Wednesday, August 06, 2008



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magpie said...

Well...down to one.....

magpie said...

Two again! Parents. Think they must be discussing next year's family plans?

magpie said...

They are both at the launch pad...

magpie said...

I think this makes three mornings in a row....that the adults have made an appearance in the nest...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh I so love seeing our eagles in the nest when I get up. Sure would love to see our babies!

magpie said...

And empty nest.. What a nice long viewing this was....

Good Morning Everyone!

floralgirl said...

Darn it, missed them.. Morning all:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei Xiang is curled up again. Looks like she is cradling her kong toy again! Now she is up and moving out. Looks like panda poopy time again. Saw her do that about 4:30 this morning to and went right back into the birthing den.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei just carried some bamboo into the birthing den.

magpie said...

Yeah, it was a vision Megan...they seem to like to visit the nest this time of the morning..
Sharon caught an image and just put it up on Yahoo..
T-bird mentioned maybe a juvenile, but I missed that...


Time for me to try to get presentable for the outside world..


indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning; Today is going to be
a great day.12 more days until i
retire,HOOOOOOOO-RAY. I am then
going to go to northern canada to
do some fishing and take lots of
photos of the wildlife there.
Have a great day everyone !!!

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

magpie said...

There's a chick at Finney's - seems to have been there a long time, just looked straight up into the sky...well, now it just flew off.

magpie said...

Morning, Dave, that is such GREAT NEWS! Enjoy....

floralgirl said...

Wow Dave- lucky you:) congrats!

magpie said...




Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Margy, we saw it last night and Monday night. It is so amazing!

glo said...

Good Mornign all. I see where Lib and Belle stopped in to say hi.that is always so cool. Thanks for the photo Sharon. Off to coffee and dog treats. Still dragging from my overnight. A nap[ this afternoon is in the plans for me.

Oh and new computer programs arggh got one of those coming up on Friday. I surely hope I feel better than I do today. Enjoy your day folks.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei Xiang is in the other den making a poopy again! They have been talking to her.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei just went out of the den. I am assuming they are going to attempt another ultrasound.

Costume Lady said...

Mei is standing up looking out of the window of the door. I guess she wants some fresh air. I assume the door leads to the outside world.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone!! Getting a late start today. Yesterday was just too stressful!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It's gonna be a good day today!!

Red said...

Good morning everyone. Great to see Lib and Belle this morning.

Dave, I've been retired 5 years now and have never looked back. You'll love the freedom. Enjoy Canada. It's great this time of year. I lived there 11 years and found the winters are a little long for this southern boy.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Red...what on earth did you do in Canada for 11 years and what made you move to Alabama?

DAVE, what kind of fishing do you do? I LOVE to fish, but don't get a chance to do it very often. I am partial to ocean pier fishing. Love flounder!

Costume Lady said...

SISSY, knowing how much you like Pandas, I was wondering if you saw the Momma and baby on my Wild and Wonderful blog? I think it is a really weird photo, almost frightening.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

I always think of Norma when I hear the words WILD AND WONDERFUL!

Red said...

Wanda, my job (computer technician) took me to Canada. Alabama is where my roots are.

Costume Lady said...

RED, speaking of Alabama, reminds me of my daughter (Butterfly Mama), the first time we visited New Orleans. Alabama is such a long state that she kept asking, "are we out of HALABAMA yet?" It really takes a long time to get from top to bottom....not as bad as traveling from east to west across TEXAS!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE...beem watching Mei:)

Costume Lady said...

COMPUTER TECHNICIAN? Hummmm...gonna have to pick your brain sometime.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Helen...
How do you feel about the Mei situation...still have hope?

MITS said...

yes, I'm still optimistic, she is definitely different than last year....but they tell us, false/real pregnancy look the same...mighty fine flounder fish down OC right now, Wanda

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Wow it isn't even ten yet! Thanks so much for the pic Sharon. So glad they are returning home!

Yes - I thought Norma would be here this morning! Anne Marie is missing also!

Going over to emails........
New Thread should be coming soon if all went well with Steve yesterday. I would hope he is home with his feet up! Thinking of you Steve.

MITS said...

if Mei pulls anymore bamboo into the birthing den, you are not going to see a cub:):)

Red said...

Wanda, Yes Alabama is pretty long but beautiful. And the bald eagle population is increasing each year. However not close to me. I have to drive about 60 miles SE on the Tennessee River to see one and even then they're not easy to find.

and remember something before you pick my brain. I've been retired 5 years and my memory is not what it used to be. Also my memory is not what it used to be. lol

Mema Jo said...

Email from Suzanne
Thought I'd better let you all know tomorrow is my Save Gas Day, and I'm
taking the day off. Have a nice weekend, everybody! Suz

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Hope your feeling OK, Steve.

And a juvie and both parents in the nest! Where's the pics, Tbird!!

Mema Jo said...

Mits: That is what I was thinking yesterday as I watched her in her den almost covered with bamboo. There could be a cub down in there!

MITS said...

no worries, Jo, if it is there and ok, it will scream its little lungs off

Mema Jo said...

OK - I just remembered that we didn't have sound with ButaButa & at times you would mention how noisy a cub could be!

Costume Lady said...

If you all don't hear from me in a while, I will be flounder fishing at Helen's condo and when I get done there...I am going to Red's to search for eagles. Oh what fun that all would be!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Hi costume lady;
I like most fish,here in indiana
i like to bass fish but in canada
i like lake-trout ,artic-char,and
land-loc sammon.I have never done
any salt-water fishing,but would
like to some time.
Indiana Dave

MITS said...

mt friends went flounder fishing last week, caught some nice ones....did not share:(

Costume Lady said...

I can remember watching ZZ when her Mom would leave...her mouth would fly open as wide as can be and would love to have been able to hear her.
The only sound I have ever heard from a baby panda is the one where it sneezed and scared Mom.

Costume Lady said...

DAVE, there is not much better eating than a Trout on the grill. I'll bet you have done that.

MITS said...

and I am just praying you all get to see the start of is a really fun trip

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - they should have shared!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

That makes my mouth water just
thinking about it


MITS said...

your right, Paula:)

Mema Jo said...

I have no clue what is laying in the CT osprey nest - One of the osprey is there - It is pieces of white something or other! I thought osprey only ate fish... They could be feathers????

MITS said...

mmm, some kind of gull, maybe, think I see a beak?

Mema Jo said...

Chick is in Finny nest..

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

New thread come on over

Indiana Dave

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...