Saturday, April 10, 2010


Weekend Post 1


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paula eagleholic said...

Fish drop by Lib! Up into the tree he went.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle hopped over to it and is now feeding Palmer....Lib in the upper branches, either moved or took off, could see his shadow.

K10 just arrived at PH..chicklets looking good

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer just backed up to the nest edge for a poop shoot, still clumsy, but he managed it!

paula eagleholic said...

Look at that crop on Palmer...he is in the shade by Belle, you can tell he's warm, he's panting

paula eagleholic said...

Look at Belle using her huge wingspan to provide shade for Palmer

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning/Afternoon Eagle Friends!

Slept until 10:00 today. I feel like I have wasted the day, but my body needed it. Now I have to get on the ball and get things done here.

Just want to stop by and say Hello and I hope everybody has a wonderful Sunday.

Great news about the eagle that got shot. Pray she improves.

So happy for the Sidney eagles with their new babe chick. Especially after the raven steal.



Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAULA!!! Hope it's a really special day for you! BTW, love your bleeding heart avatar! They are such beautiful flowers.

Managed to get to the blog today, but cranky computer is S-O-O-O-O-O slow!
May have to let Geek Squad take a look. Will try some stuff myself first, though.

Prayers for Glo today! Sorry you have a 'hitch in your git-along'! Have done the same thing myself before, and it just seems to 'fly in' with no warning. Sure hope it's better soon! Say hello to Dex for me!

It sure feels like rain is about to happen here in SoCal. Hope we get a little more than a shower. Supposed to be only 30% chance of rain until later tonight, but more would make my flowers mighty happy.

Saw a pair of hummers (I think they were the Rufous variety) flying through the sprinklers, and one took a bath in the water on top of a rose leaf cluster. Pretty doggone cute!
Glad to see the Rufous hummer pair, probably the same ones we had last summer. We still have a pair of Anna's, who spent the winter here. Should make for some territory wars.

Well, better go study some for my test on Wednesday. Will try to check back later here. Have a fantastic day! :o]

magpie said...

I'm in heaven, been to market, got plants to plant and a stunning bouquet of tulips...
and a much-needed Momster Hug from Megan ♥

Hope the Birthday continues on a Super Note, Paula

and Best wishes to everyone..

headed over to deliver ramps to Gene and Wanda...think they are at GG's now


magpie said...

that was one Silent Split...
I missed it for awhile...

magpie said...

blog numbers, hmm, 197? 280? 210 ?
something along those lines

BEagle said...

The KFOR eagle cam is up and running.

BEagle said...

The injured eagle........makes me wonder if she had eaglets somewhere.

BEagle said...

Apparently, the Bald Eagle was not shot. It ate the bullet. That's what the chat line is saying anyway.

BEagle said...

Well, now there seems to be some disagreement as to what really happened to the eagle.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is all alone at the back of the nest, peering out at noonish!

hedgie said...

Probably ingested it from some carrion....not good, for sure, but better to know that no idiot shot be that sick from the lead, maybe has had the bullet in her long enough that she didn't procreate this year.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, just read that too, BEagle. Article said shot, worker says ingested. Eagle doesn't look like it was shot, although I recall the pictures looking that way from the article.

paula eagleholic said...

Either way, lead in an eagle can kill them, they have to give them meds to get the lead out of their system.

Judie said...

Wanda, just pretend you are a raven and tell the crow "nevermore, nevermore."

Sunset difference makes sense. Thanks BEagle.

Checked on most of the critters and all seems well. Some toddling and wingercising at NBG. Quick visit by both osprey at Loch Garten but now only one.

Hoping everyone is enjoying a lovely Sunday afternoon.


wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday Paula---I think it is funny--the card said "Hope you have a lot of surprises". lol Looks like you are ( :

BEagle said...

Got most of my front lawn mowed. Taking a break. It's mostly flat though.

It makes sense if the bald eagle couldn't produce eaglets because of the lead.

BEagle said...

It seems that there could be enough damage to the eagle from the lead, she may never have eaglets.

I see they haven't named her yet.

BEagle said...

Got to see the Sidney eaglet earlier when the adults traded places. Now it's peeking out from under the adult. : )

It's really cute to see Palmer wiggling his toes.

BEagle said...

The Sidney eaglet is presently in full view.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from being Westward bound. Happy to hear your day at the Market was successful, Margy. I love it there!

You can see on the MN Bound Owl cam
Momma Minnie is there and her two
little white fluffy Hooters are right in front of her breast. Must be warm..
They are sooo adorable. Palmer of course is super adorable.

No one home on BWO nest.

I need to put my feet up. BBILW

movin said...

Good Day
to you aLL
for tHis fINE

I'm a little late getting
signed on here today,
but it's a beautiful, but
somewhat clouded and
cool day in So Cal today.



movin said...








hedgie said...

Belle is still shading Palmer. Those sycamore leaves need to pop out bigger!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody. Mattie and Justin are back in Bluefield. Took them to the lake today to Tom. Tom shot a nail into his arm today with the air gun. They are gone to the ER now to get it checked.

I so enjoyed those younguns being here this week.

August 23 at the Wolf Trap in Vienna, VA - TRAIN! Whoohoo choochoo!! :)

stronghunter said...


Yikes! I hope Tom is okay.

Had a nice lunch out with Kathryn today.

Will mowed the grass.

Gotta get something to rid myself of spiders. We have had many on the porch and outside the windows, but had one drop right in my face from the garage door the other day and crawl across me in the recliner today.

stronghunter said...

Parent between Palmer and the edge of the nest.

stronghunter said...

Sharon, does this mean another Train concert for you?

hedgie said...

Shirley, I'd be dead from a heart attack. YUCK!

Sharon and Thelma, know you already miss the kids, but Sissy, Tom and Becky did, too!!

Speaking of 11 y.o. boy here "accidently" shot himself in the head a couple of days ago and died. Jenn has been in school with him since kindergarten; sat next to him in one class this year. She seems to be handling it okay. Apparently they were NOT friends.

hedgie said...

Adult just returned to nest. Dinner time??!!

hedgie said...

Don't see food...parent gone again.

hedgie said...

Lord, please tell me that Palmer is okay.......something doesn't look right.

BEagle said...

I have been struggling with those thought myself.

hedgie said...

Don't forget the Reese Lukei NBG class online tomorrow at noon!

hedgie said...

Big jerk....maybe he's just sleeping soundly and having a dream. But no position change when parent was in.

hedgie said...

Lib just brought in a fish...Belle in and took it and moved to back of nest. Palmer was squealing...Whew!!! Up and at 'em....ready for din-din!!! Feel much better now!

BEagle said...

Oh dear. Good. Palmer is up having dinner.

hedgie said...

Belle is like "don't grab, kid, and stop dropping pieces!"

hedgie said...

Mmmmm, sushi! Yum, Mom!

hedgie said...

Rude child...poop shoot while eating!

hedgie said...

Stringy stuff...time for me to stop watching!

BEagle said...

Palmer looking lively now. Hoping to figure out how to get the straw out of beak!

Ragdoll said...

Good Evening Eagle Friends...I'm with you Hedgie. Stringy stuff. YUK!

Ragdoll said...

My hubby saw his first POOP shot today. Laughed like a basket. LOL

BEagle said...

I think Palmer needs to get up and walk around a bit. He lays around too much.

What do you say eagle experts?

Ragdoll said...

Palmer fell fast asleep after his din-din. I wish they wouldn't leave Palmer alone like this. Makes me nerves.

Nice weather today. Sunny. Hit in high 60's.

Bleached my basement again. Starting to smell better. We have wood stove going down there right now. Helps to dry things up.

I saw the injured eagle eat today. Sure hope it makes it.

BEagle said...

Oops. I know Palmer may be a she.

Ragdoll said...

Eats - sleeps. Eats - sleeps. That's why he is growing like a weed.

I would like to see him move around more. As long as he stays away for the edge.

Costume Lady said...

Palmer doesn't walk around the nest much because he's too full of food;)

Ragdoll said...

OPPS. I just did the same thing. I try to say it. Goofed.

Ragdoll said...

My forsythias and some of my daffies are blooming today. Love it! My flower gardens are coming alive. Flowers popping up everywhere :)

Ragdoll said...

Be Back Later. Dinner is ready. Homemade pasta sauce. Yummmm! ^..^

BEagle said...

Both adults on the nest. Lib with a big fish.

Belle feeding Palmer.

BEagle said...

Lib off to the right.

BEagle said...

It's my opinion that Palmer's wings have grown a great deal lately.

Palmer has been using them for a prop. This is only what I have observed and it's possible that Palmer will have to adjust to his appendages. They look pretty heavy to me.

And, have you noticed those feet?

Ragdoll said...

Palmer eating again. What a good mom Belle is.

Lolly said...

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

COME ONE....COME ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ragdoll said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Hi all,

Sharon, hope Tom will be okay. Maybe just a battle scar when all is healed. Yes, Wolf Trap and Train this summer.

Shirley, maybe you could send your spiders to visit Boris. Oops, no don't do that -- might result in many little Boris babies.

Hope the bleach works Ragdoll and the basement will be okay.

Lynn, let me know about the Reese Lukei class tomorrow. Will be at school for extra office hours until 1pm. Ah end-of-the-semester Hail Mary's.

Looks as if Palmer is stuffing him/herself before sleep.

Just in case I fall asleep, I will leave the night light on for others. Goodnight, everyone. Prayers for everyone.

stronghunter said...

Heading over to the new thread, Lolly. I will bring Judie's message with me.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...