Wednesday, April 21, 2010


New thread.


BEagle said...

Good morning to all.
Love watching Palmer grow.

Thank you the Wednesday thread Steve!

BEagle said...

Big fish on the nest.
Lib must attract the attention of all devoted fishermen and women.

Mits said...

Good Wednesday a.m. everyone thanks BE for the call over....

BEagle said...

I believe it is Belle that just arrived and is feeding leftovers to Palmer.

BEagle said...

It looks like more greenery has arrived on the nest.

Palmer is scratching away!

Your welcome Mits.

BEagle said...

I think Palmer is getting ready for a PS

BEagle said...

Done while typing

BEagle said...

It was snowing on the OR nest last night. Better go check on it.

BEagle said...

Yessireee. There is snow covering the OR nest and it is still snowing.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Look at the distinct black on Palmer's wings!! SO pretty. Hadn't noticed it before.

hedgie said...

Check out this story:

Injured Bald Eagle

ceil said...

Morning BEagle, Mits and Lynn
Hope everyone has a good day

ceil said...

Blogger is giving me a fit

BEagle said...

Very interesting about the injured eagle. I haven't gone to the additional views of the operation yet because it may be a little gory.

The PH nest is still getting some strong winds but NOTHING like last night when #10 was begin somersaulted on the nest by the rain and wind, trying to hold on to the nest and protect and keep the chicks under him.

BEagle said...

Oh...pardon me. I meant to say thank you for that article Hedgie.

Thank you.

ceil said...

BWE has pick the winners and will be notifying them.
I missed it but there was a photo of the BWO in the Baltimore Sun Lisa has the picture on the BWO site
Norfolk eaglets are really getting big

BEagle said...

It's coming clear the amazing variety of adversities that hit our nests and birds.

Isn't it nice that there are people truly there to help when possible?

I especially like the markings on Palmer presently. Before...Palmer looked splotchy. Now there is design to the back.

BEagle said...

The RTH chicks are rousing and mom has left the nest. They are not punching each other just yet.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Went to read about the eagle, Lynn. Saw this link to a blog. I found it interesting as this is where I am from....The Rio Grand Valley in Texas. Born and raised there and really never apprciated the birds. lol Left to go to college and never returned to live...only visit.

Rio Grand Birding Blog

Lolly said...

Anxious to hear the BWE names, but Paula's Lewis and Clark should be the winner! And they will always be Lewis and Clark to me. Great names!

BEagle said...

I don't get to the BWE site much but Lewis and Clark sound like great names for that pair.

BEagle said...

The TH twins are looking like Palmer, trying to grow into the wings and feet.

They do not have rivalry, those two.
The younger just follows the older around on the nest.

Lolly said...

Okay, i have checked out a few cams and fb. It is now time to get busy. We leave in the morning, lots to do today.

Have a great day!☺

BEagle said...

The NJ chicks are growning. They look more like Palmer. The TH twins look so dark but that might be because of the cam. ??

hedgie said...

Lewis and Clark are good, but I also liked Wanda's Beavis and Butthead!! Will be anxious to hear results! weren't really too gory!

hedgie said...

Lolly, some great pics on that blog. Love the Chachalaca and the parrot and the doves!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! It has been raining here in the valley.
Watching the live cam - once again when I put it up I do NOT have any control buttons under the cam....???
Palmer is starting to get the flying feathers!

BEagle said...

You were right Hedgie, the pics for the injured eagle weren't too bad. A couple were. The dog took off the edge though.
What a pretty dog.

BEagle said...

I guess that's Belle with Palmer trying to add a little warmth.

BEagle said...

One last check on the OR nest and I have to get busy. The snow has slowed a little but's snowing.

If anyone misses the snow, lol, go to OR. : )

hedgie said... mo' snow!!! DOn't want to see it ever again!!

No significant rain here---just a few sprinkles. Cloudy and cool....MTBR.

movin said...


GooD MorninG,

EveryOnE ...


We are having some cool weather here in So Cal today with a good chance of rain .. maybe some thunder and lightening too.



hedgie said...

Hi, Jim! I like cloudy days sometimes!! Gives me an excuse for feeling lazy!!
Blog is acting up again....if you don't see your post, refresh and it might be there! Duh....

movin said...

i'VE been known to curl up in a ball and sleep a rainy day away. It's great once in a while.

Not too lately though.

Well, I've got laundry down in the room and some other things to do today....

Might be back later.



movin said...

Hahaha, I was just looking at BW, when both sites went black-screened.



Mema Jo said...

Hedgie/BEagle - the Live Cam: do you have it up? Do you have the controls under the cam view?
I just refreshed (F5) mine and still don't have those controls - cam just starts without me doing anything.

hedgie said...

Must still be raining at nest....Belle is still covering Palmer in same position as an hour ago.

hedgie said...

Jo, controls show okay, but when I first tried to restart it I got an error message and then had to refresh.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer stretched out! Belle got in a
wide wing stretch..

Mema Jo said...

JUDIE - I can't get any messages through the email address I have for you. Maybe your in email jail?

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time here


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Lynn, thanks for the link about the injured bald eagle! So glad he's on the mend. Amazing what those folks are doing! God bless their efforts.

It's a gorgeous day here, no rain at the moment--although expecting more today. The sun keeps trying to break through, and it's pretty breezy here right now. The air is SO wonderfully fresh!

Had a real start when I awoke rather suddenly today--Hubby was snoozing away, well past the time he normally has left for work. He took the day off as a vacation day, but didn't mention it to me, so I thought he had called in sick! Phew! Glad he's OK, but wish he had told me ahead of time. Would've saved me a near heart attack!
Boy, I must've been sleeping pretty soundly! Hubby says he tried to wake me to let me know what was going on, but I was out cold. I don't sleep as often or as well as I used to, but when I DO, you could march a 27-piece band through the place, and I would be oblivious to it!

Ms Bookworm said...

Am able to get the live cam! Yippee!
It's not giving me any trouble today.
Palmer looks like a gawky teenager the way he handles those big wings!
Has one wing kinda drooped right now--really cute! The wind at the nest sounds like what we're getting out here in SoCal today. Not Santa Ana winds, but pretty blustery! Know what you mean, Jim, about hibernating the day away in weather like this. Wish I could, but gotta study for tonight's test. Rats. Oh, well, maybe tomorrow. Gotta go--will check back later. Great to see Palmer again! Hope I don't jinx the spell. Have a good afternoon, everyone! Prayers continue for Chrissy and family. (((HUGS)))! :o}

Ms Bookworm said...

OMG, you guys! Hubby just called me out to the dining room to see a pair of new birdie visitors--two Eurasian Collared Doves!!! Have NEVER seen any of them before, and they are big and BEAUTIFUL!!! Google them, and go to the Cornell website, and the picture on the left is EXACTLY what we have in our yard! Gosh, I HOPE they stick around for a while--they're SOOOO pretty! They showed up with a couple of pairs of Mourning doves. Got a quick picture--will try to edit it and zoom a bit, and I'll share. BRB! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Here you go--the Eurasian Collared Doves are the 2 larger doves on the ground. Not as sharp a picture as I would like, but had to zoom it a bit for a closer look.

BEagle said...

Popped in for another minute. It looks like Belle brought in an abundance of fluff for Palmer to work with. If Palmer is a she, she will have to learn this. Right?

hedgie said...

Wow, Andy, aren't they special birds! You sure get a variety!! They must spread the word of the right place to come to the whole avain community!!
Good luck on your test tonight--as if you need it!

hedgie said...

I don't believe that the timer on our cam is right.....LOL....10:30 sure goes by awfully fast!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Just peeking in at lunchtime, I see it's sunny at the nest...steady rain all day here in Frederick.

Jo, I am using Firefox, have all my controls.

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, both males and females need to learn nest building techniques in the eagle world!

paula eagleholic said...

I see those new feathers coming in :)

And the nice fresh greenery in the nest....breezy there now.

BEagle said...

Yes, Paula. I actually got to see the fresh greenery come in that time.
I don't know who brought it. Belle or Lib.

Something I have noticed on the Sidney nest website. If you scroll down, they have a picture of the male and female and distinctive characteristics for each. Every time I view the nest I know which one is which.

Can something like that be done for our nest?

hedgie said...

Since the sun came out and it didn't rain, I went ahead and took Cinnamon in for a nail trim.

BTW, Carolyn thanks everyone for their thoughts and hugs over losing Fatso.

hedgie said...

Paula, I'm assuming that Ajay and Gianni made it home okay, right??? The FB tagged photos threw me for a minute.

paula eagleholic said...

Actually talked to Ajay today, tried calling last night but didn't talk to anyone. Ajay and baby home just fine...Cohen loves the baby and is just amazed by the breast feeding! Brensin is adjusting, he just didn't know what to make of her the first day or two, was a little afraid of her at first I think, he would cry when she cried! He's much better today :)

hedgie said...

Just had a phone call from Dana. Her eye is giving her so much trouble. The Dr. has patched it and using new medicine. She says hi, hugs, and prayers to/for all, and she'll be back when she can.

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula, that is so cute!!! They will all adjust to the new presence quickly! Reminds me of two stories: when I was about 10, went to my first wedding. My sister and I embarrassed our folks badly by crying loudly because we thought that's what we were supposed to do at a wedding! So maybe Brensin thought crying with Gianni was what he was supposed to do! And then when Christie was nursing, Carolyn loved to watch, too; Chris would always fall asleep and her tiny little head would loll to the side; Carolyn said "Mommy, baby fell off the booby!" Memories are made of this!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, cute stories, Lynn.

Cohen tells everyone at school that his Mommie's boobies make milk and that's what Gianni eats! Then yesterday, he told his GGM that he used to do that too, LOL.

Mema Jo said...

What a lazy afternoon.
Got to move it and head down to meet up with Alexis for the evening.
I'll touch base a little after 8.

There is so much fluff in the nest
Is Palmer at the 11:00 position?

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, that looks like Palmer.

Sorry Dana's eye is giving her so much trouble, I was hoping the new drops had helped.

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula, aren't little ones wonderful? They bring so much laughter along with the joy!

Can really see leaf shadows starting on our nest! Good!! Shade for Palmer!

paula eagleholic said...

The 2 BWE eaglets are laying side by side in the nest, their tails are starting to get longer. Parent was feeding them a little while ago.

hedgie said...

I know we aren't supposed to pray for material things, but I am praying anyway for a Powerball win tonight, so that I can save poor Chrissy. I don't think God will mind that kind of prayer, will He??

Lynne2 said...

I've been playing PB and MegaMillions too Lynn. I don't think HE would be upset by our asking for a win to help Chrissy. I sure wish we'd hear from her....

Lynne2 said...

I LOVE all the baby stories~!

Mema Jo said...

Well maybe if you don't win I will and it will be a mission accomplished.

I didn't hit the Lotto..... so my luck isn't the best!

Mema Jo said...

Playmate just went home so I am sitting and enjoying a cup of coffee.

Paula the FB pics from the hospital are just great. Did either of your boys have dark hair like Gianni does.

Lynne2 said...

Well, I'm getting another Megamillions for tomorrow and a PB for Friday.

Heading up to watch 2012....

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

I see we have a parent in the nest with Palmer,

paula eagleholic said...

No Jo, they both had light hair...

We contribute the blue eyes!

paula eagleholic said...

My Mom told me that when I was about 2 1/2 and first saw my little brother nursing, I said "Baby bite you pickles"

paula eagleholic said...

I'm going to go catch up on some cams...

paula eagleholic said...

Was checking out pics Ajay put on FB, some cute ones of Cohen with Gianni

BEagle said...

Back in from church and it was terrific.

Thought I would check on some little eagles.

Palmer is hard to see because of the web. It looks like spidey caught a moth though.

It is still snowing in OR. I do hope those eagles get something out of this.

Mits said...

update from National Zoo...

April 21

Mei Xiang continues to keep us guessing. She has a great appetite and continues to strip and eat the culm, or inner stalk, of all the bamboo offered to her. She is wide awake and cooperative with her keepers, often watching through the window as they place her next meal.

Mei also continues to cooperate with ultrasound procedures, lying calmly on her back for the exam and then intensely playing with her “gelly” belly afterwards. The ultrasound gel makes her double over and rub her belly and ears vigorously, exhaling with pleasure. Rolling on her back reminds one staff member of a breakdancing back spin as she scent anoints her body with the gel.

In the wild, pandas nest in tree holes, caves, and crevices, as well as under mountain side ledges. Since cubs must be held by their mothers for proper thermoregulation and easy access to milk, rearing is a 24/7 affair. Little effort is put into building an elaborate nest. Over the past week Mei Xiang has been consistently shredding bamboo culm in the den, in addition to everywhere else in her enclosures. She has a variety of toys and even her “Kong baby”, a rubber cub-sized dog toy that she will frequently cradle at this stage of a pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. She has carried the toys (a ball and a spool) into the den but removes the “Kong baby” when the keepers move it into her den. Although her behavior is not providing consistent cues, her hormones are indicating a familiar pattern that indicates we are reaching the end of this pregnancy event

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, so we might know soon.

Mits said...

just have to keep our panda fingers crossed:)

Mema Jo said...

lol She really doesn't like that
'Kong Baby' - I am thinking it is a

Mits said...

yes, her hormone levels are starting to decline, but that could possibly take another week or two...once they hit baseline, we will know in 24 hours. They are starting the 24/7 pregnancy watch this Friday at 4:00p.m., although those of us that do the 4 to 7 shift have been doing it the last couple of weeks.

Mits said...

yeah well, she is supposed to cradle it, when I was there tonight, before I left, she was trying to rip it apart....

paula eagleholic said...


Anonymous said...

You all see the Bear on NOW

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Been trying to catch up before moving into coma mode -- finished preparing the last exam of crime scene scenarios. Very brain-tiring.

Tomorrow is the final day of classes. Don't go back until exams on May 4.

Checked Palmer a couple of times today but missed any action -- mostly sleeping.

Keeping my fingers crossed for a Panda baby at NZ. Thanks for the update Mits.

Wishing everyone a good night and pleasant dreams. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on.

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, missed the bear

Hi Crunch

paula eagleholic said...

Blog ate my post!

Nope, missed the bear. Hi Crunch!

paula eagleholic said...

Where did our parent go? Must be up in the tree

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula, that was cute about the pickles!!

Hey, Crunch, how ya' doing? Long time no blog!

Judie, glad you get a reprieve before the big final! You deserve a break.

Mits, thanks for great update. Sure keeping fingers crossed--and even saying some prayers--that this will be the real thing and not a pseudo. DC needs a new baby!!

hedgie said...

BEagle, I feel so bad for those OR will truly be a miracle if they have a successful hatch.

Lynne and Jo...glad you all are playing Lady Luck, too!

Anonymous said...

Hey Paula. (That sounds like a song). No you came up twice. It was a small Bear and was eating along time there. Well, time to float around the Web again. Have a Good one

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Got caught up in Idol. Left TV for a moment & missed the person who's leaving!!!Thought it had another 1/2 hour to go.
Got some pics together early this AM before work. Will try to put them on tomorrow after eye Dr. appt., if I can see!! LOL
I've been marveling at Palmer's wings. Perhaps we'll have an 8 footer!

Anonymous said...

Paula Bear is back.

BEagle said...

Thanks Hedgie.

I had to read back posts and how funny....pickles? Too funny. :D

Good night and remember, God is still in in the business of miracles!

NatureNut said...

BTW, yesterday at Park I saw Chippy the chipmunk that lives by the Visitor's Ctr! He had been gone for 3 weeks! I was getting worried, but we read up on them & main predators are weasels. We don't have them & he's too fast for hawk. If a she & was away for birthing, book said they have young in May. Go figure!

NatureNut said...

Thx Crunch! Saw the little bear---looked partly under the feeder.

Gotta check some cams, see news & hit the hay.

Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) & good luck that we hit the lottery for Chrissy ☺

hedgie said...

Loretta, it was Tim Urban who got the boot tonight.

hedgie said...

Glad you have Chippy back! With everything else happening so early, guess it's possible that she could have birthed early!

Lynne2 said...

2010 is pretty entertaining...we're taking a bagel break!
Lynn...another earthquake in eastern Tennessee this evening, a 2.6
Heading back to movie!

paula eagleholic said...

Missed the bear again! I'll have to keep checking...thanks Bob hadn't checked that site in awhile...heading to bed, see ya'll tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Headed back the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for all

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

I'm right behind you, Jo and Paula. Sleep tight, everyone! Check the sheetz for stinkbugs!
Prayers for all.

Costume Lady said...

Love the baby stories. I don't think I have any. Well one does come to mind...When Karla did something that she wasn't supposed to, she would tell me Denise did it:) She was about 2 1/2.


Lolly said...

Just getting on to say good night. We are leaving in the morning. We are loaded and ready to go.

On the way home we will be going by the eagles nest just west of Burnet. We went there last year and really excited about going to see them.

We are taking the laptop, so MAY have a chance to check in. Plan to be home next Tuesday!

Nite all! Sweet dreams! (((Hugs)) for all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I just got home from school. Thank you SOOO much for prayers on my behalf--I got an A on tonight's exam!!
Thank GOD!

Still very blustery outside here, and had some rain sprinkles on the way to school. Maybe more later tonight!

Loretta, happy you have your chipmunk pal back! They are so cute!

Paula, I'm loving the new baby stories, too. Absolutely great!

Lynn, we HAVE been getting some unusual birds lately--those new doves are supposed to be extremely rare in our area, so I hope we keep on seeing them! Also got another new bird this afternoon--some kind of new sparrow, I think. Too fast for me to get a picture, so hope it's back tomorrow. It was really pretty--still looking at my bird book to see if I can identify it. MTBR!

BTW, I'm going to buy some Lotto tickets too--gotta have a ticket in order to win! Here's hoping and praying that one of us wins something!
Still praying for Chrissy and family. More (((HUGS)))!!!

Judie, I'm tired tonight, too--about to join you in 'coma mode'. Prayers have been said for everyone. Leaving the night light and porch light on, and the eye scanner security is enabled. Hope we all get a really restorative night's sleep, with sweet eaglet dreams. Will talk to you tomorrow. I must go to the EDD first thing (before 7am) tomorrow to see if I can reapply for UI benefits. Please pray about that for me! Here's hoping... Must go bug the school about my student loan, too. Busy day tomorrow! Hope to be home before lunchtime. Will talk to you then! Good night, and God bless! Love all of you guys! :o]

Mema Jo said...

4/22/10 Happy Earth Day

Mother Nature needs US

Costume Lady said...

Where is everyone? WAKE UP...IT'S NOT SATURDAY!! It's going to be a beautiful day...sunny and 71°.
If the rain didn't make our garden too muddy, going to plant something today. Don't know what...Capt. Gene has bags on the porch with unknown things inside. Potatoes, I do know for sure. I have spinach and lettuce to plant in my own little space. Ummm!

Costume Lady said...

I just looked at the Volcano aftermath photos that LOLLY?? sent...makes me feel dirty and doomed. ARE YOU ALL LOST IN THE ASH CLOUDS? HELLO...
Megan, have you seen a hummer yet?

Costume Lady said...

Palmer is all curled up in his bed, grooming himself...looking very content. Must have already had breakfast.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Margy...are you back from your mini-vacation? Hope you are rested and well.
I guess Lolly and Jack are on their way for their get-a-way weekend. Hope their weather is good and have lots of wonderful sightings in the air and on the ground:)

magpie said...

Oh! Is that Palmer in the nest?
Been two days, little chicklet has grown so !

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Thanks Jo
Great Earth Day Song on that blue link !

magpie said...

ESP Wanda ! ☺

Costume Lady said...

OK for you...I'm leaving now.
Going to fix breakfast and then put on my farmer's hat.
Have a great day:)

Costume Lady said...

Thank God, someone is here. I was beginning to think I was in the twilight zone!
Good trip?

magpie said...

St Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of ecology and animals, and
St Isadore the patron saint of gardeners ☺

This is a good day to have them working with us

magpie said...

Yes, thanks Wanda
I saw two great blue herons, and one hawk, and a bunch of TV's, smaller birds,
and a ton of azaleas in every color imaginable

magpie said...

My brother-in-law sent me home with two tomato plants, one a Beef Steak, and the other, a Brandywine...
so maybe I will be able to give YOU some tomatoes this year, Wanda

magpie said...

Still waters and a big Osprey at Finland

magpie said...

have read the updates on Joyce, Glo's friend Jean, and about Dana's ailments...and the GG updates, praying that things will continue to improve for these, and for all with health and trouble needs here

magpie said...

Make that Two O's at Finland

magpie said...

Things sound exciting with Mei Xiang, Mits...
thanks for that update...very informative

magpie said...

And I read all about Palmer's rascally ways....

magpie said...

that's a great pic from the Baltimore Sun, Ceil..
thanks for the toss to the link at the BWO cam
can't wait to hear about the names for the eaglets at BWE

magpie said...

* Best wishes for a great day, everyone *
ttfn xo

Costume Lady said...

Margy, Beef Steak is one of my favs...1 slice fills a whole sandwich:) Haven't heard of Brandywine----Gene just told me that Brandwine is an heirloom tomato that gets large fruit and low acid, grows well on a trellis, but must be staked.
Our tomatoes didn't do well at all last year, hoping for a better crop this year. Squash didn't do well as well as our peppers.

Costume Lady said...


glo said...

Good morning everyone. Today Dex and I are off to try to get pictures of three little eaglets at a nest about an hour away. Hopefully they are big enough and the leaves are not too big for me to catch a glimpse and maybe capture something clear enough to share with my camera. Nest is a good distance form where I can stand so need a little luck to happen :-)
Hope your day goes well.

hedgie said...

Good morning. Fog has, was it ever dense!
Bye, Lolly! Have a fun and safe trip.
Margy, glad to see you home safe and sound. Hope you and your sisters shared some special moments.
Good luck with UI, Andy!
Wanda...did you really get that much rain yesterday? Barely even got sprinkles here!

magpie said...

had a lot of rain where I was at, nice spring rain though
Yes, Brandywine is an heirloom...will be interesting to see if I can make them grow here!

Glo, Good Luck sounds like a great adventure!

Palmer is scootching around the nest

magpie said...

Ha! thought I had a Phoebe here, but it is a Mockingbird!

Hi Hedgie!

Pope John Paul II named St Francis patron saint of ecology, in 1979
that's for your Did you Know from me

magpie said...

read where in DC a teacher from Woodrow Wilson HS was abducted/carjacked middle of the night be a teen and his uncle.
Turns out, the teen was one of her students! It was random, he did not realize it was her!
Needless to say, two arrests have been made, teacher is OK

magpie said...

that was a few days ago

magpie said...

wow, first time I have seen Palmer's orange talons
Sweeeet !

got to go
ttfn xo

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Do we have an egg at BWO?

Mits said...

I have been watching for awhile, Paula, nest has been MT, she just came in and laid down a little while ago, but if there is not one, should be very soon

magpie said...

Oh by the way,
The baby stories are great!
I was the endorphins flowing ☺

hedgie said...

Well, pollen's a bad one for you: the honeysuckle is already out!!! Full bloom. Doesn't it usually wait til June???

Thanks, Margy....didn't know that about St. Francis! So now he has two titles!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning....... Beautiful day to celebrate Earth Day and also to celebrate youngest son's b-day! He is a few years older then the 40th Earth Day.

Bob Quinn said...

New thread. Come on over.

hedgie said...

I have two beautiful black with blue edging butterflies flitting around...they won't land so I can get a pic...:(

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...