Friday, August 08, 2008


New thread.


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MITS said...

split just happened

paula eagleholic said...

Finally back in here too...watching olympics now...grilled pork chops for dinner.

Mema Jo said...

Guess you thought I fell into the split!

Sounds Yummy, Paula. How long do you do them on the grill....

paula eagleholic said...

Not long Jo, 10 minutes or they're overdone

paula eagleholic said...

Opening ceremony is just beautiful so far

Mema Jo said...

Blogger cop got me again.......

Mema Jo said...

Raccoons are approaching... Pa Woods

Mema Jo said...

Mei is sitting in the corner of the
birthing den

carolinabeachmom said...

Had to leave the tv to see how Mei is doing. Seems restless at times and still hanging in there. 2 more hours for a birth on 8/8/08. Come on Mei.
Back to the Olympics

floralgirl said...

The moon and the Big dipper are beautiful out there tonite..nitey nite..sweet panda dreams...

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Megan...have a good day tomorrow.

I'm full of crab legs and sleepy, so I think I will follow Megan to bed.


Mema Jo said...

The sky is as clear as a bell!!
I saw them also Megan. Had a late
cup coffee out on the deck. Just like a October evening!

paula eagleholic said...

Saw the moon earlier too. Ate dinner on the deck, and will have coffee out there tomorrow morning, probably in my robe and slippers....

gonna go crawl under the covers and watch the rest of the show...night all!

hedgie said...

Good night Wanda and Paula!

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day.......

Good Night Everyone
Peaceful dreams & restful sleep
Prayers for all being said...


MITS said...

fell asleep watching TV.....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE.., doesn't look like Mei is gonna make the lucky date...25 minutes to minute:)

hedgie said...

Good night, fowl friends. Looks like Mei is going to let us down for this lucky Chinese day. Boo...
Prayers for all.

movin said...


sHould be an interesting weekend..



carolinabeachmom said...

Juvie in Finney's nest. That little boy that survived from tthe school that was destroyed by the earthquake was the cutest. It said he also went and helped to get a couple more kids out.

Well, Mei is peacefully sleeping, and I guess everyone but Jim is sleeping, so I guess I'll say, "Hi Jim, and good night to everyone. Have a peaceful and restful sleep. Tomorrow is a new day and brings new beginnings.

magpie said...

Anyone up and awake that can look at Finney's Nest? There is one chick in the nest, but in a tree nearby, there is a bird perched on a branch, kinda looks like a crow, or an adult osprey, or ...?????
I am wondering since the Sea Eagle found an interest in the nest more than once....would it consider a return visit? Hope not !
Well, just checked again, and whatever it was perched nearby, has flown off......chick still in nest....

magpie said...

I haven't see more than one chick in Finney's nest since the day the Sea Eagle attacked and the day afterwards, and haven't seen the parents in there at all...has anyone else?

Hobby Chick getting a meal: seems ravenous!

magpie said...

Looks like Hobby chick is learning to pull apart food and eat on its own pretty well...

T-Bird said...

magpie-i'm up are you still up?

T-Bird said...

Go Redskins! Today is another preseason game.

T-Bird said...

They play the Bills and I'd say they're going to kick tail. Can I say that on the blog?

T-Bird said...

Hope to see some eagles in the early morning light.

T-Bird said...

megan-are you getting ready for the market?

T-Bird said...

eagle in the nest!!!!

T-Bird said...

both parents are there now!!!

T-Bird said...

I can't wait for the sun to come up a little more so they can be seen better.

T-Bird said...

no work today but still can't sleep-bummer

T-Bird said...

wouldn't it be something to see all 5 family members again?

floralgirl said...

Hey T-bird:) yep, I'm up, getting ready to go to mkt. I see one adult in the nest..darn spider is still annoying. Chilly morning here-only 53°.

T-Bird said...

hope you have a good day-cool here this morning-i love your flower (pic)

T-Bird said...

The eagle left has flown away.

T-Bird said...

Mei appearing yet again to be birthing a youngun

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Saturday morning t-bird and Megan. Missed the eagles again. :( I see that Mei is still on camera and with us. She is sleeping like a baby; baby, did I say baby, not yet I guess.

T-Bird said...

good morning carolinabeachmom

carolinabeachmom said...

Can't seem to get up early enough since I've been off for the summer break. :( Glad you and Megan got to see the eagles this morning.

T-Bird said...

Candy-It seems like the parents have been hanging out around 5:30 in the AM lately.

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks pretty windy at the Hobie nest this morning, but the lone little Hobie is being protected b y his nest. He is just sitting there waiting for breakfast.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well Thelma, I guess I am going to have to set my alarm then. A week from Monday I'll be up that early heading back to school.

I just wish that Mei would have a little cut that we could watch. Watching the SD cub, ZZ was just so much fun.

T-Bird said...

yep-they are something else-going to get some watermelon and coffee for breakfast-hope to not miss any birthings or eagles. Sure would like to see some juvies, huh!

carolinabeachmom said...

Frodo and Frieda ledge seems MT this am. No one is eating in Pa. woods yet either.

Oh, Mei is up and awake. And the watch continues.

Megan, have a nice day at the market. You have such lovely flowers, I wished that I lived closer so I could get some of them.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well Thelma, I guess the Juvies think that they finally got away from home, that they will stay away and enjoy their freedom for awhile. :)
Enjoy your watermelon. You and Megan get the prize for seeing the eagles this morning!

carolinabeachmom said...

Mei has the top half of her body up hanging over the birthing bed, just pondering the future, it looks like. Now she is back between it and the wall in her bamboo"nest" looking like she would like to get this over with. :) She seems restless now that she is awake and not able to get in a comfortable position.

carolinabeachmom said...

Bushy tailed squirrels at the Pa. woods beating all the other animals out for breakfast.

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess there is time yet, as Mei has gone back to resting. Poor thing.

carolinabeachmom said...

Black birds have taken of Pa. woods. Mei is back up and licking and Ct osprey nest has a family of three this am with a very nice looking fish.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Fine summer day!

Glad you got CT up, Candy

Costume Lady said...

We are a bunch of Sleepy Heads today...but that is a good thing, on Saturday mornings. Nothing much going on just yet. I didn't get up early enough to be honored with the presence of our Royal Couple, but T-Birde and Margy did. Lucky them! Don't know about Mei...even she doesn't know what she is doing.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONEHave a beautiful Saturday...

Costume Lady said...


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...