Wednesday, April 28, 2010


New thread.  A bright, cool and very windy day here in WV.  But summer temps are coming.


ceil said...

Too bad that Mei is not pregnant
Afternoon all

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I totally agree Ceil! Good afternoon!

BEagle said...

Thanks for the new thread news ceil.

Thank you Steve, for the new thread with the upcoming weather outlook.

Has Palmer moved?

ceil said...

Hey Sharon. I guess it means that both will go back the end of the year. I was hoping she would have a little one and they would stay.

ceil said...

BEagle it is windy and cold here today. We have had the heat on again.

BEagle said...

The OR nest had some sun! But quickly ducked back under the clouds.
There's still a few snowflakes floating around.

Hornby just egg rolled a short 2 mins ago.

BEagle said...

It's sunny here and cool. I have my heaters going.

I hope it didn't get too cold for my apple buds last night.

The sun is out again in OR and the Hornby is eggrolling again.

BEagle said...

If there would happen to be a pip on the OR nest, the eagles sure aren't going to show us.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the call over Ceil - and thank you Steve for giving us a fresh Wed thread. I think it is downright Cold out there... I have my long sleeves on!

I was watching the RTH - their pin feathers have started! Mom/Dad can't really sit on all 3 of them anymore. Feeding time for them now and all 3 are sitting up at attention!

The pip in the Hornby egg hasn't gotten any larger..... all in due time

FB had pic of Lolly standing in the Poppy Fields!

ceil said...

Lynn thanks for the Hornsby video It is such a great nest. Everyone is saying they want to get that stray feather off mom

BEagle said...

Palmer is up again and shrugging those wings. Palmer is looking very eaglely.

Sure is pretty.

BEagle said...

That tail wiggle...does that mean Palmer is happy?

BEagle said...

Palmer is facing 12 and picking up fluff and seems to be playing with little sticks or something.

BEagle said...

A fresh cup of coffee helps send the chill away.

Mema Jo said...

I may just need to have my 3:00 cup of coffee early today!

BEagle said...

I cranked my coffee pot early. It seemed appropriate.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo I think it is MEI

Doing the Ray Charles dance at the window........

BEagle said...

Palmer is at 3 again, preening and scratching.

BEagle said...

Sun still shining in OR. However, the egg cup is in the shade. Not much of the nest is visible. I think the eagle has something stuck on it's beak too.

BEagle said...

The TH twins are a little more active than Palmer but I think that's due to siblings.

They don't seem to exercise the wings as much as Palmer, that I have noticed anyway.

BEagle said...

The PH nest is windy. It's makes me sea sick to watch the nest float around. (burp)

Mema Jo said...

BEagle with your interest in the OR nest I think you would really enjoy the Maine Forum's reporting on that nest. Below is the link and when you
open it click on the 1st entry at the highest page number. You may wish to register for this forum - doesn't mean you need to comment but you could if you wished. Otherwise you would be a guest.......

Maine Forum Link - click to open

Mema Jo said...

Only one I spotted on the Asia Trail is the Sleuth bear.. Snoozing away on his back......

BEagle said...

Thanks for the link Jo. I haven't taken the time for that yet. I was anxious to note any change with Palmer. I have the OR nest in line with our nest. Really would like to line the Hornby nest up with them.

FF crashed momentarily.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break

Tonight is Alexis' evening and I am a loner since hubby is headed west for a group dinner with other retirees. I sure hope I make it through until time
to conclude my Play Date! Not any good movies for a 5 yr old playing other then matinees. Perhaps we will go to the library! Glad I thought of that - it sure is better dollar wise then going to Toys-R-Us!

BEagle said...

It's always easy going in Toy R Us and hard getting out too.

BEagle said...

Palmer got up and wiggle back down into the egg cup. Added the tail to that wiggle.

hedgie said...

Loon cam is back up!

BEagle said...

Oh look. Belle is back on the nest, feathers whipping in the wind.

hedgie said...

It is still terribly windy at the loon cam location. No egg yet.

hedgie said...

Isn't it cool how much darker Palmer has gotten in the last week?

BEagle said...

Yes it's cool. Only when Palmer lifts those wings, do you see the lighter gray down.

hedgie said...

Has anyone gotten a copy of Spirit of Jefferson yet? I won't get mine from Christie 'til Sunday!

ceil said...

Carolina Raptor is saying Noah is a girl. She is sitting on her perch looking out the bars. Will be glad when she can get out

ceil said...

Three eggs for BWO

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, is our awaited article in SPIRIT... today? Do you suppose Shepherdstown would have copies?

Costume Lady said...

It is a chilly 58° here in Nestville...tomorrow will be very nice and sunny/71°. Friday is going to be downright hot at 85° and sunny:) Palmer will be searching for shade. It won't be long til there is shade from the leaves on the Sycamore Palace...they are growing quickly with all the rain we have had...Thank You Very Much! I haven't been out to the garden to see if any of our seeds have sprouted. COME ON SPINACH! Baby spinach salad can't be beat:)

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer looks great! laying in the nest, facing 9ish.

Finally had a change to peek in!

paula eagleholic said...

parent just arrived with dinner, might be a turtle

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, guess it fish again :)

paula eagleholic said...

from Carolina Raptor Center....

Noah is a Female, but we will continue to call her Noah in honor of Noah Pier.

Noah means "peace" :)

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer chirping up a storm!

paula eagleholic said...

Crunch crunch...goes the fish...not Bob :)

Parent eating now...think it's about all gone!

Costume Lady said...

Paula, do you know if the article that you were intrviewed for is in today's Spirit of Jefferson?

paula eagleholic said...

Parent left and just came back, my cam froze...Oh it's OK now.

Time to eat dinner

paula eagleholic said...

Chirp chirp chirp, sounds like Palmer is still hungry...that looks like Lib to me

paula eagleholic said...

sorry no new cubby for Mei

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting ready to head out to school. Had some rain here last night and early this morning, then the sun came out. Has been breezy today, with winds coming in from the ocean.

YAY!! An immature male Hooded Oriole was coming to the hummer feeder today!! Time to put the Oriole feeder out!

The whole yard is FULL of baby sparrows & house finches today! They are SO cute! Still learning how to maneuver when they fly.

Well, better git goin'--will want to do some quick last-minute studying when I get to class. Will be back later, after school.
Have a great evening!

Oh--so Mei is not pregnant--rats.
That's a shame!

Later, alligators. :o]

paula eagleholic said...

whoo hoo 3 eggs for BWO, and a pip for Hornby...awesome!

Can't wait to see the article!

paula eagleholic said...

Journalist said article was supposed to be in this weeks paper.

I see Palmer standing on his feet more and more

paula eagleholic said...

Another poop shoot...forgot to comment on the first one.

paula eagleholic said...

Wing flaps! go Palmer...I could hear them!!

paula eagleholic said...

All's pretty much quiet at the nest now, Palmer settled in the cup, adult at the far end, not sure if it's Lib or Belle.

HAVE to get some estate paperwork done tonight...will BBL

hedgie said...

Hi, Wanda. Yes, itr is today. The closest place for you to get it is the 7-11 right before S'town!
Christie's Bells choir is on the same page as NCTC!

Mits said...

good evening....long day, got home fixed dinner watched a little hockey....:(

Mits said...

Ceil thanks for the updates on BWO, 3 eggs, and on Noah being a Female....

Mits said...

Mei Xiang seems almost back to normal.....if she wants to go outside tomorrow, they will let her, she has not be out for a long time, but the last few days she seems to be wanting to go out.

Mits said...

Jo, that sloth bear you saw was Hana, and I was sitting right outside the window, interpreting, her new male companion, Francois, should be coming out of quarantine any day now, don't know if they will let them try to mate this year or not

Mits said...

off to watch Criminal Minds, don't know if it is a new one or not, will see.

Costume Lady said...

I'm back from Shepherdstown and have just finished reading about our Eagles. It is a whole page, entitled WHERE EAGLES DARE...NCTC in Shepherdstown a home for an American icon. Some photos of the eagles and some Momsters looking on.
I believe it is a photo taken the first year SHARON came for a visit. Photo is of Sharon, Helen, Thelma, Robynann, Carol, Candy, Norma,Vicky and her two grandaughters, Capt. Gene and one or two that are unrecognizable.
It is a lovely article:)

hedgie said...

Repeat, Mits!

Mits said...

yeah, saw that Lynn, so I'm watching Mercy...

Mits said...

Hi Wanda, talk to you later Wanda:)

glo said...

Hi everyone. Had a long but fun day. My it is definitely spring. Enjoyed another trip to Fulton Eagles nest. They all look 6 days bigger and got to see a couple of family of Geese with their little ones swimming beside. Cute I enjoyed that. Hope everyone else had a good day.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, cool, Wanda, that was a great picture...taken July 14, 2007

I think Suz and Carol are also in that picture...

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching Hornby - no chick yet but the pip hole is enlarging. It is only on the one egg from what you could see when the eggs were rolled.

hedgie said...

Well, CAPS blew it. :(

Still quite breezy here. It can keep it up for the night to prevent a freeze/frost, but sure hope it stops come morning. Ground must be quite wet--I lost three small trees today. Looks like they just laid down; Can see the root balls sticking up.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Wanda, for filling us in. Maybe you can scan it and post it!
Did they have the pic of the Bells choir? Christie is the left tallest in back row.

hedgie said...

Going to go get my bath now. BBL.

Mits said...

I can't believe they just rolled over and died, glsd I don't invest the whole season watching them, I'd be banging my head against the wall right about now.

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. See you later.

stronghunter said...

Sorry to hear that we will not have a baby panda. I have been very busy and really tired. Trying to keep up as much as possible.

Students are working on research papers. My days are full. At least, the SAT prep is finished until fall.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, the Caps rolled over and died, huh. Guess they got creamed?

Lolly said...


We got home this afternoon around 4. Immediately started unloading and doing wash. Jack also made a run to the grocery store and picked up Annie from "camp".

Right now I am just very tired!☺

Was so disappointed that we did not see eagles. Found the nest, you can see it in the tree on the right in the pic I posted on fb. Have no idea if they moved to another nest or if they had fledged. I really think it is too early for them to have fledged. Will do some research.

I will be posting lots of pictures of wild flowers. Have a busy day tomorrow, but will get to it in a few days.

Mits said...

no Paula, they only lost 2 to 1 tonight...

Lolly said...

The whole trip was fantastic...the reunion, being with my sister and brother, seeing Talon and Natalie, and going to the Wildseed Farm. Oh, and the wildflowers all along our travels were spectacular!

Mema Jo said...

I had a good evening with Alexis. She was on her best behavior which means we had to have the pillow fight! I won cause I had the larger pillow!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back Lolly! I just know your head is filled with memories of Wild Flowers!

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, Jo! The rain we had this past winter has made the wild flowers go crazy. Hope I got pictures that will really show you.

Lolly said...

Just watched an egg roll at Hornby. Still not hatched but bet it will be hatched by morning.

Mema Jo said...

I think it should hatch by tomorrow morning. Pip hole is larger. That chat
sets me crazy. I think that all 195 chatters speak at the same time.

Time for me to check other cams and
then say good night.

hedgie said...

Mits, I'm glad that I don't watch much. Sportscaster just said that the post-game locker room was the closest he had ever seen to a morgue.....players were "stunned". Well, duh, after losing the last two, don't they get it? Did they forget that they have to try in order to win??? Geesh.

hedgie said...

Lolly, glad you had such a good trip. Nice to be home, tho', I'm sure. Sorry you didn't see any eagles today.

Shirley, have you been observed YET?? Hope you can get rested soon.

Wonder where Judie is hiding???
ANd Margy??

Mema Jo said...

All cams seem to be calm

Good Night All
Prayers for everyone's wants/needs
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Goodnight, my fine, fowl friends. Prayers going up.

Lolly said...

Thanks for the greetings home!

I am headed to bed as well. Just watched the weather and more rain a coming! Jack and I are headed out to do the yard in the morning to get it done before the rain starts.

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Just got in from school. Thank you for your school prayers for me--I got an A on tonight's test! Thank God for His help, too. Had lots of info to remember! Couldn't do it without Him!

Gosh, I really wish Mei had been pregnant! Love those tiny panda babies. Consoled myself today by watching all the baby birds in our yard. Even had a couple of baby house finches clinging to our patio screen door! Beyond cute!

Have a bunch of lizards running all over the yard, too. The bigger ones aren't afraid of me any more--they know a good drink of water is on its way when I water the patio plants!

Looks like Spidey has been busy tonight. I'm just glad I could get the cam going! Is that a parent at 11:00 by Palmer? Think so, but hard to tell thru Spidey's handiwork.

Well, guess I'll go veg in TV land for a while. It will be a busy day tomorrow, so must get some good rest.

Shirley, hope you sleep well--I BET you're busy this time of year! Hope Judie is hanging in there--and hope we hear from her soon. Totally understand, though, that there are not enough hours in the day lately. On that note, saw a Nat Geo Explorer episode about sleep deprivation and sleep disorders--enough to put the fear of God in you! Did you know that chronic sleep deprivation can make your body more insulin resistant?!
Whoa, I've GOT to get more rest!

Well, leaving the night light on for lateniks, and the porch light, too. The eye scanner security is enabled. Prayers said for everyone, especially Chrissy and her family! She has been in my heart and on my mind all week. Prayers without ceasing!!! ((HUGS)), too! Prayers for Dana's eye--hope it's better! Prayers for Kendra, and her mom! Lord, help! Prayers for everyone else, too, and prayers of thanksgiving!
Sleep well, and I'll talk to you in the morning. God bless! G'night! Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Gosh, just wrote the Great American Novel (Sorry about that!), and realized I forgot to say, welcome home, Lolly! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures, and see pictures! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Sorry I couldn't get a scan of the NCTC news article. I can't seem to get it from the scan mode. It just won't move from that page!
I'll try again tomorrow.
It looks like a beauty of a the low 70s.


floralgirl said...

38° here this am, Palmer is sleeping in nest cup and adult is right beside him towards cam with head tucked in. shhh they are both sleeping...

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Have finally emerged from the papers and the frustration of grading papers better suited for a creative writing class.

Have an athlete in trouble and spent time yesterday trying to figure out what to do about that.

Missed so much I can never catch up.

I am sorry that Mei is not going to have a cub and will likely be returning to China.

See something about Shirley and an observation? School or medical?

Andy, glad you have another A. Wish you were in my classes.

Lolly, happy you and Jack had a wonderful time and are home safe.

Jo, it would be a real treat to see you in a pillow fight with Alexis.

Need to do some physical things today such as some housework. Work off the frustration.

Need to visit cams today. Have missed them the past few days.

Any word from Chrissy?

Wishing all a lovely day. Will stop back later.

Lynne2 said...


Good morning all!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s
Looks like a good day for
Vitamin D suns baths at the Royal Nest
Can't wait to get my hands on the Newspaper Eagle Article

Full Moon was a dazzler last night

Best wishes for a good day, everyone

magpie said...

and a
Happy Birthday to Eaglet Momster Ophelia

hope it is the perfect birthday for you ♥

Mits said...

Good THURSDAY morning everyone...watching Hornby for peek at new eaglet they are think hatched during the night.....awesome cam:)

Mits said...

Chick has hatched at HORNBY nest:)

Mits said...

its name is Phoenix:)

Mits said...

Hornby Nest

Mits said...

Mei Xiang is outside for the first time in several weeks....:)

Costume Lady said...

I have finally been able to post the scanned article about NCTC.
I posted it to my WILD AND WONDERFUL...I have only scanned one half of the artcle/ the part that pertains to the EAGLE MOMSTERS. I will scan the rest after breakkfast...ENJOY:)

ceil said...

Wanda thanks for the article. I tried to find it last night.
Mits love that Hornby cam. You can see the intricate feathers. So beautiful.
Off to the aquarium to pick up my training manuel. I know I will be in the rain forest and will learn about lots of birds
Have a great day

ceil said...

Blog is driving me nuts
I just wrote a book and it did not publish. I will try again.
Wanda thanks for the articl.
Mits Hornby cam is awesome. You can see the intricate details on the feathers.
Off to the aquarium to pick up my manuel for Saturdays training. I will be in the rain forest and will learn alot of birds I do not know. Have a great day.

ceil said...

Well it did finally publish. Arghhh

Costume Lady said...

CEIL, the Rain Forest would be my favorite place to work, if they also have tropical plants and flowers, in addition to the birds...congrats to you and your sister for doing volunteer work! VOLUNTEERS ROCK!♥♥

hedgie said...

Morning all!
Wow, Hornby mama is making alot of noise....calling for food? or something disturbing her? No sign of eaglet.
Ceil, LOL....blogger cop fooled you! Rain forest, and not the fish?? Use lots of hairspray so you don't wilt!!
Thanks for scanning the article, Wanda! Need to go read it.
Happy Birthday, Ophelia!

hedgie said...

Well, heck, I can't get it enlarged enough to read it! And I can't even get Windows Picture viewer to pick it up where I could enlarge/zoom it. Drat!

Mits said...

eaglet was there earlier, a glimpse of it when Mom flew out of nest and Dad returned.

hedgie said...

Loon cam has been down and now back up.....they really expect an egg today!

Mits said...

Mei Xiang back inside now...she had fun, running around yard, climbing up and down trees.

movin said...


Good morning,





hedgie said...

Here's a good one: Chelsea Clinton told her dad that he had to lose 15# before he can walk her down the aisle! LOL! And ouch: she broke her heel and is in a cast and on crutches....hope that's all gone before her wedding day.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone!
Day off, sooo dental appt. Gotta leave in 1/2 hour.
Too bad Mei will not have a butter stick.
Worked late yesterday on huge property signs at maintenance complex & the letters don't want to stick well--probably the paint they used. Going back there Fri. It is what it is!
Could not see Palmer--guess Mom is blocking her.
Later ☺ ---

movin said...

Norfolk chicks "might be" learning to feed themselves.



Lolly said...

Good morning! Found this on Texas Eagles. After watching it, I have decided that the eagles had fledged.

Texas Eagles

Lolly said...

Good it works!☺ Hi everyone! Just doing a little research on the Texas Eagles. I think they still used the nest and had fledged. The video shows the first flight in early April.

I am now off to eat a bite and then head out to mow. The yard is a mess. Looks like we had a little hail while gone. Lots of leaves on the ground. Will go out and mulch them. But, other than that it is looking good.

Have a great day!

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, that was a beautiful video...loved it!
Guess you need to visit a little earlier next year:(

Looking forward to your photos:)

movin said...

Did somebody bring in a new fish, or did Liberty dig up an old one??



Mits said...

Loon on the nest.

Mits said...

chick in view at Hornby

hedgie said...

Couldn't tell ya', Jim! Wasn't watching and now glare too bad to make out much of anything!! Looks like Lib or Belle standing on soem kind of food.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning. Just now getting some of the cams checked out.
Missed the loon but I am excited about the Hornby chick - Phoenix. Hope the other egg hatches for them.
Watching our Palmer - getting to be a little bit independent!
Need to read back over comments.

hedgie said...

Wanda emailed the article, so was able to see most of it! Cool!!! Maybe I should volunteer proofreading duties to the paper!!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - Sharon might want to move closer to the nest - tell her about the Proof Reading Job that might come about........

Mema Jo said...

Wanda has copied the article from the Spirit of Jefferson newspaper onto her
Wild & Wonderful blog.

Mema Jo said...

Jim - I didn't see it come in but I really can't ID what it is......
Looks to me like a leg of lamb! lol

Costume Lady said...

Looks like a ham for lunch at the Sycamore Palace:)

I THINK I have posted all the sections of NCTC news article.
Journalist did a pretty good job, with the exception of spelling and some punctuations;)
Yes, Lynn, a lot of papers need proofreaders. I was the proofreader for our school paper and yearbook and do notice those errors. No excuse for that if a proofreader is doing their job:(
Not that I'm very good anymore at my own proofreading...I've lost my touch;)

Costume Lady said...

STEVE HAS GIVEN US A NEW THREAD, COME ON OVER*********************************************************************

ceil said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...