandkids will be here -- Now that is a 1st in a very very long time!

stronghunter said...

Sounds wonderful, Jo. Have fun.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for explaining Lolly. That really sounds NEAT! If I every got to go Lolly I'll have to remember to get one of those. Of course for me they have to make it a "lighter drink". I'd also like to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

Lolly said...

Wow, Jo. it will be a riot at your house tonight! 8 great grands!!! Won't they have fun together. Jealous time for me!

We are headed to Denton about 3:30 to babysit. It will be different to just have Jacob.

I really need to get busy now if I am going to accomplish anything around here.

Have a great day everyone! No falls allowed!

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.
My apologies for interrupting anything but wanted to drop in to say "hello."
I tried to read back a little, but so pressed for time to do things that need done. Will let you know about all that eventually.

I am trying to read about what happened to Strong!!!!
Also saw some posts about fluffy-ness. Mema was in the clouds and the WE nest is back and talk about sweet little Mai.

Paula even saw an eagle on the new cam!! That is really cool. Almost too cool. Why do I miss those things?

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your day, Lolly. I have done all of the falling I should have to do.

Mema Jo said...

Just want to remind everyone of you:

Heads held high and feet flat on the ground

hedgie said...

Peace reigns....Mai has been asleep since 8! I should probably do the same! BBL.

BEagle said...

On my way to see the eagle pic.

The view from the new cam is really nice. Won't we be able to see more action with this view?

Isn't that big tree trunk on the lower right the trunk that used to have the cam? It seems like the new cam is far enough away to eliminate Boris activities.

stronghunter said...

Oh, it would be nice to eliminate Boris activities. I am wondering if that is possible.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Glad that NCTC is aware of the "bugs" with the cam. Hopefully it will improve next week!

Here at work for a couple of hours, then heading north. Michael is working til 3 today, so I plan on arriving there around 5 or 6.

I didn't know about all the kinds of "indoor" fencing...

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome back Beagle! You are spot on about the cam position. Check out Wanda's wild and wonderful blog for a pic that Gene took of the nest and new cam.

stronghunter said...

I have made very good use of the indoor fencing, but height is not an issue when fencing basset hounds. Strength can be an issue, though. They are low-slung bulldozers.

stronghunter said...

They also chew their way through things. Sassafras demolished a plastic baby gate.

BEagle said...

Thanks Paula. Have a safe trip.

I just found the Email on the cheese cake. Sorry for not seeing it sooner.

I have no furnace at the moment. Well, that's not exactly right...I have two furnaces. One old and one new but neither are hooked up.

I am not freezing though...will explain later when time permits.

Prayers for Strong for quick recovery.
Golly, I need to check in at least once a day.

BBL. Prayers ♥

stronghunter said...

Went back and admired Wanda's cam pics. I had not seen them before. I really want to see an eagle in the nest with this new cam.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, BEagle! I am improving.

stronghunter said...

Oh, do get that new furnace hooked up quickly.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning BEagle good to see you stopping in.
Hope you get the new furnance hooked up SOON. Sounds like you have a lot going on. Come back in when you have time and we will be here to listen. Always good for us to share and help each other in here. I know I've been there. Get help from this wonderful group.

Oh I have totally forgotten about emails. Oh No Mr. Bill. I have other things to do. Going to check out emails.

I have spotted no eagles yet in our nest today.

wvgal_dana said...

From old thread Lynne2 was asking:

There is an old black and white Christmas movie and I can't remember the name or who was in it, although I'm thinking Cary Grant? It was about a widow with a son, she was engaged to a guy, met another guy....there was a train set involved somehow, and a dinner with her fiancee and her late husband's parents and the new guy showed up. Ring a bell?

NatureNut said...

Morning (almost) Everyone.
Paula, have a Wonderful time in the Big Apple!!How exciting.
And I know Mema Jo is SO happy. Are your feet on the ground?

I got lots to do around here too, or I'll get an anxiety attack!Xmas shouldn't be so taxing.My dentist and his wife, who I saw yesterday have 4 GS. They have their DILs by the presents & they pay her & get to hand them out to the kids!!!That's a plan!

NatureNut said...

Lynn, was going to mention that I did a modified tree(artificial) a couple years ago so kitties would not be destructive.

NatureNut said...

I don't recall that B & W movie of Lynne's.
Glad to hear Shirley is feeling better & hope that goes for Judie, too.

The Cooper's hawk was on the fence & nearby a goofy squirrel was climbing in the beech tree!Shorty had come up on the deck for peanuts, so I knew he was safe. We're hoping squirrel is too large for this bird, but might have to be yard monitors!!!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Dana, thanks for reposting that! It's driving me NUTS trying to think of was such a good movie and I hope to catch it again this year.

Many thanks to Steve for keeping us posted on the cam!

Jo, what an exciting day for you and the family!

Paula, have a safe trip and lots of fun! Always thought it would be so cool to see NYC at Christmas time, see the show, the tree, ice skate at Rockafeller, see all the store windows decorated....

Shirley, glad you are feeling better! HEAL HEAL HEAL!

Will be leaving shortly...going to see the raptors and then on to dinner. Steve's mom's best friend and her hubby are taking us out for an early meal. Hoping to be home in time to watch It's a Wonderful Life at 8.

Hi BEagle! Stay warm!

Safe trip to Denton, Lolly and have lots of fun babysitting!


Lynn, sure hope you can figure out how to get the best of both worlds in the tree and the puppy!

Lynne2 said...

Loretta, i think I remember seeing a picture of that bottom branches, right?

Wanda, how wonderful that GG stayed up til everyone was gone!

Well, better get my arse in gear! Our Landlord neighbors let us cut down one of their trees...kinda gave us a scolding for not asking them in the first place, so we have a tree!! And a tree that I have know since it was just barely a twig and first planted at that!

I will catch you all later, have a great day everyone! I may not get back til tomorrow. RAIN ALL DAY...good day for movies, tree trimming and hot chocolate!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - that makes me happy!

Lynne2 said...

me too Jo!

WOO HOO I'VE GOT IT!!!! The movie is called Holiday Affair!
Holiday Affair

Robert Mitchum, not Cary Grant.

NatureNut said...

Lynne2, Yes, last year I posted pic of a Palm Tree I made one Xmas. Got the idea from the "feliz Navidad" commercial.
I just thought of a possible solution for tree (pet) problems. I did see a Charlie Brown tree at Lowes. Just one pine branch w/one red ball on it!Could even make it yourself if figure out a small, sturdy water container for base, or maybe parts of an artificial.Sounds like a plan!Saw a good friend from Park at Wallymart yesterday & they have a dachshund & he got CB tree!!

Lynne2 said...

It's going to be on Dec 17 at 8 on TMC! YAY I didn't miss it!

NatureNut said...

Lynne, so glad you figured out that movie. I hate when we get a trivia brain cramp!!
Gotta go do something, even if it's wrong!

Lolly said...

Yea! Lynne has a tree. Merry Christmas, Lynne and Steve! And, a very fresh tree at that. Wow!

Lolly said...

Have cleared off sofa and kitchen table. Put decorations back where they belong after the children's visit last Sunday. Yep, had not even picked up after those whirlwinds visited. Now off to clean my bathroom and after that I have a little time to wrap some presents. On a roll!

Lynne2 said...

I see that at 10:15AM tomorrow, Shop Around the Corner is on! 1940, Jimmy Stewart. Is the original movie that "You've Got Mail" was based on. Never seen it, but want to!

UGH...I gotta get MOVING!!

Here is a link in case you want to know when your favorite shows are on!
Christmas Shows and Movies Schedule

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I have heard of that movie, but have never seen it I don't think. My favorite is Miracle on 34th Street, the original version! So happy you have a tree :)

paula eagleholic said...

Getting ready to head out, gotta stop for gas first. Catch ya'll at some point!

Have a great day!

BEagle said...

Holiday Affair with Robert Mitchum and Janet Leigh.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 that movie was the first I put up to ask you about. When I went in an read it didn't sound like it lol Maybe I'll get to watch it. Glad you got a tree.

Loretta do you need some oxygen. You are really loaded down gal.

Paula have a wonderful time.

I am headed out later Rosedale is having their Christmas Luminary Service at 5:30pm. Going to get something to eat before going there. Hedgesville High School Band will be playing. They set up ALL THOSE LUMINARIES!!!! WOW!!

Mema Jo has her plans for today.

Lolly has things under control.

Hi BEagle ( :

hedgie said...

LOL----BEagle, you figured it out about the same time Lynne did!
Lynne, I was going to suggest that you look for that list---remember you gave us the '09 one last year!! I don't remember it.....but set the DVR so I can watch it! The other one, too! TY!
So happy you have a tree!!
BEagle, NOT happy that you don't have a working furnace!

Lowreeda----what is a CB tree???
I remember your mini, too!

hedgie said...

We had a little accident earlier. Mai either ran into or jumped up on to a little Asian side table in the sunroom. It has ,y fake Tiffany lighthouse lamp on it plus some lighthouse music boxes......over it went! Scared the you-know-what out of her! One small chip in a music box, and 3 glaze chips in a ceramic frog that sits on the floor. Nothing too bad. I can touch up those glaze chips with a brown and green marker. Whew!!!

hedgie said...

Got BR scrubbed, moved some more firewood under cover since SIL didn't get it done! Bad weather coming tonight/tomorrow.....just hoping it stays rain!

BEagle said...

HOLIDAY AFFAIR talks about a train set.
Not a famous Christmas movie but lately becoming a classic. Wikipedia has a long list of Christmas movies.

Hi Dana. Have a nice evening.

Right now I am stuck on Horton Hears a Who. Great it!
I recorded it so eventually I could sit down and watch the whole thing.
But it has nothing to do with Christmas.

Miracle on 34th Street (old one) is one of my favorites too.

hedgie said...

Clouds have already rolled in....

Forgot to eat lunch---too busy; guess my little nap really helped!

Dana, when does Rashada arrive? Bet you are busy getting ready!

"Lid" on playpen is doing okay for now, so don't think I'll make a trek to town in all the Sat. traffic.
Also remembered the value of a rolled up newspaper smacked on my hand---that is getting Mai out from under the tree pretty quickly.

Shirley, you take things slow and easy.
Judie, Judie, Judie (speaking of Cary Grant!)-----hope you are having a more comfortable day.

Another load ready to come out of the dryer. BBL.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn so sorry Mai got the small table. I hope you are hanging in there. She is a good girl.

Raschida comes 15th and leaves 22nd. I really am not doing anything to get ready. I am just over whelmed this year with Ed not being here. Didn't hit me last year because of doing so much that was involved with his death.

I try to start to write Christmas cards to send and it just seems like the BIGGEST JOB ever. I never felt like that in sending out Christmas Cards. Years past I have always enjoyed sending them out.

See Lynn you thought you was being a whiner ... I am :(

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL

iN EaglELanD.


Well, just to see if we are on the same page, I have an excellent still picture this morning, AND a beautiful live feed, which I can't tell motion yet ... except the spinning arrow, which comes and goes.

Beautiful color in both pictures... [:~D]

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

BEagle said...

Oh, I see you discovered the movie you were looking for. : )

I am not freezing but I do get a little cold here and there.

I have to shut down most of my heat sources when I go to work. At times, it's hard to get the house warmed back up.

The new furnace is set except the gas line is on the right (for the old furnace) and needs to be one the left for the new.

My installer tapped off the older gas pipe and added a shut off valve. It just needs a little re-arranging now.

What I like though, is the new unit is 1/4 the size of the old. : ) It is also new and shiny unlike the old monster.

I decided to replace the thermostat also and need to run out to the mall area to catch a thermostat sale but fighting the Christmas traffic......just isn't moving me very quickly.


Lolly said...

Loweeda referred to her Charlie Brown tree and then later called it a CB tree.

Wish I did have things under control. I have put cards on a back burner. First things first. I have a big weekend next weekend. Both sister and brother are coming with their spouces and the kids are coming to see them. So I have meals to plan for, but the house is decorated and shopping is about complete. Heading to the wrapping room now! I have to wrap as the guest bedroom is loaded and I have to have it cleared away.

Lynn, all we have to say to Bosco is "Paper, Bosco!" and he comes. ha! He does not want us to get the newspaper. LOL

movin said...

Speaking of Christmas cards, Dana, I tripped to a nearby village (Tustin) to get my annual box of extra specially beautiful and enlarged, religious cards ... Hallmark and others ....
Only to find that the stationers shop I have been going to this time of year for at least 15 seasons had been forced by the economic downs to close ... several months ago!

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

hedgie said...

BEagle, hope your furnace guy gets a move on!! Glad you explained....was worried that you had a big fuel bill or something awful!!

Lolly, okay I remember the Charlie Brown now that you mention it!!! TY!

Dana, just do what you feel up day at a time!!!

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Cam picture looks so nice. Thank you again, Steve & Co.

Shirley, sorry about the delay in dr's appts. Hope all that gets worked very quickly. Like you, it is nice to have someone "cook" for me but I guess we might wish for different circumstances. With a bit of coaching, Darth made excellent turkey ala king last night. Hmmm, I may be out of a job before this is over.

Lynn, I am sorry about all the Mai adventures that are making you unhappy. With little ones, we used to just put things away until the next year. Some things put away 20 years ago are still put away. Please feel better and remember, she's just being a puppy and she loves her new mom.

BEagle, get a furnace working before weather causes a backlog of customers for heating people.

Paula, likely on your way so will wish you a wonderful weekend with lots of fun. Safe travels.

Dana, enjoy Rosedale tonight. Maybe think about a little holiday decorating to please Raschida and make you feel more upbeat about the real meaning of Christmas.

Wanda, glad GG was in good form last night and that Jayden liked the ribs. My kind of boy!

Hi Lowreeda and Jim.

Well, need to go back across the hall. Took a pain pill about 30 minutes ago. Had hoped I would get through today without but ankle had other plans.


Judie said...

Uh, okay BEagle. Now I understand about the furnace so you can just kick my comment to the curb! Stay warm!

Lolly, happy wrapping. Um, what have I missed all this time? Who is Bosco?

Jim, I hope you find another really good stationer's soon. I used to love to go to stationary stores where cards and writing paper were unique and writing was an art form.

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, is Mai beginning to teeth? Maybe she needs some things just for her to chew on rather than your hands and ankles. Just a thought. As for her jumping on tables, that sounds like being a puppy!

Shirley, sounds like you are feeling a little better. Hope you can get all the dr. appt. lined up soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Judie I was such a whiner in comments above.
You come in and with all your surgery, aches, and pains. Can't get around, can't just get
out of bed and walk on two feet like I can.
And what do you make me laugh. Talking about "Darth made excellent turkey ala king last
night". Oh that sounds so good. What really made me laugh was the comment part where you said,
"Hmmm, I may be out of a job before this is over".
Oh Judie I am sorry about complaining about my small troubles. When you and Shirley have so much you two have been through and are still going through. Forgive me JUDIE AND SHIRLEY for not REMEMBERING WHO GOD HAS ME PRAYING FOR AND

I will Lynn thank you. One day or one hour at a time.

BEagle I don't know what your weather is like. Ours you need a furnace that is running and
putting out heat at this time.

wvgal_dana said...

I will check in later. Take care everyone.

stronghunter said...

Just had a long phone conversation with one of my bridge friends. I decided to e-mail them and tell them about my mishap because we have our Christmas dinner on Wednesday and they need to know.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, are you going to go to that party? Hope you are feeling up to it...think it would do you a world of good.

Judie said...

It's okay, Dana. Shirley and I are doing our best. Just try to enjoy the spirit of the season.

Shirley, I think the bridge club should meet at your house and bring lots of food and goodies in their sleighs.

Jo, it's about time for the big family gathering. Please do enjoy all the love and fun. Oh, and thank you for the pictures, if I forgot to mention it earlier.

Mema Jo said...

The feast is about to begin.
I will get back to you all......
Thanks for thinking of me as I will be
thinking of you.


PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Jo is enjoying her family reunion. Wish I was a mouse in that house. What fun!

Lynne so glad you have a fresh tree. Don't worry about cards. A phone call is much better.

Judie & Shirley continue to heal and know your friends here are praying for you both.

Dana, Christmas can be a sad time too. But if we remember the reason for the season and the blessings of family and friends we can get through it. Have a birthday party; after all that's what this is all about.

Paula is going to NYC. What fun. Being there during Christmas is wonderful. The sights & sounds are awesome.

Lynn, hang in there. Mai is just being a puppy. Better days are coming and she's too cute to be mad at.

Hi to Lolly and BEagle and anyone else I've forgotten to mention. Have a great day and weekend.

BTW - I'm predicting precipitation in the form of rain, snow, sleet or freezing rain tomorrow. Please keep warm, dry and watch football, if so inclined, or old Christmas movies. :)

stronghunter said...

Oh my, no, not at my house. I would have to clean up this mess. One of our members loves to go all out with the decorations and then have lots of guests to admire them. That works for me.

stronghunter said...

They already excused me from making a fancy dish because I'm the only one who still works full time. I am supposed to bring a bottle of wine. I can do that.

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley----don't mix that wine with the percs!! I know you'll have a good time at the party.

Hi ya', Diann! Predictions here are about the same....everything depends on how fast the front moves! Sure would like to see it just be rain!

Nearby church (1 mi. as the eagle flies, probably 3 by road) is having their living nativity tonight....I could hear them working with their sound system while I was out grilling burgers. I think it starts at 6. Bill and I went one year when it was probably even colder than it is now and almost froze our tushes to the hay bale seats!!

hedgie said...

Jo, I'm sure that the kids have all pitched in to help with this meal. Hope you can relax and enjoy the togetherness and have fun. I, too, would love to be a fly on the wall!

Judie, if Darth is doing so well, you all could share the duties once you are back on your feet! Then HE can stare into the fridge for inspiration!!

Jim, sorry about your favorite little store. CVS (old People's Drug) carries Hallmark---that's where I go because it's easier than getting to the H/M store at the mall. I hate malls!!!

hedgie said...

Sounds like Dana is going to be bogged down in a bad traffic jam for the luminary. Cops are having a hard time dealing with it at the moment. Called for some fire dept. help; doesn't help, either, that there is a structure fire further down the road!

hedgie said...

Navy beats Army in their big rivalry. That will make several of my male friends happy!

hedgie said...

Never saw an eagle.... :( Nest is dark.

hedgie said...

Verne Lundquist was one of the commentators for that game. Didn't know he did anything but skating anymore. Love his voice!

PA Nana said...

Hi Lynn. I'm also hoping it's only rain. Jim's truck (4x4) has been in the body shop and he's using my car. He's got a heavy foot and I hope he'll be extra careful.

How's Mai? She is so cute. Sorry you have to puppy proof your house but it won't be long before she's over this stage.

Lynne, forgot to thank you for the link to Christmas movies.

BEagle, brrr... We had a new furnace put in the end of September and I'm glad we didn't wait any longer. Hope you get yours hooked up soon.

Supper is on the stove. Nothing fancy tonight. Hurting too much.
It's aBertoli frozen skillet dinner. Added some broken linguini to stretch it to feed 3.

I see our cam is dark. Guess they'll get around to that later; hope they're planning on a light!

hedgie said...

Wild woman is doing her rip-run end around! So funny....Around the room and jump into or over the bed, and then start all over again!
SHe also saw her reflection in a mirror today---she was very interested and even offered "it" her paw!!! Cute!
I'm not really mad at her----can't be. Just a bit frustrated and frazzled yesterday! Today has been a better day!
Speaking of toys, this pup has 4 brand new ones, plus about 8 leftovers from Cinnamon to choose from!

hedgie said...

LOCALS-----TV---MPT now--Chesapeake Bay By Air...jsut started. Great show!!! Showing Blackwater now!

hedgie said...

Oops---show actually started at 6:30. Missed first half-hour.

hedgie said...

Check out this picturama:
Eagle and Coots

hedgie said...

Hedgie-hogs on Animal Planet! So cute.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn we were at Wendy's getting a bite to eat. I had the paper in the car. Looked at my watch and said we better get out there. Got in car looked at paper and we would be early. I said to Mom, "God must have a reason for us to leave this early. Maybe HE know something we are going to run into". At Moler Ave. were you go off to the right for Rosedale Cemetery Road all kinds of blocks by vehicles, police cars and fire trucks. So I turned went back Moler and down High to Burke and back that way. Got there in plenty of time. Thank you God for knowing and helping me heed your warning to leave Wendy's.

I'm back from the BEAUTIFUL LUMINARIES around all the drives and at so many of the graves. There was this one place, you could see from main road that they used luminaries and wrote "HOPE". The prayer was very nice and then The Hedgesville Band played some Christmas Hymns. It actually was nice and calm. I am very very glad I went. It truly was not sad. Made you feel good.

magpie said...

Glad you enjoyed the jaunt to Rosedale, Dana

good weather for that also

I have seen Chesapeake Bay by is beautiful, showed Baltimore also...

Good Evening Eagle Pals !

hedgie said...

Oh, Dana, so glad that it was an uplifting experience. And that you were able to get there in time!
I've been to the one at Antietam before, and it was very moving for this Civil War buff.

magpie said...

Antietam Battlefield has an evening or two with the luminaries also, though I have never been to that...

I can almost hear the squeals of delight with the gathering in Middletown with Jo and the Gang, glad the weather has cooperated

hedgie said...

Going to take my bath while Mai is napping. BBL.

magpie said...

disappointed in not reading of any Royal Pair sightings today :(

Costume Lady said...

Dana, those luminaries are impressive, aren't they? Have you ever seen the ones at Antietam Battlefield? Thousands of them...absolutely outstanding!

Costume Lady said...

I have a new Trail Cam video posted on Just For Fun, along with 2 videos from GG's yesterday.

We keep seeing that beautiful fox, but I am longing to see a coyote. We know there is one around, we have seen him several times, but he leaves in a really big hurry. Maybe at night, he would stick around longer. Don't think I want to see a bear!

stronghunter said...

Just ordered an I-Phone with Will's help.

He has been fussing for a long time that I needed a new phone. I have been waiting for someone to help me.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda, Hedgie-Lynn, and Margy. When I first married Ed we lived in Antietam Manor just off Sharpsburg Pike. It is before you get to the Antietam Battlefield leaving Hagerstown heading towards Sharpsburg. Ed took me to see the luminaries there. It was a very very slow drive through the Battlefield. I never did get to go to one of the 4th of July shows there. When I ask him why we wasn't going he said, "Just sit here on the back porch and watch Sharpsburg Pike". I did for hours going to and then after coming from. Cars, cars, cars, and more cars for hours upon hours. Extremely late into early AM hours cars was still going down the pike slowly.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I am glad Will helped you get a phone. You never had one or you just never had an IPhone?

magpie said...

we had a report of a coyote sighting today, down in the Inwood area...
not sure what else happened about it though

hedgie said...

I heard that call, Margy---it was in someone's yard? I just heard some a bit earlier when I let Mai out. Not close, but not far!

Dana, my mom and I went to July 4th thing one time-----SO far to walk after we parked. Ridiculous!! Never again!

stronghunter said...

I've had a cell phone for years, Dana. Just had not updated recently.

magpie said...

one time a local farmer's helper encountered coyotes while tending cattle and fussing with hay bales...out your way! It was a couple of years ago....
can't remember for sure how it all turned out

I have heard one, one time, and it was not around here

stronghunter said...

You heard coyotes, Lynn?

magpie said...

animal control officer said to have the homeowner bring her dog in, and call DNR
that's what we did, today

magpie said...

disappearing into some clutter for awhile
back before bedtime, just not sure when that will be !

xo Best wishes for a good evening, all

wvgal_dana said...

Margy what did I miss. Why did the homeowner have to take her dog to DNR?

Costume Lady said...

I'm trying to remember how long ago it was that we saw that beautiful coyote in our back yard, he did stick around long enough to get a few nice photos. Must have been last year. Gene thought he saw one running up the edge of our woods a few days ago, but wasn't sure.

Costume Lady said...

Dana, coyotes will snack on small dogs and cats!

Costume Lady said...

They were told to take the dog into their house and CALL DNR.

Judie said...

Trying to out-fox the sandperson by sneaking across the hall to the computer.

There was a "Breaking News" update a few minutes ago regarding the unusually high noise level in our area tonight. Turns out the noise is coming from over in MD -- Martinsburg, I think. Reporter said no cause for alarm -- seems it is a family having a wild and wonderful reunion.

Glad you're getting a new phone, Shirley. Let us know how you like it, please.

Dana, so happy you enjoyed the luminaria tonight. Most everyone puts them out on Christmas eve in our neighborhood. Very pretty to see.

Sandperson is outside the door holding a pain pill so I suppose I must turn my light off. Will leave the night light on for others coming in, those getting up with puppies, coming in from work, arriving home from the big city, or just stumbling around.

Pleasant dreams!

magpie said...

Thanks Wanda, that is the correct explanation
DNR handles wildlife, animal control is mostly for dogs, and cats

I bet there was a coyote in your neighborhood...

before I saw where the call was earlier today, I was wondering if it was going to be down near took the call so I didn't know right away

magpie said...

I think you might mean Middletown MD Judie...but we are pretty noisy here in Martinsburg too !!
I was in "Rochester NY" for a long time, finally made it back to Martinsburg... on the revolving globe...but today I also have been in Inwood, a little South of here

kooky that revolving globe recording "recent hits"

Good Night, and Pleasant Dreams to you too Judie ! ♥ and also Frank ♥

Costume Lady said...

I think I will sign off here for tonight.


magpie said...

'Night Wanda and Gene

Sweet Dreams ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Just checking in, got here OK, Michael fixed me some dinner, now just hanging out for the evening here at his place with his roommate and her boyfriend.

Hope everyone is doing well. Heading into the city tomorrow, gonna be wet, but we don't care! May find some other things to do inside.

Costume Lady said...

OH, yes, Judie...a Wild and Wonderful family reunion, but that would be in Frederick, Md. We, here in Martinsburg, had our Wild and Wonderful gathering last night.
I do hope Jo will have some photos of all of the Wild and Wonderful ones, especially her 8 great grandchildren:)

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Judie!!! Heal, heal, heal!

Margy, the coyote incident was early in the summer----Eric Gray on the farm next door. He was in one field on equipment. Saw horses running toward barn in other field. He assumed coyotes after calves. He ran across road to other field and the coyotes trapped him up on a round-bale feeder. He didn't have his gun. Had a cell phone. Called 911----I heard the call, and knew it had to be Eric (brother of Carolyn's best friend and he runs the farm for his uncle. I jumped in the truck and went over---he was okay. Scared them off by kicking the metal feeder and then running like h---! Said he had never been so scared, and that he would never be without his gun again while working!!

magpie said...

Okay Paula that is great...
good to see you check are many miles away from us now

wvgal_dana said...

Margy did the dog that was taken to DNR get bitten by a coyote or something? I must have missed a comment somewhere????

Nite sleep with AOYP=Angels ^j^ ^j^
On Your Pillows. Those heading for bed now and later.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Long and lovely day here! Soldiers Delight open house was great....sorry now that we didn't get there earlier as we couldn't stay long or would have been late for dinner. I got some nice pictures....will post on my blog tomorrow sometime!

hedgie said...

OUR LOCAL MARTINSBURG HIGH SCHOOL WON THE STATE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!! First time ever!!!! Congratulations, Bulldogs! That's Margy and Wanda's alma mater!!!! Dana, is it yours, too?

Lynne2 said...

Heading for shower and bed...good night and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

I remember the feeling from when MY high school won the Virginia state championship!!! Go Atoms!!!

magpie said...

That's Great Lynn!! Thanks !

and hope all the fans that traveled to watch the Bulldogs get home before any bad weather moves in !

That's also Great, Lynne...look forward to your pictures tomorrow

the coyote in person's yard was threatening the homeowner's dog...
animal control had us to tell her to get her dog inside, and then had us to call DNR because coyote is wildlife and DNR handles that

wvgal_dana said...

WHOPIE (spelling?) BULLDOGS!!! (:

Yes Lynn-Hedgie it sure is. Love those Bulldogs....very happy for them. I graduated 1967 from Martinsburg High School.

hedgie said...

Oh, my, score was 30-0!!!! Beat up those Wheeling boys!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Margy I got it all now. I thought that is what was going on. After putting pieces together. Just wanted to make sure I had the doggie problem comment correct. Thank You ( :

You are right Margy I too hope all the people that went to the game. Have safe traveling--prayers for those who are traveling Lord.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie that was the score WOW those Bulldogs really "wanted that Championship"!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 glad you enjoyed the nature reserve.

hedgie said...

It is spritzing something outside.....very fine, whatever it is--felt it, didn't see it.

wvgal_dana said...

I think I'm going in and put my feet up.

Lynn-Hedgie if you have a chance could you email me directions on how to use a DVR please?

magpie said...

yes indeedy, we have precipitation...foggy misty stuff, like Lynn said, spritzy...
could get ugly...
see what WHAG says at 11

Woof !!!!

hedgie said...

Dana, all DVR's are different. I wouldn't know how to operate yours! Best I can say is use the manual, and bring up onscreen menu and start getting familiar with all the functions!

hedgie said...

Margy, you are off tomorrow, right? Glad you won't have to get up and go out if things get nasty!

hedgie said...

White Christmas is on---it is one of my favs!!! Recording.....dumb, considering that I have it on an old VCR much more convenient n DVR. Heading for pillows as soon as news is over. Gotta sleep while baby is!

Goodnight all. Sleep tight. Be safe! Prayers for all.

magpie said...

off Sunday Lynn until 8pm have a four hour stint to cover for an illness :(

don't like the weather forecast at all...

James's kin starting up the East Coast from Florida starting Sunday night
Well, can't change it, just have to pray about it

Going to sign off, headed to bed soon...

Prayers for all my friends here and your families
and all with special needs during the holiday season

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night. Hope we do not have any coyotes threatening our dogs. They would not know what to do.

Mema Jo said...

Woof Woof talk going on here a lot this evening! Hello... I am bushed!
Such a happy happy bushed feeling.
This evening (5:00 to 9:00 or so)
was beautiful - the family came out to welcome the Germany gang home. All the ggkids didn't make it. Anthony and Joseph were at home setting up a fantastic train set! Sophia loved that Nutcracker - asked her aunts whether they were going to talk or just dance! The rat which I thought could scare her, was her favorite.
Donavon and Marcus came with Melissa.
Elizabeth and Samantha mixed in well with their cousins. Alexis was at her aunt's and hopefully tomorrow her dad, Robert will get a video of her singing in the Christmas program at church - she is an angel...

The food was very good - ham, green beans, sweet potatoes, corn, augratin potatoes, yeast rolls. Sweet potato pie, White cake with Raspberry filling. I splurged and got a spiral cut Heavenly Ham! Hubby said next time I pay that much for a ham it better not have a bone!

Our evening was fantastic to say the least. The kids will be here for 2 1/2 weeks.

PA Nana said...

Good evening to anyone still here.
I believe most have "hit the hay," so to say.

Jo, sounds like a fantastic time was had by all. I thought about one of those hams for Christmas, but doubt Jim would approve of the price. In fact, I'm sure of it.

PA Nana said...

Guess I'll head to my chair and catch up on some reading. I haven't caught up with this weeks' newspapers. Surely by now it's oldpapers.

Prayers for all needs and wants.
Goodnight and God bless.

Mema Jo said...

I bid you all a good evening - most of you are on the pillows and I pray you are resting well.
Good Night and prayers for all my special family!
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Guess I am here in time to say good night. We went to Denton to babysit with Jacob. had a good time, but once again I worked the whole time.

Everyone is doing great. In fact, I have not seen Laurel as relaxed as she was tonight in a long time.

Watching TV now. Jack and I are watching a high school playoff game. Two Denton schools are in the playoff.

Judie, Bosco is the Fritz family dog. (That is Laurel's family)

Okay, going to call it a night.

Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I am guarding my bowl of oatmeal from George as I write this. He has plans for it, but so do I.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, it sounds like you should sit down and relax with Laurel for awhile.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

We're up a bit early, and thought I'd better say "Howdy!"

Little Miss Emma has been a really good girl. Got her a package of mini tennis balls at Wal-Mart yesterday, and she LOVES playing fetch in our long hall! Can close all the bedroom doors, etc., and she runs the length of the hall to get the ball.

She slept a LONG time last night! Doing really well, and will probably soon make it all the way through the night.

Hope everyone is well this Sunday morning. Can't believe it's supposed to be nearly 85 here in SoCal today!

Ms Bookworm said...

Going to have to go over and feed the bulldogs shortly.

It has just occurred to me that maybe when Emma is a bit older, we could get a baby gate and confine her to the hallway when we are gone. Have been thinking of getting one of those trays that look like grass that dogs can pee on. We could put one of those in the hallway for her, and maybe put those plastic doorknob covers on the doorhandles so she couldn't open doors off the hall. Just might work!

Lynn, I hope you find a solution for little Mai so she can keep out of trouble when you're not right there to watch her. A second crate sounds like a big help.

Ms Bookworm said...

I hope George doesn't manage to steal too much of your oatmeal! That rascal.

Oops--I think I hear Emma stirring! Better go check on her and maybe take her outside. Will be back later. Have a great, blessed Sunday, everyone! :o]

stronghunter said...

Isn't that a new picture of Emma, Andy? Is that one of her new toys? So cute.

stronghunter said...

Problems at the Metrodome in Minneapolis. Roof has "deflated" because of over 17 inches of heavy, wet snow. It seems that the roof is supported by air pressure. A game planned for there has been postponed. Good that it did not happen with a full stadium.

stronghunter said...

Been taking some pictures of Christmas-y things. Rus and Rebecca brought me a very pretty poinsettia plant, so I am sharing it.

stronghunter said...

Very snowy at the snowman cam.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is enjoying a breakfast of chocolate milk and dill pickles. Goodness. I offered him cereal.

stronghunter said...

The kid keeps eating up all of my pickles.

BEagle said...

Good morning.

Your poinsettia is lovely Strong.

My furnace work is moving along. The gas line is now moved to the proper location. Yay.

House is cozy right now.

Now to go pick up some supplies for cranking the new furnace up. I may just add a bottle of champagne to the list for launching. : )

The weather report was predicting a lot of snow beginning this evening.
I don't put my trust in weather predictions but I still keep them in mind.


BEagle said...

Oh. I like the idea of pickles for breakfast........on a burger maybe.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all we are on the train to nyc

BEagle said...

Oh, two adult eagles on the WE nest, nothing on the TH or PH nests at the moment.

No eagle present on the BWE nest OR the BWO nest. Except a new sprig of pine on the BWE nest.

Our nest looks mighty lonely.

Hi Paula. Enjoy the Big Apple!


paula eagleholic said...

Shirley I am laughing about your pickle eater!
Raining here but that's ok got our raingear BEAGLe hope you get your heat soon.Jo sounds like a wonderful evening.

Lolly said...

Have fun Paula with your Michael. I had fun NYC with mine. :)

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been watching the cam as I read the paper for the last hour. No eagles! I would be much happier to see eagles!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

Chocolate milk and pickles, ey? mmmmmm....

Love the pics Shirley!

My avatar is of the eagle at Soldiers Delight yesterday. Will try to get more pics posted later today.

I need to get much done this afternoon and have to run to Walmart and Grossery store or we'll starve today.

Lolly said...

About time to start getting ready for church.

Plan on wrapping more presents after church. I got a good start yesterday. My goal today is to clear our the "Michael" guest room. It is piled with presents. The "Laurel" guest room is all ready for next weekend.

Have a great Sunday and I will BBL!

Lolly said...

Get to the grocery store, Lynne! Do not want you to starve!

Andy, love the picture of your "baby". She is so cute!

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning! Just think....two weeks from today and Christmas will be over for most! Unfortunately for me, it has been postponed until Sunday.... :(

Jo, glad you had such a delightful evening!

BEagle, good progress on the furnace!!!

Pickles and choco milk?? What a horrible combination! both alone, but.....

Shirley, Giants couldn't get out of Kansas City so game had already been canceled in MN before the roof deflated!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning all Eagle Friends.

Yesterday and today I have prayed for the people in the house. Where the fire has us find another way to Rosedale which wasn't hard. Turning the car I just prayed out loud for them.

Prayers for Margy's because I know
she will worry. For James's Mom &
Grandpa tonight as they travel to
Margy's. God we put them in your
loving arms to bring them here

Margy you are such a wonderful
person. Seems you are always
there if someone is sick. You'll
take the shift. I pray for you
to rest and stay healthy.

Oh Mema Jo 2 1/2 weeks of joy
and laughter. Tell Ed you can
make something that will taste
good with that bone lol

Morn'n Shirley I too thinks Lolly
needs to rest some!!!
Oh my Shirley that is truly a HAND
at work. That the stadium wasn't
full with a game going on.
What a pretty poinsettia
from Rus and Rebecca. Thank you
for sharing. For some reason I
don't do well with poinsettia's.

Andy how old is Emma? I can't remember.
Sounds like she loves fetching those balls back and forth. I have it right for today Andy-your going to check on the bulldogs and not Shirley lol
See your avatar has Emma with one
of her new balls. Beautiful girl
she is.

Morn'n BEagle so glad the line is moved for your new furnace. lol Now don't put a dint in that furnace when you launch
( : lol

Paula Paula is on her way right now to NEW YORK CITY !!!!! You and Michael have a blast !!

Morn'n to Lolly so there have been
no eagles yet. Thank you for that
update. At least I didn't miss seeing them.

Morn'n Lynne2 beautiful eagle avatar from Soldiers Delight where you went yesterday. On yes we will check more pictures ( :

Morn'n Hedgie-Lynn I see beautiful
Mai ( :
I chringed at the pickles and choc.
milk think. lol
Why is Christmas going to be Sunday?

hedgie said...

Wonder if it's still raining in NYC or worse??? Poor Paula....too bad weather couldn't hold off until tomorrow for her.

hedgie said...

Lolly, relax today!!

Margy, hope your cold did NOT develop. Hope you can relax before pulling the half-shift.

Andy, Emma sounds like she is doing so well!! Mai doesn't seem too interested in the ball....and she hasn't got the concept of bringing it back. But she runs through the house im circles with her knotted rope in her mouth!!
Back and forth, etc. for about 20 times before she lays down and just chews on it. Funny!

Dana, Shannon works a 24 hr. shift on Christmas Day, Christie volunteered for a 6a-2:30p shift at hospital, Carolyn works time to fit in a dinner. So everyone is free on Sun. so it will be a 26th Christmas. Christie will come here after work and spend the night, tho' so I won't end up being alone. Just definitely a different kind of Christmas than I've ever had before. Oh, and the MO folks said "no gifts"......first time in my life that my mommy has given me presents. It is what it is.....

hedgie said...

Please say a little prayer for Mary Margaret. The warehouse where she has stuff stored is on fire. Her Lennox china is there, along with her seasonal clothing, and some stuff from her Massachusettes family (don't know what that is....maybe some heirlooms or something.) :((

wvgal_dana said...

Time Square cam Hedgie-Lynn show people with umbrella's and it looks like it is raining.

wvgal_dana said...

I am so sorry for Mary Margaret, of
course "praying as I read your report".

Really Lynn-Hedgie it might be a
different kind of Christmas. I think it is NEAT that Christie will be there with you on Christmas day and night.
You can watch movies and do some girl talk. I'm thanking God that you ALL can be together the next day to share in your Christmas joy. (:

wvgal_dana said...

Oh you telling about Mai and the rope. I wished I was there to watch her with it. I bet she is a hoot (:

wvgal_dana said...

How long is Paula going to be in New York?

wvgal_dana said... shows rain all day and night in Time Square zip 10036

wvgal_dana said...

For Martinsburg Monday night is suppose to feel like 1° at 11pm. By 5AM Tuesday feel like -5° by noon Tuesday a whooping 5° grrr Day I have my colonscopy. burrrr

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - A bit foggy out there
Slept later than I had planned but with no plans for the day - it's ok

Emma is sounding like a fun puppy.
I am looking for Mai! There she is chasing around like crazy...
Lynne, your eagle picture is great - and you were right there!

I pray for MM possessions and pray the fire will not touch them.
Baltimore has had too many whse fires recently!

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle is very set at Hornby

Hornby Island Eagles

wvgal_dana said...

Oh it is calling out -- that sound is so wonderful to hear. Makes my heart beat faster ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry didn't see you come in. Morn'n Mema Jo. Is your heart full of joy, is your heart full of love, twas it because of a wonderful family time yesterday with everyone plus the Germany Gang. (:

wvgal_dana said...

Hornby eagle just flew out.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle cam is up and live at Maine. Nest has snow in it and very windy.
The first cam we always use to watch with the water behind it. Something pretty big out in the water. oh maybe the Loch Nest Momster has come to Maine.


Eagle Live Maine water behind nest

wvgal_dana said...

Can hear the eagle at Hornby calling out off in the distance somewhere. Sounds so good (:

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater cam is hung up again
They are working on it.

wvgal_dana said...

It is raining at the Sidney nest 02

Sidney Eagle Nest 02

I was hearing geese in the back ground.

wvgal_dana said...

Caltrans Eagle cam at Turtle Bay is on but says, "We are currently testing the web cam equipment. Visitors may experience intermittent down-time (a white video box that will not play). Thank you for your patience!"
Turtle Bay Live Eagle Cam

hedgie said...

Shoot---can't get Hornby to open. Argh!

Those temps coming up sound brutal, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

I know Hedgie-Lynn now I am not going to want to go get that test done. Ha Ha but after the prep. I don't think I will care about what the temps feel like. Just get me in there and get me home lol

wvgal_dana said...

I think Lolly or someone commented the other day about this Eagle cam.

Blair Wisconsin being FULL OF SNOW!! Eagles4Kids cam
Live Eagle Cam Blair Wisconsin

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie I get to my emails I will try and email the Hornby site to you. It will be a bit later.

hedgie said...

Dana, I think Paula will probably come home tomorrow.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm back to check in and see how things are going.

My new avatar is a picture of Emma playing with her new mini tennis ball (for small dogs). She just LOVES it!
Think it was Dana who asked--Emma was born on September 15th, so will be be 3 months old on Wednesday.

She is getting to be so much fun! She growls and barks at her ball and at her fuzzy pink slipper chew toy when she's playing with them. Has also been known to run around in circles at about 100 mph!

Saying some prayers for Mary Margaret--hope her possessions will be okay!
Hope other people's stuff will be, too!

Golly, I'm not sure exactly how early I got up this morning, but think I could use a panda nap! Sure sounds like a good idea, anyway. Will BBIALW. :o]

wvgal_dana said...

Central Maine Eagle Cam is stuck.

Live Eagle Cam a Pelican Harbor Nest is on and you can hear.
Live Pelican Harbor Eagle Nest

Two Harbors Nest is on there are two ways to get it.
1st way
Two Harbors Live Eagles Nest

or 2nd way

Two Harbors Live Eagle Cam

West End Nest is live

West End Eagles Santa Catalina Island, Ca.

2nd way

West End Bald Eagles Nest

stronghunter said...

Good grief, Dana, it sounds and looks like a hurricane at that nest in Maine. I saw the eagle come in and land briefly then fly away. I think it looks like some kind of ship or barge in the water. I kept hoping it would not sink.

Hunter has always liked to eat pickles with unlikely things. He ate pickles with yogurt when he was a baby.

I expected to see a cookie in his hand this morning when he was making that huge glass of chocolate milk. That's when I realized he had a couple of slices of pickle.

hedgie said...

Well, it's game time.......sure hope this isn't another waste of my time.....GO SKINS!

stronghunter said...

Keeping my fingers crossed, Lynn.

wvgal_dana said...

If you want to you can go to this page and all three nest: Pelican Harbor, Two Harbors and West End are on this one page.



wvgal_dana said...

Sorry everyone probably has those links. They are listed so many different places. I was just taking a trip around the world and put them on. Take a trip and never leave home lol


stronghunter said...

I bought a new bird feeder. It is supposed to be squirrel proof. We shall see. It is also loaded with seeds mixed with hot peppers. We shall see about that also.

One thing about those hot peppers. They make my eyes burn when I load them in the feeder.

stronghunter said...

My old feeders have bit the dust, thanks to squirrels and wind.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley is it like green and when the squirrel steps on the edge where the food is. It closes because of his weight?

stronghunter said...

That's a good description of it, Dana.

stronghunter said...

You're supposed to adjust the thing to the weight of the squirrels. I hope I do not have to mess with that! Especially right now. It is cold and rainy. I just might let them have a few seeds.

I have put out some corn for the squirrels.

movin said...






Promising activity at the Hummingbird site this A.M. Also there is a link to at least one video taken this morning.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

hedgie said...

MM's storage unit bldg. was not the one on fire. Nearby, so she will go check tomorrow to see if any smoke or water damage. The 3 sisters' mothers' table is in there....:(

hedgie said...

Time to get a new field goal kicker....2 m isses today---10th for the season. Inexcusable.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 417   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...