Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Late post today, been really busy.

The weather continues to be mild here. Anyone seen our birds?


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Mema Jo said...

I hope I get a donut if I capture

Mema Jo said...

Oh No! Mr Bill

I hit the split and missed #200

MITS said...

mine stays up til I click on another site, then it goes to bottom of my computer, but is easily accessed like the other pop ups I use:)

Mema Jo said...

That must be the reason Paula
I am on Firefox
I'll try it over on IE........

Enjoy Lunch Norma - So good to have you back on here!!!

Mema Jo said...

Misinterpretation of my meaning of "Stays Up" concerning the pop up cam....

I meant Stays Up 'ALWAYS ON TOP' and
doesn't minimize & disappear from the screen when you execute
another function.

IE does the same as firefox.

Mema Jo said...

Finny 2008 The 2 Chick in the nest is squawking at something.

floralgirl said...

I dragged the pop up cam to the the left corner of my screen and it stays there when I pull up other pages. -IE

hedgie said...

Or the a/c guy, Mits!
Have a safe drive to the beach! Hopefully traffic won't be too bad for you.

Mema Jo said...

Mei is still in her birthing den hiding down in the corner... Maybe she will go outside later....

movin said...


Hope it's a great day for you.



MITS said...

ok I have IE, and it does go down on mine...havn't pushed any other buttons

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Jim.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, my car is fixable ($2,000-$3,000). Something to do with the airbags in the undercarriage. I love this Dad gave it to me when he knew he couldn't drive anymore. It is a 1984 Lincoln with 29,000 original miles. I guess I will retire it. Probably will have other infirmities due to it's age.

Mema Jo said...

It is almost lunch time

Wake Up Mason!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Wanda, Jim & Sissy. You are now in charge....

Taking a break

I will be having a play date this afternoon after a little ones nap around 3:00....

Then dinner for her family....

BBIB (be back in between)

floralgirl said...

You mean when you click on another screen it sends your pop up player to the bar-it won't stay on your screen underneath the new screen?


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Mine stays up, but not always on top...

Other pages will cover it up, but it doesn't shrink to the bottom...

MITS said...

WAKE UP MASON!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Guess I have a shrinking POP-UP;)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

MMMMMAAASSSOOOONNNNNN!!! Wake up sweetheart, there is a whole world out here waiting to meet you!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

oooohhh, Mits. That could be problematic!! :)

MITS said...

August 13

Urine excreted by Mei Xiang at 9:38 a.m. and 7:34 p.m. on August 12 were analyzed today for reproductive hormone concentrations. The two samples provided a mean progestin value 17.5 ng/mg Cr. Yesterday was the sixth straight day in which urinary progestin values were measured within the baseline range. From a hormonal standpoint, we can safely concluded that the luteal phase ended last Thursday.

With the end of the luteal phase we can provide some summary information: the primary rise in progestin activity lasted 85 days and the secondary rise lasted 57 days, providing a total duration of the luteal phase of 142 days.

The conclusion of this year's luteal phase without a birth was unquestionably disappointing; however these data go a long way to expanding our knowledge about the complicated reproductive biology of the giant panda.

This will likely be the last hormone update for a while. We would like to thank the panda keeper staff and volunteers for identifying, locating, and diligently collecting every available urine sample over the past three-plus weeks. We also want to thank everyone who took time out of their day to help transport the samples from the Zoo to our Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal, Virginia.

Mema Jo said...

Correct Megan
It doesn't turn off


You can bring it back up immediately with a click!
Just can't watch it and type on the blog at the same time....
I was confusing it with the real player live feed that does stay on top at all times.......

BUT I do love the Pop Up!!!

floralgirl said...

Weird... I think shrinking pop ups can be treated with medicine nowadays...

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to look into that prospect.

hedgie said...

Wanda, you almost have a classic (25 yrs.)!!! Too bad it would cost so much to fix; maybe you can sell it to a collector!!

Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Costume Lady said...

I think I will try that, Lynn. It will be better to buy a car straight out (with no trade) and advertise my car.

Costume Lady said...

Sharon...we do get off track, don't we. LOL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I couldn't figure what in the world Sharon was talking about. Thought she had lost it, then remembered the shrinking pop-up. Roflmbo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

But Wanda, isn't it fun when we do!!

Mema Jo said...

It sure does make for good conversation when we do....
Hope no one raises their eyebrows at us........ lol Cause we know
what we're doing and where we're coming from - Right Buddies??

Wake up Mason

Mema Jo said...

Lunch is over - Need to get dressed for the Play Date!


Mema Jo said...

Hey Wanda --- Put the car up on

Ebay!! Top Dollar!

Really, do get in touch with some Car Collectors Clubs... Good Luck.

MITS said...

now where was I.....oh shrinking pop-ups,,,yes, Megan you must have an herb in your garden for this condition....just got off phone with friend I have not see in months..she was at beach when I was I am way off schedule from when I wanted to leave...will be here a few more hours

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Sharon, I LOVE it, when we make something out of nothing.LOL

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Jo. We know what we are doing and where we come from. That's why we love each other so much.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai must have just licked his crate clean, threw it down and licking the floor.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I wish Tai would have hung out at the glass like that the day I was there.

normabyrd said...

GOOD AFTERNOON!----No news from ATLANTA!-----BUTA BUTA still sleeping on top log of the hammock!!----Did she wake up for lunch?

normabyrd said...

WHOA----BLUEFIELD SHARON!!---I think the phrase is----VIVA LAS VEGAS!!-----

normabyrd said...

WOW!----Raining here now & WE NEED THE RAIN!!----Are you getting rain MEGAN??

floralgirl said...

No rain here, but there is a thunderstorm headed our way- and it currently has hail in it -so I don't want it!

normabyrd said...

I just watched PRECIOUS on her 1st birthday -(video)-- enjoying her ice treat!!---The lady describing PRECIOUS say she was the most precocious of all her baby pandas!!----She was on the ice treat--in the ice treat---upside down on her ice treat---under the ice treat, etc.!!----WISH SUZANNE COULD SEE HER!!!-----Wish we could see more of her!!!!---She truly is a 'little imp'!!!!

normabyrd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

little bugger, Tai does not want to come in...sitting in the shoot

MITS said...

he has food maybe they are going to do a training session with him

MITS said...

Wednesday, August 13
Lun Lun continues to sleep away the day. Yesterday, she had a few biscuits during a very brief training session. Following that, she ate bamboo for about five minutes. That pretty much concluded her activities for the day. Today has been no different. She came over first thing this morning for several biscuits and ate a tiny bit of bamboo. She has been sleeping the rest of the day, except for the occasional shift of position.
Kenn Harwood
Lead Keeper, Carnivores

normabyrd said...

THANKS MEGAN!!!----I have been trying to do too many things at once---Didn't notice warning----WHOA!--Just went on TV--SEVERE STORM WARNING---3:15 pm---ALLEGANY, MD---HAMPSHIRE -- MORGAN & EASTERN PANHANDLE!!!-----

Costume Lady said...

Hope some of that rain comes to our area. Maybe our babies will come back to the nest for comfort from the storm!

MITS said...

heading to the beach...later...

floralgirl said...

Pouring rain here and at the nest now.

hedgie said...

We got a decent storm here...some electricity but not too bad, little wind, and fairly good downpour. Power out for only a minute, but satellites down for about 30 min. All in all, not bad! Temp down to 68.

hedgie said...

eBay good idea for the car,Wanda, but set a reserve don't want to give it away!!!

hedgie said...

You all had me roflmbo, too, reading your pop-up remarks!! Good thing blogger cop was asleep, huh??

hedgie said...

Sure hope everything is okay w/ Steve...probably just super busy again today....but it is getting l-a-t-e!!!

floralgirl said...

We got pouring rain and some very intense lightning strikes-

hedgie said...

Hope Mits travels ahead of the storms! Everyone else safe and sound?

Mema Jo said...

Oh Wanda What have you started?
My muffler fell off and dragged on the road. It scared the dickens out of me - I thought someone had me!!!

It wasn't all that bad - I was at the traffic stop on top of Braddock headed into Frederick to pick up GGD
for our play date! When I had the green light and started to go down the mountain - WHAMMO - So thankful Alexis wasn't with me. Hubby came right up and tied it up and drove it home. It's fixable - Just needs a new bolt! Thank goodness.

Mema Jo said...

We only got 23 drops of rain here in the valley! Missed us again.....

hedgie said...

Jo, glad it wasn't more serious! Once upon a time,on a July 4th, driving home from New England, we LOST the muffler on 95 in NYC...the BAD part of NYC. We decided to keep on truckin' the time we got home and turned off the ignition, the silence was deafening!!

floralgirl said...

there's a new thread!

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...