Saturday, September 18, 2010


Evening thread.


NatureNut said...

Good Evening, Steve! Thank you for new thread. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
I holler for the others! ☺

stronghunter said...

Hi Loretta,

Thanks for the call-over.
And, Steve, thanks for the new thread.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Steve and Loretta...
Just getting ready to show Judie a plant which I think she may have been talking about.
Judie look on Wild and Wonderful.
Poke Berry.

hedgie said...

Thanks for call-over, Loretta.

MArgy---about 12:30AM, I think. Uh....I don't know where Orion is! It is very disorienting with the leaves on the trees. Makes me dizzy. But w hatever it was, it WAS the very brightest thing I could see.

BEagle said...

Thank you for the fresh thread Steve.

Thanks all for the information about shingles.

A web site did say something about headaches and I have been having those but not bad.

The worst is yet to come. Unfortunately, it's too late to do the treatment which should begin about 2 or 3 days after. I don't even know how long the rash has been there. I just noticed it Monday with the itchy feeling.

BEagle said...

Love the kitty picture Strong.

I agree that there is a lot of knowledge represented here on the blog.

A lot of know how.

A lot of experience.

hedgie said...

Lots of pokeberries growing along the fence rows out this way, Wanda!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Just got back from eating too much at birthday cookout!

BEagle, sorry to hear that it's shingles. I worry about that all the time because I had Chicken pox as a child. Insurance won't pay for shingles vaccination til I'm over 60 and it VERY expensive without insurance.

Good call Wanda! Was reading Judie's post and Pokeweek was what I thought of right away. We have it everywhere here. Pretty invasive. Grows SO fast! We have them over 6 feet tall out in the field. Steve said when he was a kid they called it "ink berry".

NatureNut said...

Called a wildlife rehab office in Gaithersburg about squirrel lumps and she said probably bot flies.The little dot in center of lump is the airhole for the larva. I see that Lynne2 relayed the exact information I've found. Other lumpy disease is squirrel fibromatosis, a pox type virus.All are Yucky!!!
Wanda, poke weed or berry is a great food for birds, but a nasty weed if it gets in your yard!(there are several next door----older lady [probably younger than I am] had a grandson cut backyard, once & front yard twice this year!!!He of course did not cut down any weeds!

hedgie said...

Pokeberries are highly toxic---they CAN be de-toxed but it's risky. Chokeberries, on the other hand, are used for wine, jam, etc. They are not to be confused with chokeCHerries.

Lynne2 said...

I forgot who asked about the bot fly thing on the squirrels, but I don't think they do terrible damage to the hosts. The first case I saw pretty bad, in a kitten. I'll spare the details, but the kitten was fine. The vet removed it. I don't imagine it's all that comfortable, especially if there are several on the same animal.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, BEagle.

George was sitting by the window waiting for a bird to visit the feeder attached there so he could terrorize it. He looked up at me when I went over to take some pictures.

I remember my father talking about shingles many years ago. I went ahead and got a shot recently. One of the teachers at my school had it.

I am glad your case is mild.

We went out and bought Kathryn a mattress today. Since she had been mattress shopping very recently for me, it did not take long. We bought the same kind for her. They tied it on top of her SUV and we brought it home. Will took care of the heavy lifting.

Costume Lady said...

I THINK my grandmother Concovia used to Pick young Poke greens and cook them like spinach...also made wine out of the berries. Think it was Poke.

stronghunter said...

She is used to sleeping on a waterbed.

hedgie said...

I had shingles when I was about 25!

stronghunter said...

I guess anyone who has had chicken pox can get it at anytime afterward, but I have always associated it with someone much older than 25.

NatureNut said...

Lynne, I asked about the lumpy squirrel problem early today. The lady I spoke with said she has seen them on kittens and rabbits.Only problem that might occur is infection at the site after larva falls out.

NatureNut said...

OH, I almost forgot~~~talked to daughter, Sherry, in TX and other AM before sunrise, she stopped counting hummers at 40!!!!! She has 3 feeders & if filled in AM, are empty in evening.Evgentually she'll put up one feeder, but leave it for a long time.
I didn't see our 2-3 today, so maybe they're traveling.

magpie said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!
And thanks Loretta for hollering for us....

new good firm solid mattress...
I need one, have known it for several years ago...

Lynn, hope that Christie gets through the learning stages and feels like she has her own wings soon

Hi a whole bunch of more Evening Eagle People...

Costume Lady said...

I haven't seen any hummers today or yesterday...but then, I was in the shop most of the time. I'll be on the look out in the morning. It is time for them to leave up:(

Lynne2 said...

Loretta, yes I know it was you that asked originally, but I think I read someone else asking what the outcome of the animal having the warbles would be.

Wanda, no doubt she did cook the young leaves from Pokeweed...I've heard of others doing that as well. Just read that the very young leaves are OK but mature plants are poisonous including the leaves, stems and berries.

NatureNut said...

My daughter just had shingles, but got to Dr. for meds. I didn't realize it could be a problem if you had chicken pox. I didn't have that~~~but everything else! Think I read it is caused by a herpes.

Lynne2 said...

we still have our hummers, or we did this morning. I have been treating every sighting like it'll be the last for the season because they may be gone at any time.

magpie said...

Oh I guess you all know that WVU beat U-Maryland today

Lynne2 said...

yes Loretta, same virus as chicken pox and I think you are right, a type of herpes. The virus never leaves and lies dormant in the nerves.

BEagle, did the Dr tell you if you are contagious??

magpie said...

Jupiter is out now, pretty much due East and very bright, but it will shift to Southeast and is probably what you saw at midnight-30....
Cirius will be visible much later on overnight

I have not seen many hummers this year, BUT, I sure have been seeing some dragonflies as big as hummingbirds buzzing low in the tall grasses here lately

Judie said...

Hi Steve, thank you for the new thread. Belle and Lib have been busy at the nest so hope you have a chance to see them.

Hey Margy. I, too, am terribly disappointed about having to wait to pull weeds. Really had my heart set. Oh well, as Scarlet said, tamoarrah is anotha day (for weeding).

I don't care what you all say. I still believe the bears will come to eat the chokeberries and bring the shiny garland with them. Afterall, it isn't that far from where the garland started out last year. Besides, I can turn the A.C. on for them.

An olio of brain power -- nice use of language brain power, Lynn.

Christie is going to be just fine after her training. Lots of traveling now but it will all pay off for her in a few weeks. She is always welcome here if she needs a place to crash when traveling.

Lowreeda, you are so right. The picture is exactly what I have in the yard. It is Poke Berry.

Thank you to all who helped me identify the mystery plant. Will do more research on whether or not to keep or destroy.

Lynne, I asked about the outcome for the infected squirrels. Saw one at school and hoped it would survive what looked like a nasty infection on its side.

Shirley, glad you were able to find a new mattress for Kathryn. Still hoping for the best outcome for everyone.

Okay, it's about time for me to surrender to the sandperson. So will turn my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs, or just coming in late on a Sat. night. Pleasant dreams and, again, many thanks for all the help with weed identification.

magpie said...

starting to batten down the hatches here, have a half shift Sunday, then I think I am off for a day and a half

betting that all the grandmoms and granddads are having some fun times today and this well as are the grandchildren

Hope ALL of of you are enjoying the comforts of home and friendship and family tonight

Take Care,
Prayers for our many loved ones with health problems
God Bless Us, Every One
xox ♥

Lynne2 said...

I'm heading for be myself. Good night and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Wonder if the bot fly lumps are what is commonly called "weebles" around here??? They eventually fester and pop open and the pus and larva comes out. Yuck! Saw it on a dog once at the vets' office, and that was what she called it.

stronghunter said...

I am very tired, so I'm getting ready to head upstairs. I took a pail pill for my shoulder. I hurt it reaching up to close the batch on the SUV earlier. I should have been doing the exercises I learned in PT.

stronghunter said...

pain pill

Mema Jo said...

So glad to see all of you on a Saturday thread.. I am bushed.. Family picnic was a success.. could not have had better weather and/or food. Everything went well and most of the families were there. Visiting was great.. Right now my head is nodding..

Mema Jo said...

Did I tell you all this week that I
Can't stand those stink bugs

Mema Jo said...

Not really time to do this but doing it anyhow---back the hallway I go.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone Mrs Riffe & Karen
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Miss you, Deb

Nite! Lolly & Jack starting out tomorrow... Don't forget the thingajig
for the auction!

hedgie said...

Well, good night to all sleepyheads. I think it is my turn, too.
Thanks, Judie! I'll tell Christie to keep you in mind. One of her best friends is in McLean, but with two spoiled rotten toddlers, it is NOT the most restful place for a respite!
Margy, hope your half shift flies by I know what you have planned afterwards! :)
Prayers for all. PEACE.

hedgie said...

P.S. Oh, Jo.....don't think Lolly and Jack are heading out just yet! Next weekend, I think!!

NatureNut said...

Been watching a little TV, not much on, & getting sleepy, too!
Glad everyone had a great day.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
& Prayers for those in need---

Costume Lady said...

I forgot the tell you all that, after Gene released the skunk from the trap and reset it, he caught a cat:) The cat was feral and stuck his claws through the cage and tried to scratch and bite Gene. So he was left in the cage until he became a little more docile. Gene said that when he made his escape, he was going so fast that all he could see was his tail...never stopped or slowed down until he was completely out of sight...probably still running:)
Wonder what will get caught next?


paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Back from the kids and grandkids...both are 3 under the age of 5 a handful! But had a great time! Gianni is eating baby food now, she can really pack it away. Did not want the bottle! Think she prefers Mom :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010 11:35:00 PM

Copied this from the older thread, was trying to get caught up and saw the new thread post at the bottom!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, love your upside down George!

Wanda, that's it, poke berry.

Just read today that Jupiter will be very close this week, I think it can be viewed in the Eastern sky.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – Better catch Jupiter next week in the night sky. It won't be that big or bright again until 2022. Jupiter will pass 368 million miles from Earth late Monday, its closest approach since 1963. You can see it low in the east around dusk. Around midnight, it will be directly overhead. That's because Earth will be passing between Jupiter and the sun, into the wee hours of Tuesday.

wvgal_dana said...

just opened up computer an EAGLE IN THE NEST!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

It is Liberty

wvgal_dana said...

Gone !!

wvgal_dana said...

I missed you "all" as I watched Liberty this AM check out his vast and beautiful kingdom. I wonder what was going through Liberty's mind. As he looked out far and wide.

Remember Spunky is almost 4 years old born 2006. Just months to go and he and the other 2 will be 4.

Wonder if Liberty was thinking of the eaglets they have raised from the beautiful nest??

Have to fill my med. containers but doing it here. Just in case one or the other decides to come back in.

wvgal_dana said...

Nothing at this time at Finland on the water. Although far, far off is a white spot. Probably a ship.

My hummers are feeding!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ship or sail boat is heading in towards nest. Still too far off to see for sure what it is. Finland on the water. Beautiful!

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Believe it is Liberty again.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Ok Liberty I need to eat something now.

wvgal_dana said...

I do so love the birds sounds at the nest in mornings. ( :

Wished Loretta or someone like Margy was here.To tell me what kind of bird is making those different sounds.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I slept in a bit this morning. It is a beautiful day.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Dana.

stronghunter said...

Hunter's football team won their game yesterday. So far, they are undefeated. This time, the other coach got angry and quit before the game was over.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Shirley ( :

How is your shoulder?

wvgal_dana said...

Pokeweed we used the berries as kids to write and draw with.

Costume Lady said...

COME ON OVER TO THE NEXT THREAD THAT STEVE HAS GIVEN US********************************************************************

BEagle said...

Good morning on this fine Sunday morning to all of you.

Missed Lib but there's always a possibility of activity around 7:30pm.

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning. Beautiful day here.
Thanks for prayers for hairdressers' FIL---"Mule" passed last night.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...