Good morning Margy, Sharon and Steve, Have a great vacation Steve. Where are you headed? Beautiful Sunday. Phelps one and for you Redskins fans they pulled out at the last minute. Ravens and Orioles lost. CONGRATS TO MICHAEL PHELPS. Margy have a good day bird watching. Sharon what are you going to do this day. Happy Anniversary to Helen & jubby Jay.
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----STEVEN---ENJOY!--ENJOY! YOUR VACATION!!----CONGRATS!---MAGPIE---our #1 EAGLE MOM today & everyday!!---It's wonderful world in PHELPS' NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!----BALTIMORE will never be the same!!!---(right CEIL & HELEN)---WOW!--- What a GLORIOUS AM---SUN is shining---birds are singing--MOTHERS are humming a 'happy tune'----ho!----SCHOOL STARTS in most areas!!!!----LIFE IS GOOD!!---temp is 54° here in WONDERFUL WILD WEST VIRGINIA-------"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY----PARENTS OF 3 SOARING MOUNTAINEERS!!!----LIVE---LOVE--DANCE--GIVE A HUG---& THANKS TO GOD----WE ARE TRULY BLESSED!!!
The 'LITTLE PRINCE' was sleeping in the stone cave!!---Something woke him up!!---roamed around---now he is back in cave napping!--He misses SISSY!!----ho!
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE... Steve, hope your vaction is long and wonderful. I just realized that we haven't had a vacation this Summer. Need to think about doing something. CONGRATS TO HELEN AND JUBBY...ANNIVERSARIES ARE WONDERFUL!
MORNIN' DEB & WANDA!!!----CEIL--schools vary----FL daughter--tomorrow---WV---teachers tomorrow!!--etc.---Morning news noted that the MOM who won SILVER MEDALS---needed to be home to get daughter school supplies for school, etc.----
Gotta get ready for back later this evening. Gotta visit GeeGee and see how "CATTY", Margy's caterpillar is doing. Excuse me...chrysalis, not caterpillar.
DEB----If you are still there---I watched a movie in re:---INDIAN life in SD---I have a better understanding of what you were explaining to me way back!!---(forget name)---bottom line--ends up pouring paint over MT RUSHMORE----- I THINK YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL STATE!!!----may move there when I grow up!!!----ho!---You should be employed by their TRAVEL BUREAU!!
HEY!!!---INDIANA DAVE---I thought you weren't retiring until 8/29?-----Have missed your hellos & eagle stories!!!---Surely you didn't join the football team------ho!
Good morning! Happy Anniversary to Mits and Jay! Steve, have a great vacation! Kids go back to school here in the panhandle on the 26th...teachers go back tomorrow here, too Norma, I think.
Child in TX is getting on plane--headed to DC hotel tonight.She will be done w/work Weds., so Thurs.AM we'll hit the Zoo!!!! & then she stays w/us until next Sunday.Nat'l History Butterfly exhibit & steamed crabs are on the agenda too!!! Yippee! Needless to say, I need to do housework!
Hey - I was thinking while traversing the creek bed to get some photos of cardinal flowers: ' I SURE COULD USE AN EAGLE CANE RIGHT ABOUT NOW ' - PLOP - slid off the bank into the creek, got wet up to the calves, muddy too, but I got the shot! More soon. xo
A couple at church yesterday, were celebrating their 64th wedding anniversary - they were glowing !
Also saw: Green Heron, was looking for food for a long time, and preening, lots of Cedar Waxwings, a very brief glimpse of a scarlet tanager, and at the end, two soaring Red-Shouldered Hawks, and I observed a Crow choking on something, man did he SQUAWK ! NO BEAVER and NO MUSKRATS!
MAGPIE----I would jump into the creek if I could see a SCARLET TANGER!!-----I used to have several GREEN HERONS!!----They stayed for several years!!!---So enjoyed watching them----
At Swinging Bridge: Joe-Pye (for real this time, Wanda) - goldenrod, woodland sunflower, violet garden phlox, on the way back saw a wild field of New York Ironwood, Joe-Pye Weed, and about five others, with plenty of butterflies was really gorgeous, but my "good camera" was already out of film. And close to home, about 1/2 acre of pink butterfly weed or something like it, probably has another name.
Yes, Wanda - this heron was nice! I spooked him a little when I got there, which is good because that is how I saw him! I spooked him again when I circled around to get some photos of the flowers...but I saw him at the other side of the bridge after that. I was hoping to see an Osprey there - it's rare but I have seen them....but I didn't today.
Hope you are okay Magpie-I can just imagine you sitting or standing in front of your computer letting us know your experience before you even showered-got the ivy or mudd off. Glad your okay.
GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE Thank you so much for the anniversary wishes....Jay and I have been married 34 years today.....and they said it would not last:)
I set the alarm clock early to try to see the Eagle Couple...hit the snooze button at leat once, and when I DID get up, I saw the last 30-seconds of both of them, then just the one for another few mins.
WHOA!! NATURENUT----This "child" is flying into to DC---staying at a hotel---& old is this child???---ho!---GIVE TAI MY LOVE----when you all get to the zoo!!!!
Hello everyone! What a full house this Sunday afternoon. So much news from all of you! Happy 34th anniversary Helen & Jay Wishing you many many more years of happiness So our adventurous gal is out sliding in the mud!! Thanks so much for the beautiful pic from this morning's visit! Hi Norma - Those burrowing owls are really cuties! So is Tai! Company just came BBL
Interview tonight at 7 pm NBC with Michael Phelps...they filmed it last night. The medal ceremony finally was televised....after one of the Men's Track Events. It was nice.
Happy Anniversary to Mits & Jubby!!!! Celebrate on the Beach---great day to go back to OC!
Norma, Dr. Daughter and I are the same age---39!!! Tee Hee
Margy, Love your adventure---sounds like some of mine! Yesterday, after working at Park (it was a zoo!), went down to get pic of woodsy boardwalk. Heard rustling sound in treetop. Figured it was a squirrel---but no, it was a huge brown bird that took off!!Walked a little further & the giant bird flew again, but over the river into the sun---White Head & Tail!!!!!Couldn't get a pic, as it soared lower & I was surrounded by monster cattails & wild rice. Hope I see it again!
NATURE NUT: Makes your heart pound doesn't it? The surprises are the most fun, serendipity. I'm glad for your adventures...
I could have used your help Id-ing some butterflies, saw the Tiger Swallowtail and Spicebush, and some little small orange with black markings, and one little deep yellow with a little orange... Need to get a GOOD DIGITAL, and a GOOD BUTTERFLY BOOK.
- - - - WildWatch Osrpeys look great, think LW Eagle is active cam now again, something rather unusual looking in the nest, maybe the remains of the deceased second chick? or maybe part of a recent meal...
Take Care All...Nap time with a little Osrpey reading first, if the Blogger Cop doesn't take this message like it took my last one !
Not sure about vacation, Megan... but you do have mail.. How was Shepherdstown? Friend from down that way, has a too-slow computer and was not aware of the Betty's effort, but thinks some of the other merchants may follow suit, sounds like a great WAKE UP idea to me..
Ok - Great, MEGAN - I'll watch the evening news, and can also get it on the computer - that is one pull-together town, Shepherdstown... free spirits all around... - is the link to the local TV station..
Ditto that, MEGAN..I actually lived in Shepherdstown for awhile, twice, while attending college there... a loooooong time ago...once, right next door to the "Men's Club" - email back atcha - and thanks !
Hi Ceil I hadn't turned mine off today .. Glad you made it in .. maybe others are having the same problem as there are few comments from this afternoon.
It's been a beautiful day.. I've been watching the interviews of Michael Phelps and last one was with his mom. Great People!
If anyone is musically inclined.....I found this while doing some other research...John Philip Sousa wrote a march called The Invincible Eagle. It is on public domain, so you can print out the sheet music for free! Just do a search (John Philip Sousa's The invincible Eagle) and find the site that mentions download. It's a PDF. I haven't played it yet...looks a bit tough!! Too tired tonight to try!
MEMA: I went bongos when it disappeared so quick! Nope, it was one of the quickest stops ever...I suppose it could make it back ...
Old Luna will be emerging pretty soon, I think it's about 15 mins later each night...
Thanks for the link to the updates on sounds encouraging...imagine getting pinched in the armpit! Megan reported that WHAG was there today, so we might be able to see that on the nightly news..or:
Magpie I was on the phone and was almost rude to the person. Like get off I see an eagle and have to tell everyone. I did not even say adult just eagle.
It is nice to be home early today. I even had dinner ready in the crockpot, so I ate well tonight. Tomorrow I am staying in town, that will be nice, too. I need to get caught up on details.
Hi's always nice to catch up on all the news and check out the sites that people post.
MEMA: Saw where you signed the Guest Book, me too. The entry from the Calhoun Family is awesome, was the most recent one when I just checked in...really says it all about a lot of things.
CEIL: I am the same way! I was checking emails and stuff, and go back to the cam between checks, and there it was! If I am on the phone, I try to type with one hand, and it doesn't work very well...
Oh, you smart people!!! Thnx! Do believe I've heard it before. Typical march tempo...argh!! I will definitely try it, but not really my forte!!! Always did have a problem "counting"--and I gave my metronome to my more talented youngest!!
DEB - Buddy has a good report Frodo & Frieda are not regulars on the ledge yet. But 2 nest wells have been spotted. Mei is not pregnant BUT we are now hoping that LunLun, Atlanta Zoo, will be. Won't know for awhile. Osprey chicks at WildWatch are growing!
Other things I'm sure for you to catch up on.... Just ask
No, Jo, no Shepherdstown daily...not even sure if they still have a weekly/monthly...I think just The Spirit of Jefferson, out of CharlesTown, which I THINK is weekly.
There is something called the Shepherdstown Chronicle, I think, and it comes out once a week...will check with a Shepherdstown Bud and see about getting it... It's a cool rag....
Jo, Thanks for the updates. I love Megan's gardens, too bad her markets are too far for me! Loretta works in a beautiful area, wouldn't that be wonderful to see all the time. I had seen the caterpillar, will look for updates. I also saw Norma with her handyman!
DEB: The story about Wanda's caterpillar has been a heartwarming one...she had planned on giving it to me, but I couldn't hook up with her at the time. So even though her Mother GeeGee received it, she still called it "Margy's Caterpillar." We named it CATTY - NOW, I guess we should name it CHRISSY! - It is in VERY GOOD HANDS!
Talk about going bongos! Now I look at LW Eagles and what I saw earlier, is still there..I swear the nest was clean when I posted that comment about it being gone...I'm just gonna give up !
Here is a news story from today about the osprey. They were hoping the video would make it to the website, so I will check again later. This station is, as the reporter said, the poor station in town and they don't have the budget the other two stations have. They just don't have the bandwidth to post many videos.
After I read about Deb's osprey, I read an article on the same page about a robbery in Souix Falls where two men took money from the cash register and then fled. If they had been a little smarter, they would have filled up with gas first!LOL (they both were caught)
When drugs are involved, they usually aren't too smart, Wanda. Too bad, they aren't off to a good start in life at 18 years old and facing such serious charges.
We are really watching the backpack birds to see when they start fishing. They were the first released and haven't done that yet. Jane is worried that the backpacks are a hindrance to their survival.
I met a man this weekend that belongs to the bird watcher group in SF. He was talking about going to the Black Hills last winter to see the birds. I asked if it was hard to find the golden eagles that go there and he said no, they were all over but I didn't have to go that far to see them. He showed me about where to find them, then gave me his e-mail and will send me the exact directions. He also told me about a place near Pierre that has snowy owls! Wouldn't that be great!!
It always seems to take a long time to send from AOL to Yahoo. And wonder why it always shows Pacific time on Yahoo? eBay does that,too. Guess they are west coast-based businesses!!
Love that Osprey story, Deb. Wonderful that it's covered in the media.
Edited Blog and after talking about woodsy trails--didn't show any! So just added a couple woodsy trails!!Wish I didn't have to stay in the office there all day--but at least I have to tell myself the environment is nice! Back to Olympics--gotta see gymnastics if it isn't over.
Been watching the gymnastics too, plus chatting on the phone.
Osprey and eagles tend eat the fish head first. Generally the male osprey will deliver the fish to the female with the head eaten off...makes it easier for her to feed the younguns!
Some of the American Olympic swimmers will be on the TODAY show Monday morning....Michael Phelps, Dara Torres, Leezak, and one other... I missed the interview at 7 - hope it will be re-broadcast...
Fundraiser in Shepherdstown Helps Family Amidst Tragedy WHAG-TV updated 12:45 p.m. ET, Sun., Aug. 17, 2008 SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV - Friends and neighbors of a Shepherdstown family hit by tragedy have helped them to cope through a unique fundraiser, ultimately pulling the community together. Inside a makeshift jail to draw attention to the event in Bettys Restaurant, Heather Renaud hosted the 6-hour fundraiser to raise money for Mason Ellsworth, a teenager critically injured in a car accident last month. Renaud said, He's known as the bacon boy. He loves bacon so that's what he comes in to eat all the time. All of the tips collected by the wait staff went into the Ellsworth Fund. Mason Ellworth's family owns Ellsworth Music Supply and Repair on Duke Street. Renaud said they raised more than $4,000 that will go directly to the Ellsworth family to help pay Mason's medical bills. Renaud attributed the success of the fundraiser to her community. She said, It's just a great little town to be in. I feel like if something like that would happen to my family, they would be there. That's what Shepherdstown is all about. Mason is still in a coma, but he is becoming more responsive by the day.
Pretty nice little story...25-Alive, not a whole lot of information about Mason and the accident, but, nice interviews with townspeople and good camera coverages....
Back to the real world this morning. The lake was wonderful, perfect weather. Got to see an osprey twice along with a green heron and another kind of heron (regular run of the mill one I reckon).
GOOD MORNING THELMA AND MARGIE... Lib looks like he is moving sticks around in the nest...what do you think? Maybe eating something...nope, too early to eat.
Good morning, Wanda. Didn't see you out there!! How are all my wonderful friends out in Eagle Land this morning? Had to get up early and get to work, have to get my hair done this afternoon.
Actually, I do not want to leave anyone out (MITS, Jo, Paula, Magpie, Jim and Normabyrd have all amazed me with your skills of picking out Belle or Liberty!!!!)
1 – 200 of 253 Newer› Newest»Thanks and Good Morning, Steve...
We had some visitors this morning...
Good Sunday To You..
I'll go get the others...
We'll Miss You -
Take Care, and Thanks for Everything !!
Hope you have a wonderful vacation Steve.
Thanks Margy!
Thank you....Sharon.....
Well, out to the BRADGE now..
Lovely Day all....
Can't wait to see Norma's greetings on a morning such as this...
Good morning Margy, Sharon and Steve,
Have a great vacation Steve. Where are you headed? Beautiful Sunday. Phelps one and for you Redskins fans they pulled out at the last minute. Ravens and Orioles lost. CONGRATS TO MICHAEL PHELPS. Margy have a good day bird watching. Sharon what are you going to do this day. Happy Anniversary to Helen & jubby Jay.
Off to get a cup of tea and maybe some breakfast.
Ceil, I am heading back to Bluefield today. Have a doctor's appointment in the morning. Going to get these kids home before they drive me plum nuts!
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----STEVEN---ENJOY!--ENJOY! YOUR VACATION!!----CONGRATS!---MAGPIE---our #1 EAGLE MOM today & everyday!!---It's wonderful world in PHELPS' NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!----BALTIMORE will never be the same!!!---(right CEIL & HELEN)---WOW!--- What a GLORIOUS AM---SUN is shining---birds are singing--MOTHERS are humming a 'happy tune'----ho!----SCHOOL STARTS in most areas!!!!----LIFE IS GOOD!!---temp is 54° here in WONDERFUL WILD WEST VIRGINIA-------"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY----PARENTS OF 3 SOARING MOUNTAINEERS!!!----LIVE---LOVE--DANCE--GIVE A HUG---& THANKS TO GOD----WE ARE TRULY BLESSED!!!
Normabyrd, it is so good to have you back on here. I so missed you!!
BLUEFIELD SHARON----I missed you more!!----ho!
The 'LITTLE PRINCE' was sleeping in the stone cave!!---Something woke him up!!---roamed around---now he is back in cave napping!--He misses SISSY!!----ho!
WOW!!---Check out MAMA BEAR!!----SPRAWLED across a log---sleeping---WHOA---doesn't look like expecting now!----SHE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL!!
JO!---There are 3 burrowing owls sunning this am!!--
Sharon have a safe trip. When do they start school? Morning Norma.
Morning, Margy, Sharon, Ceil and Norma. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Happy Anniversary, Helen and Jay!
Steve, hope your vaction is long and wonderful. I just realized that we haven't had a vacation this Summer. Need to think about doing something.
Morning Deb, how was your BBQ?
Good morning Deb and Wanda. Lib and Belle were here earlier. I missed them but Margy and Sharon saw them.
BBQ was good, burgers, salad, corn on the cob. I am off to the lake, ttul.
Norma the flamingos are napping and two of the chicks are there.
Steve, have a great week!
Isn't that cool you can automate it now!
Happy Anniversary Mits & Jubby!
MORNIN' DEB & WANDA!!!----CEIL--schools vary----FL daughter--tomorrow---WV---teachers tomorrow!!--etc.---Morning news noted that the MOM who won SILVER MEDALS---needed to be home to get daughter school supplies for school, etc.----
MORNIN' PAULA!!---Life is good at NCTC!!---STEVEN is so COOL!---
REMEMBER--when I grow up I am going to pay STEVE to let me work in his place at NCTC!!----ho!!
Morning Paula. Better get myself started. BBL
Norma, maybe you will run into good fortune like Deb did and be able to work with our feathered friends.
Gotta get ready for back later this evening. Gotta visit GeeGee and see how "CATTY", Margy's caterpillar is doing. Excuse me...chrysalis, not caterpillar.
DEB----If you are still there---I watched a movie in re:---INDIAN life in SD---I have a better understanding of what you were explaining to me way back!!---(forget name)---bottom line--ends up pouring paint over MT RUSHMORE-----
I THINK YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL STATE!!!----may move there when I grow up!!!----ho!---You should be employed by their TRAVEL BUREAU!!
HEY!!!---INDIANA DAVE---I thought you weren't retiring until 8/29?-----Have missed your hellos & eagle stories!!!---Surely you didn't join the football team------ho!
Thanks WANDA!!----DEB is one of a kind---WOW!---I think she has found her niche now!!---She is so knowledgeable!!
Good morning! Happy Anniversary to Mits and Jay!
Steve, have a great vacation!
Kids go back to school here in the panhandle on the 26th...teachers go back tomorrow here, too Norma, I think.
Glorious Sunday to Everyone!
Steve, have a wonderful vacation!
Child in TX is getting on plane--headed to DC hotel tonight.She will be done w/work Weds., so Thurs.AM we'll hit the Zoo!!!! & then she stays w/us until next Sunday.Nat'l History Butterfly exhibit & steamed crabs are on the agenda too!!! Yippee! Needless to say, I need to do housework!
Good afternoon all. GO REDSKINS!!! Happy Anniversary Mits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited about routinely seeing our fine couple.
Hey - I was thinking while traversing the creek bed to get some photos of cardinal flowers:
' I SURE COULD USE AN EAGLE CANE RIGHT ABOUT NOW ' - PLOP - slid off the bank into the creek, got wet up to the calves, muddy too, but I got the shot! More soon.
A couple at church yesterday, were celebrating their 64th wedding anniversary - they were glowing !
Also saw: Green Heron, was looking for food for a long time, and preening, lots of Cedar Waxwings, a very brief glimpse of a scarlet tanager, and at the end, two soaring Red-Shouldered Hawks, and I observed a Crow choking on something, man did he SQUAWK !
Wildflower report next...
MORNIN'--HEDGIE---NATURENUT---PAULA ----& T-BIRD (my cowboy buddy)----ho!
MAGPIE----I would jump into the creek if I could see a SCARLET TANGER!!-----I used to have several GREEN HERONS!!----They stayed for several years!!!---So enjoyed watching them----
At Swinging Bridge: Joe-Pye (for real this time, Wanda) - goldenrod, woodland sunflower, violet garden phlox, on the way back saw a wild field of New York Ironwood, Joe-Pye Weed, and about five others, with plenty of butterflies was really gorgeous, but my "good camera" was already out of film. And close to home, about 1/2 acre of pink butterfly weed or something like it, probably has another name.
Gotta wash off, maybe poison ivy oil and muddy feet !
Good Afternoon all....
Yes, Wanda - this heron was nice! I spooked him a little when I got there, which is good because that is how I saw him! I spooked him again when I circled around to get some photos of the flowers...but I saw him at the other side of the bridge after that. I was hoping to see an Osprey there - it's rare but I have seen them....but I didn't today.
I bet Shepherdstown is HOPPING !
I guess I need my Panda Nap !
Not talking straight !
Hope you are okay Magpie-I can just imagine you sitting or standing in front of your computer letting us know your experience before you even showered-got the ivy or mudd off. Glad your okay.
GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE Thank you so much for the anniversary wishes....Jay and I have been married 34 years today.....and they said it would not last:)
I set the alarm clock early to try to see the Eagle Couple...hit the snooze button at leat once, and when I DID get up, I saw the last 30-seconds of both of them, then just the one for another few mins.
In this case, I almost missed out..
went to church and out to breakfast....heading to the beach and will go out to dinner tonight.
AP is showing "GROWING UP GORILLAS" now----TOO CUTE!!!---one has a diaper on------They are strong little devils too!----so lovable---
thanks Steven for new thread and Magipie for being 1st....have a great vacation...Steve
It's a good thing it's not a live web cam here....You all would have to run away from the computer !!!
34 years HELEN and JAY -
Lots of x's and o's your way today!
Thanks T-Bird...
I might fall asleep in the tubby...
surrounded by bubbles..
WHOA!! NATURENUT----This "child" is flying into to DC---staying at a hotel---& old is this child???---ho!---GIVE TAI MY LOVE----when you all get to the zoo!!!!
God willing, Margy:)
Sounds like you had an adventuresome trek, Margy!!
HEaded to daughters' for some pool time. SUGAGL (see you gals and guys later)!!
Hello everyone! What a full house this Sunday afternoon. So much news from all of you!
Happy 34th anniversary
Helen & Jay Wishing you many many more years of happiness
So our adventurous gal is out sliding in the mud!! Thanks so much for the beautiful pic from this morning's visit!
Hi Norma - Those burrowing owls are really cuties! So is Tai!
Company just came
WOW---HELEN & JAY---You have a beautiful day to celebrate!!!----(only 34 years---you are just kids)
Must get the Wash. Post & lunch!
Interview tonight at 7 pm NBC with Michael Phelps...they filmed it last night. The medal ceremony finally was televised....after one of the Men's Track Events. It was nice.
Happy Anniversary to Mits & Jubby!!!! Celebrate on the Beach---great day to go back to OC!
Norma, Dr. Daughter and I are the same age---39!!! Tee Hee
Margy, Love your adventure---sounds like some of mine! Yesterday, after working at Park (it was a zoo!), went down to get pic of woodsy boardwalk. Heard rustling sound in treetop. Figured it was a squirrel---but no, it was a huge brown bird that took off!!Walked a little further & the giant bird flew again, but over the river into the sun---White Head & Tail!!!!!Couldn't get a pic, as it soared lower & I was surrounded by monster cattails & wild rice. Hope I see it again!
NATURE NUT: Makes your heart pound doesn't it? The surprises are the most fun, serendipity. I'm glad for your adventures...
I could have used your help Id-ing some butterflies, saw the Tiger Swallowtail and Spicebush, and some little small orange with black markings, and one little deep yellow with a little orange...
- - - -
WildWatch Osrpeys look great, think LW Eagle is active cam now again, something rather unusual looking in the nest, maybe the remains of the deceased second chick? or maybe part of a recent meal...
Take Care All...Nap time with a little Osrpey reading first, if the Blogger Cop doesn't take this message like it took my last one !
Something happened to the puter overnight. Browser settings all screwed up, and I lost some of my "Favorites," but not all!???
I don't know what happened or why.
Heading out, catch ya'll later!
Bai and ZZ are rasslin and playin now.
Bai caught the little imp and is giving her a thorough bath.
Talk to you all later. Have a fun day.
What is this vacation thing I keep hearing about??
Not sure about vacation, Megan...
but you do have mail..
How was Shepherdstown? Friend from down that way, has a too-slow computer and was not aware of the Betty's effort, but thinks some of the other merchants may follow suit, sounds like a great WAKE UP idea to me..
Oh, yeah, Steve is on vacation for a week...
Ok - Great, MEGAN - I'll watch the evening news, and can also get it on the computer - that is one pull-together town, Shepherdstown...
free spirits all around... - is the link to the local TV station..
Ditto that, MEGAN..I actually lived in Shepherdstown for awhile, twice, while attending college there...
a loooooong time ago...once, right next door to the "Men's Club" -
email back atcha - and thanks !
xoxo Now, Relax.....xoxo
Now that I think of it, is WHAG going to be the same as NBC-TV Alive? If not, then the website I posted won't apply...
Yeah, that link you posted is for WHAG-25 Alive- the Hagerstown station
Margy, Sent you pic of small orange butterfly===bet that's who you saw. ;>)
I just finaly read all the comments- Happy anniversary to Helen and Jay!
Today's Journal Entry to Mason from Ashley
Good news about Mason, Jo. Having trouble getting on to the blog. Had to come through the back door.
Hi Ceil
I hadn't turned mine off today ..
Glad you made it in .. maybe others are having the same problem as there are few comments from this afternoon.
It's been a beautiful day.. I've been watching the interviews of Michael Phelps and last one was with his mom. Great People!
If anyone is musically inclined.....I found this while doing some other research...John Philip Sousa wrote a march called The Invincible Eagle. It is on public domain, so you can print out the sheet music for free! Just do a search (John Philip Sousa's The invincible Eagle) and find the site that mentions download. It's a PDF. I haven't played it yet...looks a bit tough!! Too tired tonight to try!
Eagle in the nest ...
I am so was there just for an instant !
Now, gone....
Quick visit. Poof. But good to see.
Is the adult still there?
Ceil - how quick a visit that was!
Maybe it will return...but we have had phenomenal good fortune in the early mornings lately.
Good Evening to you and Everyone else !
OK! I was trying to see an eagle in all those webs and lights.... I was going bongos!
Hedgie - you going to try tomorrow to play it on Piano?
MEMA: I went bongos when it disappeared so quick! Nope, it was one of the quickest stops ever...I suppose it could make it back ...
Old Luna will be emerging pretty soon, I think it's about 15 mins later each night...
Thanks for the link to the updates on sounds encouraging...imagine getting pinched in the armpit! Megan reported that WHAG was there today, so we might be able to see that on the nightly news..or:
Lynn I google John Philip Sousa's the invincible eagle and it has it on you tube play. I saw the sheet music and it looks hard. Now march.
Is there a daily Shepherdstown
newspaper - The Journal ?
Magpie I was on the phone and was almost rude to the person. Like get off I see an eagle and have to tell everyone. I did not even say adult just eagle.
Hi, all. I am home, have eaten dinner and am now relaxing.
I found The Invincible Eagle on YouTube, go to this site: The Invincible Eagle
The Invincible Eagle
Just a sample of it!!
You're just as fast as ever!! lol
Good to have you back!
We all did the same thing!! I am not musically inclined so had to find it all ready for me to listen to.
It is nice to be home early today. I even had dinner ready in the crockpot, so I ate well tonight. Tomorrow I am staying in town, that will be nice, too. I need to get caught up on details.
Hi's always nice to catch up on all the news and check out the sites that people post.
MEMA: Saw where you signed the Guest Book, me too. The entry from the Calhoun Family is awesome, was the most recent one when I just checked in...really says it all about a lot of things.
Mason's guest book is for very good inspirational reading. Shows all the more that without Faith you could really lose it!
CEIL: I am the same way! I was checking emails and stuff, and go back to the cam between checks, and there it was! If I am on the phone, I try to type with one hand, and it doesn't work very well...
Oh, you smart people!!! Thnx! Do believe I've heard it before. Typical march tempo...argh!! I will definitely try it, but not really my forte!!! Always did have a problem "counting"--and I gave my metronome to my more talented youngest!!
Missed our visitor...again! I was stuffing my face w/ dessert!
DEB - Buddy has a good report
Frodo & Frieda are not regulars on the ledge yet. But 2 nest wells have been spotted.
Mei is not pregnant BUT we are now
hoping that LunLun, Atlanta Zoo, will be. Won't know for awhile.
Osprey chicks at WildWatch are growing!
Other things I'm sure for you to catch up on.... Just ask
No, Jo, no Shepherdstown daily...not even sure if they still have a weekly/monthly...I think just The Spirit of Jefferson, out of CharlesTown, which I THINK is weekly.
DEB - Be sure to look at blogs of Wanda & Loretta & Megan
There is something called the Shepherdstown Chronicle, I think, and it comes out once a week...will check with a Shepherdstown Bud and see about getting it...
It's a cool rag....
So maybe the Martinsburg paper would cover Shepherdstown - or the Herald Mail in Hagerstown. Just wanted to read about the fund raiser for Mason.
The Morning Herald, probably, doubt the Journal....we'll check in the morning and tell each other about it!
Jo, Thanks for the updates. I love Megan's gardens, too bad her markets are too far for me! Loretta works in a beautiful area, wouldn't that be wonderful to see all the time. I had seen the caterpillar, will look for updates. I also saw Norma with her handyman!
No more caterpillar, how long do we have to wait for a butterfly?
Much more likely that The Herald will cover! The Journal is usually a day late and a dollar short!!! I get both, so will let you know.
Think I will call it a night. Pleasant dreams.
DEB: The story about Wanda's caterpillar has been a heartwarming one...she had planned on giving it to me, but I couldn't hook up with her at the time. So even though her Mother GeeGee received it, she still called it "Margy's Caterpillar." We named it CATTY - NOW, I guess we should name it CHRISSY! -
Loretta: Think what I saw was Meadow Fritillary, got your email, and sent you one too..Thanks!
"Ask and you shall receive" is the way it goes on here..
Whatever was on the nest at Lake Washington Eagle, the remnants of something which I saw earlier...have disappeared...
Talk about going bongos!
Now I look at LW Eagles and what I saw earlier, is still there..I swear the nest was clean when I posted that comment about it being gone...I'm just gonna give up !
Shepherdstown weekly paper- the Chronicle- comes out on Fridays.
Thanks, Megan...
Luna has emerged...
I'm back!
Deb. was that a picture of the eagle nebula to Sousa's march?
I took an ice cream break.. Sorry I forgot to tell you.
Lake Washington-Someone on one of the other forums did spot the Juvie
on 8/13. I guess they are leftovers we are seeing.
Whoa, I googled that, Paula, you could be right!!
That is Cool! NEBULA
I kept thinking the youtube presentation was going to turn into a picture of an eagle... but Nebula says it all. Thanks Paula!
Time for Army Wives...BBL.
Thanks, Margy, how lucky can you get to have an osprey with a fish fly over your head. I have had so much fun taking the pictures.
Here is a news story from today about the osprey. They were hoping the video would make it to the website, so I will check again later. This station is, as the reporter said, the poor station in town and they don't have the budget the other two stations have. They just don't have the bandwidth to post many videos.
Ospreys doing well
Video or no, that is a GREAT story Deb....and a nice photo...
Thanks for the Link...
Just think, they will fly South soon....maybe they will fly over West Virginia on the way....(that would be a detour, but what the heck!)
After I read about Deb's osprey, I read an article on the same page about a robbery in Souix Falls where two men took money from the cash register and then fled. If they had been a little smarter, they would have filled up with gas first!LOL (they both were caught)
Well written article as to what you have been up to. Photo was great.
Is there more watching to be done until the osprey leave?
I thought your avatar was of the osprey that had the drooping leg..I didn't see the fish!
When drugs are involved, they usually aren't too smart, Wanda. Too bad, they aren't off to a good start in life at 18 years old and facing such serious charges.
Deb, I read somewhere on here that osprey and I guess eagles too, try to carry their fish head first to make them areodynamic. I think that is cool.
We are really watching the backpack birds to see when they start fishing. They were the first released and haven't done that yet. Jane is worried that the backpacks are a hindrance to their survival.
Margy, that must be SNAIL mail...not in my inbox yet.
I love to see it when someone takes a BITE out of crime...Shame people just don't follow the GOLDEN RULE....
The Invincible Eagle: Wonderful end to the day...thanks for making the quick link possible, folks...
Speaking of bites, time for a late night snack!
That would be what this one did, except it ate the head first. It was sitting on the bank eating when we first spotted it.
Figures Wanda..often happens that way with Yahoo. Think I will post from Verizon, speeds things up..
I met a man this weekend that belongs to the bird watcher group in SF. He was talking about going to the Black Hills last winter to see the birds. I asked if it was hard to find the golden eagles that go there and he said no, they were all over but I didn't have to go that far to see them. He showed me about where to find them, then gave me his e-mail and will send me the exact directions. He also told me about a place near Pierre that has snowy owls! Wouldn't that be great!!
Night, everyone. I'll be on off and on tomorrow in between catching up on chores.
Helen, hope you had a good 34th anniversary!
I love snowy owls!
I think you have forgotten all about a back to the work world date!!! lol
It always seems to take a long time to send from AOL to Yahoo. And wonder why it always shows Pacific time on Yahoo? eBay does that,too. Guess they are west coast-based businesses!!
Love that Osprey story, Deb. Wonderful that it's covered in the media.
Edited Blog and after talking about woodsy trails--didn't show any! So just added a couple woodsy trails!!Wish I didn't have to stay in the office there all day--but at least I have to tell myself the environment is nice!
Back to Olympics--gotta see gymnastics if it isn't over.
Well, friends, guess I'll hit the tub...gotta get the chlorine off! Hope everyone sleeps well w/ pleasant dreams. Goodnight!
Raven on the nest at Finney's -
Good Night Deb and Loretta, sleep well.
Been watching the gymnastics too, plus chatting on the phone.
Osprey and eagles tend eat the fish head first. Generally the male osprey will deliver the fish to the female with the head eaten off...makes it easier for her to feed the younguns!
Nite all!
Good Night everyone - It has been a good day!
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all being said..
Wake Up Mason
Sunshine coming at you in the morning
Come to think of it, I need to sign off too.
I read that Mason has shown a tiny bit of progress.
Good Night All--Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)))
No 25-Alive news yet 'cause the Olympics holds the channel, checked the website, nothing shows yet...maybe in the morning...
Aaah- the Osprey took his nest back at Finney's
Some of the American Olympic swimmers will be on the TODAY show Monday morning....Michael Phelps, Dara Torres, Leezak, and one other...
I missed the interview at 7 - hope it will be re-broadcast...
Fundraiser in Shepherdstown Helps Family Amidst Tragedy
updated 12:45 p.m. ET, Sun., Aug. 17, 2008
SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV - Friends and neighbors of a Shepherdstown family hit by tragedy have helped them to cope through a unique fundraiser, ultimately pulling the community together.
Inside a makeshift jail to draw attention to the event in Bettys Restaurant, Heather Renaud hosted the 6-hour fundraiser to raise money for Mason Ellsworth, a teenager critically injured in a car accident last month.
Renaud said, He's known as the bacon boy. He loves bacon so that's what he comes in to eat all the time. All of the tips collected by the wait staff went into the Ellsworth Fund. Mason Ellworth's family owns Ellsworth Music Supply and Repair on Duke Street. Renaud said they raised more than $4,000 that will go directly to the Ellsworth family to help pay Mason's medical bills.
Renaud attributed the success of the fundraiser to her community. She said, It's just a great little town to be in. I feel like if something like that would happen to my family, they would be there. That's what Shepherdstown is all about. Mason is still in a coma, but he is becoming more responsive by the day.
Good Night
Sweet Dreams
Thanks, Mema...missed that on the site...25-Alive news is on now...
maybe, something will be on there?
Story up Next about Mason's fund-raiser...
Pretty nice little story...25-Alive, not a whole lot of information about Mason and the accident, but, nice interviews with townspeople and good camera coverages....
Should be on the morning news too.
It's extremely windy at the Hobby nest, chick is perched on a branch off the nest, looks cold and frightened...
no eagles that I've seen yet this morning
Happy Happy B-day Candy!!!!
We have the nest....
I think we have an Eagle Alert. Not sure with the web in the way.
Yep...looks like Lib. Hooray!!
Good morning everyone!! I see a beautiful creature behind all of spidey's art work this morning!! Morning magpie and Thelma!!
gone just that quickly :( thanks magpie-goodmorning Wanda and Magpie and Bev
Back to the real world this morning. The lake was wonderful, perfect weather. Got to see an osprey twice along with a green heron and another kind of heron (regular run of the mill one I reckon).
I think they'll both be back-creatures of habit (them and us, huh?)
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday dear Candy!!
Happy Birthday to you!!
Gone? It was bent over picking at something in the nest...I do still see an eagle don't I?
Good Morning Early Eagle Watchers !
Lib looks like he is moving sticks around in the nest...what do you think? Maybe eating something...nope, too early to eat.
Good morning, Wanda. Didn't see you out there!! How are all my wonderful friends out in Eagle Land this morning? Had to get up early and get to work, have to get my hair done this afternoon.
You and Sharon-I don't see how you can pick'em.
got to get ready to make some dough-ya'll be good now ya hear
Both parents!!!!
I think that is Lib... he doesn't fill the nest up and much as Belle and his feet are different.
Oh, what a sight!! Beautiful couple.
It's never too early to eat !
Tee Hee...
This is Great..
Oh Goodness: Now Two !!
I am sure they are discussing how they are going to remodel the nest for the next brood.
Boy, I'd love to be sitting out there by the nest this morning with a cup of coffee, watching these lovely creatures!!
Lib looks like he has a stick in his beak or is talking to Belle.
No stick, I think he was yawning. lol
Belle didn't stick around very long. Maybe she's getting breakfast. SOMEBODY'S GOTTA MAKE THE DONUTS.
two eagles again...aaaaahhh
OK, we have a couple again.
This is getting better every 90 seconds!
They are checking out the egg cup.
So, we will not see the juvies anymore?
Actually, I do not want to leave anyone out (MITS, Jo, Paula, Magpie, Jim and Normabyrd have all amazed me with your skills of picking out Belle or Liberty!!!!)
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