Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter Sunday

New thread.


T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

Hey, I'm number 1 this morning. : )

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Thelma and Steve.

stronghunter said...

You're definitely number 1, Thelma!! Happy Easter.

stronghunter said...

Hey, it's a basset thread!!

Costume Lady said...

It is a beautiful morning here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown. The sun is shining and it is 58°, going up to a perfect 75° (my favorite temps). The redbud trees are just about ready to burst into bloom and are already showing as a bright pink cloud. The one in front of our house was so badly damaged during the big snow that it will have to be cut down, but even it's broken limbs and branches are full of buds, ready to show off for one last time.
We will be spending the afternoon with GG and will be taking her out to dinner...hopefully, she will be feeling well enough to go.
Our Easter dinner Friday, with the family, has freed us all up to do as we please for a change. A quiet dinner sounds really good to me.
We have no Easter Egg hunters anymore...haven't had for a number of years (I miss that!)...but, Jayden will take up where the other grandchildren have left off, in a few years:)
Must get dressed and outta here.
Have a blessed Easter Sunday.


Costume Lady said...

What fun! Basset's Blog:)

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Easter!

paula eagleholic said...

I see FWS is peek at Palmer this morning.

stronghunter said...

Morning, Wanda!!

stronghunter said...

Morning, Paula!

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Easter Morning in Eagleland to ALL

Even though we can't see our beautiful Palmer. grr

Liberty or Belle might be flying over somewhere hunting and find an Easter egg. Wouldn't that be something to see in the nest. A pretty colored Easter egg. Well Palmer was at one time an egg and he/she is so cute.

wvgal_dana said...

We aren't going to go eat till later. Darn so I had a good bit of time to watch Palmer today too.

Love the Easter flower Paula.

wvgal_dana said...

Did the Easter Bunny come to any of your houses????

stronghunter said...

Just talked to Kathryn. They went to King George yesterday to visit George Washington's birthplace for Hunter's school project. While they were there, they saw a bald eagle fly over the spot.

stronghunter said...

Dana, the Easter Bunny left some candies and a basket of goodies for Hunter at my house.

Judie said...

Really proud of the Mountaineers. Was so wishing they would win. They done their people proud.

Wanda, hope you and Gene have a wonderful and quiet dinner with GG.

Shirley, enjoy the day -- let us know if a ring appears and how Hunter enjoys his Easter basket.

Off to do my thing for a while then back to preparing lecture for next week. ONLY 6 MORE CLASS DAYS!!! Whoopee!!! Then, decision time -- but as Scarlet would say, tamarrah is anutha day.

Mits said...

Happy Easter everyone.

glo said...

Happy Easter to all and a Blessed Day for those celebrating Resurection Sunday.

He is Risen Indeed!!!

glo said...

Oh and about those Mountaineers. They and all of WV can hold their heads up high for sure. Awesome team to have made it to the Final Four. That hadn't happened since 1959.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley Hunter will be happy when he finds out the Easter Bunny left something at your house for are so great at this time of year.

I got a cute Easter card someone special (Momster) sent me. Talking about less candies here. Is she ever right. Go to all the stores after Easter. Cause they will have plenty since Ed is having his candies in Heaven.

Little Man got it is like a bone. Although going to be 5 April 13th. He can't chew anything real hard. So I finally found something to help stop all the wanting of treats in the evening. Now it is just that as soon as he ate this morning. "He wanted that bone thingy". LOL on me!! tee hee

BEagle said...

May the Lord bless and keep you and make His face shine upon you...
this beautiful day and always.

I enjoy reading all the salutations.
He is risen indeed.

FWS is back up so the still cam and Palmer, Belle, and Lib are visible once again. OC live cam is still down.

Happy day to all!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta shower and get stuff together...heading to son's house shortly...what a gorgeous day we have!

T-Bird said...

Hello again peeps. Is Palmer out of the cup?

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, BEagle, didn't fully read your last post, nice to see at least the still cam on.

T-Bird said...

I can't help it, each Easter I think of my Mama. The last Easter she had with us all of her siblings came at different times to visit. Donna and I also had a big dinner with my siblings. What precious memories.

I hope everyone has a good day!

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is out looking around for some
Easter Fish! lol He is really growing

Hello Again Everyone! Wishing again for everyone to have a Blessed Easter Sunday.

Thanks to Megan my house is full of Daffodil Aromas. Oh boy am I happy with three bouquets throughout the house. Made my Easter complete and the 4 yellow tulips blooming right outside the porch - yeah,right beside the 4 dandelions! loo Love the spring color of Yellow - forsythia is out in full bloom also.

Mema Jo said...

Families should arrive around 1:00 for ham dinner. Then coconut cake and coconut custard pie - Banana creme pie - banana nut bread - Buckeyes (remember them)and peanut butter filled chocolate frogs.... that should make everyone happy.

T-Bird said...

Sounds great Mema Jo.

NatureNut said...

Hope everyone has a Blessed day.

We're not having dinner 'til this afternoon, so can get other stuff done before cooking. My shellish hardboiled eggs that I colored in beet juice turned lavender overnight!!Oh well, that's springy!
Love to all.....

Mema Jo said...

Off to put some finishing touches on the table
(I just ate a ham sandwich cause I was starving)

I may be back late this evening to check out the events of the day!


NatureNut said...

That's supposed to be shell less eggs!! duh!

wvgal_dana said...

Cute avatar Loretta.

Thanks BEagle about the still cam coming back on.

Happy Easter Belle, Liberty and Little Palmer.

kickngbird said...

Mom got up from Decorah nest - eaglet on view now

kickngbird said...

Mom's young - still has eye stripe

kickngbird said...

I wish I could be watching Palmer, but with NCTC cam down, I needed a fix

T-Bird said...


kickngbird said...

At least still cam works - can see Palmer even if we can't hear the peeps or watch the cute movement.

Watching the Decorah eaglet feeding and hearing the peeps was a treat, though that choppy feed is annoying.

kickngbird said...

I didn't mean the food the eaglet got - I mean the live stream feed is choppy: it stops and starts. I'm sure the food (vole maybe?) was delicious, as eagle meals go.

BEagle said...

It is not snowing at the OR nest. It has been windy and blowing snow around. It looks like the adults have done an expert job of maintaining a dry egg cup.

The PH mom just checked on her little active new born. Cute.

The TH twins look fat and robust and want to be under 81. Cute

The rain stopped at the Sidney nest and all looks calm.

Palmer, what a prize and just as cute as ever. Laying in the shade of........Lib? Belle?

I got a flower pot with 3 beautiful white hyacinths, they smell so very good and a strawberry plant in bloom. (Can I set them out or do I have to wait for a final frost?)

BBL after TCB

wvgal_dana said...

See if this will at least take you to the still NCTC cam


Judie said...

Ah, thank you for explaining Loweeeda. Couldn't picture how to turn shellfish into hard boiled eggs or hard boiled eggs into shellfish.

Jo, wait, wait, please wait. I'll be right over for dinner and desert.

Thanks for the update on all our little cuties, BEagle.

Hi Thelma -- your mama's with you.

Hi Kickngbird.

BEagle said...

What is that on the Decorah nest?

The sun is shining on the OR nest. A gift of stick arrived and hasn't been determined where to put it.

TH twins getting lunch.

BEagle said...

It's a busy day. Glad to post activity as much as possible.

BBL. Lotsa TCB.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Fellow Eagle Lovers!

Want to wish all of you a JOYOUS EASTER!! Hope you all have many, many GIANT blessings!!! Prayers for everyone, especially Chrissy and family. (((HUGE HUGS)))!!

Didn't get home last night until almost 8 PM, then had to make dinner. Fell asleep in front of the TV, and woke up at about 6 this morning! Had to go take care of the bulldogs right away. It's been looking like it might rain off and on here. Have tons of birds in our yard!
There's a pork roast doing in the oven for dinner later. Will have to call and talk to the kids. Sure do miss them!

Well, better go get some things done.
Have a HAPPY EASTER, and I'll BBL to check in. :o]

magpie said...

Happy Easter Afternoon ☺ ♥

Palmer seems to be having a ball...
scootching all over the nest

second parent was just there, not sure if the parents switched assignments or not but I do think some new chow was brought in

kickngbird said...

Hello again - I had to go do some chores - I see the blue thing on the Decorah nest and can't figure out what it is either, though fish would be first guess - ??

Got clear view earlier of eaglet and 2 eggs so additional hatchings will hopefully be happening soon. Eagle on nest now is looking up a lot so I can't see if eye stripe is there or not, so not sure if it's Mom or Dad - watching something flying overhead - now some calls, so maybe it's the other parent it's calling to

kickngbird said...

View of Palmer is being mostly blocked by parent who is close to cam in foreground, but clearly out of cup - quite the little wanderer

magpie said...

Nice to read the Easter Greetings here, inspirational and cheerful

Hoping that the happy memories continue to bring a peaceful smile when we remember those who have gone before us (( hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Thanks to all for all the nest and nestling updates

magpie said...

looks like parent eagle, wish I knew which one it is, is shielding Palmer from the afternoon sun

sure was nice to find the Still Cam up and running again

BEagle said...

Get a look at Palmer. That big adult wing out there. Is that for shade or for keeping Palmer IN the nest?

magpie said...

nice to see that avatar of yours, I do believe it reminds me of our Open House Momsters and Dadsters dinner last year ☺

All the Easter avatars are great...
mine is the Magpie from the South Dakota Badlands that Deb sent me soon after I became
a Momster ☺ ♥

kickngbird said...

BEagle - I was wondering same. Maybe both?

magpie said...

probably a little of both, BEagle, or a LOT of Both !

magpie said...

Just the three of us on here now gals, I suppose...lots of Easter doins' - I can just imagine the sound of the little squeals of delight of children and adults all around...

Hoping you are enjoying your afternoon

magpie said...

One more work shift for me, a short one of six hours I hope, then maybe I'll catch up with Easter in the next few days

Take care,
Love to all
TTFN xo ☺ ♥

kickngbird said...

Decorah Mom had about enough of whatever was in or flying over "her" tree so she finally took off and shooed it away - wasn't gone long, back on nest now. Lots of peeps while she was gone!

kickngbird said...

Too many hours at work last week, and allergies in high gear, but still hubby & I HAD to get to arboretum yesterday - it was too gorgeous to pass it up - but dry cough today is probably worse than it would have been if I wasn't overworked, plus overexposed to pollen yesterday. So staying home today after a night of much coughing - will call allergist tomorrow. Just doing easy chores, watching eagles today. Will pop in & out. Happy Easter & happy eagle watching to all!

magpie said...

Oh, by the way,
try to remember to check out Venus and Mercury tonight after sunset in the Western Megan mentioned....should be able to see them 3 degrees close to each other....

Judie said...

Need to check on Palmer but wanted to say there was a promo on tv just now for Lynn Rogers/Bearwalker to air on Animal Planet tonight -- I think 8pm.

Hi Margie -- thanks for your thoughtfulness and hope you do have a short and uneventful shift.

magpie said...

Thanks Judie...♥

two nice chicks and parent in view at Duke Farms NJ
Duke Farms NJ

also the Ft St Vrain chicks are all over their nest...☺

magpie said...

looks like Duke Farms nest is in a sycamore also...

so much to watch

Dunedin Osprey chicks look like they are ready and rarin' to go!

well, time to find the fairy and get ready for work

TTFN xo ♥

NatureNut said...

Happy Easter Evening---was just checking on screen TV guide & Lynn Rogers' An. Planet Black Bear Show is at 7PM! Enjoy!

BEagle said...

Maybe we will see Palmer shuffle back to the egg cup. He will have to do a major turn around.

The Duke nest is wonderful.
Duke Farms. Lived in Hackensack for awhile.

BEagle said...

Duke eaglets are eating. Good view of fish guts.

BEagle said...

TH 82 just brought in a floppy fish and trying to tame it a little.

Whole family on nest.

BEagle said...

Palmer......alsmot back at the nest just a few-w-w-w more steps.

BEagle said...

Parent distraction a moment ago. Now all Palmer has to do is just roll on in the cup. Just like a big fuzzy golf ball. : D

BEagle said...

Parent back again.

BEagle said...

Is it gonna be a hole in one folks?
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

BEagle said...

Palmer's putt, putt, putting back to his cup.

BEagle said...

No folks. Palmer takes an eagle on that one!

hedgie said...

Good Easter evening, one and all. A perfectly beautiful day in everyway!! (Except that my netbook has died!)
Still need to catch up on here and see what everyone is doing.

hedgie said...

Well, sounds like everyone is having a great day. Not hungry, but food talk is starting to do its work We stopped at Panera and got Hot Cross Buns....that should make a tasty evening snack.
Still cam image seems fuzzy.....might just be my tired eyes! Taping Bearwalker to watch later.

Costume Lady said...

Bearwalker was wonderful! It was beautifully done and narrated, of course, by Dr. Rogers. Well worth watching:) You will get to see Lilly as a yearling.

Costume Lady said...

Wasn't that a super program, Loretta? Hope more of you got to watch it.

hedgie said...

WOW1 Big quake in Baja California (7.2), southern CA and north of San Fran. (4.1) 7:40 eastern time. BFF in HIghlands says they felt it and are fine. Jim, Andrea, Anne Marie????? Wonder if A-M is still out of town??

hedgie said...

Report says water came out of a pool in Hemet, which is where Debs' dad lived....guess his wife is still there.

hedgie said...

Her sister Dianne is in Huntington Beach; not sure where Amanda lives, but around there somewhere.

Mema Jo said...

Loved the presentation of Bearwalker.
Glad you taped it Lynn. Worth watching over a couple times. Really well done.

Lynn and others: This evening is the conclusion of Cold Case at 10pm.

I had a beautiful day this Holy Easter Sunday! I love life!
Too much food and I am thinking of those who have so little or none!

Mema Jo said...

Anne Marie was going to pack it up and go traveling again as far as I can remember - BUT I can't remember where it was that she was going!
I sure hope all are well.

hedgie said...

OMG.....hope no tsunami or even quakes threaten any of the Catalina nests.

Mema Jo said...

Jim said he was going to his sister's home for Easter Sunday. Sure hope to hear from all these Californians....

hedgie said...

Jo, I, too, dislike the "to be continued" shows!! Hope they don't pull another one for the rest of the season.

I can't rmember where A-M said she was going, either.....maybe Nevada??

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - thanks for all the early evening updates on Palmer! Glad you were watching over our growing eaglet.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break and will return to say good night.


hedgie said...

Shuttle launch on schedule for 6:21 AM!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. I am back home in Bedford. Really enjoyed spending time with my baby boy. Mattie and Justin are in Bedford with us and life is good! Happy Easter everybody!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
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Judie said...

Hope to hear from our CA friends and that all are okay -- Jim, Andy, Anne-Marie?

I very much enjoyed The Bearwalker program and it was great to see Lynn Mason as he explained the research and to see him interact with those beautiful animals. It was so wonderful to see Lily as a yearling and to think we have now seen her giving birth and raising her her own baby. I just have a seriously difficult time with the reality of hunting -- not realistic just emotional.

So happy everyone seems to have had a lovely Easter Sunday with family and gorgeous weather.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others. Andy, please set our alarm when you come in. Goodnight everyone.

Judie said...

Hey Shar, have you developed a stutter?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It certainly seems like I have a stutter. When I posted the first time, it said conflicting edits so who knows! :)

Lynne2 said...

Hi all and Happy Easter! Hope everyone has had a good day! Hoping our California Mom/Dadsters are OK after the quake.

I sent an Ecard from Jackie Lawson to the momster group on yohoo but it didn't work, so I tried again and still didn't work. Not sure why...sorry.

Off to shower. Funny story-so excited to fit into a pair of jeans after my 12lb weight loss. Got into the car after dinner at friends....SPLIT THE REAR. UGH.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Lynne, that's probably because the jeans were old :)

Missed the planets and the bearwalker show, didn't get home till 9. Had a great time at sons...cooked dinner, played with gkids in the yard, swing, ball, bubbles. Had a wonderful day. Was trying to get a pic of Brensin chasing bubbles, went in to get camera, came back out, he wanted to swing! Oh Well!

NatureNut said...

Happy Easter Night! I haven't had my dessert yet, but have been fooling w/pics. Realized I never put on eagle nest pics from end of March---have been fooling w/them.Finally got to see the adult doing something! Want to put my spring fling, etc. pics on.
Saw Lynn Rogers show. We thought it was awful they allow bear hunting in the area where he's doing research.And bait them too! For shame!!!!
BBL--gotta yum yum ☺

paula eagleholic said...

I heard Noah's cam is back on, hope to see it tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

I was surprised too, Loretta, that bear hunting was allowed within the research area. Kinda like deer hunting in the area of an eagle's nest;)
This was a perfect Easter day, but I'm tired and ready to end it.


Costume Lady said...

Margy, when you come home:)

Mema Jo said...

I think I am ready to call it a Grand day. Family is what makes it all come together for me & daffodils.

Good Night All and Prayers for All
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Wanda, Margy should be home within the hour!
Can't keep my eyes open...and 6:21will be here early!! the stutter! We've all been doing that alot the last few days.
Lynne: r-i-p! Old fabric for sure!! I can never get anything to go through to momster mail. I have to send it to myself first and then forward it to the group when I am in that mailbox!
Goodnight fine, fowl friends. Love all of y'all. Peace and Prayers.

Lolly said...

Almost over, but, Happy Easter evening everyone! We just got home from Laurel's. Had a grand dinner around three. There were 12 of us. The three boys had a fun time together, though Zach usually plays by himself. Had an Easter egg hunt and Michael brought both Jack and I each a Butterfinger Rabbit. Funny! We left one for the boys and Jack and I will share one....a wee bit at a time. ☺

Missed Bear Walker and did not tape it. Think I will cry!

Lolly said...

Church was packed this has been a busy day. Joey continues to mend. He did not come to the table but ate at his chair.

Wanda, I saw where you asked Laurel about him. That was so sweet....thank you!

I am going to head to bed now. Back to work in the yard again tomorrow. ☺ I hope everyone has had a blessed Easter Sunday.

(((Hugs))) for all.....Nite!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Getting here kinda late, but at least didn't fall asleep in front of the TV!

Definitely DID feel the quake out here--it felt like the ground was rolling, not jerking--and it went on for quite a while. Everything and everybody OK, though. Had already talked to the kids on the phone, but when they heard about the quake on the news, our oldest granddaughter called to check on us. Don't know what we'd do without our cell phone connection! SO good to talk to all of them!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter--we did. Need to try to get some sleep now. Hubby will be up very early again tomorrow for work.

The night light is on, and so's the porch light. The eye scanner security is enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone--especially Chrissy and her family! ((HUGS))!!
Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you in the morning. Love all you guys! :o]

magpie said...

OK - Nice reports from those that posted,
hoping to SEE and HEAR from more on Monday

Went out to find Venus and Mercury, found Venus but the clouds were just enough to hide Mercury, but the next few nights if clear should also be good viewing

20% chance the fog cover in Florida could interfere with the launch, but I'll be back up to see what's going on

I have a lot of newphews and a niece in California...will be watching to see about that too...praying hard everyone out there is okay

zzzz for a few hours and might see a few spaceniks around 6?

Belle is fussing with baby Palmer

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

hedgie said...

Successful launch of Discovery. Beautiful. But too light here to see anything. Boo! As Mits has mentioned, still dark at Kennedy/Canaveral because they are further west than we are. Of course, if you are near the east coast in FL, you can see it in broad daylight because it is still low enough right after launch to be plainly visible.
Back to bed I go!! Later, gators.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Seems as though it was a lovely Easter for our momsters and dadsters. So glad Andy only felt the quake and had no damage.

Have another great day.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning and BBL....have work to do this morning for cat rescue lady.

Saw launch on TV, too light here as well to see shuttle.

No time to check cams...shoulda left more time for myself this morning.

Lolly, I missed the show too....but go to the Animal Planet site and check schedule. It will rerun at odd times now and you should be able to catch it to watch or tape. That's what I'm going to do.

Have a great morning everyone!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I had a wonderful visit with my children yesterday. We had a good dinner with both ham and chicken. Rus doesn't like ham, so I just get one of those cooked chickens from the grocery store and everyone enjoys that along with the ham.

No engagement ring yet. Rus said that she doesn't like diamonds. I will have to ask Rus what kind of stone they have chosen. The big discussion was about what kind of puppy they want to get. I thought that was interesting.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone! Day off--so off to dentist for a 2 hr. appt! No pain tho---he'll put a tempo crown on "Mr. Crumbly" who had a root canal sometime. He was able to layer some filling on the missing piece months ago.
Put some pics on blog last night--springy stuff & eagle nest.
BBL---will probably need a Panda nap when I get home..☺

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Sun is shining for now but had our first round of severe weather yesterday and lots of hail. Man I thought Dex was done having to walk in ice for a while but we needed to go out and go to bed. Under the gun again come afternoon and tonight :-( I do not like this part of spring. Have some daffodils budding out back I think I will pick a few before the weather comes in this afternoon. Thanks to Megan I know they will bloom inside. The bulbs are from a very good friend in Texas. i want to enjoy them for a while.

Have a good day folks.

Mema Jo said...

New Thread for today


Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Just watched interesting, but also sad....made me cry! Loved their choice of music, too. Dr. Rogers is truly amazing. Wonder if the deer parasite that killed Mimi is what has been found in deer in ac ounty near here?? They never named it.

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...