Thursday, August 07, 2008


New thread . Everything went smooth. Reston Surgical Center treats their patients like royalty.


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T-Bird said...

mei looks like she's ready-I sure wish something would happen

paula eagleholic said...

Hey tbird

T-Bird said...

hey paula how is your home front?

paula eagleholic said...

You saw more than I saw...I missed it all!

All is good here, Tbird!

paula eagleholic said...

The woman is Dr Snob, but she was on at the beginning

T-Bird said...

sharon sent a pic out

T-Bird said...

don't let the bed bugs bite paula-good nite all!!

paula eagleholic said...

Night, Tbird!

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, all!

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE....Mei on cams 1 and 2 still, sleeping peacefully

hedgie said...

Wanda, Dr. Snob is the plastic surgeon who blinks alot due to her contacts!! We have called her that and worse because of the derogatory and snobbish way she talked about Baltimore and its citizens....but then turns around and says she's from West Virginia!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Helen and Thelma.
Wonder what Margy's up to tonight!?!
Wonder if Norma has survived her company (or her ride to Sturgis??!!)?

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day.

Good Night Everyone
Peaceful Sleep & Pleasant Dreams
Prayers for all being said


Mema Jo said...

Lynn-wasn't it Margy who has her grandson for an overnite ?
Was hoping Deb would get on from her Hatch Tower Releasing day!
Oops! I already said good night!!lol

MITS said...

It was sad to see the liver transplant guy die....but happy to see the little adopted girl do so well, after botched surgery in China.....Dr Snob just needs to grow up, think she has lead a very privileged life....with everything going her way, not sure I ever would want her as a doctor...watching that series and seeing the waiting rooms, brought back memories of hubby's Dad who had lung cancer surgery there and also, brain cancer....passed away in 91

deb said...

I missed most of you. I am pooped tonight. It isn't like we do anything strenuous, but outside all day long. Today I got to help box up one of the osprey that fell in the lake. She was trying to cool off by dragging her feet in the water, I didn't know that was one way they did it. Anyway, down she went. She was a very strong swimmer, but they pulled her out to check on her. First, Non-Jane rescue, a lawyer from Boise and a boat builder from Yankton did a fine job of scooping her up.

The reason they box them up is that 5 osprey that hadn't fledged yet were on the platform. They won't climb up and risk flushing all 5 at one time. There would probably be 5 osprey chicks in the lake.

deb said...

Darn, Jo, I just missed you!!

MITS said...

glad you had a good day, Deb, sounds like fun, osprey are so beautiful

MITS said...

2 osprey in Finland water nest

hedgie said...

Yeah, Helen, it was too bad he died. Ch. 7 news has a follow-up on the little girl.
Sounds like you had another eventful day, Deb. All that fresh air wears you out!
Right, Jo, Margy was having an overnight--I forgot.
Well, goodnight to all. Peace and love.
Helen...are you going to the zoo tomorrow?

deb said...

I did have a good day, I will be wondering all day Saturday what I am missing. :( Luckily she won't let anymore go until later on Sunday, as the weekend is so busy at the lake.

One volunteer has to go to a family reunion for the whole weekend, she doesn't want to go now!

MITS said...

no zoo tomorrow....

deb said...

I thought there might be a cub tonight when I saw how much you all talked today, sure sounds good to me, but time will tell.

MITS said...

every morning I wake up and put the panda cam on hoping to hear a cub....ok off to bed for good now;)

deb said...

Night, everyone.

Megan, you have a beautiful yard!! All your hard work shows up in your flowers.

Wanda, loved all the new pictures.

deb said...

The osprey pictures from the last two days are on my page.

movin said...

Been wondering why you aren't seeing Frieda or Frodo??

Follow the bluie link below to some observations by Greg, the resident expert, posted today.



no F & F

Costume Lady said...


movin said...

Great slide shows, Deb ... very interesting.

I could use a longer delay between advancing the pics in the show though ... slow looker, slow reader.



movin said...





magpie said...

Oh, Funny - cam at Loch Garten just panned to find the chick on a tree branch, focused and started close up and the baby pooped!
Ha Ha Ha...

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Just read through the Daily Blog and checking new pictures, all nice!
Little Man is asleep in chair behind me, time to get him into a real bed, me too, don't think I'll be up at first light to see our morning nest visitors....
Finney Water nest, foggy and kinda bleak looking...but beautiful nonetheless..

No one saw ISS Thursday night? Grandson and self were in the Martinsburg Mall chowing down on hot dogs during transit time..

Good Morning and Good Day to All!

T-Bird said...

GOOD morning all-no cub yet-TGIF

T-Bird said...

eagle in the nest

T-Bird said...

is anyone oooouuuutt theeeerree

T-Bird said...

how majestic this morning

T-Bird said...

sure wish we had sound

T-Bird said...

I was reading the comments to see if anyone was there and I noticed the blog police stole the one where I let you know we had a parent in the nest.

T-Bird said...

hanging around a long time-knock on wood! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

my computer is acting up so i got on sharon's-both parents are there now

MITS said...

I see them, pretty eagles

MITS said...

only one now....

MITS said...

GOOD FRIDAY MORNING EVERYONE.....Would be an excellent day for a panda cub, 8/8/08, easier to remember the birth date....hey Thelma, how are you?

floralgirl said...

Wish the live feed was working...

MITS said...

at least it looks like Mei, spent the night in birthing den, kept dreaming all night there would be a cub this a.m., MTBR.

MITS said...

yes, Megan, miss the live feed

T-Bird said...

got to get ready for work-Helen I hope you and Megan have a great day and all you other eagle momsters and dadsters-missed you this morning magpie

MITS said...

take care, Thelma.

MITS said...

all gone eagles

MITS said...

looks foggy at nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning!

MITS said...

about time sleepy head:):)

floralgirl said...

Looks like your panda wants to go outside... can't believe the zoo is getting rid of Happy the hippo- always a favorite of ours...

MITS said...

yes, told someone the other day, Happy was not happy about it....and neither am I.

MITS said...

good Lord, there goes more bamboo into the birthing den:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is Mei dragging more bamboo into the birthing den. Not ever going to be able to find a baby if she has one!

MITS said...

its getting hard to find Mei..

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, darn if i didn't miss them again!! Gonna have to start getting up earlier in the morning, been sleeping in all week.

Good morning all my fantastic eagle buds, morning Sher. It would be a good day for a panda baby!! (Wish I was a panda.)

Costume Lady said...

What on earth was that alarm for at the zoo?


Costume Lady said...

I see the door is open now...maybe the alarm lets the pandas know that they can go outside.

MITS said...

I didn't hear the alarm, Wanda, was not in puter room...

Costume Lady said...

Whatever the alarm was for, when it sounded, Mei raised her head up and looked towards the sound, laid back down, then got up and went out.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I will spend the next 4 hours staring at the computer bu tnot eagle cams. Glad to hear we had our parents back at the nest this morning. Hope you all have a good day.

MITS said...

What are you going to be staring at, GLO?

Costume Lady said...

Loved the video of Baldy! As the rescuer said, "Who wouldn't love and eagle"!

IrisF said...

Hey, hey, hey, Good morning everyone! The OLYMPICS have BEGUN!
I've already gotten hooked on the videos on my computer with pre-game it will be even sleep for the next two weeks for me I guess.

Glo, are you going to be glued to the GAMES too?

Love and hugs and prayers for all, especially Mason and Gee-Gee and Dana's Family and Buddy and Mei,. OH Goodness, I know I am forgetting someone...but prayers anyway - they will be on my list.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Did we have just the adults this morning?


glo said...

he got me email my phone will ring in like 3 mins. If you are on the Feedblitz this would be a grreat day to leave your comments over there. I think we may see some new visitors there in the next week and I would like it to look like folks who love eagles are seeing things there for them to enjoy. We may get some great access to more eagle info if those who visit think they have found a good venue for their own passion with the eagle. Please post a hopefully favorable comment there today if you could. go t to get to work. can't watch Olympics today even online BUT I will be watching the Opening Ceremony with some really good friends.

MITS said...

pandas sleeping:)

hedgie said...

New thread, gang. Come on over!

paula eagleholic said...

I love watching the Olympics!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...