Tuesday, August 12, 2008


New thread.


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T-Bird said...

one of "our" eagles is back-got to go make some dough-later

magpie said...

Sorry I missed you Thelma and Buddy...had to make myself go back to bed after seeing the Eagle around 5 am....glad you got to see him too...

Good Morning Everyone...It's a beauty here in Martinsburg...


magpie said...

Article in today's Martinsburg Journal regarding a fund-raiser Sunday at Betty's Restaurant in Shepherdstown this Sunday...for Mason Ellsworth and his family.

Just read the Caringbridge Journal....missed seeing that everyone was asked to holler "WAKE UP MASON!" Tuesday night at 9 pm...maybe all the Momsters and Dadsters can do it TONIGHT at 9 pm instead....and if we see those 5 planets and old Luna....we can dedicate the vision to his healing...

Those four planets, Venus (which will be the Queenpin, brightest) are going to be low on the Western Horizon....and won't be out very long....so let's hope for clear skies and a good viewing point...


magpie said...

It looks VERY windy at the Hobby nest, baby all cuddled down into the nest by himself, Loch Garten looks windy too. Finney's Nest chick guarding the nest....

Good Day to all, headed to work soon..


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good Morning everyone!!

ceil said...

Good morning T-bird, magpie, sissy and buddy, Just stopping in to say good morning and have a great day.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Ceil, have a great day.

ceil said...

magpie Suzanne was thinking it was a raven in finney's nest. She would like to send pictures of it to you but does not have your e-mail address. If you can e-mail Jo or someone they will have hers. See you later alligator as Candy says.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Mei is still doing her thing.....hope to find out more today....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Who's getting the donuts this morning?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I got the coffee, Starbucks Sumatra. Come on over.

MITS said...


MITS said...

I'm drinking Maxwell House...good to the very last drop:).

MITS said...

Mei sounds like a goose

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone.

MITS said...

looks like they are getting ready to do an ultrasound on Mei

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Morning Mits. When she was standing at the door, I told Sissy that Mei was ready for her ultrasound. Ain't looking to good for a baby is it?

ceil said...

Yep they changed the picture. Tian is sleeping in the grotto and Tai is sleeping hanging over a log. I think they are just hoping but I don't think we will get a cub.

MITS said...

I guess the bad news is, there is no cub yet....the good news is they are still continuing the 24/7 pregnancy watch.....maybe more to be revealed after ultra-sound...they do see something on the scan, but just don't know if it is a cub. After what happened with the birth of Buta in Atlanta, they don't want to stop the watch to soon after she reaches baseline.

MITS said...

when Tai was born....she had not even reached baseline and surprised them all by having him when they least expected it....so guess it ain't over til it is over:)

MITS said...

as the Rev Jesse Jackson would say, "KEEP HOPE ALIVE":)

MITS said...

ultra-sound all done....if she even let them do it.

MITS said...

good girl, giving them a urine sample now....must have had a full bladder for the test...that is good too.

MITS said...

good luck retrieving a urine sample from that mess

paula eagleholic said...

Early eagle watchers score again. Yay Tbird and Magpie..

Morning, all!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

And Jim saw F or F down in Aussieland - cool!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no, not donut talk again! :)

All I have is a lousy package of cheese crackers!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Mits!

You heading back to the beach anytime soon? I know you have the zoo today.

paula eagleholic said...

Can someone post the link or email the carepage for Mason? Thanks!

MITS said...

either going back tomorrow or Friday....will be down there til around the 5th of September....be back in town for Ravens opening day on the 7th...hope Michael Phelps is ther...he is a big Ravens fan

MITS said...

OK...hot off the presses:(, "it is what it is"

Aug. 11, 2008

National Zoo’s Giant Panda Will Not Give Birth

Staff at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo confirmed today that female giant panda Mei Xiang (may-SHONG) will not give birth to a cub this year. They believe that she experienced either a pseudopregnancy or the loss of a developing fetus. In a pseudopregnancy, an animal’s hormonal changes and behaviors are identical to a pregnancy, but no conception occurred. Fetal loss during early pregnancy is a common occurrence in mammals, but the reasons for this phenomenon are poorly understood.

National Zoo scientists, veterinarians and keepers were closely watching Mei Xiang, assessing her hormone levels and behavior and conducting weekly ultrasounds in an attempt to determine if she was pregnant. Veterinarians noted small changes in Mei Xiang’s uterus—but they were unable to confirm the presence of a fetus. Giant panda fetuses are very small—a new-born cub is only five inches long. At other zoos, fetuses have only been visible on ultrasound in the last weeks before birth.

In mid-July Mei Xiang’s urinary progesterone levels (a hormone associated with pregnancy) began to decline. In pregnant pandas, declining hormones and increased maternal behaviors signal an impending birth. This year, Mei Xiang’s hormones declined as expected, but the decline lasted longer than normal and she continued to show maternal behavior even after her hormones reached baseline. The Zoo’s scientists and veterinarians speculate that Mei Xiang may have experienced the loss of an early-stage fetus that failed to develop normally, and it was absorbed into the lining of the uterus.

National Zoo staff are recognized leaders in the study of giant panda reproduction, but they still have much to learn. Combined with hormones and behavior, ultrasound technology can help them learn more about pseudopregnancy, as well as how common fetal loss may be for giant pandas.

National Zoo staff expect Mei Xiang to return to “normal,” both hormonally and behaviorally, in the coming days, which includes an increase in appetite and activity level. Zoo scientists artificially inseminated Mei Xiang with semen from the Zoo’s male giant panda Tian Tian (t-YEN t-YEN) March 19. Giant pandas ovulate once a year, so Zoo scientists will re-evaluate whether to consider Mei Xiang for breeding in 2009.

Mei Xiang is on exhibit at the National Zoo’s Fujifilm Giant Panda Habitat, along with Tian Tian, and their 3-year-old cub, Tai Shan

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds nice, Mits.

paula eagleholic said...

I meant the beach, not the report on Mei.

MITS said...

lol....I thought that is what you meant, took me a minute though

MITS said...

some FAG'S.....

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is it so hard to tell if a panda is pregnant?

Giant pandas only ovulate once a year, and even if they don’t get pregnant, their behavior and hormones will look almost identical to those of a pregnant panda. Right now, the only way to determine pregnancy before birth is through ultrasounds—but that presents a considerable challenge in a large furry animal whose fetus is incredibly small. This technology is new and every year we learn more about this species and the changes their bodies undergo during reproduction.

Q: Why do you think this might have been fetal loss and not a pseduopregnacy? Why don’t you know exactly what happened?

We cannot say either way what occurred. This year, we noted small changes in Mei Xiang’s uterus during ultrasounds, but we could not confirm there was a fetus. Also, a giant panda’s rise and fall of progestin levels typically lasts 40-50 days. This year, Mei Xiang hit baseline at roughly 57 days after the onset of the rise. Usually when hormones reach baseline for a few days, as they have been now, we typically see a rapid ending of maternal behaviors. That has not been the case this year—Mei Xiang was showing maternal behaviors well after her progestins hit baseline.

We still have so much to learn about the reproduction of this species—especially how common pseudopregnancies or fetal loss might be. With each year, we expand our knowledge of this species through their hormones, behavior and ultrasound technology. Science can sometimes be a slow process, but here at the National Zoo we’re fortunate to have a team of experts who are working to provide answers to the many questions that still remain.

Q: Tell me more about resorption

Fetal loss is very common in mammal species, but the reasons for its occurrence are not entirely understood. With fetal loss in giant pandas—or resorption—a developing fetus fails to reach full term and the tissue is reabsorbed into the uterine lining. This has happened before with other giant pandas—most recently with Memphis Zoo last year.

Q: Tell me more about the changes you saw in her uterus.

While performing ultrasounds, we saw a thickening of the uterine wall layers and changes in the amount of fluid present. We did not see anything that we could confirm was a fetus.

Q: If Mei Xiang hit baseline on Thursday, why did you wait 7 days to make this announcement?

This year, Mei Xiang’s behavior was very erratic. Even though her hormones were at baseline, she continued to demonstrate pregnancy behaviors that led us to believe that she might give birth any day. After nearly a week of her hormones registering at baseline, we can confidently say that she will not be giving birth this year. Progestin, the hormone we monitor, is responsible for the building of the uterine lining where a fetus would develop. In the absence of progestin, that lining breaks down and her uterus would no longer be able to support a fetus.

Mema Jo said...

Hello everyone - Just read report on Mei - disappointing but whatever will be, will be! I wonder if she went through as much expectation as we did for her?
WOW Great picture of Frieda, Jim! I will say - Finally! John Grey just found out he can post pics from photobucket on his blog..

Jim's link for Blog about F/F nest

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well that is so sad. Bless her little heart. All that misery for nothing. Bummer!!

MITS said...

I think the misery was on our parts, she is just fine:)

MITS said...

well, guess I will head to the beach sometime tomorrow...my cam watch from 10 til 1 tonight has been cancelled

MITS said...

it certainly will make my job easier this afternoon, to say definitively that she is NOT pregnant...off to the showers and get ready for zoo....bbl

Mema Jo said...

We can have another go at it

Atlanta Panda Watch

paula eagleholic said...

Star is at TH

MITS said...

tee-hee, Jo...just what we need:)

movin said...


70° in So Cal and progressing to perhaps the mid-80's this P.M.



MITS said...


August 13

The sample collected on August 11 had a progestin value of 19.5 ng/mg Cr., providing a mean progestin value for the day of 18.1 ng/mg Cr. August 11 was the fifth straight day progestin concentrations have been within baseline range. Today, Zoo scientists confirmed that Mei Xiang will not give birth to a cub this year. They believe that she experienced either a pseudopregnancy or the loss of a developing fetus. In a pseudopregnancy, an animal's hormonal changes and behaviors are identical to a pregnancy, but no conception occurred. Fetal loss during early pregnancy is a common occurrence in mammals, but the reasons for this phenomenon are poorly understood.

movin said...

Did you get your copy of Frieda enjoying her lunch on what is probably this season's nest bowl??

One of the commenters told me of a way to drop it in Photobucket and then transfer it to Frodo's Forum, but I haven't done it yet.

It's still the very early hours of tomorrow down under anyway, and they wouldn't publish the picture until later in the day.

I did email the pic to John, so maybe he will insert it into the Forum.

If I sound like I'm rambling, it's because my brain has not kept apace of my body's awakening process this morning.

Or is it the other way around??



MITS said...

well back to wearing my single giant panda bear earrings, putting the mother/cub earrings away for another year.....TTUL:)!

movin said...

Well, it's kind of a let down about Mei.

What the vets need is a new test to determine if the Panda is actually pregnant; and I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that some future Nobel Prize winner will discover that test before too many moons have passed.

Not many years ago, all or nearly all of the pregnancies of captive Pandas failed. But now many are successful.

That's progress, and I think they will continue to learn about the process, until they can at least test for real pregnancy.



Mema Jo said...

It is after the noon hour......
Hope all is well with Steve....
New thread is always here by now..

movin said...

It's been raining on Finny's nest, and nobody is home.



movin said...

Maybe Steve had a follow-up appointment for his knee, Mema Jo.



Mema Jo said...

Jim I hope your body catches up to your brain - or yep! it could be the other way around!
Thanks for Frieda's picture - I was beginning to wonder about them nesting - You can create your photobucket account (no charge) and then transfer the im into a blog. I
just wish we could do that on this blog but it's a no go.

movin said...

It's only a quarter after nine here; he has plenty of time yet.



Mema Jo said...

I was thinking it could be a DR appointment.

I wish Norma would find a good IT
man! Thankful Sharon called and talked with her yesterday!

Mema Jo said...

Whoops! You just reminded me, Jim.
It is Lunch time here!!


hedgie said...

Just heard the news on the news: Mei either had pseudo or miscarriage. Boo....so much for our hopes.

hedgie said...

Zoo officials say they will have to re-evaluate using her for future breeding.

glo said...

Well late check in for me. I took a drive out to where Ruffles was released on Sunday. I heard a very familiar recognizable call very similar to his osund on Sunday and I did see a juvenile eagle kind of dive through a grove of trees just behind the tree Ruffles perched in for so long. I also timed seeing Dustin down in that area aand he did say Ruffles came for the food on Monday but he had not seen him at all today. Food was sitting there.

Enjoy your day. Sorry your panda watch didn't "pan" out this year.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I was sitting here typing, minding my own business, heard a buzzing in the room and had a hummer in here! WOW, my adrenaline is just a gushing. It finally went to the bathroom, Justin opened the window, I finally got it to land on the broom (after several tries) and lowered down and out the window. Kids left the window open in Mattie's room.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon - me thinks you need some window screens! Glad the hummer is OK!

Mema Jo said...

Hummer in the house! FUN FUN FUN

What did you have in Mattie's room that time - A squirrel or a bat?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That was 2 squirrels in the house.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wonder if Steve is okay, late in the day with no new thread. Hope his knee is doing all right.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

The thunder is a'rollin' here.

glo said...

Looks like you are having a humdinger of an afternoon Sharon. OK Not tryign to interrupt your conversation. Have a donut for me too.

movin said...

Growing up in Del Mar, we often would have the windows in the front, which faced the ocean and Torrey Pines Park, open during heat waves ... Dad hadn't put screens on them yet, and we often had the local variety of what we called sparrows (actually Juncos I later learned) fly through the open section and become stranded in the room. I don't believe any of them found their way back out on their own; so we would put the emergency rescue drill into operation.

That consisted of one or two of us kids armed with dish towels trying to catch them, trap them or throw the towel over them....

It always worked eventually, and we would hold them for a short time and try to calm them down, stroking the top of the head and neck gently. Then we would release them outside.

Well, Hummingbirds are even more of a problem because they so quickly use their energy reserves. They often get into open garages, head for the rafters and can even die from lack of food.

There's an article on the Hummingbird Society's site on how to deal with that kind of situation. I remember reading it a few months ago.

One thing you can do to save them if you have a feeder is bring it inside, set it on a table or counter near them and step back. They'll probably feed, but then they'll be faster again ...

Probably want to combine that with other techniques in the article to catch and release them.



Mema Jo said...

Glo - you didn't interrupt the conversation - you added to it lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't want another HUMdinger of an afternoon. That was a true experience. They are fast little farts!

Mema Jo said...

Yepper! We are still on TUES thread & like the rest of you I hope things are ok with Steve. Hopefully he is out & about and can't find a good connection!

I need to be out & about also for a few hours...


floralgirl said...

caringbridge site for Mason Ellsworth
Any positive energy you can send this familys way would be appreciated..we really need Mason to wake up soon...

floralgirl said...


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...