Monday, April 19, 2010


Monday thread.


Mits said...

Good monday a.m. everyone

Mits said...

both O's at Finland nest....have not seen any O's at Finney's nest yet, but something has been there, the sticks have been re-arranged and some digging has begun.

Mema Jo said...

I will join you on this new thread. Things to do and people to see! I am being a busy rabbit!

Thanks Steve - It is still a chilly morning!

Mema Jo said...

I noticed at BWO there was a 3rd osprey flying overhead...... One of the two on the platform took off after the 3rd.

I'll take a look at Finney

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Steve, thanks Mits for the heads up! Good morning Mits and Mema Jo! Hope all is well in your corner of the world!!

Mema Jo said...

It is Sissy! Did you get a picnic table yet?

hedgie said...

Thanks for call over, Mits.
Still chilly here and breezy, but sun is out. Feeder still waiting for hummers to show up here, too! Sissy, tell them to come on up!!
Me, too, Jo---errands to run today. Working on getting ready.

Diann, Birthday greetings again, but go back to last nights' thread!!

Talk to you all later today! Have a good one.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Nope, Mema Jo, no picnic table yet. Reckon I am going to have to breakdown and buy one! :(

Mema Jo said...

Sissy - you better put a 'warmer' out for the hummers! At least heat up their juice!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I know, Mema Jo! It is 48 here now, was 39 when I got up. But they are flitting around here out here! I am tickled to see them!!

Mema Jo said...

Yep! Sissy don't let Tom get the nail gun out to make you a table. You know
how he is with those tools!
I like that fish he caught (the pic) I am thinking it was this past weekend.

Mema Jo said...

Megan, PJ had been to Market yesterday morning and he bought all those ramps.
I think he said he planted them. Watch out for those Ramp Smoothies!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It was a 3 1/2 pound crappie! He said he should have taken it to get a citation but he didn't. We are eating him for supper tonight!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tom's arm is still black and blue, hurts like the dickens, but it is getting better. No more heavy machinery for him!!!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday PA NANA
Diann I am wishing for you a very special day and a good year ahead

Mits said...

Happy Birthday Diann.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Absolutely Happy Birthday PA Nana!!

glo said...

Happy Birthday PA Nana
New week and new thread. One of todays projects will be that hummingbird feeder. Pretty cold here to BUT I saw where someone in Chicago area said get the feeders out too so it will be nice to see them for sure.

Spent some time at hospital each day. Neighbor is actually much better. Still messing with sugar a little. She is totally off calcium supplement, not sure what they will do about that. Found kidney infection which is being treated and IV is out as of last night. Something about Adrenal Gland but may send her home today or tomorrow and follow that outpatient. Waiting for some test result to come back today and then will decide. It would sure be nice to have her come home.
Have a good day Palmer and Lib and Belle. We love you :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Can hear nice sounds now at our nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Diann

Lolly said...

Good morning Eagle Buds! Chilly morning here as well, 53, but we might be through with the rain until Thursday. What a mess this rain has made of my yard. Ain't what it used to be!!!!! Grrrrrr!

Happy Birthday PA Nana! Have great day! It is your day!

Lolly said...

Got an email................

Open House at NCTC is October 23!

Mark your calendars.....mine is!


Lolly said...

Thank you, Steve, for your prompt response! Can hardly wait!

Lolly said...

Palmer is waking up and saying where is everyone?

Mema Jo said...

Oh my goodness - Both Paula and I were wrong on the Open House date..
So thankful you found out for all of us. Calendar is marked

Lolly said...

Saw Wanda's comment last night. Yes, it was Falling Water where we stayed. And, yes, they did have some nice sights, but did not put us in one. Where we were was not inviting to sit outside. Oh, well, we were there to be at NCTC and to be with you guys. However, without looking at the book, I think there is a KOA at Harpers Ferry and that is probably where we will stay.

Mema Jo said...

Back to get street clothes.. Too cold to just be in PJ's. I'll be out and about this afternoon and will be back late afternoon.


floralgirl said...

Harpers Ferry KOA is a nice campground.

Lolly said...

Beautiful close up of eggs and now the eagle at Hornby. Beautiful!

Lolly said...

Thanks for the input, Megan. We have usually been very happy with KOA's.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the date for the Open House, Lolly!

Lolly said...

From Loch Garten......


How exciting is that? EJ’s latest egg was laid just after 11am. The tension in the centre was unbelievable as we watched EJ lay the egg…yes for once we were all present (even those on their day off) for such a magical moment. I am pleased to report that both mum and egg seem to be doing fine and proud Odin is keeping watch from the camera tree.

Odin brought a good-sized fish yesterday evening, which EJ kept for herself while he did a bit of egg-time. He also brought in a sizable lump of moss not long before EJ laid -perhaps he wanted to make sure she was comfortable.

Keep eyes open for the third, probably Tuesday.

magpie said...

cool about the ramps, Megan and Jo
they are of the Lily family

Glad that Jean is doing better, Glo
adrenal gland and kidneys...I can understand that, hope all continues to improve

I was watching EJ last night, some white things were floating down upon her, couldn't been snow, maybe flower petals like we have had doing here

Hope it is a good day, everyone
and Happy Birthday on the New Thread...Diann...hope the day is Super!

Lolly said...

I am off now, have surfed the world to check on many cams but time to get with it.

Have a great day!


movin said...


GOOD morning,

EveryonE !




Mits said...

update from RTH cam.....

April 19, 2010: Padding the Nest and Keeping it Clean
by Bob Sallinger

Posted on April 19, 2010 at 8:00 AM

Mom and dad are constantly adding and subtracting from the nest. On several occasions the male has brought in new greenery---this not only pads the nest and adds clean material, but green vegetation also helps repel insects that otherwise might accumulate. Those who were watching at 7:30 this morning saw mom pluck a pigeon and shower the feathers on top and around her young. She was pretty clearly adding padding to the nest. The plastic bag appears to be gone---perhaps it blew away or the adults decided to remove it themselves (it also may be hidden beneath the chicks.) In its place a long rubber strip that has also been in the nest for weeks but which has now become more prominent. The young also play a role in keeping the nest clean---Almost from the time of hatch the young instinctually lift their butts and aim their poop outward. A clean nest is important not only to keep bacteria and mites and other nastys to a minimum but also to keep the young clean. Feathers that are covered in poop or other debris will be compromised.

Also keep your eyes out for humming birds buzzing the nest. It happened fairly frequently last year and there were a few reports earlier this year, but nobody has commented on it recently.

movin said...

Finnish nest on the water shows both Osprey's, and the sea seems to have melted the ice almost overnight.



movin said...





NatureNut said...

Have a good Monday!
Was watching Palmer all alone, then he waddled to 5 o'clock & was napping. SO big.

NatureNut said...

Palmer getting lunch--little chirps.
See the audio is not doing rat-a-tat-tats anymore, just whining!

NatureNut said...

Gotta do work around here & dwnld some new cam programs (& try to understand them!)

magpie said...

Wow, that's a neat report from RTH Helen, Thanks !
our on-line wildlife education continues ☺

magpie said...

Palmer is really thriving ☺
thanks to his Great Parents
(and the Potomac River helps too)

headed to Morgan County, hoping to hear the Whippoorwills tonight

ttfn all Good Afternoon xo

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANN/PA NANA!! Hope it's a spectacular day for you--the best ever!

Margy, the ramps info is very interesting! Have never heard of them before. Might like them, though, because I like leeks. Have to find a way to tame them down a bit, though, I guess.

Just about to go get busy in the back yard. I see that my favorite day lily has a bloom on it! It's a really pretty cream and apricot color.
Will try to get a picture.

Better run--so much to accomplish today! Hope you all are having a good one. Will check back later with a progress report. Please keep an eye on Palmer for me! Later, alligators... :o]

Mema Jo said...

Just to let you know I am home and
my feet are going up for a panda nap.

RTH info is great! Thanks Mits.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon everybody!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hope all is well with everybody.

Bob Quinn said...

Happy Birthday Diann!!!

Got back from Utah on Saturday. Had a great time. It will take me a few days to process all the photos.

Mits said...

Miss BlueBird at the WildWatchcam has 3 eggs now....

WW BlueBird cam

Costume Lady said...

Bob's photos from Utah are probably a sight to behold. Utah has some of the most beautiful countryside and scenery that I have ever seen!

Had another "emergency" at GGs this morning. Her microwave was making a weird sound and she didn't know how to turn it off. It turned out to be the fan and she got it off while we were enroute:)
We talked her into going to Shoney's for breakfast and Gene bought her a new coffee-maker while we sat in the car. She still cannot walk very well...she says her legs feel like Jelly. I got a call from doctor this morning saying her blood work showed no problems. So what is wrong??
I feel so helpless, not knowing:(
I wanted to have her pick out some plants for her flower bed, but that will have to be another time.
Took her home and she went directly to bed...sound asleep in minutes:)

Bob Quinn said...

Wanda - Utah is indeed a sight to behold. We went to Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park and Snow Canyon State Park. Breathtaking!

hedgie said...

Settling in after my day out and about. Lovely day after the wind died down. Still need to catch up with you all!!
Carolyn had to have one of her dogs put down today, so she is hurting. Need to talk to her for a little while.

ceil said...

Stopping in to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANN
Wanda so sorry to hear about GG Prayers that the Lord gives her strength back
Bob bring on the picture

Judie said...

Happy Birthday, Diann. Many, many more.

Better a crappie than a harpie. Hope Tom's arm heals quickly.

Hi Glo. Glad your neighbor is better. Say hi to her for us.

Wanda, so sorry about GG's dilemma but so grateful she has you and the Capt.

Checked on RTH and could clearly see three little bobble heads -- mom above. Palmer asleep and alone.

Things are really getting serious around my house. Forgot to put food out for the critters and when I got home from school the squirrels were marching up and down with signs proclaiming "squirrel abuse" and the cardinals had signs complaining about a seed shortage. It just never ends.

Hoping all others had a wonderful, if chilly, day.

Off to the kitchen.

Judie said...

Lynn, so sorry about Carolyn's dog. It is heartbreaking. Give her our love, please.

ceil said...

Lynn really sorry to hear when someone loses a best friend. Give Carolyn our love
Mits and Lolly thanks for the updates

ceil said...

Judie so glad you reminded me I have to go to the store for peanuts or tomorrow they will be rapping on the door

ceil said...

Judie glad you reminded me We are out of peanuts. They will be tearing the door down in the morning

ceil said...

Blog is going crazy.I have to post twice.

hedgie said...

Bob, can't wait to see your pics. Bet you have hundreds!!! Glad you enjoyed the trip!! How did the Mrs. get along with her toe??

Mits said...

oh, Lynn, so sad for Carolyn, give her a (((hug)))

hedgie said...

Thanks for sympathies for Carolyn. Fatso has been in decline for a few weeks, and it took 10 days to get the vet to come out to do the job. Fatso praobably weighed 150# and was not the least bit amenable to getting into a vehicle. His legs finally gave out yesterday and he couldn't walk at all. Vet said his lungs were full of now he is at peace. He was pretty old for a dog his size.

Know what you gals mean about the squirrels. I have 1/2 bag of peanuts left, and 3/4's bag of sunflower seeds for the birds. I'll put them out tomorrow...and then they are on their own until Charlie gets the corn feeder fixed.

Wanda, so sorry about GG having more trouble. (((Hugs))) to her AND you!

Mits said...


Mits said...

yes, Wanda hope GG feels better soon, don't ya hate it when you feel like crap, and all the tests come back great.

Costume Lady said...

Wish Bob wouldn't tease us with the promise of photos and then make us wait. No feathers or beads for him at OPEN HOUSE this year!
Oh, remember, he said he was going to take some photos of, be on your best behavior. We have plenty of time to practice;)

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Yes, Helen, don't know what to do when there is a problem and the doctor says there is no problem.
She is not eating properly again and may be getting weak JMHO.
2 more months and her doctor retires and a new doctor will be hers...he is a Gerontologist and may know a little more about her problems.

Mits said...

yeah, that sounds like he might be a better fit right now for her.

Bob Quinn said...

Lynn - Sarah did great with her bionic toe. She climbed up to Observation Point in Zion. An elevation gain of 2000 feet. I stayed back and did two less strenuous hikes.

Bob Quinn said...

Yes, Wanda. I'll be taking plenty of pictures of the LOUD table.

hedgie said...

Good to hear that Sarah did so well, Bob!! Tell her she MUST come to Open House with you this year!!! We want to meet her!

Wanda, why not go ahead and make the switch to the gerontologist/geriatrist now???!!!

Costume Lady said...

TEE HEE! We know who that is;)

Costume Lady said...

BTW, while I'm thinking about it...Capt. Gene will be at Fishing Camp the weekend of June 5. So the Eagle Express will not be available then, but will be Memorial weekend and the weekend of June 12. We don't really need the Eagle Express to visit, but it does make it more convenient:)

Costume Lady said...

That's a good question, Lynn! I do need to call and make an appointment for when Dr. B retires. Maybe they will take her in before then??

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The loud table. That is the one with Wanda and Gene, right?

Lolly said...

Hi all! Trailer is in the driveway and we are getting ready to leave Thursday. Been on the computer planning our trip in the fall. Boy, I am ready to go!!

Wanda, so sorry about GG. Interesting that her blood work is okay. Something isn't right! (((hugs))) for you and GG!

Bob, Zion is a favorite park of our but it has been years since we have been there. I love the hike along the river! Bryce is impressive, but I certainly like Zion better. Have never been to that third park you mentioned.

Worked in the yard some today, but it is still very wet. The sun did come out for a while.

Lolly said...

Lynn, so sorry about Fatso. Love the name! Laurel's cat and dog are both getting older, and Annie, our cat will be 15 in June. This is the risk we take with having and loving pets.

Lolly said...

Jack just came in making a noise. Asked what the problem was....his response...."I am supposed to be hot this time of year." It is presently 63 and has been cool all day......really weird!!

Lolly said...

Stew and dumplings are ready....BBL!

Judie said...

The loud table? Couldn't have been Wanda and Gene. I think it was Bob. Speaking of Bob, glad you and Sarah enjoyed the trip and that she was able to be active.

Wanda, do try to get GG in to see the gerontologist. No harm no foul.

So pleased I was able to remind so many that seeds, etc. are needed. Had one heck of a time getting those critters to put down their picket signs. Told them they don't belong to a union so just quit it. Looks bad for the neighborhood.

Off to try to relax. Maybe a little mindless t.v. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Wow it's really quiet at the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Trying to get caught up tonight, on blog, dishes, putting away laundry, all that kind of stuff!

paula eagleholic said...

Ramp smoothies? Give me strawberry and banana!

Wanda, sorry to hear about GG, maybe another visit is in order.

Glo, glad neighbor is doing better.

Bob, Utah sounds great! And I agree, bring Mrs Bob to the Open House.

Lynn, so sorry to hear about Fatso. Please give Carolyn a great big hug from us.

Have to get my hummer feeder out. My birds are still cleaning out the regular feeders.

Wanda, would the eagle express be available on May 29, the weekend after Memorial Day?

Lolly, where are you headed?

Mema Jo said...

I just got my feet back on the ground and moving! lol
Lynn - so sorry to hear about Fatso. Please let Carolyn know I am thinking of her.
Bob - photos will be great I am sure
Happy you and Sarah had a great get away

Wanda - Prayers for you and Gene as caregivers of GG. Praying for her health to return. Older persons will have a fear eventually of being alone...That will be your go ahead to bring her to your home or to a Home for the Aged near by. I think you are going to be entering this phase of GG's life soon. Would be great for her to have a walker....

paula eagleholic said...

Here's the article to go along with the video I posted yesterday.

And it has pictures of the hack tower, too.

Noah's tracking device

Mema Jo said...

Paula - Check out your calendar - isn't Memorial Day Monday May 31?

Looks like June 12th is turning out to be Nest Visit especially in order for Capt Gene to be with us.
Palmer would be 12 weeks old on the 12th. We may be pushing our luck with Palmer's fledging - What do you think?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and thanks for the RTH info Mits, and for ya'll posting you have seen all 3 chicks.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, May 31 is Memorial Day, I thought it was the 24th.

Some thoughts on that date, would be that we may be able to see him flying around the nest if he does fledge before that. I prefer the 5th myself.

Lolly said...

Paula, we are headed to the Texas hill country....central TX. Going to an all years hs reunion at Kerrville, TX and then going to Fredericksburg, TX for a couple more days. Going to be with sister and brother and spouses, should be a great week.

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, poor baby eagle a month old fell out of its nest. The eaglet is the same age as Palmer, great pics of what our Palmer looks like up close.

Eaglet falls out of nest

Lolly said...

Meant to tell you, Steve said the open house is a week later this year due to busy schedules.

Judie said...

Tomorrow is the first of the last three official school days for me. So very happy. Need to get up early.

Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others. Sleep peacefully.

paula eagleholic said...

Don't forget we have to check with Steve....maybe you should run the possible dates by him.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Lolly.

Judie, glad your semester is almost over!

Lolly said...

Oh, I do hope they will be able to release that little eagle. I hate to think of it in a zoo!

Mema Jo said...

Yes, checking things out with Steve is the first step. A list of those attending is always given to the Guards.
Last time we had lunch in the Eagle Express - We can also have lunch in the cafe as long as it is open on the Saturday selected.

We'll get the available plans laid out and have everyone have some input. So far we know that Capt is fishing and Dana is selling on the 5th

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope the reason is so not to conflict with the crowds at Sheps' Homecoming and the Apple Festival.

Mema Jo said...

I hope that little guy's wing heals!
They should publish this more often in each state:
If you find an eagle

Find an eagle? It's against federal law to disturb or take a bald or golden eagle, whether found alive or dead. The law also applies to their feathers, nests or eggs. Penalties for violating the law include a maximum fine of $5,000 or one year in prison, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. If a wounded eagle is found in this area, call the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission at 425-7577. If it's found on U.S. Corps of Engineers property, call 425-2700.

Mema Jo said...

The little eagle is sure a big eagle. He'll get more to eat at the zoo then up in the nest. They should really follow suite of Dr Sharps' Eagle Feeding Glove!

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, just checking in.

Lynn so sorry to hear about Carolyn's hasn't been so long ago that I was there. Please let her know I'm thinking of her.

Wanda...prayers for GG, and for you and Gene as well.

Heading to bed....hopefully will have time to chat tomorrow! Prayers for all....can't help but think about Chrissy and family as they prepare to leave their home. Extra prayers for them.

Mema Jo said...

I am watching 'Damages' TV show tonight at 10:00 through 11:30.
This is the close of this season.. so I guess they'll leave you hanging on!

Be Back Later........

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Just checking in to thank everyone for the birthday cards and wishes.

I appreciate all of you and thank you for considering me worthy of your friendship. God bless all of you.

I'll try to check back tomorrow.


Mits said...

rats, Finland cam is stuck on last night's sunset right now, but it is pretty with the osprey sitting there...

Mema Jo said...

Commercial - RTH feeding time

Have no clue what is there in the nest now. I can see all 3 chicks.

Mema Jo said...

Both adults in the Sidney nest.

paula eagleholic said...

RTH nest...looks like the other parent standing there at the back of the nest...oh nope it just flew in

Mema Jo said...

Hornby eagle incubating on nest

paula eagleholic said...

Think it's a late switch...

hedgie said...

I'm taping Damages, Jo!
Good article about the rescued eaglet. Can you imagine 75 minnows in 12 hrs.???? What a little piglet!

Wanda, you have mail!

hedgie said...

Mits, if the Finland cam has to be stuck, that sure is a beautiful sight! Thanks for alerting us.
Hope you are feeling better and get a good nights' sleep.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - you'll like the close of the season Damages....... Like Hubby said in this episode they just finished off last year's plots........ lol

Ok - Off to bed -

Good Night All
Praying for all needs/wants

Mema Jo said...


((((hugs to all)))♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Jo, I agree that it would be a treat to see Palmer flying around the nest and jumping from branch to branch, so maybe the 12th wouldn't be so bad.
But then, there is also the 29th. We do have those two options if we want to utilize the Eagle Express:)


hedgie said...

Guess I'd better think about turning's been a long day, but a good one. I'm just a little bit hyper---think I've had too much sugar!!

Volcano stuff may be getting worse. They showed a map with the direction of cloud-spread---mostly southeast and a little SW---not presently heading toward Finland. I had also heard over the weekend that the increase in seismic activity was making then fearful that a much larger volcano there could become active!

Lolly said...

Had a great niece get married over the weekend. Have been on fb looking at wedding pics. Then I noticed I had a friend request from a boy I knew in high school. Well,that led to seeing who he was friends with and that led to another and so on. Got lost of fb! Help!

hedgie said...

Before I say goodnight, just want to say:

Happy Birthday, Justin!!! Hope you have a great day and a great year!!

See you fine, fowl friends in the morning! Margy, hope you are back in your roost! Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Nite Lynn! Nite all!See ya in the morning.

Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - did you finished off the Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Good Night All (Again)

floralgirl said...

35° this am.
No cam pic here this morning, just black screen with those stupid spinning arrows...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Megan. Me too, black screen turning arrows! ARGH!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

And the still cam looks all washed out! :(

Costume Lady said...

I have sent Steve a 9-1-1 email:)
We need to see our little ray of sunshine!

JohnNCTC said...

The NCTC live feed for the EagleCam is on a Comcast Cable modem. Presently all cable modem connections at NCTC are down. We've contacted Comcast, and a technician is being sent to NCTC.

Lynne2 said...

thanks John!

Morning all!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have a robin out here dead on a blue jay, chasing it all over the place. Reckon the blue jay tried to get to the robin's nest???

magpie said...

sounds good John...

Thanks John,
and Wanda for the alert

9-1-1 - Wanda, that's Rich !

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Shuttle Landing is a Go at Kennedy (so far, that is, so good) at 9:08 Eastern Daylight Savings Time

magpie said...

Discovery has 2700 miles to go til it reaches Kennedy Space Center
about to sail across the US from Washington State South East through several states...

magpie said...

our nest looks Good on Still Cam colors are nice right now


Costume Lady said...

Thanks, JOHN:)

magpie said...

I am watching the NASA things here:

magpie said...


I am sorry to read of further ailments with GG, and we have a strong chain of prayers going for all of you

Also, hope all others with ailments are doing better today

magpie said...

Palmer has the whole nest to him/herself

And No Food Showing in the nest

magpie said...

I didn't hear my whippoorwills last night
but I see you saw Eastern Meadowlarks in Terra Alta, aren't they magnificent?
Catch them in the sun, beautiful yellow features ☺

magpie said...

you scared me Sissy, Robin Dead on a Blue Jay, but I understand it now....

magpie said...

Safe Landing
Discovery is Home ☺

Lynne2 said...

Margy, I'm beginning to think that catching ANYTHING in the sun in Terra Alta is a rare least when I'm there!

magpie said...

I have been NEAR Terra Alta but never really BEEN there....
hope to do it someday Lynne
Hope the job is going well
how are Daisy and Pearl?

hedgie said...

Perfectly successful landing for the shuttle! Never ceases to amaze and awe me!! Sure will miss it when it's all over.

Morning all.

Thanks, John, for cam info...and Wanda for sending the SOS!! Still cam really pale and glary-looking here, too.

Costume Lady said...

Please pray for Joyce Fink. They have called her back to prep her for sur­gery. I will update you on her condition as soon as we are informed.

Remember, God is Good—All the Time!

Pastor Eddie

This is the lady who made the soup for our Soup Kitchen meal.
She is having 2 cancerous tumors removed from her right kidney this morning and then treat her with whatever is necessary in hopes of saving the kidney. The left kidney must be removed.
Our church hasn't had a medical miracle for 12 years, please pray for our Joyce and help this miracle to happen. Thank You♥

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, you may know Joyce, she used to live in Hedgesville and is of your profession as is her daughter, Brenda.

stronghunter said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon, Everyone!

Boy, I must've been TIRED last night!
Fell asleep after dinner, and watched TV through my closed eyelids!

Have been busy cleaning house and studying today.

Whoopee! Our feathered friend the Spotted Towhee is back! Gosh, he's pretty! But now the gardeners are here, and scaring off everything with feathers, they make so much noise with their blower! Rats.

Have read back a little to try to catch up. LYNN, so very sorry to hear of Carolyn's loss of her dog. Please give her my heartfelt condolences, and a big (((HUG))). I am truly sorry. I'm sure, though, that her fur baby had a wonderful life with her.

Wanda, so sorry to hear of the problems that GG has had, but glad to know the medical tests all came out OK. Prayers that she improves rapidly!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...