Thursday, April 29, 2010


Another beautiful day in Shepherdstown.  Drove in to the site of an adult eagle high in tree, a sentinel watching over our young eagle.

Fresh thread.


Costume Lady said...


glo said...

Hi everyone. I would love to drive in and see that Sentinel guarding our Palmer. How awesome. Hope everyone is enjoying that beautiful day you are having. Will be posting a Glo's Glimpses a little later today. I need to get to grocery and then mow out front, before the storms hit tonight and tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon! Thanks Steve for the fresh thread.
I have no clue what is in the nest for dinner.. I said leg of lamb and Wanda had said a Ham... Sure doesn't look like a fish.

Hornby's little Phoenix is doing well.
Loons are on and off the platform - egg should be soon.
BWO 3 eggs I bet Lisa is thrilled!

ceil said...

Wanda thanks for the call over.
Back with my manuel. About 200 pages but interesting.
Lynn I will be all over the Aquarium don't think I will be in the dolphin part yet. But do one hour on each level. Got to get some lunch. Not fish

Mema Jo said...

I have to stop and have some lunch!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Beautiful comment Steve!

Did somebody mention proofreader??? LOL!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Eagle Eye! Article is on Wanda's Wild & Wonderful!

Mits said...

thanks for the call over,Ceil and Wanda:)

Mema Jo said...

May Birthdays

5th Bob Quinn
9th Lynn Riner
Dana Meyer
27th Ceil Lambert
31st Jim Pommier

Email me if I missed you.
Email me if there are anniversaries.

Mema Jo said...

Today is Phil's (Ophelia Thompson)
birthday. She is an Momsters from way back at the beginning and just may be lurking.

Happy Birthday Phil ! Hope your day is special.

Costume Lady said...

If you see this message, won't you stop in and say HI!?

Mema Jo said...

Adult and Palmer are enjoying whatever
it is in the nest!
Wish I had seen it brought to the nest

Mema Jo said...

Checked out the 3 Decorah eaglets.
They are growing fast!
I was looking at their daily pics on the Xcel Energy Bird Cam

Mema Jo said...

The Valmont Owl cam - there have been sightings of Dan and Snowflake as of April 26 and again on the 27th. Then last night one was in the nest box.

Mema Jo said...

There was snow there in the nest box just like our CO eagle nest. Owls are in Boulder, CO

Mema Jo said...

Adult still in nest with Palmer

Mema Jo said...

Break time for me...........


Mits said...

looks like the first hatch has occurred up in PA falcon cam....broken egg and little fuzzy underneath mom.

Mits said...

PA falcon cam

movin said...

tHERE are some interesting sights on all Channel Island nests at the moment....



hedgie said...

I am fighting a losing battle outside....stoopid wind! Sticks and limbs keep coming down, oak tree pollen threads everywhere.....spinners off the up for the day.
Can't see Palmer!! Glare and/or shadows are blotting him out!

hedgie said...

Think he's at 1 position...but if you didn't know it's a bird, you wouldn't know it!!!

BEagle said...

Hi to all eagle lovers.

It is delightful to know that we get to see a Hornby chick hatch.

So also is seeing Palmer flap the wings. They look heavy. In fact, right now it looks as though Palmer wants to fly on off the nest. It may be a little too soon though.

I really like Steve's intro to the new thread. Gosh, to see a sight like that!!!! You lucky dog you.

BEagle said...

Oh and I see we have some wushi on the nest. I thought wushi dining was over! We will get to see Palmer get some of that today or tomorrow, whenever it is seasoned enough. lol

stronghunter said...


Adults in nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Just dropped in for a few to say Hi ! to everyone. Sure will be glad when I'm over this eye stuff. Plus now this sore throat and etc.

Palmer sure is beautiful ( :

I'll try to read article on Wanda's page in bits and pieces. Or if any floating around mail me one. I get better I spring some cash your way.

Happy Birthday Ophelia can't be sure about my card though.

Prayers for those feeling sick.

stronghunter said...

I know someone on here told me that they had seen loons at a lake in Virginia. I have a friend who has asked me to find out what lake.

BEagle said...

Did anyone read the Barbara Delinsky book about a fellow who loved to watch the loons? I just cannot remember the title. :(

BEagle said...

Well, I missed all adults on the nest. I did see one of them feeding Palmer. Now Palmer is alone.

Was that a crow I saw flying below the left of the nest?

Lolly said...

Okay, it is time for Wanda to go to the nest and do a little house cleaning! Really! Spidey's web has got to go!

Belle is chowing down on something.

Lolly said...

Belle is chowing and Palmer is sleeping.

Mema Jo said...

That web really blocks our view and it's been there every evening!
Yes, we do need a lens cleaner! Now that Wanda has a new knee she just might go up there with her dust mop!

BEagle said...

I agree.
Of all the places that spider can spin a web, it picks our nest cam.

Lolly said...

Really windy here today, but a beautiful day. We mowed, edged, trimmed and then cleaned the trailer. It is back in its home and my van is back in the garage. We are both pooped!

BEagle said...

: D

Mema Jo said...

I have 2 "new" tv shows tonight - one at 9:00 and the other 10:00.

I know most of you watch Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice and they are both new.

I watch CSI and then the Mentalist!

Something for everyone.........

And of course there are all those cams!

Lolly said...

Palmer is getting so big. Have not seen much of him for a week.

BEagle said...

The Maine Forum was pretty interesting. There seems to be a lot of people, even a classroom, interested in the out come of those two brownish eggs on the snowy nest.

They don't expect anything until the weekend but no one can get close enough to see if there's a beginning hatch.

Mema Jo said...

Checked out the RTH in Portland..
..The chicks are now about 14 days old and nearly one third of the way to their first flights. Mom is nesting with them under her - must be cold and windy there.

Mema Jo said...

Wild Watch Osprey nesting..
...Osprey viewers have noticed the new nesting material delivered to the nest several days ago about the same time as the first egg was laid. The female is incubating the egg and is not tangled in the yellow netting. We are monitoring the birds which seem to be familiar with the material. We would also like to remind everyone to consider the proper use and disposal of plastics.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle I thought you would enjoy their comments and especially their pictures and video per each nest.

Whenever I am in doubt I bring up that site and see what they have observed.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly you always get soooo much done in a day's time. You make me feel

BEagle said...

I wish the Hornby mom would lose that thing on the nose.

Lolly said...

Well,I am exhausted! But, I like to stay active.

Was just watching Hornby. Dad came in with stick to build up the child proof railing. Then he flew could see him in the distance.

Mema Jo said...

Hoping that the Hornby's Mom sneezes !

BEagle said...

Those videos were especially nice. They show the adults together at the nest. The adults have cute antics. It was fun watching some of the films.

Mema Jo said...

Loon is NOT up on the nesting platform
No eggs yet..........

BEagle said...

: D

Lolly you certainly do stay busy constantly. I would like to have some of that energy.

What did Paula call those nest walls? Baby bumpers?

Lolly said...

Well, when the weather is nice, I am just not one to sit still. I have to be outside and there is so much to do!

Our 300 caladium bulbs arrived today. That is our next big job. Will give Laurel 30, that means we have 270 to plant here at Hawkwood. Oh, and the swamp is looking so much better. We are drying up! Wahoo!

After the bulbs are planted to we are going to make a new flower around the pecan tree in back. Grass will not grow there...therefore a flowerbed. Well, an island with mulch and possible some shade plants.

Mema Jo said...

Time for tv

Lolly said...

Mom feeding at Hornby, but grass is hiding the chick.

BEagle said...

With so many chicks hatching, I still don't think one has hatched out at Hornby. There a big pip in one of the eggs.

BEagle said...

Planting 270 caladium bulbs will be a job. But you know, it sounds like a great idea and I may try your idea around my elm tree.

paula eagleholic said...

Good evening, good people.

Just got home and fed the dogs...long but good day at work...will check out what I missed yesterday and today...then just gonna veg....

Hope everyone is doing well.

Judie said...

Palmer is quite the dashing and daring eaglet these days. The dark feathers are lovely. Had a good time checking on him/her today. Saw some wingersizing, too. Also checked on the RTH and chicks. Really like watching them.

I think the problem with Boris is that he knows he has a vast audience and is just showing off his weaving skills. Probably hoping the Momsters will love him as much as they love Palmer -- NOT!

Will be back in school for tomorrow morning then home till Tuesday.

It sounds as if everyone had a really nice day, except for Lynn and the pollen and other stuff. I hope tomorrow will be lovely for everyone, also.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others. Hope Andy can set the alarm for us. Goodnight everyone.

stronghunter said...

Had a little bit of time to look in on the nest and the blog today, and Palmer is lovely. Boris is not lovely.

Wow, that's a lot of bulbs, Lolly.

magpie said...

Crib Rails, BEagle ?

Shirley: Sissy and her family go to a lake and they have seen loons, that might be the reference not sure

Lots of great nest news on here, thanks to so many posting about that

magpie said...

Saw ISS a about 30 mins ago, zippy and bright but clouds diminished it somewhat, like the way it does not fly in a straight line,
then Poof out like a light bulb

BEagle said...

Who is Boris?

magpie said...

Found an active Red-Shouldered Hawk nest at Swinging Bridge, watched the adult come in twice with a thin wiggly fish, down the hatch, when I left the adult guess female was roosting in the nest
pics on Feathers link they all look about the same
also some new pics up on Wildflowers
heard an indigo bunting but it was hiding in the leaves didn't see it

magpie said...

Happy Birthday once again Ophelia, sorry I missed you in the early days...

hope it has been a grand day for you...

Jo Thank you once again every month for the Birthday news...

magpie said...

Boris is Spidey, our resident spider at the Royal Nest you will probably get this answer a few times

magpie said...

Best wishes on the Aquarium training, Ceil, sure sounds exciting

magpie said...

just a suggestion, you can view the monthly Momsters Album Nest pics (and all the albums for that matter) as a slideshow...interesting to see Palmer's progression

BEagle said...

Now I am going to ask...

Who named Boris and why Boris?

Spooky like old Boris movies?

magpie said...

Thanks Wanda for scanning and posting the newspaper article

Welcome Home Lolly
Hello Eagle Pals
Hope that all ailments will succumb to rapid healing and the power of prayer

Good Night
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

BEagle...can't say for sure, but I think it was Megan...
excuse me if I have that incorrect

stronghunter said...

I think it might have been Sissy, Margy. I had given the loon cam link to one of the librarians at the school, and he was very interested. We got to talking and he said he had never heard a loon in real life and thought it would be very exciting to hear one. He is a real bird lover who watches our cam.

I've heard loons in Minnesota, but not here in Virginia.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Ophelia. I didn't have the pleasure of blogging with you in the early days, but I am enjoying all of the fine friends who are here now. Would like to meet you.

stronghunter said...

I'll see you fine people tomorrow.

Time to go up and crawl into my cozy nest. Good night.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday, Ophelia!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for all the comments about our nest :)

BEagle - baby bumpers is good too...I called them crib rails...

Yo, Lynn...pollen....or snow!

I don't remember who came up with Boris...was it Megan with a youtube video?

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Wanda for scanning the article...have'nt checked it yet, but I will...

paula eagleholic said...

You will always find some wrong facts, but overall I think the article turned out very well. Nice and long and lots of pictures. Really cool she interviewed Randy Robinson!

hedgie said...

Good evening. I kind of flaked out.....busy with little things, and then shows. HAd some yummy burgers on the grill this evening, too.

I wish Boris would just leave forever. I hate Boris and all of his kin.

Paula, good interview you gave! Too bad reporter didn't get facts straight and that copy was not proofread.

Hi ya', Judie and Margy! You gals are so busy!

Lolly said...

Left for supper and then watched Greys and PP.

270 is a lot of caladiums, but we have an acre and a lot of shade.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just got home from school. Turned in all homework, and got scheduled for next quarter. Done for the week!

Before I forget,


I'm almost too late, but hope almost doesn't count!

Wanda, thanks for the article about the nest! Awesome!

Put the oriole feeder out today, but no hits on it yet. They're probably being really careful to be sure it's not going to trap them or something. Maybe tomorrow.

Saw FOUR Band-tailed pigeons late this afternoon, just before leaving for school! Wow! They're telling their friends! Also, the new bird I haven't quite identified yet was back. Looks exactly like an all-brown robin!
Still looking through bird books to try to figure it out. MTBR....

Good to hear from Judie! So glad you can breathe for a while! Say, I wish I was in your class, too--would be extremely interesting!

Ms Bookworm said...

Boy, we had some crazy weather today! Bright sunshine, but only in the high 60s, and WINDY! Had winds of about 30-40 mph here, with many gusts up to about 60 mph!
Needed rocks in our pockets, for sure!

Lolly said...

Just listened to the weather...good chance we might not get the rain. Looks like it will be mostly east of us. yea!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I'm pretty tired tonight, so think I will go veg in TV land. Grey's and PP coming up before long.

Leaving the night light and porch light on, and the eye scanner's enabled. Lateniks, please don't slam the door! Prayers going heavenward for everyone--especially for Chrissy and her family! (Buying more Lotto tickets tomorrow! The Mega is up over $200 million!) Sleep well, everyone, and have sweet eaglet dreams. Will talk to you tomorrow.
God Bless, and goodnight! Love you guys! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Lolly! Wow, 270 caladiums! THAT is something to see! Fantastic!

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope the rain misses you...know you need the bog to dry up.
That's an awful lot of bulbs to plant!!

Andy, are you done for the week? Are you getting more picks of all the bird visitors???

Well, news is almost over, so time for my bath.

If you are on FB, Sissy posted some news! Hopefully she'll tell us here tomorrow. Quite a surprise, for sure!!!

Goodnight, one and all. Peace and Prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Back from TV - even watched most of the news.
Our web weaver from day one was called SPIDEY (Still is by some) Then Megan introduced us to


Mema Jo said...

Well Hedgie I am going over to FB-NOW

Mema Jo said...

I'm back and I told Bev to come over tomorrow and give her news to all of us.

Mema Jo said...

Saying Good Night to All
Prayers for all your needs/wants being offered.

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Can't stop yawning. Guess I will lay me down to sleep.


Lolly said...

I am yawning and my eyes are watering, so I am heading to bed too. Enjoyed the Boris video!☺

Night all! Sweet dreams!

floralgirl said...

Adult flew in, eating fish that was in nest, Palmer is up, then a poop shoot, now wants breakfast. Being fed now.

floralgirl said...

ha ha Palmer trying some wing flaps, lost balance head first into leaves in nest.

floralgirl said...

whoa 2nd adult just flew in with stick and put it on top of Palmer in the nest cup.
Must be Belle that flew in, took fish away from other adult, dragged over near nest cup and now eating, Lib just flew out with piece of fish in mouth.

floralgirl said...

Palmer eating, Lib back with stick.

floralgirl said...

good grief, poor Palmer has big stick over her, adults are disagreeing over the placement of stick, both have hold of it, moving it back and forth, Belle actually gave up and came to other side of nest.

floralgirl said...

Belle flew out of nest

floralgirl said...

And there goes LIb leaving Palmer with stick over her back in nest cup

floralgirl said...

Adult back with bigger branch, placing by cam end of nest, now trying to get stick over Palmer, back up at noon position trying to rearrange stick again. Palmer is staying put with stick still on her back.
And that is the end of my free time, have a great day everybody! gonna be beautiful here today:)

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Megan for the commentary on the comedy going on in the nest this morning:) Palmer must surely be traumatized after all that!

Costume Lady said...

Here in Nestville, it is a chilly 41°, but is going up to 83°. Get that mowing done today...tomorrow is going to be near 90° and looks like a possibility of a lightning storm Sunday afternoon-evening with 90° temps.
I'm sure a Palmer could do with a bath by now...little stinker;)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning my wonderful eagle buds!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have quit my job! I will start with a different company on 5/10/2010, M-F 6-2 shift. I will be doing the same thing, plus some voice recognition editing (new stuff for me), working at home, more benefits, little bit more money.

Hope everyone is well. I am sorry I haven't been on here much but I have been lurking and keeping up on Facebook. When I am working and start blogging, I end up behind all day and then, when I get off of work, I am not at my computer much! I am going to try to go better. Can't forsake my "peeps" for sure! I love you guys!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Okay, gonna try to DO better, not go better!

Lori O. said...

Congrats Sissy! Where can I get a job like that?

I get the lurking angle...hard to work and stay caught up while eagle chatting. Guess I'm not great at multi-tasking...or it's my ADD!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Supposed to be 84 here today!! Tom, Andrew, and Justin are at Buggs Island on the annual Riffe man fishing trip. I have intentions of cleaning this nasty house today. We have been so busy every weekend, just been keeping a path cleared.

magpie said...

* Congratulations Sissy *
Sounds wishes for you ☺ xo

magpie said...

really enjoyed Megan's play-by-play of the earlier morning nest activity, wish I had been up to see it

Red Friday - Wear something red in honor of our Military folks, Active and Veterans ♥

Best wishes for a good day, Eagle Pals

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagleland to ALL and those watching.

Sissy congratulations hope you like the job. Thanks for bringing it over from Face book. I don't always get there.

Margy I enjoyed your picture trip. Great find on the hawk nest.

I feel a little better.

Megan thank you so much for your descriptions of the nest activity this AM. I did have to laugh poor Palmer. Well that is life kids have to see Mom and Dad have a spat sometime.

magpie said...

Thanks Dana, good to see you, hope you and Shally are both coming along better each day

The Hawk's nest, is in a nice grand sycamore tree!

movin said...


GooD MoRning,

EVeryONE ....




movin said...

Anyone else having troubles getting the Finney site today??

Last A.M. I was getting both, but something went dead, and I couldn't get either later.

This morning I can get Finney on the sea, but not the Finney in the forest site.



magpie said...

Hi Jim
I can get them both now
Finney's has a bird, Finland is birdless
last night I had trouble with Finland Water nest

Happy Red Friday, Veteran ♥

movin said...

Palmer is able to kinda stand up like an adult sometimes now ... she was just doing it.



movin said...

I had to turn "Ad-block" off, but I can get both Finnish sites now.
And both have the female O. in them.



movin said...

Thanks, Magpie.

Do you ever send cards to the troops??

Xerox has a site with a big choice of cards; they collect what we send in; then they print them up and send them to the troops...



movin said...

Cards for the Troops

wvgal_dana said...

Jim someone gave us that site a long time back. I believe a lot of us use that site. Good to have it posted again. I have it in my favorites.

movin said...

Good morning, Dana. Haven't talked to you lately; how are you doing??

The cards for the troops site is great, and I send some every morning. Glad you use it too.

They're not only OUR young men and women, but they are doing a terrific job. We owe them a big, big lot.



magpie said...

Thanks Jim...I have not done that yet; my grandson has a penpal but we are waiting for a response, and I have a couple of individual addresses that I snail mail too...
but thank you, this sounds very good

movin said...

I'm sure somebody over there will appreciate it, Magpie. Thanks.



magpie said...

And thank you also Dana ☺

sometimes it is really hard to see Palmer in the right now;
Hedgie mentioned that yesterday...

chores here
ttfn xo

movin said...

Most of the snow is gone at Finney's.

Did you notice that if you click the "English" button to the right on this site, the text to the right gets translated too ... not just the "Notes" anymore ??



movin said...

Lately it's easier to see Palmer on the live feed; but this A.M. she was in the shadow from that big branch, and I could barely pick her out ... had to go to "Full Screen."



movin said...

Deb's Red-tails are getting fed right now...lots of red meat.



wvgal_dana said...

Well this has been great. Have missed this blog.

Palmer is really stretching that one wing. lol

Tired again going to lay on couch with our dogie.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Palmer is just sitting and looking over the edge of the nest. He seems very content.

Need to get outside soon. So far no rain..that is good!

hedgie said...

Good morning!

What a hilarious sight it must have been with Belle and Lib and the stick! Poor Palmer!!!

Megan, love your posey avatar!

Sissy, so glad you shared your new job info with us. So you have to work out 2 wks. notice before you start?? As long as it's stilla work-from home gig, it sounds really good!!! Wishing you only good experiences with a new boss!!

No problems here with either FInland cam...lovely bird in both!

Thanks for card link, Jim....haven't seen it in a couple of years!! Will start using it again.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning Everyone. I can't believe how high the temps are suppose to rise. Running the AC on just a few days this month has raised my power bill - can't do without my AC

Great reporting Megan - Love the avatar! I want some of those in my flower pots.

Mema Jo said...

Glo - WOW! Dex is so photogenic!
I think we all love that little guy!
Thanks for the new Glo Glimpses.

movin said...

Close up of one of the chicks at NBG trying to get a beak into a fish, but so far it doesn't look too successful.



Lolly said...

Adult arrived in nest and looks like eating at 12 o'clock. Palmer at 9 did not react. Was watching and Palmer suddenly stretched right wing out fully, almost as if to punch the adult. Thanks, Palmer for my first lol for today. LOL Just did it again, only the right wing. Too funny!

Lolly said...

Adult just left and Palmer did the right wing stretch again.

Lolly said...

Palmer is up and did a couple of wing flaps. OMG He is getting soooo big!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lolly, I only gave a week's notice, have to start the new job on 5/10/2010. I hated to do that, but it was just the way it worked out.

hedgie said...

I had a hen turkey out here a little while unusual to have a solo...wonder where her clan was?
Two deer were in driveway last night.
But...still no hummers...:(

Lolly said...

Best of luck Sissy with the new job. Better benefits and more pay sounds good.

Have been watching Palmer while doing my hair and face, now time to eat and get busy. Saw lots of flapping and now Palmer has settled down at 1 o'clock and looking over the edge of the nest. Hope he finds something interesting to watch!

Have a great day!

Lolly said...

Ok, Lynn (Pulling a Margy!), I will trade you one hummer for two deer and a hen turkey. LOL

glo said...

Good morning everyone. New thread head on over.

hedgie said...

Just found half of a birdie egg shell on the ramp to the garage....don't see a nest overhead, so must have blown there. Hope it was a post-hatch discard!!
Okay, out I go to get stuff done!!! Later, gators!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lolly, their insurance was cheaper than what Medscribe offers, but I probably wouldn't take it anyway. We are covered through Tom's work and it really doesn't pay to have two insurances anymore. They don't coordinate benefits like they use to!

CHRISSY!!!! We are praying for you!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...