Tuesday, April 27, 2010


New thread.


ceil said...

Good afternoon everyone

Mits said...

thanks Ceil for the heads up.....;)

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon and thanks for calling us over. Thanks Steve for the fresh thread.

It is not warm at all outside today.
Good breeze going here in the valley.

NEED some sunshine...... :<)

ceil said...

Jo We have sunshine off and on today

Mits said...

there is a white-headed bird in the trees behind Finney's nest

Mema Jo said...

Mits - do you have your magnifying glass out - Which tree?

Mei has her 'frostie'

Mema Jo said...

Ceil - send some of that sun up to my valley!

Mits said...

its gone now, Jo, didn't need the magnifying glass, just could not tell what it was

Mits said...

frosty time for Mei Xiang

floralgirl said...

Hello all:) Pretty spring day, hope everybody is having a good one.
Just wanted to say I just saw my first hummingbirds of the season in my yard:)
Later gators, much work to do

Mema Jo said...

WOWSIE! The Hummers Are Here!

Mema Jo said...

I guess it is Bamboo time again for Mei

Mema Jo said...

Just visiting with my youngest son who came over to try to fix the lawn mower.

I notice that both cams for Mei are down. Anything other than being very busy going on that anyone knows about?

hedgie said...

Jo, here's a link to the cam that Lynne posted...but now it's busy,too!!

Mei Cam

hedgie said...

Still no hummers here....waiting, waiting!
Also, as MEgan posted on FB, frost warning tonight for these parts...argh!

hedgie said...

Well, after being able to watch Mei all day on that link, now it's just buffering and stopping, occassionally with a message about limited time because of high viewership.

Mits said...

I think whenever there is something on the news,,,everyone runs to the cams..

Mits said...

snowing again at Oregon nest:(, nothing at Hornby nest yet.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon, Everyone!

Hit the road running this morning--my student loan for the next year has been approved! Thank God!

Need to register for next quarter this week. Will find out tonight or tomorrow what I need to take next. Have completed 51 units so far! Boy, how time flies!

Just took a break from studying to say hello, but better get back to it.

Darn! No new butter stick yet!

Wish I could get that cam to work, but really should study instead. Will check back in later tonight, probably after school. Have a great afternoon, everyone! :o]

Lynne2 said...

I'm back, had to take Pearl to the vet.

any word on Mei and whether they got an ultrasound and what it showed? Can't get any of the cams :(

hedgie said...

No word that I've heard, Lynne. Sure that Mits will let us know if she hears something. I still can't get on cam either.
Everything okay with Miss Pearl?

Andy, so glad your financing went through! How many units to go?
Time sure has flown!

Lynne2 said...

she's fine Lynn...she's been on Doxy for a month due to a positive Lyme test. She's itching and smelling "yeasty", and today she threw up a few times and has some soft stool. She's on tummy meds, Doxy is finished today, she's got some probiotics for her food. Vet thinks just Doxy overload at this point, although can't rule out allergies.

The suspense is killing me with Mei! If they were able to do the U/S then they already KNOW one way or the other!

ceil said...

Jo you asked before about the Aquarium I just got my letter and will start training Saturday.

Lynne2 said...

Ceil are you going to work at the Aquarium? How cool that would be! I got a "behind the scenes" tour years ago and that was awesome!

hedgie said...

Got an email from Dana.....she's sick with an upper respiratory thing, but saw Dr. yesterday and is on meds. Her niece is out of the hospital w/ physical therapy on tap. She thanks all for prayers, asks that they continue, and is saying hers for all of us in need.

hedgie said...

Lynne, an U/S isn't terribly definitive. The embryo is SO small, and with the irregularities of a panda uterus shape, often can't been seen!

Oh, Ceil, how wonderful! I'm so happy for you!! WhooHoo---to quote our Mema!!

hedgie said...

Did you see where New Hampshire is getting snow??? Wonder if Ragdoll Deb is due for any?? Or Maine nest???

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo and WOWSIE! for you Ceil.
This is wonderful.. Now we'll have the aquarium covered as well as the Zoo
This is fantastic !!!

Ceil don't volunteer to swim with the
sharks! lol

Mema Jo said...

The bright sun that is setting is shinning right in the patio door onto my keyboard...... Wow is it ever dirty! I need one of those little vacuums.

ceil said...

Lynne it is a volunteer job. When we start on Saturday They will take us through the Aquarium. I have not been there in years.
Jo when I went for the interview the head of the divers said that is where I hate to start. In the shark tank. I don't think so.
Once I get settled maybe you can do a road trip.

Mema Jo said...

Mits - are you scheduled for the Zoo tomorrow. We may have to wait for a report from you if these cams don't come on at least for one of us.

floralgirl said...

Both adults just flew in- food!

kickngbird said...

Palmer doing whistle-peeps as if to say "hurry up!!!"

Mits said...

yes, Jo, will be there from 1 til 7, trail and cam duty.

Mits said...

NCIS's both new tonight....yippee:)

Mema Jo said...

Ceil - once you get yourself geared in at the Aquarium I sure will be down for the Guided Grand Tour!

T-Bird said...

Good evening eagle momsters and dadsters.

Mema Jo said...

YES! It is Terrific Tuesday TV evening. After NCIS(s) there is the
Good Wife.

I hope Wanda and Gene had a good
turn out this evening! Anxious to hear about it.

I am headed in to the TV.....
Be back during some commercials....

Mits said...

Hi Thelma, bye Thelma, off to watch TV.

Mema Jo said...

Commercial - Hi Thelma! Hope you had a good day. I was looking at all the doggie videos that Sharon put on FB.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Lynn....geez, I guess you are right. UGH.

Ceil, I loved the behind the shark tank tour...we saw all the equipment that they use to get them out for exams and we walked on the catwalk over the sharks swimming! REALLY COOL!

So sorry to hear Dana is under the weather but good to know her niece is progressing!

Checked on my mama bluebird...she is sitting on those eggs like a champ!

I have pictures to post from our Kent Island jaunt on Saturday but how do you get multiple pictures in order with the captions? I never seem to get it quite right.

hedgie said...

Lynne, for one thing, post pics in reverse order of how you want them to appear!!! As for captions, I still have trouble getting them to stay where I want them!!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all.

Hope everyone is good, haven't had a chance to check a thing, by all reports I guess Palmer ate at least once today. Nobody posts much about our nest :(

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!!! No Panda news on TV tonight, so I guess it's still wait and see.
Got to see the 2 osprey eggs today on the cam. Those two adults do some frequent switcheroos. When leaving, I drove right past the eagle nest! But turned around (had lady slipper hunt on my mind)☺ Saw the male eagle fly over the nest area & then 2 ospreys. Eagle circled over a couple more times & then landed on a branch behind the nest tree.
Proceeded on the Driving Tour to Merkle, the Sate Park next door-"Over the creek and thru the woods". Saw no flowers again at side of road where 10+ years ago we saw 50 at least on both sides! At the spot where I had been in '07 & put those pics on blog, there were 13 blooming, one green balloon, and more than a dozen tiny leaves growing!!! When I dwnld these pics, can delete the '07 ones!

NatureNut said...

Lynne,I make a list of the pic #s I want to post in correct order, and then attach them from the bottom up of my list. Then they show up how you want them.☺ Are you cross-eyed yet?? LOL

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. I will see you tomorrow.

Thanks for kind words and thoughts.

NatureNut said...

Gotta finish laundry.
Tomorrow I go to work on some large signs that are at a shop at the Equestrian Center in Upper Marlboro! Our Park Ranger Office is there, too----they saw the peregrine falcon awhile back!!!!!I'll try to get a report.

Lolly said...

Good evening! Have had a fantastic day and head home tomorrow.

Paula, I am going to try to figure out how to put a slide show on my blog. I have so many picture of wildflowers to show you.

We went just north of Fredericksburg to a loop drive. It was just absolutely beautiful with wild flowers. Unbelievable!

Returned to the Wildseed Farm for a bit more shopping. ☺ Then to another place for more iron baskets and pottery. Then on to two vineyards for wine tasting. Back at the RV park to grill steaks for dinner.

This RV park is next to private land. On this private land the owners have a herd of antelopes, a herd of miniature donkeys, and a pen with 3 ringtail lemurs, a pair with a baby. We watched the lemurs for quite a while and the the donkeys came to the fence and we fed them grass. I was a happy camper!

Mits said...

Paula, I don't watch the nest, because I don't like what it does to my computer, when I turn it on, too many other cams that work just fine for me, that I watch and enjoy.

Mits said...

panda cam is back on.

Lolly said...

We are heading home tomorrow and plan to go by the eagles nest at Llano. Guess we might not see eagles since the nest has been vandalized. They are still in the area with a nest closer to the river, so we are still going to look.

Happy Birthday to Buddy! Just loved the news about him. And, to think.....I knew him when he was just an egg!☺

Mits said...

NCIS's were good tonight....I don't watch the Good Wife, watch Chopped on the food network

Mits said...

both osprey are at Finland..the one spent the night on the nest.

Mits said...

osprey at Finney's nest too.

hedgie said...

From Daniel on FB:

The National Zoo Cams are back online, no cubbies yet, and Mei is sleeping soundly

hedgie said...

Paula, everytime I looked at the nest today, Palmer was asleep!! Saw absolutely NO other activity.....boring!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Hedgie for Mei update!
Just watched my 3 TV shows...... All of
them were Good!

I can't get the loon cam up.
Spidey is making it difficult again this evening. I think I am seeing Palmer (Black image at noon) and maybe a parent above. Can't be sure - just looking at the still cam.

hedgie said...

Seems like nighttime is down to about 4 hours already in Finland!
Good for viewing....but sure don't know how people can live like that!!
Calling it a day here. See you all tomorrow. Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

Heading back the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for everyone's wants/needs

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

kickngbird said...

Recap of a few things I caught today: Piggy - I mean Palmer - chomping at food chunks before parent could even cut them down to proper size; a nicely executed poop shoot with a fantastic arc over the side of the nest; lots of napping; and a teeny bit of wing flapping, with an impressive wingspan size already!

Then close to dark, I checked back in time to see parent (probably Belle) stradling over Palmer. It wasn't raining, so I wondered if there might have been a threat of some kind. She stayed that way for awhile, then seemed to dig in the fluff while still standing, then she moved off to the side and settled down beside Palmer. It got dark and Belle tucked her head under her wing, so all seemed well.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just got home from school, and I'm almost brain dead I did so much transcription! Now all I need to complete is about 6 or 8 word definitions, and I'm done for that class for the week. Gotta study like a madwoman for the test tomorrow night, though.

Talked with the Dean of Admissions about what classes to take this next quarter. Will have another Medical Transcription Practice class, and 2 different English classes. Apparently they couldn't transfer credits for the ones I took in college decades ago because it's been S-O-O-O long! Oh, well, at least I'm on schedule to graduate in one more year. That's good, because I need a job!
Will try to figure out what other classes I still need, and will let you know how many more units are needed to graduate.

Yay, Megan! Your hummers are back!
Love those little rascals.

Lynne, prayers for little Pearl! Hope the tummy meds and probiotics do the trick.

Ceil, congrats on your volunteer job at the aquarium! I'm SO jealous!

Prayers for Dana for a swift recovery, and prayers continue for her niece, too.

Prayers for Kendra and her mom, as well!

Helen, glad to hear you're at the zoo tomorrow. Maybe we'll hear good news in the panda dept.!

Lolly, sounds like you've been having a terrific time! That's fantastic! What fun!

Oops! Forgot to wish Buddy a Happy Birthday!

BTW, Lynne, glad your momma bluebird is doing so well! Bless her heart!

Paula, sorry I haven't said much about our nest, but the live cam messes up my computer, too, so haven't watched it regularly as much as I would like to!

Well, getting pretty tired, so will go veg in front of the TV for a while. Leaving the night light and porch light on for others, and enabling the eye scanner security.
Prayers said for everyone, especially for Chrissy and her family. (((HUGS)))!!! Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night, and God bless! Love you guys! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Looks like I'm the last one to post tonight.
Soup Kitchen went well. Only had 12 guests, but that's almost double the amount we had the first dinner:) We are told that when the weather gets warmer, we will have more diners. We had about 20 volunteers and a lady walked in off the street and offered to help. I put her to work dishing out GENE'S BEANS. She was a good worker:) Again, we had great fellowship with each other and we too, enjoyed a meal of our fixins:)
SEE PHOTOS (Just For Fun)


floralgirl said...

Looks like an early breakfast for Palmer today, just pulled up cam, looks like new fish brought in this am.

floralgirl said...

Adult is trying to build up nest cup sides while Palmer lays in it, and she is really talking to parent.

floralgirl said...

Full moon tonite- pink Moon, growing moon, or Planter's moon, Moon When Geese Return in Scattered Formation, awakening moon... the list goes on

floralgirl said...

too funny, adult now taking fluff and putting it around and on Palmer and Palmer is being very vocal about it.

floralgirl said...

Palmer laying in nest cup sleeping and adult at 12 o'clock laying right up against her.

floralgirl said...

Palmer seems to be enjoying the breeze- lots of wing flapping...

Lynne2 said...

Good Chilly Morning all! Frost on the cars and the grass this morning. Looks to be a beautiful day!

I was THRILLED to finally hear a wood thrush this morning!!! Been waiting to here one this spring. They have the most beautiful song!

Have panda cam, Mei crashed out on her side in birthing den. Heard some grunting or snoring noises. Don't hear them now.

Palmer all snuggled in at the moment.

Lynne2 said...

Door just opened for Mei and she went outside.

Lynne2 said...

She's have breakfast in the yard.

Mits said...

good WEDNESDAY a.m., everyone.

Mits said...

Mei Xiang is in her den eating, her treats...

Mits said...

from PA falcon cam...

4/27/2010 :: Eggs to Hatch Soon
We expect the first egg to hatch the end of this week or into the weekend. The hatchlings will take food shortly after emerging from the egg. When all of the eggs have hatched, the adults will have to hunt and provide food for the nestlings for the following eight weeks as they grow and develop. Even after fledging in June, the young birds will be dependent on the adults to deliver food in-flight until the fledges attain independence.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody!

Mits said...

both o's at FINNEY'S, and osprey we are pretty sure is laying on egg at FINLAND nest, but as Suzanne has said, that nest cup is so low, we will not see them till they come up and fledge.

Mits said...

still waiting for any sign of a pip on eggs at Hornby

floralgirl said...

Live feed isn't working here, just get black screen and spinning arrows...

Mits said...

update from the Nation Zoo.....

Mei Xiang is NOT PREGNANT:(

Mits said...

Veterinarians at the Smithsonian National Zoo announced Wednesday that female giant panda Mei Xiang is not pregnant and was experiencing a pseudo, or false pregnancy during the past several months.

The zoo confirmed this late Tuesday following a final ultrasound and hormone analysis.

Zoo officials said scientists, veterinarians, keepers and volunteers from the National Zoo were keeping a close eye on Mei Xiang.

During a pseudopregnancy zoo officials said hormonal changes and behaviors are identical to those of a true pregnancy, making it difficult to determine if a giant panda is pregnant or not.

This is the fifth time Mei Xiant has had a Pseudopregnancy, officials said.

The Fujifilm Giant Panda Habitat will reopen today at 10 a.m. It had been closed to provide Mei Xiang with a quiet environment in the event that she did give birth.

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning. Heading home. Going by Llano in hope of seeing an eagle. Keeping an eye to the sky in hopes of seeing an eagle fly.

Have a great day!

BEagle said...

Good Eagle Morning to you!

I brought up the cam just in time to see Palmer poop shoot at the 9 position before plopping down to stay warm and nap a little. I notice that Belle nor Lib are offering their warmth but after all, Palmer is pretty well covered with feathers.

There may still be some baby fluff but I can't see it.

BEagle said...

I strolled on over to the OR nest.
Br-r-r. They are due to hatch and I think thirty five days is today from the first lay.

I just don't see how with Lady O and the nest well covered with snow!!

And the snow keeps coming down too.

How? This will be an interesting watch.

Mits said...

they have seen at pip on an egg at Hornby:)

BEagle said...

I do make comparison between our nest and the OR nest though.

Belle and Lib developed an egg cup down into their nest. BUT the OR built a mound "UP" in their nest for an egg cup. It appears to be a smaller area for the eggs and easier to keep them warm when the come.

It's like the shape of a volcano. Like what children would make for a science exhibit at school.

BEagle said...

I meant to say keep them warm when "they" come. Baby eagles.

Palm is moving around a little but still in a cozy eagle ball.

BEagle Ball. :)

hedgie said...

Good morning. No frost here---too much wind!!! Dummy next door covered his veggies with plastic grocery bags----guess where they are???? Woof, as Margy would say.
So disappointed about Mei Xiang, but had the feeling yesterday that this was going to be an "it is what it is" situation. :(

hedgie said...

Must tell you that I am having SO much trouble with my pictures.....everytime I try to do something to make them "burnable" or to copy or transfer them, it throws them completely out of order. Jo's Ed gave me suggestions and hints, and I am working on them again so that I can put them on a flashdrive and he will make my slideshow from a PowerPoint program. Thank you, Mr. Ed!!

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning all in Eagleland. I am at school. Just dropped in to say "HELLO". Peeked at Palmer. She is in middle of nest relaxing and watching life.

I am very Bless. Where I live, NO SNOW--just rain. North and west of me are getting the heavy wet snow. I live closer to the ocean and although it is cold(45)today it's warm enough to just rain. YEAH!!!

Sad news about Mei. Very disappointing. This was my first year to watch her.

Be Back When I can. ^..^

hedgie said...

From Hornby:

When Mom rolled the eggs at 6:34 A.M, we saw what we believe to be a pip hole in one of the eggs! Even better, we can hear little "cheep, cheep" sounds coming from the eaglet inside the egg. It will excerise its lungs and let the parents know "I'm here!" as it works to get out of the shell. Full hatch can take several hours. Listen here:

Hornby Peep

Costume Lady said...

So disappointed that Mei didn't give us a little "Butter Stick" to 'oooh and awww' over, but probably not nearly as disappointed as the Zoo Keepers.

ROFLMBO at Lynn's neighbor putting grocery bags on their plants. Lynn, I think you should call them and tell them where they are, if they would like to reuse them, then, suggest they put a rock in each bag to keep them in place:)

I posted comments on SOUP KITCHEN results from our dinner, late last night. Nearly double guests from last dinner and a lot of helpers.
We're all getting the 'hang' of this thing, now:)

Going in to GGs. BBL

hedgie said...

I'm not 100% convinced! Anyone else?

hedgie said...

LOL, Wanda...not only that but I think the fact that they didn't remove them EARLY, before the sun hit them, they can sweat and cause damage!!!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, that was so sweet to hear...have never heard a chick "peeking" from inside an egg!

BEagle said...

Palmer preened for awhile is is now resting and shaking head.

Costume Lady said...


BEagle said...

Thanks Hedgie for sharing that link.
Now that cam is up close and personal!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning with sunshine all over the valley! Disappointing news about no little cub from Mei - but I bet she is tired of going thru these false pregnancies!
I can't get the loon cam up - anyone else having a problem?
I just went to Hornby and saw the small little pip hole in the one egg that was being rolled.
My beautiful hanging baskets were brought inside once again last night.
I am determined to keep them warm!

Safe travels home Lolly & Jack
Wanda I hope you find GG in good spirits today. Liked your photos on Just For Fun.....
Andy - one more year 'til graduation sound very doable!I can remember back when you were trying to make the decision.

hedgie said...

MN Loon Cam is down...they are working on it!

Mits said...

oh yeah, just saw the pip hole at Hornby....That cam is my favorite eagle cam.....you feel like you are sitting in the nest and it is fun to read the chat, although at times it goes fast, but the head eagle man Doug, is very nice and gives alot of info, since it is his cam....:)

BEagle said...

The loon cam just spirals for me.

BEagle said...

That's too funny about the bags over veggies. : D

I saw that little pip on the Hornby egg too. Visible when she rolled the egg.

BEagle said...

Palmer is still in the same position.

The OR eagles either traded places or the one shook the snow off. It looks like the snow is stopped too.

BEagle said...

Something just flew over our nest.
Was it Belle or Lib? Must have been.

If it were an intruder I am sure the adults would be making a scene.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the Loon cam info.. That's a shame because she should be nesting soon.

I saw the Moon last evening, Megan.
Now I'll know what to call it! lol
It was extra bright - shined right through my window - blinds and all!

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - how far (travel time) are you from Shep'twn? Would you come into town for a day's nest visit in June or a weekend's Open House in Oct?

Mema Jo said...

I will post the May's b-day dates later today.... then on the Eaglet Momster's email I will do the same but with their email addresses.

Give me a head's after seeing the list if your b-day/anniversary has been missed

Mema Jo said...

Of course that is a Heads-up

Mema Jo said...

I would like to be able to reach in and remove that feather that is stuck on the Hornby eagle's beak!
I really think I heard a Peep Peep
from that egg.....

BEagle said...

Egg roll on the Hornby nest. Where is that?

Mema Jo said...

Lisa at BWO said that if a third is coming, it should be here by the end of Wednesday That's today!

BEagle said...

Palmer got up and is facing 11.
Plopped down again but did you see that tail wiggle?

BEagle said...

I know, that stuck feather fluff is annoying. It's like when you see a big glob of lint on someones dark outfit.

Mits said...

or a piece of spinach in someone's teeth.

BEagle said...

What do you say?

I know what you had for lunch?

hedgie said...

Hornby nest is on Hornby Island in Canada, BEagle.

movin said...


GooD MorninG,

EveryOnE ...




BEagle said...

I wonder what that thump is? I keep hearing it on the Hornby cam.

Mits said...

well I'm off to the zoo, I will give Mei Xiang a big pseudo hug from all of you.

hedgie said...

Sun is so bright on Palmer that I can hardly see anything!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Mits.....tit for tat, huh?! Have a good day.
I think the thumps are the bumps against the microphone!!

BEagle said...

I figured it would be way up there.
They are hatching time is running the same as the OR nest.

The Sidney nest is at the border of Washington State and Canada but it's way out toward the ocean. At least I think it is.

If I'm thinking right the Sidney nest would be getting a little more warmth off the ocean.

Hi Jim.

BEagle said...

The Hornby chat just said "Whack on the camera!"

Spoke too soon......still more snow falling at OR.

BEagle said...

I think the cam on our nest adjusted. There's a pretty good view now.

It sure is windy on our nest.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for doing that for us, Mits.
Have a good day on the trail and we'll be watching the cams later.

The bump on the mic I think is actually
the adult eagle hitting it.

Mema Jo said...

Hornby's little eaglet in that pipped egg has been rolled around so frequently that he probably doesn't know which end is up!

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time here!


movin said...

Did we decide that Finney on the sea has an egg?? She sure acts like it to me.



BEagle said...

Egg roll on Hornby nest. Pip at the top now.

Don't have link to the Finney.

Palmer is still at 11. Looking out the nest as an eagle does.

The right leg is stretched out but haven't

Here's Lib.

BEagle said...

Lib making adjustments to the sticks around the cam tree.

And now walking over to the other side of Palmer. Nestovering.

BEagle said...

I was going to say that Palmer had the footsie out, and just now did a talon stretch.

BEagle said...

Palmer just got up and closer to Lib now. Getting SOMETHING to eat from Lib.

BEagle said...

That was a good stretch of the wings.
Palmer backing up.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim......... Finland (on the sea)
Suz, Mits and others feel there is an
egg in the nest. Our comments are about how deep is the egg well and we're hoping that the egg(s) once hatched can get up out of there! lol

Finney (land) don't think one is there yet.

Someone may know more that I do.......

BEagle said...

Just like Hope....to do a poop shoot.
Lib flew off to the right and now Palm sitting in those beautiful new feathers.

Must be getting the idea, "if I'm gonna eat, I will have to go get it."

Palmer doing really nice wing stretching exercises.

BEagle said...

Now Palmer is facing 3 and whopped up the wings. The wind was a little too much and Palmer plopped down upon her/his beak.

Too cute.

BEagle said...

Palmer is growing into feet. Pick up a stick.

Wing stretches again. That's right, Palmer, get the feel of the wind under those wings.

BEagle said...

That was enough exercising for now.
Palmer is back in egg cup facing 3.
Nestorating while relaxing.

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo. Both of the Ospreys on Finney's nest are taking in the rays now.



hedgie said...

Clouded over here now, and wind continues. It's cold out there!! Palmer is alone, laying low.

BEagle said...

Palmer's facing noon now. That right leg is stretched out. I may get to see a talon twiggle.

Mema Jo said...

They are both still there at Finney

Mema Jo said...

Both osprey are in the nest on the WildWatchcams. Still decorating with the yellow plastic-like net bag!

Mema Jo said...

Ms Bluebird is on her 5 eggs on the WildWatchcam.
Be sure you look at Lynne2's pcs of the bb eggs in their nest box on her blog. Beautiful Blue!

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Ms Bluebird just took a break and the beautiful eggs are all in tact!

Mema Jo said...

WOW! What a LOUD peep from the egg hatching on the Hornby cam.
"I want OUT of here"

ceil said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...