Wednesday, April 07, 2010


New thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you Steve and Good Morning
I'll go over and let the others know if they have not discovered it yet

magpie said...

Lynn, so very sorry to hear of the loss of your friend there and your mother's friend also

movin said...





tHANKS for the new thread and all you guys do for this enterprise.



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning Magpie and everybody else.

movin said...

It's very tragic to hear the news about Frank and Chrissy's situation.



Mema Jo said...

Morning All.. Very sadden to hear about Chrissy and Frank's hearing decision. I pray this new journey they are going to be on is all in God's plan.

Loretta - just looked at all your recent photos and they are great. I love the comments you make about each pic.

Nothing planned for today except maybe a play date with Alexis after her nap. Staying inside out of any heat wave temps!

Lolly said...

Good morning. Okay, I now have a big lump in my throat. Very discouraged and sad about Chrissy and Frank. My prayer now is that something better is on the horizon for them. Prayer that God will open a new door for them.

Lolly said...

We had a great time last night. It was one of my best times with Zach. I was amazed that we were able to keep him contained to a seat to watch the game. No, he did not watch the game, and neither did I watch much. But, I did enjoy Zach. (He is a very "hyper" 4 year old!)

Mema Jo said...

There has been a water main break in Shepherdstown.

Mema Jo said...

I'm sure you had a great time at the game with your boys! FB pic is really good of Michael and Zach.

Lolly said...

Thanks Jo! Love to get profile pictures of the two. Zach looks so much like his Daddy and they have the same "no nose". lol

Mits said...

App-Art osprey nest

we have watched this one in the past....they have 2 views now...nest and perch...and they tell you to look for the Bald Eagles on the perch view....everytime I go there I see and eagle and large planes coming in for a landing behind them...o's aren't there yet.

Lolly said...

I am about to get busy. Did nothing at home yesterday, so I need to get with it. Rain did NOT happen as predicted, so I am heading out to work in the sun. It is a cool 65. ☺

Wow the buzz on the cam just stopped. I thought it had quit then saw
Belle move and heard the wind. Whoops, the buzz is now trying to come back. Anyway, Palmer has it made in the shade.

Have a great day! Send love and hugs across the pond to our favorite "Pet"!

Mema Jo said...

AppArt Patience recommended for the cam to open - 5 min viewing. Grasses
are in the nest waiting for the osprey. I had the eagle up and wow! He jiggled the Perch View and scared me almost off my seat with the noise as I was on the phone with daughter.

Thanks Mits!

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Check out the Xcel cam....
Ft St Vrain now has GHO nesting....
There are two baby Great Horned Owls in the nest box at Fort St. Vrain. This new nest box is located high on the outside of the old reactor building at the plant.

Fort St Vrain GHO

Mema Jo said...

If you go to the 6 pm page from yesterday you can see the 2 little owlets!

Mits said...

aww, 2 little fuzzies.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lord have mercy! Palmar is way too close to the edge of that nest! Glad to see Momma back!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Palmer, excuse me!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Sissy - When does your little gal come home from visiting in Bedford OR is she already back?

I just finished lunch...

Palmer's "Shador" is something else!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

She will be home Sunday Mema Jo. It is so quiet around here, hard to stand!!!

Mema Jo said...

Belle/Lib remind me of so many times I have gone out of my way for my children

Mema Jo said...

City-Data Forum U.S. Forums
West Virginia

I haven't registered and also not able to check it out thoroughly. I think they named Hidey "Flyboy" last year.

Mema Jo said...

Sissy - it is times like this that make you appreciate her more when she is there! If only you can have instant recall of this feeling when you need it! lol

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I had to catch myself--I was going to say "good morning", but with the news from Chrissy, it definitely ISN'T a GOOD morning. This situation is just breaking my heart! Feel so helpless, though I know our prayers must be helping somehow. Sure wish we'd hear some encouraging news from across the Pond! Heartfelt prayers continue, meanwhile.

Ms Bookworm said...

EEeeeww, the weather here really sucks. It's dry and super windy with Santa Ana winds again! My 'hay fever' is out of control once more. Happens spring and fall, every year.
Guess I'll survive--always have!

Yesterday, right before leaving for school, a new bird showed up in our back yard! A Spotted Towhee!! His colors were absolutely brilliant, and he was quite happily eating sunflower seeds. Hope he comes back--he's really beautiful!

Well, need to go study for the exam tonight. Thank God it's only on 1 chapter! Hope you guys survive the hot weather, and have a good day. I'll be checking back later. :o]

hedgie said...

Good luck on tonight's test, Andy!!

Interesting reading those posts, further comment!

Judie said...

Here for a visit.

Very unhappy news about Chrissy and her family. I truly hope they will be able to make arrangements to relocate before the deadline.

Lynn, prayers for you and those you will miss.

Lolly, happy you had a good time with Zack.

Mema Jo, enjoy some fun with Alexis. Meatballs?

Andy, good luck with the test and, yes, it's good that it is only one chapter.

Off to check on Palmer andreview some material for tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is looking over the edge with parent - I bet he is asking about
what goes one way down there?

Mema Jo said...

Is there any word from Paula today?
Didn't remember seeing her... then there is NORMA also.

I am taking a short break.......


Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Red, you have email. Glad you are doing better. Watch out for the pollen! It can mess with your sinuses, cause infection, choke you up!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Lynn,
Hope I do OK on the test. It's about Culture & Sensitivity tests. Pretty interesting stuff!

Looked up the Spotted Towhee on Google, and the Cornell Lab has a lot about them, including their song. Will be sure to throw seeds on the ground, which they like.

Well, gotta go clean up and get to the bank and run a couple of errands. Will be back later tonight, probably after school. Hope the day is going tolerably well for you guys!
Margy, you've been on my mind today--prayers and ((HUGS))for you!! Later... :o]

Red said...

Thanks for the Email Lynn. Such a bummer for some nice people. I'll be praying for them.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--pardon my manners! Judie, thanks to you, too, for the good luck wishes for the test tonight!

Good to hear from Red, too! Happy that you're doing better now. My allergies are stopping up my nose, but seem to be improving some today, so can relate. Hope you improve speedily!

Later, alligators--gotta run.

Mits said...

When is Paula's granddaughter do???

Mits said...

that would be due, not do.

Judie said...

Andy, if you check in again before school, here's double whammy good luck to ya.

Hi Red -- hope you'll have everything under control soon. Yes, it is sad for Chrissy and Frank.

Missed Palmer checking out the ground floor but sure hope mom or dad made it clear that is off limits until he's a pre-teen.


magpie said...

April 21 comes to mind, Mits but I might be confusing that with a niece who is also going to deliver this month

someone with a better memory will give you more correct info

Good Afternoon all

magpie said...

going to wish everyone good things, relief from ailments,
and troubles

Praying for the rescue efforts in Raleigh County also
going to try to find a quick update

Their 911 Director, for Raleigh County, lost his son-in-law in the blast

Mema Jo said...

I've been paying bills...
Time to go meet up with Alexis and her dad!

I'll be back later on today.

magpie said...

time for work soon
came around too fast
thinking of all, with love
Prayers for our needs
See you Thursday sometime
want to hear those good results from Lynn's x-rays tomorrow...
Enjoy your evenings
xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Oh Oh Mits! You think it's possible that granddaughter could be on her way!
Good thinking! Hope we hear from her soon and hope Paula wasn't just tied up in meetings all day!

hedgie said...

I saw that in the paper, Margy Tough one, for sure. Several members of one family, too.

Mits said...

could be, Ceil reminded me she was due sometime in April

Mits said...

WildWatchcams for Osprey

guess they chased the herons away:)

hedgie said...

Still no Paula....??? So unusual. I can't remember the due date, either......was it around her birthday (11th)??? Maybe it happened this morning!!! Maybe that's why we haven't seen her!

hedgie said...

Giant octopus at National Zoo is now named: Octavius! Guess that's appropriate!

Mits said...

from BWO.....

Special Note:
We've changed the image update time to 45 seconds.

Mits said...

yes think that is the one I voted for....he is getting huge!!!!

Mits said...

NZ Octopus Cam

hedgie said...

Whew....housecleaning is finished! GOod to have it behind me, but I'm bushed. Now what to fix for nourishment?! Started drooling when I saw Sharon and Sissy's menes on FB!

hedgie said...

menUs, that is!

hedgie said...

Oh, Glo, no....we have no idea!!!! That's just a generic HE!!

Yes, Mits, he's huge!

hedgie said...

Can you imagine how quickly he will make that 25 times greater? Or maybe the growth spurt slows down when he hits his "teens"!

hedgie said...

Such a short life span is sad.......and guess they better not let him breed anytime soon or it will be shorter!

hedgie said...

No zoo duty today, Mits??

hedgie said...

Gee, 45-second refresh is better than a minute, but sure not as good as 30 seconds, or even 15!!

hedgie said...

Latest update on Mei Xiang (scroll down below cam):

Panda update

Lynne2 said...

Hi all,

Been out all day. Was hoping for some good news about Chrissy, and about the remaining 4 missing miners. UGH.

Maybe Paula's granddaugher IS being born that would be some good news!

Gotta run to shower and fix dinner, BBL

Mits said...

no zoo today, Lynn,gave myself a week off....monthly meeting tomorrow night...usually on Wednesday nights, but because of speakers conflict, he can't do it till tomorrow night.

Mema Jo said...

I agree that 'Octavis' is a very appropriate name for an octopus.

Hope we hear from Paula soon.

Palmer to me is just Palmer a miracle eaglet. I guess I'm not going to think in terms of he or she.

I so hope that Mei is going to give us another cub! That report was good, Hedgie.

hedgie said...

Okay, Mits. Will wait for update from you!!

Mema Jo said...

Deb had told us that to go from home to end all you needed to do was get the cursor out of the comment box and then go to either the home or end key
I am trying so hard NOT to use the CTRL
key with the home or end key but I'm having a hard time teaching this old dog the new trick!

Mits said...

just remember, a Giant Panda exhibits the same exact signs of pregnancy whether it is real or false, we have been thru this the last 3 years....

Mits said...

both O's at WW cam

Mits said...

turning egg at CT osprey cam

BEagle said...

I think that was Belle that just flew off. Am I biased or are the Shepherdstown eagles most beautiful?
(No offense to those who may favor other nests!)
Palmer is on his own for a moment.

Oh, short moment. Now it looks like Belle is back.

BEagle said...

Not sure if anyone noticed this yesterday. When Palmer was in the middle of the nest and Lib standing to the right, Lib reached out his foot and roused Palmer up with it.

I hadn't seen anything like that yet and was wondering about it. Lib didn't poke Palmer, more like bumping the babe up.

It worked because Palmer got straight up. Does any one know about that?

Mema Jo said...

Hope is getting sooooo big! What a gal

April 7th video of Hope

BEagle said...

The snow has almost totally melted off the background trees in OR. The nest is starting to show through. The eagle is pulling up fluff.

BEagle said...

If I were near Hope, I would be tempted to swoop her up for cuddling!

Mema Jo said...

How many eggs at Oregon?
Very glad the snow is vanishing!

paula eagleholic said...

cute - as soon as Palmer sees adult heading for the food, he stretches his wings, does a poop shoot, and moves closer for food!

BEagle said...

Do Bald Eagles eat turtle? I swear that's a turtle shell propped up next to the fish up front!

paula eagleholic said...

Hope everyone is doing good, will have to get caught up later...busy day at work and home...saw the post about Chrissy, sorry to hear the decision didn't go her way.

BEagle said...

At OR, he(she) did an egg roll but only rolled one. It was actually the brown egg I saw. Couldn't tell about the other.

paula eagleholic said...

Eating time over and parent flew off to the left, palmer all alone, peeking at the cam!

Wow, Lib brought fish and fluff! Way to go Lib!

paula eagleholic said...

It's a half eaten fish, well he just took off with it.

paula eagleholic said...

I always stop the video before Palmer scratches! I want to get that on tape!

paula eagleholic said...

I was going to say palmer was peeking right at the cam

paula eagleholic said...

Adult back, think it's...hmmm not positive.

BEagle said...

The shell is still propped up front.
Make the screen big and you can see flies landing on it.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib in now, so that's Belle in the back with palmer...

Lib brought something foodish back....

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Alexis asked to feed that frog -
and she did! lol

paula eagleholic said...

And he left with it, not sure what it was.

Read some of blog, no GD today, she is due the 23rd, although I think it will be sooner, Ajay will probably take that codliver oil again or whatever she took last time to induce labor...

BEagle said...

That had to be a turtle. Belle just stamped on it a little then picked it up and flew off with it.

paula eagleholic said...

What shell, Beagle? did we have a turtle brought in?

paula eagleholic said...

And Margy you were right, 21st was first date given, then they changed it to the 23rd.

BEagle said...

Yes, that was a turtle. Lib, I guess it was, tried getting his beak in there and couldn't. Shook his eagle head and stomped on it with that big foot. Then whisked it away.

I suppose because there ain't no way that turtle would stick its head out.

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle we have had plenty of turtles in the nest, even some of them have crawled around the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

You've got good eyes, BEagle, that surely was a turtle.

BEagle said...

Ho! Ho! Didn't know there were turtles before. They must smell good to the eagle.

Did one ever get eaten somehow?

BEagle said...

Don't know about good eyes, Paula.
Before you got on, Lib had picked it up......when he hit one of those big sticks, it sounded like a brick. Couldn't have been a fish with riga mortis (excuse the spelling). Had to be a turtle.

You were probably reading posts when he turned it flat down and stomped on it.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, but I was taping...was def a turtle. And yes, they can get the meat out...

And that was castor oil Ajay took not codliver oil...hope she just lets the baby come when she's ready...

Mits said...

2 Eagles on the App-Art osprey cam perch now

paula eagleholic said...

Good news, got a contract on Mom's house...but buyers have a house to sell too, but decent offer. Can kick them out if they can't settle in certain time period or I get another offer that can settle sooner.

Spent last night going over contract, initialing, scanning and emailing it back.

hedgie said...

Jo, new Criminal Minds tonight at 9!! Thank Meatball Girl for me for feeding the frog!!!

Paula, tell Ajay to please NOT use the castor oil. It's a no-no!

Hey, BEagle....Mema Jo is almost dying for a turtle shell from the nest!!! If she ever gets one, she'll probably put a chain through it and wear it as a necklace!!!! Right, JO??

BEagle said...

Hey, Hey, Hey. Take a just might come about.

Judie said...

Hey Jo, thank you for the video of Hope and Lily. What sweet pair they are.

Paula, congratulations on the offer for your mom's house. I hope it works out with no complications.

Need to get some sleep. Been very, very tired the past few days. Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others. Prayers for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn- I'll have to give her a good reason why! got one?

Mema Jo said...

Right Hedgie I'm ready 9:00 show......

Yes I need a turtle shell - I don't know what they do with them. We always find the turtle's skeleton under the tree.

Congratulations on the house offer, Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Anyone know where I go to change the password I use for this blog?

Mema Jo said...

Paula - one good reason is the
taste of castor oil...... yuck!

Mema Jo said...


stronghunter said...


Judie, rest well. I hope you awake refreshed in the morning. Do take care of yourself.

This afternoon, I had an experience that only an English teacher is likely to have. I was walking down the hall at school when a young history teacher popped out of his classroom and asked me about direct objects of all things. He wanted an explanation in the middle of his lesson on the Civil War. I explained and he went back to his class. Maybe he will want to know about indirect objects tomorrow. I will let you know.

Jo, I got a Frappuccino yesterday to wake myself up. I love to have an excuse to enjoy one of those from time to time. Can't indulge every day, though.


hedgie said...

cramping, diarrhea and therefore having to stay near a bathroom for many hours; can easily become dehydrated; can have all the negative side affects (diarrhea and cramping)and still not go into labor. Or you go into labor quickly but continue to have loose bm's even hours after giving birth;
increases the risk of meconium passage in the infant.
"It has not been well studied, which is surprising considering how long this old remedy has been in use. It seems to be relatively safe, although there is concern that if it does in fact work to induce labor, does it carry the risks of other methods of induction? (These risks include fetal distress from too strong contractions, increased risk of uterine rupture especially in a scarred uterus, unintentional prematurity of the baby, increased pain level for the mom, and a few other risks). Are the benefits such that the risks are outweighed? I would suggest that any pregnant woman who is considering trying to induce her own labor by this or any other method, including herbs, be sure that her baby is ready to be born. Sometimes there are reasons why labor does not start when we think it should, including a baby that hasn't gotten into a good position to be born from. I also highly recommend that the pregnant woman consult with her prenatal and birth care provider (midwife or doctor) in advance of trying this."
StorkNet, Certified Nurse Midwife

BEagle said...

The eagle may take the turtle back to where it was found. For a refill?

stronghunter said...

Spidey is coming up the tree.

hedgie said...

Congrats on contract, Paula. Contingencies can be a pain.....hope what they are selling is very marketable!!!

hedgie said...

Jo, no idea how to change your password. Bet Paula knows!!

stronghunter said...

Congrats on the contract, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Lynn, I'll be happy to pass that info along.

Jo, just click on your own name, go to your dashboard, click on my profile, then in upper right should be a like for my account, that's where you change your password.

stronghunter said...

I am so sorry to learn about Chrissy's situation. Yes, it could happen to any of us.

Lolly said...

Good evening! Have been watching
AI, last nights program and tonights. Also, reading the blog and watched the video of Lily and Hope. That was the longest video yet and so cute!

Paula, it is so exciting about the contract on the house. Sure hope it works out.

Worked in the yard all afternoon. A few drops of rain fell, but never wet the ground. Funny though, some hail fell too. Lasted just a few seconds, but it fell on me!

hedgie said...

Jo, think I see a spin-off coming up....BAU, starring Forrest Whitaker.

stronghunter said...

Watched AI tonight. Didn't see it last night. Dramatic ending tonight. Michael Lynche was saved by the judges.

Mits said...

I like Forest Whitaker, he has lost some weight.

stronghunter said...

This is the time of year when I would like to work in my yard, but I usually just don't make it, and by the time I can, it is too hot to do much and too late to plant lots of things. Someday . . . but I have decided not to retire yet. I have a mortgage.

Our next door neighbors have decided to take down two large trees that are taking over their front yard and driveway. Birds will miss those trees, but I will be able to see down the street to the corner. The lady who lived there before really did not understand much about landscaping. I don't think she had any idea how big those trees would become. She told me that she liked to find distressed trees and save them. Boy, did she save a bunch of trees. Then she planted them in bunches.

Funny thing our our former neighbor did--She had a flower bed in the yard. An actual flower bed. She put a footboard and headboard in the yard and planted flowers between them. When the house was on the market, I laughed every time I heard someone say, "That flower bed has got to go." It is gone now. She planted really pretty flowers, and I always just had to laugh every time I saw the "bed."

Palmer is flaked out in the middle of the nest. I was not sure what I was seeing at first.

stronghunter said...

Will had a strange experience this afternoon. He walked out into the back yard and found a woman there. She was on a bicycle and had a child on the back. Don't know what she was doing there.

stronghunter said...

Possible shoe bombing attempt on a plane between Washington and Denver.

stronghunter said...

There were air marshals on the plane, thank goodness.

Lolly said...

Shirley, I was looking at the cam and could not figure out if that was Palmer or food. lol Palmer finally moved.

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

I was wondering the same thing, Lolly.

It is really warm out there tonight. I think they said it is still 85 degrees.

stronghunter said...

It is certainly time to bring out summer clothes.

stronghunter said...

Somebody explained how to delete when you can't see the trash can, but I don't know that I would worry about it.

Lolly said...

It is cool here this evening. 58!

stronghunter said...

We are having a heat wave. Amazing to think that two months ago we were buried in snow.

Lolly said...

Yes, I have been hearing about your temps. Really weird.

hedgie said...

Mits, F.W. has lost ALOT of weight. Thought maybe he'd been sick, but saw him on a talk show a while back and he said he was fine, had been dieting. I've always liked him.

hedgie said...

Shirley, hope Will asked the woman to leave! Always sad to see healthy trees taken down, but you don't want a jungle in your pretty neighborhood.

stronghunter said...

Five o'clock comes very early. Must go to bed now. I'll see you tomorrow, Lolly, Lynn, and anyone else out there tonight.

hedgie said...

Lolly, we are supposed to be more temperate by Fri. But I am not complaining!! It's nice not having to wear a coat, run heat/build fire....and love the flowers and trees all coming out!!

stronghunter said...

The woman asked if she'd startled Will, and he told her she had. She seemed to be watching a group of children playing at our backyard neighbor's house. Will did not say anything else to her.

We are used to kids cutting through our yard, but not adults. I have thought that I would like a fence, but fences are expensive. I worry most about teenagers who might decide to take something, like the girl who was looking in our mailbox.

The trees being taken down have been full of birds all summer, so that part is a shame. There were actually three large evergreens in addition to at least two other trees in a small front yard. It was getting out of control. The one tree nearest our house had engulfed a street light. They were paying to have the street light, but not really getting any benefit from it. It burned most of the day because it was so dark inside the tree. That tree was damaged by the snow this winter. I think I had some pics on my blog.

stronghunter said...

Yes, the trees and plants are responding big time to the warm weather.

Lolly said...

I am not going to complain of heat ever again! It is so nice to be warm once again. Laurel was laughing this weekend. She said the last time it snowed Jacob did not even want to go out to play. Who da thunk? lol

Yes, I am amazed at spring. Every thing is GREEN and in bloom. I have never seen so much pollen. I know it is really getting to Megan. Poor thing!

My roses are now blooming, as well as my Mountain Laurel.

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow.

Bird Girl said...

having issues with blogger...



Lolly said...

LOL Delphia!!! That is what happens when you eat well!

Lolly said...

Night Shirley!

Bird Girl said...

yeah Palmer is definitely benefitting from being the only chick. I blinked and he went from tiny to huge LOL

Bird Girl said...

I think Deb would be happy to see that there is a single chick, who is getting all the attention and food and growing up very big and strong!

NatureNut said...

Gracious Goodnight! Got on here an hour ago, & ended up doing emails w/pics. I want to put a couple Osprey water polo pics on--they're not great, but it's possible one of the birds might be an eagle. The "expert" saw pics in the back of my camera & deemed ospreys, but I'm not convinced. I'm wondering if the brown blob I saw after work in the swimmer's target area that was an eagle could have been him. Was 5 hours later, so probably a coincidence.Been sending pics off for opinions. Will put some on here in AM.
Haven't read a word, so forgive me if I missed something important--will catch up tomorrow ☺
Pleasant Feather Dreams to All;>)

hedgie said...

Delphia...guess what? Palmer IS huge! Solo kid gets all the food! He might end up too heavy to fledge!!

Well, I am going to say my goodnights, too. I worked hard today!!! Taking our dear Chrissy's plight to HIM in prayer again...wishing for a miracle for them.

Prayers for ALL. Peace.

Lolly said...

Had not thought of it that way...Deb would be pleased he is doing so well. I would love to hear her remarks about Palmer's name. She would be so humbled!

I too am headed to bed shortly. Working in the yard did me in. Also painted the back patio furniture. Look good!

Loweeda....good night! Looking forward to yourpictures.

Night all! Sweet dreams! Yes, a miracle for Chrissy!

Mema Jo said...

trying my new password

Mema Jo said...

BINGO! It worked - Thanks Paula for the instructions.

Costume Lady said...

Whoa!...I better say Good Night before I fall asleep at this keyboard. Busy day, busier tomorrow and busier the rest of the week, clean up until next Tuesday. Doing some TLC for GG and getting Soup Kitchen ready for first meal next Tuesday. The Lady who was going to fix our vegetable soup has been diagnosed with cancer in BOTH kidneys, so, in addition to worrying about this dear person, we have to make plans for one or more of our other kitchen helpers to make a pot of soup to feed 50-75 people!


Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - Mits - FW will be
Sam Cooper, the leader of a new group of profilers that will headline the spin-off Minds 2.0, ..

Should be good...

I didn't really care for tonights Criminal Minds story........

Mema Jo said...

Well almost midnight here

Good Night All
Prayers for everyone and especially for Chrissy and her family. Hope Frank may have gotten some good info today after the hearing was negative.

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

If you don't hear from me tomorrow - I may have forgotten my new password! lol

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm just now dragging in from school.
Thanks to you for all your prayers--got an A on tonight's test! Thank God! Teacher lectured on 2 chapters tonight, so twice as much to learn for next Wednesday's test.

Shirley, love your story about the 'flower bed'!

Well, getting kinda tired, so think I'm gonna go veg in front of the TV for a bit. Prayers being said for everyone--especially Chrissy and family, and Lynn, for the test results tomorrow.

The night light is on, the porch light is too, and the eye scanner security is enabled. Sleep well, and I'll talk to you in the morning.
G'night, and God bless! Love all you guys! :o]

Lori O. said...

It's a warm night and Palmer seems to be enjoying being out from under Belle. He's moving around and observing the night life with Belle sitting right beside him.

Gosh, he's growing!

I hope everyone is doing well. The heat was nice but ready for a little cool down so I can do some work in the garden.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning all you beautiful people. Will be lurking around as usual today. Belle and Palmer are all tucked in snug as a bug this morning. I reckon those folks at Upper Big Branch mine will find out about their loved ones today. News said the rescue teams are getting ready to go in.

Lori O. said...

6:45 and little Palmer is alone (or I can't see Belle sitting on the branch above him) in the nest).

I wonder how much Palmer grows in a day?

Lori O. said...

Palmer's little fuzzy head looks like it's already white! What a cutie.

Costume Lady said...

I haven't seen Palmer for 3 or 4 days, and what a SURPRISE! That little chicklet is now a BIG chicklet. He's lying in the cup, on his side, like a human and is using the top edge as a pillow. How cute is that:)

Lynne2 said...

someone please feed this poor starving chick!

Lynne2 said...

wow, now that's how to get both parents to come running!

Lynne2 said...


Palmer is GINORMOUS! Can't see feeding, adult's back to cam

Lynne2 said...

on FB-

Minnesota Bound Live Owl Cam We're back online! Thank you for your patience.... did we miss anything? So far we haven't observed any owlets or feeding. It's a beautiful day in Minnesota...hopefully we'll meet some baby owls!
31 seconds ago · Comment · Like

YAY!! Gonna go check...

Lynne2 said...

I hear a titmouse close to the camera mic

Lynne2 said...

Brothers and Sisters fans...on GMA Justin is on. Says conclusion to his and Rebecca's relationship, flashbacks showing the Walkers and children, and the secret Nora has been keeping will be revealed. 2 hour movie event Sunday at 9

And Army Wives season premier at 10 same night

It appears that Palmer is displaying 3 of the 7 Deadly Sins....Greed, Sloth and Gluttony!!

Mits said...

good morning everyone....

Mits said...


is back on for the osprey season:)

Mits said...

osprey at Finland nest now....1st one I have seen this season....


Mits said...

Deb would be so excited, she loved those ospreys.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I dreamed about an osprey last night! How weird is that!!! Dreamed one came to the camper at the lake. I would pass right out! We see them on the lake sometimes, though, so that is not impossible, I reckon.

Mits said...

yes, guess you would see them, Sissy

Lynne2 said...

well, that is one passed out eaglet!

Lynne2 said...

aww, he's got his head tucked under the adult, now out and climbing up the side of the mountnest WHOA look at him go!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagleland Morning Lori, Sissy, Wanda, Mits, Lynne2 and those coming in.

I have to catch up on a few comments.

Boy is Palmer ever moving around the nest!

Lynne2 said...

I am not comfortable with where he is....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Our little Palmer is really getting around that nest now. How precious!

Oh yeah, Good Morning EVERYBODY!

wvgal_dana said...

Had to check my owl cams Mema Jo. I thought I had that one bookmarked.

Lynne2 said...

adult watching him intently since the climb up

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now, that was a good poop shoot!

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning My Eagle Friends!!!!!

So when did they install a magnifying glass on the nest.
Palmer is HUGH. I think he had doubled overnight. LOL

Lynne2 said...

I just posted a cute series of pictures of Palmer's climb to the top of MountNest on my blog

Mits said...

osprey is laying in the nest at BWO:)

Ragdoll said...

Lynne2--Thank you for the pictures. Just look how that little bugger goes. HE/SHE is getting so active.

Lynne2 said...

MN owl cam still having a teeny bit of trouble but pic is up and sign so far that any chicks have hatched

From BWO

Nest Update

Special Note:
We've changed the image update time to 45 seconds.

More promising action from our ospreys. Mating can produce an egg in 3-7 days.

Lynne2 said...

I know!!! But a bit disturbing to see that kind of heart was in my throat! It probably looks worse than it really is...I think the angle of the cam gives a strange illusion.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Another warm day on tap, with storms expected later.
Cam only ran to 10:30 and then had to click play again. Palmer is a cutie!!

Congrats, Andy, on another A!!!

Jo, thanks for that info on the new show.....I saw that one coming!!

Yep, Lynne, can't wait for Sunday night!

Mits said...

Breaking News
Dangerous Conditions Force Rescuers Out Of Mine

A federal official says rescue crews at a West Virginia coal mine are in danger
and evacuating.
so sad:(

Lynne2 said...

OH NO.....watching now

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone. I've tried to post pics and short video together twice & they keep getting out of order, so I'll try it one more time.

NatureNut said...

Now it won't let me add new Post---wants me to start a new Blog!!!!aarrgghh

Anyway, I read all older comments last night & of course am devastated by Chrissy's news. How prophetic what I heard on car radio last night coming home from work--was about sparrows. Don't know the exact words, but "Keep your eye on the sparrow. "God takes care of the sparrows and He will surely provide for us"!

Also, Lynn, sorry for the losses to you and family & I know you will ace your med. test.

Mema Jo said...

Morning to all of you! More sad news from the mine.
Palmer is a growing eaglet and Lynne your photos are great of Palmer and his tree!

Good thing I have my last pair of glasses and the lens aren't too different from my current pair that snapped apart at the lens area... Can't believe with the price of them that it happened. I really don't abuse them - they are on my face all the time (Except when sleeping and showering) Hubby took them down. Strange it happened just one week before my appointment. It is what it is!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne thanks for the heads-up on MN Bound Momma owl. We'll see what we see this evening when she takes a break.

Lynne - have you gone to the owl cam on Xcel at Ft St Vrain (Not the Valmont) They have 2 little fluff balls.

Lolly said...

Good morning! We are about to split or have. Wheeeeeeee!

Lolly said...

Wheeeee!!!!!!!!!!! What a trip!

Mema Jo said...

I think you called it right, Lolly

Lolly said...

Jo, I could not find the lates Owl cam. When I went to it yesterday it just had pictures.

Lolly said...

Has anyone heard from Chrissy this morning?

Mema Jo said...

Mits - I can't find the tab for
"ENGLISH" on the Finland cam. Did you find it?

Lolly said...

Palmer always likes to snuggle up to mom. Reminds me of a mammal that is trying to nurse. Nope! Palmer, eaglets do not nurse! Whushi for you!

Mits said...

it is on the right hand side this year, Jo.....still have news from last year, and that the cam went live on the 3rd, but we are just getting it today.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...