Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Cool day thread.


Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve...stay warm!

Mits said...

Good morning everyone, have a good one

Mits said...

3 eggs confirmed at the CT osprey nest:)

Lynne2 said...

oh boy, just saw my first Palmer Poop Shoot!

Lolly said...

Was just watching the Molly and McGee cam. A man was speaking and talking about Molly and the babies. It was interesting. He has now gone....left for his daily 3 mile walk. ☺

Lolly said...

Welcome to the poop shoot club. lol

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, the cardinal cam is really cool...those babies are necked as can be!


Costume Lady said...

I just watched the video of Lily and Hope...adorable:)
It's not a very pretty morning here in Nestville...49° and no sunshine, going up to only 53°.

Lolly said...

From Loch of the Lowes.....

Osprey blog: Stop Press - we have an egg!
The first osprey egg of 2010 has been laid this morning , sometime between 7.30am and 8.40am. During this time the female was very restless and obviously laying, but didn’t show us her lovely egg until 8.50am. A very proud father has even just been in for a visit.

Costume Lady said...

Love the cardinals...they are a non violent species, here in our yard, at least. Our cardinals seem to almost always hatch a cow bird along with their own clutch...and take very good care of them, right along with their own kind:)

Lolly said...

I think the cardinal cam is neat. I like the sound of the water while watching those babies.

Good morning, Wanda. You are going to have a full, fun day! Best of luck!

Lolly said...

We have cardinals, but I can never find their nest. I always find nests after they have been vacated!

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all!

I hear ya on that Lolly, found 2 nests in one tree after the leaves fell...but they were robin nests. I think they build new ones each year.

Lolly said...

Just received this Natl. Geographic Newletter. It has an interactive bird identifier. Thought it fun and interesting.

Natl Geographic Newsletter with Bird Identifier

Lolly said...

Good morning, Paula. Who was it on the blog that two years ago had a nest on a wreath on their front door? I was new the the blog and can't remember who it was.

movin said...


Good morninG,



Kinda cool and cloudy here today too ... So Cal. But the rain was a weekend thing it looks like.



Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Lolly for the good wishes. Yes, a full day it will be. We are going into the church at 1pm and should finish up at 7pm. Gene wants me to make my brownies at the church...in front of God and everyone...so now, everyone will know that I can't bake;) The other brownie makers are doing theirs at the church also, so Gene thought it would be fitting for me to follow suit. OK, I can do that, but don't point out that MY brownies are sunken in and not nice and light! Gonna sprinkle nuts on the top so that no one will notice:)

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, that would have been Iris...just amazing!

Costume Lady said...

So good to have our Momsters to share their special moments and sightings...love it!

hedgie said...

Good rainy morning. Temp has fallen to 46º here.
Lynne, thanks for link to cardinal nest! Other cams listed on right showed an Owlivia and Owliver cam!!! Cute.
Lori, so good having you join us more often!

Lolly said...

Wanda, I love to bake but do not do a lot. I can't....I would get FAT! But, I have found that you can not get better brownies than the mixes! lol I always add pecans and then get compliments on my brownies.

hedgie said...

LOL, yep, the cards as "necked as jaybirds"----cardinals in this case!!

Congrats to Loch of Lowes!

Costume Lady said...

BTW...I have re-posted the Journal article that was partially cut-off. I have a new Canon copier and haven't learned how to use it just yet...Capt. Gene showed me what to do to correct the problem.
It's back on blog Just For Fun for those who wish to see it:)

I Got so tickled with Margy's suggestion that we put some ramps into the veggie soup, told Gene, and we just may put a tiny bit into it as a special treat for our guests. Probably would enjoy the effort on our part to give them something that they may never have had. We really want them to feel our love for them and NOT pity. If we can win over 1 person to the Lord, it would have been well worth it!

Lolly said...

Time to get busy. Jack has already headed outside. Need to eat and walk before I can head out.

Wanda, I am sure your brownies will be great. Will be thinking of you today.

Bye...guys! Off to a busy day doing what I love best! Have a great day!

hedgie said...

As of 2 this AM all of the deceased miners have been removed from the mine. RIP.

movin said...

tHEY don't look ready yet, but one of the eaglets at NBG was just practicing flapping and exercising, and she/he got a little loft and landed on its unhappy sibling.



hedgie said...

Season premiere of Deadliest Catch is tonight!! I think Capt. Phil will be on as usual through part of the season.....knowing he is gone will make us appreciate his dry wit while we can. RIP, Capt.

hedgie said...

Wanda, have a good time today/this evening. A marvelous undertaking with excelllent rewards!!

Jim, the NBG eaglets were so active yesterday during Mr. Lukei's presentation that it was hard to concentrate on his posts!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hello again everyone! Lurking and working! Holler if anything exciting happens!

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon Everyone! I have spent the morning with daughter - she just left and it is raining as it was forecasted.
Love the videos of Lily and Hope!

Have to chuckle at the owlets of Minnie and Sota have been named Bound and Determined!

Mema Jo said...

Palmer was fed but now is under parent out of the rain.

paula eagleholic said...

Got 5 minutes to peek in...Palmer down in the bowl alone.

Mits said...

Deb's Red Tail Hawk cam
the last time momma got up, it looked like a pip hole, they have the cam so close now, waiting for her to get up again

Mits said...

ok, just brought the RTH cam back to normal size...

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon, Everyone!

Have been working like a madwoman today, and have put a large dent in the pile of laundry to be done. Got the kitchen all cleaned up--the stovetop was quite a sorry mess when I started, but now is presentable. That's the trouble with stainless steel. Requires lots of polishing.

Looks like you're getting rain at the nest--no rain out here today. Cooler than it has been, though--really nice weather. The gardeners are here right now. Noticed that our birds are making short work of the feeders lately. Clean up about 5+ lbs. of seeds in 24 hours! Yippee--saw our lone Spotted Towhee again last evening and this morning, chowing down on sunflower seeds! Hope he sticks around--he's gorgeous!

Well, better get back to studying for tomorrow night's exam on amniotic fluid tests and cerebrospinal fluid tests. Two chapters, so need to study extra hard. Will try to check back later before school. Have a good afternoon, and please keep reminding Palmer for me not to get so close to the edge! Thanks in advance.

Oh--was so saddened to hear that the bodies of the last miners were removed from the mine. Such a tragedy--and if the safety rules were followed correctly, could have been a totally different story. JMHO...
Later, alligators. :o}

magpie said...

thanks for the Red-Tailed Hawk Link Mits... I had that nest on my mind..
It's great to see that Red Tail when she is roosting

Good Luck Andrea, sounds like a tough test coming up, sure you will do well as you always do

Bet Wanda and Gene's Soup Kitchen is rocking and rolling now

Hello Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Mema Jo said...

Slow day on the blog... But it is what it is... All 3 of my most favorite TV
shows are reruns tonight..... I have no
clue as to why.
I was hoping the RTH's 1st egg would have hatched!
The coloring on our still cam is very clear and pretty.
Need to pay just a few more bills...
Be back later today...

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Finally we have 100 viewers on the MNBound Owl cam......

magpie said...

My Red Tail Hawk cam says live stream unavailable right now, saw it earlier, have it saved in favorites as
"Deb's Red-Tail Hawk Cam"

so glad to see that Chrissy was able to enjoy watching Loch of the Lowe's earlier too

sounds like you are having a lot of pre-nuptial fun, Jo

magpie said...

banged my ring finger closing a desk drawer this morning

that makes two of us I guess.
sure makes it hard to type :(

magpie said...

Perfect night here for warm soup and sandwiches and fellowship for Wanda and Gene's first Soup Kitchen night

Hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening

enjoy your favorite Tuesday night shows...


magpie said...

oh, WV DNR Calendar says for yesterday:
Ramp Digging at Peak (maybe that is what Norma's up to ☺)
and for today
Red Bud in Bloom...
well, we know that !

hope Daisy and Pearl are doing well together

okay, bye

hedgie said...

Well, had my snuggly afternoon snooze on this dreary day. WOke up to an email from a broken-hearted cousin whose stupid man-friend of many years dumped her over the phone Sun. after being a very bad man. Trying to comfort her. She has been in recovery for 19 yrs. Sure hope her AA philosophy can see her through this. WOuld sure hate to see her relapse. :(

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, guess you are already gone, but do want to say...OUCH!!! What are we going to do with you and Megan? Keep those fingers out of dangerous places. Hope you both have stopped thumping!

Mits said...

so sorry for your cousin's distress, Lynn, would just like to smack that guy...grrr.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all!

Slow day here for sure.

Palmer covered up by Belle at the moment

paula eagleholic said...

I see Palmer peeking out now, some peeping too.

hedgie said...

Not raining here now, so hopefully not at the nest, either!!
Thanks, Mits....I can think of another punishment, LOL!

stronghunter said...

Good evening!

I am winding down from a busy day. I don't think I ever got on here last night. I did read some of the messages and then went to bed.

I hear Palmer chirps.

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.
Been checking on the pop up cam most the day. It seems like Belle and Palmer have been in this position ALL day. I have hardly seen Palmer!

BEagle said...

The OR nest is getting snow. Fancy that!

BEagle said...

The TH twins are really cute. The oldest looks pretty much like Palmer with the big wings. Slowing the eaglet down a little.

BEagle said...

The littlest one on the PH nest is still in the cup. The elder is plotzed atop the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

TH chicks are only 5-6 days younger than Palmer...their cam gives a good view of the size

BEagle said...

I sure am missing the Palmer toes!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib just arrived with another whale fish!

paula eagleholic said...

I don't think it's raining at the nest, just damp and chilly.

paula eagleholic said...

Would love to see his talons wiggling :)

BEagle said...

Calling them the TH twins is probably inappropriate. It's just easier to type it.

But they do look 5 or 6 days behind in growth to Palmer. Their heads and beaks are looking more like an eagle than little chicks.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer getting fed at the back

BEagle said...

Looks like we are in for wushi.
: )

Yes talons. Now that Palmer is growing up.

paula eagleholic said...


for sure!

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle - the one PH chick is on the way far right, only the head is visible, and only when it's moved...he blends right in with the nest in this light.

BEagle said...

Does anyone know what the square "ish" green thing is under the cam?

BEagle said...

I see that now that the sun is shining!

paula eagleholic said...

Wushi, in

Wooshi, out, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

in our nest BEagle?

BEagle said...

The OR nest still had two eggs visible when the adult got stood up last night.

BEagle said...

Yes, our nest. Can you see it there?
Right on the nest near the cam tree.

BEagle said...

I just expanded my screen. I think it's a leaf. It's at 7 from Belle's tail.

BEagle said...

The green square shape is gone now. I don't know how long it was the video stopped. Must have blown away.

Palmer just peeked around Belle.

BEagle said...

Noah is at the bottom left of his area. Does he have some white feathers around his shoulders?
or is that the light.

BEagle said...

And Minnie's hooties are bobbling around!!! : )

BEagle said...

Wushi in Whooshi out. Too much Paula! : D

BEagle said...

I didn't mean to say "when the adult got stood up!" I meant to say when the adult stood up at the nest.

Big difference. Huh?

BEagle said...

The adult at the OR nest got stood up. Oh brother....lol

stronghunter said...

Good night all. I will see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.

hedgie said...

Deadliest Catch was good--some surprises.
Stars are out, so weather is clearing. Nice lazy rain today---no torrents--so beneficial for sure.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Never got on here tonight--trying to put on sheetz during Idol commercials w/help from smallest kitty!!
Yucky at Park today---eagle nest is getting blocked by leaves, but saw Mom standing. In AM caught glimpse of 2 eagles flying upriver, fairly low along the high bank & when they were almost out of sight, heard a splash!!Fish for brunch! I wish I could prune some branches and leaves to get some good views. Oh well, it is what it is.

hedgie said...

New video of Lily and Hope up:


hedgie said...

Loretta, were the ones on the river the ones from your nest?? Too bad that the foliage is going to block your view....guess that happens at all tree nests; we are just lucky that the ones that have cams give us our peeks! The West coast crag aeries are SO exposed that it makes one wonder how they ever survive the elements.
Well, I am going to end this lazy day and say night-night to all y'all! Rest well. Prayers for so many in need. Lord, hope I'm not asking for too much for my loved ones!

Lolly said...

Good evening! Tonight I watched AI sing Elvis songs. Really liked Tim.

Oh, yuck, weather man just said humid and 40% chance of rain Thursday. Well, it is what it is!

Loweeda...laughed when I saw where you referred to me as living in the topics. lol Actually, I was born and raised in the simi tropics. I am from the Rio Grande Valley...500 miles south of here. Land of the palm trees and the bright sunshine!

Mema Jo said...

I hope it was the weather that slowed most of us (me) down today here on the blog. I didn't do anything real special - did keep checking on the cams. Tomorrow in my annual eye exam. Hubby will need to take me because of dilating eyes.
Heading back the hallway!

Good Night All
Many prayers for so many in need
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Nite Jo!

I have already bathed and ready for bed. Want to head that way soon. Have been staying up too late recently.

Wanda, how did it go today? Have thought of you today.

Lolly said...

Having problems with the blog. Hope that is not what kept folks away. I got thrown off and did not get back on until after several tries.

Bird Girl said...

is it blowing snow there? look at the parent trying so hard to protect Palmer!

Lynne2 said...

POOPING in to say goodnight...been doing taxes and paying bills. Oh, that was redundant!

Lynn, so sorry to read of your poor cousin's man mess...but sounds like he's not much of a man considering how he handled it.

Wanda, I hope Soup Kitchen went smoothly today!

Good luck on your eye exam tomorrow Jo!

Dana/Wanda...looked for an update on your niece and didn't see one...hope there has been improvement in her condition.

Daisy and Pearl (aka Squiggle Bottom) are doing fine. Well, Daisy escaped from the house and was GONE for 2 hours.....my fault as the door didn't close behind me but she is back and safe.
Pearl is the most darling of all dogs! She is full of love and a bit mischievous, too! What a sweetie pie! She does like to climb though, and got on a chair and onto the kitchen table for a little walk around! I think she is part cat! Someone has put in an application for her already :(

Going to go log some zzzzzz...prayers for all!

Lynne2 said...

Delphia....nothing is showing on the radar at the nest....but is sure looks like there is fast moving fog or smoke or something going on. It's weird....

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, we only had eight guests, but they loved the food and couldn't seem to get enough!
We had 29 helper...had a teriffic fellowship dinnet aftr everyone had gone home

I wrote a comment...but this blogger cop, must not like a

More trouble with the blog...will try get on here tomorrow

This blog is acting crazy, If it

Lynne2 said...

wow what's going on with this blog....and what is that weirdness at the nest??

Bird Girl said...

wow what the heck is up with blogger

Lynne2 said...

I don't know it's just acting crazy....not sure what's going on with the nest. MAYBE it's just the heat from the light heating up and making condensation but I've never seen that happen before.

Costume Lady said...

Tty this again.....


Lynne2 said...

I guess everyone else has gone to bed. I sure hope the equipment isn't catching on fire...I don't like this mysterious fog/smoke going on.

Lynne2 said...

OK,mystery solved....there is a Dense Fog Advisory for the area and that is what is going on there...whew!

Bird Girl said...

I'm here still, in and out though. Not sure what that is blowing around at the nest.

Lynne2 said...

read back one Delphia! Now that I know the nest isn't burning down, I'm heading to bed. Have a good night and hope the "sparrowlettes" are doing well!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!
Just got home from school.

Looks like Margy needs prayer for a sore finger, too! You got it, along with prayers for Megan's finger!

Lynn, prayers for your cousin with the broken heart! Hope the Lord will give her peace about it.

Sounds like the soup kitchen was a success today! Sure would like to have had a bowl of it! Ya got me drooling! Bless you both, Wanda & Gene!

Well, better go veg in front of the TV for a while. Leaving the night light and the porch light on, and enabling the eye scanner security. Prayers being said for everyone, especially for Chrissy and family! Sleep well, everyone. God bless and goodnight! Will talk to you tomorrow.
Love all you guys! :o]

Bird Girl said...

Ah dense fog, that must be it then.

I'm heading to bed soon myself. I'll be at Fallen Feathers all day Thursday,and I'll take more pictures then.

Lolly said...

Will TRY to post this!

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Wanda and Gene
Sure those eight guests were delighted....and a happy guest is the best advertisement!
Congratulations to you both and your 29 helpers on the Maiden Voyage...
Good Morning everyone, yep, foggy here this morning...and overnight

magpie said...

Hope this is a good day for everyone....especially those with some tough times on their hands and in their hearts...

Good Night from this Roost...

colors at the nest with Parent and Baby are wonderful

xo ♥

Lynne2 said...

good morning! we have a family breakfast this morning!

Lynne2 said...

well, now who is that GINORMOUS eaglet and where is Palmer!

Lynne2 said...

poof one adult

Lynne2 said...

Palmer is sleeping off his breakfast!

Lynne2 said...

poof other adult

Lynne2 said...

I heard a prairie warble in the background!
Oh joy, the cam isn't working UGH

Lynne2 said...

oh well, black screen and circle....
gotta run anyway but I hope it comes back on soon!

Mits said...

good WEDNESDAY morning everyone:), have a good one.

Judie said...

So glad the soup kitchen was a success. Isn't it great to see how the hard work pays off?

Lynne, it's great that Pearl has an adoption application but know you're gonna miss her.

Loweeda, I remember trying to put clean sheetz on beds with two little furry kittens -- could be quite the struggle but so funny.

Lynn, sorry about the cousin and prayers she will stay strong.

Hope the injured fingers are good as new this morning.

Andy, may have missed a test so, hope you did well, or will do well tonight.

Lolly, thank you for the pictures of the bluebonnets and painted daisies -- just beautiful.

Checked most of the cams but still need to look at Minnie and the ospreys.

Winding down to the end of the semester. Next week is it until exams on May 4. So anxious for it to end -- never used to feel that way.

Will visit again later. Wishing everyone a lovely day.

movin said...


Good Morning,

aLL !!




movin said...

The BWO nest looks about right to me, AND I just saw the female bring a couple of fistfuls of soft material in and drop it in the egg cup. She then took off again, perhaps to get more.



Lolly said...

Good morning! So, how is the blog this morning? It was doing weird things last night.

Love listening to the birds on the cam. Loved waking up this morning with the windows wide open and listening to the birds.

hedgie said...

Good morning!
Yep, fog last night rolled in suddenly and was thicker than pea soup! Unbelievable after seeing the lovely stars!! Seems to have lifted now, but still cloudy and chilly!
Wanda, I am really shocked that you had such a low turn-out. Guess the soup can freeze for next time, huh?? GOod that you could minister to those 8 and have good fellowship with them and all volunteers, but....would think there were more hungry people out there! Had to laugh---thought you were Alice-gone-down-the-hole in that blog post last night!!!

hedgie said...

Our cam is working fine now.

Lolly said...

Lynne, how great that Pearl may possibly be adopted. Know you are going to miss her.

Lolly said...

Last night I tried to post and it threw me out and I could not get back on! I finally was able to get on after several tries.

Lolly said...

It made me think.....what if we did not have this blog?!!! I would NOT like that at all!

Lolly said...

Palmer just blends in with the nest.

Mits said...

Lolly we could always get our own blog:)

movin said...

I decided to check on Buddy's progress this A.M., and there are some notes of interest on his medical exam and on the progress of his training.



Lolly said...

Getting ready to walk. Going shopping today and back to the yard late this afternoon. We have a trip coming up and I think I desire some new clothes. ☺

Whoops! Just heard a car honk. Is Wanda at the nest? lol

Have a great day! May the sun shine on you!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jim. As always, I forget to check regularly on Buddy! Good update!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Wednesday Morning in Eagleland Margy (nitey nite),Lynne2,Mits,Hedgie-Lynn, Jim, Lolly, and those watching.

Nothing different still "strongly sedated" for my niece. I appreciate
the prayers and ask that you please continue.

Jim wished you would have posted Buddy's link.Have to go try to find it.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Sunny gorgeous weather here. Still feeling kind of down inthe back and hip :-( Slowest week I have had in a long time. I will turn on still cam to see if I recognize the giant eaglet in the nest and look more closely for Palmer. I am not having good luck with live cam this year. Freezes my desktop computer which is old and slow anyway and well laptop has so many photos it doesn't work well out there either. I am pretty well stuck to stills except for when I catch a link to a video whihc really isn't often unless I am missing them.

Enjoy your day.

A home for Pear, a Good Home, that would be a good thing. Time for her to settle in one place with some ongoing loving. Its her turn.

BEagle said...

Palmer has been looking very well this morning.

Would like to see the Palmer wiggling the talons again.

Palmer was actually moving some fluff around.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning BEagle and Glo.

Glo that yellow flower is beautiful.

BEagle is love it when Palmer flaps his/her little wings. So cute ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Sounds like someone is using a weed wacker.

BEagle said...

Perfect. Palmer just now toggled the talons of left foot sticking out there.

I like the flapping of the wings too!
Palmer will stretch up really tall and hold those wings out. Cute.

Mema Jo said...

Well it is still a COLD Good Morning. I
see the sun but can't feel it yet!
Getting ready to go for my eye exam.

Lynne, I am praying that Ms. Daisy won't have 'friend withdrawals' whenever Ms. Pearl get her new home!

I didn't take notes as I read - I know there is more to comment on but can't remember.

Oh Yes! Wanda & Gene - once the word spreads about the delicious Veggie Soup spiked with Ramps - you should have a full house next Tuesday! Your compassionate souls will spread to many!

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - I sure hope you don't get
'stood up' today by any adult! ROFL

Mema Jo said...

BBL If I can see!

BEagle said...

Somebody noticed I got stood up?
: ) Why cannot you see Jo?

I think that's Lib that just showed up and Palmer is trying to get as close as possible.

BEagle said...

"where's the food Pop?"

BEagle said...

I knew it. I can tell an upcoming poop shoot now!!

BEagle said...


Costume Lady said...

Jim was commenting on Buddy earlier, which reminded me that I got a newsletter from his keepers, but no mention of Buddy!
In 2009,Patient#1 was an Eastern Screech Owl (hit by a car.
#2 A Gray Squirrel (dog attack)
127 animals hit by cars;
80 birds that flew into windows;
19 animals that had been shot;
222 animals that were attacked by cats
There were 40 Bald Eagles admitted in 2009...
1 hit by a tr5uck on I-95
1 trapped in asphalt tar at a landfill
1 driven into the Rappahannock River by an Osprey?? Imagine that!

In June, two Snapping Turtles and 2 Painted Turtles (all pregnan) were hit by cars and admitted.Three of the four survived.
One Painted Turtle suffered serous shell and pelvic fractures and was over-Wintered at the Wildlife Center....the others were released.
Their eggs were burried in peat moss in aquariums and 7 Snappers and 6 Painted Turtles hatched and taken to Augusta and Madison Counties in Turtle Friendly habitats and released.
2,534 Paitents in all, were admitted to the Center in 2009.
Amazing, isn't it, that there are so many caring people in thes United States that care enough for our Wildlife to dedicate their lives and talents to caring for them? Mostly volunteers.
We Love our Momster & Dadster volunteers♥♥

hedgie said...

Wow, Wanda....knew they were busy, but didn't know they had that many critters in their care!

Another bad earthquake...this time in China.

Dana, you probably missed my post from Monday-----at this age, Palmer's wing spread is 3 feet!!

BEagle---Jo has her eye exam today....won't be able to see for awhile after dilation!!

hedgie said...

Minnesota Owl cam is down again...they are working on it.

hedgie said...

Glo, why don't you download pics onto discs to free up your laptop space?

BEagle said...

Or transfer the pics to desk top.
Would that work?

hedgie said...

Santa Rosa has a hatch!! Sometime since Mon.

Costume Lady said...

We were, of course, hoping for a flock of guests, but in reality, we were very pleased that 8 showed up. That was 8 people who went to bed with full tummies!
The St. Lukes Church that sent a woman to our meetinng to tell us about their experience getting their Soup Kitchen started, told us that their first supper had no visitors. One of the church members went out in his car and gathered up 2 people off the streets and brought them to their church. LOL After that, word got around on the streets and each week they got more and more visitors.
So, we felt blessed to have 8 people to come on their own, without being hijacked.
Another thing that this seasond Soup Kitchen helper told us, was that when the weather is bad (rain, snow...extreme cold) very few people show up. A lot of them have no cars and have to walk.
I can't begin to tell you how much we all enjoyed the evening. There was an aura of fellowship that I have never experienced before:)

Costume Lady said...

Steve has given us a new thread with a BEAUTIFUL FAMILY PORTRAIT OF OUR ROYALALITY!

glo said...

LOL Hedgie I have lots of photos on disks. But my software for my camera is also on laptop so that is where I initially download all the photos off the camera. Seems to be taking longer and longer as well I have my favorites from 2009, 2010 NCTC photos, cicca entries and all the ones I email to the club etc I leave there til the season is over. Anyway I play and download photos on laptop. Laptop is like 6 or 7 years old.I do email and blogging and watch what nests I can on desktop. Live will load for me in here but it always freezes the computer. At times it takes more than one restart and sounds like it is lumbering away. Desktop is over 10. So I for the most part am making do with the still. Saving my money fro a new lens so not wanting to spend it on a computer this year anyway.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...